(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here with our soul-winning tip today, and this soul-winning tip is going to be a little bit unique because we're going to have this under both our basic soul-winning tips and advanced soul-winning tips, because no matter how much you've been preaching the Gospel, this is the kind of a point that a lot of times people struggle with, and that is this. In Titus 3.10, the Bible reads, a man that is in heretic after the first and second admonition reject. So the Bible tells us there that if someone is in heretic after giving them two chances, second admonition, reject that person. So basically, when we're giving the Gospel to someone, if you're showing someone a point like hell is a real place of fire, and they're just denying the Bible and saying, no, I don't believe that, after you've shown them two verses, you need to just move on to the next person. Don't waste your time. You know, oftentimes we think, oh, we can get anyone saved, we just need to spend the time and show them verse after verse, but there are a lot of people that are really hardened to the Gospel, and they're not going to get saved no matter what verses, no matter what explanations you use. Now here's the great thing about soul-winding. Even though a lot of people don't want to hear the Gospel, there are people out there that are just ready to hear the Gospel and get saved, and that's why we need to make sure we don't waste time with people that don't want to hear it. Now this is true as well when we're giving the Gospel to cults, or people of alternate religions. You know, just because they're from a cult doesn't mean we should give them 20 admonitions. If they're just denying the Bible, just move on. Now I will say this though, there are some people where you might explain to them eternal security and they're struggling with that, and they're paying attention and they're not denying it, they're just not quite sure if they believe it. Well, if that's the case, give them more chances, show them more verses, but if someone is just flat out denying the verses that are clearly presented in the Bible, then what you want to do is move on to the next person, because there are people that are open to hearing the Gospel. So our tip today is this.