(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, when I first started out soul-winding, I didn't ask people's permission. When I first started out soul-winding, I just showed up and if they weren't saved, I just started giving them the gospel. And I wouldn't stop until they stopped me. You know what I mean? I'd get in there and I would just preach to them whether they wanted to hear it or not. And until they stopped me, I was just going to keep going. And let me tell you why I stopped doing that. It's because I realized I only have so much time. I only have so much breath. My throat is only going to last so long. I don't want to waste my breath on somebody who has no interest in hearing what I have to say. So I found that, yeah, I could cram the gospel down somebody's throat that had zero interest and spend 10 minutes preaching to somebody who's just glazed over thinking, like, what do I have to do to get this guy to stop talking to me? But what's the point when there's somebody else down the street who wants to hear the gospel? So my mentality is I'm looking for somebody who wants to hear what I have to say. I want to preach to somebody who's interested in the gospel. So if somebody has no interest, I give them that way out by saying, is it all right if I show this to you from the Bible? Now, I really want them to say yes. And I'll do everything I can to get them to allow me to do that. But I'm not going to cram it down their throat if they don't want to hear it, simply because I'd much rather spend my time talking to people that do want to hear it. Because if you go out and knock enough doors, you will find a lot of people who would love to hear that message. Even in the most unreceptive area, you keep going, you'll find people that are thrilled to hear that message. So why waste your time on somebody who's not even listening? In fact, if I'm giving somebody the gospel and about halfway through I can tell that they're just kind of looking around and zoning out and not paying attention, I'll say to them, hey, I've got about six minutes left on this. Would you like to hear the rest? Or are you good for now? Because I want to talk to people that are listening. So that's why...