(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right the title of the sermon tonight is turned aside unto vain Jangling turned aside unto vain jangling let's pray Lord We thank you so much for the scriptures and Lord the clear instruction in the book of Timothy Lord I pray that you'd just bless this service Lord wake everybody up And I pray Lord that you just helped me to preach tonight and fill me with the Holy Ghost in Jesus name amen All right, so we're gonna focus on Verses 5 Through 7 tonight where the Bible reads in verse 5 now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned from some From which some have swerved Having swerved have turned aside unto vain Jangling desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm So I just want to kind of look at this word swerved I mean there I don't think that that's in the King James Bible very many times I didn't actually look to see how many times that's an interesting word though isn't it from which having swerved have turned aside Unto vain jangling. What does it mean to swerve? Well swerved means to turn aside abruptly in movement or direction Deviate suddenly from the straight or direct course that you're on okay, so when you are in a car It's a perfect illustration. You're in a car and a squirrel runs out in front of your car And you instinctively don't want to kill that sweet innocent baby little squirrel right and you swerve out of the way You know in driving they teach you not to do that though Did you know that if you swerve out of the way to not hit that squirrel? You you could swerve into a tree and kill yourself and everybody in the car with you, okay? So what they teach you is just you know hit the gas baby squirrel you know I think I Don't think I think I might have hit a squirrel a couple weeks ago I wasn't sure but I did swerve I was on a side road So I was like no baby squirrel, but I I remember one time sure was it a dog that I hit Or something I think it was So we're going on the highway, and I was always taught don't don't swerve out of the way You know, but I did try to slow down, but it was just too late. I clipped the back of his legs He was on the highway I mean it he just jumped out in front of me out of nowhere But they teach you not to do that and the Bible here is saying that Some having swerved have turned aside unto vain Jangling and so that's not a good thing to swerve for vain jangling is not a good thing and So what is vain jangling vain means to producing no result? It's useless. It's something That's just vanity okay, and In Middle English it means to talk to talk excessively a jangling means to talk excessively or noisily It's from the old French word jangler of unknown origin, okay? So I guess it's just some made-up word from times past that we don't know exactly where it came from but it means to make or cause to make a ringing metallic sound typically a discordant one so something like this Does anybody get annoyed when someone just plays with their keys they just you know that's vain jangling Waiting for someone to wake up here all right It's annoying right vain jangling is annoying. It's empty It's just it's something that that that annoys people right that's and it annoys God Okay, and it says right here that let's see Desiring to be teacher look at verse 7 again. It says desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm so There's there seems to be a real problem in these last days with this particular problem of vain jangling empty Speaking bringing up stuff that doesn't matter bringing up stuff that has nothing to do with your walk with Christ Bringing up stupid foolish questions and talking about things that you shouldn't be talking about that's what it is and You know people get turned aside from stuff like that. We've seen it happen a lot lately have we not You know what you know someone's toys with the idea of modalism next thing you know you have a Baptist Sect of modalists a Huge one I mean that's what vain jangling could get and that's what? People creeping off into corners of a church and talking about stupid things that they shouldn't be talking about can cause People falling away people going into false doctrine oneness flat earth Nephilim You know that there's 450 foot tall angels back that that fallen demons You know married human wives, and you know that's ridiculous The Mandela effect you know sometimes you'll start you know I was someone was reading Something last night, and they they said the word wrong, and they looked down and corrected themselves Sometimes you can think the Bible says something because maybe you heard it on a movie or something like that But you'll you'll quote something wrong well the Mandela effect Basically says that you know someone changed the King James Bible and the Lord's Prayer used to say something different and you know what was a What's the this the atom smasher the atom smasher that supposedly made it was? CERN CERN supposedly made the Mandela effect okay, so CERN is that super machine or whatever in Sweden anyway? It's just foolishness is what it is Or saying that drinking alcohol is something that Christians ought to be doing That's another false doctrine, and you can sit and people will say well. It says that Jesus made water into wine Yeah, every drunk believes that don't they you know not that wasn't alcoholic wine every drunk wants to say Jesus Made water to one. I'll just drink as much wine as I want that's not what it's talking about Jesus wasn't gonna make more wine so everybody could get more drunk when he says drunkenness is wickedness, right? Not even to look at wine alcoholic wine the Bible says So turn over to 2nd Peter chapter 1 or 2nd Peter chapter 2 excuse me 2nd Peter chapter 2 the Bible says that there will be false prophets that creep in among us okay, but there will be false prophets and Someone brought that up last night that they'll surely be among you surely You know so surely means for sure right? 2nd Peter 2 1 says this, but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among You who privately shall bring in damnable heresies? Even denying the Lord that bought them and bring them upon themselves Swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways By reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of it says many shall follow Doesn't say a few says many Shall follow so why is it so important to safeguard our churches against this kind of junk? Because many false prophets will come there will be false teachers among you there will be false prophets that come in to this church And other churches they've already corrupted a bunch of other churches We've had a good run here, but they're gonna come so Turn over to Jude Turn over to Jude. I was gonna say chapter one. There's only one chapter. I guess it is chapter one the only chapter second to the last book of the Bible the book of Jude Jude 1 3 says this beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation It was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly Contend for the faith which was once Delivered unto the Saints see we do need to fight for right doctrine We do need to fight for the right salvation You know if someone's preaching a bunch of watered-down junk about salvation it needs to be called out We believe that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone, and that once you believe in him you get eternal life It's not from repenting of your sins. It's not from following after Jesus It's not from taking up your cross and following after him. It's not by living the golden rule It's not by keeping the Ten Commandments It's by faith in Christ alone, right? I get so tired of that junk. It's salvation is only by faith Okay Jude 1 4 says this for there are certain men crept in unawares Faithful word Baptist Church knows that now don't they and it's been happening there for a long time But I mean who would have thought in a million years. It would have been Garrett Kershway you know But the Bible says they'll creep in and they just plant themselves, and you know they can stay with you for a long time And they creep in they and they and they get footholds in the church And then when someone sees a pillar of the church fall to false doctrine like that Then it can drag more people away because they're like well if that guy he's really smart Or he's really strong in the faith if he thinks that that's true well Maybe it is true, and then that drags more people out, right? It says certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation Ungodly men turning the grace of God of our God of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ So what modalism does is it denies the truth of who God is that's another God It's another Jesus that they believe in it's just like the Mormons see the Mormons believe that Jesus and and God the Father are two different gods and That's just not the case. There's one God But we believe in the Trinity at this church right the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and these three are one That's what we believe here so You know and then that's what modalism will teach is that they're just the oneness that they all became and Jesus is just The only that there's only one God and his name is Jesus That's what they say they teach a Jesus only baptism, and that's not what we believe here So but that's what vain jangling gets you it gets a bunch of people Hanging out at somebody's house talking about a bunch of garbage that they shouldn't be talking about Believing starting to teach things against what the church believes when you get into that zone You're in the danger zone with me, and I'm gonna mark you and I'm gonna and I'm gonna mark that person in my mind so it says Well, let's see but but not everybody that jangles is a false prophet Okay, not every person that vain jangle. I've vain jangled before you know everybody gets some little pet doctrine They're like no you look at this. You know and you and you look at you see something that maybe somebody else doesn't see Right and it happens to everybody and you start talking about stuff But it can get out of control it can get out of control and once it's going against the teachings of the church Of what we officially believe here as a church, and you're teaching it to other people then you're out of line And you're you're under my microscope at that point So once you hear an admonition to not do this in the Word of God you should cut it out Just cut it out completely This is where vain jangling comes in people that desire to be teachers the law Or of the Bible and they ramble and teach on things that they don't really understand They don't understand because maybe they haven't even read their Bible one time all the way through and they're sitting there teaching Hey, this is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this. It's like and look this books older than all of us, right? So and I'm not saying just because someone's older that they understand the Bible better But older in the faith is a different story You know someone say from day one is it gonna know as much as someone's been saved for 20 years if they've been reading their Bible, okay So turn over to Proverbs chapter 17 Proverbs chapter number 17 Proverbs 17 verse 27 Proverbs 17 verse 27 the Bible reads he that hath knowledge Spareth his words He that hath knowledge spareth his words and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit Even a fool when he holdeth his peace is counted wise and he that shut at his lips is esteemed a man of understanding so even a fool even someone is totally stupid When they're whole when they don't talk They're counted as wise because they're not saying stupid things out of their mouth, right? And that's the saying so vain so vain jingling could be the same thing You start talking about things that you fully don't understand and the next thing, you know, you're off into false doctrine You're often to believe it in 450 foot tall Giants You're watching YouTube videos and saying see they found the bones over, you know Look, they the archaeologists are But those are doctored pictures people don't believe that garbage So some people just love to talk about Things that they have no real that have no real significance in our Christian faith Even if the flat earth is true, what difference does that make? Really? What does that have something to do with your attorney? Does that have something to do with your salvation? You know, what difference does that make really? It doesn't make any difference So why argue and try to convince people of something that you can't prove? you know, you can't prove that and Don't even tell me don't try to get me into a room with the lights off With a little flashlight trying to show me how the flat earth Sun works. Okay Don't do that because I'm just gonna tell you to Go home Quite frankly though a lot of this is is young unmarried men that seem to be the biggest janglers of all You know and or just young men in general, you know, you can start getting some zeal you start getting some You know, but you you get the zeal, but you don't have the knowledge with the zeal And you get zealous and you start fighting with people about things that you don't fully understand That's not a good place to be young men. You know, I just want to admonish you to not be like that And I want you to admonish you not to be like that in this church because then you're gonna draw my ire What you don't want to do, okay, I'm bigger than you I'm just kidding I'm bigger than everybody But so women fall into gossip men fall into vain jangling that's that's what I see that's what I've seen in all the churches I've ever been in and You know, it's it's it's something that needs to be nipped in the bud I wouldn't be preaching about it I didn't think it was important if I haven't seen people that I've known for years fall because of stuff like this I wouldn't need to preach about it, but apparently it needs to be preached about so it's actually a serious thing It's something that needs to be addressed turn to Romans chapter 16 Romans chapter 16 Romans chapter 16 look at verse 17 the Bible says now I beseech you brethren Mark them which cause divisions and Offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and what avoid them Avoid them so people that are causing divisions within the church Those are people that you need to mark and you need to avoid them. That's what it says So it says the verse 18 for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ But their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple So these people that that want to cause the vision This is more than likely a false prophet that does that or someone that creeps in and as a false teacher And they have good words You know who's who's reads the Bible better than Dominique Davis that you know of Now he's got good words doesn't he he's got fair speeches. You know people that really speak well They talk really well, and they're just like they draw people in like a magnet Those are the people that and I'm not saying to be leery of I'm just saying that the Bible says that they're they have fair speeches right and That they are serving themselves So don't go around teaching doctrine in secret. That's in our church that we don't believe okay, don't do that and you know I would hope that someone would come and tell me if someone's doing that to an excessive amount because You know obviously you guys can talk about stuff. I'm not saying don't talk. You know secret police turn them in or something like that We're not the Gestapo here all right But you should understand what we believe if you've been going here for a little bit of time You know what we believe about most things and if you don't know maybe you should ask If you don't know when you're talking about a bunch of junk that you shouldn't be Maybe you should come ask but see people don't like to do that because they know they're gonna get Rebuked about it. They're gonna get reproved about it. They're gonna get corrected, so that's why people do it That's why the vain janglers continue to jangle their way through the church and tell other people a bunch of junk that isn't true Now again, I'm not saying that people that vain jangle are always someone that's not saved I'm not saying that but there are people that are unsaved that do do that And they're doing it for a purpose because they want to drag people away from the body of Christ So here's some things I've heard about lately Multiple wives is it okay to have multiple wives is it adultery, or is it not adultery, okay? Now I just want to I just want to show you something from the Bible look at Genesis chapter 2 Look at Genesis chapter 2 is it a sin to have multiple wives well the Mormons don't believe that You know, but they got shut down by the US government the government said you're not gonna marry multiple wives So they have to go off into these Communes or whatever and do it in secret or whatever So in the Bible there, it's true that people married multiple wives David had multiple wives Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines how'd that work out for Solomon though, but it worked out good Anytime you see a man with multiple wives in the Bible you see problems that arose from it Rachel and Leah you know Rachel. You know he got the surprise of his life on his on his wedding day, right? Jacob got the surprise of his life, and he ended up having to work seven more years to get the wife that he asked for so Genesis 22 or 222 says and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made He a woman and brought her unto the man and Adam said now This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore shall a man How many men is that? One a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife Right and they shall be one flesh Okay, there's two people right they become one flesh They become married does it say a man shall take his wives No, it says wife Now turn over to Mark chapter 10 This is how you smash the jangling right here the Bible And look if you've jangled before I'm not mad at you God's not mad. I'm just kidding I'm not mad at you But I just want to help people to understand that there is a reason why we don't do that Okay, Mark chapter 10 look at verse 2 Says the Pharisees came to him and asked him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife Tempting him and he answered and said unto him what did Moses command you and they said Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and To put her away and Jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart He wrote you this precept, but from the beginning of the creation of God God from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female for this cause Shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife That's all those are singular, right? All right, and they twain that means two shall be one flesh So then they are no more twain But one flesh what God hath joined together let not man put asunder and in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter and he said unto them whosoever shall put away his wife and Marry another committeth adultery against her and if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another she Committeth adultery. That's what the Bible says. It says one man one woman. Okay That's what it says it doesn't say multiple wives So the perfect plan of God the way that God designed marriage is one man and one woman, right? Okay So it doesn't say multiple wives So when they took multiple wives, they were not doing that because God told them to do it They were doing it because they wanted to do it All right, and so if you're married to another woman that becomes not it's not adultery It's not adultery because You're married. So otherwise Solomon would have been called a fornicator So a fornicator has has like girlfriends or whatever on the side or that would be an adulterer Right, then you'd be an adulterer. So they would take wives and then they became there They were married to them But just because they did it didn't mean that's what God wanted them to do Because his original plan was one man one woman So, I mean to say that it's God's just okay with it I don't think he's just okay with it But he doesn't call it fornication and he doesn't call it adultery because you are actually married to that person. It's not right But it isn't you know it so it would have be sinned to do that I think it I think it probably is sin But I you know, or at least it's not part of God's perfect plan. How about that? All right, so So how about vows versus swearing? I've heard this one come up coming up a lot, too You think I don't hear things that are going on in our church. You're wrong. I do I hear it So vows versus swearing our wedding vows a sin our wedding vows a sin Well, we just had a wedding here last week and they vowed to each other They were gonna be together for the rest of their life Okay, how long are you supposed to be married to your spouse for? Till death do us part right, okay, so when you're saying hey, I'm gonna. I'm gonna be with you till death do us part What's wrong with that? What is wrong with saying that turn to Numbers chapter 30? Turn to Numbers chapter 30 There is a difference between vowing a vow and swearing on something there is I'm gonna show it to you right here Numbers chapter 30 verse 2 Numbers chapter 30 verse 2 Says if a man vow a vow unto the Lord or swear an oath to bind his soul With a bond he shall not break his word He shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth Now he's vowing a vow to the Lord saying hey, I'm gonna do this or I'm gonna do that He's telling God. I'm promising God is a solemn a vowels like a solemn promise Excuse me okay now look at Matthew chapter 5. This is where people get messed up Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 verse 34 the Bible says this, but I say unto you swear not at all Neither by heaven for it is God's throne Nor by the earth for it is his footstool neither by Jerusalem for it's the city of the great king Neither shalt thou swear by thy head Because thou canst not make one hair white or black, but let your communication be yay yay That means yes, yes Nay, nay that means no no for whatsoever is more than that than these cometh of evil Do you notice the difference between what one one and the other is that one is a vow and one is swearing or putting? You know like putting it on something. That's what it is. I put that on my head that I'm telling the truth It's like when you go to court, and you have to swear you're sworn in Right there's people put their hand on the Bible and say I swear to tell the truth and nothing But the truth so help me God Right Christians. They'll say do you do so affirm because you're not supposed to say Yes, or you know I swear Right so that's biblical you're not supposed to swear on the Bible. You're not supposed to swear I just put that on heaven. I put that on God's throne I put you know so but when you guys took your vows did pastor minutes say Hey Put that on something Hey, put that on your head Dylan your day all your hairs turn white and fall out if you if you break your vows Did he say that? No, so here's the thing Vowing a vow it says that you're supposed to keep your word right you're just saying hey I'm gonna do this Dylan and Jasmine were in front of this whole congregation Saying hey, we're gonna be together for the rest of our lives. I promise to obey I promise to you know whatever to take care of each other and sickness and health and poverty and wealth Tell death to us part whatever. I can't remember everything so When he's an old decrepit man no I'm just kidding, but so there is a difference saying that you swear upon the altar and You know which we don't have an altar here, but say you're swearing on something is Different than than promising to marry to keep true to someone and to be with them for the rest of your life It is different Okay, and if you can't see that the why would they use different words then? It's not the same word all right So is it okay to beat your wife yes or no? Yeah, or nah It's not okay to beat your wife All right, and I just want to show you something real quick from God's Word look at Ephesians 5 22 Good grief Ephesians 5 22 says this Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord For the husband is head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church And he's the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives Be to their own husbands in everything no doubt about it. You're supposed to submit to your husband's wives There's no doubt about that Says husbands love your wives Even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water By the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing But that it should be holy and without blemish So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies He that loveth his wife Loveth himself so question to the question man Do you beat yourself? Do you beat yourself? I mean are you supposed to are you commanded to beat yourself in the in the Word of God anywhere? Catholics beat themselves don't they they whip themselves in the back, and they do all that kind of stuff But it says right here so men ought to love their wives as their own bodies Okay for no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourished and cherished it Even as the Lord the church for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife and they too shall be one Flesh this is a mystery, but I speak concerning Christ in the church Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife Even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband, so there's roles in marriage Okay the husband's supposed to love the wife Well obviously the wife should love the husband right, but there is roles in marriage, but I don't see where it says beat your wife anywhere I See that it says take care of your wife like you would take care of your own body and nobody beats themselves up guys Maybe brother Scott beats himself up every once in a while, but you know I don't think so He's like no When he was Catholic no, I'm just kidding But Here's some more sound advice from the book of Timothy all right turn to 2nd Timothy 2 14 I was just covering a couple things that I've heard that it's like That's vain jangling guys. I mean that's you know single guys Young guys you know you come up with some weird stuff sometimes, but you know I just I had to shut a couple things down there real quick anyway 2nd Timothy 2 14 says of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the Lord that they strive not About words with no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers Study to show thyself approved unto God So let's look at verse 14 again of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the Lord That they strive not about words to no profit would that be the flat earth Would that be Oneness would that be the Nephilim would that be I mean I'm just naming these dumb doctrines that have just come up lately But you know would that be you know I don't know just flat earth. I mean come on man Anyway, I mean it's interesting. I got interested in I would just want to see what it was all about and got involved I was like okay. This isn't true Okay, but even if it was It's still nothing that I'm ever gonna preach about You know I hope I never have to preach about that because then you know we're really close to the end, but anyway Says study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth Look if you want to if you want to be smart if you want to know the Bible Study to show thyself approved unto God you don't have to study to show yourself approved unto each other So it says a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth, but shun Profane and vain babblings for they will increase for they will increase unto more ungodliness so profane and vain Babblings that'd be the same as vain jangling right. It's the same thing. There's this stuff That's just as vanity. You don't need to have that garbage in your life all right And anybody that you know you guys know what I'm talking about right just stuff that is of no profit Verse 17 says and their word will eat as doth a canker of whom is Tyler Baker and Garrett Kirchway, I mean Hymenaeus and Philetus excuse me. I got those words mixed up there real quick who concerning the truth have erred Saying that the resurrection has passed already and overthrow the faith of some see It's just little dumb things like this like seeing all the resurrections already happened You know or Jesus is coming in 1914 Charles Taze Russell. You know or 1916 or 1917 or 1918 or 1921 or what I don't know although he had a whole bunch of different ones and finally they just stopped saying What you know he just finally just stopped giving days. I think he died finally, but anyway It's those kind of things that can overthrow people's faith because people are weak They forget they don't read the book You need to read the book. You know you need to be rooted Built up and established in the faith all right So it says verse 19 nevertheless the foundation of God's stand is sure having this seal the Lord knoweth Them that are his and let everyone that name at the name of Christ apart from iniquity See God knows the ones that are his all right We don't always know there's not a little sign that says saved on people's heads that you can you know? Get a black light on them, and oh they are saved It doesn't work like that you know all we know is the testimony from someone's mouth What do they say they believe and sometimes people that creep in they want to lie about what they believe? Because in order to creep into our church You're gonna have to say that you you're gonna have to go so you know you go so winning you have to Priest the right gospel you know There's lots of things that they'll have to do to chameleon themselves into this church So they have to be real slick, and that's what we're seeing so Looking verse 20 it says put in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and of earth and Some to honor and some to dishonor if a man therefore purged himself from these He shall be a vessel into honor sanctified meat for the Masters use and prepared unto every good work And that was you know I should have used that one this morning. I was a good one Flee also youthful lusts but follow righteousness faith Charity peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart, and it says but foolish and unlearned questions Avoid knowing that they do gender strives, so this is an important an important verse right here avoid Foolish and unlearned questions avoid them because all they do is start fights They do they start fights with people, and I've seen people fight. I'm like hey, what's going on over there Oh nothing nothing. You know the young people fighting about some doctor that doesn't matter You know what I mean? No black socks are the right socks You know I don't know if that's that's probably not one of them, but it's usually Bible stuff It's good that people are talking about the Bible. I like that, but just remember to avoid foolish questions and Avoid Them because they gender strife and says the servant of Lord must not strive, but be gentle into all men apt to teach patient and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God paraventure will give them repentance to the Acknowledging of the truth and they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his Will see the devil can take people captive at his will Not Christians necessarily, but you know people can be taken captive by foolish and stupid doctrines, though You know the devil can get a foothold with a with a false doctrine Christians can fall into false doctrine They can just because someone falls into false doctrine doesn't mean they're an unsaved reprobate every time now if it's a damnable heresy That's a different story if they're talking about a different kind of salvation. Yeah, that's a damnable heresy The Trinity that's a damnable heresy you know But not everything that you fall into that's a false doctrine is something that necessarily makes you an unsaved heretic reprobate, okay? So we got to be careful throwing those terms out Turn over to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 or no excuse me 1st Corinthians 8 1 1st Corinthians 8 1 I Says now is touching things offered into idols we know That we all have knowledge knowledge puff puffeth up, but charity edify See when you get a whole bunch of knowledge really fast And that's what happens a lot of times in churches like ours You know you're you're into the preaching you're into the soul winning And you just like get overload of sermons, and you're like oh, I know I want to know everything I want to hear every single sermon preached And then like you get this overload of knowledge And then what I've seen a lot of times is that people get puffed up And they start finding their own pet doctrines that they disagree with about and then I watched that person Who I thought was a brother or I thought was a sister just totally completely turned against everything So you got to be careful about getting too much knowledge too quick because you know the Bible says this line upon line Precept upon precept you got to learn here a little there a little okay if you overload yourself You know I'm sure some of you if you could would put a chip in your head You could just download all the sermons right there right, but I hope probably not but anyway The Bible says that charity edify, but knowledge puffeth up, and what does it mean to be puffed up? Well you seem to say a puff marshmallow man before right Okay, he's puffed up in me So you don't want to get puffed up and thinking you're you're smarter than you really are better than you really are You're the smartest person in the church. You know your Bible the best That's that's a dangerous ground to be on you know if you start thinking that you're the the bees knees when it comes to the Bible then you should really just say hey, I know nothing I Really don't know anything because if you have that that thought in your mind Then you're probably you know about ready to to go on the other side of things So it says and if any man think that he knoweth anything he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know if Any man think that he knoweth anything? He knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know so that's what the Bible says you get puffed up You don't know you really you think you know it all you don't know nothing, buddy Turn to us Colossians 2 18 we'll finish their Colossians 2 18 Bet you thought this could be a long sermon didn't you? Clauses to 18 let's finish here Let no man beguile you of your reward in the in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels intruding Into those things which he had not seen Vainly puffed up in his fleshly mind See we don't know a lot about angels the Bible doesn't really explain a lot about him It says that they're ministering spirits to those heirs of salvation, right? But we don't really know much more beyond that except for the sub a third of the angels Fell in a rebellion with Satan we do know that We know that Satan is an angel that's fallen. Okay. We know that angels appear and it seems like People might even have possibly have an angel that watches over them when they're saved, okay? Children it says that their angels always behold the father's face, you know, be careful what you do to children so But but we don't really know a lot because the but you know the Bible Right here is saying intruding into those things which he has not seen anybody seen an angel You guys seen one lately what they look like brother Timo. Oh, he hasn't seen one Says intruding in those things which he has not seen Vainly puffed up in his fleshly mind if you start thinking that you know about the 450 foot tall Nephilim Giants that never says that in the Bible anywhere It just says that there were Giants in the earth in those days. Hey, there's Giants in the earth today Hello, you're looking at one right now And I'm not even that tall I'm six I'm only six eight, okay But it says and there were Giants after that also so they'll say that the flood destroyed all these 450 foot tall Nephilim angels, right But then there were there was angels after there were there were some after that also So that doesn't make sense Just means that there was there was tall people then if you if you read the first books of Moses the first five books What were they fighting in Canaan? Giants What who did David fight a giant how tall was he ten foot tall he wasn't 450 feet tall Okay, it wasn't Jack and the beanstalk tall all right So just be careful. You know don't get turned aside. Don't swerve it You know don't look for the vain jangling squirrel and try to swerve out of the way, okay? Keep your lines straight. You know let's focus on the main things in this church. Which is soul winning and hard preaching and Edification of the of the Saints you know don't turn aside and all this junk and you know I just want to Admonish you for this or to this All this garbage Heresy that's being put up on YouTube right now concerning this one this stuff I would just tell you this just avoid it Just stop watching it Because you don't want to get sucked into something like that like that You know someone might you know what their fair speeches, and they're good words. They might suck you into it, too So why are you watching these false prophets quit watch just quit watching it It's garbage you know all it's gonna. Do is suck you in to something. You don't want to be sucked into It's vain jangling You know let them be anathema, right? If you get caught up in it If you see if you're yourself or in a situation This is this is how you get out of it. You just walk out of the conversation. I Don't want to talk about this Then end of the story okay, and then come and tell me and I'll come no Come and tell me tell me all your secrets, and I'm just kidding all right, so that's all I got for tonight Hopefully everybody has a great week. Let's pray Lord We thank you so much for the scriptures Lord and Lord the clear instructions in the Bible Lord We thank you for the Son of God who came and died for us Lord pray that you'd bless watch over Anthony's Grand Grandpa right now Lord as he's supposed to be passing on Pray that you'd give Anthony the strength to reach out to his grandfather one more time before he slips off into eternity Pray be with his heart right now and Lord Bless his congregation and everybody as they go home take them home safely in Jesus name amen