(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's Alexander Larsen from BibleTrue23 with another soul winning tip. Today I want to tell you that you should make sure that the person you are preaching to understands who Jesus is. Now this is kind of like the last one where this is something you should not leave out of your gospel presentation and sometimes people do leave it out of their gospel presentation. And the first thing I'll say is don't assume that people know everything about Jesus. You'd be surprised how ignorant some people are of even basic Christian doctrine. For example, 98% of Christianity believes in the Trinity. With the exception of, and when I say Christianity obviously I mean anything that claims to be Christian whatsoever. With the exception of a few cults out there, pretty much everybody believes in the Trinity. The Roman Catholic Church teaches the Trinity. But there's been many times where I've run into a Roman Catholic out soul winning and they were raised Roman Catholic or maybe they even go to a Catholic Church right now. And I get to explaining how God saved us, he sent his son Jesus Christ into this world. And I say Jesus is the son of God, not only that, he's God in the flesh. Have you ever heard of the Trinity? And there's been times where you'd think that a Catholic or a lot of these people who were raised in church would know about the Trinity or know the fact that Jesus is God but they look at you like you're speaking another language or something, like they've never heard it before. So don't assume that people just know these things right off the bat. A lot of people don't know that Jesus is God. Now most people have heard that Jesus is the son of God but even then you want to explain to them what that means and you want to make it clear what the Trinity is. Don't just brush over that. Explain to them the God of the Bible is three different persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Son is Jesus, Jesus is God, but he's not the Father, he's not the Holy Spirit. He was sent by God the Father into this world. Explain it clearly, make sure they understand who Jesus is and make sure they understand the Trinity as well. Don't brush over that. Also, another tip is explaining that Jesus was sinless, what Jesus did when he was on this earth. Of course, like I said before, you should put the emphasis on the gospel that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again. But leading up to that, it's good to just give them some background of what Jesus did when he was on this earth. Explain to them that he was born of the Virgin Mary. He had no earthly father because God was his father, therefore he's the son of God. Explain to them that he's sinless because he's God in the flesh, as the Bible says. Explain to them that he went around preaching, doing miracles, etc. So these are things, again, you don't want to leave out of your gospel presentation. Because the thing is, if you get through the gospel presentation and they still have the wrong idea of Jesus in their mind, maybe they don't believe Jesus is God, maybe they don't believe he's the son of God, maybe they believe in a modalist Jesus, they believe that Jesus is the father or something like that, then if you pronounce him as saved and you call on the name of the Lord with them, and yet they're trusting in the wrong Jesus, then they're not saved. Because you need to believe not just anybody named Jesus, but the Jesus of the Bible. So if somebody believes in a false Jesus, if they don't believe Jesus is God, if they don't believe Jesus is divine at all, if they believe that Jesus had an earthly father, if they deny that he's the son of God, or whatever it may be, if they don't know these things, if they don't believe these things, then they could end up putting their trust in a false Jesus and therefore they're not saved. So you want to make sure to explain who Jesus is and what he did for us. So that their faith, when they put their faith in Jesus, is in the real Jesus, the Jesus of the word of God, not a Jesus that came from some false church or that they made up in their own mind. So thank you everybody for watching, God bless you, and goodbye.