(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So they're in Titus 2, in verse number 14. The Bible tells us the kind of soul winners that we oughta be for the Lord. It says here at the end of verse 14, it says, we oughta be people who are zealous of good works. You know, what does that word zealous mean? The word zealous means that you're fervent. You know, it's having fervency. It's being passionate about what you're doing. It's being excited about what you're doing. See, as soul winners, you and I oughta strive to week in and week out be zealous of the good work of soul winning. Meaning we oughta show up, we oughta have urgency, we oughta have some passion, some excitement when it comes to our soul winning. See, the opposite of being zealous is being what? Is being apathetic, is being indifferent, is not having zeal, it's not being excited about soul winning and obviously it's easy when you come soul winning week in and week out. You know, the excitement can kinda wear off. It can become a little bit more of a routine and while in the beginning it might seem exciting, sometimes we can lose that zeal. You and I oughta strive to be what? To be people who are zealous of good works is what the Bible says and so this morning I wanna talk about staying a zealous soul winner because you and I, we oughta stay excited when it comes to soul winning. We oughta show up, we oughta be excited, we oughta get excited when it comes to the good work of soul winning. So there's three areas quickly. I wanna talk about how you can stay zealous as a soul winner. Go to Ephesians 5 if you would, Ephesians 5. Ephesians 5. See, the Bible says in Romans 12, 11, it says we ought to be not slothful in business but fervent in spirit. And the first way I wanna show you how you oughta be zealous in soul winning and stay zealous is through singing. You see, singing will help you stay zealous as a soul winner. Ephesians 5, look at verse number 18, the Bible says, and be not drunk with wine or in his excess, notice, but be filled with the Spirit. It says, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, notice, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. You see, how is it that somebody can stay zealous as a soul winner? Well, somebody who stays zealous will show up to our meeting and when the song begins, the piano starts playing, they're gonna open up their hymnbook and they're gonna sing unto the Lord. They're gonna stay zealous through singing. Why, because singing will help you be filled with the Spirit. When you sing psalms, when you sing hymns, when you open your mouth and make a joyful noise unto the Lord, look, singing will help your attitude sometimes. You know, when we show up and we're tired, we feel a little bit indifferent, we feel a little bit callous about soul winning. When you open up the hymnbook, you gotta just make an effort to sing with all your mind. And look, that will help you stay zealous, get excited when it comes to soul winning. You say, how can I stay excited even though it's another week? Yes, well, when it comes to the singing time, when the piano starts, guess what? You're gonna open up the hymnbook and we're gonna make a joyful noise and sing unto the Lord and get excited when it comes to soul winning. So number one, you gotta stay zealous through singing. But number two, go to Ephesians six, if you would, Ephesians chapter six. Not only should you stay zealous through singing, but you should also stay zealous through prayer. Look, you gotta pray that the Holy Spirit fills you to help you get excited when it comes to soul winning. Ephesians six, look at verse number 18, the Bible says, those praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching them too with all perseverance and supplication for all saints and the Paul says this, and for me that utterance may be given unto me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. But notice verse 20 says, for which I am an ambassador in bonds, notice that therein I may speak boldly and then he says this, he says, as I ought to speak. See, the apostle Paul says, I want you to pray for me that I may have boldness, but not just that. He's praying for something that he should preach the gospel in a way as I ought to speak. See, there's a way that you ought to speak when it comes to this matter of soul winning. And the Bible says we oughta be zealous of good works, fervent in spirit. See, when we go out there, we should not be callous or indifferent about the gospel. Why, because it's exciting. And even though sometimes we cannot feel excited, as the apostle Paul does here, he's praying to preach the gospel in a manner that he ought to speak. And you and I, we oughta pray for God to help us get excited and be excited and preach the gospel in a way as we ought to speak. See, we shouldn't speak this matter of salvation in a way that it doesn't matter or that it's different or that you're not excited. No, because it is exciting. It's exciting to preach the death, burial, and resurrection. We oughta be excited, but here we have the apostle Paul, the greatest soul, one of the greatest soul owners who is praying for what? Praying to preach the gospel in a manner that he ought to speak. Go to Colossians 4, if you would, Colossians 4. You say, how do I stay zealous week in and week out? Well, you oughta show up and be ready to sing. But you also oughta show up and pray for God to help you preach the gospel as you ought to speak. Colossians 4, look at verse number three again. Notice what it says. It says, with all, notice, praying. Again, with all praying also for us that God would open unto us a door of utterance, notice, to speak the mystery of Christ for which I am also in bonds. Notice, that I may make it manifest, notice, as I ought to speak. Once again, the apostle Paul praying to be able to preach the gospel in a way, in a manner that is appropriate, as I ought to, the way you should preach the gospel. You say, how should I preach the gospel? You should preach with fervency. You oughta have some zeal. You oughta get excited. You oughta help people get excited. Why, because it's exciting to go out there and preach the gospel. And how is it gonna be done week in and week out? Well, you show up, you open your mouth to sing the hymns, and you pray that God would help you preach the gospel as you ought to preach the gospel. But not just that, but go up to Acts 26, Acts, chapter 26, number one. You oughta stay zealous through singing. Number two, you oughta stay zealous through prayer. Go to Acts 26, but number three, you oughta stay zealous through compassion. You oughta stay zealous through compassion. Look, when we go out there, what should help our zeal, what should give us excitement, motivation, fervency, and spirit, is this matter of us having compassion for the lost. Because, look, it's easy when you get into a routine, and you show up week in and week out, and you feel like, oh, it's just another day of soul-waning. But look, every time you show up, you oughta realize that when we go out there, we make a difference when we go out there, that we have the power to get somebody saved from hell, that what we do actually makes a difference. And I don't know about you, but that should get you excited. So know that when you go out there, you're not just filling a time sheet, no, you're actually making a difference in someone's life. Acts 26, look at verse number 18, the Bible says, notice, in verse 18, it says to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light. You see, what do we do when we go out there and preach the gospel? Well, we're opening their eyes. We're turning them from darkness to light, notice, and from the power of Satan unto God. You read these verses, and this should get you excited to know that you can be the one, you could be that soul winner, to take someone who is blind, who is lost, who is ignorant, who doesn't know, who is under the power of Satan, who is in darkness, and preach them the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. And what we do is we're opening their eyes. We're turning them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan unto God. Notice that they may receive forgiveness of sins. Notice, an inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. You know, you read those verses, and that should get you excited. That should get you some fervency to realize that when you go out there and you talk to someone who you've never met, even though to you it's probably your thousandth door that you've talked to, and it might feel mundane, it might feel repetitive, but realize, look, it ought to get you excited to know that this person is lost, this person is under the power of Satan, but you can make a difference. You, with your compassion, you know, hey, I can save this person from hell. Look, how do you stay excited week in and week out? Realize that every time you show up, guess what, you make a difference. Every time you show up and you talk to somebody new, you can turn them from the power of Satan unto God. And look, that ought to excite you, that ought to motivate you. Why, because preaching the gospel is exciting, and while, yes, it is another Saturday, but you know what, we make a difference when we go out there. We get people saved, we save them from hell, and we preach them the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. You say, how do you stay zealous as a soul, and how do you stay excited week in and week out? Well, number one, you stay zealous through singing. You show up and you sing the songs when they're being sung. You stay zealous through prayer. You gotta pray to God to fill you with the Spirit so that you can preach the gospel in a manner that is pleasing, in a manner that you ought to speak. And number three, you gotta stay zealous through your compassion. Realize that every time you go out there, you make a difference in the life of someone who you don't know. And the thing about being zealous is that being zealous is contagious. And don't turn that, but in 2 Corinthians 9, two, the apostle Paul told the church in Corinth, he said, your zeal hath provoked very many. What's great about you being zealous is that when other people who show up and don't feel as zealous, guess what, you can make them zealous. You can be excited, and you can help other people get excited as well. See, zealous, being zealous, guess what, it can spread. And so you gotta be the person to help our church to be excited about soul-winning and get excited and realize that you can make an impact in the soul-winners around you. So let's close with prayer. Heavenly Father, I thank you for this morning. God, I thank you for your word and for salvation, God, and for the gospel. Lord, I just pray you help us all to not just get excited, but stay excited and be excited for the things of God and to be able to go out there and make a difference in the lives of people, Lord. And I just thank you for our church. Lord, we love you. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.