(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Everybody, it's Alexander Larsen with Bible Truth 23, and I want to start a new series on my Instagram page here just going through some soul-winning tips and tricks and You know before I get into this just as a disclaimer, I am by no means an expert on soul-winning I've only been doing it for a few years. So I'm not saying like I know everything or anything like that In fact, some of these things that I might go over in this series I've only learned in the last few months just from going with more experienced people or just you know Putting in the practice things like that So the purpose of this is to just give some basic tips and tricks things that I've seen like beginners Make mistakes on things like that So first of all, I want to talk about being prepared when we go out soul-winning and this is very important Because when you go out soul-winning, we don't want to forget the things that we need. Of course, we need our Bible. Okay? This is of course important especially for new soul owners who might not have the verses memorized that they need to be able to preach the gospel Having your actual physical Bible with you is of course helpful And even if you have all the verses memorized, even if you know what you're doing Even if you can preach the gospel without any Bible in your hand it's good to have it so you can actually show them the verses as well because I've run into situations where there's people who you preach to and you show them Verse you might quote it and they don't believe that that's in the Bible But the thing is if you actually have a physical Bible, you can show them what it says you can show them Hey, look the Bible clearly says right here, you know in Romans Four or five but to him that worketh not you know and you can kind of follow along with them in the Bible So it's good to have an actual physical Bible with you Or I've seen some people use their phone or like use a tablet with a Bible app on it that works as well That's another thing that you could use as long as you have the verses that you can actually show to them Another thing that you need to be prepared in is if you're not, you know If you don't have the verses memorized you want to maybe tab up your Bible or have like a map to the verses Like if you start in Romans 3 which most people do Explaining the fact that we're all sinners whether we you start with verse 10 or start with verse 23 a good tip is to put like in the margins maybe Just right next to the verse the verses you would turn to next again If you're new at soul-winning if that's something that you might not know all the verses or have that all in your head already And then of course, you know, you want to practice memorizing these verses and of course it takes time But it's always good to have these things memorized so you know where to turn to and you're not fumbling through on your pages So you definitely have to be prepared when you're going out soul-winning because you want to you want it to flow as well as possible you know, you don't want to just keep stumbling over things and making mistakes and Fumbling and you also, you know want to don't want to get to the door and not have something that could help them also, usually I mean depending on what church you go to If you go to like a new IFB church like faithful word Baptist Church, which is where I attend There's probably gonna be some kind of card or something like that that you can hand out Definitely try to hand out like an invitation to your church or something like that So that way if you knock on a door and nobody answers you can leave something in the door And so that way you can at least you know, hopefully bring them to church and maybe they could get saved there now That doesn't always happen, you know, probably 99% of doors you knock the people won't end up coming but you never know So some of the doors you you knock where people don't answer or maybe they're busy They don't have time to talk You could hand them like a card or you can hand them an invitation or a tract or something like that So that they could read that maybe have a seed planted or go to church And and hear the gospel there if they don't have time or if they're not home So you want to be prepared in all of these things? And so this is just you know, a series of just going through a few quick things. I have You know, bring me like 15 tips or so that I'm gonna go through. I don't have like any particular My schedule for uploading these I'm just gonna just do these when I feel like it I guess we're gonna have the time. So thank you buddy for watching God bless you and goodbye