(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's super receptive here, especially in comparison to the United States. Coming here to the Philippines for the first time, I really feel like the Queen of Sheba. The half was not yet told me just how wonderful it is. In Sacramento, California at least, usually you go out soloing and a lot of times there's a week or two where you don't see anybody saved. You might see someone saved like every other week or maybe every three weeks or so, where here you can basically count on getting somebody saved every time you go out. And you know, some of these young guys that are going out for a lot of hours, they're getting multiple people saved, but if you go out for two, three hours, you can count on one or two salvations, just everyone's super friendly and this is just a very receptive area. Super receptive in the Philippines, everyone wants to hear the gospel. The soul winning is unlimited here, it just depends how much work you want to put out. The Philippines compared to America as far as reception is, it's probably a hundred times better here because I don't know, people here have a respect for the Word of God and if you just show them the Word of God, what it takes to be saved, you know, it's really easy for them to accept that and most people here are Catholic, so they already believe in Jesus as God, they believe in the Trinity, they believe in the virgin birth, so all you really have to show them is that it's not a worse and that it's eternal life. And you can preach to big groups here, you can get big groups, lots of people save in a short amount of time, so that's far more accepting than a part of it. Compared with South Korea, South Korean people are very not like the Philippines, when I talk to them, they are like rejecting people easily, because mostly people do soul winning in Korea, they are like mostly hip heresies, Jehovah's witness, so people are very afraid of like, we are kind of demons, so I was quite impressed that when I talk to the Philippines people, they are very open and they want to listen to us, so that's quite different in Korea. Well I'm from the UK and in the UK it's pretty unreceptive, you have to go soul winning for about two hours, three hours, maybe four hours in the UK to get one salvation. So here it's way more receptive, I counted that on average it's about, in one hour you can get about two or three salvations, so it's way more receptive in the US. It's a very, really poor country and one bad thing that I don't like about the Philippines that really surprised me is that there's a lot of repolates in the Philippines, so I would say that that's the number one surprise for me. Yeah, how much race do you eat? We eat a lot of rice here, that's the surprise we get. The thing is like, the same question that came up in the first question, like I was very impressed when I listened to them, like they're like really want to know about, so it's very, yeah, interesting. You know what I found surprising of the Philippines is just how safe I feel, because you know I came here with my entire family, so me, my wife and our six children, and our children range from eleven years old to four months old, and you know I kind of, that's the one thing that I was a little worried about is, and obviously you have to keep an eye on them and keep them, I'm not saying, you know you have to do your due diligence to make sure you always have them with you, but you know it's not super scary, I felt safe everywhere I went, as long as you have your kids with you and you keep them around you, it's been a great time, everybody's friendly, everybody's nice, and even at several restaurants and things I've like overpaid, and the people gave me back the money or whatever, you know like I found it very safe and very honest place, that's kind of surprising to me. There's a lot of black spots in the Philippines, there's a lot of homeless, which the first time I came here, I didn't see as much, but being here this time, you see them everywhere, and they're even in the little, with the smaller children too, in schools they're everywhere, and you know it's really surprising, it's a shock, but we just need to get these people before they become a work group, and there's a lot of work to do here in the Philippines as well. Advice, in the Philippines, the weather is pretty hot in humans, so prepare a lot of summer clothes, and get yourself a bug spray, and you know after a bug bite, gel, things like that, but other than that, Philippine is open to, I think it's very open borders to people who live here, because people are very friendly, and they like to talk to foreigners, they like to talk to strangers, and they will help people, so I strongly advise anybody out there who wants to in Seoul, wants to do great things for God, contemplate on moving to the Philippines, because the harvest is private, the harvest is plenty, and the people are ready to be saved, but laborers are very few, so if you're thinking about this, just decide right now, make your decision, sell your house, air your car, and move to the Philippines. I just prepared for hot weather, maybe bring some sunscreen, but just be prepared to win a lot of songs, and learn a lot, and grow a lot as a Christian. If you're contemplating moving here, I would definitely advise that you learn some of the language, the Tagalog, so you know, and even if you're coming for a mission trip, it might be a good idea to just learn some of the words, for me it's nice, because a lot of the words are, I'm fluent in Spanish, so a lot of their words are similar to the Spanish words, so like hell in Spanish is infierno, where in Tagalog it's infierno, so it's very close, so that's helped a little bit, and I would just encourage you to maybe learn a little bit, especially if you're moving here though, like learn the language, even though like in Manila, virtually everybody speaks English, but it does help to have a little bit of that language background. If you have a heart for the Philippines, I think you should just, you know, I think you should just make the move, because in the Philippines, you know, it's cheap to live off of, it's, you know, it's definitely not as much as in America, so you can live off of less, for a cheaper amount of money, and I know people are always thinking about the money, and you know, a job, but I believe God will bless you, if you move out of faith, you know, it does take a lot of faith to do that, move to another country, but you know, there's a great work, we need all the people that we can, the more labors the better, so. What is the future of the new IV here in the Philippines? Oh man, the future of the new IV here in the Philippines, I mean, this is probably going to become the hotbed of fundamentalism, in my opinion, with brother Stuckey here, pastor Robertson, brother Saenz, just the people here have been so excited, and they're so zealous, I mean, I believe that in the next 10, 15, 20 years, there's going to be so many evangelists here, church plants, all over the Philippines, not just in Manila, not just in Davao or Cebu, but the entire country, I think we're just going to take over, and it's going to be great. I believe the churches will, I believe more churches will be popping up in the Philippines just because there's so many opportunities for many churches here, and I believe the churches will grow, I believe we already reached so many people here, and I believe, you know, it's just a matter of time before we get more soul winners, more people coming to church, more people getting baptized, and I think God bless the Philippines because of it, because they're so receptive to the gospel, and I think it's going to be a great life here. Well, it's growing, right? It's growing, man, so I think just in the, it's growing really fast, so I think a lot of missionaries are coming here, so I think there's a great future for the new IV in the Philippines. I think this is just the beginning, I think lots of new IV churches will pop up because the church begets church, so I think these great churches, they'll send people out and there'll be churches all over the Philippines hopefully. You know, every time I come on this trip to the Philippines, I've been here twice now, every time I go back home, I always miss it, I always miss coming here, so, you know, I might be here later in the future at some point, and if you're a single guy, you know, coming here to the Philippines, it's easy to find a wife, they're all really receptive, they get saved, and you just show up from the Bible and they'll believe it, so, but on a serious note, someone here, it'll give you a new joy for putting souls in, it's just, it's real experience that you have to come for yourself to see, so many people talk about it, so many people say things about it, but you just need to come on a trip out here at some point and make plans to do this. If you consider to come to the Philippines, just do it. Well, thank you for very much this church to have this mission trip, and this was my second mission trip to the Philippines, and it truly, truly made us to be better soul winners, so we're so grateful for that. The Philippines, I love it, I really enjoyed my time here, and I would just encourage you, if you're looking for a mission trip, if you're looking for somewhere to travel to do soul winning, and have a good time, have a little bit of a vacation, you definitely want to check out the Philippines, it's a great place to be. I love the Philippines. Amen.