(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right well we're gonna focus on Colossians chapter 2 verse number 8 the Bible says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this wonderful day Lord and I just pray that you'd help me to preach boldly preach with the Spirit of God upon me and that Lord I'd be filled with the Spirit as I begin to preach and Lord I pray that people would be attentive to your word this morning and Lord they put all the things that they're thinking about aside for a little bit as we as we try to bring the Word of God to them this morning and Lord I pray that you would just help them to have ears to hear what the Spirit saith unto the church in Jesus name we pray amen so the title of the sermon this morning is the Salvation Army Exposed the Salvation Army Exposed and so people are like Pastor Thompson are you serious you're gonna expose the Salvation Army don't we believe in salvation well of course we do but the Salvation Army is an organization it's a parachurch ministry and you know they're the ones that are always ringing the bells every time you walk into a store or being super annoying right because I like the sound of bells I just don't like it rattling in my ear every time I walk into a store and it really what I think about when they do that is I think about the same person that's holding up a sign on the side of a freeway giving you the sad puppy dog eyes that you've seen them in the same spot for like 15 years you know begging people on saying God bless anything helps God bless it's the same thing that these guys are doing and you're like well Pastor Thompson I give to the Salvation Army well hopefully by the end of this sermon you won't be given to the Salvation Army anymore and I'm gonna detail you why I'm gonna show you the history of the Salvation Army what they believe what they preach what is wrong with them because there's something wrong with the Salvation Army and you're like well Pastor Thompson I just I don't know well you're gonna know by the end of the sermon okay so let's look at the verse again it says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world but not after Christ so anybody who's been paying attention to the fire breathing Baptist Fellowship probably saw Pastor Anderson sermon about vanity anybody see that sermon okay so vanity we know means it's worthless or useless so vain deceit is something that's useless but it's also something that's deceiving so the action of deceit is the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth so we should beware lest anybody spoil us through philosophy and vain to see see philosophy basically is the love of man's wisdom and what man's wisdom will teach you but vain to see this worthless or empty you know can its deceit that will conceal or misrepresent what someone's trying to show you so basically it's just worthless deceiving okay and what does spoil mean well spoil anybody's read the Bible knows when it says you know and they flew upon the spoil or you know they spoiled them you know that means that they took all the stuff from them when they won that battle right and so it also can be you know in this in this verse it can be talking about spoiling your mind spoiling your Christian walk through this type of deception through the philosophy through worldly things the tradition of men right the Pharisees were saying that you know you were evil for washing your hand you know not washing your hands before you ate food and things like that talking about the rudiments of the world the first principles of worldliness and not after Christ okay so spoils are good stolen or taken forcibly from a person or place and you know the Salvation Army prides themselves on being a charitable organization that's a Christian faith-based organization right and so a lot of times they get a free pass with Christians but I'll tell you what I haven't put a nickel in one of those little bowls of deception for a long time I'm not saying I never have when I was a new Christian I thought oh it's a Christian organization whoo-hoo I'll put a few pennies in here not a big deal it's going to help something I don't know what but it's going to help something but I'll tell you what when I realize that you know we're supposed to be giving to the local church and not to these parachurch organizations and the thing is you don't know what you're giving your money to that's the thing when you give to the church at least you know where your money is going so um so let's look at their history okay the history of the Salvation Army I'm gonna there's gonna be some long reading things here but try to pay attention try to try to focus here as I read you their history okay the Salvation Army is a Protestant denomination of the Christian Church that's a denomination of the Christian Church with over 1.6 million members and 109 countries in the UK there are over 800 Salvation Army parishes known as corpse or cores over 1,500 ordained ministers known as officers and 54,000 members including senior soldiers adherents and junior soldiers can you already tell right now that they're not exactly a Christian organization they're they're not Pat they're pattern after the world they're pattern after the rudiments of this world and look obviously we're in the Lord's Army and I get that that's kind of what they're trying to portray but we're in the Bible doesn't say we're supposed to wear uniforms and I'm supposed to be called General Thompson or Dylan supposed to be Colonel Colonel Dylan you know I mean yes it's that's not found in the Bible anywhere and they're calling something would be called churches they're calling them army parishes or cores okay so they're they're patterning everything after the worldly military industrial complex and salvation it says Salvation Army officers wear a military style uniform though some officers may wear a more informal uniform when undertaking certain duties members of the church often choose to wear a uniform but are not required to do so Salvation Army halls are registered as places of worship Salvation Army officers are ordained ministers of religion and can conduct weddings and funerals the Salvation Army is a famous for its work with people who have fallen on hard times it offers help to the elderly that's that's a good thing the young the young offenders drug addicts and blind and disabled people you know some of those things are okay it provides food and shelter for the homeless and operates food distribution centers so on the outside it kind of seems like you know some of those things are worthy causes you know I'm not against helping blind people I'm not against helping disabled people and things like that but I am against helping and bringing drunks into our church building and I'll get into that later but it says the Salvation Army was founded in 1865 in the end or the East End of London by William Booth Booth was an evangelist who wanted to offer practical help to the poor and destitute as well as preaching the gospel to them it was originally called the Christian mission but changed its name to the Salvation Army in 1878 so in brief here's a brief kind of synopsis of the things that they stand for the thing where they how they were formed or history Salvation Army is an evangelist evangelical Protestant denomination of the universal Christian church so right right off the bat I mean we're not a denomination here and we're not we don't believe in a universal Christian church okay we believe in a local church all right it is a hole in it holiness movement so what is the anybody ever heard of the holiness movement before and most of the time now you see that those are like Pentecostal type churches but before it was the Pentecostals it was John Wesley and the Methodists that's who started the holiness movement the Church of God okay then at the Church of the Nazarene and Pentecostalism tongue-speaking churches okay so the and what is what is another thing a common denominator that you know about these churches that I just mentioned all of them believe that you can lose your salvation okay so it says so yeah so basically you know that common belief they believe you can lose your salvation the Church of God I've talked to one of their pastors before they absolutely believe you could lose your salvation and you know the Wesleyan Church believes that too they're like you know how Calvinists say well I'm Calvinist and they're Armenian there are many and in their belief in Armenians believe you can lose your salvation unless you live a holy life right so it's supposedly its message is based on the Bible its ministry is motivated motivated by the love of God its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ nothing wrong with that to meet human needs in his name without discrimination its theology is mainstream Protestant it's famous for its evangelistic work its social work its family member tracing service its quasi military structure the uniform worn by its members its music it was founded in 1865 again by William Booth the name Salvation Army dates from 1878 here's some statistics 1.6 million members including senior soldiers I already mentioned that adherence to junior soldiers found in 109 countries 15,339 parish units or church units around the world 17,346 full-time ministers 1,000 schools 250 hospitals and clinics worldwide and impoverished areas to 2,500 bands both brass ensembles and other styles of music other styles of music can you guess what those are in the UK over 54,000 members including senior soldiers adherence and junior soldiers over 800 cores and 1,500 full-time ministers in England so some odds and ends the phrase now you're gonna learn something this morning the phrase on the wagon was coined by men and women receiving the services of the Salvation Army former national commander Evangeline Booth founder William Booth's daughter drove a hay wagon through the streets of New York to encourage alcoholics on board for a ride back to the Salvation Army hence alcoholics to recover recovery were said to be on the wagon did anybody know that I just learned that when I was studying for this hermit so I thought that was pretty interesting I've always kind of wonder where that term came from when it comes from the Salvation Army but notice what she was trying to do she says encourage alcoholics to get on board to ride back to the Salvation Army so do we throw drunks out of church or would we bring them into church okay so you can see that even in its early days there was already super unbiblical you know we're not a universal church we believe in the local church and believe me we're gonna get into some more issues about what they believe so that's kind of the history the kind of the starting point of what they were you know and and and this guy William Booth is called General Booth he was the first general all right and so William Booth was one of those circuit riding preachers like John Wesley was and he rode around and he you know he preached the gospel and things like that and he was part of this Wesleyan type Church that believes you could lose your salvation so let's see their beliefs number two their beliefs here's some of the beliefs I just got some of this on Wikipedia and some other sites but says early beliefs of the Salvation Army were influenced by a book helps to holiness which was to influence spiritual life of the army for a generation the sacred text of the Salvation Army is the Bible and the beliefs of the Salvation Army rests upon these 11 doctrines so these are the 11 doctrines that are their core beliefs so pay attention to what what it's saying okay because some of them are gonna sound good at first but then it's gonna you're gonna see the rotten underside of this organization so number one here's one of their number one of their 11 beliefs we believe that the scriptures of the whole of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God and that they are only they only constitute the divine rule of Christian faith and practice I'd agree with that number two we believe that there is only one God who is infinitely perfect the Creator preserver and governor of all things and who is the only proper object of religious worship I can get down with that can you guys get down with that all right number three we believe that there are three persons in the Godhead the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory I agree with that I agree I believe in the Trinity number four we believe that in the person of Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are united so he is truly and properly God and truly and properly man hundred percent God hundred percent man do you guys believe that okay I believe that too so far I'm on board with the Salvation Army number five we believe that our first parents which they don't name Adam and Eve we know them as Adam and Eve were created in a state of innocency but by their disobedience they lost their purity and happiness and that in consequence of their fall all men have become sinners totally depraved okay so there's a little Calvinistic mix in there and as such are justly exposed to the wrath of God number six we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has by his suffering and death made an atonement for the world the whole world excuse me so that the whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life you guys believe that don't you that Jesus gives us eternal life and if anybody who believes in him whosoever believes in him I agree with that number seven we believe that repentance towards God faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and regeneration by the Holy Spirit are necessary to salvation so here's where they throw in the works hey so first they were being clear and then they're like oh we've got to repent of your sins to be saved that's what they teach that's a core doctrine so what does that tell you about them they preach a false gospel you know what general booth preached a false gospel too and so that's where the core that's what they believe their core is hey it sounds all good on the outside until you get to the hey let's throw some works in there and you have to be saved by your works by repenting of your sins so let's see number eight we believe that we're justified by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and that he that believeth hath the witness in himself so first they said that they believe it's all by faith then they believe it's by repenting of your sins and then they go and then they say it's all by grace you see how confusing that would be to somebody it's confusing it's not clear at all it's clear to me who can discern and just say hey I know that when someone says that you have to repent of all your sins to be saved that that's a lie straight out of hell so number nine we believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedience or excuse me obedient faith in Christ so you see how they're like playing hopscotch salvation right here they're like you're saved by a faith and then what you got to repent of your sins oh no you say you're justified by grace you're saved by grace oh wait hey if you want to continue in your salvation then you got it's dependent upon your obedience and your faith in Christ that's a false gospel they're saying what are they saying right there you can lose your salvation it's exactly what they're saying hey if you're part of the army program you're gonna be saved but once you're outside the army program not saved anymore and I'll tell you what all the people that have these salvation taught these uh Union gospel missions and all these different kind of place that helps out the homeless and tries to help the homeless they're so great they all believe this garbage the same way they all believe that you can lose your salvation basically a lot of we had a guy in here that said well I didn't think I was saved anymore because they told me I wasn't saved anymore because I left the program yeah that's what they teach hey as long as you're in the program as long as you're doing the program you're saved but once you walk away from the program you lost your salvation what a terrible way to think but I'll tell you what you know who believes stuff like this mine numbed zombies that are that are wait wasted on alcohol and drugs and their brains are completely gone because of it you know I would like to help people too I'd like to help I preached in those places before but you know what always ends up happening the people that run that place say oh you can't tell people they're going to hell that's wrong you've got to love them we're trying to love them hey you know that is giving them love tell them they're going to hell if they don't get saved that is love you got to tell someone what's wrong with them before you can tell someone how to be right so these people the Salvation Army are telling a false gospel this is damnable heresy right here this isn't just oh I don't know it's kind of a little fuzzy no it's really clear what they believe and what they believe well I mean it's kind of clear one parts clear and in other parts not you know what they've done they've just thrown a big dog turd right into the Salvation glass of a crystal-clear glass of water they threw a big dog turd in it and you want to drink that water I don't want to drink that dog turd water I don't even want to step on it because that's one of the worst things that can happen to you in your workday is to step on some kind of human human waste or animal waste but in Portland you never know what's gonna happen so here's number 10 we believe that it is a privilege for all believers to be wholly sanctified and that there's whole spirit and soul and body may be preserved blameless under the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ you know what that's teaching sinless perfection hey you can attain the perfectness it's like it's like a it's like a religious pyramid scheme is basically what it is hey as long as you're in the program you can be saved as long as you're doing this as long as you're living holy blameless hey have you reached the the the sinless perfection yet and so with that people never know whether they're really saved or not and you know what they aren't because if they trust in that system if they trust in those beliefs if that's what they believe none of them are saved now I think accidentally say people can become part of this organization I'm not saying there's nobody that saved it within the Salvation Army hey maybe someone got saved at a Baptist Church somewhere and then joined the Salvation Army because they never were taught or grounded or rooted in the truth I agree that can happen I'm not saying every single person the Salvation Army is wicked but I'll tell you what the organization itself is wicked and they teach a damnable false gospel heresy here's number here's number 11 we believe in the more immortality of the soul even though they think you can lose your salvation so that's confusing in the resurrection of the body in the general judgment at the end of the world and the eternal happiness of the righteous and in the endless punishment of the wicked where's that endless punishment out you know what they are they're afraid to tell people that they're gonna go to hell how is someone gonna get saved they don't know you know they believe in the eternal punishment of the wicked but that's watering it down isn't it hey I believe in the eternal punishment of the wicked in hell they're gonna go to hell that's the truth of the matter why don't you just tell them the truth because they're wicked that's why why do we tell people they're going to hell hey it's hard to tell people they're going to hell at the door isn't it it's like you know you're going to hell you know it's hard to like be nice about it but it's just true sometimes you just have to tell someone at the door look if you're gonna continue to believe what you're believing right now you're gonna go to hell that's loving they might get mad and slam the door in your face or whatever I'll tell you what at least you told them the truth at least they knew there was a prophet among them that was telling them the truth so here's what else they believe that's the 11 core doctrines it's a mess isn't it the denomination does not celebrate the Christian sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion so they don't believe in baptism even though the Bible they rest all their faith and practice on the Bible don't they but when it comes down to it they don't even believe the first thing you're supposed to do after you get saved is to get baptized you follow the Lord in obedience and be baptized in water immersed in water but they don't believe that do they and they don't believe in the Lord's Supper and taking the Lord's Supper it says the International Spiritual Life Commission opinion on baptism is that enrollment as a soldier by accepting the call to discipleship should be followed by a lifetime of continued obedient faith in Christ so that's what they supplement instead of baptism that's what they supplement instead of the Lord's Supper that's wicked the Commission's considered option of the Holy Communion is the is that God's grace is readily accessible in all places and at all times although salvationists may participate in Holy Communion if attending a service worse of worship in another Christian denomination so if they're at a visiting church or something like that they're visiting a church they're allowed to take it but they themselves don't allow it and it says if the if the host church allows although its officers conduct marriages it holds a traditional Protestant belief that marriage was not instituted by Christ and therefore is not a sacrament well I believe it's not a sacrament but it was instituted by Christ because Christ made all things all things were made by him all things were made for him there was not anything made that was not made by Christ and you know what the doctrine of marriage comes from the Word of God in Genesis chapter 1 I think we covered that last week didn't we so it says the mercy seat is the focal point is a focal point in the Salvation Army Church symbolizing God's call to his people and a place for commitment and communion and is available for anyone to kneel at in prayer so basically in all these Salvation Army type churches they have this little bench they call the mercy seat and so you can go there and pray and cry and find you know God's will for your life or whether in this fake mercy seat hey when did the Bible tell us to put little benches for people to go cry at or altars inside of our buildings this is an altar by the way this is just a stair step you know it's not an altar we're not burning animals up here or anything like that so anyway so these are some of the things they believe and then the theology of the Salvation Army is derived from that of Methodism although it is distinctive in institution and practice a peculiarity of the army is that it gives its clergy titles of military ranks such as lieutenant or major major Robert reporting for Godi sir and it gives it says it does not celebrate the rights of baptism Holy Communion I just covered that however the Army's doctrine is otherwise typical of holiness churches in the Wesleyan Armenian tradition the army purposes are the advancement of the Christian religion of education the relief of poverty and other charitable objects beneficial to society of the community of mankind as a whole the army was founded in 1865 in London by one-time Methodist circuit preacher William Booth and his wife Catherine as the East London Christian mission and can trace its origins to the blind beggar tavern so it started in drunkenness in 1878 Booth reorganized the mission becoming the first general and introducing the military structure which has been retained as a matter of tradition its high highest priority in Christian principles so to look like army military people is their highest tradition anyway it says the arm the Salvation Army refers to its ministers as officers when acting in their official duties they can often be recognized by the color-coded epilates on their white uniform dress shirts the epilates have the letter s embroidered on them and why who's ever seen those little then they have a little white s on them officers ranks include lieutenant captain major lieutenant colonel colonel commissioner in general promotion in rank up to the rank of lieutenant to major depends primarily on years of service so it's like you know the Union or something you know you're you know you're promoted based upon how long you've been in in the army the ordination of women is permitted in the Salvation Army Salvation Army officers were previously allowed to marry only other officers the rules vary in different countries but this rule has been relaxed in recent years husbands and wives usually share the same rank and have the same or similar assignments such officer couples are then assigned together to act as co-pastors and administer administer cores adult rehabilitation centers and such so basically they allow women preachers right is that what it's saying and you know what John Wesley allowed women to preach in his church back in the day too so as of 2017 now this is an older article because when I watched some videos today which were mind-defiling you know I try just watch one and it was enough some dude with a lisp talking about how much the Salvation Army's helped him and then it goes on and shows some lesbians that have the uniforms on with the s on them so that means that they're what they're clergy people right because in this article it says as of 2017 the organization will not appoint homosexual people to post as ministers preferring individuals whose values are consistent in the church's philosophy well that's all gone out the door because I saw videos and evidence today that they have these bull dykes working in the Salvation Army as officers and what are the officers if you were paying attention what are the officers the clergy members okay so I mean I've already kind of pointed out some things to you that are wrong that we disagree with but our church's problems with the salvation salvation army go pretty deep and my personal beliefs against the Salvation Army are that they're wicked as hell and that I should never put a dime in one of those little cauldrons of hell as long as my days are on this earth I should never do it now I'm not gonna tell you what you need to do with your money but I'll let God tell you what to do with your money so that's my job isn't it to let God tell you things from the Bible so number one the here and these aren't in like an order ranking of my hatred towards these doctrines but number one they allow women preachers so that's what we just read about so number one my problem with the Salvation Army and one of my it's just number one it doesn't mean it's the not the worst thing I hate okay I do hate this though they allow women preachers to preach in their little Salvation Army okay let's turn to some scriptures now since you've been bored to death with all these statistics but let's look at the Bible because that's what we're here for right let's turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 14 1st Corinthians chapter number 14 I see pretty much everything that they believe is not what the Bible says I mean it have you been following along with what I've been saying do you agree with their doctrines 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 34 says let your women keep silence in the churches for is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law so our women supposed to get up and preach in the church services yes or no according to this verse are they allowed to get up and speak and preach in the church now we agree that it's okay for women to go and preach the gospel at the door and get people saved the Bible says that they would do that when the Holy Spirit would come that both men and women would be filled with the Holy Ghost and they would go and preach and and whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved but here in 1st Corinthians 14 it's talking about different rules in the church services the order of the church services let everything be done decently and in order and letting a woman get up and preach the Bible in a church is not decently in order according to 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 34 is it now turn to 1st Timothy chapter 2 1st Timothy chapter number 2 see cuz I don't just base everything I believe off of one single scripture you know we're supposed to build our doctrine here a little there a little a little bit at a time look searching the scriptures connecting them and making them and helping them to agree with each other right cuz one dot one verse is not gonna build up a whole doctrine you got to have several verses so let me show you another one 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse number 12 says but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence so women are not supposed to get up and teach other men usurping authority over them but they're supposed to be in silence now this isn't a very popular scripture these days I'll tell you what you little Joyce Meyer listeners out there I hope there's none in our church but you know what she's wrong though she's it doesn't matter that she has a short haircut it doesn't matter she looks like the Joker you know what it matters is that she got up in God's holy desk right here behind a pulpit a plexiglass pulpit and said anything the moment she opened her mouth to try to preach the Word of God she was wrong that very moment because the Bible says hey she's a serpent authority over her own husband she's his pastor this world's gone crazy folks and I'll tell you what the Salvation Army is wicked as hell because they're letting women get up and priests behind the pulpits don't get mad at me what's the Bible say now turn to Revelation chapter 20 verse 2 verse 20 excuse me revelation 2 verse number 20 and keep in mind 1st Timothy 2 12 where it says I suffer not a woman to teach revelation 2 verse 20 what's the Bible say it says notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel and what does the word sufferest me it's not like they're suffering it means to allow in 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse 12 it says I suffer I don't allow a woman to teach or a serpent 30 over the man Jesus Christ in Revelation 2 verse 20 says I was staying I have a few things against you because I'll suffer is that woman Jezebel which callest herself a prophetess to teach and seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols so notice though in this verse it says first of all you're allowing a woman to preach in my church that's wrong right off the bat and her name is Jezebel I mean is that a good name to name I don't know who would name their kid Jezebel please don't name your daughter Jezebel in this church that'd be a bad name you know there there's something to be said about a good name amen and Jezebel is not a good name so the last I heard in Jezebel was thrown out of a window and the the dogs ate her so but it says which callest herself a prophetess who called who's calling her prophetess she call herself a prophetess is Jesus calling her prophetess no because she's not because she's teaching and trying to seduce my servants hey look the moment she got up and started teaching the pastor whoever the pastor was was wrong for allowing her to do it so I see people and look people at Baptist churches do this all the time but they call it a test coming up and giving a testimony but then that usually ends up being a teaching time anybody's ever who's ever been to a Baptist Church where someone gets a let's a woman get up and speak and then she gets up there and teaches a Bible something about the Bible to him it happens every single time and you know I don't know why missionary Baptist churches allow women to speak in the church services the last time I was at a missionary Baptist Church me and my wife went and we thought we could escape you know the the shame of being a new IFB church but we were just on our our yearly trip that we usually take and we went to a church in Newport and in that church guess what was happening the moment we walked in and sat down where they were in the middle of the Bible they started a Bible study and he was calling on women to get up and read the Bible and or he just said anybody anybody who wants to get up and it's always the women is the first one to stand up let me read you know and she's reading the Bible to everybody and then she's then he's like well what do you guys think this means and guess who the first people to stand up are the women you know I just want to get up and say why don't you sit down and shut up and let your husband tell what he thinks about it I mean look they're acting like it's some kind of coffee social club that people are doing questions and answers and look there's a time for questions and answers but I'll tell you when it's not time for questions and answers it's not time during the church service one man are supposed to be preaching your little Jezebel sit down and shut up and learn something from a man because that's what the Bible says that I'm not gonna apologize for that I love women I love my wife I love my daughters I love like every woman in this church you know in Christian brotherly love of course but I love you honey but what I'm trying to say is look I you know look there's roles you need to stay in your lane stay in your lane your lane is not to teach the other men in the church as much as you might want to wax eloquent and get up here and go well if I was preaching you know what I would preach you know what they preach love and kindness and hugs and kisses and puppy dogs I'm just kidding I don't know but it doesn't matter if you were gonna get up and preach harder than I am right now it doesn't matter you're not supposed to do it you know why because God said not to so that's my one of my problems that's my number one problem right but not the most important problem the most important problem is that they have a wrong salvation in the Salvation Army the Salvation Army has a wrong salvation turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse number 3 2nd Corinthians 11 and verse number 3 number 1 they allow women preachers they call them co-pastors I'm the pastor of this church how's that for a soundbite I'm the pastor of the church I'm the man of God at this church my wife is the pastor's wife I don't call her co-pastor she's not co-pastor I'm the pastor all right so verse number three and 2nd Corinthians 11 says but I fear less by any means as a serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ hey you know what the Bible doctrine of salvation is simple the common man heard him gladly it's not a complicated thing and you know it's complicated because people are just wrapped they're controlled by Satan and they're corrupted by Satan just like he was beguiled by Satan but it says let's see don't let anybody don't let your minds be corrupted from the simplicity is in Christ verse number four for if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus who we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted you might bear well with him hey if someone comes preach another Jesus we're not to have anything to do with them if someone has another you know if you're trying to tell you to receive another spirit don't receive that spirit and if someone says receive a different gospel than the one that you've already received you don't receive it you know right away what's wrong with them they're gospel perverts aren't they skip down to verse number 12 it says but what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion who are those that desire occasion the ones that are desiring occasion are these types of people who want to preach another Jesus another gospel another spirit that you didn't receive they want to come in and corrupt our church but you know what our church is unified in the fact that we all believe the same thing and I'm not gonna sit here and let some other clown come in here and start teaching another kind of gospel like other Baptist churches allow where you got the Calvinist sitting in the front row you got this other guy that's who knows what they believe they believe they believe in works or they believe in whatever else I'm not gonna sit there and let someone stay in this church that believes a different gospel get out of my church right now throw them out I'll try to get him saved but you know what if they're coming here they're if they're that done to try to infiltrate our church and bring another gospel then they're they deserve to get kicked out but anyway so look at verse number same verse verse 12 says that wherein they glory they may be found even as we are so what's Paul saying he's saying hey I want the false prophet to be found also like we're found but he wants the truth to be to be known hey I'm an apostle I'm a legit person of God but I want this person to be found to that they're a liar and they're preaching a false gospel it says for no verse 13 for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel don't don't get don't marvel about this you know and this is the thing Christians do marvel about this every single day they're like well Connie West he's you know he's a change his whole life around is that what gets you saved changing your whole life around you know and when you get up and say I'm the greatest person that God's ever made to ever preach or to ever sing I'm the greatest musician of all time you're full bologna buddy I know a lot more better people than him even worldly ones that are better than him what about David is he a better musician than David is he a better musician than ASAP is he a better is he better than anyone that sings the Psalms is he better than Jesus Christ as a musician that's you know what that is that's pride and arrogance see and he said that God's gonna allow him to use his arrogance see no he's not God resisted the proud to give his grace to the humble and Connie West is filled with pride and if he just got saved last year what the world to get up doing preaching anything and he's getting up there would have angel wings on the back of his shoulders good night do you think that guy saved we're in real trouble in America right now we're in real trouble in this world because of people they call themselves Baptists are going oh yeah Connie West and buying his albums are you kidding me throw that good in the garbage just like you threw all those other CDs in the garbage hopefully when you guys saved so look it says and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light don't don't freak out about it even the devil can look like he's a good guy that's what it's saying a minister of light therefore it's no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works and guess what if you're gonna be judged by your works on Judgment Day you know where you're going straight to the pit of hell and so general booth the saluting is gonna be saluting Satan in hell actually he probably won't even know what's going on he's probably in the depths of the lowest hell for preaching this false gospel and preaching a false message and getting you know what and the thing is is that the philosophy of the Salvation Army isn't really Christian you know it's not it's after the rudiments of this world how many other charities are there that are saying that they do the same exact things as the Salvation Army does how many there's atheist organizations that they do the same thing are they better turn to Galatians chapter 1 verse 6 Galatians 1 verse 6 we're still on the wrong salvation they have the Salvation Army has the wrong salvation Galatians chapter 1 verse 6 the Bible says this I marvel they are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another there is only one real gospel and that's the gospel that you believed if you're saved that that's all it takes us is to be saved is that you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved that's the gospel you put all your faith in Christ and not and a hundred percent of your faith in Christ nothing and anything else and you know what you're gonna go to heaven when you die you call upon the name of the Lord you ask him to save you but Paul's talking about these people that would pervert the gospel look at verse number seven which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ so we got a lot of gospel perverts out there you know what a pervert is that's someone that's taking something that's good and making it wicked like you think about a child predator which I preached about a few days ago outside of the bounds of wedlock look God has a perfect will for those things and you know what you call someone that does something outside of the confines of a Christian if a Christian for this of a marriage relationship no pervert and you take and try to preach another gospel that works up to it you know what you are you're a pervert your gospel pervert and says but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you that which you have preached we have preached unto you let him be accursed you know her general booth is screening and agony in the depths of hell he's a curse pulses anybody that preaches another gospel they're a curse what does that mean they're they're in hell they're going to hell their destiny is hell it says as we said before so sad how again if any man preached any other gospel into you than that which you have received let him be a curse he says that hey just in case he missed the first time let me tell you a second time they're cursed gospel perverts are a curse and he wants to have nothing to do with them so you know what today the Salvation Army are cursed why because they preach a false gospel man number three it's a parachurch ministry my third problem that I have against the Salvation Army is a parachurch ministry well what is the parachurch ministry pastor Thompson parachurch ministry is a ministry that operates outside of the confines of the traditional church while many of these organizations have some type of connection to a church those taking part in ministry look at ways that they can give back to the local community and others in need in ways that a church cannot they'll have another part to this that they also just want to make money off of you you know why they're not part of the local church because they want to branch off you know what what oversight is there if it's a parachurch ministry that means it's loosely affiliated with the church maybe other churches support it but it's not part of the local church Jesus Christ died for the church Jesus Christ died the local church and what is the church it's a body of believers assemble together not the core or army parishes show me the verse of the Bible I said we're supposed to assemble an army parish or in some kind of core like we're in the range of something show me tell me about a person says that it's not no we're supposed to come together and assemble ourselves in the church that's what we're doing guess what your church right now here the church because they're settled together so the salvation army is not a real church therefore it is not biblical and so I would sit so turn to Ephesians chapter 5 I'll read some verses from here and move on these chapter 5 verse 23 at least we use a lot for marriages and things like that but the primary application is talking about Christ and the church okay look at verse number 23 says it says for the husband is the head of the life even as Christ is the head of the church and he's the savior of the body he died for the church he's the head of the church we're supposed to go to him for everything therefore as the church is subject of the Christ so let the wise be under their own husband's and everything husband's love their wives even as Christ also loved the church and what are you he gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse with the washing of water by the word that he might present it himself a gorgeous church not having spot a wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish so often to love their wives as their own bodies he loved his wife love of himself or no man ever hated his own flesh but nourishes and cherishes it even as the Lord the church for we are members of his body of his flesh and his bones so look Christ I've the local church you didn't die for the Salvation Army compared Church Ministries and there are gospel perverts that allow women to get up and preach you know what that's right one two and three okay that's right one two and three but you know they there's extras you know maybe a couple foul ball so we're going to count the stripes right down the stripes but you know you can keep fountain balls off and then eventually you know you're gonna get out we're gonna sit right but they're not gonna get a basic time for this one so number four it helps lazy people for the salvation army helps people so look at second Thessalonians verse for chapter three verse number six second Thessalonians chapter three so they say they help homeless people and drug addicts all this other stuff but you know they really are helping they're helping lazy bombs that you can get up amen yep before I go on any further if someone is disabled I don't count them as a lazy bomb they can't they can't work right okay I don't consider a disabled person a lazy bomb now I think they're lazy bombs that turn themselves into disabled because they won't get up to work you know they lost their whatever they lost their arm because they got in a fight with somebody or I'm sure that happens but look if someone's sitting there and they have no legs well they can't stand it they don't have legs unless they have prosthetics but anyway they're all precious they obviously can't work they're in wheelchairs they can't walk they're blind they can't see they're deaf they can't hear whatever it is look I'm not against those types of people you know I'm against I'm against 20 year old men that stand on the corner with a sign saying you know anything helps God bless yeah or hey why should I lie I just need a beer or whatever dumb little you know what it makes me sick when I see them try to be creative with their signs yeah even more math yeah throw something up right a lot of vegetable here's some food for ya rotten tomatoes so my lab said with the salvation army because they help lazy people look at second Thessalonians verse 3 verse 6 it says now we command you brethren in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you would draw yourselves from every brother that walked it disorderly and not after the tradition which he received from us for yourselves know how you have to follow us for we behave not ourselves disorderly now he's gonna explain to you what not being disorderly is neither do we eat any man's bread for not for bought labor and travail night and day that we might not be chargeable to any of you so they were purposely to work so they can eat their own food and be an example to these people maybe they have problem maybe they have some 20 year olds that were outside you know this place with with signs or something but it says not because we have not power but to make ourselves a sample unto you to follow us or even when you were we were with you this week commanded you that if any would not work neither should he be a man what's the Bible say give to people you know the lazy no it says we commanded you that if you would not work neither should you eat when we roll up to a freeway sign and some guy standing over the sign that's asking you for food or asking you for money and he can work you shouldn't give a dime don't get anything don't give your leftover sandwich yeah people watch don't give them banana don't give them anything I need to get out there and work amen the Salvation Army likes to give the bombs go downtown downtown Portland one second right off the burn side if you know who I see there every single time I'm down there and what I see down there I see a bunch of garbage and a bunch of food that they've left and a bunch of people shooting up in front of that building and they're waiting in line so they can get their little free services every day from them it makes me sick it's not people they're just having a hard time that are just trying to make the ends meet and they're going for a little bit of help no it's worthless drug addicted bums that need to get a job and should look at this scripture the Salvation Army should have us this scripture outside of their building get up and get to work you lazy bum quit trying to beg money off of people that work hard for it now look I'm not against giving people alms hey if you see someone that's destitute that maybe they're not even in our church maybe they're just outside in the world you see someone that's disabled and you know they need help hey I don't have a problem with you helping people like that I'm talking about the people that should be working but they won't work they shouldn't eat either cuz it sounds bad like it I mean some people will take a quip out of this or they'll say oh I can't believe you'd say that well believe it or not but you know God said it it's not me that's saying it hey he says this we command you it's a commandment that if anyone would not work neither should they eat it says now then that are excuse me verse 12 says now then that are such we command and exhort by the Lord oh I missed the verse actually let's look at verse 11 but we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly working not at all but our busy bodies now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that with quietness they work and eat their own bread what's it saying there stop being a mooching lazy bum and get your butt to work and quit worrying about what everybody else is doing it's talking about busybodies people are all up in other people's business the only business that they need to be worried about is where they need to go to work tomorrow get to work quit being involved in other people's matters you know the these it's tied one to the other hey if you want to mind everybody else's business guess what you're not doing you're not minding your own business which you should be you know it's it's time for everybody to stop knocking on their neighbor's doors and worry about their own backyard hey worry about your own backyard and you know worry about the fact that you need to go to work and quit begging for money from these organizations because they want to give it to you because you know what they make money off these donations to you think the president doesn't get paid of Salvation Army I'm sure he gets a hefty ransom I'm sure there's people within that organization to get a lot of money they're a charitable organization but they make a lot of money they have all these places all around the world you know and the homos are all mad because this and that but I'll tell you what they like they love the homos too I'll get into that in just a second but it's organizations like this that foster and enable deadbeats and drug addicts to thrive in every single major city in the United States and I'll tell you what it's not God's plan it's part of the devil's plan you know I've mentioned this before but when the news is showing things guess what they're showing vaccinate people that didn't get their vaccinations done and this and this and that and every time the news is on you know what they say what are we gonna do about the homeless problem well I think people are doing enough I think that in my workplace I'm gonna get a raise because the money is going to you know I've gotten raises but I'm saying beyond cost of living we don't get raises because all that goes to homeless people and that's where all the money in the city is going to is it's it's an epidemic and not only do they have the city given a money but they also have all these other organizations given a money I talked to a police officer he said it if you time it right you can get 11 meals a day in downtown Portland now tell me I'm being mean if you want to put forth the effort but you know where they leave most of it on the ground and they leave their trash everywhere it's disgusting in the sight of God you think God doesn't like a filthy place and you know what downtown Portland is a filthy place people out this pressure wash their walkways all the time and most of the time there's people sleeping with their tents and all their garbage laying all over the place it's disgusting it's filthy you know what the Salvation Army is an enabler of people that don't want to work and they shouldn't be able to eat they're not helping to end homeless they're spreading it like a disease number four they've caved to the sodomites all right they've caved to the sodomites I saw I just looked up an article I just kind of took a very quick snapshot of this it says Salvation Army commander yes we are faith-based charity but we serve and love everyone translate that for me regardless of sexual or gender identity we love and welcome all the programs we offer prove it hate and misinformation put puts that support at risk so what are they saying hey to the people that are mad about it hey we really do help you you're putting your own services at risk by protesting against it the LGBT community and the Salvation Army I took I just I just went I just put LGBT Salvation Army and I came up on their main website this is where I got this stuff right the LGBT community and the Salvation Army with all people are deserving of Christ's love regardless of race gender ethnicity sexual orientation or gender identity it's like they got that off the work manual that I have at work or something at any place you guys work I'm sure everybody has to go through this general neutral equality garbage at any place you go to work you know it doesn't matter if it's a bunch of construction workers that could care less about this crap but the powers be one of the overlords want you to know hey we don't discriminate based on this this and this and this and that look nobody likes you queers everybody thinks you're weird secretly unless you're a fag hag or a queer bait everybody hates queers maybe they don't hate as much as I do maybe they don't hate him as much as Richard does they don't hit him as much as Anthony does nobody hates him as much as Anthony does this church I've already told you that before when you start making carvings on all your missions trips saying God hates fags then you'll know that you've reached the the level of fag-hating that Anthony hates he's the one that he's the milestone to get to he's the one the quan the achievement you know he's the achievement of queer hater not giving any last names there's many people named Richard there's many people named Anthony anyway so here's what else it says it says all people are deserving of Christ's love okay I already read that you can help the Salvation Army serve our LGBTQ brothers and sisters do you call the LGBTQ your brothers and sisters I sure don't lot did though didn't he do not so wickedly my brother I get I can almost hear him saying it in almost a lisp but I know he wasn't a queer because he was saved but look you can get to the point where you're holding hands with them and telling them calling him brother the Salvation Army supposedly the Salvation Army I mean what a misnomer for a name the Salvation Army they're not saving anybody and now they're on board with the LGBTQs your donation will allow us to continue to provide crucial services to the LGBT community and it has like little donate tabs 20 40 60 80 100 a thousand whatever let's look at a couple verses turn to 1st Kings chapter 14 here's the services that God provided for the sodomites in the Bible 1st Kings chapter 14 verse 24 God provided services for him to the first service that he provided was a barbecuing of their whole one of their whole cities and all the like ones around them as an example as an example of them that should afterward live ungodly New Testament by the way 2nd Corinthians 14 24 or 1st 1st Kings 14 24 and there were also sodomites in the land and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel what did God do to the inhabitants of the land before Joshua he got him out of the land didn't he and he said these sodomites did the same stuff that those people did there were sodomites in the land of Canaan hey Sodom and Gomorrah guess what was a Canaanite City all right and he barbecued the whole thing look at 1st Kings chapter 15 let your fingers do the walking to the next chapter 1st Kings chapter 15 verse number 12 it says here's the other service that God did this is the service that they provided in Jerusalem and took away the sodomites out of the land and removed all the idols that his fathers had made so that was the second one that they did does that's the service that God provided he got them out of the land you know what it was a service to the people that lived in the land that didn't want to have to be looking at all their sick disgusting things that they do turn to 1st Kings chapter 22 verse 46 1st Kings 22 46 it says in the remnant of the sodomites which remained in the days of his father Asa he did what he took them out of the land he took them out of the land so here we see you know I'd all it is just typed in sodomites it doesn't say and the sodomites were saved because of the love that everybody showed them no they don't get saved in the Bible you can't show me us any verse in the Bible where it says they got saved you can't show it to me don't even try to bring up 1st Corinthians that's not what it says for turn to 2nd Kings chapter 23 verse 7 here's the other service that was provided for the sodomites by the good kings of Israel here's the other service 2nd Kings chapter 23 verse 7 says and he break down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord where the woman the women wove hangings for the Grove what did he do the service that he private did he provide homeless services for the sodomites no he made them homeless he broke their houses down and kicked them out of the land that's the services that God provided for the sodomites and then the Salvation Army 2019 they want to provide these services the opposite to the sodomites and they want to just tell everybody how loving they are here's some other stuff from their website LGBTQ Americans are more likely to be poor many face disproportionate job and housing insecurity due to discrimination yeah right your donation could mean rental and utility assistance I don't want them to have rental and utility assistance almost one-third of homeless transgender people have been rejected from an emergency shelter you know why they probably been rejected by an emergency shelter because they're so weird because they're predators that's why have you ever seen a transgender homeless person before they're insane when a transgender person seeks help from us we serve them in the same manner as any other person seeking assistance a donation to the Salvation Army can provide three nights of shelter I don't want to provide them three nights of shelter I want their house broken down like God did like the great kings of Israel did four out of ten homeless youth identify as LGBTQ what's that tell you forty percent of the sodomites there are their homeless sodomites so when you want to go give money to some person guess what four out of ten of them are queers just so you know here queer here's my hard-earned money I mean you got a four in ten chance that's a pretty high chance that's way bigger than the populate look at the population is two or three percent in the whole country but it's forty percent among the homeless that's a big number so here's another one here's what else it says Salvation Army USA serves more than 23 million Americans every year in every zip code of America services are offered without discrimination to find help in your area use the location search feature in Salvation Army USA whatever okay so here's the thing when you give your money to the Salvation Army when that idiot that's ringing okay some of them are nice people okay I'm not just saying that they're working for the devil okay they don't realize that they're being annoying at the same time ding-ding-ding-ding-ding and they have a smile on their face and it's just like anything helps God bless to me they're ringing a bell for something that I do not want to support because number five I'm gonna be quick on this promoting the the Salvation Army I I'm against them because they promote giving to them instead of the local church instead of the local church 1st Corinthians 16 just follow along with me I'm gonna read them really quickly 1st Corinthians 16 verse 1 says now concerning the collection for the Saints I have given order to the churches of Galatians even so do ye the collection of the Saints that means the giving of tithes are giving the offerings I have given order to the churches of Galatia even so do ye upon the first day of the week what day of the week is it today the Sunday is at the first day of the week okay upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God have prospered him that there be no gatherings when I come so where are we supposed to give our money to on the first day of the week the collection of the same are you guys Saints in here the Saints collect the offerings on the first day of the week it says that's what Paul had given them order to do Malachi chapter 3 verse 8 I will have you turn there I promise you I'm almost done here Malachi chapter 3 verse number 8 says well a man robbed God yet you have robbed me but you say wherein have you have we robbed thee and tithes and offerings you're cursed with the curse for you've robbed me even this whole nation now I know that people you know will say well tithes and offerings is in the Old Testament well I'll tell you what in 1st Corinthians chapter 16 he was talking about collection for the Saints what do you think he's talking about he's talking about the tithes and the offerings and God said hey well man robbed God I'll tell you what every time you put money into the collection cauldron of the Salvation Army you're robbing God that's you know if you're if it's coming out of your tithe and you're like oh you know I'm gonna help the Salvation Army and give to my local church but you're not giving 10% of the church any percentage that you give to the Salvation Army guess what you're robbing God with that money you're putting money and the devil's offering plate and then not giving it in the place where you should be which is the local church right and people get upset about tithing sermons and things like that hey it's a it's a topic in the Bible just deal with it you know where you should give your money any kind of charity that you do you know where you should give it hey charity comes to the local church you know give back what God's already given you and he's gonna bless you beyond measure and maybe it's not gonna be you're gonna be rich or all this other stuff but you might be rich in blessings you might be rich in and many other different areas I'm not saying hey put your tithe in the offering plate guess what a Ferrari's gonna come out of it it's not what I'm saying but you know what you're gonna rob God don't put your money in that devil's offering plate because that's where it's going to a people that preach a false gospel that put women in the pulpit that you know help homeless derelicts that don't want to work and they're they're basically trying to get you to put money in someplace where God doesn't want you to put it I mean think about that it might make you feel good to put three pennies in that thing and they're shaming you into it I get it because you're walking out with whatever you you know hey you earn that money don't feel bad don't feel bad about just put it in this plate instead of the devil's cauldron he knows people probably still that money anyway I know they probably do but look it says bring all the ties into the storehouse verse 10 that there may be me in my house and prove me now here with said the Lord of hosts that will not open up open you up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there should not be room enough to receive it and I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes you want the devourer rebuked you want that your your money bag to stop having holes in it once you give money to the local church like you're supposed to and quit giving money to these parachurch ministries the in all these places that serve the homeless downtown you know what why don't you just give homes to people that need it once you help out people in the local church why don't you give to your local church hey before you ever spit you know you might just say you know what pastor Thompson well I think you're wrong I like the Salvation Army I've been giving it to it for years well I'll tell you what then you're just ignoring what the Bible says but if you still insist on doing that hey at least you should give to the local church your 10% that God's already asked you he gave it to you anyway so when you give to the Salvation Army you're giving to parachurch organizations you're giving to a false prophet organization was started by a false prophet you're giving to an organization that has the wrong salvation you're putting you're giving money to an organization that puts women in the pulpit you're giving it to an organization that begs money from Christians that belongs in the local church and I guarantee you people don't give their 10% and they put money in those plates in those pots and which also gives your tithe money to sodomites hey why don't you just go walk up to the biggest weirdest queer that you see outside just walk up and hand him your tithe money instead because that's basically what you're doing your money's going to queers deal with it and you're also given to lazy bums do you want your hard-earned money going to fags I don't do you want your hard-earned money going to derelicts that don't deserve that money that need to get out and work I don't don't give to the Salvation Army there's no salvation getting done through them let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this wonderful day pray bless the food to follow and Lord pray continue to bless this church Lord thank you so much for everybody and everything that they do and Lord as we go into the holidays I pray that we'd be thankful for the things that we have Lord and Lord that we wouldn't just give away our money to things and to people that don't deserve it and Lord that they're gonna do evil things with it and Lord I pray that you bless everyone in Jesus name we pray amen