(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) He says the harvest truly is plenteous and the laborers are few Pray you therefore the law of the harvest that he'll send forth laborers Here's the service that's needed laborers He didn't say pray and ask God to get the job done he can do it all but know he said pray the Lord the Harvest to send forth the laborers men are needed God needs men He needs laborers in the vineyard he needs laborers in the field to gather the harvest But what kind of men does he need? laborers When you pass by men on the street, do you ever think there is a soul that's going to spend eternity somewhere Ten million years from there that man's going to be either in heaven or in hell. Do you think about that? Or you just see him as another fellow who'll soon pass off the stage Christ doesn't see like we see he placed a value on him he didn't see him as blades of grass or pebbles by the seashore or grains of sand on the beach, but he saw them as Ripened wheat ready to be harvested and then when he pictured the multitudes as As a plenty of harvest there's also the thought of danger You see when a field is ripe and it's ready to be harvested there's a danger There's the danger of not getting it in It must be harvested The harvest won't wait When a man's fields are ripe and it's ready to be harvested Immediately, he goes out and begins to hire laborers and get as many people as he can he can't wait He must have a certain number of people because he's got a crop that must be gathered Here is an immediate need as well as a danger. It must be taken care of now He can't get a little bit in September a little more in October a little more in November and a little more in December The job must be done There's a danger that's an immediate need I Don't know what it bothers you not but it certainly bothers me and I'm burdened more than I've ever been about it What a great potential we have in how many people they are here to be reached with the gospel and when I look at how little we're doing I wonder sometimes if God doesn't look down and and say why don't you speed up? Why don't you enlist more people? Why don't some others get busy in the field and and gather in the grain that's already right? There's a danger once the grain falls too late When the man dies without Jesus Christ is too late I Wonder How much grain is already fallen And that's gone. There's absolutely no way to go back and get it. Here's a danger once it's lost It's lost forever when a man dies without Jesus Christ. He goes into hell. It's an irretrievable loss There's no possibility of ever getting loud You see there's an immediate need there's a danger implied And we seem to be unconcerned about And When he likened the multitudes to a plenious harvest There's the thought here that the masses were accessible I know it's argued nowadays that people won't listen to you. You can tell them they'll turn a day up here, but I I Beg the differently people will hear you Man has a hunger in his heart for God. He's built that way There's an avoid in his heart There's an aching in his heart that only Jesus Christ can satisfy and man is willing to listen but the problem is Not with the harvest but with the labors Well, you said I went out this fellow wouldn't get say well you quit Gotta kept going I Find out that a lot of rebellious young folk. Listen The truth is you haven't been telling them anything. Oh You may go down say well you dirty bunch of morons. You ought to go get a haircut Listen, why don't you lead him to Jesus and Jesus lead him to the barber? Now listen The Harvest tool is plenius. The masses are accessible But we let the liquor crowd have it. We let the cigarette crowd have it We let the dope crowd have it and we're afraid to spend any money to reach all the Jews Cost a lot. Well, wait a minute. Don't you think the souls are worth it? I'll never be satisfied standing in the edge of the field Getting one grain occasionally I'll never be satisfied Well, I'm not in the middle of the field with a sickle in both hands and it's falling everywhere in somebody's grab Maybe you will but I can't There's the idea that the masses were accessible they're there Tomorrow in your in your office. You're gonna have three or four people unsaved. They're accessible You're gonna have lunch tomorrow with somebody's unsaved they're accessible You're gonna sit there and talk about who done your hair up last week Are you gonna talk about a new bedroom suit you bought you're gonna waste 45 minutes doing nothing Day after day to find out that grain falls in the field. No, the multitudes are excessive The harvest tool is plenius. Here it is boys. They're out there. They're standing up They're saying come get me