(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, so most of you know me. My name is Matthew, and I'll just give a bit of my history and my testimony. So, when I was a child I was baptized as a baby in a Baptist church. You know, it seems to be the tradition in a lot of Baptist churches these days. I grew up in Lutheran school in a church system. Spent many years in dead and dull churches. Just, you know, there's nothing there, there's no growth, there's no spiritual meat, there's nothing. As a teenager I was just not growing, so I went to a Baptist church across the way from the Lutheran church. So halfway through the Lutheran service I used to get up and leave and go to a Baptist church. Again, that was, you know, not a very good church to go to, but it was better than what I had. Went to a charismatic COC school up in Wombi and started going to the church there as well. I served as camera operator for the praise and the preaching during the service because services, again, were pretty dull. The preaching was weak, you know, so how do you survive in somewhere like that when you're a teenager? So that's what I did. I was doing service and I thought that was going to get me to heaven. You just don't know any different back then. I started getting interested in end times prophecy, so I started reading Revelation and of course it was the New King James or the Good News Version of the two Bibles I had. So again, I didn't even have the truth back then. I started watching Barry Smith. He was a Kiwi who had a big ministry of end times prophecy, but he was also repenting of sins and he seemed to teach a lot out of the Schofield Bible. Again, everywhere I turned I was just getting lost and led further away from the truth. At one of his seminars I gave my heart to the Lord. After hearing one of his repenting of sins gospels, I thought I was going to be a disciple for Christ and full work salvation again. I just couldn't get away from it. But I thought I was saved because I'd done that. I didn't know any different. I got involved in the false prophetic tongue speaking and all the charismatic garbage and I got baptized a second time as a teenager thinking that that was somehow going to help me. I wasn't saved, but I would have told you I was. I would have sworn up and down I was saved. In my heart I believed I was saved because I gave my heart to the Lord, but I was still trying to work my way to heaven. The church turned out to be a harbor for sodomites, which is why I'm so against them now. There was a sodomite there who is now convicted of murder and also with molesting a child at that church. He was harbored by the pastors who were there. A lot of you know about the situation with Daniel Morecambe. The guy who did that was part of that church. They hid him and harbored him. It was disgusting. Some of my friends were almost victims of this guy. I got pretty sick of that. I left the church, left God, left Christianity. I left everything. I turned my back on it and said, enough is enough. I can't do this. As one person put it online, he said, it's burning yourself out on a religious treadmill because work salvation is exactly that. It's going to burn you out. You can never keep it yourself. You can't do it yourself. It's just impossible. I spent a lot of time in isolation with depression, but I still wanted to find the truth. I joined a Truth and Movement online starting with 9-11, which was also a big part of Barry Smith's ministry, World War I, World War II, and other wars. I found a lot of other truths in this group too. I started to wonder how the Jews could be God's chosen people, how the nation of Israel, as we saw it being as wicked as they were, how could they be God's chosen people? How could this be the God that I'm supposed to love and supposed to worship and supposed to give my life for? It got to a point where Pastor Anderson's clips started coming up on this website. First little snippets and then whole sermons, and now I've found his YouTube channel through that. I grabbed Marching to Zion because that seemed to be the go-to at that time. It had actually just come out. I was pretty angry that I'd been lied to my whole life about the Jews, about salvation, about everything. This is the first time I'd ever heard true biblical preaching from a man of God who understood the truth and was not ashamed to speak it. I watched the documentary and at the end of that I heard his presentation, his Bible Way to Heaven, which is pretty popular around here and in a lot of churches too. It's got a lot of people saved and I'm one of them. At the end of that presentation I believed and I knew I was saved at that point. I clearly heard from the Bible that it was by believing only, I could not lose it, that it was a free gift. I said to myself, I can do that. After trying to work for so many years, it was something I could actually do. That's also the moment I believed that God was a just God and I put all my faith in His Son to save me. I immediately went to my mother and I said, you've got to watch this. We've been lied to our whole lives, so she watched it and believed with me. After about six months, Kevin came into our lives and went to the soul-winding marathon. We got baptized by Brother Logan. After that we went to a couple of Baptist churches but found out one of the pastors was not saved and the other one was also allowing sodomites into the church. We just decided to wait for Kevin because we knew where he stood and all those things. That was a turning point in my life and now I have all the absolute truths I need. I've got the King James Bible and that's all we need now. Thank you.