(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here with our advanced soul winning tip and the advanced soul winning tip that we have today is to explain that Jesus Christ is God. Now you might be like wait a minute that sounds like a basic soul winning tip. It does sound like a basic soul winning tip but there's a reason why I'm listing it under advanced soul winning tip. You know before I was saved I was very confused on that point. I did not know you know whether or not Jesus Christ was God or not. Now I did not have a background in the Latter-day Satan's Church, the Mormons, and I didn't have a background in the Jehovah's false witnesses either but I was confused on that point and I know a good friend of mine who was also very confused on that point as well before he got saved and I think oftentimes maybe if you grew up in church you might kind of take for granted that everybody knows that Jesus Christ is God but that's actually not the case and so the reason why this is this is an advanced soul winning tip I would say of all the things that truly good soul winners struggle on in my opinion is not explaining this point enough. Just like all the points of the gospel we find out what's in their heart so after explained how we're guilty and that we can't make the heaven by our own deeds I always ask them the question I all say well Jesus died for us the Bible teaches now what do you think about Jesus I mean people debate about him do you believe he was God you believe he was the son of God you believe he was just a man a prophet what do you think and a lot of people tell you well I believe you is just the son of God and then I'll ask them but you don't believe he was actually God and a lot of times we'll say no I don't believe that he was God and once you show them verses like first John 3 16 first Timothy 3 16 Matthew 1 23 once you show them these verses you know oftentimes they very easily change their mind and they're like well that is what the Bible says but honestly there's times where people just will still deny it they say no I don't believe Jesus God that's not true that's a lot and so I would recommend for every soul winner even if you regularly get people saved to take up my challenge of trying to make more of a point to ask that question during the conversation do you believe Jesus God and explain it a little bit more thoroughly I challenged a good soul winning friend of mine to start asking that question and I told him how I was confused before I got saved he started doing it and he came to back to me just a few weeks later and he said you know you're right I've had so many people that have told me they did not believe that Jesus Christ was God I'm glad you pointed that out so I would recommend under the advanced soul winning tips make sure that you are covering that point and you're not just saying well even the Bible teaches Jesus is God and then they kind of just agree to agree but maybe they didn't necessarily believe in their heart we need to make sure we find out what's in their heart