(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Go in this thy might and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites have not I sent thee Now here we see a great example of something throughout the Bible something that's very clear It's not that hard to understand that God Uses a man to do his will God to do his will To do great things to free his people to preach the gospel to win souls to build a church Uses man to do his will he told Gideon go save Israel Thou shalt save Israel thou shalt defeat the Midianites thou shalt smite them as one man thou Will do it, but they said now. I don't want people to say I did it myself But he said thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man surely. I will be with thee We can't do it without God, but you know what we do have to do it God's not going to do it without us. This is what people don't see God can't do it without us God can't win the souls in Phoenix, Arizona without us Can't believe you say that If God could do it without us, why do we put in all the hours and you know what let me tell you something right now The people who think that God can do it without us. That's why they don't put in the hours That's why if they go soul winning at all it's for 59 minutes That's why if they go soul winning at all they call it soul winning It's actually door knocking and inviting people to church because they think that God's gonna do it without them They think God's gonna preach the gospel to every creature in Phoenix, Arizona Without them let me tell you something it's not going to happen because God uses a man to do his will He said I'll be with thee. I'll give you the power. I'll cause you to do the supernatural I'll perform a miracle, but I need that vessel I need that man who will lead the charge physically into battle and he chose Gideon to be that man because he say was a mighty Man he said go in this thy might and thou shalt save the children of Israel The sword of the Lord and of Gideon right it's not just the sword of the Lord now the sword of the Lord first and foremost But the sword of the Lord and of Gideon right don't miss man and God working in tandem To do his work. Don't miss it Jesus said take my yoke upon thee and learn of me What is a yoke a yoke is something that links two people together? So that they can work side by side for example you take a yoke of oxen you have two oxen Pulling a cart working together going the same direction Jesus wants us to get in the yoke with him Side by side with him man plus God the sword of the Lord the sword of Gideon side by side doing God's work That's what it means to be in the yoke with Jesus Christ Now listen to this verse People constantly are criticizing us because we use this term hey I got somebody saved Right hey I got somebody saved today Oh Pastor Anderson you didn't save anybody Jesus does the saving do you even realize what you're saying Blasphemy we won souls people hate those two souls But try this on for size you don't have to turn there 1 Corinthians 9 22 To the weak became I as weak that I might gain the weak I am made all things to all men that I might by all means save some That's the bible and whenever people criticize me I show them that verse Where Paul said I become all things to all men that I might by all means save some I show them that verse and that's what they say Well that's not what Paul meant Paul was just saying that he was the one that preached them the gospel But that Jesus is the one that saved them Hey can I tell you something that's what we mean too when we say it Right You know what I mean so when we say it we mean that it's all us God has nothing to do with it But when Paul says it's okay for him to say it think about that And it's funny because Paul said it even more strongly than we say it We say I got somebody saved Paul said I saved somebody I mean can you imagine the outcry if somebody said that But you know what Paul meant it in the same sense of Gideon saving Israel God was the one with the power Jesus is the only savior It says in Isaiah 43 beside me is the one with the power Jesus is the only savior it says in Isaiah 43 beside me there is no savior Jesus Christ is savior but when we preach the gospel to somebody we will save that soul from death When we preach the gospel to somebody we are pulling them out of the fire Jude verse 22 and 23 same thing Others saved with fear pulling them out of the fire He saved you others you saved with fear pulling them out of the fire Hating even the garments spotted by the flesh You say I don't think that's what that means Well what about this one Romans 11 14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them He said I want to provoke to emulation them that are of my flesh that I might save some of them Paul didn't think that he was the savior He said was Paul crucified for you in 1 Corinthians chapter 1 He said did Paul die on the cross for you did Paul save you He said I'm just the minister by whom he believed As God gave to every man a minister But you know somebody won you to Christ somebody preached you the gospel Somebody told hey they saved you But Jesus was the real savior Jesus is the one who paid it all But I'm going to tell you something you wouldn't have got saved unless somebody brought you the gospel You can sit there and say oh they would have got it another way Oh somehow they would have gotten it Is that why God said I sought for a man to stand among them to stand in the gap to make up the hedge But I found none He said I destroyed them because I could not find a man to stand in the gap But you say God will just provide that man God will find somebody to do it we're all expendable right Nobody in this church is expendable If you leave this church and quit this church and go to some watered down church Or sit in your house and call that church and don't go soul winning Somebody will go to hell because you didn't go soul winning Period Go ahead and quit this church Go ahead and go to some phony church Go to some watered down church or quit church Sit around stare at each other in your house But I'm going to tell you something people will go to hell if you quit winning souls And this church is a soul winning church And if you get out of this church you better go to another soul winning church Or you will cease to be a soul winner It's true You go to a church that's weak on soul winning You'll get weak on soul winning You go to a church that's watered down You'll get watered down Now look if you want to quit this church Quit the church and go to another church That's a red hot soul winning church I mean otherwise stay right here and win souls And you can be flippant about it You can say it doesn't matter But it does matter because you cannot be replaced You can't Don't sit there and tell me that everybody is expendable We're all expendable We can all be gone and it will all go forth And look I'm not trying to lift up myself I'm telling you every single person that's here tonight Cannot be replaced If you're gone then there will be something missing from this church forever When you get backslidden When you go to the world It'll never be the same Church will never be the same And there are people out there on soul winning That if I knock on their door they won't like me They won't listen to me They don't want to hear from me But they want to hear from you They'll get saved when they hear from you It's true God made every person unique And so I'm telling you something You are different than me There's never been anybody like me before There's never been anybody just like you before God created you Are you listening? You're not just some mixture of genes You're not just oh my genes combine I grew up in this house God made you a living soul With a unique personality That is unlike any person that has ever existed Or ever will exist You are an eternal soul That is made by God Different than anyone who has ever existed Because God has a plan That for your life People for you to win to Christ Work for you to do Sermons for you to preach in Souls for you to win no matter who you are Children for you to raise People for you to help Friends to influence Work to do God created you a unique person And if you don't do that work No one will do it I can't do it I can't No one else can do it You can do it Period Every single person I don't care You say well I'm not talented It doesn't matter how much or how little talent you have It doesn't matter your abilities Your speaking abilities It doesn't matter your appearance Your strength Your weakness God made you who you are To use you And if you don't do it If you don't do the work that God has given to you No one will do it Face it Deal with it Don't let these people on their high horse Pontificating Talking down to you You don't save anybody You're not important You don't matter You're dirt You're scum You're worthless Without Jesus I'm just a worthless piece of trash You know what? Without Jesus But I'm not without Jesus Are you? I'm not going to tell you that you're worthless Because you have Jesus Christ in you The hope of glory You're not worthless You're not trash Oh I'm just scum I heard a preacher one time say I get on my knees and pray And he said I put my finger up on the window sill And got some dirt on my finger and said This is what I am God Just dirt I'm not dirt I'm not trash I'm not trash Hey I'm God's son I'm a child of the king I'm a king and a priest I'm going to live forever I'm a son of God I'm a spirit filled prophet of God I'm a preacher I'm a soul winner I'm a Christian I'm a Baptist Hey God used me today to win somebody to Christ And those of you that are out there Hey God used you to win somebody to Christ Hey and he only could have used you to do that exact work today Period Period Don't let people tell you you're expendable You're worthless You, no matter who you are, you have value to God And you're not like a washing machine part That just gets replaced Oh we lose this person, let's just replace him Can't ever replace him There will always be something missing Whoever quits, you know, quits the church Or quits the service of God There's a void there that will never be filled Period Period Don't tell me that everybody's the same Don't tell me that everybody can just be replaced They can't It's a lie It's not true Don't tell me that we don't win souls We, no, they don't win souls The people who say that We do win souls In fact we save souls If you don't like it take it up with the apostle Paul If you don't like it take it up with the Holy Spirit of God Who uttered those words before the world even began Before you were born You pompous Calvinistic lordship salvation phony Before you ever even were born Before your mama was even wiping your filthy nose Hey, God spanked all these words And he said that man is what God uses to win people to Christ He said that God has committed to man the ministry of reconciliation You