(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I love soul winning it is like the best adventure there's always exciting things happening We didn't get it me and my partner didn't get anybody safe today, but we ended up just in the best conversation You know and then and then this like adventure happened over across the street with the ladies I mean, let me just I'll tell you about an adventure right now. Here's the power of women soul winning by the way So all the ladies here's the power of you out soul winning. We pull up to go soul winning today and Immediately there's three kids right on the sidewalk right where we parked the car and these kids are like from 11 to 14 years old at my best guess And I walk up to these kids and I walk up and I give them some church invitations I'm kind of you know feeling out if they'll listen or not and you right away. They're kind of like alright strange guy talking to me Strange and what likewise they should be you know so I go up and they don't really want to talk I give them some church invitations But then I walk across the street with my soul winning partner brother Victor and brother Victor starts giving the gospel in Spanish to this Guy and I noticed these kids. They're just like walked on us, and they're watching us for like 10 minutes So I said I send Jacob across the street to like tell the ladies Hey, make sure that the ladies talk to those those kids because guess what? the ladies especially you know young ladies and you know Well-dressed ladies are walking down the street and a bunch of dresses you know just like that's like the least intimidating thing there people look at that and they're just like kid there can be nothing but good here and guess what the ladies end up giving the gospel to like five kids and They wouldn't talk to you know a guy which is which is great, but here's the thing This is just a great adventure out soul winning something cool happens all the time and why because it's God working with us That's why it's God working with us We're out there doing things and just these great miracles happen all the time these these divine appointments happen all the time