(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, the title of the sermon this morning is unclean, the truth about vaccines, unclean, the truth about vaccines. And I know I've preached about this not too far in the distant past, but my main reason for preaching this is not to tell you what to think, but how to think, and how to think from God's word. Because there's principles in the Bible, there's principles in the Bible that teach against vaccines. So there's no verse that says thou shalt not vax. Okay, there's no verse that says that. Okay, but there's principles in the Word of God that show us clearly that vaccines are something that we should avoid. Vaccines are something we should avoid given our children and ourselves also. And so the reason I'm actually preaching this is because of all the talk about vaccines for the COVID-19 process that they're going to go through. And people are very afraid that they're going to hold us down and force a needle into our arm. I kind of doubt that's going to happen. There might be retaliation for not taking them. Maybe they restrict their travel or things like that. Maybe it will come to that at some point, but that's going to be in the distant future because they haven't even rolled it out in the U.S. yet. Now they're saying it might be months before it comes out the U.K. had their first 90-year-old woman vaccinated with one of the vaccinations. But I just want to preach about why we should avoid them. What's the Bible reason? Because we have religious exemptions and people have deep convictions about this. And it's because for one thing abortion, aborted children were used to produce vaccines and dead animals and heavy metals and things like that. And so there's a truly unclean reason for not taking them. You don't want to make yourself unclean and especially by injecting it. It's one thing to touch a dead body and then you can wash yourself and scrub and all that stuff, but you can't scrub the inside. So once that gets in there it's going to do something to you and you don't know what it's going to do. And I personally don't believe even in the science of vaccinations. I'm totally against them, but I'm not going to tell you what to do. But I do want to tell you what God says is clean and unclean. And the reason why I had brother C.J. read Matthew chapter 9 is because it says in verse 12 it says, but when Jesus heard that he said unto them they that behold need not a physician but they that are sick. And so here's the first principle that you find in the Word of God and I think it's probably the most important one that we can think of is that you know if you're not sick why do you need to have a physician? Why do you need to have something if you don't have a disease why would you intentionally give it to yourself to produce some kind of antibody? You know though God says not to touch the unclean thing doesn't he? And definitely not stick it into your arm you know and and so there are there's already problems with this new vaccination they're coming out. People are having Bell's palsy. You know what Bell's palsy is? It's where you have partial or maybe full facial paralysis. It's usually on one side or the other and it can make your your face droop for the rest of your life. So that's probably not something that you're intending on wanting to get right? My great-grandmother had Bell's palsy and she I mean you couldn't really tell that much but you could tell that there was something wrong I mean after many years I don't think she had like a serious incident it didn't like affect her for the rest of her life as far as I know. But it makes me wonder how did she get that? You know because vaccinations do have side effects all right they have warning labels on the sides of those vaccines for a reason they tell you what the ingredients are for them. And so you know why am I bringing this up this morning? Well it should be obvious you know we're about to get a wave of vaccinations where people are gonna be bombarding you with all kinds of untrue science falsely so-called reasons why you should do it. But I'm not in agreeance with that and I do want to show you what the Bible says. What is a vaccine though? Well let me give you the definition that I found on the internet all right. Vaccine a vaccine is a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases prepared from the causative agent of a disease. Its products or a synthetic substitute which you could probably just say a clone right a clone of that thing. Treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. So and then it's funny the example they give is there's no vaccine against the virus. Because they've been trying to make corona vaccines see corona 19 or coronavirus 19 or the COVID virus 19 is just an option it's part of the SARS family. But COVID is an actual disease it's been a virus that's been around for a long time. You know what they've been trying to make cures for the common cold for a long time. Have they made a cure for the common cold? No they haven't. What do they tell you when you take your kids to the doctor and you know they've been really sick for a couple weeks. Well you're just gonna have to let it run its course because it's a virus. So now all of a sudden in less than one year they're coming out with a vaccination that's gonna cure coronavirus or stop it to some certain extent and we're supposed to buy that garbage from them. There's billions and billions of dollars at play here. There's 13 companies making coronavirus vaccinations right now. Three of them are in stage three and basically the FDA has has approved Pfizer's and I think the other I can't know what the name of the other company is but they've approved two or three of those. And so they want us to believe that you know usually a vaccine has to go through ten years of trials but you know they got to go to the head of the line because it's a pandemic that we're in. So yeah that might be well and fine but it's not gonna work. You know why? Because the principles of God's Word show us that it won't work. Let me you know some point number one if you're not sick you don't need to go to the doctor. If you're not sick you don't need to get somebody to stab you in the arm with a vaccination. You know there's people out there that are so so afraid of this virus that you know and I get that some people are more scared than others especially people that are older they do get worse problems from it. People that have health problems but you know I had it and it was a weird a weird virus. It was it made me ache like in my back and my neck really bad and but I didn't get a plugged up nose but I lost my sense of smell. I lost my sense of taste and it was really weird how I discovered it. Here's how I discovered that I lost my sense of smell. The the oven is cook is on cook and I thought well she's just cleaning the oven or what's going on because I didn't smell anything cooking. I said honey what do you got in the oven? She was like bacon. I was like I can't smell anything because if anything you smell. Bacon lasts in the air for a multitude of times right. It's like the gift that keeps on giving afterwards makes you want more bacon later right. But once I realized I lost my sense of smell and then you know I lost my sense of taste and so food didn't taste as good as it normally did. I mean you can taste some certain aspects of food but like it actually made me not like certain kinds of food too like for a while. There's just certain things that I just didn't want to eat but the sense of smell hasn't even totally come back for me and that was in July when I got it. So like I do smell things but it's not on the level that I used to be able to smell. So I hope hopefully it completely comes back but there are blessings from not being able to smell certain things also and I'm sure that you could imagine some of those things that would be good for you to not smell. So when you're working downtown you know normally you smell piss but I didn't smell that piss smell anymore. So that's piss because everybody's pissing all over the place and they don't they go to the bathroom in the middle of the street down there. So there's other reasons also but it's funny how in their definition they say there's no vaccine against the virus. But you can take that to the bank that there's no vaccine against the coronavirus either. They're you know I don't know what their draconian things that they're trying to roll out with all this stuff. I don't think anybody really knows for sure but I just know this is probably not good. It's not good. So I'm not gonna say that it's that you're you're trying to take the mark of the beast by wearing a mask or something. That's ridiculous all right. So that is super ridiculous. First of all Christians can't take the mark of the beast. They won't take the mark of the beast all right. So you don't have to worry about that. Why are you so worried about the mark of the beast when you can't even take it unless except you'd be reprobate. So don't worry about that you know and obviously the mark of the beast goes in your forehead not in your mouth okay and it goes on your right hand and that's where they put the mark of the beast. So it could it be a precursor yeah probably so is your debit card. So is your cell phone you know but you're not but everybody still has a cell phone here don't they. Okay so just you know cognitive dissidents is where you believe simultaneously two things that are opposing at the same time. Like you know I believe it might be the mark of the beast you know this technology is the mark of the beast but you'll have hold the one thing and you won't you won't diss the other one you know I'm saying. So don't be cognitive dissident all right. So where you're believing conflicting things at the same time. Just do your research just because it says something on the internet doesn't make it true. So I was somebody actually posted something on the internet that said you know there's feet others aborted fetuses in the COVID-19 vaccinations. But see I'm not gonna just run with that because I saw it on the internet. I actually did a little bit of research on it and look I'm not saying that they might not be lying to us about it but the two vaccines that they're coming out with now claim that there's no aborted fetuses in it okay. But there's a third one I'm gonna read you an article here in a few minutes that it's a little bit lengthy but you know and I'm not saying but people lie. Guess what the government lies to you sometimes about things I didn't know if you realize that or not. You know even the election there's literally pictures and camera footage of an election office where they tell everybody to go home and the two people come in and bring out duffel bags full of elections and lo and behold they're all for Joe Biden. That's caught on camera you know and there's multiple witnesses that have come forth about election tampering. Are you telling me they're all lying? I don't believe that. So and it's really weird that at 3 30 in morning there's a spike that goes way up and it's all for Biden pretty much. Okay what about 9-11? You know 9-11 you know what how did building 7 fall? How did building 7 fall? Like you can watch it fall but how did it fall? Did a plane crash into building 7? No. You know it was yeah it was both you can see the explosion charges going off on the buildings as they come down but yeah some people will believe in some conspiracy theories but that's too far. There's no way our government plotted to destroy 9-11 to make the Patriot Act come into play where they can spy on us at will and do all these weird draconian things. Believe me the government isn't always in your for your best interests and you know if you just look at the birth rates in America we're number 42. You know we're supposed to be the most advanced society in the world and this how come we're number 42 in deaths of birth in the world? 42. You know you think it would be we'll be doing a little bit better of a job with our birth rates here so and longevity of life we're way down I can't remember exactly what we are down the list but we're down farther than most countries and you look at all the vaccinations that you get before two years old it's 32. 32 vaccinations that your children are supposed to get before they're two years old that's the most I think it's the most in the world and you know how many you get in Japan? Two. You know why they have and it's amazing that they have the highest longevity of people living in that country it's like like 80 years old almost in America it's like 70 something but you know you're only promised three score and ten so but anyway so America's just trying to do their job God's job for them or something I don't know but the Bible's turn to Psalm chapter 139 Psalm chapter 139 point number one is if you're not sick you don't need to be treated if you're not sick you don't need a physician and God made us a certain way to where we can withstand and fight off sicknesses but you know what when God puts a plague on people what happens people die that's the intention of a plague and so don't tell me that God isn't involved in judgments when he specifically says when we rebel against him and when kind when places turn wicked he just has like a step process where he starts to destroy and get on his own children and he also does it to waken societies so why are we having a global pandemic well maybe God's a little bit angry with people right now they ever thought of that and so no inoculation is gonna stop him from destroying you you can hide in a bubble bubble boy and wear a mask that's n95 and you know what he can still find a way for that COVID virus to get into your mouth and down your throat and kill you dead if he wants to you're not gonna stop the judgment of God and so you know maybe God was merciful he's nobody in our church died from COVID we had several people have it so you know I mean God and some people are on ventilators and die why is that I don't know why but you know I suspect it might be the judgment of God because he's the one that controls the weather he's the one that controls plagues he controls the beasts of the earth he controls the government's everything is in the hand of God and he does what he wants to do and when it comes to judgment he's going to judge eventually he's going to judge look at Psalm 139 verse 14 it says I will praise thee for I'm fearfully and wonderfully made God made us wonderfully he made us to obviously in such a way that our eyes blink when we don't even realize we're doing it why do our eyes blink to wash the COVID off right why do we sleep because he may design our body so that sleep repairs us while we're asleep it repairs our mind it repairs the damage done on a body you know if you work out real hard and then your body's all messed up sleep is what's gonna help you do that it's gonna help you recover and when you sleep just things that your body that's the time for your body to go it goes into sleep mode and then it repairs itself because we're fearfully and wonderfully made by God and we don't need some antigen to help boost our our immune levels to a point where we could fight off some virus because God's gonna give us God gave us immune systems for a reason think about this so if we don't if we're not if we're sick then yeah that's the time when you would call upon God and ask him to help you feel better but also that would be a time like if you have pneumonia please go get a z-pack and get yourself fixed if you're you know that is a proven fix it does work okay I know that for sure because I had pneumonia last year at this time and you know what helped me feel better a z-pack if I would have taken garlic drops and put them on my ear guess what would have happened I would have probably died all right so there is a time to seek physicians they're not always wrong about everything they do if you break your leg falling down the stairs and a bone sticking out I wouldn't recommend that you just don't treat it and you think that God's just gonna heal you up you have to set that bone and put it back into place and probably you know there's a lot of great technology that doctors have but and look I'm not saying that the doctors are all in on this big conspiracy of vaccinations but you know I know that higher up people are and so they're educated in a way where they think it actually works and so I'm not saying that the doctors have this big conspiracy but somebody has a conspiracy of it because the science is faulty so point number one is if you're sick don't come I mean if you're sick you don't need you're sick don't come to church but if you're whole you don't need a physician so I think about these these chicken pox parties I was talking to Pastor Shelley about this last night he says mom when you know that they you used to have chicken pox parties my mom said the same thing to me is that they used to go and as if you're if your babies are really young you would go and try to mix them all together and try to get them all chicken pox while they're young because if you get them when your brother Eli's age then you get shingles and you know if you're my age I just say that cuz he's older than me I think yeah by the year but he's still older but anyway but if you think it was so I understand like where you would be coming from because like when I was six months old I had chicken pox and I had six pox on my body so I understand the mentality of it but some people never get chicken pox and they just live their life and they don't have it but I understand that mentality but is God for that mentality to just make yourself get sick I don't think so you know because if you're not if you're whole you don't need a physician so why would you introduce yourself to a dirty that a person has a dirty filthy disease and try to get yourself dirty and filthy does that that doesn't make sense so if you're already whole you don't need a physician so don't try to play God and you know say well I'm gonna get my kids chicken pox so they don't get shingles when they're older I understand the mentality but I don't think it's principally right so what are you supposed to do when you get sick in the Bible you're supposed to quarantine yourself away from other people well if you had leprosy then you were supposed to shut yourself in for seven days then the priest would look at you and then he would look at you and pronounce you either if you're clean he pronounced you clean if you're unclean still he'd do another for another seven days that's 14 days that's kind of the norm in quarantines and guess what God had that technology and that science already before you know the doctor big wig doctors ever thought about having it you know doctors used to say the bloodletting was a way to rid yourself of diseases but if they would have just checked that says the the blood is the life of a man the blood is the life of our beings of everything on this planet that's breathing then they would have known that that's unbiblical to bleed yourself out you need that blood in your body okay it's not gonna help you so barbershop so they have that thing that swirls that was actually they were the barbers and the blood letters at the same time so they'd look they'd you they'd cut you open and let you drip your blood out you know and I think they think that's what George Washington died of is being having a blood letter like drain his body of blood so obviously we need blood to live so there's no teaching or principle in God's Word to make yourself sick or unclean and you know washing things that you've touched or sat on or scorching those things with fire that's what God calls upon to make things clean how many times the Bible doesn't say wash with water because water is what's going to clean you and so and it all and also things that you were like if there are pots and pans or things like that he was called he would say to burn those things if they can get through the fire then you could still use them because that temperature is going to kill those germs that were on those items but if you couldn't do that then you were to throw them away because they're unclean so what is an antigen I mentioned that word antigen antigen is a toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body especially the production of antibody so an antigen is a toxin okay so what are vaccines they make this antigen that's supposed to help trigger a response in your immune system but what is it toxin you know does that make sense to put toxin in your body what is toxin it's something that's poisonous this is or other foreign substances now they probably don't want to tell you what these other foreign substances are because it's formaldehyde aluminum mercury monkey kidneys chickens you know parts of chickens and obviously they grow these cells and they culture these cells and they clone these cells so that's what a synthetic substitute is so they take these things and they make they make they culture them and then they copy them and that's what they did with two murdered children one in 1973 in the Netherlands and the other one was in the 60s I think in England so they take these cells that they took out and they've killed way more children than that and use them for research because I have a video on our website that actually shows the godfather of vaccines admitting that he was an atheist admitting that he hates God basically and he said that that he worked on you know on that on page 12 of the document if you go back and look at the video on page 12 the document he was asking to look at that he's talked about working on 76 different aborted children so I mean just that alone would turn anybody away but see now they're trying to say well you don't have to worry Christians because there's no aborted children and these vaccines so you're good to take them but what is in them because when you try to look for the ingredients of them they don't really tell you they just say it's a different way of giving a vaccination so I want to read that that article really quickly to you let's take this coat off too I think somebody set the temperature to hell yeah so since I'm taking on brother Eli I think it was him anyway so this is an article I got off a web page here on you know everything's right online okay but I just was like just typing things about the COVID vaccine so it says at the time of writing there's 78 COVID-19 vaccines in development 78 13 are in third stage trials and seven have limited approval for use Pfizer and Bio own tech vaccine was the first to be approved for the use in the UK on December 2nd 2020 so I watched the lady get the virus you know or get the the vaccination concerns have been expressed on social media that COVID-19 vaccines are made from aborted fetuses and some people object to the vaccines on religious and ethical grounds and that would be me most of the set so listen most of the COVID-19 vaccines and development do not use human cell lines in their production most so does that mean all for example Pfizer and Moderna use the Myrna technology Myrna and Myrna vaccine is a new type of synthetic vaccine remember I was just telling you with synthetics okay so it's clones of other things right as Pfizer explains Myrna vaccines are made from a DNA template in a lab rather than the traditional method of being made in cells the vaccine is then synthetically produced so they're still using DNA though and so were they getting that DNA the Moderna vaccine is also synthetic Moderna began by designing a gene sequence on a computer Damien guard hope I'm pronouncing that correctly explains how Chinese scientists after isolating the virus from patients posted the genetic sequence for COVID-19 online Moderna and biotech use software to tell them what chemicals to put together in what or so there are chemicals that they're putting together to inject into you in your children the COVID-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca in collaboration with Oxford University has generated the most debate in November 2020 was widely claimed on social media including the Facebook post with over 160,000 views that the AstraZeneca vaccine contains mrc5 cells from lung tissue of a male fetus which was aborted in the 1960s that's the one in England this specific claim has been fact-checked by Associated Press full fact PolitiFact, Ruders, and Snopes to be false and you know Snopes is always right on their fact checking right I mean I really just don't trust the media in general so it's been fact-checked well worth the facts because in this article they don't really present us the facts so so I just kind of think as if those sources are legit fact-checkers because Snopes like when Snopes first came out people like well it says on Snopes you know people use Snopes all the time so they realize that they're part of the far-left Looney Tunes think tanks right says however AstraZeneca did use the HEK 293 cell line to develop their vaccine these cells so it's not from the 1960s one it's from the 1973 cells originate so the cells originated from a fetus that was aborted in the Netherlands in 1973 the fetus was aborted legally oh as long as it was legal right at the time for other reasons and not for the purpose of vaccine research so they're basically just trying to snow you right here and say well it was that they weren't killed for the research they were just killed don't worry about the reason why it was legal so just shut up and believe this because we say so right so it says Alex Kasparat at Snopes has summarized the cell lines origin story which began with a Canadian scientist research into the cancer over the decades of all of these cells have been cloned and replicated so what has been cloned and replicated murdered children's cells cloned and replicated why did they go back to those ones because they needed to clone them I thought cloning was like an ethical issue also but apparently in vaccines they don't care dr. Paul Offit okay says it's been repeated they've been cloned and replicated many times dr. Paul Offit an immunization expert with the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia who sits on the US Food and Drug Administration FDA vaccine advisory committee describes these as standardized cell lines professor Helen Patosis Harris says the cells used today are distant descendants of the original cells so what does that tell you that they are descendants of them aren't they that they're decades old long over deck they're from decades old long over abortions and researchers do not use fetal cells from the present day so that so basically they're saying all the vaccines that are based on these replications they're replicated from those original cell lines of murdered children I don't call them I don't call them fetuses I call them babies and I believe that they are a life it was snuffed out and murdered and used to make these vaccinations that's what it's saying right I mean this isn't my word this is an independent Baptist calm why can't other cells be used Alex Kasparek explains that the cell line was selected because they're uniquely capable of rapidly multiplying modified addendo viruses in other words this is the quickest way of making a traditional vaccine they have been used in both medical research and the production of vaccines including hepatitis A and rebellion chickenpox and rabies so these murdered children went straight into the hepatitis A rebellion chickenpox and rabies vaccinations so if you've been vaccinated for any of those things you have murdered cloned children cells in your body and I'm sure a lot of people in here have been vaccinated or vaccinated maybe some of their kids when they didn't know the truth about the thing but you know that's just the what that's just that's just what it's saying right so it is also important to understand how cells are used it is common for vaccines to be grown in labs using cultures writing in science Meredith logman describes cell cultures as miniature factories in which the virus is propagated after the viruses are grown they are purified and the cell culture material is removed as professor Helen patussis Harris explains to the AAP fact-check no cells of any kind are part of the VAX of the final vaccine formulation so and here's the ethics of kovat 19 vaccines religiously conservative think-tanks such as Losier Institute I've never heard of them have expressed their opinion that the lab sequence Myrna vaccine vaccines and specifically the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not pose an ethical problem for them as they are synthetically produced well you know I don't know who this Losier Institute is maybe somebody's heard of them before but maybe they don't find something wrong with it but just because this is what they do they try to roll out the Christian it's okay blanket for everybody so you can have a little snuggly with it and be okay with taking the vaccination this is the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Life issued guidance on vaccines in 2005 reaffirmed in 2017 that in the absence of alternatives Catholics may receive vaccines using historical fetal cell lines in good conscience so there's the Pope just saying it's okay it's okay to use aborted fetal cells and inject them in your body because there's no other way to cure you well how about God for instance how about a real physician how about you just you know using proper sanitation and things like that a Belfast newsletter article reported on a blog post by Reverend Malcolm Duncan pastor of Dundon Donald Elam Church never heard of it never heard of him he made he made an ethical argument in favor of vaccination to save further hardship for others so basically they just roll out these Rando Christian organizations and tell us it's okay don't worry about it it's ethically fine so here's their summary which I find very interesting because when they said most of the vaccinations don't contain aborted fetal cells well here's what their summary says no COVID vaccine contains cells from aborted fetuses so what do they think people are stupid that read these articles that they just can't figure out that they just told us that in fact the one that's being done by Oxford and that other company that they are using them I mean they're saying no of the summer here's the summary you know maybe just people just read articles online but they just read the summary and maybe that's why they did that so they could trick somebody else into believing it but it says no COVID vaccine contains cells from aborted fetuses not true and it doesn't even mention the other seventy whatever five companies that are making them because there's 78 right 78 vaccines that they're making right now and three of them are being pushed through one of them admittedly uses cells from aborted fetuses so a replica line from a fetus aborted in 1973 was used to develop so then they just contradict themselves right here was used to develop the AstraZeneca Oxford University vaccine however the vaccine itself does not contain fetal cells yes it does it contains the clones of fetal cells which are the descendants in their own words of those clone cells descendants of dead children that were cloned a freak of nature science is what this is this is like dr. Frankenstein stuff this is like medieval times stuff this is you know hey wash your wash your hands wash yourself with water quarantine if you need to that's what the Bible teaches don't introduce you know you don't want to introduce and get people other people sick when you're sick and if you're sick you should stay home and quarantine that's what the Bible teaches it doesn't say to jab yourself with needles and it's okay because the Vatican says so that's not what the Bible teaches the Bible does not teach us to inject ourselves with dirty antigens you know toxin to produce some kind of response from our immune system you know the people are getting so they're getting Bell's palsy and they're also getting inflamed arm they're getting symptoms they're getting fever they're getting headaches they're getting all these you know and they say that it goes away after a day or so but why is your body reacting that way because you just put some dirty whatever into your into your system and that why would it produce those things if it's just since it's completely synthetic and only using chemicals what kind of chemicals why don't you tell us what's in there why would it make you run a fever well probably because you're dumping toxin into your bodies so it says the vaccines was such for being used by Pfizer and Moderna are synthetic vaccine sequence on a computer in a lab and do not use fetal cell lines in their production so just go ahead and take the vaccine you know people are getting sick from them even though they're saying in England the people have been taking them they've said don't take them if you have allergic reactions if you're allergic to shellfish or any kind of thing that people are having reactions allergic reactions like you would you would need like you know to jab yourself one of those things called the epi pens or whatever if you are if you you know if you have like severe allergic reactions like peanut butter and things like that then you're not so you shouldn't take them so so I guess those people are just clear they don't have to take them well right now they are but they don't they don't stop at schools they you have to have a little card that says you know I have a religious exemption in California they've tried to take that away in other states are trying to take that away in New York they're trying to pass us a mandatory vaccine law so if there's problems with them why would you have why should you have to take something that could potentially harm you under the United States of America under the Constitution or all these things and against God why would you be forced to do something that could potentially hurt you or your children that is wicked that is tyrannical that is not right and look if you believe that vaccines help people then that's fine you want you take them then but you know what you shouldn't have to I shouldn't have to be forced to take those things anybody in this church shouldn't have to be forced to take those things your children should not have to be forced to take those things so turn to Luke chapter 8 verse 43 Luke chapter 8 verse 43 I realize I've been light on Bible a little bit here so I'm gonna get back into the Bible here for a minute Luke chapter 8 verse 43 the Bible says and a woman having an issue of blood is an issue of blood uncleanness according to the Levitical laws yes it is a woman having an issue of blood 12 years which had spent all her living upon physicians neither could be healed of any came behind him and touched the border of his garment and immediately her issue of blood staunch so he completely healed her the moment she just had faith and touched the hem of his garment now really she wasn't supposed to be doing that because she was unclean she wasn't supposed to be in contact with other people but I'll tell you the one person that can heal us from our from our infirmities is the Lord Jesus Christ he's the great physician and so you know when he put his hands upon people that have these infirmities he wasn't gonna get sick he's God all right he wasn't gonna get sick and have those types of infirmities so anyway so what my point is here though is that you know you can be healed from things without having to have an inject you know some kind of shot put into you now I'm not saying that all again I'm not gonna say that all medicine is wrong you know if your kid is having seizures multiple seizures and the only way that you can stop them is from taking that I would do it in a heartbeat we'll just let my kid die there's a cult over in Oregon City that just lets their children die we call them the baby killer cult at work and because they're just kind of there's a lot of them that have kind of creeped in to where we work but they believe that if your child has lockjaw from having tetanus that you're supposed to let them die and so some people have been convicted of that they don't even have a pastor their pastor died in the 1960s and so they just read his sermons every week and and certain songs that he sang I still understand how do you get involved into a cult like that but I guess people do so but Jesus can fix our problems sometimes doctors can fix why'd she go to the doctor because she thought that they could help but doctors can't always help and sometimes they're charlatans and don't really know how to heal people they're googling what your problem is and then giving you the prognosis from Google I'm serious it does happen so number one if you're whole you don't need a physician okay if you're if you're fine there's no reason to have a physician there's no reason to introduce yourself to some kind of antigen there's no reason to go and and you know give somebody a hug and shake their hands if they have some kind of thing just because you want to get it real quick and get over it or have your children get over it real quick number two an unclean thing cannot make something clean an unclean thing cannot make something clean turn to Job chapter 14 in your Bibles turn to Job chapter number 14 what is unclean mean well it means morally or spiritually impure that's one definition actually the number one definition is dirty or filthy that's what unclean means dirty or filthy okay number two is morally or spiritually impure morally or spiritually unclean right and then number three infected with a harmful supernatural contagion in fact number three is infected with a harmful supernatural contagion and that makes you what unclean right number four also also is prohibited by ritual law or use for use or contact so like in the Old Testament you weren't supposed to eat certain kinds of animals and they weren't uncle that was that was a ritual I guess I mean I don't know if rituals the right word for that but that was a ceremonial thing that they did it wasn't because they couldn't eat the animal because it was filthy God pronounced them unclean and clean but he also said in Genesis that we can eat all animals and then he also said the New Testament there's nothing to be refused so they're not unclean of themselves they were just unclean because God wanted us to make a division on the things that we would eat and not eat and he got rid of that after Jesus died on the cross so there's literal uncleanness like you're filthy filth things that you would want to touch you know and I taught new hire orientation for a company that I worked for for like six years and one of those things were I was teaching the the universal precautions that you should you shouldn't touch anything you know with without wearing gloves and using proper PPE that had that could potentially be harmful to you if it got inside your body okay blood urine feces you know vomit those things are things you don't just like clean up with your hands okay then just like wipe your face after you're done or whatever you know you're supposed to use universal precautions so there's literal uncleanness ritual uncleanness spiritual uncleanness now spiritual uncleanness is breaking God's commandments and and living wickedly and so God like even in this even in this chapter Matthew chapter 9 he's talking about it in a spiritual manner but it also applies in principle to what we're talking about today so joke chapter 14 before I read this I just want to say this that obviously science you know the science behind vaccines is that they inject things that trigger immune response all right but I'm just saying that it's not biblical to inject something into yourself that's unclean all right Joe chapter 14 verse 4 who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean what to say not one who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one that's what the Bible says okay Leviticus chapter 5 verse 2 turn to Leviticus chapter 5 verse 2 I'm just gonna read some short passages here but who could bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one so if if a vaccination is something that's unclean by definition it's unclean then how is that gonna make you clean it's not it can't happen so they're saying that the uncleanness will pass over you or something just because you took this vaccinations not true Leviticus chapter 5 verse 2 says or if a soul touch an unclean thing whether it be a carcass of an unclean beast or a carcass of unclean cattle or the carcass of unclean creeping things and if it be hidden from him he also shall be unclean and guilty and even just taught like back then so this is talking about like I guess that'd be the ritual part of it like anything that God pronounces an unclean thing then you're unclean and guilty or if you touch the uncleanness of man whatsoever uncleanness it be that a man shall be defiled with all and it be hid from him when he knoweth of it then he shall be guilty you know it's not guilty necessarily of a crime you're guilty of being unclean you know if you accidentally touch the carcass of beasts or of people so if the carcass basically of an unborn child is made into cells that are replicated and they're distant descendants of that child what are they then unclean Leviticus chapter 10 turn to Leviticus chapter 10 Leviticus chapter 10 like you're going back to the Old Testament well yeah the Old Testament teaches the principles but I've gone to New Testament chapter verses 2 look at Leviticus chapter 10 verse 9 it says do not drink wine nor strong drink thou nor thy sons with thee when ye shall or when you go into the tabernacle of the congregation lest ye die it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations now this is after Nadab and Abihu who were torched by God were burnt with fire for bringing for strange fire I find it very interesting that immediately God goes and talks about wine and strong drink right after why it's like it's like if you're in a conversation with someone God's you know it's just anybody's telling you something and it doesn't relate to what what just happened that would be kind of weird right like do you think that God just brought this up out of the blue for no by the way don't drink strong drink or you're gonna die didn't someone just die so I mean to me that ties it together that they probably drank wine and strong drink it doesn't say that but it does say that if you do that and going to the congregation you're gonna die and he just got done killing Nadab and Abihu okay so and look at verse number 10 it says and that you may put difference between holy and unholy and between what unclean and clean what is alcohol at its core it's poison it's toxin it gets in your body it can kill you you can drink one time and die you can drink and come into the house of God and this let this be a lesson to you if you're a drunkard outside of these walls you know and obviously you know God has made us priests and kings under the Lord in the New Testament if you drink and you walk into this building don't be surprised if God just smokes you for it all right you know am I trying to scare you yeah I am it says that you may teach your the children of Israel you are the children of Israel now by the way all the statutes with the Lord hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses and so all scripture is profitable for us when we go back to these verses is that does this does this help us today absolutely but what is the point of me trying to actually teach this verse is that we're supposed to put a difference between holy and unholy that would be you know on you know basically clean and unclean morally but also between unclean and clean what what is alcohol according to this verse unclean isn't it because he says not to drink it so all these people are like yeah Jesus turned water what about Jesus turning water into wine it wasn't unclean I'll tell you that right now he wouldn't make unclean something unclean for you to put in your body after he says don't drink that stuff and come into the house of the Lord doesn't I mean does that make sense to you I hope it does turn to Haggai chapter 2 verse number 12 Haggai chapter 2 verse number 12 the Bible says if one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment and with his skirt do touch bread or pottage or wine or oil or any meat shall it be holy so let's talk about taking something you know something that was consecrated to God holy meat in the in the skirt of your garment that means like the length of your like if they were wearing a robe that like came down you know they're just holding that meat in there and then they take that and they and they touch bread with it or they touch oil or wine or meat or you know it says shall it be holy in the proof what's the priest say no no then said Haggai if one that is unclean by a dead body which we just read the verses about that touch any of these shall it be unclean and the priest answered and said it shall be unclean so what is the Bible teaching us that if someone to touch the dead body touch any of these things that are holy is it going to be unclean what's the answer yes it shall be unclean then Haggai answered and said so is this people and so is this nation before me said the Lord and so is every work of their hands and that which they offer there is unclean so I want to take this principle girls can I get your help so what I need is that little tiny coffee cup and the water bottle right there yep bring that to me without spilling it please and then you grab those two yep that's it okay this is coffee left oh I can't I can't you know I'll try to show you but it's coffee thank you thank you girls I'm gonna have you come back up here in a second so this is leaves that I got from the next door neighbors little trash pit out there and there's a cigarette butt in there okay this is crystal clear drinking water that I poured right before the service this is the rest of the bottle is sealed it's purified it's clean okay there's nothing unclean about that water it's perfectly clean exactly does anybody want to try a piece of this leaf right here just eat it how about the cigarette butt and who knows who's pissed over there or what animals have pissed over there or what human beings have or whatever nothing would surprise me so then here's the nasty coffee with the ring around the collar that somebody left in their seat right over there last service and I walked up and I saw that on the seat I was like I'm gonna kill somebody no I'm gonna pour this nasty coffee that's been sitting in here with the leaves is that clean now do you think that's clean now that there's coffee in it okay what if I do this what if I pour fresh clean water into that cup do you think it's gonna be clean now hey I'm adding clean water to it what's the problem is it clean now would you drink it come here I want a kid a volunteer to come up and drink this miss Jessica you want to come up and have a hey it's gonna keep you up it's gonna make you stay awake for the rest of the sermon so what if I put so this is clean perfectly clean right here I'm gonna pour some more water in here and I'm thirsty so I'm gonna take a drink so this is perfectly clean water now it's not after I put my lips on it right but I don't want to waste it either so what if I take this unclean water and pour into here is it still gonna be clean you sure I didn't put the cigarette but in there I didn't put the others a little bit of leaf in there here Daniel you want to try a little drink of this this is the point I'm trying to make if you've got nothing wrong with you and someone takes and puts something that by definition is unclean by definition by that wasn't from Baptist calm either that was from the dictionary okay so an antigen or a virus that gets into your blood system a contagion or some kind of pandemic virus like COVID-19 is injected into you and I'm not saying that they're injecting COVID-19 into you but they are injecting something in you whatever that mystery thing is that's getting a response to your body the Bible principles are teaching something opposite don't put unclean things on you there's God wants to be a difference between the clean and the unclean the unclean and the clean is that clear in the Bible girls can I get you up here again you want to talk you can try this if you want all right anybody wants a try this coffee from last week you're welcome to so thank you girls for I appreciate your help there so but this is what is being perpetuated to us that unclean can make you able to not you know to not be unclean they're basically just so they're not saying that it's making you clean they're saying that you're not going to get unclean if you take the unclean thing in you does that make sense so where was I at here what verse did I have to turn to you oh we're in Haggai so I did the experiment of water does the experiment of water help you understand what I'm talking about so and hopefully the Word of God is the thing that helps you to understand that but just think about this also are our bodies redeemable by God as far as how they are right now since we're saved could you just go up in the rapture without being cleaned and changed the Bible says we'll be changed in the moment in the twinkling of an eye why can't why do we still sin to this day because of our flesh our flesh cannot be reformed it's unclean right so there's a battle of spirituality that goes between the clean and the unclean our flesh that wants to sin and our spirit that wants to do right so even if you just think about that principle flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God you think well okay well God's not gonna allow us into heaven with this dirty unclean body and he's gonna change it he's gonna fix it now God can change if God can do all things but when we're talking about scientific things and like things that God put forth why would we go against the principles in the Bible that God put forth and touch the unclean thing not only just touch it but allow it to be injected into your bloodstream when you eat food your body absorbs that food and goes into the place that it's supposed to go goes into the belly and down through the draw and all through all your organs in your body and the things that you drink and it helps purify those things and whatever's not pure or whatever's waste that the body didn't need it goes out the body and we know how those things happen right without getting into too much potty talk here but the body is naturally doing that but see we're talking about putting a foreign object that is unclean into your body it's not right so as a Christian I'm gonna avoid getting vaccinations why am I gonna avoid getting vaccinations because I don't want to touch the unclean thing and I don't want it touching me I don't want your dirty needles and your dirty vaccines stuck into my body and they're like well they purify them they it's all synthetic and it's all these chemicals put together I don't care I'm gonna go with the principles of the Bible what God's Word says over what some atheist science the scientists the godfather of vaccines who sits up there and testifies that he is an atheist and he detests Christians basically so 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 17 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 17 the Bible says wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing now obviously God is talking about mainly in a spiritual aspect here but it also the principle applies with vaccinations if it's unclean then you don't put in your body okay Deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 13 Deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 13 now this is kind of potty talk it's talking about potty talk a little bit here it's all obviously God's using euphemisms here so that you can understand what he's saying without getting too potty talky all right Deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 13 says and thou shalt have a paddle upon my weapon and it shall be when thou wilt ease thyself abroad talking about going number two okay if you know what number two is thou shalt dig therewith and shall turn back and cover that which cometh from me when you go to the bathroom you're supposed to bury it okay you're supposed to get it out of your of the site of your camp now obviously this is probably talking about an award type situation or whatever so but it says for the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp to deliver thee and to give up thine enemies before thee therefore shall thy can't be holy that he see no what unclean thing in thee and turn away from thee so the Bible saying that if God even this is talking about your actual literal filthy uncleanness that comes out and like you know the worst nightmare of a parent is when the diaper comes off and then you find them playing with that stuff right it's just horrifying like it's just like here you go hun you do this this is this is out of my realm right now or just even a real bad blowout diaper I mean I there's been some blowouts Nia had one that went all the way up to her back one time I was just like oh I can't do this huh I changed diapers though but I just there were certain ones that like were designated for my wife only well I'll puke if it's another kid I'll puke straight up if I see someone spit a loogie on a sidewalk I get sick really I got a weak stomach when it comes to body fluids so I don't know why I guess just God made me that way but I stepped on a banana when I was a year old and I puked because it squished between my toes right me and my brother were playing tug of war over a worm and when it broke I puked so it's not something I could get used to I don't think so anyway turn to Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 why is the Bible telling us this though why is God telling us this about the unclean thing he says that we should avoid the unclean thing you're not supposed to like say that one of those that maybe there's a poop particle in one of those leaves we don't know you know would you inject like if I just took a that clear cup of water and just put like a very tiny fragment that you couldn't even see and drop it in that water would you drink it no because why because it could make you sick because it's filthy because it's unclean alright Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 says and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness so this principle also is that God you know God is light the darkness he divides away because darkness represents what sin iniquity things like that and God called the light day in the darkness he called night in the evening in the morning were the first day God wants to make a difference between light and darkness he divided it for a reason it's a picture of us a principle for us to to be children of light in the New Testament is to avoid hanging out with the children of darkness we're supposed to divide ourselves from darkness John 1 5 our first John 1 5 says this then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all so there's no darkness in God at all and God wants his children to be morally clean and he also wants us to be clean when it comes to these different types of filthy things it's still a principle in God's Word you know it's not because oh well the law is done away in Christ so now you know you don't have to cover up your doo-doo after you know you go to the bathroom you don't have to flush it down the toilet it's okay to play in it now that's the that's what people they get these ideas in their head that like all the Old Testament things are what about that what about cleanliness you know where do we get the principles of quarantine and avoiding people that are unclean from the Bible you know and it plays out in real life we see this the word of this pandemic what are they trying to tell us to do quarantine for 14 days is the virus real yes it's real if you don't think it's real then you know whatever when you get it then you'll know it it's real okay but it is real and there's several people that have had it in this church but you know every God wants us to make a difference between darkness and light and he also wants us to realize that everything brings forth after its own kind okay I'm gonna skip through some of this because I know that I'm need to be done here Genesis 1 11 says and God said let the earth bring forth grass and the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind now we use that verse in Proverbs chapter 11 verse 30 that you know if you're wise you're gonna win souls right he who has souls is wise all right the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life every tree brings forth after its own kind that's a principle in God's Word okay in Genesis chapter 1 verse 11 it's saying that the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so so and God made everything to bring forth after its own kind wasn't a rock that made all the animals that's ridiculous you know unless you're calling out rock Jesus and yes a rock did make everything okay because he spoke the world into existence but if you're just talking about the evolutionary side of that then that's ridiculous so I'm going to skip through all this after its kind but in Genesis chapter 11 it makes very clear I think because of the times we live in the God wrote that stuff in there so we'd know in 2020 that everything brings forth after its own kind and cats we get cats dogs we get kept dogs and so on and so forth but trees also bring forth after their kind so there's bad trees out there and there's good trees some trees have thorns and thistles on them some trees bring forth actual fruit that you can eat and it replicates that from year to year Matthew chapter 7 go ahead and turn Matthew chapter 7 now in principle I want you the principles that we're learning today I want you to look at this and look at it for what it is because if everything brings forth after its own kind then wouldn't vaccines bring forth after its own kind also? Matthew chapter 7 verse 17 says even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit what is the basis for some of the vaccines that I talked to you about today dead children that were murdered by their own parents and replicated into these cells that they put and they synthetically make them in a laboratory and then inject children all around the world with them that's a corrupt tree a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit period this says but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit so if you're talking about vaccinations as a tree in itself or as something you know ever something bringing forth after its own kind didn't that lady say that they replicated these children that they don't have to use new fresh abortions to do this they use that for other stuff right now I'm not gonna talk about that today but I will talk about that soon but a good tree cannot bring forth evil for you neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit a vaccination that's built on a dead child and animal livers and monkey brains or whatever else they put in it mercury which is poisonous to you aluminum which is poisonous to you they're heavy metals that stuff isn't gonna help you if you inject that into your body it's not gonna help you we were like well they scraped all the cells off they synthetically made it it's all me it's all clean no it's not clean because based off of dead things things that you're not supposed to touch so why would you inject in your body just like the principle of not putting alcohol in your body why aren't you supposed to do that because poison you know why aren't you supposed to drink Drano there's poison so apply this to vaccines this morning a bad tree of murdered children as a tree clone clone and clone of cells of murdered children it's not is it a good trigger battery is it cleaner on clean is it filthy or is it clean it's filthy the vaccines come from murdered children dead beasts formaldehyde aluminum mercury and other things they do not belong in your body they belong out of your body you know with their little the thing that they oh yeah well we cleaned it all we mixed all the right chemicals together well you can do that with methamphetamine so you're gonna take that too you know they put all these things and methamphetamines that would kill you by themselves they combine it all and make this method methamphetamines and then people snort it up their noses or shoot it in their arms or smoke it is it poison absolutely will it kill you on the first try most likely not but it could but why would you mess around with something makes you unclean if those chemicals can kill you by themselves they're poison they're toxins so you shouldn't take methamphetamines okay just saying so anyway I got to finish here but according to the principles that I laid out is it right to take vaccinations based upon the principles of God's Word is it right like well I still don't believe you Pastor Thompson well you cannot believe me all you want but it's not like I went to sources that were Bible sources to prove to you where they came from look I can I could you just go to cdc.gov and look up vaccine ingredients I've done this before in another sermon I've showed it but they get preached a sermon at Verity where I showed the things that monkey liver and all that stuff but think about what you're doing when you do that with your child if you're gonna just take a vaccination and just be okay with it it's like playing Russian roulette somebody know what Russian roulette is Russian roulette is where you put one bullet in a chamber you spin it and then you pull the trigger and hope that you don't get you don't shoot yourself in the head that's what it's like when you take vaccines does it kill everybody no it doesn't kill everybody but it's really funny that they have like a vaccine injury a bunch of money there's a billion dollars have been given out to people that had vaccine injuries because they put this fund together for it because they do hurt people they do main people one in 88 right now is the number of people that get autism one in 88 you know what when I was growing up people didn't have autism 188 eight out of 88 times one child is gonna be autistic from the vaccinations that they give and they're like well you can't prove that well it's funny when measles months we've got rebellion shot came out that's what started happening I talked to a lady in our church last week about this and she said that three months her child was doing perfectly fine no problems they gave her they gave him the MMR shot and then his his face changed like she could see the change in his face but there was something wrong and we said oh it wasn't from that well that's the only thing that she did differently with them you know and the kid has a lot of challenges in his life he's he's loved obviously and and things like that and if you've done vaccinations with your children and your child is autistic and some sort on some sort of the spectrum I'm sorry I hope that you won't make that mistake again though because that's where it comes from don't try to sit there and spin it you know these these companies are making billions of dollars why have they given out billions of dollars a billion dollars to people with vaccine injuries if they don't hurt they don't hurt you they can hurt you and you're playing a game that you don't want to play when you're getting one so I will die on this hill this is the hill I will die on vaccinations I'll you know I'll die on other hills but I'm not gonna die on masks that's not the hell I'm dying on I'm not dying on voting not dying on the Constitution I'm not dying on the Second Amendment I'm not dying on any of those things but I will die on the hill of vaccinations because it's not right it's wicked and it's harmful so you know if you're sick in conclusion you don't need a doctor vaccines are unclean you know it's Dark Age technology it really is it's like they call it technology and new science and all this stuff but in reality it's flawed science it's falsely so-called and it's like it's kind of like not washing your hands after you go to the bathroom I mean that's how stupid this you know oh yeah we'll just stick stick this dirty needle on you and you'll be fine you won't get it the Bible is clear on this topic and again to quote Job chapter 4 14 verse 4 says who can bring a clean thing a clean thing out of an unclean not one let's pray Lord we thank you so much for the principles that make it so clear in your word that we're not to touch these unclean things and I just pray that you'd help us to be children of light and not children of darkness and Lord that we would see things for how they are that you would open up our eyes and help us to see what the Bible says and that we would believe the Bible Lord because you know it's your word and we should trust it and let's pray that you'd bless our soul winning this afternoon and our second service in Jesus name we pray Amen