(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right well we're in Galatians chapter three tonight and I've been preaching a series and I've been preaching it on Sunday mornings but I'm gonna finish I'm not gonna finish it but I do want to preach part three of this series and the series is about wrong views about God so we've been going through this series and some people have a wrong view about God's judgment and that was the first in the series but tonight I'm gonna be preaching about not everyone is God's child not everybody is God's child and I kind of briefly brought it up in one of my sermons but I want to really just take the whole service to talk about this doctrine and so our first I want to focus on tonight is in Galatians chapter 3 verse number 26 where the Bible says for year all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord for this wonderful day we thank you for Lord the people that got saved today we thank you Lord for the people who come on a Sunday night to hear your words Lord pray you'd help me to be bold and Lord to preach the truth and Lord that you fill me with the Holy Spirit now as I begin to preach in Jesus name we pray amen all right so why am I preaching this why am I dedicating a whole sermon to this topic well because there's a group of people that like to go around and knock on people's doors also and they're they're called the LDS latter-day Satan I mean yeah that's what it's called right latter-day that's what we call it but the latter-day Saints supposedly they like to knock on doors they like to dress up in shirts and ties and go and knock on people's doors and give them a false gospel but one of the things that they believe and one of the things that they tell people one of the things that sticks with people that don't even believe that the Mormon's doctrine is people will say well we're all children of God right wrong we're not all children of God some people are not children of God some people are children of the devil some people are children of this world but not everybody's God's child and so it's a false doctrine and look it can affect deeply people how many times has anybody heard someone say we're all God's children aren't we lots of people have heard that you know why where it comes from it comes from this Mormon straight out of hell wannabe Church wannabe Latter-day Saints hey we're the Latter-day Saints they're not Latter-day Saints they're going around preaching a false gospel trying to send people to hell and you know what they're really good at what they do because a lot of times when you go and talk to a Mormon 99.9% of the time they're not getting saved even little children get sucked into their doctrine early and they are definitely a reprobate making machine over at those churches and so I want to you know a lot of people think that they're everybody's God's children because of the Mormons because you know they might not become a Mormon themselves but they might take this doctrine and believe it because a lot of people think that any religion will get you to heaven too that's what I'm gonna be preaching about next time but tonight I want to focus on just the fact that not everybody's God's child and hey when you're out knocking on doors you're gonna run into this are you able to counterbalance it are you able to show them and and be confident right and what you believe and just show them where the Bible says something different can you go to the scriptures can you prove it to people I hope so but if not just take some notes maybe in the back of your Bible you could just write down a couple of these verses for sure well we'll be able to shut them down now are you able to change your mind maybe not because a lot of them are just like glazed over right the burning in their bosom told them the truth right that's what we heard about this morning and hey I've heard a lot of people say that the burning my bosom told me that and they look zombified when they say it it's really creepy but anyway I want to show you from their own website what they teach the Mormons and this isn't just about Mormons I'm not the whole sermons not about that the whole sermons about what's what's the truth about this doctrine so Mormons on from their own website I got this from their website says excuse me God is not only our ruler and creator now this is from their website okay we don't believe this he is also our Heavenly Father all men and women are literally the sons and daughters of God is that true they're saying literally well my dad's name is Dave okay my mom's name is autumn all right I'm not literally the son of God okay so that's false doctrine right there off the bat but it says man as a spirit has begotten and born of heavenly parents and reared to maturity in the eternal mansions of the Father prior to coming upon the earth in a temporal physical body so what are they teaching here they're teaching that we used to have a life somewhere in heaven and then we became spirit babies and if you're a good spirit baby you have white skin you're a bad spirit baby you have black skin that's what they used to teach now they don't teach that anymore but I guarantee a lot of them still believe that and so if I was a person that wasn't a white person I'd be upset I don't understand how they get all these people to convert that are you know brown skin whatever people that are not totally white because they teach in the Book of Mormon that the wider your skin the more holy you are now I know for a fact that that's not true with just some of the people in this room but anyway I'm just kidding but here's what else they say they say every person who was ever born on earth is our spirit brother or sister is that true no it's absolutely garbage and it says because we are the spirit children of God we have inherited the potential to develop his divine qualities and that's basically saying you know that's their their cover mode for saying that we can be gods of our own planet some days all right and that's what they that's what they teach like Jehovah's just one of the millions of gods that has his own planet we're just happen to be spirit babies of Jehovah God right that's what they believe so they're absolutely crazy their doctrine is absolutely nuts they're not cases they're not normal they're not normal teaching they're like so far off planet earth it's not even they believe that Jehovah lives on the star base called Kolov they actually have a song called was it called fly to Kolov oh what is it yeah I think Remy knows the song by heart and that's scares me but anyway but it says because we're the spirit children of God we have inherited the potential to develop his divine qualities through the atonement of Jesus Christ we can become like our Heavenly Father and receive a fullness of joy pre mortality so this is what pre mortality to them this is what they believe refers to our life before we were born on the earth in our pre-earth life we lived in the presence of our Heavenly Father as spirit children we did not have a physical body so basically they're teaching that we were like angels before right because angels are spirits right it says in this pre-mortal existence we attended a council with Heavenly Father's other spirit children at the council Heavenly Father presented his great plan of happiness what in the world what the great his great plan of happiness you know that what you wonder where people get this love love love and stuff this is the Mormons are part of this whole thing the plan of happiness and they say it's in see Abraham 3 22 through 26 well my Bible doesn't have the book of Abraham ok you know what that is is the book of hell the Joseph Smith version of the Bible and Abraham has nothing to do with it I guarantee you that so it says in harmony with the plan of happiness the pre-mortal Jesus Christ the pre-mortal Jesus Christ I don't believe in a pre-mortal Jesus Christ I believe that Jesus has always been he's always existed he's God manifest in the flesh but he's not pre-mortal that he was always he was always immortal the pre-mortal Jesus Christ the firstborn son of the father in the spirit so is that the only begotten son or the firstborn son see you see what they're teaching there it's it's junk it's garbage it's false doctrine they're saying that Jesus Christ is just the firstborn no he's the only begotten of the father there's a big difference there it says covenanted to be the Savior see Moses 4 2 you guys have Moses 4 2 in your Bibles as I don't I've never seen that before or Abraham 3 27 you guys heard that one no those who followed Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ were permitted to come to earth to experience mortality and progress toward eternal life see it's a it's a progression you ask a Mormon if they're saved they'll say oh yeah we are but then they'll say it's a process they don't really know they just say that they'll just sit there and lie to your face and let you just give them the gospel and then and those have their stupid smile on their face and then they'll just say I don't believe anything you just said even after trying to agree with you it's really frustrating like when I knock on a Mormon's door I'm seriously ready to just turn around and walk away as soon as like I know that I have to do I have to preach the gospel to everybody but it's really hard for me to preach the gospel to someone that's just gonna sit there and lie on my face and just reject it after I just spend all my time and that the probably the person next door is about to get saved but here's what they say about Lucifer Lucifer another spirit son of God rebelled against the plan and sought to destroy the agency of man Moses 4 3 he became Satan and he and his followers were cast out of heaven and denied the privileges of receiving a physical body and experiencing mortality so that's what they say why Satan rebelled because everybody wanted to follow Jehovah and the Son of God his his firstborn son Jesus's plan and then Satan didn't want to follow the plan just watch the Mormon cartoon the band Mormon cartoon it's like a seven or eight minute YouTube video it explains exactly the foolishness of all of Mormonism and they do a good job of explaining it in like seven or eight minutes so but anyway so they say that in Moses 4 4 in Abraham 3 27 and 28 those books don't exist those books are straight out of hell they're not scripture so this is what we're up against this is the foolishness that they believe and look you might think it's not a very big deal about this doctrine but it is a big deal because if everybody thinks that they are children of God guess what they also think that they're going to heaven because if everybody is a child of God then why are we going to heaven they're calling Satan a son a spirit son of God no he's a demon he's the devil he's he was a fallen angel but he's never been a mortal man like they're putting us on par with Jesus Christ by saying that he because his plan was better and he was the firstborn son that he you know the work but isn't it basically saying that we all have the choice that we since we followed that plan that are in our pre-existence which look when a woman gets pregnant that's when your existence begins in the womb there's no pre-existence you're made a living soul and you're made to be formed by God in the womb and when you're born and you take your first breath that's when your life begins you know your life outside of the womb anyway I believe all children are alive at conception obviously but do you see how that false doctrine can just mess people up and they look more than Mormons believe it and that's a good reason to preach against this falseness because hey you got to be able to battle people at the door you got to be able to give an answer to everyone that asketh right so I mean this this is a false doctrine that can cause major problems and false doctrine begets false doctrine doesn't it if you're off on one doctrine like the pre-trib rapture then you can be off on Israel and you're gonna be off on a lot of different things so this isn't just a you know some minor disagreement this is a big deal and so one false doctrine can make all your doctrine go wrong and the doctrine of everyone being God's children is rank heresy it really is it's a it's a bigger deal than people would give it credit for so turn to John chapter 1 verse 12 and I'll give you another verse to prop up this doctrine so John 1 12 I'll give you a second to turn there John 1 12 says but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name now a lot of us use that verse out so many so what gives them the power who gives them the power to become the sons of God who gives them power yeah and so it says to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that what believe on his name so what do you have to do you have to be a person of faith to be a child of God that's what Galatians 3 26 says and you also have to be it says it backs it up here to them that believe on his name hey if you receive Christ guess what you believed on his name and you are a child of God at that point but you know who isn't people that don't believe people that hate God are not children of God that's ridiculous so being a child of God is a spiritual thing you know we become a spiritual child of God but physically our parents are our there are parents God didn't you know they're they believe that God just sits up on Kolov having spirit babies continually and then you're one of his spirit babies no you don't become a spirit baby until you're born again right by believing on Jesus Christ then yes you truly are a spirit baby your spirit baby in Christ amen so then you got to learn you got to read the Bible and all that stuff and then you become a toddler you know it takes some time to be a full-grown adult but we are one you're born again aren't you isn't anybody born aren't they a baby so but we progress differently physically than we do spiritually sometimes you can stay a baby for the rest of your life as a spirit baby right if you never read the Bible you never go to church you never do any of these things you're gonna remain a spirit baby forever you know and when you get to heaven you might grow up a little bit but people that don't fall after Christ they can stay babies for a long time you can also revert to baby because it says your baby's in Christ you need to be taught again the first principles so you could be a teenager that all sudden you revert back to baby see we as human beings physically we're gonna grow no matter what as long as you eat food and drink water and stuff like that right but as spiritual people we don't necessarily grow that way but I believe in I'm a spirit I was a spirit baby one time and now I'm full-grown hopefully I think I'm full-grown anyway well grown in both ways but anyway so let's turn to John chapter 3 verse 3 and we'll see this doctrine of being born again John chapter 3 verse 3 the Bible says this Jesus answered and said unto them unto him this is after Nicodemus comes to him at night says verily verily I say unto thee except the man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus saith unto him how can a man be born when he's old can he enter the second time in his mother's womb and be born Jesus answered verily verily I say unto thee except the man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit do you see the difference so what they're teaching what the Mormons are teaching is that you're spirit baby first and then you're a spirit baby you had some life that you live that you can't remember here on earth you see how that's total trash and total garbage that's not what the Bible teaches at all and so you should be able to debunk it with Galatians chapter 3 verse 26 John chapter 1 verse 12 and in John chapter 1 verse 13 it says which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God you're when you're born again you're born of God then you become the spirit baby it's not the other way around so let's look down you're still in John chapter 3 so it says that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit of spirit marvel not that I say unto thee you must be born again the wind bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and whether it goeth so is everyone that is born of the Spirit see you're born of the Spirit in this life you know wasn't the other way around so let's do a quick word study on the sons of God also because people get this messed up too they say well the angels are the Son of God the sons of God no that's not true if you do a word study on just type just type in sons of God you're gonna come up with already some of these verses but turn to Genesis chapter 6 verse 2 it's the first time the terms ever used and I know I've I preached a sermon not too long ago about the the garbage of the Nephilim and stuff like that but I'm just talking about who are the sons of God they're not angels you know I know the Mormons want us to believe that but we're not we were not never have been angels you know if you're if you're saying we're an angel as in we're a messenger sometimes because angels means messengers and I think that that sometimes that it is a man that it's talking about but when you're talking about the sons of God that's never about angels look at Genesis chapter 6 verse 2 it says that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all they chose now drop down to verse number four and there were giants in the earth in those days and after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men which are of old men of renown so people take these these verses right here and they try to make a doctrine called the Nephilim doctrine where they think that giants were born because some demon came and had husband-wife relations with a human person okay first of all everything brings forth after its own kind so that can't be true and so what are they what are we talking about well what are the sons of God anybody that believes and is saved that's what the Bible teaches from Genesis to Revelation turn to Job chapter 1 verse number 6 Job chapter 1 verse number 6 job 1 6 says now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them now people will say well that's angels to Pastor Thompson no that's the sons of God see people have died for the last 6,000 years and guess what they're in the presence of God to be absent from the Lord is to be present or to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord the Bible teaches so there are people in heaven that are saved and they also present themselves before God and Satan can also come and present himself before God but why would you automatically think that that's an angel just because it says sons of God because as you go through this word study you're gonna find that it means the same thing every time it's talking about the same thing every time it's talking about people that are saved Job chapter 2 verse 1 but what it says there it says again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord so there's another appearance of the word sons of God and it's still talking about the same thing it's talking about people that are saved because look God's not gonna make things confusing for us if he says sons of God in Genesis 6 2 and 6 4 Job chapter 1 verse 6 Job chapter 2 verse 1 then you go to Job 38 verse 7 go ahead and go over there to Job 38 verse 7 says where the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy and that's talking about when the cornerstone was laid now look God views things differently than we do I believe that that's talking about people that saw the Lord Jesus Christ the chief cornerstone being laid and they shouted for joy because why would it be so are you trying to tell me that it's talking about angels at first and then when you get the Romans chapter 8 or John chapter 1 12 or Genesis or a Galatians chapter 3 verse 26 that now all of a sudden is talking about human beings what is Jesus is Jesus an angel no he's not an angel he's a man he was a man he was born as a man he was a son of man he's a son of God so when Jesus Jesus is the son of God human being and also God but when human beings get saved they receive Christ and they become sons of God and when women get saved guess what they're called daughters of God so and I'll show you that here but look at Romans chapter 8 verse 14 because we've already looked at John chapter 1 verse 12 we've already looked at Galatians chapter 3 verse 26 let's look at Romans chapter 8 verse 14 so I've showed you from the Old Testament where it calls people that are saved the sons of God you're like Pastor Thompson I'm not really sure if I believe that or not so what God's just gonna change the definition of the New Testament is that was that we're trying to say that Jesus Christ is an angel is that we're trying to say no Jesus Christ is the Son of God now look at Romans chapter 8 verse 14 says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God who's led by the Spirit of God saved Christians are led by the Spirit of God and they're called the sons of God look at verse 19 it says for the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God so now I'll turn to Philippians chapter 2 verse 15 Philippians chapter 2 verse 15 Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians alright Galatians or I mean Philippians chapter 2 verse 15 says that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse generate our nation among whom he shine as lights in the world is that talking about angels so what all the sudden it's angels now come on it's gonna it means the same thing as it did in Genesis chapter 6 verse 2 it means the same thing in Philippians chapter 2 verse 15 are you following what I'm saying because look if God's just not gonna change the definition all right so we have those instances and just I mean just doing a word study sometimes helps you to understand what God's trying to tell you and God's trying to tell you that from the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible the sons of God are people that are saved now so whenever the people the Bible is talking about sons of God it's talking about save people right so and that's what I believe and that's what the Bible that's what I believe but hopefully you believe the same thing hopefully don't believe this stupid Nephilim doctrine which is just made up you know 450 foot tall Giants are you kidding me you know if you go on the internet you're gonna find pictures of 450 foot tall Giants but guess what if you believe that they're real you're an idiot so just saying that those are doctored pictures all right they're not real kids don't say idiot all right anyway so don't let anybody tell you any different it's garbage there's lots of YouTube videos you can watch about the Nephilim and I'm not preaching about the Nephilim necessarily but look the terms still mean the same thing from the Old Testament and the New Testament it's like people saying that hell means grave in Acts chapter 2 it's kind of like that people like to change what they want to suit what they believe and so when we say that Jesus Christ's soul was left in hell or not left in hell in Acts chapter 2 because that's what the Bible actually says people go no that's the grave don't they is that what they say and you're like I can't believe you'd say Jesus's soul went to hell no the Bible says Jesus's soul was not left in hell but they like to change the meanings we were talking about this the other night and so you know basically what are you saying when you say that Jesus's soul it just it just that hell means the grave so when Jesus died he was put into a tomb they rolled the stone over the covering and but you know it's really funny because Jesus said I'm not gonna give you a sign but the sign of the Prophet Jonas for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall also the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth okay is that like just barely underground in a little cave no no it's not so they're trying to take a Bible word and change the definition of it and people try to do the same thing with the sons of God so basically what they're saying is that Jesus was in the heart of the earth but that's the grave okay well that doesn't make sense does it that if that you understand what I'm saying the Bible says that Jesus so went to hell he said he's gonna be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth okay if the earth is round just so everybody knows and it's a globe okay and inside of it is a place of lava and fire that's the heart of the earth that's the center of the earth that's where hell is and that's where Jesus said that he was going for three days and three nights and yes his body was in the grave but last time I checked once you die your body is separated from your soul and your spirit and so where did the Bible say that Jesus is so when the hell it wasn't left there so look do you see how people will try to change the terms on you like that get out of here with that garbage why don't you read your Bible for once and just believe what it says and quit trying to make up these Greek words that you don't even understand so anyway let me move on from that I wasn't I preached that sermon a few weeks ago but this irritates me so badly when people just won't believe what the book says just believe what the Bible says get your act together people I'm not talking about you people I'm talking about other people the one teaches trash so his soul went to hell for three days and three nights yeah you know the thing is I don't understand why people get so upset about it it didn't stay there it rose from the grave up from the grave he arose amen and so his soul and spirit went back into his body and he rose triumphantly the stone was rolled away he went up to heaven for whatever 40 days later or 50 days later and he's waiting on the right hand of God the father to come back and he's still there so why are you so upset because he went to hell for three days and three nights hey if he didn't go what I mean there was a purpose for him his soul going to hell for three days three nights wasn't there it's finished I'm not mocking Jesus saying that I'm mocking when people say it is finished that's what he said all right well did he raise from the grave yet wasn't finished then his works on earth were finished I already proved that I'm done I gotta I gotta quit turn to Matthew chapter 5 verse 33 but the reason why I was sure I was explaining I was explaining that people like to to make their own terms and make the Bible say what they want it to say okay and they'll do that with the sons of God and they'll calm the Nephilim but Jesus Christ is not an angel it's very clear from Hebrews chapter 1 that Jesus Christ was never called an angel and we've never been angels either and well guess what when we die we don't go up to heaven and become angels either that's another false doctrine that people like to push well they're up there in heaven and they're an angel now no they're not they're still human the angels certainly there are ministers of those that will inherit everlasting life okay they are God they are different than we are their spirits and we're God's spirit babies when we get born again but anyway all right Matthew 5 verse 33 it says but the woman fearing and the but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him this is the woman that gets healed by touching the hem of Jesus's garment it says and told him all the truth because Jesus was like who touched my garment right so Jesus this woman touches the hem of Jesus's garment when he's going to heal somebody else and he's like who touched me you know like everybody's thronging around him is like who touched me you know and they're like there's all these people around Lord why are you asking who touched you I'm a lot of people touched you but this woman touched him touched his garment by faith thinking that if she touched the hem of his garment that he would be healed or she'd be healed and she was so look what it says so so she fell down before him and told him all the truth verse 34 it says and he said unto her daughter thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace and be whole of thy plague so why did he call her daughter well brother Chad was preaching earlier about you know that she was a daughter of Abraham remember those verses he turned to it was a Luke 11 was it Luke 11 yeah so in Mark chapter 5 it's the same story okay it's just a total a little bit differently it's a different witness but he called her a daughter and in Luke chapter 11 if you remember the sermon from this morning he said she's a daughter of Abraham so if you're a daughter of Abraham you've believed by faith also because if we were paying attention in the Bible reading look in a Galatians chapter 3 it explains that also that if you're a child of Abraham then you're a child of faith right so Jesus says to her daughter thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace and behold thy plague so what was my point of saying this well if you're saved you're a daughter of God right and so I went all I went all out with the sons of God but there's daughters of God too right now I can show you tons of verses about that but further proof that this is a false doctrine saying everyone is a child of God will turn to John chapter 8 because see there's different classifications of children in this world and guess what not all of them are good and Satan is not a spirit son of God he's a he's straight he's going straight to hell hey and last time I checked if you're going if you're a son or daughter of God you're going to heaven when you die it's an eternal place that you're going to we're already there right now because God doesn't operate in our time frame we're here right now in the now but guess what we are in heavenly places also the Bible teaches John chapter 8 verse 39 says and they answered and said unto him Abraham is our father so Jesus said if and Paul said that if Abraham is our father then we're children of faith right but here the Pharisees are sitting here saying that they answered him Abraham is our father Jesus saith unto him if you were Abraham's children you would do the works of Abraham but now you seek to kill me a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God this did not Abraham he do the deeds of your father then said they to him we be not born of fornication we have one father even God Jesus said unto them if God were your father you would love me for I proceed proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of myself but he sent me why do you not understand my speech even because you cannot hear my word hear of your father the devil and the lust of your father ye will do so who's he calling the what's he calling the Pharisees children of the devil all right so if you're of your father the devil you can't understand my speech you can't understand my words why because you're a child of the devil and so people that are children of the devil we've run across some soul winning all the time we just maybe not realize it maybe we don't know for sure but you know when someone just gives you that look like they hate your guts like this and they go slam the door in your face I mean it's a good chance that they're probably one of these guys but Jesus said that there's different types of children he said you're of your father the devil so look what you can't be like brother Chad was talking about this this morning he was talking about how this pastor would say you're children of the devil no your dogs no no you're not anybody says that that's a really weird thing for someone to say that you're just calling up your congregation dogs you're calling your congregation children of the devil I'm not a child of the devil I'm a child of the king so look at what he says he says he was a murderer from the beginning abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speak at the lie he's speaking of his own for he is a liar and the father of it and because I tell you the truth you believe me believe not me not excuse me which of your which of you convinced of me of sin and I say the truth why do you not believe me why didn't they believe Jesus well it says in verse 47 he that is of God here with God's words you therefore hear them not because you're not of God see there's other children in this world that are not of God and guess what that means guess what it means not everybody is a child of God okay so not everybody's a child of God some people are children of the devil now that doesn't mean everybody that's unsaved is a child of the devil it just means that there are some people that are children of the devil you know and then I'm gonna get into the other category here in just a minute but also in the Old Testament would call people would be called the sons of Belial and we know this doctrine but let's look at the sons of Belial let's look at 1st Samuel chapter 25 verse 17 1st Samuel 25 verse 17 the Bible says now therefore no one consider that thou what thou will do for evil is determined against our master and against all his household for he is such a son of Belial that a man cannot speak to him so just what I was talking about when you go to the door sometimes and someone you can't even talk to people you can't even reason with them because there's such a son of Belial they want nothing to do with you who was it that was telling me earlier about they were trying to give the gospel and the dad kicked him out was that you was telling me that story I don't know who was telling me this story yeah so they were trying to give the gospel to a 20 year old man who lived with with his parents and so he came down and said you know go off the property if you're gonna talk about this stuff and then he comes out and and the dad just comes out and he starts smashing something with a hammer so they can't hear and then they come over he goes is this what you're you know your religion teaches that you know you're supposed to obey your parents and here you are coming and doing the opposite so what does that guy trying to do he's trying to be he's a son of Belial he's trying to make sure his son doesn't get saved and then he trying to use something from the Bible to to make it seem like we're doing something wrong no we're preaching the gospel we're trying to get people saved but there's people out here like this that'll smash a hammer hey I had someone three quarters of the way saved today they believed everything the guy was just like I saw him in the parking lot earlier when brother Chad was getting somebody saved I saw him I was like he rolled his window down so he could hear what we're talking about and so we eventually knock on his door and then I'm like right ready to land the plane with this guy and all of a sudden you hear the door lock his wife locked him at her wife or girlfriend or whatever she was locked him out of the apartment because he was hearing the gospel and like he's then it just totally changes everything that's going on he's knocking on the door aren't you then she starts yelling at him and it was over I just said hey just watch this video you know I mean but you know the devil wants to come and snatch that seed that you're trying to sow in people's hearts and he wants to come immediately and take that seed out of their hearts and that's what sons of Belial do there's other people that are not of God so look the doctrine of saying that everybody is God's children is not true because there's people out there that work for the devil they're called the sons of Belial they're called children of the devil turn to Judges chapter 19 verse number 22 Judges chapter 19 and verse number 22 judges 19 verse number 22 the Bible says now as they were making their hearts merry behold the men of the city certain sons of Belial are they sons of God does it say sons of God right there does it say sons of Belial and Belial is Baal Baal you can say it like that the you know the and that they accused Jesus the Pharisees accused Jesus of being Baal or you know that he had the spirit of the devil working inside him so anyway it says beset the house round about and beat at the door and spake to the master of the house the old man saying bring forth the man that came into thine house that we may know him and we know that these guys are queers right and guess what else they are they're certain sons of Belial and so you know look the Bible is true over and over you people can get mad about this all they want because it's 2020 and we got a bunch of weirdos around us and we have to put up with looking at their stinking faces every time they go to someplace they work and and serve us food with their purple hair and all their stuff and their tackle box and their face and all that stuff sick of it doesn't it I mean look I grew up in the 80s not everybody looked like that when I was growing up not everybody looked like that in the 90s either but now you can't go anywhere you can't swing a dead cat without running into one of them seriously makes me sick I'll tell you what their children of Belial their sons of Belial they're not sons of God look if you believe the Bible tonight what's it say they are their sons of the devil their sons of Belial now turn to 1st Samuel chapter 2 verse number 12 I don't want to go off on a mega rant on that but I'm sitting what I took Justin to mod pizza yesterday and like every single person there was like they had a rainbow shirt on or hooks on their faces or like a bolt the bowl thing that you can leave people with purple and pink and all this looks like someone whipped them with a few packs of kool-aid or whatever and those are the people that are serving our food like I hope they wash their hands but I thought well maybe out in the further distances of Vancouver it wouldn't be so bad but nope just the same as the one up here you know and any place you go to now it's almost like that it's like they're taking over every industry that we have to look at their faces at oh yeah I pray for your food that it won't be a anyway sorry if you're hungry right now it's gonna ruin your appetite but anyhow okay first Samuel chapter 2 verse 12 says now the sons of Eli were what sons of Belial they knew not the Lord is there any doubt that they don't know the Lord they don't know the Lord there's they're wicked people look and once you're a son of God guess what you're always a son of God if you're always if once you're a daughter of God you're always a daughter of God but guess what once you're a son of Belial you're also always a son of Belial you can't undo it it's over you've gone past the borders so they knew not the Lord now look at 2nd Samuel chapter 23 verse number 6 2nd Samuel 23 verse number 6 says but the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away someday that's gonna be the truth amen because they cannot be taken with hands so there's a hedge of thorns about them they can't be taken with hands the devil has it remember the devil is the god of this world and he has people in place in high powers in high places and apparently restaurants now and any municipality in the world the army the Navy the Air Force the Marines special privileges and that's just the way it is but anyway I mean look at 2nd 1st Kings chapter 21 verse 10 first Kings 21 verse 10 one day God's gonna just wipe them out but for now we have to deal with it set first Kings chapter 21 verse 10 the Bible says and set two men sons of Belial before him to bear witness against him saying thou didst blaspheme God and the king and then carry him out and stone him that he may die who's this talking about was this talking about when Jezebel got these false witnesses to kill to rise up and be false witnesses against the godly man that just wanted to keep his own vineyard and then it you know it what's his name Ahab was crying about it like a little wimp and then his his wife had to take care of business for him but she was a wicked person and so they took and killed Naboth they stoned him to death and saying that he blasphemed God it was to what sons of Belial and so look there's two different types of people so far that we've seen there's the sons of God and the daughters of God and there's the sons of the devil and the sons of Belial same same thing right there are also other types of sons and daughters turn to Luke chapter 16 verse number 8 Luke chapter 16 verse number 8 there's other types of sons and daughters all right in Luke chapter 16 verse 8 it's talking about it's the parable of the unjust steward but look at verse 8 it says and the Lord commended the unjust steward because he had done wisely for what the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light now it doesn't say the children of the devil it doesn't say the children of Belial it says the children of this world see not everybody is it's not one or the other it's not Calvinist Armenian all right there's also another category of children in this world they're the children of the world they're just the regular unsaved people okay but they're not children of God they're not children of the devil they're children of this world they just are unsaved and cuz someone turn that off all right just slide it all right so let's turn to so okay so we saw the children of the world are in their generation wiser than the children of light so the children of the world are not they're not children of Belial so look at first John chapter 3 verse 1 we'll look at another scripture about this first John chapter 3 verse number 1 gotta love it when I set my alarms for this time I don't know why I would set my alarm for 615 at night maybe it's time for me to done pre be done preaching that's the reason why I did it I don't know anyway you're like yep that's it but first John 3 1 says behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called what the sons of God God loves us and you know he's bestowed this love upon us and we should be called the sons of God amen therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is but what I wanted you to notice there in that in that verse it says therefore the world knoweth us not because it kneweth not him so we're called the sons of God but there's people in this world that are just sons of the world you know worldly people not everybody's a reprobate okay not everybody's a child of Belial most people I would say are just unsaved people but children of this world not children of God not children of the devil so also so well that'll throw you off okay so turn to Hebrews chapter 12 verse 5 I'm just being distracted tonight what's going on Hebrews chapter 12 verse 5 and so the bastard doctrine proves this doctrine false also so don't get all upset and offended bastard just means illegitimate child I'm just trying to shock you and to paying attention again so anyway Hebrews chapter 12 verse 5 says and he had forgotten there and he had forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth what every son whom he receiveth so hey guess what that means that some people aren't getting scourged right some people aren't getting chaste and why because they're not sons so now look at verse 7 says if you do are chasing God dealeth with you as with sons for what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not so what's God saying he's saying look if you're one of my sons you're gonna get chastened if you're one of my daughters you're gonna get chased and when you do wrong so what's that also mean that there's some people that are not sons they're bastards and they're not gonna get chastened because they're illegitimate because they're not really God's sons they're not really God's daughters they are bastards because it says it right there in verse 8 says but if you be without chastisement whereof all are partakers then are you what bastards and not sons so there's not everybody's God's children all right I think I pretty much have laid out the whole thing in this sermon look there's different types of people there's people that are sons and daughters of God there's also those that are sons of the devil and abelial same person there's also children that are just children of this world they're just unsaved people but guess what not everybody is a child of God again the danger of this doctrine is that it can make people think that everyone's saved that's the danger of it so look I mean it took me a long time to explain all this but guess what you have some scriptures you have some backup that you can go to hey I would take Hebrews chapter 12 put the write that down in your Bible Hebrews chapter 12 verse 5 through 8 so when you are explaining the gospel say hey not everybody you know if you're a son you can't just go out and live however you want and just expect God to not punish you because he's going to because he's gonna punish his sons and daughters it's not he's not just gonna let you have a free pass and just go so your wild oats and and everything I mean look at the prodigal son he went bankrupt and he was eating pigs food and sleeping with the hogs and he's like why don't I go back to my father you know he's got he'll I can at least just be like a servant and serve him but what the father was sitting there with open arms ready for him to come back because look you can get yourself punished to the point where God is gonna be upset and and and you know sometimes he just crowns people and sends them home you know he crowns them dead they end up getting killed so and that's what happened with with Saul was Saul a son of God absolutely Saul was a son of God I'm talking about Saul the king and he tried to explain this to people out so when it's like Saul is a son of God he went to heaven the Bible says he went to heaven because when he went to the witch God killed him for going to the witch the Bible says that that's why he was killed because God is just not gonna let you act however you want so anyway it can make believers say and believe foolish stuff to believe this doctrine that everybody is God's son or God's daughter hopefully you I proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt if you have any questions about that I'd be happy to answer them to you but you know we need to know what we're talking about when we're out soul winning and hey we need to understand that when we run into a Mormon we rebuke them with this stuff and tell them to go to hell all right let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for everybody in attendance today we thank you for brother Chad coming from Spokane pray that you'd give him a safe flight and and that it wouldn't be delayed for whatever reason pray that you'd watch over brother Anthony and Candace and Alexis in the hospital right now just pray that you'd bless them keep them and Lord give every a safe trip home tonight Jesus name we pray amen