(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now let me stop and address something here that I see a lot. I see this a lot at Faithful Word Baptist Church. I see this a lot everywhere I go and I keep preaching about it and a lot of people don't listen to me but I'm gonna say it again is that there are a lot of soul winners that I go with. They feel like they have to force people to admit that they weren't saved yesterday or that they weren't saved that they were for sure going to hell before you got there. They feel like they have to force that issue and I think this is where a lot of these problems come from is that there a lot of this issue is actually created by the soul winner who just wants to really badger them or really push this issue or really force them to admit I wasn't saved yesterday. Now I personally find that step to be completely unnecessary and you're just kind of picking a confrontation with people and just making people uncomfortable. I just don't see the point. So this is what I do differently than that okay. When I talk to the people about what they used to believe versus what they believe now I don't ask them I tell them because when I got there I asked them the questions they gave me all the wrong answers so I already know where they were at spiritually so I don't ask them so is this different than what you used to believe? I just tell them I just and I do it nicely I you know I tell them hey when I got here you said you weren't sure because you were thinking this and when I whenever I say that and I've said this to hundreds of people hey when I got here you said you weren't sure because you were thinking I've done good I've done bad and you're wondering if you're good enough. Nine out of ten people when I say that just go yeah that's exactly what I was thinking but now you see it's all by faith yep that's right okay well let's pray and then they pray with me and they get saved and everybody's happy and everybody goes home smiling and saved and on their way to heaven but but here's the thing I don't sit there and say okay well now let me ask you this what if you would have died a half hour ago would you have split hell wide open then what about yesterday you would have burned in hell aren't you glad I showed up you know I don't see why you have to say that or why you need to prove that now let me give you an illustration about