(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, I'm back with another video in the soul winning instruction series. So today I want to talk about Preparation for soul winning particularly in this video. I want to focus on spiritual preparation We have to understand that soul winning is a spiritual matter. It's not a secular endeavor It's not like you just go out and get a job or something. It's not something that An unsaid person can do right? It's only something that a Christian can do so it requires Spiritual preparation because it's a spiritual work because it's God working through us, right? So first of all, I want to point out that only the saved can bear fruit, right? Unsaved people can't get other, you know, can't get people saved because they don't have the Holy Spirit They don't really know the gospel themselves, right? So that's why it's only for Christians so if you're not sure that you're saved yourself then Watch up the video on my channel called the Bible way to heaven or just look up the Bible way to heaven on YouTube and Listen how to get saved and believe the gospel and call upon Jesus and get saved right and then you can bear fruit, right? But I also want to talk about abiding in the Word of God Prayer and faith in God right trusting God to help you with soul winning and also being filled with the Spirit These are all components which are important to be a good soul winner And you have to be prepared in these ways in order to be a successful soul winner So first of all talking about abiding in the Word of God To bear fruit one must abide in Christ and Jesus says this in John chapter 15 verses 4 to 5 He says abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except to divide in the vine No more can ye except ye abide in me. I am the vine year the branches He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me So Jesus says in order to bring forth much fruit you have to abide in him and you have to let him abide in you Now, what does it mean to abide in Christ? It means to abide in the Word of God Okay, and we see this in some scriptures. I just put the references here for sake of room on the page But uh, John chapter 8 where Jesus said if he continue in my word Then are you my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, right? So we see that Abiding in Jesus is synonymous with Abiding or continuing in his words and letting his words continue in you and then also says in John 15 verse 7 Jesus said if ye abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it should be done Unto you right? We also see this in Psalm chapter 1 where it teaches very clearly that the Christian who meditates on the Word of God Will bear fruit it says blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners Nor sitteth in the seat of the squirreful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law that he meditate day and night and He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season His leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever. He doeth shall prosper So if you want to bear fruit in your season bring forth fruit if you want everything you do to prosper Which includes soul winning then the Bible says you have to delight in the law of the Lord and meditate therein day at night Right. So what does that mean to abide in the Word of God meditate in the Bible? It means read the Bible study the Bible think about the Bible meditate on it let the words of God dwell in your heart memorize it right that is the most important thing for being prepared for sowing and This is the case because God will bless you in that way But also just it just makes common sense or it's just common sense that if you know more of the Bible You're going to be a better soul winner because you're gonna have more verses to be able to preach to the person, right? So that it makes sense in that way also but also Jesus says that you have to abide in him and then let him abide in you in order to To bear fruit, right? So that's the most important thing I would say but these other things are important as well Prayer you should never go out soul winning without praying first, right? And you should also pray daily about soul winning whether you're doing it on that day or not But you should pray for others to be successful and to be able to get other people safe, right? It says in Matthew chapter 9 verse 37 to 38 then say if he into his disciples the harvest truly is plencheous But the laborers are few pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest and he will send forth Laborers into his harvest, right? So one thing that you should pray for when it comes to soul winning is that God will raise up more people to do the Work, right because it's not just a one person thing. It's it's a team, right? We're all Everybody who's saved should be going out Soul-winning as I mentioned before not everybody is doing that though So we should pray that God will send forth labors to help us with that harvest, right? Matthew chapter 21 verse 22 Jesus says in all things whatsoever. You shall ask in prayer believing you shall receive So if you want God to help you with soul winning then you have to have faith in God Right and pray unto him for it right now some things that are good to pray about besides You know the sending forth labors in the harvest But things to pray for when you're about to go soul winning when you're gonna do it yourself is For people to be home right that the people you go to the the houses you go to people will Not have anything going on that you will be able to To find a lot of people to talk to you can also pray that people will be humble that something will happen in their life So that they could be humble to receive the gospel You can pray that distractions will be taken down both distractions to that person so that they will have the time to talk but also Distractions for yourself as well because sometimes it's easy when you're going out So many things are going on around you You can be distracted and not focus on the work that you're supposed to be doing right and you should also Lastly be prayed to be filled with the Spirit of God and that leads me to The last point for this video about spiritual preparation is that we should be filled with the Spirit And that gives us the boldness to be able to preach the Word of God The Bible makes it clear that it is God that beseeches the sinner by us, right? And so without the Holy Spirit also we cannot be a successful soul winner Jesus said in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth So Jesus says that these Disciples will not have power until the Holy Ghost comes upon them and then they will be witnesses unto the uttermost part of the Earth and we see an example of this in Acts chapter 4 verse 31 It says and when they had prayed as I mentioned before you should pray for the Holy Ghost, right? It says the place was shaken where they were filled I'm sorry, where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spake the Word of God with boldness So the result of then being filled with the Holy Ghost is that they spake the Word of God with boldness another thing that I don't have written down here, which is Important for being filled with the Holy Ghost is to sing psalms hymns and spiritual songs The Bible says be not drunk with wine We're in his excess But be he filled with the Spirit singing to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs in Ephesians chapter 5 So the Bible tells us that if you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, you'll be filled with the Spirit which again is Necessary to preach the Word of God with boldness So another good tip for spiritual preparation besides reading the Bible and meditating therein besides praying that that God will help you besides You know praying that God will fill you the Spirit is also before you go soloing To sing praises unto God and to worship him right if you do that, you will be filled with the Spirit So these are all very important because Jesus said like like I showed you earlier that without me you can do nothing, right? So without Jesus you're useless. You can't get somebody safe, right? You need Jesus Christ. You need to abide in his word You need him to to give you the the fullness of the Spirit in order to get people saved