(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here. We're down in Guyana with Shane, Rob, Peter, Abraham, Steve, Solomon, Paul Wittenberger. In total we have a team of 9 guys down here. We had 73 people saved today just through one on one soul winning. We also preached in one school that had about 200 students and we preached in another school that had about 500 students and they were raising their hands to receive Christ as Savior. We don't know how many of them got saved but 73 people that we dealt with one on one. And then you guys had 16 saved yesterday before we even got here, right? Well yeah, yesterday we arrived and we went to, we visited some people, some family members because that's how the soul started, just going down to visit a family member. And then we just started soul winning as soon as we got to the house where my aunt was. We got two people saved there and then Rob went down on the street and witnessed a couple of people and got them saved and then just kept going. Like 10-15 we were still on the street. We actually, I witnessed the two kids and then they got saved and then went home and told their parents and the parents came and... They got saved too? No, they didn't get saved. We were working on them but it didn't work. But they listened at least. They listened definitely, yeah. So Rob, what about today? Yeah, today was amazing. I mean we went to a whole bunch of schools, preached in I think two of them. I'm just blown away down here by how receptive people are and the fact that there's so many schools to preach at. It's just unbelievable. One thing I wish is we just had more people here to do the work. So all I can say is I just want to encourage anyone else that's thinking about coming down to Guyana because I know we're going to do some future trips and stuff. I just encourage you to come down and just help out because we need more laborers. Well and go out to Malawi in April too. Yeah, absolutely. Malawi in April. Are you guys going to Malawi? Yeah. Yeah buddy. Yeah buddy. Peter, any highlights for today? Yeah, it was a great day. The first school we went to I just preached to like a couple groups of like two or three kids and I'm just going to count one from each group. The second school we went to I started off preaching to like a group of two girls and eventually there was like 35 kids just surrounding me. I don't know how many of them got saved but there was also some resistance. At the first school we went to I was just about to pray with this girl who was really receptive and one of the administrators kicked me out and said you got to go and you can't come back. Yeah, but at least they got the whole gospel. She got the whole gospel and I was able to like, you know, slip her some extra material so she could call upon the name of the Lord. And we set up an appointment for you to preach on, is that tomorrow? Tomorrow. Hopefully I have my voice tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow at 12 p.m. you're going to preach to a Bible club of about 30 some students. Yes sir, yep. Awesome. It's cool. Abraham? Well I think it's been an amazing day today. A lot of people got saved. I was able to witness to four people, four girls at this one of the schools that we were at and before you know it there were like other ten kids, another ten girls surrounding us. They all wanted to hear it. They all wanted to hear the gospel. They were, it was amazing. I was asking them questions and they were all answering. And when we prayed they were all praying around me. It was something I had never experienced before. And yesterday, going a day back, but yesterday I was able to witness to one kid whose name was Omar. Well I was waiting at the airport for you guys to arrive. Yeah. So I was able to witness to this kid and I can't believe he got saved. And it's just been an amazing day. We've seen a lot of people saved today, so amen. Yep. Steve? I'll tell you, it's the greatest day I've ever been in. And I was worried about finances. I was reluctant to come. And Rob and Shane peer pressured me into... And I told God Monday, I said, hey, I got the tickets, I'm not going to worry about it. You're going to have to take care of my bills. And when I left Friday, my bank account was full. And better than I've ever seen in a long time. Amen. And boy, you start talking to people. And people just keep showing up and showing up. You start off with a few and then you get more and more and more. They're so open and so receptive. And I wish the U.S. was that way. All right, Solomon. You look like you're sweating, man. Is it pretty hot down here? Yeah, it's pretty hot, humid, but nice. I got three people saved today with a couple of maybe's, but I'm just counting three. A little different than soul-winding in the U.S.? A little different. Everybody wants to listen. When you walk in the kitchen, you offer it and they never turn it down ever. Then they all want the DVDs, not one of every kind. Yes. It made them think I'm handing two different kinds and they all want every kind. But yeah, they all want to have it turned down once yet. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. The new song was not found written in the book of life, it's cast into the lake of fire. But see how the lake of fire is called the second death. Maybe that's where our body dies. It dies too. Paul? Well, I mean, today has just been going great. We did two schools today. The second school was my favorite just because there's so many people. Well, the kids were really attentive at the second school, right? Yeah. Five to six hundred students and they all listened. I think it's about the same number of kids in Botswana is here. But I feel like the kids here just were so receptive. Every single one of them raised their hands like, whoa. It was crazy. It was a really great experience. I'm glad I'm here. I got two people saved today. And you filmed a lot of really nice footage too, right? Yeah, we filmed both sermons. Awesome. Yeah, so we walk into the principal's office at the second school we preached at. This is the one that had maybe like 550 to 600 students. And she was like, now, what is it that you guys are going to talk about today? And I said, well, what do you want me to preach about? You know, just to kind of see if there was something specific that she wanted me to cover. Then I would love to help them out with that. As long as I can preach the word of God and then as long as I can tie it in with the gospel and make sure they all get the gospel. So she brought up the fact that they've had this big problem in Guyana with young people in high schools actually making like pornographic videos. Like actually uploading video of As a dare. As a dare. Yeah, it's like a dare of you know, we're not even going to mention. She told us what the dare was, but I'm not even going to mention what it was. It was so bad. But she was just saying that her school had not been a problem because she seemed like she ran a pretty tight ship at that school. But she said other schools in Guyana had had a scandal with this. And that these videos were being uploaded and then they were being found on porn sites and everything. So it was just a really bad thing. So she said, you know, you can preach something to do with that. So I told her, I said, well, you know, I love preaching against sin. You know, hard preaching. So I preached a sermon just about fornication and I talked, I kind of just roughly alluded to that scandal and I talked about how you know, once you upload stuff to the internet it's there forever. It's the foolishness of young people who would commit fornication first of all because, you know, fornication is a wicked sin and just, you know, getting involved in these videos whether you're uploading them, sharing them, viewing them these obscene videos that they're producing. So I preached, you know, what they wanted me to preach in that sense, I preached against the videos I preached about fornication adultery, tattoos I was kind of just a theme of making decisions that permanently affect your life. Are committing fornication and they're even so stupid that they would not only commit fornication but they would actually put a picture of that or a video of that online. Now fornication is when you have sex outside of marriage and the Bible tells us that any sex outside of marriage is a sin. It's fornication. God has called us to be pure. God has called us to be clean and to go to our wedding day pure and we should only be with that one person until death do us part. You know, I thank God that when I married my wife when I was 19 years old I married my wife and that was the first woman that I'd ever been with. I did not pay attention to that. The world glorifies sin. The world glorifies evil. And they're trying to deceive and they're trying to deceive even young people like you to go out and commit fornication and be so foolish as to put a picture or a video of something online. Now let me explain something to you. And then I just kind of brought it all back to the gospel. Right now, dear Jesus I know that I'm a sinner. I know I deserve hell. But I believe that you die on the cross for all of my sins. For all of my sins. And rose again. Please save me right now and give me eternal life. I'm only trusting you, Jesus. Amen. Alright, now if you meant that if you meant that and you believe on Jesus your Savior then the Bible says you're saved. Because the Bible says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God is risen from the dead thou shalt be saved. But here's the thing about that. When you believe on Jesus you're a child of God. God is your Father. You're his child. Now I have nine children at home. Yeah, I have nine children. This guy right here who's drinking the bottle right there that's my oldest son. But he has eight younger brothers and sisters. If my son disobeys me if he breaks the rules do you think I'm just going to look at my son and say that's okay son. Just do what you want to do. Is that what you think I'm going to do? No, if he breaks the rules he's going to be punished. But am I going to throw him out of the family and tell him you're not my son anymore? No, I'm not. It's the same way with God. Once you believe on Jesus Christ you're his son, you're his daughter you're his child. If you break God's rules he gives you a whooping. But that's going to happen in this life. That happens on this earth. But here's the good news. He's not going to throw you out of the family. He's not going to send you to hell. Once you've believed on him your sins are forgiven. But he will still spank you. He'll still whip you when you disobey in this life. And bad things will happen to you if you live a wicked life. If you go out and live a life of fornication if you get involved in either watching the videos or uploading the videos or sharing the videos God is going to punish you God is going to whip you and I guarantee you he's going to whip you a lot harder than I would whip my son. God can whip you harder than that. So you need to understand that whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth the Bible says and scourges every son whom he receives. So you don't want to be disciplined by God. You better obey God's commandments. Now obeying the commandments is not how you get into heaven. You get into heaven just by believing in Jesus. Okay, that's a free gift into heaven. But once you're God's child you can either be a good child and be blessed or you can be a bad child and get a constant whipping from God. And I don't know about you but I don't want God to constantly whip me in my life. I don't want God to spank me. I don't want God to chastise me. So I'm going to keep his commandments. I want to follow the Bible and follow his word. So it's very important that you understand that right now the way that you live your life right now at this age is going to determine how you live for the rest of your life. Because right now you're building habits and patterns and your personality is being developed. You need to decide right now that you're going to serve God. I'd already made a decision I want to live for the Lord. I already made a decision that I love the Bible I love church I love God I want to obey Jesus I want to keep his commandments. You have to start making those decisions right now at your age. If you want to live for him when you're my age you've got to start when you're your age and live for him. Now before we let you go today we want to give you all a very special gift. We have some Bible DVDs some Christian DVDs and we want to make sure that every single person gets one of these DVDs that we have for you. And the purpose of this DVD is to help you grow in faith and learn more about the Bible. Who's got a DVD player? Put up your hand if you have a DVD player or a computer or something. So I want you all everybody listen up I want you guys to decide right now that you're going to watch that DVD. I think it went pretty well. I think everyone out there, there was a huge round of applause at the end and you know even the teachers came up to us and won some DVDs at the end. Yeah they won one of each. Set them all up with one of each. Did you guys get any of the teachers saved? Yeah well we stayed back after and talked to like a group of the teachers and stuff and you know they were real receptive but they were still kind of hung up on like they thought that you could lose your salvation. There was and kind of well Shane and I were there talking to them you know they started you know getting distracted and stuff and there was only two left over. There was a teacher and then there was a student. The student was a seventh day Adventist and he had some you know he was like well if you keep sitting then that means you're not really saved and you got to have the works and we kind of debunked that. Did he ever get it? He got it at the end. You know we didn't pray or anything but by the end of the conversation me, Shane and those two people were like the only two people left and then the lady that was there she got it too so we're not really going to count them but I mean here's the thing people I mean we when we say we had 73 people saved I mean that's people that we personally talked to one on one and they gave us a clear answer that they understood it and they were answering the questions right and they knew for sure. I mean there were a lot of maybes out there today because you know we give the gospel to like I started talking to four people and then next thing I know there's just ten other people just surrounding me but I you know I only counted the four that I was actually interacting with start to finish. Hundreds and hundreds of other people heard the gospel and scores of maybes but you know just 73 that we were dealt with one on one let alone you know 500 some students they're all raising their hands to receive Christ we don't know their hearts we don't know those but 73 for sure I mean that's that's amazing tomorrow's a big day I mean yeah tomorrow tomorrow we're scheduled to preach in four schools tomorrow all day today going into these high schools every single person that I walked up to and asked them do you know for sure if you died today you go to heaven and you know what do you think a person has to do to get into heaven no one gave me the right answer beforehand so I'm telling you these people out here are lost you know and they may be some kind of Christian denomination you know there's a lot of just Pentecostal 70 Adventist Catholic Baptist Protestant whatever I'm telling you out of all the teenagers I talked to today every single one of them was not saved until we preached the gospel now I know some of the other guys ran into some that were already saved but I'm telling you the vast majority down here are lost but they will get saved if you give them the gospel so you know our goal is to preach in 111 schools in the next two years down here and just reach an entire generation with the gospel so this place is white in the harvest it's awesome so alright God bless you and we'll keep you updated