(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It breaks my heart tonight that people are going to hell. But you know what breaks my heart more? Is that there are people who are going to hell who would get saved if they would hear the gospel. And I, you know, that's a fact. There are people out there who would get saved if somebody would preach them the gospel, if somebody would go, if somebody would do the work. That breaks my heart even more. Because it's one thing if somebody hears the gospel over and over again and Verity Baptist keeps knocking their door over and over again to where they get a sign that says, you know, no more Verity. We're not interested. You know, it'd be one thing if somebody just gave it up to God and then they go to work and their buddy at work, you know, pulls the Bible out of the lunch box, puts it in the gospel, you know. And then they're hearing it here and they're hearing it from there and they're hearing it again and again and they reject it and they reject it and they reject it and they reject it and they go down. You know, that's sad, but it's not nearly as sad as the person that ever heard the gospel. Because nobody loved him and nobody cared. And he'd say, oh, I'm going to this other church and a lot more love me because the pastor is so sweet to me. And he puts in, he writes me a little note and puts a little smiley face. He's really a loving guy. And he doesn't raise his voice because it's a dream again. But I'm here to tell you tonight that the love of Christ constrains us to preach the gospel to every creature. This is love that we walk after his commandment. And the greatest commandment that he left the great commission was when he said, go preach to the world. Go preach the gospel to every creature tonight, not just your buddy at work. And I want you to preach to your buddy at work. But you know what, everybody doesn't work at your work. You got to go out into the highways and hedges and knock every door. That's the only way you're going to do it, brother. Amen. That's the only way you're going to get to everybody is to knock every door. And then knock it again because they weren't home the first time. And then knock it the third time. And you say it's impossible. You say it's a pipe dream. You say this little church, you got to be kidding. You know, these five loaves and two fishes, this little church meeting in a house. You're a joke. Let me tell you something. It's going to get done. Hey, 70 people could get this done in just a few years. 70 people. Who would be laborers. And a small group that's really out there working. And you know, I thank God for my guys that are here tonight. Y'all put up your hand here from Faithful Word Baptist Church. Hey, these guys were out knocking the doors in Sacramento today. And these guys are the laborers. They're the workers. They're here tonight because they have a vision tonight. And I hope you have a vision tonight. Let's pray. Let's have a word of prayer. Bob, we thank you for your word, dear God. And we thank you for the Holy Spirit. And we thank you for the ability to go out and preach the gospel. Even if we're not talented or a good speaker, thank you that you can use any... Who is Paul? Who is Stephen? Anybody, dear God, that'll yield themself unto you as a laborer. I know that you can use them. And so I pray that every person here tonight, not just a few certain people, but every person here tonight would apply this message to themself. And to get a vision. And as their eyes are closed right now, they see nothing. But, God, let them see the gospel going out to every creature, dear God, in a vision tonight. And in Jesus' name, we ask these blessings. Amen. Amen. Let me just say a few things. First of all, thank you, guys. That's exactly what we needed to hear tonight. I just want to say something. I'm not adding anything to the sermon. The pizza's here and you guys are hungry, I'm sure. I'm not adding anything to the sermon. That's exactly what we need to hear. But I do want to say something. You know, those of you from Faithful Word and those of you from Fellowship, just stop listening to me right now because I intimately know these two churches and I know that they've got a vision. I know Pastor Mark Lewis has a vision for back of God. I know Brother Anderson obviously has a vision for Phoenix. So if you guys can stop listening, the rest of you, just listen to this. The Bible says in Romans chapter 10 and verse 14, or verse 13 says, For whosoever shall call upon him in the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him in whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And in verse 15 it says, And how shall they preach, except they be saved? And let me tell you something. Something about soul winning is this. You are just not going to do it on your own. Right. You know, you say, well, I listen to Pastor Anderson on the internet and thousands of people do it. Praise the Lord for it. But you know what? Unless you get in a church that has a vision for soul winning, you're just not going to do it. Exactly right. The Bible says they will not go unless they're saved. True. And you know what? I don't know what church, you know, it has to be what we don't even know. I'll be honest with you. We have 19 people in church outside the church. The rest of you, I don't know what you can't do. Let me tell you this. If you're in a church, you say, well, I live 40 minutes away. I live two hours away. If you're not in a church that is sending you out to preach the gospel, fight me.