(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's me Alexander Larsen with Bible Truth 23, back with another soul-winning tip. Today I want to talk about if they don't understand the Gospel as you're showing it to them, or if they don't understand anything you're showing to them out of the Bible, just try to explain it in a different way. I've seen some people, you know, they'll show them maybe like one or two verses, and maybe the person they're preaching to doesn't understand it, and they'll just say, you know, okay, steal it, or whatever, they'll just give up, right? We have to understand that not everybody has the same capability of understanding. Some people are a little bit slower, some people have different backgrounds so they don't, aren't as familiar with these biblical terms, with biblical concepts, things like that, so not everybody's going to understand it immediately. Now there are a lot of people who we would call low-hanging fruits who might just get everything like that. You show them a verse, they understand it, you ask them a question to make sure that they're getting it, an open-ended question, and they understand it perfectly. But that's not everybody, okay? So some people you have to be patient with, and you have to explain it in a different way sometimes, okay? And not just assume that they're just rejecting it or not believing it, because some people do make that mistake of thinking that the person they're talking to is being contentious or that they're a heretic or something, when it's simply that they're just not understanding, okay? And that is a mistake that a lot of soul owners make, that they're kind of trying to rush it and you have to understand that with some people it's going to take 20, 30, 40 minutes to preach the gospel to them. So it's not going to be just something that you can just get done in 10, 15 minutes with everybody. You're going to have to take a little bit more time with some people and maybe use a different illustration or a different example. We go to another verse, because everything we preach when we go out soul winning, there's not just one verse on that subject. There's a lot of different verses. Let me give you an example. Somebody's preaching about eternal security, okay? You might show them John 10, 28, you know, I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. You might show them Titus 1, 2, where it says in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began. Those aren't the only verses about eternal security. Those aren't the only verses that talk about eternal life. Now if somebody isn't getting the concept of eternal life, maybe one way that you can help them understand is by saying something like, well, did Jesus just die for some of your sins or all of your sins? Usually when I ask that, most people will say all of my sins, right? They believe all of my sins and you'll ask them, well, is that just your past sins and your present sins or does it also include your future sins? Most people understand from what you've shown them that Jesus also died for their future sins, okay? So explain to them, go back to maybe kind of recap what you were explaining before about the gospel, how that Jesus died for our sins and that he took our sins on himself. Explain that because Jesus did that for us, because the Bible says to his own self, bear our sins in his own body on the tree and ask them, well, if Jesus already died for those sins and he already went to hell for those sins that you haven't even committed yet, how can you go to hell for those same sins? Or you could just use other verses like John 5.24, like John 6.47, John 6.37, I think it's 38 where he says, all that the father giveth to me will come to me and I will in no wise cast him out, right? So he says, in no way I will cast out those that come to me. So anybody who comes to Jesus to get saved, Jesus will not cast them out. So that's a great verse that you could use to support eternal security. So sometimes you just have to be patient with people. You just have to show them some additional verses. You just have to show them some additional illustrations and things like that. And you have to kind of discern in different situations of who is just refusing to believe and just argumentative and people who just don't understand because there is a difference. There are some people who are just trying to argue and maybe they just don't want to believe it. They don't want to get it. They don't want to understand. In that case, I would say just move on to the next door. But there's some people who just genuinely want to know the truth but they're a little bit slower. You might have to show them some more scriptures, okay? That's okay. You don't have to rush it, okay? Yeah, I understand time is important but we want people to get saved who are actually interested in what the Bible has to say, okay? Now some people will just, you can show them scripture after scripture after scripture and they just won't get it. For some people, it's just not their day, okay? For whatever reason, that's just the case in some scenarios. Me personally, it took me a while of hearing the gospel before I actually got saved. And there were certain things that I understood. There were certain things that I didn't understand until I had listened to other preaching about it and it clicked with me eventually. But it takes time sometimes for some people. It takes a lot of verses. It takes a lot of scripture. It takes different examples, different points, different ways of explaining it. So just try explaining it differently in some scenarios. That's the tip for today. I'm probably going to make another one after this but God bless you and goodbye.