(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, it's brother Peter. I want to make a quick soul-winning tip video. This is a video I tried to make last night, but it wouldn't upload so I just want to make it again it's something that I think is important and It's something that I've discovered works really well out soul-winning And I want to talk about this because it's it's something that I've seen people struggle with and I feel like I don't struggle with it so I want to help if I can I Want to talk about leading the person in prayer out soul-winning you know actually leading them to Christ after you've preached them the whole gospel after you've discovered and that they've Expressed the fact that they believe the gospel that they believe one that it's faith alone salvation not by works to that it's eternal and That you can't lose it and that it's a gift and three and the deity of Christ and they believe all the elements of the gospel they believe that Jesus died and rose again and And They've expressed that they believe that and now you you're trying to land the plane and wrap up your soul-winning presentation and lead them in prayer and Prayer, you know praying out soul-winning is important. There's two extremes to this, you know, some people who they just go around They don't even preach the gospel. They just try to compel a person to say a prayer and The person doesn't even get saved because they haven't even preached them the gospel and the person doesn't even understand what they're praying about But there's also a stupid method and this is this is even worse than the easy prayerism You know, there's people who preach the whole gospel and then they don't pray they believe in not praying with people out soul-winning The Bible is so clear that calling upon the name of the Lord is essential Don't be one of these people who just preaches the whole gospel and then just leaves the person there like a deer in headlights Just and you don't even leave them to make a decision to believe on Christ and to call upon the name of the Lord That's stupid people literally go to hell because of that you say why is that well because you know, the Bible is really clear Calling upon the name of the Lord. That is the moment of repentance. That is the moment where it goes You know with that with the potential convert that's where it goes from just this intellectual understanding or you know, just some you know a Concept a religious concept or you know a religious construct that they're being taught by somebody else Calling upon the name of the Lord That's when it goes from them a head knowledge to them putting their faith on Christ and then actually choosing to put their faith on Christ calling upon the name of the Lord. That's when the person is passed from death unto life that's when they get saved is when they believe and they call upon the name of the Lord and They're passed from death unto life The Bible says the way you take the cup of salvation is by calling upon the name of the Lord The whole Bible teaches that and you know from Genesis 4 even to you know to the end of the Bible It's really clear. So that's a stupid method not to pray with people So the question is what's the most effective way to get people to pray? What's the most effective way to do this? And I feel like I found a really effective way and I feel like a lot of people struggle with it So I want to just tell you what I do. This has literally never failed once my method. It's never failed So I want to share it with you and you can give me feedback First of all, don't do this out so long I've seen a lot of people they preach a good gospel presentation and then they kind of you know You we have to be confident as a soul winner. We have to be the leader You know, we are we are leading people to Christ after all you have to take the lead and take charge So don't say something like this after they've expressed the fact that they believe the gospel don't say to them Okay, well would you like to put your faith in Jesus Christ right now Is that something that you would like to do and look I understand that they need to make that they need to be the ones That make the choice But we need to make it as easy for people as possible To to walk through that door. Jesus said I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved And if we can help them at all in any way We need to help them get there and not even give them a chance to hesitate if they've expressed the fact that they believe it don't even give them a chance to walk away from that and To and to hesitate, you know, if you yourself are reluctant you need to act like we're sure of what we're saying So don't act reluctant. Don't act unsure don't act, you know, like you have little confidence in what you're saying Take the lead. They've already said they believe it Don't ask them if they want to pray tell them that you are going to pray and lead them to Christ So instead of you know acting all like do you want to pray? Is that something you'd like to do or would you be interested in that? Here's what you're gonna do You're gonna look that person dead in the eye. This is important Look them in the eye look them straight in the eye and you're gonna tell them okay, you said you believe this so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna help you say a prayer right now and tell God you believe this and You're going to get saved right now Bow your head and repeat after me So if you notice you're you tell them I'm gonna pray I'm gonna help you say a prayer to God and ask him to save you and Then you tell them to bow their head and repeat after you So don't even leave it up that don't even leave it up the chance. Don't even give them that chance To you know after the Holy Spirit and working with them to just you know, turn away from that Holy commandment You know to get saved make it as easy for them as possible help them through that door By taking the lead and telling them I am going to help you say a prayer right now Bow your head and repeat after me and another thing that's been very it's been very just efficient and effective and something that works is When you look that when you're looking at that person you tell them I'm going to lead you in prayer You're gonna do this you're gonna nod three times. So you're gonna look them in the eye and say, okay You said you believe this I'm gonna help you say a prayer and tell God you believe this you're gonna nod and it's just extra Encouragement and it's something that helps them get through that door it's just something that shows that you're confident in what you're saying and that you are reliable and what you're saying and that you're You're telling the truth that you're confident that you're not Hiding something it just shows that you're confident helps you to lead them along And oftentimes you'll find that even when you do that They will even you know mirror your body language and nod back at you It's just an extra dose of encouragement for them and you say well, that's a gimmick No, it's not a gimmick because they already told you that they believe in it You're just there's whatever it takes to help them just to the end point of believing on Christ And you know to just get to the finish line there and wrap it up and land the plane I've seen a lot of people they don't really know once they preach the gospel How to just tie it all together now this helps. I'm telling you. It's never failed for me And the reason it's failed I believe is one because my gospel presentation is thorough if you're getting to the end And a lot of people are you you think that they're gonna get saved and they don't want to pray One you're not paying attention to their body language and their and how they're receiving what you're telling them and there's something Along the lines of preaching the gospel that they have not believed and you just miss the fact that they don't believe it and to Another possibility is once you get to the prayer You're just acting shifty and unsure of yourself, and you're not confident So you have to be confident you have to be the sole winner you have to lead them to Christ You're there to lead them. You're the leader in that situation. You're the person who knows that you're talking about you're the authority You're the expert on the gospel, and you're leading them along so don't you know if you act unsure of yourself? They will act unsure. That's why the nods important. That's what looking them in the eye is important telling them Bow your head now repeat after me. You're gonna say this prayer. I'm telling you it works. I've seen many people saved With this method so let me know what you think and give me some feedback Comment and subscribe to this channel if you like soul winning tips like this I'm gonna do a couple more and just you know nothing crazy I'm not saying I'm the expert on soul winning, but there are things that I've noticed that help and that don't help I'm gonna share you know what has helped me out soul winning and what I've seen to be very effective So let me know what you think all right guys. God bless you. Have a good night