(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's Alexander Larsen from Bible truth 23 back with another soul winning tip and today I want to talk about asking open-ended questions in your gospel presentation. I again think this is very important This is something you should include alongside examples and illustrations which I talked about in the last video and This is again a mistake that I see a lot of new soul winners make and I myself did make as well When I was new at soul winning Of just asking yes and no questions the whole time instead of open-ended questions to make sure they're really getting it because If you just ask yes or no questions nine times out of ten people are just gonna say yes every time and they're just gonna Say yeah. Yeah. Yeah or no because they're not really paying attention. They're just Going along with whatever you're saying. They're not really understanding it So open-ended questions really show what they believe from the heart Okay, if they're getting it or not and an open-ended question is just any question that is not a yes or no question But requires them to actually give a more detailed answer Let me give you a few examples of open-ended questions. You could ask during your gospel presentation for example if you Usually when I go to John 3 16 I read it for God so loved the world that he gave us only begotten Son that Whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life I'll ask them. Do you know what whosoever means and that's a yes or no question But then I'll ask well according to Jesus if you believe in him. What will you have? Okay, that shows that they actually have to you know understand what the verse is saying and read the verse in order to answer That correctly. I'll say well if you believe in Jesus according to Jesus himself What will you have and again if they're paying attention if they're understanding they'll say Everlasting life and so ask them. Well, where does that mean you'll go when you die, right? So that's not a yes-or-no question, they'll have to answer heaven or hell, right? another example is At the usually at the end of my gospel presentation I'll go through and ask a whole bunch of questions at the end and I might make a future video About that about doing a recap at the end, but I'll ask questions like well now that I've shown you what the Bible says What do you have to do to go to heaven? Okay, now ask that instead of saying do you believe all you have to do is believe because again Some people will just automatically just say yes, even if they don't believe that or understand it Right because they're just trying to please you. Okay, so instead of asking Well, do you believe this or do you believe you know that it's just by faith or do you believe this? Or do you believe that don't ask a yes-or-no question ask them now that I've shown you what the Bible says What do you have to do to go to heaven? Okay, and if they understand it they believe it they'll say well just believe in Jesus right and then after that You could ask Something along the lines of is there anything else you have to do or is it just faith like do you have to do these good works also, right and You know things like that, right or you could ask where do you deserve to go as a punishment for your sins? And this is a good question to ask Because there are some people who don't want to admit that they deserve hell for some reason Because they still think that they're good enough to go to heaven and they still think salvation is about the way that they live Okay So that's important to get that out of them of whether they understand that they're a sinner and they deserve hell so that they can Trust in Jesus and not in themselves to be saved. So those are other questions you could ask So just make sure to ask open-ended questions during your gospel presentation So you can actually get out of them what they truly believe you could ask them What's another example what's something I haven't gone over yet It's kind of hard to just pull these out, you know, just right away because I'm not saying yes and no questions are necessarily bad to ask You should ask a few because some things can only be phrased as a yes or no question But there are definitely open-ended questions you need in your gospel presentation like concerning Asking if they believe or not Or just asking them after they believe If you believe you know, where are you gonna go when you die now, right? So usually after I call upon the name of the Lord with them, I'll ask them Well now that you have done this, you know, where will you go if you die today? And then sometimes I'll ask well what happens if you know 30 years down the road? You kill somebody or you do something bad. Where will you go when you die, you know again? They have to answer either heaven or hell or if they're still not sure they'll say I don't know right And then I'll ask them why you know if they say No matter what? I'm going to heaven I'll ask them why and again if they understand they believe it they'll say because I believe in Jesus, right? And I'll also ask them, you know during eternal security maybe like I'll give an example Like I talked about in the previous video of well, what if you were to do this? What if you were to do that? Would you go to heaven or hell when you die? And they say well, I'm still going to heaven right no matter what and I'll say well, why is that and they'll say Because God gave the promise of eternal life no matter what you can never lose it right after showing them what the Bible says Sometimes I'll give the example of after giving the gift, you know How many times do I have to give it to you for it to be yours? If the Bible says it's a gift the Bible says It's eternal so if I say well give this Bible to you as a gift and I promise it's yours forever how many times I have to give it to you and They understand they'll say only one time It's not a process right and they'll say well if I come back and I take it back from you for any reason Did I keep my promise? So what would that make me right if I didn't keep my promise and if they're again if they're paying attention though Most of the time they'll say a liar which usually I use That to segue into Titus 1 2 in hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie promised before the world began so these are some good questions to ask and there's other ones you could as well, but just make sure that when you Definitely ask them about what they believe they have to do go to heaven You ask that as an open-ended question of what do you believe you have to do to go to heaven? What does it take to go to heaven? Where will you go when you die? Why those kinds of things to make sure they actually understand they actually believe it because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh So thank you buddy for watching. God bless you and goodbye