(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here with a basic soul winning tip. The basic soul winning tip that we have today is to memorize the Bible verses, word for word perfectly. Now there's many reasons for this. If you memorize these verses, it can help you get a better understanding of what God is saying in those verses. So I would recommend you memorize all the salvation verses that you're planning to use out soul winning. And also, it's very easy to kind of forget what you're going to say out soul winning. So if you have them memorized, it makes your mind more free to think of how to explain that to that person. And so I definitely recommend memorizing the verses and you want to do a word for word perfectly because the Bible says that the power is in the Bible itself. It's not in my words. I don't have any magic words. The Bible says for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. So the word of God has true power in the King James Bible in the English language. And so you want to memorize the verses word for word perfectly because they're going to have a lot more power to get someone saved. A person cannot get saved outside of the King James Bible in the English language. They need to hear the Bible verses word for word perfectly. So I would highly recommend that you memorize those verses and also memorize other verses that might come in handy as well that might not be part of your initial plan. Maybe you can pull other verses out during the gospel conversation that you do have memorized. So the first tip I always give to people when they start going soul winning, I always tell them, memorize the soul winning verses.