(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Use the gooseneck, okay, all right, okay, well again So the verse I want to focus on is in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse number 5 it says But watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof Of thy ministry now of course is the Apostle Paul Talking to Timothy who is a pastor and he's telling this pastor that he needs to do the work of an evangelist now First of all I just want to point you and direct you to the the fact that being an evangelist is Work okay, it says do the work of an evangelist now an evangelist Basically I went back to the Greek on this okay. It just means someone that preaches the gospel, okay? So an evangelist is someone that brings forth the gospel, okay? But it's it's it's not an office of the church But it is a position in the church where because it talks about it in the scriptures And I'll go to those later on in the sermon, but And obviously like I said I'm directing this message towards brother Ian And I want you to take these things to heart that you know that I mean obviously you know you've been doing it for a while You know the job is work all right and so What is the work of an evangelist well like I said the name indicates? Someone that does evangelism or a soul winner and so a lot of people in here We do that we all do the work of an evangelist if you're out so any you're doing the work of an evangelist But brother Ian has also expressed the desire to become a bishop in this church or a pastor Or an elder or whatever you want to call it. They're kind of used interchangeably But he wants to become the bishop of this church, but he must first be proved before this can happen Now I'm going to ordain him as the evangelist today Because he has proven his ability to do the work of an evangelist in my mind in seven months this church has grown I mean we have a packed house today and Basically this church is the only game in town. It's the only game in the country It's the only game in Europe really. I mean there's there's I'm not saying there's no other state pastors or anything like that But I'm saying that for a church like sure Foundation Baptist Church This is the only one of its kind in all of UK right now and definitely in all of Europe now There's a lot of people that are getting together for soul winning, but at this point There's no other churches that have been founded under the Sir Foundation Baptist name or any name of any of the friends of Pastor friends of mine or any of those other churches, so I think this church is gonna grow even greater We're trying to get this new building kind of locked down once we do that I think that you know we extend the the tent so to speak we Stretch forth and we get a bigger place and more people are gonna come. That's just how it works And so like I said for nearly seven months brother Ian's been doing the improving his ministry at this church plant But brother Ian was also already doing some of this work before We even started this church and so some I just been I've been watching this group of soul winners for a while You didn't know it, but I was watching you from afar So I was watching the good works that you guys were doing the great works, and it was everybody You know it was just it was called UK soul winners right there still some groups of people in UK so owners I'm not trying to slight them But this kind of became the church plant and I was brother Ian's name came up to me from different people and I kind of checked into a little talk to him on the phone and we started working together and Then we just said hey, well, let's just launch it. Let's just do it right So we did and I didn't come over I didn't make the trip over you know we had all the COVID stuff going on and all that nonsense and So we just decided to do it, and I you know to me the the model of church that we have you know this Church planting model you know we have to have someone that can lead we have to have someone that can be boots on the ground So what someone has to be here to preach someone has to have control over the services someone has to Be willing to do the hard stuff, and we don't have a plurality of elders That's not we're not this is not a Presbyterian Church. This is a Baptist Church, and it's elder led it's pastor led But while I can't be here. I am your pastor from however many thousand miles away It is but I have placed an entrusted brother Ian Tavenner as the leader at this church And so he's like I said done a great job, and he was doing it before This that we even started the church and so he came highly recommended to me by several people So now I'm gonna put him to the test and see if he's got what it takes to become the pastor Of this church, and I think he does and so it'll probably be another year and a half or so and we'll revisit things and I'm sure he's gonna still be doing a great job And that's what I'm looking forward to is seeing this church grow and I'm gonna try to make it back at least once a year To come visit y'all, but once a year is probably about the limit of what I'm gonna be able to do so But now you'll have someone that can Baptize people you won't have to wait for years on end to be baptized and things like that so But he's gonna As the pastor if you're gonna become the pastor someday You know you're gonna be required to feed the flock of God To do the work and to be put into the ministry. You know it's it's something that it's not just me ordaining you today brother Ian it's the Lord Jesus Christ is looking down on this church, and you know he's the one that ultimately puts people in the ministry He looks at people's works. He sees what they do and then he just makes it happen Right and so that's kind of what's happening today But I do want to have I do have I think three points of my sermon today I think it's three Of the work of an evangelist so the types of work that has to be done by the evangelist so number one this morning An evangelist must be willing to work out of class An evangelist must be willing to work out of class and what I mean by that is that You know of the as Ian as the evangelist. He's not the pastor But he still has to do the work that a pastor would do he still has to do the work that a deacon would do He still has to do the work that a deacon would do I'm, not saying that there's it's a class system like in that way I'm, just saying that like just take like secular work for instance like uh, brother doran you work Do you have to have certain people have to have certain classifications to dig and you know if you're working on the x excavator? You kind of you're supposed to have a license No, I mean, I know how things work in the real world, but different classifications Uh, you have to be able to do that work. You have to be qualified to do that kind of work And so as an evangelist, you know brother ian's not qualified yet to become the pastor But that's what he's working toward but i've already deemed that I believe that he's ready to do the work of an evangelist And so that's what he's going to be ordained at but in the in the future also doing he's already been doing the work of a Pastor he's not the pastor but he's doing the work of a pastor. He's also been doing the work of a deacon you know deacons were brought into Uh serve tables to do to to actually just be like laborers and workers but that's not all they were expected to do Because we know the first, uh martyr stephen Was what was he he was a deacon But he also preached and did manual labor And so there's different classifications, you know that you have to do Um, but you kind of have to be able to do everything, you know to be the pastor You kind of have to be able to do Everything in the in in classes below you at where I work If you were a crew leader You have to be able to do Every position underneath you as far as and again i'm not trying to say that Anybody in the church is underneath us in that way. I'm just saying That leadership is held to a higher standard And to be like a leader at my work. You have to be able to have the ability to do all the paperwork lead people lead other Grown men and tell them what to do And you know, sometimes that can be difficult. Some people aren't just cut out to do that kind of stuff Some people just cannot lead and there's nothing wrong with you if you're not a leader But there does have to be types of people that are in leadership and and you have to be able to fulfill those roles Let's look at act chapter six verse number one we'll look and and what I want to look at is the life of philip and how he uh Was a great evangelist and a lot of people don't think of philip as a great evangelist, but he was a great evangelist And not only was he evangelist, but he was a deacon also Look at act six one. It says in those days when the number of the disciples was Multiplied there arose a murmuring of the grations against the hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration So what's going on here is well Uh, there's so much so many people that the pastors can't keep up with all the work And so what did they what what happened look at verse number two it says Then the 12 called the multitude of the disciples unto them and said it is not reason that we should leave the word of god And serve tables now Is it wrong for pastors to help do the physical work in the church? No, but if it's taking up so much time that they can't even study their bibles They can't even have time to read their bibles. They don't have time to write sermons to edify the people What's the pastor's main job to do is to feed my sheep that's what jesus said feed my lambs feed my sheep And so as a pastor Your job is to feed the sheep. That's the main job to watch over them to protect them to care for them And it's not waiting tables. All right, and again, there's nothing wrong with waiting tables, but the this position was was made So that the pastor so that the elders so that the apostles had time To Study the word of god. See it says it's not reason that we should leave the word of god and serve tables Look at verse number three. It says wherefore brethren look ye out among you seven men of honest report full of the holy ghost and wisdom whom we may appoint Over this business. So it's not just hey find the workers find the hardest workers Now I would say that people that are hard workers are good candidates to be in leadership But look at they had to be of honest report They had to be full of the holy ghost They had to have wisdom So what they should probably know the bible They should be saved obviously Uh whom we may appoint over this business now that word a point Is another word for that ascendant for that would be what ordain? Ordained so a point over this business now people will say, uh, you're just running the house of god like a business Yeah, because it's a business It's my father's business and we have to run it in a specific way And so he's saying hey, let's appoint these men these seven men over this business of what waiting tables Helping with the daily ministration helping with anything that the pastor needed help with It wasn't to be some kind of lordship over the pastor Like you see in most churches today where the deacons run the church the deacons say what what goes on the deacons say what? What money gets spent on what that's not how this church is run this is a elder-led church Now what it says in verse four says but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry Of the word so they needed these deacons these workers to step up and help with the daily ministration because it's not reason for the pastor to have to to just Drop everything he's doing all the things that are the main thing that they're supposed to be doing to serve tables, right? So they invented this position of the deacon alga verse number five It says in the same please the whole multitude and they chose stephen a man full of faith and of the holy ghost and who philip and prochorus and acanter And timon and parmenius and nicholas the proselyte of antioc But you don't really hear about these other guys too much more in the scriptures, but who do you hear about stephen? And he was martyred and killed for his faith while he was doing what Preaching so he was working out of class, wasn't he? He was he was preaching the word of god and he was so powerful in his preaching That they ran upon him gnashing upon their teeth and grabbed him and threw him outside of the city and stoned him with stones That he died He was a man full of the holy ghost though, wasn't he? But he was working out. What what were the deacons first? What did they first have to come to do they had to come to help with the daily ministration? So but part of that is hey go preach a sermon for me over here go preach a sermon for me over there That wasn't just about waiting tables. They were doing things out of their own class so to speak also That says in verse six whom they set before the apostles and when they had prayed and laid their hands on them That's ordination, right? They pray for them. And that's what i'm going to do after the service. I'm going to pray for brother Ian i'm going to lay my hands upon him and ordain him as the evangelist here and it says Verse seven and the word of god increased And the number of the disciples multiplied in jerusalem greatly. So what was the end result of this happening? Well When these seven men were ordained the word of god increased And the number of the disciples multiplied in jerusalem greatly because of what they came in to do They freed up the apostles and the elders to do more preaching to to study harder to be able to bring better sermons to Uh be able to organize soul winning and so on and so forth, but it it was a help to the church. It wasn't a hindrance and so As philip was willing to do things that a pastor would do brother. Ian I also expect you to do things that a pastor would do again. You've already been doing them, but that's Part of the charge of this ordination. It's not just about going and preaching the gospel. It's about bible preaching It's about doing maybe the work of a deacon But now just because you're doing that work doesn't make you that okay, so people don't call him pastor until he Becomes the pastor, but you don't have to call him evangelist Either you can still call brother Ian, but you can call evangelist if you want after the service. All right, but i'm kidding but uh So like I explained to you at my secular job we have those rules about uh being in certain classes You must be able to perform the duties underneath you like And i'm not saying it's under like I don't want you to get me wrong here Nothing is under beneath me as the pastor, but like I normally don't Lead songs you could probably tell And I normally don't lead and if I do lead songs, it's never without a piano So I was out of my comfort zone a little bit this morning And I got to do it this again this afternoon, but It's fine because you know, sometimes there's a need to do something that isn't necessarily always in your wheelhouse But you know and this is something you all can take Upon yourself also that sometimes you got to step out and do things that you're not exactly comfortable doing And brother Ian is going to be charged with doing things that he might not necessarily always be comfortable with, you know, sometimes Uh, it gets it gets ugly. Sometimes the ministry gets ugly. Sometimes you're attacked. Sometimes you're Belined and lied about sometimes there's people that creep in and try to do destruction in the church And you know, he's got to deal with that kind of stuff but uh You know, it's just part of the job. So it's it's the solanine's great. The baptisms are great the church attendance and the singing Great, you know everything that's done is being great But sometimes there's ugly parts of the ministry that you're gonna have to deal with brother ain't And so i'm i'm praying that for you that you have strength to deal with those situations As they arise look at first timothy chapter three verse number eight So I just kind of want to prove to you that you know, the deacons also did other things besides just serving tables Um, look at what it says in the qualifications of the deacons look at first timothy chapter three verse eight. It says likewise must Does it say must? Yeah, must the deacons be grave that means serious not double tongued not giving a much wine not greedy of filthy lucre and wouldn't you say that some of these are in the the qualifications of a bishop too Yeah, so the deacons have to have a lot of the qualifications the bishop does pretty much almost all the same things And it says holding the mystery of faith and pure in a pure conscience And let these also first be proved so a deacon must also first be proved before they can become a deacon Then let them use the office Of a deacon being found what blameless are are pastors supposed to be blameless also. Yes pastors are supposed to be blameless also Even so must their wives be grave Not slanderers sober Faithful in all things so it even the deacon's wives even have this, you know, you can't just be some you know Some great guy some great man of god all these you meet all these qualifications, but your wife is just kind of a slanderer You know, she's not serious she's always just goofing around and never taking anything serious She's a drunkard, you know, you can't you know, you it's kind of a package deal And so you have to be faithful in all things. It says let the deacons Be the husbands of a one wife. Isn't that one of the qualifications of a bishop? Yeah, the husbands of one wife and it's not one wife at a time ruckmanites That's kind of what they were they how they interpret that it's like oh, yeah You can marry and get divorced then just keep doing that and you can still be the pastor Or the deacon that's not what the bible is teaching here. It's the husband of one wife Ruling their children and their own house as well. So you also have to you know, um as you're attaining, you know these qualifications you have to be able to Rule your children and your own house. Well, because what's the bible say that if you can't rule that your own house? How are you going to rule the house of god? So that's that's why that qualification is there because if your whole life's a mess and your kids are a mess and your wife's a mess Then you know, you just aren't qualified doesn't mean you're a wicked person or anything like that Just means you're not qualified for that position It says in verse 13 for they that have used the office of a deacon well purchased to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith, which is in Christ jesus so great boldness that doesn't mean you're sitting behind the desk only doing paperwork, right if you have great boldness In the faith which is in christ jesus, what are you going to be doing preaching doesn't take doesn't preaching take boldness It does doesn't preaching the gospel take boldness. Yes, it does. So now I showed you that philip is one of the Seven deacons and so he had to meet all these qualifications first But yet also he's an evangelist And then the apostle paul told timothy he has to do the work of an evangelist And so you see how they all kind of have some of the similar similar things But an evangelist doesn't necessarily have to be married. Why not? Because the apostle paul was not married and I think that the apostle paul was an evangelist, you know What we call a missionary today is what the bible calls an evangelist because isn't that the work that philip was doing? What was he doing? Well, we're going to get into it But you must be able to attain some of the qualifications of bishops and and likewise They have to do the things that an evangelist would do so Philip was an evangelist and he was also a deacon and i'll prove that to you at the end of the sermon that he was an evangelist also, but paul told timothy again To do the work of an evangelist And as a pastor, you don't just get to stop solely just because you become the pastor now I know there's a lot of pastors out there that actually believe that and practice that They're like go invite someone to church today It's like why don't you go and invite someone to church today? You lazy slug go out and do something go out and preach the gospel to someone It's not their job to bring people in to march them down an aisle so they can sit there And and bow before them and and then they lead them to the lord It's I mean, that's not how the bible design we're supposed to go and preach the gospel, right? Does it say bring them in and preach the gospel now? There's nothing wrong with the gospel being preached here at the building I I agree if there's someone that's not saved Then we should go to that person if they come to our church and try to give them an opportunity to be saved but The apostle paul was not married. The apostle paul did not have children and yet he was able to do the work of an evangelist Didn't he? I mean if anybody if you can say anybody did the work of an evangelist was the apostle paul And did he do the the office of a deacon? He probably did. You know, it says he worked with his own hands laboring Uh with his hands to do work and also um, he did the work of a pastor because You know, but was he a pastor? No, he wasn't qualified to be a pastor because he was he wasn't the husband of one wife and he didn't have children So but he was also an apostle. So he's one of the ones that saw the lord jesus christ And so he was able to do all those things And so you see what i'm saying? Like by working out of class you do Different things and maybe that's not your title. Maybe that's not your exact position But you're still supposed to be able to do All the things within the other classes, right? So And by classes, I just mean positions. Okay. I'm not i'm not saying it's like the hierarchy of of church or something. So but number one you must be willing brother ian to work out of class number two, you need to be able to Preach the word of god. You need to be able to preach the word of god number two Let's look at acts chapter eight verse number four acts chapter eight verse number four The bible says when therefore they were scattered abroad Went everywhere. What did the what's it say? Preaching the word right then philip This is philip the same philip. That was the deacon Went down into the city of samaria and preached christ unto them And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which philip spake Hearing and seeing the miracles which he did For unclean spirits crying with a loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them And many taken with palsies And that were lame were healed And what to say there was great joy in that city now remember jesus came with his disciples as he was going to jerusalem And they said hey What's called, you know, they didn't want to receive christ at that point in time And they said hey let us call fire down like elijah did and consume them And jesus said, you know, not what spirit you are of Now philip comes back years later and what he turns that world the world upside down And he goes and preaches in samaria the same place that they wanted to destroy He came and saved those people Because maybe they're not ready at that time So that should just be a good clue for people when you're at the door with someone Even if they don't want to receive what you're saying at that time Don't leave them with the sour taste don't leave them with all those baptists, you know They came here and they told me I was going to hell You know, and there's nothing wrong with telling someone that but I mean there's just a tactful way to do it. Okay So we do need to warn people Me and hoonar were out yesterday And there was a lady who was uh, I think she was an orthodox And she was telling us do you believe in the cross? You know, it's like yeah, I believe in the cross but like not the way you're saying it Like she says we have to pick up your cross daily and follow after me I'm, just like okay, and we're real nice to her and she was a nice lady and in the end, you know I basically just told her, you know, she was an older lady So like I usually try a little bit harder If someone's an elder because that might be the last time someone ever knocks on her door I mean and then you know, at least we needed to warn her and let her know Hey, you know what? I just told her what you're believing is not the truth And this is the truth is that you have to believe on the lord Jesus christ and trust in him only for your salvation and baptism does not save you so You know, she was we left her with though with a good taste in her in her mouth as far as what we you know We weren't mean to her, you know, don't just be like, oh, yeah You don't want to receive christ. We'll go to hell then or something, you know, that's just that's not the attitude we should have Now obviously if the person's like some reprobate or something Even then like I knocked on the door of a reprobate yesterday Guy had fingernail polish on both hands Toenail polish on his toes. He was wearing some kind of a weird shirt but then he said he wanted to hear the gospel and I was just like Talk about getting out of your comfort zone but then he starts talking about how judas the book of judas was taken out by the church and You know judas actually was the one that was crucified. It wasn't jesus. I was just like Okay, this guy's a bait. He a reprobate But uh So, but you know what I didn't do I didn't go you stinking queer or whatever, you know, I didn't freak out on him I just said well See you later, you know, we just left You know, I said look at the card and whatever, you know, but you know if I would have said something really Really what what I wanted to say Then what would that have accomplished him just spazzing out freaking out probably chasing us trying to put his hands on us or something And you know, I don't want to have them put their hands on me anyway So I don't want to touch them in any way shape or form. So But you know what would have done what would that have done had we the next door? Maybe someone gets saved even though they didn't but you just don't know but like when you when you open the door to that kind of stuff Then, you know, obviously people are going to freak out on you regardless of whether you're nice or not Sometimes they're just going to come around and take all the invitations off the doors. You guys ever have that happen here? Or they just kind of wig out. I don't know we have these apartment managers And they're usually they have to like have a blood oath to be given over to satan or something in the states And they'll call me and they'll email me and say, you know, you're not supposed to be here It's like you ever heard of the first amendment America anyway I got off track here. But where was I at? Let's see. There's great joy in that city. So The evangelist, uh, I mean the the deacon known as philip was also doing the work of an evangelist here And he uh, he settled in samaria here where he preached christ now look at second timothy chapter four where we started In our text this morning second timothy chapter four Verse number one the bible says I charged thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing And his kingdom Preach the word. So one of the one of the things that I want you to do in is preach the word And it says be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering And doctrine it's not just preach what everybody's happy with It's not just preach, you know and make sure not to offend certain people The bible says that we're supposed to preach in season and out of season There's certain things that are out of season, aren't there? There's certain things like, you know, for instance preaching against the homos that's out of season, isn't it? And you know, you can get in trouble for it, I guess but You know, I mean trouble is going to come but you can't just you can't taper down the message. You can't trim the message You know, sometimes you have to be in the same room with somebody and you're saying something that you know is a hard thing for Them it could just be something that they're not doing right in their life And you know that that's gonna you know, it's either gonna make them leave or it's gonna make them change So and and listen to this folks if if ian brother ian says something and it you know rubs you the wrong way It's like rubbing the cat backwards or whatever, you know when you rub them the wrong way They kind of get irritated with you and scratch you Well, don't be like that Take in the word of god into your heart into your ears. Let it sink down And if it's something that you know, if it makes you mad Then it's probably something you need to work on it's probably something you need to fix In your life, and so don't be afraid to be challenged by god's word It's not hard preaching if it never steps on your toes, is it? And so you have to he's going to have to preach some hard stuff You know as my it might step on your toes. It might make you feel bad, you know But there's plenty of churches out here you can go to they're going to make you feel good every time you walk out the doors But you know, sometimes the hard truth is something that you need to hear And so brother ian i'm charging you to preach the word of god And it says with all long suffering and doctrine reprove that means to tell someone they're wrong rebuke that means to say that they're wrong in a harsh way and then Exhort means to encourage so he's supposed to do all three of those things. It's not just one a one-trick pony only exhortation That's joel osteen you guys want to go to his church we'll go to his church then if you just want to be exhorted Don't let the devil steal your joy, and he's got the big stupid smile on his face You know these tv preachers they get up and they really literally they look the part they act the part But literally inside they're just ravening wolves TV jakes and all these bozos that are preaching on tv every week You know why they're able to preach on tv like that on a live audience like that Or whatever are recorded anyway They're able to do that because they have all kinds of money Because that's what they care about is Uh the love of money, which is the root of all evil and people are going to preach things to make you Uh, just feel good about yourself And sometimes you should walk out the doors and feel bad about yourself Sometimes you should walk out the doors and say I have something I need to work on And just let the word of god change you Because you're never going to get any better if you don't let the word of god chip away At the hardness of your heart, you're never going to get any better If you don't let the word of god chip away at the rough parts of you Because when you first got saved are you any different than when you then when you got saved? I think that most of the people in here are What would you have been wearing the day one when you got saved? You know tank top like I did I walked in smelling like cigarettes had a tank top of portland trailblazers Uh tank top on a pair of shorts Smelling like smoke Smelling like sulfur, you know But things chipped away the word of god was preached to me I started to learn my bible and after a while you just you start to change don't you it's little by little here little There a little you don't just automatically, you know, I gave up smoking the first day You know, I I never wanted to sin again for the rest of my life. It's like you liar You know, you were drinking beers and smoking cigarettes after you got saved even also, but you know When the word of god comes to you, let it Do what it does Don't resist don't deny it when the bible says to dress like a woman dress like a woman women When the bible says to be a man Men then be a man Don't be walking around with these skinny jeans on Getting pedicures and stuff. What's wrong with you? So Let the word of god Be preached and let it be preached without sparing Now look what it says in verse three for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine But after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears? And this is the problem right now in modern in the modern day world Is that people want to heap to themselves? What's a heap? That's like a pile, right? They want to pile high all these wicked false teachers And they've turned their ears away from what the truth is That's why when I tried to do baptisms at the hotel I was at they said oh, we don't have the license to do that It's like you have to have a license to baptize somebody when did that happen? only in england I guess but Hey, we still were able to baptize yesterday and you know what it was a beautiful picturesque scene so of the ocean it was nice but You know people have been turned to fables And they just refuse to hear what the word of god says anymore And that's why they get so mad about a church like this that we get up and we just preach the bible It says what it says Do what it says and your life will be better off Your marriage will be better off. Your children will be better off. Hey, you know what happens when you start actually spanking your children Is that what you call it here? What do you call it? It says spanking. Okay, I just want to make sure it's like You guys got some different words here, okay Once you start spanking your children, don't they get better? Yeah, they do And there's some people that like they get saved and they've never spanked their kid yet and they're you know Kind of little monsters, but then once you start spanking them they get better don't they because the bible says to spare not You're not supposed to spare that rod are we so we're supposed to so if you're not sparing that means you're using it Right and so now i'm gonna get in trouble for saying you should spank your kids But I don't care because the word of god needs to be preached. Amen And so we need to get away from the people that are going to tell you what you want to hear And tickle your ears and make you feel all good when you go outside and maybe you just need to have some some guy in a rough garment preach the word of god to you so that You can get your life, right? Because a lot of people come to church because their life is going the wrong way But the bible is going to help you Make your life go the right way and bible preaching is going to help you. So look what it says in verse five But watch thou in all things endure afflictions Do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry? So that's what as you get ordained as an evangelist, you know Your job is to make full proof of your ministry and then you know, we'll get together And you know at some point i'll ordain you to be the pastor and then it'll be an independent baptist church, you know And hopefully we'll see many churches started From this location and you know, even ireland, you know, we might think about ireland someday now Of course ireland, you know, it's part it's kind of part of the island a little bit, right? I don't know anyway How about uh, what scotland? Yeah That'd be rough. That'd be a rough ministry up there. But hey the people need the word of god in scotland too And all of europe needs to to hear the gospel and so you guys are definitely in a better position to start churches over there than we are in the united states, so But it says make full proof of thy ministry for I am now ready to be offered in the time of my departures at hand I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith and that's the most important thing is that you finish You know, it's it's not what you start. That's how you finish So if you finish strong, you know each and every single one of you in here, you know The the goal is to finish the course to finish the christian life. You run the race you finish You know and a lot of people dash their foot against the stone and they're out of the race Something happens hard in their life. They're out of the race, you know Some of the pastor says something they don't like they're out of the race, you know They listen to people that are come and corrupt the people in this church and they don't finish the race The goal is to finish the christian life and like the apostle paul said i've fought a good fight You know what the christian life is a fight It's something we have to fight every single day That lady was right yesterday when she said, you know that you have to take up your cross daily and follow after him That's true, but it's not this cross It's it's talking metaphorically about how jesus christ carried his cross to calvary and was crucified there We have to take it we have to kill the old man every single day because the old man never leaves you You know when you're saved you have the new man, but the old man never leaves and so we have to wake up every day You know, and maybe you didn't do that good yesterday. Today is a better day Tomorrow could be a better day And so you have to finish the course you have to keep the faith brother. Ian Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day And not to me only but unto all them Also that love is appearing. So the way you finish brother. Ian can affect the way everybody in this room finishes also And so it's not just about you know, the the man of god or whoever's leading the church Is how they finish it's not just about them. It's about how that allows everybody else to finish And so we all need to have our eyes on the prize and try to finish this This race look at titus chapter 1 verse 5 titus chapter 1 verse number 5 Bible says for this cause left I be in crete Thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders in every city as I have appointed thee And obviously everybody probably knows this that I have a heart for church planting. I want more churches to be planted So that way, you know, we can fulfill the great commission And so my goal is to ordain elders in every city but there's steps that it takes to get to that point But look what it says if any be blameless the husband of one wife having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly For a bishop must be blameless. See aren't those the same qualifications you saw for the deacon as the steward of god Not self-willed not soon angry not given to wine. No striker not given To filthy lucre same same basic things there It says but a lover of hospitality a lover of good men sober just Holy temperate and what does it say holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught? What does that talk about talking about the bible this book is faithful the god is faithful He's given us his word and this is a perfect translation for us to read in english You know, this is a great book. You know what it came from this continent. It came from this island the king james bible Amen, and this is the bible the only bible that we'll have preached at this church, you know As long as i'm the pastor, we're never going niv, you know, I know ian likes the esv and i'm just kidding. He doesn't He doesn't really he's king james only right and that's what this church is But we're supposed to hold fast the faithful word As you've been taught that it may be able to by sound doctrine both to exhort And convince the gainsayers see, you know, we're supposed to exhort but we're also supposed to convince the gainsayers And we're also supposed to go to battle with people, you know That's another thing that people like want to talk about how we need to have this sweet spirit Well, you know what the word sweet spirit is not in the bible I don't know if you knew that or not, but that word is not even in the bible There's a lot of different things about different spirits are in the bible But sweet spirit is not one of them now. Am I saying that we should be a bean spirit? No, i'm not saying that i'm just saying that sometimes you got to do, you know, if it's a battle You know, what are the what are the life of the apostle paul show you? What the life of the apostle paul teach you have you actually read the book of acts? Have you actually read where paul was just always being chased down the jews are always trying to go and cause trouble with him They beat him with rods he was shipwrecked three times he was stoned with stones, you know, he was lashed He was beaten with rods all these different things Sounds like he was in a fight sounds like he was in a battle, right? And sometimes people are lying about him and maligning him and saying all kinds of manner of evil against him But uh, you know he's saying here to titus He's saying look look at verse 10 for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers Especially them of the circumcision whose mouth must be allowed to discontinue. Is that what it says? No, it says whose mouth must be stopped Right their mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses Teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre's sake. What's the real agenda ultimately filthy lucre? That's what it is. And that means filthy money The love of money is the root of all evil But there's going to be people that try to creep into this church There's going to be enemies from the outside that want to say all manner of evil about us And the bible says that we got to stop their mouths and how would you do that preaching? I get a lot of grief over my billy graham sermon every day. I have people just emailing me Not emailing me necessarily about youtube comments About that sermon and they're all mad about it, but he was a false prophet folks Sorry to tell you that but billy graham was a false prophet and a lot of people from england are on those comments Like billy graham was better than you. It's just all this stuff. Okay He preached the right gospel. How dare you talk about billy? Like they're just like best friends with them or something. Oh billy boy The bible says their mouths must be stopped. What did he teach you have to repent of your sins? I repent of my sins, you know, that's part of his his prayer when he closes with supposedly leads some of the lord But the bible says people like that make people too full more the child of hell than they are themselves There are evil people out there folks and we do have to do battle with them And it's not a mean spirit To preach against false prophets. It's not it's right. It's what's right. It's what he said to do, right their mouths must be stopped Why because they subvert whole houses they convert people to their evil ways And it says that we have to convince the gate the gainsayers, you know what brother ian has to preach sometimes again You know, he preached against the church of england That's the state-led Religion here the state actually, I mean the what is it the prime minister actually appoints the people That are the clergy. I mean talk about a corrupted system I don't know if you know this but your prime minister is probably not a very good person Just like our president is it if our president appointed the people that were supposed to lead the the religion We don't even have a state religion. We're not allowed to have a state religion In our country, but i'm not trying to like, you know, say ours is better or something like that. Okay But i'm just saying that You know, we have these wicked people and it's just weird that we would have you'd have a state religion Telling you who who can license the religion? Who can be licensed to baptize, you know, don't they don't they use a squirt gun or something to baptize people here or something? I mean, don't they spray people with water they drip water on them or something? That's not what the bible says it says they went down into the water, right so Um, so a pot the apostles preached pastors preach deacons preach Evangelists preach did phillips preach the apostles preached the apostles preached the apostles preached the apostles? Will it preach? Yes, he did. Was he a deacon? Yeah, he was but he was also what an evangelist Look at ephesians chapter 4 verse number 11. Ephesians chapter 4 verse number 11 God gives leadership as a gift to the people And you know people have a hard time with this They have a hard time swallowing but what just look at what the bible says And he gave some gave right He gave right what was it when he gives something it's a gift right and he gave some apostles and some Prophets and some what to say? evangelists and some pastors And teachers what to say for the perfecting of the saints to make them not perfect so they can walk on water But you're the total package that means that you're a complete christian For the perfecting of the saints for the what's it say? The work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ So it's a gift that you get when you get an evangelist when you have a pastor Look at all the places out there that don't have a pastor Look at all the people around the world that believe just like we do but they don't have a pastor They don't have an apostle. Well, there's no more apostles. They don't have a Prophet, they don't have a teacher. They don't have a pastor. They don't have an evangelist They're just a group of people just trying to do their best to serve god in this wicked and adulterous generation that we live in Where legitimate churches aren't even considered legitimate. We're called cults Well, you know Call me a cult member then because I believe the bible Like why do you even why would you even call yourself a christian if you don't believe this book why Why You know, it's just like I make this example like hey who's got a watch on right now What time does it say exactly brother ian? 11 41 anybody else got a different time Everybody else got what's that say 11 44 Which one's right? They're all the same though They're all the same all the all clocks are the same right all watches are the same That's what they try to say about the bible There's only one right bible folks. There's only one right bible in english. It's the king james bible So it's you know, they can't if they all say different things My point is if they all say different things and they all can't be right Just like not all clocks are right. Okay, my clock's right 11 41 and 51 seconds, right? Anyway My book's right the king james. All right, so, um, we're still on ephesians chapter 4 verse 13 Says tell we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the son of god Unto a perfect man into a measure of the statue of the fullness of christ that we henceforth be no more children Tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men And the cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive Everybody's good though Everybody's pretty much good. No, they're not pretty much good There's people they're lying in wait to deceive you And it's a gift to you that you're going to have an evangelist to lead this church And hopefully someday soon to be the pastor of this church and you know, don't give this guy a bunch of grief You know, is he going to be perfect? Is he going to be the perfect evangelist? I don't know I hope he's real close But he's probably not going to be he's going to fall short He's a man just like everybody every other man in this room and we all have our own problems, right? We're not always going to do everything perfect So don't put something on him that he's not able to accomplish You know ours the bible says that you have to have your children in subjection Doesn't say they have to be perfect Doesn't say they have to be sinless He doesn't have to be sinless either Does it say must be sinless Well, no, there would be no pastors in existence if that was true So that's just not a right standard to hold on someone and so don't start thinking that he has to you know Obviously he has to be you know He has to do certain things on a higher caliber, but to to expect perfect that's You know perfect if you say complete that's good. But perfect as in he walks on water. That's not going to happen You're never going to see him on the south end sea, you know walking on the water. Okay? Number three is my last point The work of an evangelist is to fulfill The great commission so not only do you have to preach the word of god, but you also have to fulfill The great commission that's talking about evangelism right soul winning Baptizing, you know teaching look at acts chapter eight verse nine acts chapter eight verse nine Acts chapter eight verse nine the bible says But there was a certain man named called simon which before time In the same city used sorcery and bewitched the people of samaria giving out that he that himself was some great one To whom they all gave heed From the least to the greatest saying this man is the great power of god and to him They had regard because of that long time. He had bewitched them with sorcery. So this guy's not a very good guy He's a sorcerer, right? And so he's a bad guy, but look at verse 12 it says So he's a bad guy but look at verse 12 says but when they believed philip Preaching the things concerning the kingdom of god and the name of jesus christ. They were baptized both men and women So see this evangelist this deacon And evangelist this guy came and made a big waves in the city of samaria and this sorcerer See sometimes even the most wicked people are going to get saved You know, we we have a guy that was a former mason in our church. He wasn't 33rd degree Okay, so don't worry but you know sometimes You know people are going to get converted there are witches. Sometimes people are going to convert it that are sorcerers I mean, that's what the bible says right manassa Was like one of the worst witchcraft sorcerer devil worshippers there was and he got saved. That's what I believe so sometimes There's going to be these people that you know have a lot of issues They're going to get saved says then simon himself believed also and when he was baptized he continued with who? with philip See a good man or good people are going to attach themselves to a good man And philip was a good man. It says in wonder beholding miracles and signs which were done Now when the apostles which were at drussell heard that samaria had received the word of god they sent unto them peter and john Isn't that funny though? They sent peter and john aren't those guys two of the same guys that said hey lord Let's call down fire and and have a barbecue here lord All right, they wanted to destroy these people. But when they heard that samaria Heard the word of god they came to help So at somewhere down the line, they had a change of heart and didn't want these people to be destroyed Now hold your finger here in acts chapter 8 and turn to matthew chapter 28 verse 19 matthew chapter 28 verse 19 It says in matthew chapter 28 verse 19 says go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost And we committed some of the we I mean we commended some of the saints to baptism yesterday And it says baptizing them in the name of the father son the holy ghost didn't I? Baptized in the name of the father son the holy ghost yesterday. That's part of the great commission That's one of the things that jesus told us, but he says go ye therefore Teach all nations look at verse 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I've commanded you And lo I am with you always even until the end of the world look folks we have the power of jesus christ Every time we go out soul winning don't think that you're alone We have the lord jesus christ going with us all power is given unto me in heaven and earth is what he says And so he gives us that power at pentecost what he do. He gave the disciples the power of god of the holy ghost They already had the holy ghost but the holy ghost came to them with power Didn't he and you know what you each and every single person in this room has power more power than you probably realize Because you're going forth in jesus name and we're going and preaching the gospel Teaching nations baptizing them and that's what philip was doing here wasn't he? He was going he got a lot of people in samaria saved. He converted some sorcerer and that sorcerer started to follow him Now was the sorcerer perfect? No, he's called simon the sorcerer And he you know, he did some things that he wasn't supposed to do after this but that just shows you that People aren't going to be always perfect once they get saved. They're going to have some issues Now go back to acts chapter 8 where I had you and look at verse 26 Acts chapter 8 verse 26 And the angel of the lord spake unto philip saying arise and go toward the south unto the way That goeth down from jerusalem unto gaza, which is desert and what's to say he arose and went And behold a man of etheopia eunuch of great authority under candace queen of the etheopians Who had the charge of all the treasure and came to jerusalem for the worship was returning and sitting in his chair Chariot read isaias the prophet and the spirit said unto philip go near and join themselves to his chariot And philip ran dither to him And heard him read the prophet isaias and said understandest what thou what thou readest and he said how can I? Except some man should guide me and he desired philip that he should come up and sit with him So here's this story so it's the same chapter where he goes to samaria gets all these people say is but the But the spirit of god says hey go and join yourself into this chariot You know as an evangelist brother ian, you know It's not just about evangelizing this area here, but it's about going to other places also And you guys do this so many marathons once a month. That's great And you know, I I expect that at some point you might go to scotland or you might go to ireland to have some kind of soul winning marathon, you know, I mean you're gonna have to pick out some good spots, but I'm just kidding, but ever hey people still need to hear that the world may know We want the world to know who the lord is i'm just going to read this this scripture real quickly It says in uh roman chapter 1 verse 15 You can just keep where you're at so as much as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel To you that are at rome also, so we have to be always be ready and brother ian You have to always be ready to jump out and and reach these ethiopian eunuchs and get them saved be willing to go You know because you you have a lot of responsibility But don't forget the main part of your response, you know, the the word evangelist is someone that goes and preaches the gospel, right? So don't lose track of that part Of your calling the work of an evangelist is to go out and evangelize people look at acts 8 32 In the place of the scripture which he read was this he was Led as a sheep to the slaughter and like a lamb done before the shearer so opened he not his mouth In his humiliation his judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth And the eunuch answered philip and said I pray thee of whom speaketh the prophet this of himself or of some other man Then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him. Jesus As they went on their way they came to a certain water and the eunuch said see here's water What doth hinder me to be baptized? And philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart Thou mayest and he answered and said I believe that jesus christ is the son of god And he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went Down both into the water both philip and the eunuch and he baptized him And when they were come up out of the water the spirit of the lord caught away philip that the eunuch saw him no more And he went on his way rejoicing See and that's just a great story of fulfilling the great commission the lord sent him to this man This man's reading the bible. He doesn't understand what he's even reading And then That's what philip says. Hey, you understand what you're reading? And how many times do we go to people's doors and they say, you know, I was just thinking about Going to church. I was just thinking about what it takes to be saved. Do you think that's an accident? No, god sends us to doors and it's not like he tells you. Hey go to this door But the spirit of god is going to send us where we need to go You know, and that's why it's important that we have someone leading this soul winning someone leading the charge And I know that there's captains in here that that leads so many but think about this, you know How many times have you heard something like that? That's not every door that you hear it But a lot of times you do hear it you hear I was just thinking what it takes to be saved just a few minutes ago It's like yeah the spirit of god sent me to your door I mean, that's just a fact, right? But brother ian, you got to be willing to continue uh to fulfill the great commission And uh, look what it says in verse 40. I think this is really interesting It says but philip was founded as otis and passing through he preached in all the cities till he came to where cesarea Now let's pick up the story many years later See a lot of people think that evangelists that you know, they just go for a little while and they stop being an evangelist You know, but philip didn't stop being an evangelist And i'm not exactly sure how many years have passed between acts chapter 8 and acts chapter 21. I didn't sit down and Figure all that out But many years later Philip is still doing the same thing. Remember he leaves off In acts 8 40 says tell he came to cesarea So he went in all these cities he was preaching doing the work of an evangelist baptizing people Look at acts 28 or 21 verse 8 It says in the next day we that were of paul's company departed and came to where? cesarea the same place where we see philip leaving off It says when we entered into the house of philip the what what's he called the evangelist Which was one of the what? Seven so here we have it nailed down. He was one of the first deacons and he's also the evangelist. He's both Right. He was one of the seven and abode with him So he's a hospitable guy they all abode with him and the same man had four daughters virgins, which did what? Prophesied Now they're not fortune tell they're not telling the future here But I would say that they're soul winning ladies virgins soul winning ladies And so what does that tell you that philip raised his family? Well, he ruled his family Well, he still had those qualifications in place as a deacon And it says as we tarried there many days There came down from judia a certain prophet named agabus. So They you know, it shows also that philip's a hospitable guy But where did he what did he do he planted roots in cesarea said, you know what i'm going to stay in cesarea And just raise my family there Do continue to do he says he was still an evangelist, right? So an evangelist can plant roots in a place And you know, sometimes there there might be a situation where someone maybe they're not qualified to be a pastor. They're an evangelist They're not qualified to be a pastor, but that person could stay an evangelist for many many years Does that mean that their church is not legitimate? No i'm sure he had some kind of an outpost that he was ruling there that he was ruling over but wasn't a You know, he wasn't a pastor. He was an evangelist. I don't know what the reason for that was Maybe he just didn't want to be one but you know just because Ian's an evangelist doesn't mean that this church is not legit. This church is legit Amen So we're just as legit as anybody else So number one an evangelist should be willing to work out of class Number two an evangelist must be willing to preach the word of god regardless of who it offends regardless of what what What season it is? You know, you got to preach the word of god brother. Ian And an evangelist must be willing to fulfill the great commission. That means continue soul winning preaching Evangelism and the great commission baptizing, you know and leading this church and so my charge to you brother Ian is that you lead this church well and that you continue To work towards, you know getting your qualifications as a bishop and I'm commending this church to you and everybody here under the sound of my voice You know, ian is the leader here and that's not going to change unless he does something that makes me mad. No, i'm just kidding but You won't know about it if he makes me mad it'll be a private thing but uh, Ian, you know, you've done a great job so far and I want you to come up and i'm gonna Let's put this over here just have to come right here and so i'm gonna pray for ian and command him into the ministry. All right Heavenly father lord, we pray right now for brother. Ian the lord you just bless him and fill him with your spirit and lord that he would Uh, we would continue with the charge that's been given to him To continue to preach the word of god to lead this church to preach the gospel lord I just pray for him and his family and uh his children I pray lord that he would be a great leader in his home and a great leader in this church and lord I just commend this church into his hands As the pastor of sure foundation baptist church. I now ordain ian as an evangelist to sure foundation baptist in the uk In jesus name we pray. Amen Congratulations. All right. This is your evangelist everybody Song