(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Okay, we are in 1 Timothy, chapter 5, 1 Timothy, chapter 5, we'll read the whole chapter before the preaching as our custom. 1 Timothy, chapter 5, the Bible reads, rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father, and the younger men as brethren, the elder women as mothers, the youngers as sisters, with all purity. Honor widows that are widows indeed, but if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to show piety at home, and to requite their parents, for that is good and acceptable before God. Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day, but she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth, and these things give in charge that they may be blameless, but if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. Let not a widow be taken into the number under three score years old, having been the wife of one man, well reported of for good works, if she hath brought up children, if she hath lodged strangers, if she hath washed the saints feet, if she hath revived, relieved the afflicted, if she hath diligently followed every good work, but the younger widows refuse, for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry, having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith, and with all they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not only idle, but tattlers also, and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully, for some are already turned aside after satan, if any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let them let not the church be charged, that it may relieve them that are widows indeed. Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine, for the scripture saith thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn, and the laborer is worthy of his reward. Against an elder, receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses, them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins. Keep thyself pure. Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake, and thine often infirmities. Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment, and some men they follow after. Likewise, also the good works of some are manifest beforehand, and they that are otherwise cannot be hid. Brother Nate, could you pray for this service? And well it's great to be back and preaching to you all one more time, and this morning I chastised you with whips, tonight I'm going to chastise you with scorpions, so I'm just kidding. I had a lot of notes this morning, and I just chose not to go through them all, and obviously the sermon was long, but you know what, I don't come up very often anyway, so I just try to give you all I got, and even if you don't want it, I don't care, you know, you're going to get it anyway. So the title of my sermon tonight is Worse Than an Infidel, Worse Than an Infidel, and around the new IFB, this is known as the Jimenez Doctrine, because Pastor Jimenez basically teaches, and I agree with him, and I hold to the same doctrine that, you know, if a man doesn't take care of his own house, he is worse than an infidel, and someone, a man that won't work and provide for his family, or a man that just won't work, period, should be marked, should be noted, and we should have no company with that man, and they should be ashamed of themselves. Look at verse number eight in our text here, it says, but if any man provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. So the Bible says that if you will provide for your own, and that is talking about people, especially for the people of your own house, that's just as if you denied the faith, and it says you're worse than an infidel. Now, a lot of times you hear the word infidel, it's used by Muslims, you know, generally, but the word is in the Bible, and what it means is unbelieving. It's somebody that's an unbeliever, so if you won't even take care of your own house, if you won't take care of your own family, then you're worse than an unbeliever, because there's a lot of unbelievers out there that still believe in taking care of their family and still do, but if you're a man of faith, and then you're like, I don't, I'm just going to leave my family, I'm going to leave my wife or somebody else, or I'm just not going to provide, I'm going to have my wife provide, you know, you have stay-at-home dads these days is a popular thing, but let me tell you something, that usually ends in divorce, because secretly, I mean, women might say they want you to stay home with the kids, but they don't really mean that, because then they start looking at you like you can't even bring home the bacon, I got to provide for the family, I mean, that's the opposite of how God wants things to be, so it's also, so it says the definition of infidel is unbelieving, disbelieving the inspiration of the scriptures, or the divine institution of Christianity, so again, an unbeliever, an unbeliever in regards to not believing the Bible, or in the Christian faith. The etymology of the word comes from the late 15th century from the French, and then, you know, we borrow a lot from other languages, but the word in, let's see, not, so it basically infidelis, so basically not faithful is what that means in Latin, so it came from infidelis from the Latin, and it means not faithful, so, but, you know, you've heard of sola, solo, solo fide, or whatever, where it's faith alone, or whatever, but when you put the I in in front of it, it's basically the opposite, it's taking away from that, so it's to not be faithful, to not believe, so let's turn over to 2 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 14, and I'm going to come at this from a different way this time when I preach about this, because a lot of times I'll bring up how people, you know, if a man doesn't work, neither should he eat, that's part of this, that's basically, that is the Jimenez doctrine, is basically if someone refuses to labor or work, and we'll go up to that verse, but I kind of want to bring it from the aspect of a person that refuses to take care of their own family, a man that refuses to take care of their own family, but there's also women that will walk out on their families, there's women that will just say, well I don't want to be with you anymore, and today it's real easy to get divorces, today it's real easy to get divorced and remarried, excuse me, and it's so easy that people are just trading partners like crazy, now I'm not here to beat up on anybody that's been divorced and remarried, that's not what I'm trying to do tonight, I'm talking about people that are saved, that do know the truth, that do know what they're supposed to be doing, maybe you didn't know about that before, but you know about it now, and for you to walk out on your family, or for you to just be a serial adulterer, or a serial adulteress, and you don't want to be with your family, you don't want to do your part for your family, you know the Bible says you're worse than an infidel, and so second Corinthians chapter 6 verse 14, look what it says, be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion hath light with darkness, and what concord hath Christ with Belial, and what part hath he that believeth with an infidel, so there it's kind of giving you the definition by the Bible itself, the Bible can be a built-in dictionary sometimes, and it's kind of telling us there, you know, what part hath he that believeth with an infidel, so the opposite of someone that believes is what, someone that doesn't believe, right, so verse 16 says, and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols, for you're the temple of the living God, as God has said I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people, wherefore come out from among them, and be separate saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I'll receive you, and the reason why I'm going to these scriptures here, is because it's telling us that, you know, we're not supposed to hang around unbelievers, right, so if someone is worse than an infidel, should you hang out with that person? Absolutely not, that's why in verse 25a it says you've denied the faith, you're worse than an infidel, you're worse than an unbeliever, so what's worse than an unbeliever is someone that's a believer that won't even take care of their own house, they won't even take care of their own family, you know what they call that these days? They call that a deadbeat, right, now turn to 2 Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6, 2 Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6, 2 Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 says, Now we command you brethren, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you, what's it say there, withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us, for yourselves know how he ought to follow us, for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you, neither did we eat any man's bread for naught, but wrought with labor and travail night and day, that we may, that we might not be chargeable to any of you, so what's he saying? He's saying you need to withdraw yourself from from brothers or sisters that walk disorderly, he's like we didn't eat your guys's bread, we just come over and say hey feed us, hey take care of us, they're working together, they're laboring together with people, and this is of course the Apostle Paul writing to the church at Thessalonica, but he says we didn't eat anybody's bread for naught, we wrought labor and travail night and day, and anybody that thinks that Christian ministers don't work hard, it's a night and day thing, it's something that you're night and day doing, but they're trying to be an example to these people, and it says not not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensemble unto you to follow us, for even when we were with you, this we commanded you that if any would not work, neither should he eat, for we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but our busybodies. Now here's where I will take the time to beat up on this whole homeless, houseless, whatever you want to call it, that's the Orwellian word for it, but you know what kind of got me going on this is the other day we had some ladies that were trying to go in and just clean the church, you know we pay a lot of money to rent that building, and yet there's homeless people or drug addicted, you know, screechers that hang out in front, bang on the windows, throw garbage all over our property, leave needles all over our property, and so I had to come from my house because of course the police refused to do their job, and then I have to go there and tell this guy to leave, the the ladies are in our church are too afraid to walk into the door because there's some homeless screeching, you know, vagrants in front of the door yelling and screaming at things that aren't there. It's like well how did it get to this? Well I don't know, why don't you ask the mayor of Portland how it got to the to how it is in that city, where people are literally camping in front of other people's houses, people are afraid to go out, people are afraid to leave their house because it's going to get robbed by these people, I mean the problem is hey we don't have enough money, let's just give them some more money, you know, why don't you give that money to people who actually work for it and maybe they could move out to a nicer neighborhood so they wouldn't have to have bums camping out in front of their house, because what you do notice is they're never camped in front of, you know, the houses in the west hills, they're never camped in the nice neighborhoods, they're camped in front of, you know, hard-working people's neighborhoods and then the police their hands are tied supposedly, they can't do anything about it, so you have people walking into other people's houses, sleeping, you know, mommy someone's sleeping in my bed, it might be true, you better go check, because they might just walk in your house, don't leave your door unlocked in Portland, because it's how I've seen it twice on the news, where people walk into someone else's house and just start sleeping in someone one of their kid's bed, and one time it was the same lady doing it twice, it's like you think you would have locked your door the second time, but anyway there's a lot of people out there today that refuse to labor, they refuse to work, you see the same people with the same signs at the same freeway on ramps are down at the same block that they are always on, they like to stand in the median on those concrete curbs, right, and then straddle traffic, so you have to slow down and slip them a dollar bill to get past them, they're like trolls, you know, and you know they do the little sad act or whatever, the same people with the same sad face, it's like if you look at them, they're gonna draw you in with their tractor beam and make try to make you feel bad, it's an act folks, and you know what, if a man doesn't work, neither should he eat, I'm sick and tired of Christians going, oh you guys are just so mean to the homeless people, well you know what's mean, is camping and throwing garbage all over someone else's property where you didn't pay rent, you don't pay for anything, you won't even come to the church services, but then you try to come to the church or call the church for money, you know, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you, but you know what I'm not going to do, I'm not going to take God's money and give it to some bum that's too that that's too lazy to work and refuses to labor with his hands, the Bible says that we command you that if any work that if any would not work, neither should he eat, I'm not going to feed somebody that God says not to feed, and so it says that there's even some among us, there's Christians that are disorderly not working at all that are busybodies, now them that are such, them that are what, people that refuse to work, we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that with quietness they work and eat their own bread, quit being a mooch, you know, obviously there's people sometimes that need help, I'm not talking about that, the Bible says to do unto do good unto all men especially them of the household of faith, so obviously yes we do help people out, but I'm talking about people, you know, obviously the working poor will always be around and the poor will always be around, but a lot of if you're in America and you're poor, a lot of times it's because they refuse to labor, now not everybody is that that's not the case for everybody, but you know I've been poor before, I'm probably, I wouldn't say I'm rich even now, I mean obviously I'm not rich, but you know I work, I've worked my whole life, I've worked since I was 14 years old, and what's their excuse, how do you have a 20 year old dude that's fully capable of walking and moving and everything and he's standing there with a sign begging you for, it really, it actually pisses me off, I don't look at him, first of all I don't want the sad puppy face, it'll just make me even more mad, but then I just don't want to look at him because they make me sick, quit trying to bum money off of old ladies that feel bad for you or whatever, I don't feel bad for a second, and you know people are like well how could you have that attitude as a Christian, how could you, how does God have that attitude, and it's like you know that guy, I was like I have to show up at our church building on an off night, and I'm like you need to get out of here right now, I mean it's all on camera, but I was like you need to get out of here right now, and he's like all right, and then he calls me a name, and I was like get it, just get out of here and don't come back again, he's like I'm gonna shoot you, and he starts calling me the n-word, he's white, but he's like I'm gonna shoot you, you know, and I was like well go ahead, shoot me, little does he know that you know I have armament of my own that you know not, but anyway he's threatening me, he's like I'm gonna kill you and all this other stuff, I'm gonna trash your truck, is that your truck, I'm gonna trash it, and I just like just get out of here you bozo, you know, and what's upsetting is I drive, I drive by because I want to take a picture of him because the guy threatened my life right, so I don't take stuff like that lightly, and I took a picture of him, and just so if he does do something at least I have a picture to show the police that won't even come anyway, so I don't know what the point is of that, but anyway just in case he does kill me, you guys know who did it right, so I drive around our parking lot, we have like four different churches in our parking lot, and one of the churches when I drove around to come back I could see canned foods and stuff that they're giving away to homeless people and it just made me mad, it made me actually want to go and confront the pastor of that church sometime and just say you know what you're doing by giving all these, by feeding the bears, by feeding you know deadbeats that don't want to work is you're getting them, they don't want to hang out underneath your porch, but they want to come and hang out underneath ours, and so you're getting them this mentality that it's okay to just go and beg churches for stuff because this church does it, so why don't you house them, why don't you let them hang out on your property, they don't, they want to hang out on our property because we got better awnings, I mean we literally had to build a fence, had to have a contractor put fences in in the back because they're just camping out there, there's sleeping bags on our roof, there's drug needles laying around, we have children that go in and out of that church building, so I'm not gonna allow someone to just come and beg off of our church when they won't, they refuse to labor, it's just not gonna happen, but just it's really irritating because other churches are the reason why this problem exists in our parking lot, and it's like to me if I was a landlord I'd be like stop, stop feeding them, stop doing this, and they're hanging around our property for a reason, you know why, because they're getting a free meal ticket at some other church, and they think that they're doing something good for the community, oh we're just doing something great for the community, we're just helping the homeless, why don't you go preach the gospel, oh wait you have a false gospel, so never mind don't do that, but anyway it says in verse 12 of them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that by our Lord Jesus Christ get that part with that with quietness they work and eat their own bread, but ye brethren be not weary in well-doing, and if any man obey not our word by this epistle note that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed, so what are we supposed to do when a person in our midst in our in our church refuses to work, refuses to labor, refuses to take care of their own house, it says to note that man is it that's another word for Mark isn't it, note that man and have no company with him, so are you supposed to hang out with him, so if he comes is he supposed to go to church with us, how can you have no company with him if he's at church service with you every time, so like basically the Jimenez doctrine is is that you would the bible doctrine okay is that you would tell that person they needed they need to go they can't be allowed to come to your church and keep being a mooch right that he may be ashamed, so obviously the point is we want to shame people into doing what's right and people are like well you should never make people feel bad, actually that's not what that says is it, it says that they may be ashamed, yet count him not as an enemy but admonish him as a brother, so someone that's like this it's a brother we want to shame them so that they'll begin to live right and begin to work and do what they're supposed to do and you know if it's a man with a family that's even more disgusting like what kind of man doesn't want to take care of his own family, but the bible does tell us to throw people out sometimes, I was talking about that this morning a little bit that there's certain people that we don't want here you know we can't become too loose with our standards to where we're just going to let anybody in our church so and and I'm not going to just allow people to stay in our church that are committing acts of sin that the bible says we should throw them out for and this not taking care of your family this being worse than an infidel thing is something that you should be thrown out for if they if they keep refusing to work then you should kick them out so look at first corinthians chapter 5 verse 11 first corinthians chapter 5 verse 11 the bible says in first corinthians 5 11 it says but now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous you see that covetous well someone's coveting you know coveting is wanting something that belongs to other people and there are people that attach themselves to churches and they want to be covetous after your own money there's people that are professional mooches that just want to come in and get as much as they can you know there's there's whole there's whole like pyramid schemes that people come up with and they tell people to go target churches you know you had amway back in what the 80s or whatever and there's all these different you know scam pyramid schemes where you're all getting in on the bottom level somebody at the top is making the money but they want to come and push this stuff at church and we're not supposed to buy and sell at church and so if you're coming here and obviously I don't think anybody's doing that here obviously but if someone's going to church and their main purpose is to make money off of people that person's covetous and they should be kicked out they should be told not to do it anymore we've had people that do that I've had people and it's just really irritating they hear they've heard the preaching and then we've had this one lady came and we were going to sacramento and she was like well when you come down to sacramento I'd like to have you meet with us and I was like man I really hope this isn't a pyramid scheme thing but of course it was it was a water purification you know scam or whatever I was just like I'll just I'm gonna be nice to you because I'm just giving you the benefit of the doubt that you might not have known this I said but if you go to other churches and peddle this stuff is like they're not going to be as nice about it as I am just telling you that right now and of course they weren't you know and so I don't want anybody thinking that they're going to make money off this church this God's house is not a house of merchandise it's a house of prayer so it says or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortion was such a one no not to eat see then the Bible said to you know note that man and have no company with them right but it says for what have I to do to judge them that are without do not you judge them that are within but then that are without God judge it therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person is it possible for someone that's safe to be a wicked person it is so someone that refuses to labor someone refuses to take care of their family someone is committing adultery on their wife and refuses to make things right with them or someone that's you know or wants to leave their spouse for whatever stupid reason that they feel like because they they just want to trade in for the next model or something that person's a wicked person now someone you know there's adultery it's not on this list in case you didn't notice but here's the thing about adultery okay once you're married and you divorce someone then you're breaking God's commandment right now obviously adultery is a worse sin I think categorically than fornication is but you know there's hope for that marriage even though someone commits adultery once it costs it's already consummated and you're stuck with that person you should try your best to work things out you're supposed to be reconciled unto your spouse you know a lot of churches will say well that's not true it says accept it be for fornication yeah fornication adultery aren't exactly the same thing are they fornication takes place before a marriage adultery takes place after so would it be right for me to kick someone out that commits adultery at our church well if they're an unrepentant adulterer if they're an adulterer or adulteress that refuses to get right and do what's right then yes I would kick them out but automatically no I want them to reconcile because what's the bible teach that is accept to be for fornication it doesn't say for adultery now some people can't get past that and I understand that but I want to give people room to repent it's not like I'm on a hair trigger to just kick everybody out of my church or something for everything that they do you know and if someone's a repentant drunkard if someone's a repentant covetous person someone's a repentant railer someone's a repentant you know whatever it is fornicator I'm going to give that person a chance to get right but I'm not always going to bring everybody's sins before the congregation because I want them to have room to do what's right but in the case where say a man is committing adultery and then he refuses to get right I will note that man I will have no company with him and then I will expose that person to the congregation I will do that so I mean the best thing to do is to do that which is right work don't be a lazy bum eat your own bread take care of your family don't be worse than an infidel I mean how how shameful would that be to be someone that's a Christian that's considered to be worse than an unbeliever I mean you're not going to have a lot of rewards in heaven I mean you're still going to be there but you might have the scarlet s on no I'm just kidding you wouldn't but I mean it's still but it's wicked folks it's wicked to be have this mentality where you know it's just we just really weren't meant to be really then you should have shut your mouth and not gotten married then you should not have vowed to vow to your spouse till death do us part so it says to put away from among yourselves that wicked person anybody that refuses to get right and stop committing adultery or you know start taking care of your family and to and working and doing that which is right you better get right or you're going to get out now people will use excuses like what about first corinthian seven brother let's turn over there and look at what first corinthian seven says and I realize I'm kind of coming at this with a little bit different of an angle but to me I feel like if some man is out committing adultery and he refuses to do what's right he refuses to take care of his children he refuses to get right with his wife that person is falls under the category of someone that's worse than an infidel because what you're leaving what you what God has put together let not man put asunder and you're just saying well I don't care because I love this person now or something or I just want to commit adultery or I just don't care or I just can't get along with them and a lot of people make stupid excuses to get divorced nowadays and you know what it's just there's no excuse get right do it right and not even it's not only just not men but you know men are the ones that are supposed to be taking care of the finances in the home men are the ones that are supposed to be bringing home the bacon so to speak but you know ladies are supposed to be at home being chase keepers at home too and so there's there's one each person has a responsibility in their household to make sure that the house goes right to make sure the children turn out right so but let me see first corinthians chapter seven verse three now people will say well if someone wants to leave then you know they're an unbeliever then just go ahead and let them leave or whatever and then you can get divorced that's not what this section is teaching let me show you in verse three it says let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise the wa also the wife unto the husband this is talking about the benefits of being married there is a relationship between men and women that take place obviously you know that you're not supposed to do outside of marriage and so the due benevolence is to not withhold those things from each other right and it says the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife and then it says defraud you not one another except to be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again that satan tempt you not for your incontinency so basically you're not supposed to withhold those things it's a consent thing both people those parties have to agree you're not going to do this you know for a little while you guys all know what i'm talking about right so but people will take this and they'll and they'll just think that they can just leave that marriage and go and do whatever they want and then they think that they get the benefits after they've left that no that's not true that's what this is teaching now skip down to verse 10 it says and unto the married i command yet not i but the lord let not the wife depart from her husband so is it talking about divorce here it's not but and if she depart let her remain unmarried so you're not getting you're not getting divorced or be reconciled to her husband so maybe the marriage has gotten so bad maybe the person's a reprobate but you're not supposed to divorce them right and it doesn't say anything about being a reprobate here but maybe it's an abusive situation maybe the husband's just beating you know it's like the burning bed type you know beat downs or whatever it's like i don't know if you even know what i'm talking about but anyway really bad domestic abuse really bad serial adultery something that you just can't you know you're afraid for your children's safety that kind of stuff and then you depart but it says let not the husband put away his wife let not the wife depart from her husband says in verse 11 but if she depart let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband so sometimes people break up for a while and they try to like work on their marriage or whatever that's what this is talking about it says and let not the husband put away his wife is it talking about divorce here it's not talking about divorce but to the rest speak i speak i not the lord that any man's brother has a have a wife that believed not and she'd be pleased to dwell with him let him not put her away so you don't just get to divorce people because they're not believers maybe one got saved and the other didn't and that kind of stuff happens but if they're willing to stay with you and to be in that marriage you're not supposed to put them away is that what it says let him not put her away and the woman which hath and husband that believed not and if he be pleased to dwell with her let him not leave for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband else were your children unclean but now are they holy but if the unbelieving depart so this is the part where the unbelieving spouse departs let him depart a brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases now this is where people say well see as long as they're an unbeliever you can just divorce them but that's not what it's saying you're not under the bondage of what the due benevolence the the benefits of being married right a brother sister's not in bondage in such cases it just got done saying don't divorce your spouse don't put them away so that's that can't be what this verse is talking about but god hath called us to peace so sometimes they just will leave now in today's day and age people can have no fault divorces and there's nothing you can do about it they can just divorce you and you and you can't really fight it so but you shouldn't be the one initiating that but the thing i want to show you here is that you don't get to just be this spouse that takes off and then shows up anytime you feel like to have some benefit of marriage if you know what i'm talking about you don't get to just come and every once in a while just get to enjoy the benefits of being married so i think it's wrong when when this type of stuff happens where you'll have a husband refusing to you know well if a wife just takes off with her kids i i think it's wicked that judges make uh husbands pay for that but you know you're not supposed to you know some some men will refuse to pay child support and stuff like that and take care of their family and i get that this system is wicked and that we live in it really is but the the main thing i'm trying to tell you here is that if there is some kind of split up like this that you're not supposed to just pop in anytime you feel like it and you're you're supposed to just give it up you know what i'm saying like you're not supposed to have to be under bondage on under the benevolence the benevolent things that you're supposed to be doing together as husband and wife the things that married couples do you don't owe that to them anymore is what i'm saying if someone leaves you destitute refuses to pay for you know child support or spousal support or whatever for you they just leave you and leave you in the wind hanging in the wings then you don't you don't owe that person anything anymore so now you're supposed to be able to just get back together but situations get really super complicated these days but i'm just saying this take care of your house work things out sometimes marriages get rough and you go through choppy seas you go through choppy seasons you go through storms but you need to weather those storms and stick with your spouse because that's what god wants us to do when we make a vow we should keep it what's the vow of marriage tell death to us part right it's not till you just get tired of them look at malachi chapter 2 verse 11 malachi chapter 2 verse 11 see when you say when you say you're going to marry somebody you keep your vows and again i'm not preaching against people that have been divorced or remarried i'm not saying that you already know that you know you know the truth now so do what the truth says for the rest of your life now okay it says judah hath dealt treacherously verse 11 and an abomination is committed in israel and in jerusalem for judah hath profaned the holiness of the lord which he loved and hath married the daughter of a strange god the lord will cut off the man that doeth this the master and the scholar out of the tabernacle of jacob tabernacles of jacob and him that offereth an offering unto the lord of hosts and this have you done again covering the altar of the lord with tears and weeping and with crying and so much as he regardeth not the offering anymore receiveth it with good will at your hand yet you say wherefore for what reason because the lord hath been witnessed between thee and the wife of thy youth against whom thou hast dealt treacherously now what is this talking about it's talking about probably adultery it's talking about getting new wives it's talking about putting away your wife you know the pharisees ask jesus you know is it is it lawful to put away our wife for any reason that's what a pharisee believes that you can just put away your wife for whatever moses said write the bill of divorcement you know but jesus said that if you divorce your spouse like that if you divorce your wife and marry another you're committing adultery and if you divorce your spouse and she marries someone else you're causing her to commit adultery so it says that the lord has been witnessed between thee and the wife of thy youth against whom thou hast dealt treacherously yet is she thy companion and the wife of thy what's it say covenant so you made a covenant with that person to stay with them till death do us part in sickness and health in poverty and wealth you know as long as you both shall live whether it's rich or poor all that stuff all those vows that you made you said you would do and then for you to just say you know what i like this one better and you trade them in for a newer model or whatever or you just say you know i'm just we just don't get along does it say unless you don't get along i mean there would be some pretty weird marriage vows if it was like well you know i might stay with you well i might stay with you too as long as i like you as long as we get along you know it's weird because when you sometimes when you fight you think it's like this is the last this is the one that's really gonna we're done now i don't know how we can come back from this one but you do don't you because even as hard hard as we are as people sometimes we still work it out we know that we need to work it out especially christians we should always work it out okay don't go knocking on the neighbor's door don't go trying to commit adultery with somebody else don't go trying to you know find a new family that you think's better look a lot of people think it's gonna be better on the other side but it's it's not now and we were me and my wife were talking about this and she says i just don't understand how people they've been together all these years they raise children together and then they just decide that they want to start everything over all over again it's like you built that life with that person and then it's just like ah i'm gonna go find something different start all over again or they do it when their kids are still young and it's just like now you have to have two christmases now and now you have to introduce other people into that that won't love your kids as much as that other person does and they don't understand what it's like to be loyal that step parent is never going to love that kid the way that the the real dad would in most cases or the real mom would in most cases okay i'm not saying that's a hundred percent of the time i'm just saying you know stepdads get a bad rap too i've been a stepdad before so i understand what it's like where you know that kid won't love you as much as they'll love their real dad or whatever and that's a hard thing they always kids always just want what they don't know they think that they're missing something and sometimes that person isn't as great as they think that they are they really are and they treat that step parent like dirt when they shouldn't be doing that and then really that step parent was better to them than their real parent ever would have been so i know that there's like but then you know step parents they get a bad rap a lot of times because they're bad to their other people's kids they're not as nice to their kid to those kids as they are to their own and that's why a lot of homes get broken but you know with no fault divorce there's a lot of mixed families going on these days and i know i'm kind of off in the weeds right now but i just think it's really important that we understand that as christians we're supposed to keep the covenant of the wife or the you know the spouse that you made look at verse 15 and did he not make one yet he hath residue of the spirit and where of one that he might seek a godly seed god wants there to be other safe people in your family but you know that's pretty hard when you ruin it all with adultery when you ruin it all because you're too selfish to work out your problems but it says yeah let's see where i'm sorry i lost my place here and wherefore one they might seek a godly seed therefore take heed to your spirit and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth for the lord the god of israel saith that he hateth putting away god what's he saying god hates divorce he hates it for one cover violence with his garment saith the lord hosts where therefore take heed to your spirit that you deal not treacherously you have wearied the lord with your words yet you say wherein have we worried him wearied him when you say everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the lord and he delighteth in them or where's the god of judgment so he's like he's even saying like you say well how have you wearied the word the lord with your words isn't when people say well i just want to be happy is it so wrong that i just want to be happy yeah it is wrong because your happiness does not does not you know delete your covenant that you made with your spouse oh i just want what if i just want to be happy well you shouldn't have made a covenant with your mouth you shouldn't have uttered those words i do out of your mouth if you didn't mean to keep them it's ridiculous people just throw their marriages away over anything i'm just not happy i'm not having the prince charming relationship that i thought i was supposed to have in the movies you know they have the white picket fences and he takes me on sweet romance dates every single night it's ridiculous you're living in a fantasy land that's not how life is those people that are playing those parts of their movies are whoremongers and adulterers think about that they probably have had eight marriages already they're probably the other one's a sodomite seriously quit living in fantasy land this isn't chocolate or whatever some one of these stupid movies that are all the oh let's watch this real this uh this movie this romance movie it's like it's trash that's not how life really is folks and we've been led to believe you know the disney princesses have brainwashed you into thinking that prince charming is going to come along and sweep you off your feet and you're gonna live happily ever after well you know what life is hard we live in a sinful world life is not always easy marriage isn't always easy but you know what you stick through it you stick and stay and make it pay right you stick with it because you know why god is weary by your words he's like what what what words everyone that everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the lord oh it's good that they got divorced they just weren't working out it's not good god hateth the pudding away he hates it so don't try to weary him with your words of vanity you know what's really sick is when people's family even save family members take the side of a spouse that's doing wickedly and wrong and they say well you know what they just gotta want to make the best decision for their own happiness and stuff like that it's just you know don't get advice from loved ones that are going to take your side every time it's like you're just you're opinion shopping with people that will love you no matter what your opinion shopping with people that are always going to take your side no matter what because you're their little sweet baby girl or you're their little sweet baby boy your family's always going to take your side and you know what we should not be like that as christians it's black and white shame that person if it's your own son if it's your own daughter shame that person tell them no you're doing wrong you need to go back to your spouse i'm not going to let you live in my home i'm not going to take you in and then if people were actually were shaming people and shunning people like they should be then more people would go back to their spouses wouldn't they more people would if they just said we're never talking to you again unless you get back together with them a lot of people will just go back i guarantee it but what do people do enable their family members knowing that they're committing adultery knowing that they're going outside their marriage knowing that they're just trying to do something wicked and then they just allow them to do that i'm not going to ever do that i just won't do it and you know why because it's wicked and it wearies the lord when we take the side of somebody that's committing these acts i think it's wrong i've seen it happen i've seen it happen in my family and i'm like what are you guys doing why are you why are you taking their side you know that that that saying that blood is thicker than water it's true some people will take the side of someone that's wrong in their family no matter what and that's wrong that's poor judgment that's not what the bible teaches you know we're supposed to shun these things note that man mark that man let them be ashamed we shouldn't just oh you know you're just doing what's best for your life whatever makes you happy that's what the devil says and that's what the devil's advice would be whatever makes you happy do without will that shall be the whole matter of my law or whatever that's what the devil's motto is isn't it isn't that alistair crowley's famous thing do without wilt it's satanic so we don't want to be those people that are not keeping that covenant turn to psalm chapter 15 and i would just say this unless you're really actually prepared to keep a vow don't get married because you know what god is going to hold you to your vows that you make and you might think that your life's going to be better with somebody else but it never is they're like well i know this person see my sermon this morning i know this person's cousin's sister's grandma's uncle that you know they got divorced and their life was all better after that that's garbage how could it be when god says something different something different psalm chapter 15 verse 4 in whose eyes a vile person is condemned but he that he honoreth them that fear the lord he that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not see when god when you make vows before the lord to in marriage he expects you no matter how much it hurts to keep that vow doesn't he you swear to your own hurt and change not ecclesiastes chapter turn to ecclesiastes chapter 5 ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 1 the bible says keep thy foot now goes to the house of god and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they do evil god's not just going to accept your sacrifice if it's a foolish sacrifice he don't care it's nothing to him says be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before god for god is in heaven and thou upon earth therefore let thy words be few for a dream cometh through the multitude of business and a fool's voice is known by the multitude of words when thou vows to vow unto god defer not to pay it he hath no pleasure in fools pay that thou has vowed better is he that that better is it that thou shouldest not vow than that thou shouldest vow and not pay you see when you make a vow to the lord when you get married you're vowing vows right and so he has no it says defer not to pay it obviously this you can vow vows for different things but he said a fool's voice is known by the multitude of his words he has no pleasure in fools he has no pleasure when people say well i was going to do this but then i have some excuse why i'm not going to i thought i loved them but i really didn't it doesn't matter you said i do you repeated the words keep your vows look what it says in verse six suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin neither say thou before the angel that it was an error wherefore should god be angry at thy voice and destroy the work of thy hands so don't just say oh it's an error wherefore should god be angry at thy voice you can say it's error all you want but you vowed the vow keep the vow you can't go back and change the past but you know what you can do you can go forward in the future and do what the bible says and do what god asks when it comes to say doing what you're saying you're going to do staying with your spouse like you're supposed to it doesn't matter what you want it's what you said you're going to do so whether you want somebody else or not that's not in that in the cards anymore so to speak you know it's you already made your choice you've chosen that life partner that person that you're going to spend the rest of your life with and you know when you try to say well it was an error it was an error what's god going to say he's going to get angry at your voice he's not going to want to hear it turn to numbers chapter 30 verse 1 numbers chapter 30 verse 1 i kind of covered this in a sermon the other night but i i thought it was useful for tonight's sermon too because listen if you're a man and you just ditch your wife and you ditch your kids for somebody else you are worse than an infidel you are scum you're scum you're a piece of garbage that's what i think i'm serious it just it irritates me and you know what i'm not going to suffer some fool like that to be in our church either numbers chapter 30 verse 1 and moses spake unto the heads of the tribes concerning the children of israel saying this is the thing which the lord hath commanded if a man commanded right if a man vow avowed to the lord or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond he shall not break his word he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth you say you're going to stay with them when they're sick stay with them while they're sick you say that you're going to stay with him whether he's rich or poor you stay with them whether he's rich or poor it doesn't matter what you think it matters what you said you would do right this is the the man's vow though right here says he shall do all that proceedeth out of his mouth now here when it comes to women verse three if a woman also vow avowed to the lord and bind herself by a bond being in her father's house in her youth and her father hear her vow and her in her bond where which she hath bound her soul and her father shall hold his peace at her then all her vows shall stand and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand so if a lady is still in her father's house and he hears a vow he can nullify that vow and it goes on to say also that a husband can nullify a vow that a wife says but once you let that slide and you're okay with it and they say well i'm going to give the faith promised missions for next year they're like dang it i should have said no but but the husband can nullify that if he hears it but once he just allows it to happen then you know you're kind of stuck with it so but god takes these things very seriously you know we we take everything in the society so flippantly people are just ready to just you know trade in their spouses for a new one they're ready to trade you know and it just destroys society but you know we got scumbags out there serial adulterers out there these people are scumbags and you know what may it never be said that we have a person like that in our church and if we do have a person like that in our church i want them gone and you know if they refuse to take care of their spouse they refuse to take care of their children i hope god kills them i do you're like that's that's crazy pastor thompson well at least they can find someone that will take care of them then at least they could get remarried they're like see pastor fritz was right that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about when someone's a serial adulterer and they leave their spouse and they leave their kids destitute and that wife is bound by the the vows that they made so is he but he's not doing it look the bible says that adulterers should be put to death yeah that's what the bible says if we lived in a righteous system right now that's what would happen all this garbage wouldn't be going on so i do hope that if someone won't get right and they don't and they they if they refuse to take care of their their spouse or their children or even if a wife runs out on her husband and trades them in for somebody else it happens every single day in this country this country is the worst country for adult for adultery and divorce and all this stuff in the whole world sad that a quote-unquote christian nation is like that but obviously we know by going out and knocking doors all the time this isn't really a christian nation is it yeah but anyway the bible says in exodus 20 verse 14 thou shall not commit adultery what about that does that still stand is that still a law you know when it used to be if someone committed adultery they got nothing if a wife just ran off and left her husband with all the kids like you know those country songs you know but those country songs probably have some real reality to them right but that it used to be they got nothing and now they can just leave and they tell i'm taking all the kids i'm taking half your money i'm taking half your pension that is so wicked they do not deserve that money they shouldn't get a single dime in my opinion and the children shouldn't be sent with her if she could if someone else whoever commits adultery they should get nothing no kids no support zero that's what i believe turn to hebrew chapter 13 verse 4 hebrews 13 4 like why are you preaching so hard about this because it makes me sick that's why because people don't refuse to labor make me sick people that refuse to work make me sick people refuse to support their family they're scum they make me sick i hope they make you sick too so next time you feel you got feelings for someone that that's on the side of the road begging you for money i really hope that you keep it in perspective you know when the bible says like don't look at their faces that's how i feel when i see a homeless person don't look at their faces because they just want to make you feel sad why lie i need a beer you know i just i don't look because i know that i'll say something that i shouldn't say and then i'll spit on my truck or something like i just waxed it on stuff the bible says in hebrews 13 verse 4 marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers god will judge the whoremongers and the adulterers look take it to the bank doesn't matter what you say what your excuse is god is going to judge you when you commit adultery god is going to judge you when you're a whore or a whoremonger it says let your conversation be without covetousness see how it's tied to covetousness see how it could be something that could get you kicked out though for being covetous after someone else's spouse see a lot of these kind of dive into other areas too and be content with such things as you have for he has said i will never leave thee nor forsake thee we use this you know as a comforting verse sometimes and it should be used for that but he's talking about don't be covetous be content with what you have you know he's he's he will find a way for you to work things out he's gonna god's not gonna let his seed beg for bread david said i was young and now i'm old and i've not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread he's not going to leave you he's not going to forsake he's going to take care of you it says so that we may boldly say the lord is my helper and i will not fear what man shall do unto me that's the that's the attitude we should have how does god feel about me wanting to leave my spouse how does god feel about me not wanting to work and be a bomb how does god feel about that that's what you should be thinking of that's what you that's what your mentality should be it shouldn't be well what is my mom gonna think or dad how about what god your heavenly father thinks about it and you are not welcome at our church if you're an unrepentant adulterer period and you know i'm i hope that your family just shuns you you think this is just one time i've had to deal with this and i'm not saying i'm even dealing with it now i'm just saying that i've had to deal with it over and over again it's the worst situation that i ever come across as a pastor i hate this situation where someone is committing adultery someone's committing fornication whatever it is and i've dealt with people that refuse to work things out with their spouse and it makes me sick it really does and i hope the lord smites these men that do such things or women you know and maybe that you know like i said maybe your spouse can remarry hopefully god just kind of takes you out since you're just being worthless anyway and you're being a stumbling block to other christians so maybe god will just take you out and then let that person live happily ever after with the picket fence and no i'm just joking but prince charming is gonna come no i'm just joking but uh anyway we got two more sections to go to and i'll be done wow hopefully i don't go on a 20-minute rant after these but anyway titus chapter 2 verse 3 titus chapter 2 verse 3 because see these things apply you know it's not just men that have responsibilities in the marriage it's wives too and you know guard yourself against these attachments with other people i don't think that men and women when they get married should have friends of the opposite sex i don't think that you should add your high school flame on your facebook page i don't think that you should you know what i mean like why are you just setting yourself up for being you know entrapped in some kind of a situation don't do it you got your friend that's the friend that you wanted for life that was the opposite sex all right you stick with that person and you know obviously we can be nice to other people and we can have like you know hey how's it going whatever hi how are you gonna have that but like nobody should be going on lunch dates with somebody else's spouse in this church nobody should be going out on lunch dates with their old friends from high school that are of the opposite sex that's you're setting yourself up for failure and you're setting yourself up for your family to be destroyed it says in titus chapter 2 verse 3 the aged women likewise that they be in behavior has become with holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands and to love their children that's what god wants you to do he wants you to love your husband and love your children to be discreet chased keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not bad blaspheme you know what makes people blaspheme is when they see wives that aren't discreet when they see see wives that aren't chased and they're just trying to wear the things that will come close to the line but not really cross over the top to try to get attention to other man's eyes you know when you have a husband it's just weird but do i see it in churches sometimes i have i have seen it and it's it's it's you know not something that ladies should be doing look get your husband's attention and if you can't get your husband's attention give him a snack and say hey pay attention to me no but it says obedient to their own husbands how many wives go off and want to work some job or some other dudes tell them what to do but when they come home they won't listen to their husband that's a shame that would cause you know god's name to be blasphemed and i and i think that we got to get a hold of that the ladies are just like wow i'll just go out and have my own career you know you don't want me to spend money on this or that or you don't have enough money to give me all the things i want you know wait till your kids are older you'll be able to get some things you want but you know we should sacrifice for god's system god's system is that wives should stay home and take care of their children that's there's no shame in that people act like that's such a big shame oh you know and these feminists want to just get all upset about stuff like this and i don't need a man to do this yeah you do because i guarantee women didn't build this building we're in i guarantee they had they didn't design the bridges that we drive across they didn't they weren't there riveting all the stuff in they haven't built anything like feminists will be like oh i don't need a man to do anything did you didn't need a man to build the house that you live in probably how many women roofers do you see out there zero yeah you know why because they can't do the job it's just too hard i mean my wife when i was first met her i was a roofer and she was like you know kind of cleaning up around the the outsides or whatever just like for extra money help to help out but when i got her up on the roof she realized right away that roofing wasn't the life for her she was too scared to walk down the ladder i was just like it's all right but i probably should have never had her up there but you know it's funny these feminists they you know they can't even do the jobs that men do and yet they're just talking about how they don't need a man we'll see how fast society would crumble if men just said you know what you want equal pay well then you do the construction jobs we'll see how long this world goes to hell in a handbasket when no men when men refuse to labor you still need men to labor don't you yeah that's right you still need men to build stuff you're like well i know there's this one girl that works on a construction crew yeah they stand around with their hands in their pockets with a white hat on yeah with their rhinestone jeans or whatever yeah possum men around that they couldn't even hold a candle to when it comes to working hard i'm not saying that there's no exception to the rule i know women work hard but men are just physically stronger that's a fact you know unless they're some roided out shehe or something but even then i'll still put money on myself every time bring it on the last thing to go is the power you know let's do it but matthew chapter 18 we'll close here but my point was is that there's nothing wrong with men are built to work we're built to work hard we're built you know most people are anyway and if you're not built that way you know do some push-ups or something or you know just get get fit get ready to work but women work hard they work just as hard my wife works just as hard as i do she does just certain things that she can't do there's certain things that she does that i can't do we're not meant to be the same i know society wants to just blob us together like we're all the same we all have the same haircuts we all have the same tracksuit like zalinski or whatever you can't tell what's what from behind you know it's like they just want to make us all the same but it's not the same because every job you work out where it's a you know it used to be said this is a man's world but men police officers are always going to be more intimidating than women police officers oh yeah except for if they have a gun that they're waving around they're hanging ah i think i saw this before this lady this lady cop shot a guy she's like oh i thought it was the taser i'm like hands out the window hands up don't shoot here here's my concealed carry you know you're reaching for it no i'm not you know anyway matthew 18 verse 15 moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee go to tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee thou has gained thy brother but if you'll not hear thee then take with thee one or more one or two more excuse me that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established sometimes you know things and problems happen in churches and things like that but what does the bible say to do in a situation where you know they can't work those things out and i would just say in the case of an adulterous spouse that refuses to repent this is where they've tried to work it out you've tried to help them work it out and then it got it has to get brought before the church okay or if a man refuses to labor a man refuses to take care of his home or even if it's a lady whatever refusing to do her duties i think that there's certain cases where this person gets kicked out now an adultery or an adulterous relationship happens hopefully things can get worked out it's terrible it's awful but the right thing to do is to try to save your marriage save you know if you're married if you have children you know save those children because you know when you grow up in a broken home your your chances of living a normal life are just like cut drastically and it really does hurt kids it scars kids and they might you might not see it but it does affect them it does it does hurt them but it says in verse 17 and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church but if you neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican so just like how we started at the beginning that they're worse than an infidel when someone neglects to hear hey the whole church is telling you go back to your wife you big dummy take care of your children or whatever it is that's going on how are we supposed to treat that person though over and over again i've showed you what how god thinks about these things what to say let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican an unbeliever yeah that's how we're supposed to treat them and you know we're supposed to help them obviously they're they're still a brother or whatever in most cases but you know we should try to encourage them to do the right thing and sometimes shame and shaming is a way to get people right but if people just jump on their side their family members just jump on their side you know you're always going to find your allies on with your family and your close friends oh i never thought he tried to treat you right anyway girl and you should just divorce him and take well get his pension girl and just all this stuff it's wicked don't listen to him listen to what god says listen to what the bible says to do it says verily i say unto you whatsoever he shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever he shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven god's basically saying that the church has the power to make things happen in this way to bind them under these you know it's basically you're bound under a curse in reality because once you're thrown out of the church then what's the bible say that they're given over to satan for the destruction of the flesh and as we heard on friday night that's not where we want to be who wants to be cast out to satan for the destruction of the flesh but that is what's going to happen you know and in church we have to take these types of things seriously and you know if a man doesn't work neither should he eat if a man won't take care of his house he's worse than an infidel he's denied the faith so men don't be losers take care of your family work hard eat your own food keep your vows women don't betray your family by playing the whore and refusing to act as a godly woman love your husbands love your children it really is just that simple whatever you vowed to do do it work hard you know work hard for each other don't compare yourselves to each other because you're not the same you know we we like to score keep sometimes as spouses sometimes and it's like well you don't know what i had to do all day today well what did you have to do well i had to do this this and this and it's like well i had to do this this and this it's just like what's the point of this why are we doing this you've had your work to do i had my work to do why don't we just call it good you worked hard i worked hard we're both tired let's go to bed night night all right all right well it was really great to be here this weekend and we've missed you guys we love you guys let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this great church here i pray the lord we'd have strong marriages strong families and lord that we'd always defer to you as our lawgiver and that lord we would try to do our best to serve our church here and lord serve our families serve our our spouses and our children and prayer children grow up and be mighty for the next generation in jesus name we pray amen all right if you guys want to take your hymnals we'll turn to page number 161 page number 161 our great savior it's page number 161 all right we'll sing it out on the first so me let me hide myself me jesus ah jesus a jesus hi and his saving helping keeping