(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) about going up there and just getting to hang out and fellowship so that's January 15th that's MLK weekend so I don't know what sermon I'm gonna preach about but anyway I'm just I'm just excited to be able to go so anyway and then for the prime rib dinner I think my wife was confused about what I was saying so she's gonna make a sign up for all the sides and who's gonna be cooking the prime ribs so we'll probably need like I don't know seven or eight prime ribs and I think honey how many are you gonna make just one one or two anyway so we'll probably need some volunteers to do that so we'll just put it in the whatsapp group and you can sign up for which one you want and then we'll probably bring the prime ribs on to church on Thursday night of that week so this week I guess it's Thursday a good night it's got it's come upon us so quickly I mean it's the holidays are here so anyway if and if you want to bring sides or desserts that's gonna be a sign up for that too so anyway and then I just wanted to say there's a we need to do be thinking about brother Robert he lost his dad yesterday and he flew out to Iowa to go be with him and so it's really hard losing a parent and also miss Shanee Adams she's come to visit here before but her brother died and both of them passed away from COVID so from complications to COVID so anyway she's very upset and sad and I understand why because it's hard to lose people that you love and also for miss Kimmy miss Kimmy she goes to Verity Baptist and she's had some health issues and they're trying to figure out what it is so if you want to spend some extra time and prayer for them then I'm sure that their families and they and they would appreciate that we're a family integrated church that means the children infants are welcome during the church services please utilize those rooms as necessary they have comfortable seating and you can still listen to the sermons in there please reserve the back row for families with young children rockers or for pregnant nursing mothers and elders only please no men in the mother-baby rooms and vice versa no unattended children in any area of the building please no food in the assembly area unless we're having like a special event and if you would silence your cell phones or put them on airplane mode for the service and escorts to vehicles by ushers are available and then you can see the ties and offerings that have come in so far for the month of December and we sang all the birthdays CJ made it into the bulletin so that's good how old are you brother CJ and getting old bro I remember when you were just a little whippersnapper anyway so and then Brandon he's 23 oh man to be 23 again what I would do as a 23 and I'm just kidding I wasn't even saved when I was 23 so he's got a big leg up on us anyway so and then Zoe turned 5 on the 6th and Sean your birthday's the 21st huh made it in it wasn't in there before what happened I don't know maybe I'm just didn't see it anyway let's sing another song I think that's all I got for announcements to sing another song will receive the offering open our Bibles to Psalm 67 Psalm 67 Psalm 67 let's all sing it out loud on that first verse God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause the space to shine upon us that thy way may be known upon earth thy saving health among all nations let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee O let the nation's be glad and sing for joy for thou shalt judge the people righteously and govern the nation's upon earth the nation's upon earth see the let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee O let the nation's be glad and sing for joy then shall the earth yield her increase and God even our own God shall bless us God shall bless us in all the ends of the earth shall fear him let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee O let the nation's be glad and sing for joy man great singing at this time we'll have our offering other Sean Collin can you best bless the offering for us all right turn with me in your Bibles to Psalm 50 Psalm number 50 if you don't have a Bible raise your hand one of the ushers will bring you one Psalm 50 Psalm 50 the Bible reads the mighty God even the Lord has spoken and called the earth from the rising of the Sun under the going down thereof out of Zion the perfection of beauty God has shined our God shall come and not shall keep silence a fire shall devour before him and it shall be very temp to us round about him he shall call to the heavens from above and to the earth and to the earth that he may judge his people gather my saints together unto me those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice and the heavens shall declare his righteousness for God is judge himself here oh my people and I will speak Oh Israel and I will testify against thee I am God even thy God I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings to have been continually before me I will take no bullock out of thy house nor he goats out of thy folds for every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle upon a thousand hills I know all the fowls of the mountains and the wild beasts of the field are mine if I were hungry I would not tell thee for the world is mine and the fullness thereof will I eat of flesh of bowls or drink the blood of goats offer unto God Thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the Most High and call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver thee and thou shall glorify me but unto the wicked God saith what has thou to do to declare my statutes or that thou shouldst take my covenant in thy mouth seeing now hadis instruction and casteth my words behind thee when thou sawest a thief then now content with me with him and has been partaker with adulterers thou giveth thy mouth to evil and thy tongue frameth deceit thou citizens speak is against thy brother thou slanderous thine own mother's son these things has thou done and I kept silence thou thoughtest that I was all together such in one as thyself but I were reproved thee and set them in order before nine eyes now consider this he that forget God lest I tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver who so offerth praise glorify ith me and to him that orderth his conversation a right will I show the salvation of God for the Remy we pray for us the title of the sermon this morning is the three spheres of authority the three spheres of authority now there are three main spheres of authority in our lives of course God is the ultimate authority and ever all the structure that he puts forth in the Bible and through the church that's the number one authority and has authority over all the other spheres of authority in our lives now we also have government God instituted government and he the government does have authority in our lives in certain aspects and also the home there's an authority inside the home and all these are structured and God puts these forth in the Bible so that we can know what our spheres of authority are in this life now let's look at verse number 10 it says for every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle upon a thousand hills I know all the fowls of the mountains and the wild beasts of the field are mine if I were hungry I would not tell thee for the world is mine and the fullness thereof so God's is talking to the children of Israel is like I don't I don't really need your food I don't need you to feed me he's gone he has authority over everything and he says right in verse number 12 that the world is mine everything in this world belongs to God that all the cattle you know people these ranchers they put brands on their cattle and stuff like that and all of their animals but ultimately God still owns every cattle all cattle on a thousand hills he owns at all and he doesn't need anything from us we need things from him and he's the ultimate authority and he's the ultimate authority when it comes to government also now do all governments obey the Lord absolutely not do all Kings obey the Lord well there's hardly any Kings left anymore but the Kings have been replaced by you know these dictators like we're kind of living in a dictatorship right now if you think about it I mean basically all these orders come down and mandates that are not constitutional I mean we live under a constitutional republic but it doesn't seem like it does it it's a lot like Rome Rome was a constant was a republic at one point two that became a democracy which ultimately became a dictatorship and then the Caesars were the were the most wicked and vile people you could ever imagine and so in the end Rome was destroyed and the leaders were corrupted and you know if they would have been you know doing the things that God wanted him to do that wouldn't happen but you know and obviously governments for throughout time have not obeyed God but he's still instituted government for specific reasons now we we do have authority God has given the government authority over certain aspects of our life and he's also given authority in the home and the head of the home is who it's God it's still God so you know when people delve out and go into different areas of life where they shouldn't be going or a family is just you know not a non-believing family you know there's still an authority in that family but if you don't have God as your authority if God isn't in charge of your marriage if God isn't in charge of your home if God isn't in charge of your government if right things aren't be done doing by being done by your government you know it's just becomes a mess and obviously the devil you know he has his principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness and high places but ultimately God still reigns over him he wasn't allowed to attack job unless God gave him permission so remember God is the ultimate ruler over everything so it say the government tells you that you have to wear everybody has to wear pink pajamas and be in bed at eight o'clock at night do you have to obey that rule absolutely not because they don't have authority in your home in that in that manner so and in the same way you know the church like me as a pastor do I have authority in your home of what you personally do in your personal time no I don't but while we're here I do have authority okay and the authority is given to me by the Word of God and the authority is given to me by God as the pastor of the church and so basically when it comes down to it God is in charge of everything defer everything to God now let's look at Genesis chapter 1 1 and actually I'll just have you turn to Genesis or Exodus chapter 20 verse 11 I'm gonna read Genesis 1 1 the Bible says in Genesis 1 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth so God is the one that made this world God is the one that has rule over this world because he's the Creator he's the one that makes the rules he's the one that enforces the rules and when I say when I'm talking about three spheres of authority that means that there's there is an authority structure you know we're supposed to obey the voice of the Lord we're supposed to obey his commandments and keep his commandments and just like the dad is in charge of the home you know God's ultimately in charge of the home but the man is supposed to operate within that realm and the man is the head of the of the home he's the head of the wife and oversees what happens in the home and that's his job and so there's a there's also a chain of command in every authority in our lives there's a chain of command in the government the privates don't go to the Brigadier General and tell them their grievances do they no they don't now obviously we can go right to the source when it comes to going to God we can go through the Lord we still have to go through the Lord Jesus though right so we go we pray in the name of Jesus or in the name of Jesus Christ to the Father and our requests are made known in that manner and also in you know so in government I mean things work a little bit differently but what I'm trying to say is that there's an authority structure put in place the kids are not supposed to be ruling the house but what do you see in America today kids ruling over their parents I was in Walmart last night I went to buy some Christmas presents and I was just I just happen to hear this conversation where this little girl she's probably this tall I don't know maybe that's all she comes up she comes up to her mom she's like why did you leave me here that's just like I told you to come on she was just like had this little snappy attitude towards her mom it's like you know that that handles that real quick your children shouldn't be ruling over you you should be ruling over your children and teaching them what's right what's wrong and training them up in the ways of the Lord so there is an authority there's three different spheres of authority God government and the home and we we should learn how we should how we should behave and how we should interact in those authorities so the authority everybody has an authority in their life I have authority in my life you know I'm not you know I have God to look up to for my guidance in the Bible is my is my manual basically and it's the Word of God and it was given to us so that we can know as a pastor that's what I defer to I don't defer to my own opinions if I give you advice I'm gonna I'm gonna do my best to make it out of the Word of God because that's what I mean that's how we're supposed to function in life is by the Bible so God created the heaven and the earth God owns this place God runs this place and you know ultimately he's the one that we should go to as our authority and it trumps government it trumps the family the Lord the Lord Jesus Christ made that very clear and I'll address that at the end of the sermon but God made this world he has the authority and everything in it is his does anybody into disagreement about that no now at this church we believe in the Trinity and I and I took this off our website because I just I think it explains what we believe about the Trinity very well it says we believe in the Trinity which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons or members of the Godhead are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three are all equally God and eternal meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons the three members of the Godhead voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command we acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God but believe that each member is all God and all of God we reject partialism the belief that each member of the Godhead is part of a God of God that comes together to make up one God so we don't believe that they're all thirty three point three percent of God they're all God and all of God we reject polytheism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a separate God that's what the Mormons believe in other false churches we reject oneness the belief that each member of the Godhead is the same person playing different roles we don't believe that Muslims believe in oneness and there's some Pentecostals that believe in oneness Tyler Baker believes in oneness there's a lot there was a big fight over that years ago and I'm sure some of you guys know about that but ultimately but the reason why I was showing you this is because we believe that you know that we believe the Trinity but we believe that there's a chain of command within the Godhead not because they're not equally God but it's because what you know the father the son submits to the father and the Holy Ghost teaches people and and wants to proclaim the name of Jesus to others but they're still all God but they have there is a chain of command so just like there's a chain of command in the Godhead there's a chain of command in every aspect of our life and every authority of our life I had you turn to Exodus chapter 20 look what it says says for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it so why am I bringing that up because well first of all we believe that we believe that verse at this church that's what we believe we believe God created the heaven and the earth in six literal 24-hour periods it did what it didn't take evolution or theistic evolution you know God just killing a bunch of things to make to make us get to where we were apes and now we're now all of a sudden we're human we don't believe that garbage it's trash doctrine God made everything the way it was and everything was made at the same time there wasn't different creatures that came into existence over billions of years and some plant that turned into an alligator or whatever that's what they want us to believe they want us to believe that an explosion created everything and you know out of chaos came a perfect system that we could live in that if we were any further away from the Sun or any closer to the Sun we would all die God made it perfect he made a system to where we can live in it and it's perfect so and he made mankind a man was not an ape man has never been an ape you know just because we share DNA you know like they say 98 percent DNA or whatever yeah but that 2% makes it a lot different they don't have thumbs that work like us they're animals they I mean yeah you could teach a monkey sign language or whatever but you can teach a dog how to roll over so does that mean that they're human I mean that's stupid so Genesis 1 26 says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all your all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God allowed man to have Dominion over things so you see the chain of command God's the head the Godhead is the head and then you have mankind coming in and he's allowing them to have Dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so you know these people that you know are crazy about their dogs and animals and stuff and you know it gets to it gets to be too much doesn't it or there you know and if you ever dress up a dog you know I'm not getting down on it but some people are just pretty weird with their animals and they love them like more or they think they're on equal ground with human beings but if God said we have Dominion over them that means they're not better than us I mean I'm not saying kick dogs whenever you walk past them or anything like that I think we should be you know kind to animals and things like that but you know sometimes dogs go to the bathroom in the house and they got to get beaten you know oh yeah they got to get beaten sometimes you know and otherwise they won't fear you you know if that's what the newspaper or whatever you have to do you know a little a little yapper dogs you know you know you don't you don't punt one of those across the room you know you that that's a little extreme right you can just swat it with something but if you know people don't a lot of people just snack train their dogs and things like that but those dogs you know they're not gonna be as tame as a dog that fears you and they should fear us animal shit if they don't fear you then at some point they're gonna do something and you're not gonna have control over them because they're not gonna be afraid to do that thing so anyway enough about that but it says in verse 27 so God created man in his own in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them so who was the first one made Adam was made first right and you know the Bible says that we're made in the image of God but he also created female and he made Eve out of Adam's rib so this is the things you know we couldn't do that modern day today you know God performed the first surgery you know the first day and so he was able to you know successfully close up Adam I don't know he probably didn't have to use stitches it probably just healed or I don't know I mean it's it's crazy to think about that but he's God he can do whatever he's nothing's impossible with him now turn to John 1 1 turn to John 1 1 so you know and point number one is that that the first fear of authority is God's authority the first fear of authority is God's authority John 1 1 says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so who is this word of God well we all know that it's the Lord Jesus Christ so I said the Bible says all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made and skip down to verse 14 it says and the word was made flesh that's how we know it's Jesus okay the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory is of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth so what do we call this book the Word of God right so the Word of God was made flesh I'm not saying he was a book but the spirit you know Jesus you know is the Word of God and the words of God are in this book for us and so it is an authority in our life if the words of Jesus are in here the words of God and the Old Testament are in here the commandments of God and the authority you know he doesn't make any bones about it when he says thus saith the Lord he means it okay he's saying this is an ultimate authority when God says something and he says thus saith the Lord then take it to the bank that's what he wants you to do that's what he's proclaiming is going to happen if God says something it happens period and so and we in that and ultimately you know I want to obey somebody and I want to love a God that you know has this ultimate authority but a lot of people rebel against God don't they they don't want to believe in them and you know I've been making those we've been putting up those creation like little questions up on our YouTube page and you know of course some of the atheists have gotten a hold of it and they start rambling off their dumb their dumb things about it but ultimately they just don't want God as their authority they probably don't attack Muslims like that they probably don't attack any other faith like that but they always want to attack Christianity because they know it's the real one they want to attack the God of the Bible because they know deep down inside that he is the real God and they won't admit that to you but why would they hate something that they don't believe in I mean if it if it doesn't if it's not true if it's a story like Santa Claus then why would it why you know why would they even waste their time with stuff like that I'm sure atheists tell their kids that they're Santa Claus figure that one out but anyway the Bible is our authority the Lord Jesus Christ our authority God is our authority look at Colossians actually look at 1st John 5 7 I'm going to just read for you in Colossians 2 8 through 10 Colossians 2 8 through 10 says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy in vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and you're complete in him which is the head of all principality and power so yes Satan has his principalities and power but ultimately Christ is still the head of Satan's army also and you know I'm sure that bothers the devil but you know he's gonna lose when it ultimately comes down to it and the this 200 million man army comes up to Jerusalem to fight and Jesus comes down and with all of his Saints with him he doesn't need any of the help from any of the Saints with him does he does it say we get into battle we come back with our ar-15s and we're just like getting some no it doesn't say that we don't do anything we just come with him and observe and watch him destroy this army with the sword of his mouth and the sword of his mouth is the Word of God he doesn't even have to lift a finger he could just say die and they all die right and so he's the head of all principality and power and you know the when the beasts and false prophets are taken and cast into into hell they don't put up a fight does it say well they they did really good they killed a bunch of people no they just get smoked they just get thrown in the leg of fire you know they're taken it says they're taken and thrown in the leg of fire period alive so just like Cora and his buddies so I mean ultimately God is the authority over everybody and when he sets out to do something that's gonna get done nobody's gonna stop him the devil can't stop him the false prophet and the Beast they're gonna be real scary to us those people that are left on the earth anybody that's around during that time it's gonna be scary no but who could make war with the Beast everybody's gonna say you know who can make war with the Beast Jesus Christ he's just gonna walk up and go flick like a flea and cast them into hell so you're in first John 5 7 it says for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one so God is the ultimate authority there's a chain of command within the Godhead and and so also he's instituted the local New Testament Church and Christ is the head of that church so God's authority goes through the local New Testament Church and you know I see a lot of people you know they do these parachurch ministries where there's no local church and authority over what they're doing those those things are not biblical what Kent Hovind is doing is not biblical he's not an evangelist still you know by any definition he's basically running a compound down in Alabama and you know it saddens me I hate that that happened I hate that he's gone the way he's gone but he he's not under the authority of a local church he has no pastor who's his pastor he's the past you know he's caught you know I don't know if he calls himself pastor but I know people call him pastor and what's going on there is not biblical you know this hocus-pocus on the family and all these other shows that are on the radio and all this other stuff hey you know same thing with Ken Ham who's his pastor you know Ken it's Ken Ham he's just declared himself the leader of this answers in Genesis or you know he's basically preaching a false gospel not basically he is preaching a false gospel let me just tell you something and I'll just bring this up about you know people criticize us about believing easy believe ISM let me tell you something about easy believe ISM if you don't believe in easy believe ISM then you're preaching another gospel you're not even saved so the Bible says it's easy to be saved all you have to do is put your faith in Jesus Christ and you're saved so let's see where did I have you turn next I didn't have you turn anywhere did I Ephesians chapter 5 verse 23 now Ephesians 5 is a very famous passage I've preached out of it lots of times and it's talking about the relationship between a husband and wife but the primary application is talking about Jesus Christ's position within the church isn't it because at the end the Apostle Paul says but I speak about Christ but you know it's good for husbands and wives or whatever I'm paraphrasing but but it's you know he's speaking about Christ in the church is ultimately what he's talking about here so look at verse 23 in Ephesians 5 it says for the husband is the head of the wife even as so just like the husband's the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church so who's the head of the church Christ so who's the authority of this church Christ and he gives us his words in the Bible that's the authority that we are supposed to obey in this church but how many churches out there are not even obeying the Bible they think it's a book of fairy tales they have queers as their pastors how does that work you know when the Bible says that they are worthy of death in Romans chapter 1 then how are they the pastor of the church explain that one to me you know there's some football X football player that came out queer or whatever and you know there's some Netflix special about it or something and it's like I saw part of an interview where this full-on bull dyke is like saying you know you need to tell your dad the truth and all this other stuff it's just like that stuff is poisoning people's minds and how do they have you know Jesus Christ is the authority in your church how do you have a dyke as your as your spiritual leader explain that one to me because the guy is saying well I'm gay but I still I still want to I still want to serve God that is just a farce people that kind of stuff is the stuff that's turning away the hearts of Christians it's turning them away from Bible preaching because it's not allowed according to the Word of God if and first of all it's a woman second of all it's a sodomite so how is that allowed to happen because God is not their authority Christ is not their authority they don't have a man of God to stand up and preach to them because you know what they're wicked and people want to bash Baptist churches all these fundamentalists and they you know they're just about rules and and and and you know they just they just want to put all these this burden on us you know it shouldn't be a burden to obey the Word of God if it is your hearts not right period you know if you get tired of hearing verses that say you know what the Bible says by how you should go to church how you should interact in church how you should work how about going so and if you get tired of that stuff then something's wrong with you it's not something wrong with God it's not something wrong with this book that's not wrong with the pastors preaching it something wrong with you so go ahead and go to that faggot church if you want to but in this place that's not gonna happen they'll never be allowed in here they're not allowed to visit your queer cousin isn't gonna come here and and and be the next pastor align or whatever that's not gonna happen you know because we care about this church we want to protect this church God wants us to protect this church he said who's whoever offend one of these little ones that believe in me it'd be better for him that a millstone were tied about his neck and be cast into the sea so we're supposed to let these perverts into our church I had so I mean we made a clip about the Joseph Rosenbaum thing they the pervert that got smoked by Kyle Rittenhouse and I got Christians on there saying well we should have reached out and loved to him when he got convicted like shut up you idiot what are you talking about if that was your little boy you wouldn't be saying that you liar you wouldn't be forgiving that guy you stinkin liar and if you did then you're sick that guy got what he had coming to him he should have got it a long time ago anyway I don't know how I got off on that but just you know people don't those churches don't have Christ as their authority and that is the problem that is the fundamental problem with these churches that have gone astray and they're just going everyone their own way and they got the smoke and they got the fog machines and they got the you know this stuff going on and carrying the TV and all that stuff and they're getting like 45 minutes worth of worship music from somebody that looks like they're in a rock band the pastor gets up ooh isn't that wonderful let me give you a poem real quick let me tell you a story oh let me tell you another story oh here's a verse let's pray feel good about yourselves you know that's what's happening and so when people like that get on a video like I don't care about the haters the haters can hate whatever but when you have someone saying that they're a Christian and they're getting on there and attacking you know what the Word of God says they they're either not saved or they're just not right with God period let's get over to are you okay we're still in Ephesians 225 23 it says in verse 24 says therefore as the church is subject under Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything so I'm focusing here not on the I'll get into that in a little bit but I want to focus on who we're supposed to be subject unto it's Christ we're supposed to be subject under Christ and so as the pastor of the church I'm supposed to be subject under Christ and I'm supposed to teach you what Christ said I'm supposed to teach you what the Bible teaches and we're a New Testament Church now but there's still a lot of stuff that applies to the Old Testament that's another thing that people like to say is that you guys are just living in the Old Testament and you're like al-qaeda and barbarians are you saying that we got in the Old Testament God was a barbarian and he's al-qaeda he was a Taliban what are you talking about that's blasphemy rapper DMX he died not too long ago if anybody ever heard of DMX he was kind of popular and I was young but anyway he died of like a heart attack or something he was on drugs for most of his life and he said this in his there's a documentary about him about him doing is like his last tour or something but he claims to be a believer he claims to be he claimed to be saved and and people thought that but you know he said this he says God doesn't come to us through a book or a building he comes to you wherever you are so that this is the this is the problem this is the problem with Christianity this is the problem with authority he didn't have his authority in the book see the authority is the book this is our manual our training manual our authority our rule book and it's also how we show love he teaches us his commandments but if God doesn't come to us through a book then he doesn't come through us anywhere because then we wouldn't know what he wanted that's what all these pagans used to believe a long time ago they didn't know what the gods wanted hey let's just sacrifice our children let's just sacrifice people let's just do all this weird stuff that comes from the devil my God is God of organization and order and he orders us to do so well I have a problem with authority well that you better get right with God because if you have a problem with authority how are you gonna fall how are you gonna follow God if you can't even follow what your parents say hey gonna follow God if you can't even obey your husband you know if you can't leave you're never going to lead ever if you don't learn how to follow and God is our authority not DMX you know people get all excited when these you know these rock stars and rappers and and all these people like Justin Bieber you know you think Justin Bieber saved then you have missed the boat folks okay I saw him doing like some prayer thing with Marilyn Manson do you think Marilyn Manson saved you got to be kidding me but there's all these Holly weird actors and all these weirdos that they claim it will Denzel Washington's another one but just check out what they believe just because they say God just because they say Jesus doesn't make them saved what do they believe do they believe salvation is my faith alone if not they're not saved period turn to Isaiah 43 verse 10 Isaiah 43 verse 10 the Bible says and this is the verse the Jehovah's Witness false witnesses like to use but they don't understand it obviously anyway Isaiah 43 10 says you're my witnesses say it the Lord and my servant whom I have chosen that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me there was no God formed neither shall there be after me those there's no other God besides the God of the Bible okay any other God is what a false God or a demon right any idols any other religions there is no God formed before him neither shall there be after him the Jehovah's Witnesses think that Jesus is a God in the beginning was you know they called Jesus a God no no he's not a God he's the God amen that's what John we just read John 1 1 so in verse 11 he says I even I am the Lord and beside me there is no Savior there is no other way to be saved there is no other Savior it's only through Christ Jesus he God says he is the Savior so what if Jesus is the Savior in the New Testament what does that mean that he's God okay there is no other all there's no alternative to that if God said there's no Savior besides him and Jesus is the one that saves people in the New Testament we call upon the name of the Lord Jesus to be saved what does that mean he's the Savior he is God it says I've declared and have saved and I have showed when there was no strange God among you therefore you're my witnesses say at the Lord that I am God yay before the day was I am he and there is none that can deliver out of my hand I will work and who shall let it once God is fit is fixed on something to do it then get what does it say none can deliver out of my hand that's a scary verse you know you think you're gonna deliver somebody out of God's hand you're crazy he's gonna he's gonna get it done so now the church in church work the authority is who the pastor of the church right it's not a plurality of elders it's not some headquarters denomination like the SSBC the Southern Bastard Convention you know that that's a that's a wicked denomination they don't even believe the Bible anymore they're filled it's filled with Calvinism Hebrews chapter 13 let's turn over there Hebrews chapter 13 now you're like well I don't know about all this authority every church I've been to we vote about what happened so there's no vote here you want to go to a voting church there's plenty of them around go ahead and vote did Moses say hey God told me to do this what would you guys want to go should we go to the Promised Land or not you know I know God told me to but I'm just gonna go ahead and take a take a vote on it and see do you guys even want me to be the leader anymore I mean that's not how things get done in the book it's a dictatorship and I'm not saying a bad dictatorship but God is the one that dictates to us what we're supposed to do and the pastor of the church is supposed to dictate what happens inside the church you know we don't vote on what kind of toilet paper we're gonna use we don't vote on every little thing and people you know I've seen it get out of control I've seen churches where three little old ladies are just rebuking the pastor because they didn't get the kind of toilet paper he wanted or that he didn't get the kind of toilet paper we voted on this before it's like what am I hearing right now three little old lady voting members little old ladies are telling the pastor what kind of toilet paper they need to have that's ridiculous that's not in the Word of God anywhere and you know the pastor is the one that has authority look at Hebrews 13 verse 17 says obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls who's it talking about it's talking about a pastor as they must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief not with a pain not as a pain in the neck you know the pastor shouldn't just be grieved by every person that's just being a pain in the neck it says to submit yourselves hey when the pastor tells you to do something just do it if the path you know and I'm talking about in church okay I'm not putting speaker systems or the ring doorbell in your house so that I can just contact you whenever I want I'm talking about in church okay now I might tell you how you should do things in your home if you're gonna do them a biblical way but am I gonna come over and force it after the sermon's done do I come and knock on your door and go hey I just want to make sure you get all those DVDs out of here I'm just gonna make sure that you know you don't have any graven images in your house I'm gonna make sure that that scripture verse on the wall is King James only I mean that's not what I do that's not my job I tell you what the Word of God says you apply it to yourself you take it you leave it and that's between you and God but in this building whatever happens in this building or whatever ministry we're doing in this in this in this church is the pastor's job to make sure that everything's done right says for not with grief or it's unprofitable that it for that is unprofitable for you so if you just run your pastor into the ground I'm not saying you guys do this I'm just saying in a church God's just saying if the pastor's always having to just have to go through grief all the time it's unprofitable to you because you know what you're gonna do you're gonna irritate the pastor you're gonna make them want to quit you're gonna make them you know just if you have to keep being told things over and over and over again and it just becomes a grief to that person and so it should be with joy that you know I should be able to serve as the pastor with joy and not have to just be challenged on everything well I don't like the color of the church building I'm gonna leave and take my tithes with me bye I don't care get out go tell some other pastor what to do okay because you're not gonna tell me so that's why our church is different you know I think every church in this town probably has the voting system in it but show me in the Bible where they vote if you can show me in the Bible where they vote and put it to a vote then I'll believe you and I'll change okay people are just like I know just shut up anyway so a pastor's under the authority of the Word of God and ordained to rule the church and to put everything and everyone in order to organize to structure to teach and preach the Word of God and to train people in the ministry and in church work so that's my job it's a big responsibility I take it seriously do I always do the right thing probably not do I always make the right decision I'm a human being I don't always but you know when we go off and we well like hey this is an idea let's do this and then it sucks then we just change it we just pretend like it never happened and do something else right I mean why keep going and beating your head against the wall when it's not working you know so that's kind of how we do think you know if I make a bad decision I'll own it too you know if I make a bet if I do something wrong I'll own it now let's look at 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 1 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 1 I realize that this first point is taking a long time but hopefully the other ones will go faster anyway 1st Peter 5 1 says the elders which are among you I exhort who am also an elder so an elder is another word for pastor or bishop so Peter saying hey the elders which are among you I exhort who am also an elder so he's a pastor also and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed feed the flock of God which is among you so what what is what is that job entail feeding them what do you feed them the Word of God okay so it's my job to feed the congregation the Word of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof so I'm supposed to oversee what goes on I'm the undershepherd Jesus Christ is the head of the church I'm the undershepherd and I take the oversight of it not by constraint not but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind neither as being Lord's over God's heritage but being in samples to the flock so I'm not your Lord I'm not going you know and telling you how to live your life I'm feeding you the Word of God I'm taking oversight of the things that happen in this church but I'm not lording over your lives and telling you what jobs to work what cars to buy there's people there's pastors that are like that there's people that pastor I'm really thinking about getting this red Camaro or whatever and they're like nope you should get the blue one it's like that's going a little too far I don't really want to be that intimate with you guys to know every single car deal that you're getting every dog you're thinking about buying every puppy you want to train it's just I don't care I got my own life to live I don't need to run your lives too and that's what it's talking about so I don't look Lord over your home your job how you obey the government I don't I don't say how you should do those things but I will however be Lord over what happens here in this building here when we gather together in the church and according to the Word of God and as the authority that God gave me as the ordained minister of this church I'll teach and preach what the Bible says and let you sort it out so I don't I don't come over and make sure you're following up with the sermon okay that's not what I do that's your job that's your job to internalize what happens with the Word of God in your life we don't do altar calls you know you can sit there and get right with God sitting there in the chair and you need to figure it out for yourself but the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice at this church because why because it's God's Word and Jesus Christ the head so number two we're gonna look at the authority of human government now so look at Romans chapter 13 verse 1 Romans chapter 13 verse number 1 the Bible says in Romans 13 verse number 1 it says let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of God the powers that are ordained that be our our ordained of God so the Bible specifically is talking about the higher powers these government you know the government that is over the top of whatever country you're in because every country in the world has some kind of government so those higher powers are ordained of God whosoever therefore resists at the power resists at the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation now it's not talking about being damned to hell okay for not obeying the government it's just talking about you're gonna get yourself into trouble you're gonna get yourself you know if you're constantly going 90 on i-5 you're gonna get in trouble eventually and you're gonna get pulled over you're gonna get like a reckless driving ticket and you're gonna have to pay the fine and they'll probably just take you to jail if you're going that fast so you got to be careful about stuff like that but so I mean that would be you know and as Christians you know we shouldn't be these people are just rebelling against the government over every little thing you know I said that we're under a dictatorship right now I mean that and I think that our rule of the people that are ruling over us are wicked but they're still in charge of us to a certain extent right so but only the power that God gives them okay and the power that we have is the Constitution right the it's not really a king we're supposed to defer to the Constitution and a lot of the Constitution is getting broken isn't it the Constitution is getting broken then they interpret it as a living document it's not a living document okay it's it was it was made once it's not alive this book is a living document this book is alive but people will compare the Constitution to the Bible it's not even close folks and look what it says in verse 2 says whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive themselves damnation for rulers are not a terror to good works but to eat the evil wilt thou then not be afraid of the power do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same so basically you know what God's saying here is that the government is not put into place to to terrorize people that are good so when we get terrorized by the government for doing good then who's wrong the government is wrong when they're telling us that we can't homeschool our kids when they're telling us we have to be forced to take some kind of vaccination that's you know and I'm not saying necessarily that it's a sin but if it to him that know it to do good do that not to him it is sin if you don't do that if you don't believe that by faith and or if you believe by faith it's wrong to take a vaccination then you take one then you're sinning but you know so whatever they say let's say that they say the police come over someone in an apartment complex who's wrong the police are wrong okay so this is where the authority you know we have to defer to what God says for us to do we ought to obey God rather than man okay so when the government comes down like this you know there's evil governments all around the world China is a very wicked and evil government you can't even preach the whole Bible they're all state-run churches or they have to be in the underground North Korea you're just tortured for being a Christian I mean these governments are wicked and so you know if they're telling you not to go so and if they're telling us that we can't have church for some stupid reason then they're they're out of their element they're out of their they're out of the zone of their sphere of authority okay so and if we're doing good the government shouldn't be coming down on us but what they think that what we're doing is is not good when we go soul wanting so they're wrong and God's right says for he is a minister of God to thee for good but if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is a minister of God a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil so these people are committing capital crimes and doing all this stuff those are the people that God has instituted the government to to get rid of and I and we're supposed to be for and you know there's nothing wrong with defending your country defending your borders I don't think there's anything wrong in the world with that but to go and just attack all these other countries and bend them to your will that's kind of what it's become I don't think that the government the government is supposed to be doing that so but they do it anyway don't they the devil puts his people these spiritual wicked leaders in high places and they they oppress the people but God also gives us the people that we deserve as a nation now do you individually deserve that not necessarily but this country is gone you know who's the ones promoting abortion in every nation who's the one that's a bore that's promoting all the sodomy in Africa who's the ones that are you know trying to just put an army base in every single country in the world it's this country here so they're doing a lot of things that aren't right but does that mean we don't obey the laws no it doesn't we're supposed to still obey because God ordained government now what if it's not biblical well you know I don't think that they had cars that could go seven hundred miles an hour back then so there's nothing wrong with putting a law against you know the success of speeding and stuff like that so or you know if but here's the thing they don't even put they don't even execute murderers anymore they don't execute rapists they don't execute pedophiles they don't the government is not doing what they're supposed to be doing but is it our job to make them do what they're supposed to do it's not our job see everything basically rises God when he's gonna deliver he's gonna deliver and when he goes to take out people he takes them out we see lots of different evil dictators in the Bible and God ends up wrecking their lives at some point but it's not for us to do that that's out of our realm of authority now it says wherefore he must needs be subject not only for wrath but also for conscience sake for for this cause pay tribute also for they are God's ministers attending continually upon this very thing render therefore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due custom to whom custom fear to whom fear honor to whom honor so you know there is an honor to the office you know I don't think anybody in here would say that you know would spit on the ground if they heard president of the United States or whatever you know and just because there's a wicked person in that office doesn't mean the office isn't to be respected so we're to obey the government until they ask us to sin or to step overstep their bounds in our homes to overstep their bounds in the church that's why there's you know these we God has his own checks and balances and he's the main checker okay and the government has to you know be subject to him the family has to be subject to him the church is subject to him so when they say we can't preach the Bible or the gospel or force us to take on clean things into our body we don't have to obey that we don't have to now I'm not gonna get down on you if you get the vaccination whatever you can do whatever you want but you know I mean I think that there's clear principles in the Bible that says that we shouldn't but if you did say you're in the military and you've gotten 73 vaccinations already you know really if you're gonna lose your whole career in the military what's another one gonna gonna harm you I mean you're kind of dying on a hill that you've already died on you know you're resurrected and then dying on it again or whatever so I'm not saying yeah I mean maybe you didn't get you didn't get saved till after you have the 72nd vaccination I get that also and you want to make a stand there make a stand you know you got to do what's right in your conscience when it comes to those types of things I'm just saying that the government doesn't have the right to tell us we have to do some kind of medical procedure to ourselves when it's in violation of the scriptures okay and so there's a lot of pressure out there for the vaccines right now I understand that but as far as I know every single person in our church that got a vaccine letter from me has passed and not had to get fired I didn't get fired Ryland didn't get fired brother Eli didn't get fired who else didn't get fired brother Timo didn't get fired brother Remy didn't get fired who else didn't get fired brother Shawn you're still hanging in the balance there he's still hanging all right well you know and some people didn't get it you know some people think you know that their workplace didn't get it well here's my philosophy on that I was looking for a job when I found that one okay so there's other jobs out there there's a lot of pukes over across the river that won't even get up and they won't get up and even go to work so there's plenty of jobs out there right now but of course they're asking for a vaccine that they're actually for a vaccinate vaccination but hey construction work you know working for your own you know for some smaller company maybe that's the road that you need to go down don't get all worried because you know God promised he wasn't gonna leave us or forsake us did you think he's gonna just make you be homeless all of a sudden have you been homeless your whole life no you haven't has God always taken care of you yes he has have you always had enough maybe not but it's enough to do you're still alive everybody's still here I don't know anybody in here it's been like homeless for their whole lives because God just didn't take care of them you know so you got to have some faith but if they introduce or they intrude in our government giving commands or God giving commands excuse me for in the Bible what the Bible says for faith and practice or a family structure marriage raising children bedtimes how we dress what we think etc we are allowed to disobey and civilly disobey those those things but again it's up to you on what you want to do so if you want to fight every single battle the government brings to you then you know that's your choice but I don't think that we should be anti government maybe anti whatever that government person that who that person is if there is Pete booty judge or whatever his name is that dudes a fag and I don't have any respect for him at all because he shouldn't even be in the government at all you know he just had it just came out that he had I don't know why I'm talking about this but it's just it's just been building up so I'm gonna uncork the bottle here for a minute but he gets on this post and says oh me and my husband had to two precious little kids I feel sorry for those kids I feel bad for those kids because you know what they're gonna do to them what do you think they're gonna be low they're the exception to the rule it's gonna be loving parents now they're probably part of some sick you know twisted thing and they're high up in government they're never gonna be they're gonna be untouchable just like Hillary Clinton's untouchable just like Joe Biden's untouchable you know and I feel bad for him but I do and I don't respect them and that's why you know we're allowed to preach against government rulers the Bible you know Jeremiah was a prophet unto the nations Isaiah was a prophet unto the nations and he'd go they'd go to places and say you guys are wicked you guys are wrong God's gonna destroy you you know and so the Word of God trumps what the government says the Word of God trumps their rules and so now could we pay a price because we resist that power yeah but again that's up to you whether you're willing to do that or not now I'm not gonna fight over every little thing you know every tax that comes out I'm not gonna fight it you know we have there's some of it we can't even fight like they have this new rule in Washington where you know you it's like a 50-something every $100 you make they take 58 cents out of your paycheck to go to I think some kind of cares act or something what is it long-term care yeah and they just pass that Washington so now just another thing that they you know that they're taxing us on inflation is going through the window through the ceiling right now everything's costing I mean have you noticed how much groceries have gone up it's crazy it's like I got ten items how's that 156 dollars what in the world it's bananas it's nuts anyway so Ephesians 6 let's turn over to Ephesians 6 Ephesians 6 verse 5 do you guys understand what I'm saying like God is the is the main structure the church is his agent on the earth okay he also put government together but it's got it's got a finite you know set of things that are they're supposed to be here for the punishment of evildoers and to defend our borders okay and so now is it evil to speed it can be you know I some people just are weaving through traffic don't look at me Sheila don't look at me miss Sheila some but I'm saying if you're doing it in a way that's dangerous you're actually like just don't you know those people that just you could tell they just don't care about other people's lives that's different like I do speed I'm gonna I'm just gonna admit it right now but you know sorry about that Lord I apologize but I'm talking about people that are reckless you know there you can be a reckless driver where you're putting other people at risk and that is wrong so I mean there's things that the government puts up but I mean there's like over 10,000 laws of the federal government that you probably don't even know about and if you commit that crime you know there's all these loopholes where they just try to get you for anything if they want to get you they're gonna get you so like lobsters it's it's like a felony to catch lobsters under a certain size or something that's like did you guys know that you're like out there just catching lobsters some Ranger walks up to you it's a federal crime I mean it's in some states it's it's a it's a major felony and so there's all kinds of things that you know bringing stuff home from a different country you know there's all these rules about that and if you don't know what you're not supposed to bring home obviously you're not supposed to bring home snakes and stuff like that I get that but there's even artifacts or things like that there's just all these rules how can we know all these rules well we can't and I don't feel like it's my job to study every rule and every law that's put into place in this country but just know this if you don't that you could get caught into that loophole of some weird law so you know and obviously God's gonna be there to help us and protect us and things like that so anyway let's let's move on here Ephesians 6 5 says servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling and singleness of heart of your heart as unto Christ so I would take this modern day to be if you're working for somebody you know they're your master according to the flesh your boss if your boss you know you should fear your boss and it says fear and trembling singleness of heart and you're supposed to obey that boss like you obey Christ so if they tell you something that you don't like you know it's not okay to just you know cuss them out or tell their idiots or whatever and in the workplace there's a lot of people to do stuff like that now I realize that eventually some people some person could just push you too far and you might have to say something but you know God is saying we should be obedient to them and with have fear and trembling and we're supposed to do it as unto Christ so even ultimately in the workforce you know we have bosses after the flesh but who's ultimately our boss Christ see he's in every sphere of control of anything that he's enacted the government our family and the church so and it says not as not with I service as men pleasers but as a servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart so you're supposed to work your job like you work for God so how do you work I hope you work for God good but it says with goodwill doing service as to the Lord and not to men so when you'd work your job you shouldn't look at it like I work for such and such construction or I work for such and such Hospital and you do and you should do a good job up to their standards but ultimately if you look at it like hey I'm working for the Lord then that's going to help you in your work and that's that's the authority that God's put in your life when it comes to what you do for a living says knowing that whatsoever good thing any man do it the same shall receive of the Lord whether he be bond or free so God's going to reward you for working like that look at Ephesians our second 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 13 I'm going to read this last verse here it says any masters do the same things unto them forbearing threatening so there's rules for bosses too if you're somebody's boss you know it says do do the same things unto them forbearing threatening that means you're not just sitting there threatening you're gonna be fired if you don't do what I say I mean there's always threatening people and stuff like that that's not how we're supposed to be knowing that your mat your master that your master also is in heaven neither is there respect persons with him so as bosses we're supposed to be good and decent to our workers does that mean we never should yell at them I don't know sometimes people need to get yelled at I get that and I do it sometimes so I'll just be a bridal nose he's back there he probably nod his head like yep so but we're supposed to you know be good bosses if you're a boss or if your leadership over someone if I just yelled and screamed at you guys for everything that you did wrong would you like that you probably wouldn't you probably find a new church where the pastor doesn't yell at you all the time now doesn't mean I can't correct you doesn't mean I can't reprove you for things or rebuke you in some situations but it's just not a good management style to just that you're all always screaming and yelling and threatening all right first Peter chapter 2 verse 13 says submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the king as supreme or under governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do well for so is the will of God that with well-doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men as free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but as the servants of God honor all men love the Brotherhood fear God honor the king servants be subject to your masters with all fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward so even if your boss is a jerk and he's always screaming at you it still says to be good and gentle even to the froward ones so you don't it's not an escape route for you it's not a clause to get out of it you're still supposed to be subject under your masters with all fear so but also to the you know we're supposed to honor the king it says to love the Brotherhood it says to fear God and honor all men so I mean God wants us to get along in this world as best as we can and when things come our way that are just something that we can't you know we can't abide by it violates the Word of God then that's when you stand up and say something and you know you know you don't see a lot of you didn't see like Elijah chopping the king into pieces do you think he could have do you think that do you think that a lot I mean the way he dealt with Ahab is he preached the Word of God to him and he told him he was wrong but that doesn't mean that he said okay I'm just gonna take it upon myself to overthrow the king so we gotta be careful with that kind of stuff now we shouldn't start you know we're a church we're here to put forth the kingdom of God the kingdom of men is not really our concern so much there's nothing we can do to stop it it's gonna get worse it's not gonna get better all we can do is make our difference and put our stamp on the world for the Lord Jesus and for his kingdom right and so we we just shouldn't you know get I people get so involved in politics there's even people that say that they're not Fox News Baptist but they truly are I mean if all if you're all you're doing is preaching about how you want to honor soldiers and and all this other stuff like fine do whatever you want but you know I'm I'm just not into that and I don't think that God tells us to be that way show me where where it says that we're supposed to be involved I mean I'm not saying we can't be involved but do you think you're actually gonna become the president United States and Babylon USA you got another thing coming it's not gonna happen you're not gonna change this world through the government ever it's not gonna happen you're gonna change this world through going to church and reading the Word of God and praying and going soul winning and caring about people that's what's gonna make any changes if there's even any changes gonna be made or is there a bunch of churches in Vancouver just like this church no there's not it's getting less and even the ones that come to churches like this they fall out and it's like oh I want a church so bad in this area then you just don't come to church really well then go back to the old IFB have fun have fun worshiping your American flag and your your your trail of blood flag the Baptist look we don't worship the Baptist either I'm a Baptist because I believe the Bible and I'm not gonna put the flag of a nation that murders 3,000 souls a day in little children that doesn't put and punish the evildoers like the Bible says to do in Romans chapter 13 they just let them rot in prison while we pay for their bunks I don't think so and there are three hots and a cot and all their medical and their transitions to become a man or a woman when that's not what they were born as I'm not I don't respect that you know I respect the I love them I love the people of America I want the people of America to be saved but do I respect like the the flag do I am I gonna sit there and say I pledge allegiance to a flag I pledge allegiance to God that's it that's who my lead God and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ this world is not going to get better by joining the government or fighting all these medical things and medical policies and code you know just beating the drum of kovat all the time that's not changing the world folks you're just feeding the conspiracies and it is a conspiracy I get it but I learned a long time ago that Alex Jones is not going to reach people when my start telling my family about some of these things they're like looking at me like I was nuts you know what because if all you're doing is preaching Alex Jones then people are gonna think you're nuts the police states here it's been here for a long time you know and and kovat yeah we know it's a big conspiracy but people still die from it there's people that think it's the mark of the beast they're taking it too far and all they ever talk about is kovat kovat kovat kovat well you know I'd like to focus on something else how about God's kingdom how about God's people let's focus on that for a while instead and every you know there's people that have fallen out I just see them all they ever posted out on Facebook is about kovat and kovat land and all this other stuff it's like get a life you left you left a Bible believing Baptist Church so you can just pound the drum of some stupid documentary that's ridiculous you you just want you just love America so much that you're just gonna leave you know a good Baptist Church because you just don't agree about some of the things that they believe about the government big deal that's nothing that's a drop in the bucket ultimately isn't it whether Trump gets in or not I think he got robbed out of the election we live in a dictatorship it's going to a bobsled to hell right now but what are you gonna do about it you know what we should be doing about it we should be serving God and doing the best we can for his kingdom and for his people and proclaiming the Word of God everywhere and I'm jumping on to politics all the time just show me how politics save people now what have there been people in the right place at the right time like Esther yes but she you know but that was you know a place a long time ago look it's not going to happen here that the Esther situation is not going to happen because all those people are devils that are running our government right now if there's not one person with a backbone that will stand up to the evils of this country they're no politician at all worth worth me you know having anything to do with now local governments that's a different story you could probably get some decent people in local governments but do you think Governor Inslee is a revenger of of good for the people or something he's like one of the most wicked governors we've ever had Kate Brown trout same thing you're gonna wear a mask outside why can't you just stay six feet away from somebody so stupid but you know what the devil wants to do he wants to get your focus off of things of God and onto other stuff that doesn't really matter if you're dumping all your hard-earned money into some stupid documentary that is not going to help anybody with an incomplete gospel message at the end of it then have fun but I'm gonna do something different anyway so Pharaoh think about Pharaoh what did he do he killed all the male children and what are the and and how did they rebel well they said we're not gonna kill him and they saved the men children alive and what did God do for them for civilly disobeying built them houses bless their lives so to say that we have to obey the government no matter what and people take that stance on Romans 13 that's insane yeah just throw the babies hey the government told me to how'd that work out for the Nazis hey I was just following orders no there's some points that you have to make a stand on and the government isn't always right in every situation Herod the Great killed all the innocent children from to and under in Bethlehem to try to kill the Messiah to try to kill the Lord Jesus Christ and you know what end up happened to him died went to hell Jezebel killing Nabal to take his vineyard you know taking the government taking the property of somebody else and what happened to her eaten by dogs thrown out of a window eaten by dogs all that was left was the palms of her hands Herod the son of Herod the Great which is the hair that Jesus had to deal with you know he stole his brother's wife you know he was preached against for that he killed and he murdered John the Baptist because some girl danced for him good and then he killed James with the sword and what happened to him he was eaten up of worms he was rotted from the inside he was killed by God see God will remove these wicked people out of our lives but sometimes we get what we deserve you know why are all these natural disasters happening you think it's just an an accident oh it's because of global warming that's what they're gonna say but it's not global warming it's God's just bubbling up with wrath and so people you know in our governments are the one perpetuating all these lies but we can't focus on that now I'm gonna go to my last one here number three the authority of the home look at 1st Corinthians 11 1 1st Corinthians 11 1 I'm gonna speed through this 1st Corinthians 11 1 says be followers of me even as I also am of Christ now I praise you brethren that you remember me and all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you but I would have you to know that the head of every man is Christ the head of every woman is the man the head of Christ is God so there's the family structure right there the Bible spells it out for us who's the head of the home Christ who's the head of the woman man when you get married I know that some women don't believe this but guess what your husband's supposed to be your boss and we have a real problem with that in this country too you know they know it they hear it in the church they hear to the they see it in the Bible but they don't practice it you know they're all over their husbands and and you know hen pecking them to death all the time it's wrong you know and some women are dominating in that way and they know they can get away with it and when you're when you know it's wrong and you're doing it anyway that's that's a wicked attitude you know some of your husbands are so hen picked they have a roost at the bottom of the bed you know where they can perch and it's not right so look at verse number eight says for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man see this is a chunk of the Bible that that a lot of women can't handle but you know why don't you just why don't you just conform to the natural order of things it's not just the natural order of things it's what the Bible actually says that's how we should live that's how our family should run and men if you you need to grow some hair on your legs and rule your family don't just let your wife dominate you all the time sometimes you got to make a stand a little line the sand say listen woman you will cook me lunch you will make me breakfast you will make sure dinners on the table and in exchange I will work no it's more both we're all working just what what is your job you know you do your job I'll do mine and you shouldn't be throwing it oh look at how much I did okay we both work okay so that's how it works anyway Ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 says wives submit yourselves ooh that's a hard one right there submit me me obey him that's what you know and it's what's really sad is pastors won't even preach this they're scared to preach this says wives submit yourselves to your own husbands not to everybody else's husbands not to the manager at Jack in the Box you know not to that man the man that's your husband as unto who the Lord so and there you know it's getting quiet here I understand that but that's what the Bible says folks you know lump it like it or lump it that's what it says and you should be doing your best to conform to what the Word of God says all right did I ask you to turn there go ahead and turn there by Ephesians 5 we were already there earlier but I just wanted to have you turn there real quick all right says for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the Savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands and whatever you feel like doing as long as he is doing what he's supposed to be doing no it says in everything doesn't it so that's a tough scripture to chew on but you know what that's what you're supposed to be doing you're like well I don't like this you know misogynistic preaching pastor Thompson well there's a plenty of churches around here you can go to you know I'll even find it for you on the internet we used to have the yellow pages but we don't really have that anymore well all Google churches that don't preach this and you just put your finger on one of them and I guarantee you they're not going to preach this so it says in verse 24 therefore as the church subject unto Christ so let the wives be subject to their own husbands and everything verse 33 skip down there it says nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband now go ahead turn over to chapter 6 so the the authority structure is clear in the Bible Christ is the head of the home and and and men you should understand that too you know if you're not following Christ if you're not you're not following Christ the way you should be then it's a detriment to the rest of your family it's just like a false doctrine in church can lead to other false doctrines well you not being the spiritual head in your family you know and not being under the the what Christ says to do then it's gonna cause problems with the rest of your family it's gonna cause your children up to be raised right it's gonna cause your wife to not respect you it's gonna you know if your wife knows the Bible better than you because you're just too lazy to read it that's a shame it's a shame look at Ephesians 6 1 it says children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee that thou mayest love long on the earth and he fathers provoked not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord see even in the family structure there's still checks and balances hey children you're supposed to obey your parents you're supposed to honor your father and mother you shouldn't hit them you shouldn't yell at them you shouldn't scream at them you shouldn't roll your eyes when your parents tell you to do something you just do it you need to learn to fear God but parents you need to make your children fear you if they do one of those eye rolls on you they should be smacked out of their chair seriously don't let your children rule you if your children are ruling your life and you wake up in the morning you're like this is gonna be another rough day of my kid telling me what to do they're two years old but you're just like you know every time your two-year-olds around just go to sleep dear it'll be fine you know like someone's having to wave you with a fan give you an anti anxiety pills or something it's like let you rule the you rule the home dad's just supposed to rule the home but mom's supposed to rule the home too it's not just dad's job discipline there's a structure in the home that's gonna make everything right do you want your kids to be delinquents do you want your kids to be bad well just go ahead and let them do whatever they want then let them spend the night wherever they want let them hang out with whatever kid they want let them listen whatever they want let them watch whatever they want and I guarantee you they're gonna turn out bad and whose fault is it gonna be oh my kid just won't come to church you know why because they just saw what you were like in your home they're just they're just copying you you're just better at faking it so you know there's a structure in the home and we should all obey it and you know what even to the point that God is the ultimate authority over the family too so once you know once you get to this point where you're saying you know what I want to serve Christ the dad is serving Christ in the home or what you know it doesn't even have you know a family structure could be just one person you could be a single person but your structure still comes from God your your God is still the head of your home so it's like well I don't have a wife I don't have kids well you know what that's okay you can still serve God and let him be the head of your family even though it's just one amen so and then you know we're not supposed to choose our family over God see that's where we people go wrong too they're like well you know I just need some family time we need to do this or that like oh you couldn't do family time on Wednesday or Monday or Tuesday or Friday or Saturday it had to be the day that you're supposed to be at church right you know people want to take a vacation from God God I just want to take a vacation from you that shouldn't that not that should not be something that enters into our mind well I just want to skip churches one time because I'm always at church yeah that's where God wants you all the time three days three times whatever the church doors are open you know he wants you to be involved because you know what the moment you start slipping and not coming the moment you start just saying oh it's not that important I can do it nobody was gonna miss me I miss everybody when they're gone every time and I know who's not here and I know who is it's like well I guess there's something more important than serving God to them you know and especially if you live in this town and you're not showing up for all the services I don't understand that sorry I'm gonna step on your toes right now I don't care if you live in town and you can't make it to the midweek service I mean unless someone's shot or dying in the hospital or something or you're having a baby or whatever you had to work an extra shift man you know every once a while that happens I understand that but if you can be here you should be here and if you only live like five miles from here and you're just you only come to one service a week then you're slipping and you're moving off the path and you're obviously not putting God first that's the authority in your life it's not yourself it's the Lord so Jesus said Matthew 19 27 he said then answered Peter and said unto them unto him behold we have forsaken all and followed thee what shall we have therefore Jesus said unto them verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of Man sit in the shall sit in the throne of his glory you also shall sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes and everyone that has forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my name's sake shall receive in hundredfold and inherit everlasting life so here's the thing why is he talking about forsaking houses and brethren and sisters and father and mother and wife and children lands because sometimes you have to because sometimes their mission is something different than yours even if your own children rebel against the Lord you know you have to forsake them if your child becomes a sodomite you forsake them you have nothing to do with them if your child just hates God and wants nothing to do with them forsake them because you know what the Bible says you're gonna receive a hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life and obviously you get everlasting life for believing but the good rewards you get is you know having a hundredfold those things guess what when you come to church you have a lot of you could have a lot of children people you got saved that got into church you could have a lot of parents elder people that you look up to and that you love and they give you good advice and they could take the place of that relative that hates God and doesn't want anything to do with them or doesn't want anything to do with you maybe they don't hate God maybe they just don't want to have anything to do with you because they don't believe in God but we should never put our family over the top of God and his plan my wife divorced me tomorrow and said and I had to step down from being the pastor and she went off and and left me or whatever I would still serve God I would still I mean that's that would be my plan so you know whether your children want to be all if your children grew up and they're like you know what I just don't want I'm just not into this anymore like well I'm not that into you either do you think I'm gonna change my life because somebody doesn't want to follow God you're crazy I don't care who it is I'm not gonna change I don't care if it's my mom my dad anybody you're not gonna pull me away from serving the Lord and you know what God is supposed to be number one in our lives and you know what you're like do you really mean that Pastor Thompson I really mean that and I really do mean that so if my kids well well why can't you just come you know well you know skip church I'm not skipping church first of all I'm the pastor that'd be kind of weird but second of all I'm just not gonna do it even if I wasn't the pastor I would still go to church three times a week just like I have for the last twenty something years and I've only been a pastor for five I'm still gonna be the same and you know what I'm still gonna walk away from anybody that walks away from God I'm still not going I mean it's funny how family members like oh you know well you just didn't you didn't come to this or that it's like yeah well don't plan it on a Sunday then because you know what God's more important to me than anything else you know that's their way they want to just get it get at you somehow hey why don't you come visit us and do this or that it's like well as long as it's not on a Sunday or soul winning or Thursday then I'm good you know Saturday there Saturdays are open so you know what I mean it's just we got to put our God first and yes support your family yes love your family all that stuff but if you have to forsake them then God like I said in everything I've talked about today God Trump's everything God Trump's the government doing what they're not supposed to be doing God Trump's family members that are not following him and God is the one that Trump's everything in the church because he is the ultimate authority all right let's have a word of prayer Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for just having stability having government Lord and and and I am thankful to live in this country Lord I'm thankful because it's still the greatest nation on earth where we can get the most done but Lord I also want to thank you for my family and Lord for the family that follows God and I'm just so thankful that all my children follow you and love you and their spouses and just pray that you would save my grandchildren Lord I just pray that people in this church would just realize just how important it is to follow you and serve you in every sphere of our authorities in our life and Lord that you'd be number one at all times in Jesus name we pray amen singer last long page 430 in a green hymnals while shepherds watch their flocks page 430 in your green hymnals while shepherds watch their flocks page 430 he's ready to sing page 430 green hymnals let's all sing it out on that first verse while shepherds watch their flocks by night all seated on the ground the angel of the Lord came down she shown around then glory shown around fear not said he for my D dread has each their troubled Glad tidings of great joy I bring to you and all mankind, to you and all mankind, to you in David's town this day is born of David's light. The Savior who is Christ the Lord in this shall be the sign, in this shall be the sign. A heavenly debut there shall find, to human view display, all meanly wrapped in swathing bands, and in a manger laid, and in a manger laid. All glory be to God on high, and to the earth be peace. Good will henceforth from heaven to men begin and never cease, begin and never cease. Man, it was great seeing you this morning and great singing. I'd like to see you back here at 3.30. Brother Sean Collin, can you end us with a word of prayer? Thank you. Thank you.