(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right it's great to be here tonight. Thank you so much for coming out on a Wednesday night and of course you probably already do anyway but it's great to be out here in Sacramento and I've had a great trip so far. Got to see some of the state that I've never seen before. I've never been to Monterey, never been to Santa Cruz, those are a couple of places that we went to and Old Sac we went there today so it was really nice. I got a little bit of a sunburn. I think somebody pointed that out today so I'm not used to that up in the northwest having sunshine come out so anyway I just want to thank Pastor Jimenez and and the church for everything and always appreciate the great hospitality that I get here and and I've had a great time. Thank you so much Pastor Jimenez and Verity Baptist Church. It's like being back with family again, always being here to preach and so really appreciate you coming out like I said and I appreciate your taking care of me like you always do so. So anyway the title of the sermon tonight is Whosoever, whosoever and so in John 3 16 let's look down at the verse there and it says John 3 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. This is a you know the most famous verse in the whole Bible and that verse contains the word whosoever and so tonight I wanted to do just a kind of a Bible study on the word whosoever and the statements that are said in with that word whosoever in the Bible. So whosoever is actually a formal term for the word whoever and whoever means what anyone right so whosoever is a great word of the Bible and there's a lot of great verses attached to that word and you know there's a lot of talk about being inclusive today. Who's heard about the word inclusive? Well whosoever is a word that includes everybody and so God is inclusive you know not in the way that we're being taught that we need to be you know is just the weird society that we live in today but anyway so God's not excluding anybody so when it says the word inclusive actually means not excluding any of the other parties or groups involved in something so when the word whosoever is used in the Bible it's saying everybody anyone so and there like I said there's many great verses in the Bible that teach that word whosoever that has that word whosoever in it and so I definitely just wanted to kind of you know have a Bible study about this night since it's a Bible study night and so the word whosoever always has an emphasis and a powerful point in any verse that's used in in the Bible there's a hundred and sixty two mentions of that word whosoever I was really surprised at that number I thought well maybe I could just get through the whole thing and so I figured you know Pastor Mendez said you know don't worry about the time tonight he said you know don't he said preach as long as you want and that's like saying sic em to a dog to me right you guys were here last time it was brutal you know on a on a night of a potluck of all things to just preach that long it's crazy so there's 162 mentions of the word whosoever and we're not gonna leave a stone unturned tonight I'm just kidding this brother Ray is about ready to get up and walk out so anyway so I'm not gonna preach as long as I want so I'll preach I'll try to stay within the confines of a few hours so anyway I have three points tonight three points and point number one is whosoever as a painful warning whosoever as a painful warning and so the first mention let's turn to Genesis chapter 4 and we'll look at the first mention of the word whosoever in the Bible Genesis chapter 4 verse number 15 and obviously that's the first book of the Bible so it shouldn't be too hard to get there Genesis chapter 4 verse 15 says and the Lord said unto him therefore whosoever slayeth Cain vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold and the Lord set a mark upon Cain lest any finding him should kill him and so the very first mention of the word whosoever what it is what it's dealing with Cain and God said whosoever slayeth Cain vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold so whosoever is a painful warning sometimes the word whosoever is used to warn people in the Bible about things and in this case you know Cain actually deserved to get killed but God said hey if you if anybody slays Cain like he did to his brother he's gonna he's gonna there it's gonna be vengeance taken on him sevenfold and that is is a scary warning to anybody that would have killed him so now turn to Exodus chapter 12 verse 15 and so we should understand that the word whosoever you know it it includes everybody and in some cases it's a painful warning to people Exodus chapter 12 verse 15 says seven days shall shall you eat unleavened bread even the first day you shall put away leaven out of your houses for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day unto the seventh that soul shall be cut off from Israel and so God's making this point that you know you're gonna do things the way I want you to do them it's just like salvation you can't do however you want there's a certain way you have to get saved that's by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ by the way and so this is you know this picture here is picturing that if you you know eating leavened bread is it is a picture of sin as it's a picture of partaking in sin and so that picture was meant for us to see that we have to eat the unleavened bread right the bread of life the Lord Jesus Christ and so but the the children of Israel it says that they that soul would be cut off for not doing this pass over the way that they were supposed to do so if you think about this spiritually if you don't partake of the Lord Jesus Christ's broken body and perfect sacrifice your sin will not be forgiven you will be cut off also and so looking at this spiritually this whosoever that's not something that we want to be is cut off from among the people and obviously that's talking about the children of Israel and the nation of Israel but spiritually speaking if you don't partake of the Lamb of God then you're gonna be cut off also just like anybody else would so now flip over to Exodus chapter 22 verse 19 we'll see another whosoever here and of course I'm not really going through all 162 verses but I'm gonna hit the highlights and I'm gonna hit the ones that I think are the the most powerful verses so let's look at verse number 19 in Exodus chapter 22 it says whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death so God puts a warning on someone that would be a sexual pervert is what this guy someone that would lie with a beast an animal as he would with a woman or a man it's wicked and God said you know what it's the death penalty and so whosoever does this particular sin that's the death penalty and see whosoever means anyone doesn't it and so God doesn't mince words when it comes to the death penalty there's many different things that would be a death penalty situation but Exodus 22 19 clearly says that whosoever does this wicked sin this perversion it is surely going to be put to death and our society to be a lot better if we put people to death that deserve to be put to death right I don't think anybody's gotten put to death in any liberal state that I've known on for a long time so I mean they they put all the serial killers to death pretty much and and then you know there's some people in prison that are still probably serial killers but you just don't hear about that kind of stuff very often anymore you know why because the the governor's have put a moratorium on the death penalty but see God says that anybody that does that's a sin or there's multiple different sins first-degree murder would be a sin that should be put to death for rape and all these different things but whosoever you know this is a warning to someone that would break God's law and his moral law in this way turn to Exodus chapter 32 verse 33 now God here is talking in Exodus chapter 32 verse 33 to Moses and Moses is interceding for the people because God's ready to just wipe out the children of Israel make Moses this great nation and Moses intercedes for him for the for the children of Israel and he's saying he's basically saying blot me out of the book and so God's saying no I'm not gonna blot you out of the book and and this is a good picture of also eternal security Moses is saved he can't be plotted on the book all right but these people that that God is ready to smoke here he says look at verse 33 it says and the Lord said unto Moses whosoever has sinned against me him will I blot out of my book so God will blot people's name out of the book of life that doesn't mean that that person saved that means their name is already there but the Bible says that whosoever has sinned against me this is what he's telling Moses will I blot out of my book so God will blot people out of that book that's a painful reminder that you can go to hell you could actually lose you could lose the ability to actually be saved you could lose the ability to by sitting against the Holy you know speaking against the Holy Ghost and all these different things that God would pull put you out of the book for but you know once you could actually be in the book till the very end in some cases and then you die and you're that's your last chance you're done God blots you out of the book of life and whosoever sins against God that's gonna anybody that sins is gonna go to hell without Christ right so whosoever has sinned against me that would be anybody right that's what it says whosoever has sinned against me now look at Leviticus chapter 18 verse 29 Leviticus chapter 18 verse number 29 look at verse 29 it says for whosoever shall commit any of these abominations even the souls that commit them shall be cut off among their people now I'm not I don't have time to go through all the different abominations that are in Leviticus chapter 18 but one of them is sodomy all right and line with you know all these incestuous things that are in there you know giving your children over to Moloch to walk through the fire these types of abominations God says for whosoever shall committed these abominations even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people therefore shall you keep mine ordinance that you commit not any one of these abominable customs which were committed before you and that you defile not yourselves therein I am the Lord your God God has a stern warning against people that would do the abominations that are listed in this chapter and he says whosoever commits any of these they're gonna be cut off from among their people now look at Deuteronomy chapter 18 Deuteronomy chapter 18 this is another chapter where there's a lot of warnings in it but also Moses talks about this prophet that's gonna come and of course he's talking about the Lord Jesus Christ look at verse number 19 it says and it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I will require it of him Moses is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and isn't that what happened the people that he came to said the Bible says that he came to his own and his own received him not and so the people that didn't didn't hearken unto the words of the Lord Jesus Christ that those people were God required of him didn't he he required it of the nation of Israel and he came and destroyed their temple in 70 AD because they said that they wanted his blood to be upon them and upon their children well sometimes you get what you ask for don't you and so unfortunately anybody that doesn't hearken unto the words of the Lord Jesus Christ God is gonna require it of them so it's a warning that you know whosoever as a warning and as you know a warning to people that would not hearken unto the words of the Lord Jesus Christ now let's let's go to Proverbs chapter 20 verse number 1 Proverbs chapter 20 verse number 1 and so God is warning us with these whosoever verses that anybody's included that nobody gets to get out of that when he's saying whosoever it means anyone now look at Proverbs chapter 20 verse 1 this is the time of year as the Sun starts coming out and people start you know dressing less than they would normally dress and they start drinking and partying and you know this world that we live in you know alcohol is a big deal in this world and billions and billions of dollars worth of alcohol is drank in this country I don't know how many billions but I know it's billions get drank in this country alone I mean recycling bins are filled up like I'll be you know driving around you'll see like the recycling bins are just filled with wine bottles like how many bottles of wine you gonna drink every week bro I mean it's a lot so but I mean I'm sure some of you have neighbors where you see that they have their recycling bin and the wine bottles are overflowing out of there but God has some strong language about someone that would be someone that drinks alcohol look at Proverbs chapter 20 verse number 1 look what it says wine is a mocker what is a mocker someone that makes fun of somebody right so wine you know you're someone that wants to drink or you want to excuse the fact that you think well Jesus turned water into wine so that means I can drink or whatever but what does the Bible say in Proverbs says wine is a mocker in the end wine is gonna make fun of you right you're gonna do stupid things and then people are gonna laugh at you and your bottles gonna laugh at you look it says wine is a mocker strong drink is raging what do people do when they get all drunk they rage and they get in fights and it says and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise who so ever that means anyone right whosoever is deceived thereby is what very wise yeah alcohol is good for you have a little wine for right off your stomach steak you know people will take that see you know Timothy drank wine but look the Bible saying that you're not wise if you're deceived by wine right isn't that what it says that you're not wise as Christians are we supposed to be wise absolutely and what is the opposite of wise foolish so someone that is going to drink something that would mock them someone's gonna drink something that's gonna make them rage you know that's a person that's not wise and any people make any excuse to be able to continue in the sin that they want to commit and when it comes to alcohol there's a lot of Christians out there that like oh yeah it's it's fine to have a glass of beer after a hard day's work or whatever but what does the Bible actually say if you're deceived by that you're not wise whosoever it's not like oh yeah well you know I know that they have a problem with it but I'm okay I don't get drunk I don't drink more than I'm supposed to you know there's not like some some meter in your body that says okay you're drunk now it comes upon you you don't realize you're there and then all sudden you're there you're drunk and how and when do you know well you're not gonna know you're just gonna start acting like a goofball you're gonna and then that goofball turns into someone's crying and that goofball turns into someone that's raging and fighting people for no reason they don't even know what they're doing falling down drunk and looking stupid and you know what nobody likes to have some kind of a drunk hang on them who's ever had a drunk hang on you and you're like get off me what's wrong with you you know it's it's annoying it really is so look at Proverbs chapter 23 and the Bible says whosoever's deceived thereby is not wise so are you deceived by it are you the one are you a person in here that I mean I'm not gonna ask you for a raise of hands okay but look the Bible is against alcohol and and people you know it's against the consumption of alcohol and it's it's definitely against drunkards you know drunkard isn't even supposed to be in the church so if you're a drunkard you know you shouldn't be here but what does it say in Proverbs chapter 23 verse 29 says who hath woe who hath sorrow who hath contentions who hath babbling who hath wounds without a cause who hath redness of eyes they that tarry long at the wine they that go to seek mixed wine so yeah oh yeah you know I just have a little a little bit of alcohol every once in a while you know what if someone knows that and you're doing that and you're like trying to make excuses as to why it's okay you're you know what you're being a stumbling block first of all to somebody that has had a problem with it there's a lot of people probably in this room that have had a problem with alcohol even if you weren't like an addict of it that you had a problem were once you were on it you acted like an idiot once you were on it you made mistakes you wish you could take back once you were on it you're out of control once you're drunk you're drunk and you're gonna do foolish things but look what look what it says who hath woe you know what woe is someone that's just has hard big problems in their lives curses basically is what it is who hath woe who has sorrow you know do you want to be a person is just filled with sorrow that's why people drink alcohol because they're they want to just drown and whose heard the term drown in your sorrows that's what people want to do it says who hath contentions you know what alcohol does it makes people fight it makes couples fight it makes abusive homes it makes someone beat their children beat their wife or the wife beat their husband I mean that's that happens too but you know it also it costs what causes contentions it causes contentions with friendship it causes contentions in your life who have babbling what's it what's it talk about babbling who's ever seen some drunk idiot and they can't even talk because they're just babbling and then spewing out a bunch of foolish things that they shouldn't be saying who has wounds without a cause you know people that are drunkards that are really bad they'll wake up and they got marks on them they got scratches on them they got bruised I don't how did I get this bruise well you're too drunk to remember what happened last night that's what that's how and these types of people you know these people that have wounds without a cause you know I've watched people just be so drunk that they just walked and fell straight on their face on the pavement you want to know how that's gonna leave a mark I'm just saying it's gonna leave a mark it's gonna you know it's if you fall straight on your face drunk it's gonna hurt you and I mean I just had to look away I don't I didn't know what else to do he was like some homeless guy but I mean he just didn't move I thought he was dead or something but that you know that is that what you you know you people that drink they don't really realize that that's where it ends up and maybe it doesn't end up like that for everybody but it is a dangerous thing and the Bible says whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise so if that's you I mean there's I don't know what your life is I don't know what you do outside of here and you know pastor doesn't know every single thing that everybody does you know people say that we're in a cult but you know who's got the the thing in their house that says come to church who's got the speaker that says come to church have you guys gotten that yet the new people here it's not true you know we don't control what people do and I don't try to control what people do in my church but I'll tell you what I don't want them to do is to drink and be deceived by alcohol to be to be drunken and think that they can control it and there's people here that have had a problem with alcohol or drugs or whatever it is and that's something that would be a huge stumbling block to them don't ever said even if you think that that's true that it's okay for you to drink don't tell other people that because what are you doing you're causing your brother to stumble it's wrong it's wicked and so don't do that but look skip down to verse number 35 and here's the real problem with being someone that's given to alcohol and drinking and there's a lot of stuff that happens in between these verses I just don't have time to cover it but look what it says they have stricken me thou shalt thou say and I was not sick they have beaten me and I felt it not when shall I awake I will seek it yet again and what is the problem with with alcohol do you think that people there's some people that are trapped in a cycle that they can't get out of because they're addicted to alcohol and this is the type of person that's what it's saying is that this person will have all this stuff happen to them and then they'll get up and seek it again because you know what they're addicted to it and so don't don't get this attitude that you don't think that alcohol is addictive or maybe and maybe it isn't to you but it is to other people so don't be a stumbling block to somebody else and don't be fooled by people that would say well these pastors these Baptists are just crazy the Bible doesn't say that the Bible talks about wine being a blessing yeah it's a different kind of wine it's called grape juice or it's called fruit juice it's not alcoholic so when it's talking about this do you think this is talking about grape juice absolutely not it's talking about stuff that has alcohol in it you know what it's poison it literally poisons you there's people that have died from just drinking alcohol one time you know why because it's poison and our body couldn't handle it and so we shouldn't have anything to do with that now let's look over in the New Testament at Matthew chapter 5 verse number 32 Matthew chapter 5 verse 32 the Bible says but I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committh adultery there's a lot of people that have a hard time with this verse here too you know they just can't get the the fact that it says whosoever right does that mean anybody it's not your special circumstance it's not I didn't know any better at the time and look I'm not trying to harp on people that have already made the mistake of getting divorced remarried I'm not but I do want to warn people that haven't made that mistake or that think it's okay to just get divorced and remarried for any reason you know that's what the that's what the Pharisees believed but look what it says that whosoever shall put away his wife for saving for the cause of fornication which happens before you consummate the marriage by the way causeth her to commit adultery so when you divorce somebody you causing that person to commit adultery and who and what and whosoever shall marry her that's divorced committed adultery so you know that song whosoever surely meaneth me when it comes to this verse and divorce and and and being remarried whosoever meaneth you also okay whosoever meaneth you and yeah that verse is about salvation I mean that that song is about salvation and things like that it's a great song but whosoever meaneth you also well I I'll tell you this and I've said this before that divorce and marriage issues are the biggest problems that I ever deal with as a pastor they're hurt think I mean just it's the hardest thing to deal with and you can ask pastor I'm sure he would agree that that's with the same thing that it's it's hard to deal with marriage issues because people just get divorced for any reason now and then you got mixed families and you got all this kind of stuff going on and it's hurtful and it's hard but look what am I gonna preach tell Kingdom come I'm gonna preach that if you put away your wife for any reason you know for any reason say for the cause of fornication you're committing an adultery if you get remarried don't come to me with your story don't come to me with oh but me no it's whosoever that means anyone so you're not you're not above this your situation isn't special just look what the Bible says and believe it and then you know if you're like having a hard time in your marriage then try to make it better you know it's not as bad as you think it is and maybe it is though but it can get worse you know what's worse divorce you know what's worse your children having not two parents in the home and so work out your issues you know you you were so quick to get married well stick it out then stick and stay make it pay right stick and stay you want to stick and stay with your marriage and not you you want to be a whosoever that you don't want to be this whosoever this is a warning against people that would commit adultery and cause someone to commit adultery so Matthew chapter 12 let's look over at Matthew chapter 12 the Bible says in Matthew 12 32 and whosoever speak of the word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him so if you blaspheme the Son of Man he blasphemed Jesus Christ then that thing can be forgiven you right and it says but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him and there's people that have done that there's people that have blasting the Holy Ghost and it says that they it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come so that is not a good whosoever that's it you know if people people use Jesus Christ's name as a cuss word all the time and it's good that I mean I'm it's not good to blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ I'm not saying that but if they're blasting the Holy Ghost that'd be a different story right but you know you don't see you don't hear people do that isn't that interesting like people don't usually use the Holy Ghost as though as a cuss word right they'll say God they'll say Jesus but they won't usually say the Holy Ghost have you ever noticed that I don't know it's just something I noticed but if you if you speak a word against the Holy Ghost it's not gonna be forgiven you that's what the Bible says and that's a very dangerous thing to do and you know I've preached before a lot before here about that blasphemy challenge where people actually set up a website or you could get people to blaspheme the Holy Ghost on on camera I mean what kind of sick demonic people would put something up like that and and you know don't ever do something like that you know sometimes kids do dumb things but don't do something that dumb because there's a strict warning that you can't be forgiven for that right look at Revelation chapter 22 verse 15 Revelation chapter 22 verse number 15 Bible says for without our dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh alive this is talking about people that would go to hell these are these are yeah they're not gonna be allowed to be in heaven see God it's God's house it's God's heaven God made everything you know what he makes the rules on who goes there and who doesn't you know what he says he's excluding people here that are not gonna get to go he's excluding people that would do these wicked sins and not get saved obviously if you get saved you still get to go to heaven but whosoever loveth and maketh alive who's you know all these different sins that it's saying those people are without and God doesn't have to let him in you know do you just let anybody in your house that just walks up to your door I don't you just don't know what they're like you know so and there's some people that by choice you would say you're not allowed to my house I'm sure there's people in here that have had experiences where like hey you can't come over anymore or you're not allowed to my house and you know that's your house that's your rules and God's the same way people are like how God God's forgiving he forgives everybody no he doesn't he only forgives people that are saved and and sometimes people that are saved he's still angry with so you know we still have to live the Christian life and still keep God's commandments not to be saved but obviously to be in a right relationship with God right so that's all the negative stuff all right well most of it anyway so so number two tonight whosoever as a personal choice see we God has some verses where he talks about people having a personal choice and that personal choice can grant them one way or the other and so whosoever is a personal choice let's go back to Exodus chapter 35 Exodus chapter 35 so point number one was whosoever is a painful warning point number two is whosoever is a personal choice I look at verse number five in Exodus chapter 35 it says take you from among you an offering unto the Lord whosoever is of a willing heart let him bring it an offering of the Lord gold and silver and brass now this is a special offering that's being taken up here but God is saying there's there's people that would say that we don't have our own free will who's heard of that Calvinistic wicked doctrine obviously most people in here probably have heard of it but if you have a willing heart to do something that's a choice that you get to make right not you know what you just had the vision offering and some people probably gave and some people I'm sure didn't you know and and obviously it's not a for it's called you know it's that would be what would be called a free will offering you know the you know pastor Mendez gets up with the challenge and and the things that are needed for the vision offering and some people give to it and some people don't but does it make you not right with God if you don't give to it no it says whosoever has a willing heart and so some people don't have a willing heart and that's fine that's your choice but you know God is gonna bless you for having a willing heart this was a special offering for the stuff for the tabernacle but you know God wants us to have a willing heart you know he wants us to have a willing heart and he says whosoever is of a willing heart let him bring it an offering of unto the Lord and so there's nothing wrong with giving more you know obviously God wants us to give 10% there's nothing wrong with giving more though there's nothing wrong with only giving 10% either though so I mean that's what I believe but if I'm wrong about that then you know if I'm anything I say that is different what pastor Mendez says and he's always right so but I think he agrees with me on that so but anyway so we do have personal choices we you know a free will offering means that you give it of your own free will and so that would like just there's one verse that would just say oh Calvinism can't be right then because otherwise God just making you do that and that's not what it says right it says that you are of a willing heart you know and so it says whosoever is of a willing heart so look at Matthew chapter 5 verse number 19 Matthew chapter 5 verse 19 here's another choice so you can have a choice to willingly give and obviously even tithing you still have to willingly give right you know we don't it's not like Pastor Jimenez is like the Mormons and just walks up to your door hey you miss your ties this week you know he doesn't do that does he the but the Mormon Church does do that my grandma was part of the Mormon Church a long time ago and she said that they came to the door and gave her a bill for her tithing she's like get out of here and don't ever come back so amen grandma but yeah so even though the tithe is something we're supposed to pay it's a commandment of God it's still up to you to do that and that's that takes faith sometimes and sometimes as a new Christian like people are like and let me just help you with something as a new Christian sometimes you're like I don't see how I'm gonna pay this bill and pay the 10% but you know what God is gonna make the ends meet he promises to do that you know he says prove me now here with saith the Lord he's gonna pour out the out of the windows of heaven a blessing for you and you're like I just don't know loosen your grip on that money loosen your grip on it because you know he's gonna rebuke the devour for for your sake when you give to the Lord he's gonna rebuke the devour but you know what's gonna happen when you're like I don't know I just I got to hang on to this 10% the cars gonna break down it's telling you right now you're gonna get flat tires you know you're not gonna have enough money for groceries the money that you thought you were savings gonna get spent on other stuff it's called a new dishwasher new washer dryer you know so if your washer and dryer keeps breaking down every month maybe you should start tithing and look it does take faith to tithe but once you have that faith to do that then you'll never turn back from it you know I'm not sitting here just trying to drain you of your money or something it's like I don't know this guy is just talking about money but you know money gets talked about in the Bible sometimes so and it's you know I don't want to I don't even care what you give honestly it doesn't matter to me you know I'm not your pastor but I'll tell you what it's gonna matter to you and your family because God's gonna bless you when you give and that you know you're gonna add up the bills it's not gonna make sense telling you that right now whoever's not tithing I don't know who it is pastor didn't tell me so don't worry about that but I'm just saying you'll look at your bills and be like how can I give how can I do this it's like just believe God believe his promise because that's like the one of the one things you can prove God with in the Bible if you give the tithe he's gonna make sure that you're taken care of period so anyway where was I at here Matthew 5 19 thank you Matthew 5 19 here's another whosoever whosoever shall therefore shall break one of these least Commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven so people that teach other people you know some people will teach to break God's commandments but it doesn't say that they're still going to heaven yeah they're still going to heaven but you know the whosoever shall break one of these least Commandments and teach men shall be least in the kingdom of heaven so you don't want to be least in the kingdom of heaven but so you have a choice here so whosoever is a personal choice in this verse and it's saying hey if you want to break if you want to teach people to break the commandments well guess what you're gonna be least you're gonna be the person cleaning the toilets or whatever I don't know what that means exactly but you're gonna be least all right but you also have a choice to do and teach the commandments to do and teach the right things and the Bible says it doesn't say you're gonna be the greatest in heaven but it says you'll be great in heaven and so hey and and not everybody here is a pastor or a teacher in that way but you still teach your children don't you you still teach your your your wife or whatever you teach people at the door when you when you preach the gospel to them so you know it's but some people will try to teach something wrong because they know that they want to do something wrong right and so don't get caught up in that because you don't want to be you know the first hey you know brother Oliver it's time to go clean the toilet again sorry you were teaching you know I'm sorry brother Oliver but yeah you don't want to be that that person's least you want to make the choice you want to be the whosoever that's gonna be great in the kingdom of heaven because you're teaching the right things to people turn to Matthew 7 24 Matthew 7 24 Matthew 7 24 says there were here at these saints of mine and do with them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and so you have a choice to hear the sayings of his and do them see some people just hear things but they don't do them but God wants us to be doers of the word and not just here's only right and it says I will like liken him unto a wise man that built his house upon a rock you don't want to be the the person that built your house upon sinking sand you want to do the commandments and and do the hearing the things that you hear of Christ the things that you read in the Bible that you you want to apply those things to your life and you want to do them don't just read it and say yeah I'm not gonna do that you want to read it and do them and you're gonna be and when the storms come up the storms of life come you're all you're on a rock instead of sinking sand me and pastor and brother Oliver were walking up this hill where was that at was that that was in Santa Cruz I think and Santa Cruz we're walking up this hill and it's just all this sand it's like I was just thinking you know that's like you know being on sinking sand it's easier to walk on a rock than it is sinking sand so that sinking sand was like a calf burner workout so anyway and I got roasted at that point I guess I don't know what happened but anyway so let's look over at Matthew chapter 23 verse 12 Matthew chapter 23 verse 12 and of course I don't bring my cell phone up so I'm looking up and it says 425 is it is it is it actually it's not 25 after is it I don't know anyway well now now you guys are hosed so now I'm just gonna keep reaching until I'm done so anyway Matthew chapter 23 verse 12 whosoever does not change the clock it's gonna be chastised with scorpions by Pastor Thompson all right Matthew chapter 23 verse 12 says and whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased so look here's whosoever choice that you have in your life whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased you know the principle here is that if you if you want to make yourself some great thing and you want to walk around acting like you're the best that ever was and ever will be then the Bible says you're gonna be abased that means you're gonna be taken down a notch you know why because God doesn't like pride God likes humbleness God likes meekness it says and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted so we have a choice here as a whosoever it says if you exalt yourself you're gonna be abased so if you want to be great then be humble you know humble yourself and then God will exalt you in due time like the Bible says so you know it's the opposite of what people would think that's what the world does that's what the the sports players do I'm the best that ever was and you know I always think of that one of the San Francisco 49ers got whooped by but Richard Sherman gets up you know and he's just like I'm the greatest that ever played the game you know he's just like bragging about how great of a corner is by the way he's back in Seattle but anyway so he'll be the greatest again but no I'm just kidding he did all he could for San Francisco it just didn't work out but anyway sorry I'm bringing up worldly football but what I'm saying is that people that play sports and people that that in the world they that's what they do they exalt themselves and you know they're gonna be taken down a notch I'm sure Richard Sherman's got burnt for a lot of touchdowns after he made that great play but because why because he you know anybody that's like that eventually they're gonna get a base Michael Jordan's not the best basketball player in the world anymore you know now he's just a you know a gambling whatever he sits back and talks about the good old days but he's still not he's not the best see eventually you say that you're the best you're the greatest and and at some point age is gonna catch up to you and you're not gonna be the greatest anymore so take this principle into mind that if you're you know that whosoever it's giving you a choice to be humble or be proud obviously we don't want to be humble Ezekiel chapter 33 verse 4 here's an another choice that people have so when warning is given by the man of God you know obviously this is talking of you know this is it's taking a picture and saying because back back in the Middle East in these times they had walls around cities right and they had people that would blow a trumpet if there was some kind of warning that had to take place like these armies coming against the city they blow the trumpet and the people that don't you know run for cover or whatever they're supposed to do they get killed so look what it says in verse 4 then whosoever here at the sound of the trumpet and taketh not warning if the sword come and take him away his blood shall be upon his own head and what the Bible is teaching here is that you know and obviously applying this spiritually as it should be then when you're warned about something in the Bible and you don't take heed to that and something happens in your life you know some issues are happening in your life and you had a chance to do things right but then you failed to do things right well look what it says his blood shall be upon his own head this would include you know obviously people that are that are sinful and and won't be saved you know when we go to people's doors and try to warn them about you know the fact that they're going they're headed for a devil's hell and that they're sinful and they need to be saved you know we we come and blow that trumpet for people don't we and a lot of times we just knock and they're just like you know I mean it happens and sometimes they say some colorful thanks to us sometimes they threaten to beat us up you know I got threatened to be beat up I think with brother Vladi one time and people just don't they don't want to hear the truth and so but we're going through with the trumpet trying to warn people and you know guess what's gonna happen when we warn that person for the last time the swords gonna come and their blood is gonna be upon their own head but even just applying that to ourselves when we get warnings from the Word of God pastor gets up here and just you know rips your face off and tries to warn you against something that you're a trap that you're falling into some kind of sin that you might be falling into and then you don't listen you know your blood's gonna be upon your own head because you didn't listen so now turn to Revelation chapter 14 verse 11 and this is the last verse I'll have you turn to well actually I got a couple more here for this point but Revelation chapter 14 verse 11 says in the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the Beast in his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name you receive the mark of the Beast you're done that's what the Bible teaches right this is a very you know you have the you but you do have a choice right this is a your personal choice as a whosoever there's gonna be people that are gonna take the mark of the Beast and you know what it's gonna be their choice their choice because God's not gonna do something to you like that because someone forced it on you right these people have a choice and it is gonna be tied to money it's gonna be tied to you know your COVID vaccine or whatever who knows but all this stuff's gonna be tied you're not able to buy or sell or do anything like that and there's gonna be people are gonna say you know what I know that that's true I know what this is but I'm still gonna take it anyway and they're gonna receive the mark of the Beast and the Bible says that they have no rest day nor night who worship the Beast and his image so people do have a choice to take the mark of the Beast or not and when they do they're gonna bring it under themselves damnation now turn to Revelation chapter 22 verse 17 Revelation chapter 22 verse 17 here's a good choice and a spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take the water of life what to say freely amen right so the Bible teaches that we can come and get salvation you know what it's free amen but it says whosoever will here's another checkmate for the Calvinist right how do you explain that it says whosoever that means what anyone right whosoever will let him take the water of life freely so that would be kind of weird if you didn't have a choice to get saved or not if God is doing all the choices for you God is choosing everything for you then that verse does not make sense so whosoever will let him take the water of life freely it's a choice it's a choice to be saved nobody is forced to be saved just like nobody is forced to take the mark of the Beast nobody's we're gonna be forced to take that water of life freely so point number three it's my last point tonight whosoever as a promise whosoever has a promise let's look over at John chapter 11 verse number 26 John chapter 11 verse number 26 so there's verses that teach that anyone that does you know these whatever it's gonna say in these verses you get that as a promise God's promising you that look at verse number 26 it says and whosoever liveth and what believeth in me shall never die believeth thou this so that's a promise from God whosoever liveth and believeth and who the Lord Jesus Christ shall never die that means you'll never set one foot in hell ever and that includes anybody from the Old Testament to the Old Testament saints weren't roasting in hell until Jesus came in then he had to go in and bring them back out that's not true they didn't spend a second in hell and we won't either anybody that's saved has the promise that you will never die you will never die and dying means what you're going to hell and none of us in this room that saved is ever gonna set foot in there for one second Jesus Christ did that for us didn't he now turn to 1st John chapter 5 verse 1 1st John chapter 5 verse 1 what are we talking about whosoever as a promise God promises us certain things and he's not gonna break that promise see we're God is the Bible says God is faithful right God is faithful now if you want to say there's people that we would say that person's a faithful person they're faithful to church they're faithful to the things of God but you're not faithful like God is see we fail we're men and women we fail we do things wrong all the time we're not faithful like God is God is always faithful and God always keeps his promises no matter what look what the Bible says verse number one whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is what born of God and everyone that loveth him that begat love loveth him also that is begotten of him but it says whosoever what believeth you're born of God you're a child of God the moment you get saved you become a child of God you become born again like the Bible says in the book of John chapter 3 what brother Oliver read for us earlier so now turn to John chapter 4 verse 14 John 1 12 says but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name so whosoever believeth you know and that person that receives Christ big he gives us the power to become the sons of God he gives us that power it's a promise of God that once we believe we are born of God we are in the family of God forever John 4 verse 14 says but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life so obviously this is talking about the woman in the well and he's he speak Jesus is speaking to her and he says whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst that's a promise you're never gonna and so he's talking about that spiritual water isn't he he's not talking about the water that was in the well he's using that as a picture to show that the water that he gives is something that we're never you're never gonna thirst isn't it nice wouldn't it be nice to never be thirsty again you know because we drank water because why we're thirsty but the water that Jesus gives that's never gonna run out and it's gonna it's the but it says the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life that well never runs dry amen that well lasts forever and that's you're you're gonna have everlasting life that means you have a life that never ends right I know that a lot of people have a hard time with that then when we're out soul winning you know say you know you know if you if you say that you're saved could you ever lose it they're like oh yeah you could lose everlasting life it's like how do you lose everlasting life it lasts forever that doesn't make sense but see the things of God are foolishness to people that are not saved they just don't understand it but we understand it because the word everlasting means it lasts forever so that therefore you know logic and and just common sense would tell you that it lasts forever when it says everlasting life so and I'm gonna I'm here at the end but I wanted to show the the four most important whosoever's we can teach other people when it comes to soul winning so the four most important whosoever's that we can teach when it comes to soul winning I'm not trying to tell you to change your soul winning okay so don't don't get that from this but let's look at James chapter 2 verse 10 so when we go through our soul winning plan of salvation there's there's four major whosoever's that we run to you know if you do the same soul winning plan that I think that you do there's four major whosoever's that you're gonna run into while you're giving people the gospel and I and I do take the time to just say right from the get-go what does whosoever mean and you know sometimes people don't really know and so I just explained to them that means anyone right so James 2 10 I'm sure everybody in here uses this verse to show people that everybody is a sinner right James 2 10 says for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all and so we use this verse to say hey you know maybe you've not murdered somebody but you know if you're a liar the Bible says that if you do if you offend in one point you're guilty of all you're you're a sinful person you are a sinner because you know sometimes there ever once in a while there's a hard case that will say yeah well I don't think it's that bad I don't think it's that sinful or whatever but when you show them this verse it says whosoever what does whosoever mean anyone right so the second major whosoever that you find in your soul winning plan is found in Revelation chapter 20 verse number 14 Revelation chapter 20 verse number 14 I'm sure everybody goes to these verses here also revelation chapter so the first thing we show them the first whosoever we show them is going to be that if you don't if you offend in one point of law then you're guilty of all you're you're a sinner revelation chapter 20 verse 14 says and death and hell were cast in the lake of fire this is the second death and what to say and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast in the lake of fire and so that shows them that anybody that means anybody that is not found written in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire that means they're going to hell and so it's not just some people it's anybody that's not found written in that book you know the book where God can blot you out of that's the same book so the Lamb's book of life is what it's called also but you know if you if you are not found written in that book you're going to hell and so that's the second major whosoever that we would show somebody in our soul winning plan now let's go back to John chapter 3 where we first started tonight John chapter 3 see because when people realize it's not just them it's not just you it's everybody then they kind of feel all-inclusive don't they it's easier for you know if the Bible's saying that anyone whosoever you know and then it says says these statements then they have to kind of come to the conclusion that's talking about them also right so what does it say in verse 15 John 3 15 says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life so obviously again John 3 16 is the most famous verse in the whole Bible and you know once you've shown them hey anybody that doesn't keep the whole law you know they if they offend in one point they're guilty of all of it and so that's whosoever anybody right and then number two anybody whosoever is not found written in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire and then in John 3 15 and these are the verses that are gonna give them that that healing and that grace right whosoever believeth in him so when they think about you know whosoever well whosoever means me I'm a sinner whosoever is not written in the book of life is casting like a fire that means me I'm going to hell and then they come to this verse and you show them this verse you say see just like the other whosoever's this whosoever as long as you believe in Jesus you're not gonna perish you don't have to go to hell you have everlasting life a life that never ends and that's a great verse to show people when you're giving them the gospel and a great whosoever verse in your soul winning plan now look at Romans chapter 10 this will be the last verse we go to tonight Romans chapter number 10 see it wasn't 162 places we turn tonight it was quite a few but not 162 so anyway Romans chapter 10 verse 13 now of course once you've shown them you know that whosoever doesn't keep the whole law they're they're they're guilty of all whosoever is not found written the book of life they're going to hell and so you have to be get written in that book of life how do you get written that book of life well you got to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and once you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ then you must call upon him and ask him for salvation right that's what we believe it I know that you guys believe that at this church that you know the calling upon the name of the Lord I know that's been under attack before but what does the Bible say look at Romans 10 13 the last whosoever that I go to in my soul winning plan is once I get him to the door then I try to get him to walk through it right so Romans chapter 10 verse 13 says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved it's not a might be it could be no you shall be saved so when they call upon the Lord and they ask them for salvation and they're that whosoever it see when I show them I just say well hey it says whosoever believeth right you said you believe but then whosoever shall call you know so if you call it was to say you'll be saved and so that's that's kind of how I land the plane with them and I just kind of you know that's what I personally do and I'm not I'm not saying you should do that I'm just saying that you should recognize the fact though that those those words are in there and when you're when you're going through your soul winning plan you know sometimes people have a hard time understanding that it's them and so with that word whosoever that does show them that it's anybody right anyone and so anybody that's not kept the whole law they're guilty of all they're sinful and the Bible says there's a penalty for that sin it's death and so they don't want to die and be cast in a leg of fire then you know because anybody that's not written in that book is being cast in there and that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and that anybody that would call upon his name whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved these are powerful powerful verses that your disposal that you all use in your soul winning plan and so they're great verses to help people understand that it means anyone right it means whosoever so just to review whosoever is a powerful word it means anyone attached it's attached truths in the Bible makes it all more powerful and you know the promises the painful warning of anybody also the personal choices that we have and the promise whosoever as a promise whosoever as a personal choice whosoever as a painful warning whosoever you know conveying the changing of somebody's destiny you know these words these last four verses that I went through they can change someone's eternal destiny and so it's important for us to under you know these verses are great and you know I really had a good time studying for this but you know if we don't put them into action if we don't put them in into place and it really means nothing and we got it really this world is getting more sinful it's getting more wicked it's getting harder but God's Word there's never gonna let us down the promises of God are never gonna let us down and the Bible still has power the gospel still has power and if we can get out there and change this world one soul at a time one family at a time that's what we need to be doing and so whosoever is a very important term in the Bible and especially with these last verses that I showed you so I pray that you would consider those things and even if you know you're not emphasizing it in your soul-winning it is important that people understand that these verses apply to not just everybody else but to that person also and so when you bring that to someone's attention it can be a powerful way to convince people so let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great night in church and pray that you'd help us to to just make sure that we're going out and reaching that whosoever there I was a whosoever at one point and everybody in here that's saved was a whosoever that believed Lord and we called upon your name pray you'd help us to to bring that message to other people Lord that they could be a whosoever that believeth also Jesus name we pray amen