(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You are watching Roman's Road. He comes to the conclusion, how am I going to escape this flesh that's got me captive, that I keep, you know, failing with? Jesus. Once we finally die and we get our new body. That's how you're going to succeed over sin, the new body, all right? And every second, every moment of your life is a fight. The flesh is at war with the spirit. The flesh is saying, you know what? Give in to all the luxury and the pleasure and the fornication and the adultery and just satisfy the eyes and just satisfy the ears and just, I just want more and more and more. And it's going to war against that spirit. It's going to say, don't go to church, don't read the Bible, don't sing praises, don't pray to God. It's going to be a constant battle and a struggle and a fight. That's why we need to constantly crucify the prophet. Because when you get out of the battle, stop fighting. Stop what you're putting. If I just go home and I just start watching TV, listen to local music, I'm going to get out of the fight. I'm going to become so carnal and so worldly and not serving God. And I'm going to struggle with sin way more than I ever imagined. And sin will take you further than you want to go. Whenever you sin, whenever you struggle with something, whenever you fail, you know what the best thing to do is? To immediately get back on the horse. Immediately get into prayer. Immediately open your Bible. Go back to church. Sing praises unto God. Just immediately say, you know what? I'm going down a valid path. I need to immediately make the horse pray. I need to immediately say, why? Because the further you get away, the harder it's going to get. The more difficult it is. And in fact, oftentimes when you sin, every single ounce of your body doesn't want to do anything spiritual. There's these flashes of control, flashes of drivership. So sometimes you've got to quit. You know what? Nope. I'm going to open up my eyes. Nope. I'm going to read the word of God. Nope. I'm going to memorize a scripture that's going to help me with this struggle of sin. Why? Because if you don't keep fighting, you're just going to fail. But you know what the just man does? He keeps rising up. He just keeps going back to the word of God. He just keeps striving and keeps pressing towards the mark of God. We're all going to struggle. We're all going to fail. We're all going to have things that we hate about ourselves. We're all going to have sin in our life. You know what separates the just from the unjust? The one that keeps fighting. The one that keeps getting back up.