(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) saying let's go soul winning you know what you've done it to these years let's go soul winning let's go soul winning let's go soul winning let's go soul winning we built the greatest churches on the face of this earth no generation has ever seen the mighty great soul winning churches were built in this land this church right here is one of them and yet when we got up to a certain size we got impressed with ourselves you know we've gotten too much away from just knocking on doors I'm not gonna be unkind I'm not gonna be mean I'm not gonna call it names I have no tab drawers don't say something most of us preachers will be a lot better off if we take about 75% of the time we're spending trying to get Joe doe elected dogcatcher and go soul winning at that time I'll say something else too there are preachers here who built your churches on soul winning and then you started schools and your schools have sapped your solid and I want to say this idea I'm gonna sit hand up several dog in this county listening if I had to choose today between the soul winning program of First Baptist Church Hammond and close the school or keep the school open and damp in the soul winning I've closed the doors of coils Anderson College I've closed the doors of Hammond Baptist High School I close the doors of City Baptist High School I'd close the doors of Hammond Baptist Junior High School I've closed the doors of heaven Baptist grade school I closed the doors of Hamon Baptist Senior grade school listen we had better get back to the doorstep we know that'll work we know it'll work Amen.