(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The title of the soul soul winning tip this morning is ask Permission to share the gospel ask for permission to share the gospel. It's a very simple tip, but it's very important That we ask for permission from the people at the door The bible says look down in verse 13 that was as if the house be worthy let your peace come upon it But if it be not worthy let your peace return to you So our goal as soul winners are to find the people who are worthy, right? The people who are receptive to the gospel and look at verse 14 the bible says and whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words When you depart out of that house or city shake off the dust off your feet And the bible says if they say no to you the bible says shake off the dust off your feet What that means is when they say no to you just move on to the next house and don't worry about it, right? So like I said, it's a very simple tip, but it's very important to that. We ask for permission from people at the door If we could share the gospel to them so this morning i'm going to show you four reasons why we Should always ask for permission to share the gospel to someone go to titus shop number two titus shop number two so point number one When we don't ask for permission to give the gospel to people at the door, it's actually rude It's rude for us to not ask for permission and just you know Start going through the gospel presentation without their permission for us to do that All right, title chapter number two in verse seven The bible says in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works in doctrine showing uncorruptness Gravity sincerity the bible says in verse eight Sound speech that cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed Having no evil thing to say of you. You know, if you don't ask for permission, they will say evil things about us Right, we're like we're rude or we're smart mouth or we're inappropriate and you know these things they probably heard of these things already So and also we are on their property, right? So as right as we are as sincere as we are We are to subject to their authority because why because we are on their property and it's so rude So it's rude for us to act as if we are the most important thing and I know that's not what we're thinking, right? That's not how we feel about But you know, that's not how they perceive things, right? That's not how they see us when we walk out when we go there and just start preaching the gospel to them so And the reason for that is because they don't know us yet, right? so it's it's good for us to get more a little bit of conversations before we Before we preach the gospel to them and one way to do that is ask for permission to give the gospel to them, right? And like I said, it's rude to just go to someone's house and not ask if they want to listen to What the bible says how to go to heaven? And if they didn't agree to listen to you They're very likely not going to get saved and two things were very likely happen One thing is they'll be mean to you and they'll shut you down right away And the other thing is they'll be too nice or they'll be too polite to shut you up. So they'll listen to you They'll agree with you and you know, they'll they'll just agree with you or disagree with you. It's not even gonna matter They'll just let you finish and then Nothing's gonna happen. They're not gonna get saved right and both Are actually damaging the cause of christ because Because you may turn people away and they may perceive it They might think of it that you're forcing your religion to them, right? So point number one, it's rude So we don't uh, the reason why we ask for permission is because if we don't it's rude point number two It saves us time. It saves us time when we Ask for permission the bible says in ephesians 5 and verse 15 see then that you walk Circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil Wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the lord is Like I said in the beginning as soul winners were likened to fishermen, right? We're looking for a good catch And we look for opportunities to give the gospel we look for opportunities. So we ask for opportunities, right? So we don't waste time if a person Says no to us. It gives us more opportunity to find that person down the street who will gladly listen to the gospel, right? If a person has no intention of hearing the gospel It's foolish for us to force the gospel to them because they've already closed their they already made their decision They already closed their hearts. They already made they already closed their their ears to the truth, right? And here's the thing sometimes, you know, they they just do that by default, right as soon as you open the door They'd be like, oh no, thank you. So, you know if you've been going soul winning for a while You actually can find ways to make little conversations You know because a lot of people sometimes they just do that by default because they don't know you as soon as they see you With a bible they just say no. Thank you. So you you find ways to make uh, you know small talks and Do that second try, you know if they saw if they actually say no, I guess probably wise for us To just leave them so we don't look like we're too pushy or weird, right? And you know there there might be people down the street like I said who would gladly listen to you But because you've wasted so much time on that person you miss that person you miss that opportunity to find that person Down the street, you know, sometimes it's just the right place at the right time But it also in actuality in reality It takes the right person doing the right thing to be at the right place at the right time, right? So at the right and the right thing to do is always ask for permission So you don't waste time getting to that right place at that right time and that in that right time, right? So point number two we ask for permission because it saves us time, right? So point number three We ask for permission. It's because it's more efficient If you ask for permission if they agree to listen to you your presentation will actually be more organized Go to isaiah chapter number 28 isaiah chapter number 28 So I noticed that when i'm trying to give the gospel to just a random Person like, you know at work last week. We we were at the we were at my place and there was this um, random guy and we kind of had these small talks and this person was um, he we just got to talk and Basically, he we tried to give him a gospel But because we didn't ask him to you know, can we sit down for 10 minutes 15 minutes? I can explain to you the gospel. I noticed that my presentation is actually all over the place You know, I noticed that when i'm trying to give the gospel to someone who I didn't ask for permission I tend to put I tend to rush my presentation and I try to give them a lot as much info as I can And like I said, my presentation can go All over the place when I do that so what i'm trying to say is that when when we ask for permission we we tell to this person that That here's what's going to happen. Can I can I give you the gospel and we'll take about 10 to 15 minutes Your presentation will actually be more Organized so you'll be more efficient With your time. So when when both sides are on the same page You will take your time and that way you can make sure that they understand what you're preaching to them So whenever we give the gospel, it's important that we don't rush right the best way to make sure that we don't rush is You don't want you don't rush our presentation is we ask for permission we sit them down And they know what's going to transpire, right? That way the person knows how long it will take and what exactly is going to happen for the for the next few moments, right? And god also appreciates it when we do everything organized and well put together. Look at isaiah 28 in verse 10 Bible says in verse 10 for precept must be upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little so God likes it when we do things in order and and organized so When we ask for permission It's actually your presentation will be more organized and we we are we tend to be more efficient in our gospel presentation, right? So point number three, it's more efficient That's why we ask for permission and point number four last point this morning We ask for permission to be safe to be safe and this is more for kids and minors that we meet at the door It's good to always ask for permission from their parents every time to be safe Right And if their parents aren't home, it's best for us to just leave Like give them the give them the invite and just you know, just leave like going back to the first, uh first point If you remember in titus 2 7 the bible says sound speech that cannot be condemned that he that is of contrary may Contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to say to you So it's better it's safe for us to just leave and not you know Not give him the gospel and not talk to them. Why because we can get ourselves into trouble for doing so, right? Um, like I said in the first point it's rude and it could look inappropriate, right? First thessalonians chapter number five in verse 21 if you want to turn there real quickly first thessalonians chapter number five I know we've all made this mistake before i've made this mistake before I treated kids as if they're adults And I just give them the gospel but you know I got in trouble for that with their parents and usually the parents who Don't mind it are the parents that are they don't care about their kids and the parents that they do That do are actually good parents, right? So, um first thessalonians chapter number five and verse 21 the bible says prove all things hold fast that which is good Bible says abstain from all appearance of evil, you know It's it's it kind of looks inappropriate when two adults are talking to some kids, right? So it's too so it's better for us to just ask for permission from their parents If they if we could give the gospel to those kids, right? Like I said to be safe ask ask them if their parents are home once they open the door And if you could talk to their parents First and if their parents aren't interested ask their parents if you could give the gospel to their kids and usually it happens That some some parents don't mind it then some some kids actually want to listen, right? so point number four We ask permission to give the gospel from their parents just to be safe. So, uh, So, uh concluding thoughts, you know as soul winners, like I said, our goal is to find that one person That one receptive person right whenever I pray before we head out to go So any prayer goes along with the lines like lord help us find that person who would gladly listen to the gospel, right? They're out there and one way you can find them is asking them Door by door like person by person if they'd be interested in listening to the gospel, right? Let's pray the heavenly father lord Thank you again for the opportunity to preach lord this morning. Pray that you'd help us Find that person lord who would gladly listen to the gospel this morning lord. We love you in jesus And I pray amen