(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You're there in mark 16. We'll look at verse 15 And it said and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature Now the first way in which we teach biblical sowing here is that we teach sowing is a command. This means that It's not go only when you feel like go only when it's convenient for you It's we should is we should make time for it. It shouldn't Only be when it's convenient for you. We should make time for sowing The bible says also and Well, do I have it on here? Sorry Thought I had it on here. Sorry Okay, i'll just quote it for you But the bible says that he that winneth souls is wise and the bible says that if we don't go so winning Then we're unwise So that's another reason why that shows us that we should go so winning and that we we should make time for it Because if we don't then we're unwise so not only are we commanded to go But we're also considered unwise if we don't go So we definitely want to make time for sowing and that's the first aspect that makes Our teaching here biblical is that we teach that it's a command and we teach that we should make time for so winning but the second thing that we uh teach here That makes our sowing a biblical is we teach that it's for everyone not just uh, not just men or not just ordained individuals It's for everyone including ladies and i'll give a couple scriptures that kind of shows that Acts 2 says in verse 16. It says But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in the last days saith God I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall See visions and your old men shall dream dreams and here in acts chapter number two is a fulfillment of a prophecy And in that prophecy they preached the gospel in verse 21 it says and it shall come to pass Whosoever shall call upon the name of lord shall be saved But the thing i'm bringing out of here is that it says and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy That's male and female female And another verse just to throw out there that backs up that women can be a part of giving the gospel and so winning Is philippians 4 3 which says and I entreat the also true true yoke fellow Help those women which labored with me in the gospel with clement also and with other my fellow laborers whose names are in the books Book of life, you know it really Just think about how bad this is because i've heard it myself and it exists out there that people literally teach that a woman and even my wife Could could not show someone that wanted to be saved how to be saved and that that's terrible and if anyone ever tries to Bring that up to you Then these are good scriptures to show them that hey, you know The gospel is never excludes anyone from being able to give the gospel and from being able to go sowing But another thing that we teach here that makes our sowing biblical is that we teach that so winning is physically approaching people with the gospel The bible says in romans 10 15 and how uh verse 15 and how shall they preach? Except they be sent as it is written How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things? Another attribute that makes us biblical here in verity Baptist church Is that we don't just put door hangers on doors or we don't just pass out invites or we don't just Have a youtube channel with the bible to have it on it or whatever and that is that we show and we Go to people we actually approach them. It's confrontational. So winning. It's not just sending it out through some Convenient method that gets it to the it's kind of like this. It's It's not we could just send out a miller to every address in sacramento and be like, oh we're done. No, that's not good Biblical so winning is actually walking to them. I mean, how could the bible say we have beautiful feet If it doesn't involve walking, right Another thing that we teach here that uh makes our so winning biblical Is that we teach that so winning is persuading people of the gospel not just telling them the gospel what I mean by that what I mean by that is You don't just go to someone and tell them it's by faith and it's not of works And then they say well, I think it's of works and then you're like You walk away you say have a good day and that's all you do Persuading them is actually trying to combat what they say with scripture and say hey No, the bible actually says it's not of works. Look here. Look here. Look here The bible says in um, acts 26 verse 27. It says king agrippa believeth thou the prophets I know that thou believeth then agrippa said unto paul almost thou persuadest me to be a christian So we see that we need to be persuasive And that just that's another good reason why you need to learn verses because how are you ever going to be persuasive? if you don't know any scripture to back up what you're saying and how you're ever going to be able to Convince someone that is not of works if you don't have anything to back up that belief, of course Another another good scripture to throw out there acts 8 verse 29 through 31 on that same point It says then the spirit said unto philip go near and join that self to this chariot And philip ran thither to him and heard him read the prophet of sayus and said understandest thou what uh, what thou? Sorry, i'm getting mixed up here understandest thou what thou readest and he said How can I accept some man should guide me? and you could get a lot from this verse but the thing that i'm bringing up is the fact that we need to Persuade people we need to explain people the gospel but just a side note that's in there is the fact that god sent him there it's if god Didn't want us or need us to go win souls for christ. Why would the spirit have sent philip to him to explain the gospel? Obviously don't want king calvinism, right? You know, we need people to go out there and persuade people of the gospel and persuade people that salvation is a faith But um, let's pray Hey lord, thank you for this time. We have to go out. So I pray you would help us to Follow your command and to follow your will and be faithful So winners on a regular basis and never skip out on it for some selfish or vain reason lord And I pray that you would fill us with your spirit and help us to persuade men of the gospel And keep us all safe today and in jesus name. Amen