(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so we're gonna read Psalm chapter number one, and look at verse number three again, Psalm one three. Notice what it says, it says, and he shall be like a tree planted. Now it says he, so this person here I'm likening to is someone who is a lifelong soul winner. And that's what you and I oughta strive to be. You and I oughta strive to be a lifelong soul winner. Notice what it says about this man, it says, and he, notice, shall be like a tree planted. Notice, see, a lifelong soul winner, what they are is they're planted, meaning that they're faithful, is that they show up to soul winning weekend and week out. This person is planted by the rivers of water, notice, that bringeth forth his fruit, notice, in his season. See, the lifelong soul winner knows that hey, sometimes you bring forth fruit, and sometimes you don't. You see, today, today may be your season when you get somebody saved, when you actually produce fruit for the Lord. But today may not be your season. Today you may go out there, you may preach the gospel, and they might not get saved. Or you might knock on doors and nobody's answering. It may not be your day to produce fruit. See, a lifelong soul winner knows, hey, sometimes you produce fruit, and sometimes you don't. But it goes on, it says, notice, his leaf also, notice, shall not wither. See, the lifelong soul winner, they don't get discouraged, they don't faint, they don't quit, they stay healthy, they stay strong, whether or not it's your season or not. Whether or not you go out there and you get somebody saved, or whether you go out there and you just preach the gospel, you just warn people, the lifelong soul winner, hey, guess what, their leaf does not wither. They stay healthy, they stay strong, going out there, week in and week out. And notice what it says, it says, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. See, when we go out there and we preach the gospel, whether or not they get saved, hey, guess what, we succeed. Because at least we're warning people, at least we're spreading the news about our church, letting people know, hey, there's a church here that preaches the word of God, that helps people, that promotes the truth, promotes the gospel. And whenever we go out there, whether or not it's your season, whether or not you produce fruit, the lifelong soul winner knows, hey, every time you go out there, it is never a failure. So even if nobody gets saved, hey, guess what, you're warning people, at least you're doing what God wants you to do. You see, how do you stay a lifelong soul winner? And look, this is the person that you and I oughta strive to be. You and I oughta strive to be the lifelong soul winner who is like a tree, just planted faithful, day in or week in and week out, just faithfully going out there soul winning. The lifelong soul winner, you oughta strive to be content, knowing whether it is your season or it's not your season, it makes no difference, because when we go out there, guess what, we're prospering, we're succeeding, we're warning them, we're preaching the truth, we're spreading the truth about our church. See, how is it done, though? But notice verse three again, notice what it says, it says, and he, notice, shall be like a tree, like a tree planted. See, this person, it's not automatic. And this person, I want you to notice that this person is focused on something, what's this person focused on? What is the lifelong soul winner focused on in his life? Well, look at verse number one again, notice what it says, it says, blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly. See, number one, the lifelong soul winner, guess what, they're focused on their walk with God. See, if you're a soul winner in this room, you oughta be focused on your walk with the Lord. This man, it says, blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, notice, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. See, when this person's done soul winning, they're not just clocking out of Christianity and living however they want. No, this person is focused on their walk with the Lord. They're focused on not walking with the ungodly, not standing in the way of sinners, not sitting in the seat of the scornful. Look, you and I oughta be focused as soul winners on our walk with the Lord. Go to James chapter one, James one, keep place here in Psalms one, but go to James chapter one, if you would. James chapter one, you see, how do you become the lifelong soul winner? Well, as a lifelong soul winner, you gotta be focused on your walk with the Lord. You're going to James one, but in 2 Timothy 2 19, the Bible says, nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his. And then it says, and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. See, you and I oughta strive to be a lifelong soul winner. How's it done? By you focusing, by you putting an effort and keeping yourself departing from iniquity, living right, focused on your walk with the Lord. James one, look at verse number 27, the Bible says that it's pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, notice, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction. And look, that's what we're doing today. Today, Lord willing, we're gonna go out there, we're gonna meet people who have no help, who may be fatherless, who may be widows, who need someone to come along them and help them in their life. But notice what it says, it says, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. See, our focus in life as soul winners should be to do what? To keep ourselves unspotted from the world, to depart from iniquity. See, the lifelong soul winner knows, hey, when soul winning time is over, guess what, I'm still focused on my walk with God. It matters that I depart from iniquity, it matters that I don't walk with the ungodly, that I just don't watch whatever I wanna watch on TV or on the internet, that I don't just do whatever I want with my life, no. We're focused on our walk with the Lord. Go back to Psalms one, if you would, Psalms chapter one. You see, how do you say the lifelong soul winner? The soul winner who is faithful, who is planted. The soul winner who brings forth fruit in a season. The soul winner who does not get discouraged, who does not faint in the Christian life. Well, number one, they're focused on their walk with God. But number two, notice, they're focused on the word of God. They're focused on the word of God. Psalms one, look at verse number two, it says, notice, but his delight is in the law of the Lord. I want you to notice that this man is delighting, is finding pleasure, he's finding joy, where? In the law of the Lord. And in his law, he meditates, notice, day and night. See, the way you stay a lifelong soul winner is, once soul winning is done, once Monday morning hits, is that you delight yourself in the word of God. So you gotta be focused and realize, that yeah, you're a soul winner on Saturday mornings, but how do you prepare for today? You prepare for this day, when you got soul winning, by living right, and also by delighting in the word of God. See, the lifelong soul winner, guess what, they wake up on Monday morning, and they read the word of God. This morning, they woke up, or sometimes today, they will take time to read the word of God. It says, his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law of death, he meditates day and night. Psalm 119, don't turn there, but the Bible says, oh, how love I thy law, it is my meditation all the day. It says, therefore, I love thy commandments above gold. Psalm 119, 140 says, thy word is very pure, therefore thy servant loveth it. And when you find someone who is a lifelong soul winner, which, by the way, is very rare, you gotta realize, like, that person, they focus, not just on the soul, you know, they focus on walking with God day in and day out. They focused on the word of God, reading the word of God every day, and look, this is how you will stay planted like a tree, being faithful day in and day out. This is how you will, yes, bring forth fruit in your season, but when you don't, you don't get discouraged. Their leaf fadeth not, they're still happy, they're still content. How's it done, it's done through your life. Walking with the Lord, finding delight in the word of God, focusing on the word of God, and walking with the Lord. You see, what would happen for a soul winner, if a soul would focus, not just on showing, but if they would focus on walking with God, and if they would focus on the word of God, what would happen to that person? Well, verse number three, again, notice what it says. It says, and he, notice, he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. See, this is the person who will stay faithful to the end. It says those that bring forth his fruit in his season. Yes, some seasons you will get people saved. Some seasons you will produce fruit, but when you don't, notice what it says. It says his leaf also shall not wither. He doesn't get discouraged when they don't. He doesn't quit in the Christian life. They stay content, they stay healthy, notice. And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. See, this person knows, when I go out there and nobody gets saved, guess what, we still succeed. We still win, because we're pleasing the Lord. We're doing what's right. You see, how do you become the lifelong soul owner, you become the lifelong soul owner by focusing on your walk with God and focusing on the word of God. Let's close in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this morning. God, I thank you for your word and for all the soul owners that are here. God, I just pray that you please fill us all with your spirit, Lord. Help us all to be pleasing in your sight. God, to put you first in our lives. I just pray that you keep us safe as you go out there, Lord. I just thank you for our church, Lord, and for everyone that's here. We love you, and Jesus, and pray, amen.