(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music We're going to be singing Back to Bethel. We're also going to be doing favorites for all the mothers. So moms get your songs ready. We'll be doing favorites this morning. Page 295. Page 295. Sneeze out on the verse. Back to the Bible, the true living word. Sweetest old story that ever was heard. Back to the joy life my soul longs to know. Bethel is calling and I must go. Back to Bethel I must go. Back where the rivers of sweet waters flow. Back to the true life my soul longs to know. Bethel is calling and I must go. Back to the beautiful path I once trod. Back to the church and the people of God. Out of the cold world of sin and it's warm. Bethel is calling and I must go. Back to Bethel I must go. Back where the rivers of sweet waters flow. Back to the true life my soul longs to know. Bethel is calling and I must go. Back to the giving of money and time. Back to the life of contentment sublime. Back to protection the world cannot know. Back to protection the world cannot know. Bethel is calling and I must go. Back to Bethel I must go. Back where the rivers of sweet waters flow. Back to the true life my soul longs to know. Bethel is calling and I must go. Back to the prayer life in Christ I once knew. Back to its beautiful life cleansing new. Back to help others to conquer each foe. Bethel is calling and I must go. Back to Bethel I must go. Back where the rivers of sweet waters flow. Back to the true life my soul longs to know. Bethel is calling and I must go. Thank you for the mothers. Depending on the one it is. Do you think I have a blue hymnal up here? Yeah, maybe. Yeah, 463. Page 463 on the verse. Why should I feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home? When Jesus is my portion, my constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me. I sing because I'm happy. I sing because I'm free. For His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me. Ms. Jessica? Page 223. On the third, The Love of God, page 223. And the blue hymnal is on the last verse. Could we within the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made? Were every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade? To write the love of God above could drain the ocean dry. Nor could the scroll contain the whole. They'll stretch from sky to sky. O Love of God, how rich and poor, how measureless and strong. It shall forevermore endure the saints' and angels' song. Ms. Sheila? In the green? Okay. Page 63. What a day that will be. Page 63. What a day that will be. Sing it out on the first. There is coming a day when no heartache shall come. No more clouds in the sky. No more tears stood in the eye. All is peace forevermore on that happy golden truth. What a day, glorious day, that will be. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see. And I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace. When He takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land. What a day, glorious day, that will be. Page 261. Page 261. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Page 61 on the first. O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see. There's life for a look at the Savior. No life more abundant and free. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. Page 401. Set my soul afire. Page 401. Page 401 on the first. Set my soul afire, Lord, for Thy holy Word. Burn it deep within me. Let Your voice be heard. Millions grow in darkness in this day and hour. I will be Your witness. Fill me with Thy power. Set my soul afire, Lord. Set my soul afire. Make my life a witness of Thy saving power. Millions grow in darkness waiting for Thy Word. Set my soul afire, Lord. Set my soul afire. Keep the song that you remember, and just raise your hand for the third song. Everybody else have a crazy night. Page 294, Stepping in the Light. Sing it out on the first. Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior. Trying to follow our Savior and King. Shaping our lives by His blessed example. How happy, how happy the songs that we bring. How beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior. Stepping in the light, stepping in the light. How beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior. Let it pass of light. Good morning, welcome to Sure Foundation Baptist Church. Let's take our bulletins and go through some announcements. If you need a bulletin, would you lift up your hand and one of the ushers will bring you a bulletin. On our front cover, we have our verse of the week. It says, her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praiseth her. Proverbs chapter 31, verse 28. It's a great scripture there about the virtuous woman. And our service times are Sunday morning at 10.30 a.m., Sunday evening at 3.30 p.m. Tonight we'll be in Genesis chapter number 47. Thursday Bible study is at 6.30 p.m. We'll be in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 and I'll preach my last sermon out of 2 Corinthians chapter 12. And our sowing times are listed below. It says 1 p.m., but we are having a meal after the service. I'll get to that in a minute, but we'll probably be going out about 1.30. It's usually kind of what time we go out anyway, but 1.30 p.m. for soul winning. And then if you're gonna go soul winning, maybe you're just visiting or you're not in the WhatsApp group, see Brother Sean Conlon. Sean, will you raise your hand there so everyone knows who you are? Okay, so Brother Sean Conlon leads this afternoon. So if you wanna go soul winning and you're not in the WhatsApp group and you need to get with him and let him know that you wanted to go and you need a partner and he'll get you a map and all that good stuff. Below we have our praise report, the salvation, baptisms, and attendance totals from last week. And also, so yeah, today's Mother's Day, so happy Mother's Day to all the moms and looking forward to preaching a sermon that's geared towards mothers and women in general. And there's gonna be a gift for each mom today for each mom in attendance here. And there'll be a meal provided after the service and I got Doughboy's Pizza, all right? So who's had Doughboy's Pizza before? All right, just a couple people, so you've been blessed. So we're gonna have that. Brother Ramon's gonna go pick it up. It should be ready by noon, but it might not be here until maybe 1230-ish. So after the service, if I can get some men to just set the seats around the chairs in there and that'd be great. Yeah, we just need the chairs put in place there. I will break my rule of being allowed to be eating in here, but just if it's your little children, please don't just let them smash pizza into the carpet and all over the chairs and stuff like that. That should go without saying, but sometimes I have to say that. Anyway, so happy Mother's Day. And can I get some of the ushers to grab the cups? We got, what are they called? Tumblers, yes, tumblers, okay. I almost said growlers and I was like, that's not right. That's bad. Anyway, so tumblers, we had some special custom made tumblers made for all the moms here. So you can pick your color while supplies last. We're slashing prices. Everything must go. All right, so go ahead and just set. We need one more box here. This has all colors in it. Can I get one more, man? So purple, there's purple, there's all color. There's purple, blue, and pink. And then the straw set comes with each one. Let's go ahead and take them around to the... Who wants pink? Who wants purple? This isn't going to look how we take the offering. This is a little disorganized. Sorry, it's my fault. So while they're handing that out, so we just wanted to get a gift for each mom. Yesterday they had the ladies' tea and the ladies' tea went really well. It looked like it was fun for all the ladies. They got to dress up and put the little fancy gloves on and the hats and all that stuff. So if you didn't get a chance to see the pictures, I think they're in the WhatsApp group. Or there's a drive that you can look at the pictures and all that good stuff. I thought it would be good to provide a meal today because, you know, just give moms a special day where they don't have to cook anything. If you don't like pizza, I do have... So there's going to be wings too. Now the thing about the wings is that people just grab... Men will just grab like handfuls of them and devour them within seconds. So let's make sure that everybody gets a chance to have wings adults first. Ladies first. When we line up for the food, it's going to be ladies first. But ladies also leave some for the men. Make sure that they... Because the men get angry when they don't have meat. But today's your special day, so you get to go first in line. And so men, if you can just make sure that we can treat the ladies here very special today, that'd be great. What else? Yeah, so soul winning will probably be a shortened soul winning time. Anyway, so that's what we got going on today. Happy Mother's Day. And so the 17th is going to be the homeschool field trip to the zoo. So please give your final numbers and make sure to RSVP that you're going to Miss Rachel by the 13th, which is next Friday. Friday the 13th, so just make sure that she has your numbers because Tuesday you're going to the zoo and the tickets are not cheap. So unless you really know you're going for sure, don't sign up. And parking will be paid for as long as you're there on time. So if you're not there on time, just sorry, you're gonna have to pay for your own way. Yeah. What time is it starting? 9.30. So be at the... Miss Rachel, is it be at the zoo at 9.30? Okay, it's the only zoo in the area. You can't miss it. But the traffic might be bad, so you want to give yourself some time to get there. It's up the hill on Highway 26. And yeah, all these people from California moved here and just ruined all the traffic here, so I'm just teasing. But I am kind of. That's passive aggressive teasing right there. So anyway, so yeah, give yourself time. If you think that you're going to make it from here to there in 20 minutes at Tuesday in the morning, you're dead wrong about that. So if you live in Vancouver, I'd leave an hour early. And let's see, we got, yeah, so make sure you let Miss Rachel know that you're going to that. And let's see, the 27th, we have our Sony Marathon in Bellingham, Washington. And that is led by brother Robert Alcorta. So if you're planning on going, please let him know. And then we got the Preaching and Fellowship at the border. The Canadian border is going to be the 28th. And that'll be from 8 to 4. You can get there anytime between 8 and 4. If you're planning on spending the night, it is a 4, what is it, a 4 hour drive up there? If you're planning on spending the night, let me know and I'll see if I can give you some relief on the hotel. We'll pay for the parking also when you get there. But don't be late. Don't be there after 8 o'clock. No, I'm just joking. I think we're going to do the preaching at, I want to say it's like 9.30 or 10 o'clock. So anyway, we'll have more details about that forthcoming. And then June 1st through 4th is the church camp. And that's going to be Wednesday through Saturday. So Wednesday at noon, Saturday at noon is when we leave. So we have Pastor Pazarnsky coming from Fresno. And he's going to be preaching at the camp Friday night and Saturday morning. So if you haven't got a chance to be there when Pastor Pazarnsky is preaching, he's a great preacher. He's a good friend of mine and looking forward to having him come up. So then June 10th is the new IFB, Northeast new IFB conference night in New Jersey. That's going to be starting at 6 p.m. with food and fellowship. And the service will begin at 7 p.m. I'll be preaching. And then Pastor Jimenez will be preaching after me. I'll try my hardest to not preach over an hour so that I don't steal the night there from Pastor Jimenez. Because he'll taper his down. So I want to hear more of him and less of me. So anyway, that's going on June 10th. And then there's going to be baptisms after that. And there's going to be a Sony marathon the next day in New Jersey. And so we'll go out, me and Pastor Jimenez and his whole family is going to be there. And we'll all go out soloing with everybody. So June 18th is the men's shooting event. And that's always at the same place. We meet at the Bridge of the Gods and go up around noon, have lunch. Then we shoot guns until our ears can't hear anymore. And Father's Day. So the men's shooting event is for any men. And just use your best discretion as far as bringing children up. So we don't want small children up there. They tend to want to run in front of guns and they cry when the guns go off and stuff like that. But if you're like, I don't know, 10, 11, 12 and your kids can handle that, then they can come with also. And so Father's Day will be June 19th. And then July 14th through 17th is the Red Hot Preaching Conference. So that's kind of all the events that are going on. We're a family integrated church. That means the children and infants are welcome during the church services. We do have available for your family a mother baby room, which is located back there. And a dad baby room, which is located back there in the corner. And please utilize those for your convenience, whatever you need to use them for. And then the rockers or the gliders are for pregnant and nursing mothers and elders only. Please know men allowed in the mother baby room during the service times and vice versa. No unattended children in any area of the building at any time. Please watch your children. Make sure that you have account for them at all times. And please silence your cell phones, if you would, at this time, please. And escorts to vehicles by the ushers are available to the men that have the pin on their jackets that say Usher on them. And there's the offerings have come in. So they came in. So that's the total offering that came in for the month of April. We do have a birthday. Jack Harrington's birthday is on the 12th. So we're going to sing Happy Birthday to Jack. He's 13 already. I can't believe it. No, he's not. How old are you? How old are you, Jack? You're going to be seven. You're going to be eight. OK. All right. That's a that's a that's a great age to be. So. All right. No, not a care in the world. Anyway, let's sing Happy Birthday, Jack. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday. God bless you. Happy birthday to you. All right. And if you're a first time visitor, we appreciate you coming. We do have gift bags that we like to hand out to each visitor that comes. If you just walk past this little shielded area right here on the left hand side, there's gift bags. Please take one of those as a token of our appreciation for you being a first time guest. And if there's anything we can do for you, please let us know. With that being said, we're going to sing another song and then we'll receive the offering. All right, we're going to go ahead, finish off those favorites, so you want to raise your hand with the song, Miss Rachel? What is that? Page 169. Page 169, Come Thou Fount. Page 169 on the first. Come Thou Fount of every blessing. Tune my heart to sing Thy grace. Streams of mercy never ceasing. Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above. Praise the melt, I'm fixed upon it. Melt of thy redeeming love. Miss Sarah, 471. Page 471, Cleanse Me. Page 471, Cleanse Me. Sing it out on the first. Search me, O God, and know my heart today. Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts I pray. Be it there be some wicked way in me. Cleanse me from every sin and set me free. Now, 325. We've got a lot more months left in here. Page 325, sing it out on the first. Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share. But our toil He doth quickly repay. Not a grief nor a loss, not a frown nor a cross, but is blessed if we trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. Page 40, we're going to have to start calling on girls if the moms aren't going to start raising their hand. I know there's a lot more moms in here. Page number 40. Sing it out on the first. There's no disappointment in heaven, no weariness, sorrow, or pain. No hearts that are bleeding and broken, no song with a minor refrain. The clouds of our earthly horizon will never appear in the sky, for all will be sunshine and gladness with never a sob nor a sigh. I'm bound for that beautiful city my Lord has prepared for His own, where all the redeemed of all ages sing glory around the white throne. Sometimes I grow homesick for heaven, and the glories I there shall behold. What a joy that will be with my Savior I see in that beautiful city of old. I'm going to get ready close here to prepare the offering just so the men are ready for that, Nia. Page 222. Page 222. Moment by moment, page 222. Sing it out on the first. Dying with Jesus by death reckon mine, living with Jesus a new life divine, looking to Jesus till glory does shine. Moment by moment, O Lord, I am thine. Moment by moment, I'm kept in His love. Moment by moment, I've died from above, looking to Jesus till glory does shine. Moment by moment, O Lord, I am thine. Any others before we take the offering? All right. We're going to go ahead and receive the offering at this time. Brother Sean Heritage, if you'll bless the offering, please. Thank you, Lord, for this day. I pray that you would just bless this offering, Lord. Bless both the gift and the giver. Please pray that you would still pass the counsel of the Spirit, Lord. That you would preach the bowl to us today, Lord. Thank you, Lord, so much for motherhood, Lord, for being with us that way together, Lord, for all these great mothers. You do the same thing. Thank you, Jesus. If I go ahead and turn in your Bibles to Proverbs 31. Proverbs 31, if you do not have a Bible, raise your hand, and one of the ushers will bring you one. Proverbs 31. Proverbs 31, the Bible reads, The words of King Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him, What my son, and what the son of my womb, and what the son of my vows, Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings. It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes strong drink, lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any afflicted. Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies? The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She would do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants' ships. She bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens. She considerth a field and buyeth it. With the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good, her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor, yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for her household, for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry. Her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it, and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honor are her clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up and call her blessed. Her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excelest them all. Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates. Brother Bill, will you pray for us? Heavenly Father, we thank you for your great wisdom and your word. Just bless all the mothers here today, and also feel faster with the Holy Ghost, and help us to help ourselves, help us with our connection and understanding, and also the fellowship after which we pray, amen. Amen. All right, the title of the sermon this morning is The Virtuous Mother. The Virtuous Mother, and of course I get this from Proverbs chapter number 31. It's a very famous chapter, and it deals with this King Lemuel, and basically his mother taught him a prophecy, and so she basically preached to her son. So right here you have a woman preacher, but prophecy means preach. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're foretelling the future in every single instance, but he's listening to the law of his mother, which is what the book of Proverbs says to do, and to listen to the law of your father, but she's given him some good advice here, and before we get into that though, this chapter basically unfolds into the teaching of what a virtuous woman should be like, and it gives a lot of examples here of a virtuous woman, and so the title of the sermon is The Virtuous Mother, but I strictly believe that before you could be a virtuous mother, you have to be a virtuous woman first. I mean, God does everything in order. You can't be a virtuous mother without being a virtuous wife. You can't be a virtuous mother without being a virtuous woman, so one thing has to come after the other. Now, the caveat to that though is that in this day and age, there's a lot of different situations out there, and maybe there's single mothers in here or things like that, but you can still become a virtuous woman, and you can still become a virtuous mother. You can still become a virtuous wife, so obviously there's plan Bs for our lives. The perfect plan of God is that you'd be a virtuous woman. You'd go to the marriage altar as a virgin. You would treat your husband the way you should be. A virtuous woman should treat their husband, and then, God willing, have children, and then all these virtues that you have as a woman would go down to also your children, and today's Mother's Day, and so I wanted to preach a sermon about women and about mothers, but I believe that you can't have one without the other. You're not going to be able to be a virtuous mother without being a virtuous woman, period, and what is virtue, or what is virtuous? It means high moral standards or chaste, high moral standards, so there's a lot of women out today that are mothers, but they don't have high moral standards, and so that means by definition they're not virtuous. There's a lot of mothers out there that aren't virtuous to their children. There's a lot of mothers out there today, or women out there today that are not virtuous to their husband, and so the Bible is telling us that you should become a virtuous woman. You should become a virtuous wife. You should become a virtuous mother. Now, again, I understand that there's different phases in people's lives. There's single women here. There's women that don't have a husband, but they have children. All these types of situations exist, but don't just shut me down in this sermon. Listen to what the Bible is teaching us to be like. Listen to what the Bible is teaching women to be like. Now, I'm preaching to the women today, but there are some things in here where men can help their wives become virtuous. There are some things in here. I mean, you can fill in the blanks here. Your wife is to be a help meet to you, and sometimes you need to help your help meet to be a help to you, right? So, anyway, you can't be a virtuous mother without being a virtuous woman or without being a virtuous wife. So, again, there's caveats to that, but what should all women strive to be like this chapter lays out? Does everything in this chapter, are you doing everything in this chapter? Does this all apply to you? Or is there things in your life that you can work on? Now, the virtuous woman is something to attain to. Not everybody in this room is going to attain to all these things, but should you try to? Yes, you should try to. You should try to be virtuous. You should try to be a virtuous woman. You should try to be a virtuous wife. You should try to be a virtuous mother. So, let's look at Proverbs chapter 31, verse number 10. The Bible says, who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. And I'll have to admit that there's been times when I thought, well, aren't diamonds like the ultimate gem? Isn't there other gems that are better than rubies? But rubies are rare gemstones. They are rare. Now, I know you can make them in a lab, but they're not as nice, okay? You know, it's spurious. They're phonies. But how rare are rubies? Rubies are one of the rarest gemstones. The rarest rubies come from Burma. Due to their high quality and exceptional color, good quality rubies, larger than one carat, are also extremely rare and expensive. And so, why is God comparing a virtuous woman to something that's far above rubies? Because it's very rare. And it's, again, it's something when you get that, when you are a virtuous woman, your price is far above that. That's what the Bible's saying. So, it is something to attain to, to be a rarity in this world. And obviously, in 2022, it's definitely very rare to have virtuous women in our society. And that's because it's by design. The devil always attacks, he attacks women, that attacks the home, that attacks the husband, that attacks the children. And what does the devil want? He wants our homes to be broken up. You know, he wants people to be born into bad situations where they're not gonna get saved, or put them into some system where they are taught something different than what the Bible says, so that they won't be saved. The devil has all the angles and everything all sewn up. But see, the grace of God and the power of God's word can pierce through those things. So, maybe you weren't raised in a Christian home, maybe you weren't taught to be a virtuous woman at home, but you know what, you can still attain to these things. And the Bible says, who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies? So, I would say this, ladies in this room, that it's, you know, God wouldn't say that there's virtuous women if it wasn't possible to become one. And I think it's very possible, but you know what, you have to strive to do these things. Just like, you know, the Psalm's 23 husband is something that a man should strive to be like. But we're talking about women today. So, we want to, I want to just convey this truth that the goal is to be a virtuous woman. And as a virtuous woman, most virtuous women, again, not all, want to get married. You know, there's some special cases where a woman doesn't want to get married and she just wants to serve God, and that's fine. That's a rarity, that's also a rarity. But most young ladies want to get married, meet Prince Charming, they want to have a storybook life, because that's how television shows you how it's gonna be. But in reality, you know, it's different than the Hallmark movies. I'm gonna bring up Hallmark movies again. And so, you can't base how your marriage is gonna be based upon Hollywood movies. You can't base how your mothering is gonna be based upon Hollywood movies, and please don't. Because in Hollywood movies, you know, parents just let their kids do anything. Disrespect the dads, all that kind of stuff. Again, it's all by design. But if you want to be like a woman that's far above Ruvies, you want to be a precious gemstone to God, then that is the goal that you should try to attain. So, look at Ruth chapter three, verse 10. This is the first time that the Bible actually calls someone a virtuous woman. And it's Ruth, you know, and lo and behold, she has a book named after her, because she was such a great and virtuous woman. Look what it says in Ruth three, verse 10. It says, and he said, blessed be thou of the Lord, this is Boaz talking, my daughter, for thou hast showed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedest not young men, whether poor or rich. So what's he saying? Hey, there's a lot of women in Ruth's situation that would have just followed after the handsome young men, whether poor or rich. They just want to have a good looking guy to go to, but that's not what she did, is it? She went to a man that was her elder and older, and she went with a man that was a godly man. And that's who she followed after, someone that was a godly man, and that should be something that Proverbs 31 woman, or a virtuous woman, should want. Not just the guy you think you're gonna change later on. Oh, he's gonna get spiritual later on. Hey, if they're not spiritual now, you're gonna have a hard road to hoe trying to chip this man away and make him go to church, make him be godly. Look, looks are not everything. And it even talks about beauty is vain. Beauty is vain. What would you rather have, someone that's maybe not a supermodel, and I'm not talking about ladies, I'm talking about men, but just have a regular looking woman, and women are beautiful. It doesn't have to be some fake Hollywood whore, men, for you to like them, okay? And women, the same thing. It doesn't have to be some cowboy with his shirt off and a big giant belt buckle or something that you're trying to attain to. Try to attain to someone that actually is saved, someone that actually is spiritual, someone that actually wants to go to church, someone that actually wants to serve God, because if you're a virtuous woman, that's what you desire. And so what kind of man should you desire? A man that is also on that same level as you, or at least spiritual in one way, shape, or form. You try to change men, you think you're gonna just, this is what women do, this is a trap they fall into, is they wanna get this guy, they want the bad guy, the James Dean, the rebel without a cause and all this other stuff, and that's vanity, it's stupidity. Why would you want to go after a guy that's probably gonna cheat on you all the time? Why would you wanna go after a man that's not gonna work hard? The same things that women are in this chapter, obviously there's other roles that men play, but a lot of these still apply with a man. Like the virtuous woman is a hard worker. Hey, don't you wanna have a hard-working husband or not someone that you have to kick off the couch all the time and he's just never out doing anything, he's never working, and you're supporting him? Because that's not how God wants it. So look what it says in verse 11, it says, And now my daughter, fear not, I will do to thee all that thou requiretest, for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman. What does that tell you about Ruth? That everybody saw how she behaved, everybody saw how she still followed Naomi even though she could've went back to Moab and worshiped those gods and went back to her people, but what did she say? I want my God, I want your God to be my God. And that's what she said, your God is gonna be my God. And so then she followed her mother-in-law and the other daughter left, the other daughter-in-law left and went back to her people, but Ruth made a decision, she said, I wanna follow the Lord. And so to be a virtuous woman, you gotta be saved. You gotta be saved. If you want to actually be virtuous, you're gonna have to be saved. And so Ruth was saved and she believed in the Lord, she stuck with her mother-in-law and then she went out and worked because she didn't know her husband was dead. So she worked hard to bring food to her and her mother-in-law. She was chaste and she won Boaz over with her good behavior around the other men, isn't that what he said? That she could've went and did this, but she didn't, she didn't go after the young men. And she showed virtues to other people. She showed everything that's in this chapter, that's what she showed to not just Boaz. She wasn't just trying to win him over and maybe she wasn't trying to win anybody over, but because the way she was, she did win them over. And it says, for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman. So now if you're a single lady in here or you're striving to get married someday or you're striving to be a mother someday, people should know what type of woman you are, don't you think? Or maybe in this church, maybe you are trying to find a husband someday. Hey, be a virtuous woman, be a virtuous woman and you'll be something that men seek after. They're like, hey, that lady's always helping clean stuff up, she's always going soul winning, she's always spiritual, she's always helping other people out. She comes to church all the time, she's very spiritual and she's not just going after all the best looking guys all the time, that she is being chased. Don't you think that a man that's going to this church or maybe a church of like faith or whatever would be interested in someone that's actually already doing this stuff? But if they think that you're just nothing but a problem, that it's always something wrong, you're not helping, you're not doing all the things that a virtuous woman would do, why would somebody want to marry you? And that's a good question to ask. Why would someone want to marry you if you're not already doing the things that you should be doing to be a virtuous woman? So I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings here but maybe you need to step up your game and not just to get married but because you want to please the Lord. See, because that's ultimately, the goal, isn't it, so that God is pleased with you? And if God's pleased with you, He's going to bless your life. If God's pleased with you, He'll bless your womb. If God's pleased with you, He'll bless your marriage because if you're doing the things that a virtuous woman ought to do, it's going to be very evident to other people around you just like it's very evident to the people of the city that she was a virtuous woman. So is it evident in your life even not just single ladies but just all ladies in here, is it evident in your life that you are a virtuous woman? If it's not, then maybe you should try to attain to that level. And then you're going to be one of God's rare gemstones, far above rubies, right? That's what it says, far above. And if rubies are one of the most rare gems, then to be a Proverbs 13, then to be a Proverbs 31 virtuous woman is a very good goal to be. And so why not try for excellence? Why not try to strive to be excellent? You know, I think what is the Raiders, the Oakland Raiders, or now it's the Las Vegas Raiders, their motto is a commitment to excellence. I like that motto. I think that motto is great. You know, are you committed to excellence or are you just okay with being just average or below average? So those are good questions to ask. Ruth, it was obvious that she was a virtuous woman. Now go back to Proverbs 31 verse 13. Here's some other characteristics of a virtuous woman. Proverbs 31 verse 13 says, she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands. So the Bible's saying work. And what is she doing? Things that would pertain to helping out your household. See, believe it or not, there was a time in this world when you couldn't just go to Walmart and get a pair of new clothes. There was a time in this world, and it wasn't that long ago, for most of history, clothes were handmade. And so what is one of the things that would make her a virtuous woman? That hey, she's making clothes. She's seeking wool. Why? So she can make clothes and flax. And it says worketh willingly with her hands. You don't have to force her. You don't have to kick her off Facebook or Instagram in order to get her to take care of her house. She's just working willingly. You know, maybe that's something you do at the end of the day, but that shouldn't be what you're doing when you're trying to raise your children and you're trying to please your husband. It says she is like the merchant's ship. She bringeth her food from afar. Skip down to verse 20. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor. Yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. What's another thing, a characteristic of a Proverbs 31 woman or a virtuous woman or a virtuous wife or a virtuous mother, she stretcheth out her hand to the poor. Yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. So she's also doing good works, you know, for the Lord. She's gotta be saved, you know, and people should know that you're a virtuous woman by the way you do things. You know, we can see, you know, the works and the works are things that are good works, right? Now, seeing people's good works doesn't necessarily mean they're saved, just so you know, but if you know that person's saved and they're doing good works, that's a bonus. They're actually doing what God asked them to do and doing great works for God. It says in verse 24, she maketh fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. So apparently she's making clothes and kind of selling them on the side or whatever, but she's busy. The point is she's busy and she doesn't just go to Walmart, you know, there's nothing wrong with going to Walmart to get your clothes or wherever else you want to go. I know most people here probably don't shop at Walmart to get their clothes, but you know, she's going to make sure that her family is provided for, okay? And you know, I've gotten stuff at Walmart, so if you go to Walmart, I'm not trying to be down on you, okay? But anyway, you know, sometimes Walmart has some good deals, okay? But anyway, so what are one of the things that she does? Well, she's going to be a hard worker. We used to, I've probably told this story before, but there was this guy that owned a Chinese buffet in a town that we lived in and him and his wife like owned it together and he, she was telling us one time, me and my wife, she goes, he chose me to be a wife because I was a hard worker. And that's how they, that's one of the criteria. It wasn't love. I mean, I'm not saying it's a perfect picture there, but one of the things that he said, hey, she's not going to be, I want to run a business and you know, if I want her to help me, she's going to be a hard worker and so he chose her because she was a hard worker. So obviously that's not the first thing that you're probably always looking for, but it is something that you should be looking for. Hey, ladies, if you're looking for a husband, make sure that guy's a hard worker, you know, because is he going to be losing sleep and working overtime and picking up extra stuff so that you can have all the things that you need in your life? Or is he going to just be constantly in the unemployment line and just not living up to his potential? So we need to have men that are out there ready to work and I'll preach about that tonight, but the ladies also should be hard workers. Can you work as hard as men? I think that women can work as hard as men. They might not be able to do as much because men are stronger, talking about physical labor, but God's plan is not for your wife to work outside the home and I know that's not a very popular thing to teach, but that's what the Bible teaches, okay? So now obviously it's up to your husband, ladies, whether they want you to work outside the home, but what the Bible says is what it says and I'm not going to apologize for that. I'll never apologize for what the Bible says. Look at verse 25, strength and honor are her clothing. See, she's strong and she's honorable. So it's not talking about her clothing. It's strength and honor are her clothing. Those are the things that people see. Those are attributes of this Proverbs virtuous woman and it says, and she shall rejoice in time to come. See, because whatever you sow, that shall you also reap. If you're working hard, then you're going to reap the benefits of that hard work. It says she openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness. See, this woman is a nice woman. She's wise. How do you get wisdom? What does the Bible say wisdom, where it comes from? It comes from the word of God. So obviously this woman knows the Bible and she knows that the Bible teaches that her tongue should be the law of kindness. There's some pretty mean and nasty women out there and that's not what you should be. You should be meek and quiet and obviously the Bible says that the Proverbs 31 woman here is when she opens her mouth, it's with wisdom. So sometimes people go off half-cocked with their mouth and say things that they shouldn't say or they talk when they shouldn't be talking and the Bible's saying that if you want to be a virtuous woman then you need to open your mouth with wisdom and it says in her tongue is the law of kindness. So when you speak to people, you're speaking to them kindly. And obviously everybody flies off the handle at some point. I get that. I do it sometimes. But this is like talking about in general how do you treat people. And so these are just some of the attributes of a Proverbs 31 woman. Hey, you should be saved obviously because God's not going to look at any of your works unless you're saved. Your good works mean nothing unless you're saved, what the Bible teaches. And this woman is a hard worker and she's also, her works are known to other people and so when you think about Ruth, a first virtuous woman that's mentioned in the Bible, I don't think she's the only virtuous woman in the Bible to this point. I believe Sarah was a virtuous woman and many other women in the Bible but the Bible specifically talks about Ruth being a virtuous woman that everybody knows it. It's known among the people. Number two this morning is to become a virtuous mother then you also need to become a virtuous wife. So now obviously God's plan is that people would get married and have children not any other way. You're not supposed to be in fornication then have children then get married or whatever but you know that's the world we're living in like I said in these times and mainly in civilized cultures you wouldn't have that happening. Even like if you think about Hasaouaris where he still got married it's not like they were just all in fornication. There was cultures that were in fornication like in Canaan and all these other places but not every culture was like that. They still had virgins in their cultures just because they weren't Israelites didn't mean that they didn't have women that were virtuous and virgins and things like that in the aspect of just being a good person or being raised in a good home. So if you think about that we don't really have any excuse to not be virtuous but it's the culture that we're lived in or that we've grown up in. I didn't grow up in a Christian home. I didn't know any of this stuff about what I was supposed to know but that's my fault. I could have chosen to be saved earlier on. I could have gotten saved earlier but I didn't and so I had already lived a life of sin that was wrong and things that I knew once I got saved I tried to right those wrongs but once the wrong was committed you can't go back on it and so if you've already committed fornication you have a child out of fornication you can't take that back. It's just the way it is but can you move forward and not feel like that you're a piece of trash for the rest of your Christian life? Yes you can because God forgives you for all your sins and that's why it just really bothers me when people are holier than thou's these people that just think that they're better than everybody else it's like look I know what your life was like before you got saved I know what your life is like now. You're not perfect. Nobody in this room is perfect. That's why the Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So you can move forward from mistakes that you've made in the past you can move forward and become that virtuous woman that you want to be or that virtuous wife that you want to be or that virtuous mother that you want to be you can still do those things. So look at Proverbs 31 verse 10 so what does a virtuous wife act like? Well verse number 10 says who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies? Look at verse 11 and the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil. So the heart of a virtuous wife is going to put out their husband is going to be able to trust in them. Does your husband trust in you? See you can trust your wife all you want men but if she's not trustworthy then it means nothing. So ladies what is God saying? Well he's saying the heart of her husband does safely trust in her. See a lot of men will trust their wives but then they give them a reason to let them down but you should be a woman that your husband can safely trust in. Like hey I trust you and then they're like okay well you don't have any reason to not trust me. You're never going to have a reason to not trust me. So it says in verse 12 she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. So how should you treat your husband? To do good unto them and not evil all the days of your life. See and there's some ladies in here thinking well I've already broken this. Well stop what you're doing now and start being good to your husband right? If that's how God wants you to be you know if you're you know be trustworthy maybe you've broken your husband's trust at some point well start being trustworthy then. Start being somebody that he can safely trust in. And don't do evil to your husband but do him good all the days of your life. And hey if that's not you right now then this is something that you these are some things you need to change in your life so that your husband can trust in you safely and that he can realize that you're not going to do evil to him but you're going to do good. So skip down to verse 23. It says and her husband her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land. So what is this woman trying to do? This virtuous wife well you know she's speaking good about her husband. When people see how his wife is acting they're like well he's got a good wife. He can trust in that wife and she's a good woman and it says he's sitting among the elders in the land. So how you're acting allows you know because if your wife is acting a fool all the time and being not trustworthy and doing evil to them I mean nobody wants to have a leader whose wife is just you know out of control and evil and wicked and all these other different things you know people are going to trust someone to lead when their wife that person's wife is someone that's honored in the land right. So you know there's a saying that says behind every good man there's a great woman and that's not from the Bible but it is true. So if you you know a good man you know needs to have a great wife and so as you know the Bible is saying here that we need you know as a lady you should be someone that you know your husband you're not known for bad mouthing your husband right and so everybody's going around saying well you know he's worthless he does this he does that you should never badmouth your husband to other people. It's wrong. Let you know let that kind of stuff be between you and him. You shouldn't badmouth him to his face. You shouldn't badmouth him to other people. You shouldn't badmouth him to your friends and the worst thing you can do is badmouth him to your family. That's not something that should happen and I give this counsel to people a lot but it doesn't always get heated and so let me just explain to you why you can't do that because your spouse you know if you tell something to your parents about your spouse man or woman they're going to have a grudge against that person and they're not always going to be the same way forgiving they might hold that against you for the rest of your life they might hold that against them forever and it downgrades them in their sight. So you know if you want to not do your husband evil don't talk bad about them. Work out your problems together and obviously nobody's perfect when people get married they're not perfect. You know the man is still squishing the toothpaste from halfway up. Right? Who's done that? Who still does it? You're supposed to squeeze it from the bottom. But things like that irritate women and it makes them upset you know I mean there's just that you know throwing your socks on the other side of the bed and leaving them there that's just you know women just like things a certain way and man we should learn to dwell with them and knowledge obviously and you know we should try to make our wives happy but we're not talking about men right now I'm just kind of trying to give a little give a little ease in the story here but you know what should a woman be like? Well not bad mouthing her husband to anybody even people in the church well you know well I'm just having a hard time with my husband right now just don't if someone if that person is not going to help you with the situation then don't tell them. You know? And men should not be doing the same you know don't do that because people don't forget stuff like that and so your business is your business you know you're one flesh let that stuff stay between you and them okay? So let's look at Proverbs chapter 12 Proverbs chapter 12 and verse number 4 Proverbs chapter 12 verse number 4 the Bible says a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in the bones so a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband so I mean when you think about a crown you think about a gold shiny thing on top of your head right? And so when a woman is virtuous that is something that's you know it's like a you know I guess that's just kind of to say it's a trophy wife you know but you're a trophy wife for a different reason not because of your looks because of who you are and how you act the fact that you're a saved hard-working woman that loves her husband and loves her children that's the crown to the husband okay? So it says a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness to his bones so just as you can be a virtuous woman and your husband is famous among the congregation she's famous in the gates because of what a good woman she is if you're a bad wife then it's rottenness to that person you know it's something that creeps into someone's bones and it's just like it's just a vexing it's a vexing thing for a man to have a woman that makes him ashamed all the time and there's a lot of things that can be shameful in this world and so what am I trying I'm not trying to tear women down this morning I want to build you up I want you to see the negativity that's already there and to get past that and fix those things you know your husband should trust you your husband shouldn't have to go around people and feel embarrassed because you went around telling a bunch of stories about him okay? Turn to 1 Peter 3 verse 1 I am going to be going through some unpopular verses in the Bible for this day and age see most people don't even read their Bible that's number one a lot of Christians quote unquote are not even saved but these verses are just we're in such a feminized society right now that you know trusting in men to be your help you know to be the head of the household and all that stuff that is just preached against by the world so much that it's just a constant bombardment against women and so if you're a woman in here today and you're subject to your own husbands and you want to be a virtuous woman you want to be a virtuous wife you want to be a virtuous mother someday or right now that's not a popular position in this world today it's just not and so you're going to get all kinds of flack because of that from your family members you're going to get all kinds of flack like that from your old friends that you grew up with they're going to be like why do you wear dresses only why do you do that well because that's what the Bible says you know we're supposed to do so I mean but explaining that to your lifelong friends they just they're people that are unsaved will not get that they won't understand that they won't understand why you're supposed to obey your husbands they won't understand why you're supposed to be subject to your husbands look what it says in verse one it says likewise he wives being subjection to your own husbands notice it doesn't say other people's husbands it says to your own husbands so I'm not the boss of any other woman in this room except for my wife and so we're supposed to be subject or they're supposed to be subject unto us because look you can't have two people running the house it doesn't work like that someone has to be the boss and there's people out there that believe in this 50-50 marriage situation and it's always a train wreck it's always a train wreck and like Pastor Jimenez said anything that has two heads is a freak right so there can only be one head of the house and it's supposed to be the husband it's supposed to be the man look what it says likewise you wives being subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives I was talking about it it's a saved wife and an unsaved husband well you're still supposed to obey and be in subjection to them that you can win that person over they're like well this is a new attitude from this woman but if you're always just saying well this is what you're supposed to be doing and they're just like throwing it in the husband's face and everything the Bible is telling you how to win your husband over without preaching the gospel to them all the time because maybe they've just heard it too many times now they want to see are you a woman that actually lives up to the expectations of the Bible or are you just trying to run me and run this house because it's different and this is a lot of things that women struggle with that are saved and they're like well my husband's not saved he doesn't want to go to church well win him over win him over by being in subjection to them obviously if they say don't go to church then I don't believe that you should obey that that's my personal opinion I think that we're supposed to obey in the Lord that women are supposed to obey their husbands in the Lord but if they're not in the Lord and they're going to tell you hey don't go to church, don't worship God God is number one God is loving the Lord our God with all of our hearts with all of our minds, with all of our soul, with all of our strength is number one not the husband but that would be number two to obey your husband but if your husband is conflicting with what God's word says then you should go with what God's word says so that's what I believe I know that there's other pastors that don't necessarily believe that but that's what I believe so look at what it says in verse 2 it says while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear what do you want to show that unsaved husband? well you want to show them your chaste conversation you want to show them that you are a virtuous woman that you are going and conversation isn't talking about how you talk that you stop cussing it's not talking about that although it's not very ladylike but anyway your chaste conversation is the good lifestyle that you're living in front of them are you going to obey? are you just going to obey when you agree with them and not obey when you don't agree with them and I'm not talking about the stuff that God says I'm talking about just regular household things regular things within the marriage this is where women will say well I do obey but then you don't do blah blah blah is that what it says? obey unless they do blah blah blah blah no it doesn't say that it's supposed to be in subjection to your own husbands if any obey not the word they may also or they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives so your lifestyle as a Christian is supposed to show them you know that this is I'm really serious about this this is my real beliefs I am a virtuous woman now and then you can win that person over and then they'll get saved but you know how they'll never get saved? you beating them and battering them with the gospel over and over again and then being a disobedient wife you're never going to win them over it's not going to happen so that's a very important thing to understand if you're kind of in a different situation the Bible's kind of giving you this different situation and saying this is how you win them it says who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning so it's not how you dress it's not what you look like that's going to win them over it's not talking about that it's talking about the plating of the hair and of the wearing of gold and the putting on of apparel it's not those things it says but let it be the hidden man of the heart that's the new man the new creature in Christ Jesus let him see that why don't you put that on and then it says in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God a great price isn't a virtuous woman in the sight of God a great price also it's far above rubies but it says this meek and quiet spirit it doesn't say loud and stubborn it doesn't say loud and obnoxious you're always talking over all the men you're talking over your husband you're loud and stubborn it says to be meek and quiet that's what's what's in a great price in the sight of God that's what God desires that's part of being a virtuous woman a meek and quiet spirit it's not saying don't talk or speak only when spoken to walk three feet behind me when I'm walking down the street that's not what it's talking about that's a little crazy there was this truck driver that used to work when he'd come in he'd bring his wife and she was always even when there was no kids in the car I just always thought that was weird she was like Korean or maybe Japanese or something but that's the culture in Japan is that you walk like three paces behind the man I think there's other cultures that are like that too I just, you know I don't think the Bible actually says to do that so I would say that that's probably not something that needs to be done but to be meek and quiet is the opposite of being loud and obnoxious which is in the sight of God a great price you want God to honor you and think that you're a virtuous woman and that you're someone of great price you're far above rubies well have a meek and quiet spirit and I'm not saying never try to help your husband with some advice some people kind of take it too far I think it's, you know, when my wife gives me advice I take it into account but she's not telling me what to do there is a difference so she might say, well hey, have you thought about this or what about this and I take those things into consideration because she's my best friend number one and I love her I love her, that's number one number two, she's my best friend you know, and she's we raise children together we know each other, we trust each other and so I'm going to take her what she has to say into account now ultimately I still make the decision right that's my job as a leader if I'm just indecisive about every single thing and I'm always asking her for advice that's weak so man, we've got to be able to make decisions and, you know not be sorry for it so obviously, even if so here's the thing women in this room that have husbands are you let me make sure I word this right when you disagree with your husband about something that should some decision that should be made do you defer to his final decision or do you throw a big fit about it see, that's the difference between obeying your husband or being subject to them and being meek and quiet and then you know, if you only are happy when the decision is made that you like then that's not necessarily doing what the Bible is asking you to do here so I know that's a hard pill to swallow but, because our society teaches totally different than this but that's what the Bible is teaching so look what it says in verse 5, it says, for after this manner in the old time the holy women also who trusted in God, so they're saved they're holy, adorn themselves being in subjection unto their own husbands so again, it's going to say your own husbands, not somebody else's so when you run off to work and you say, I just want to be Mary Tyler Moore if you even know who that is Mary Tyler Moore and I'm going to be this businesswoman I'm going to start wearing the pantsuits like Hillary Clinton and I'm going to be equal with my husband and all this other stuff you know, you're being subject to somebody else's husband, aren't you? and then the pantsuit the pants that they're forcing you to wear at most places you work at is making you dress like a transvestite oooh it's getting quiet in here it's true though why do we bring that up so much? I mean, I don't think I bring it up a lot, but I do bring it up why? because you never see men walking in here with dresses on ever it's a problem that women seem to have and it's been ingrained in women since World War II or whatever, where they're just saying Rosie the Riveter, we can do this you know and it's like with a man's help no, I'm just joking you can do this but like that picture I have to see that stupid picture like almost every day this place I go and it's this big poster of Rosie like with her do-rag on, looking like a gangster and then her flexing her muscles and stuff it's just like that is not appealing but, anyway so and what's she wearing? she's wearing pants isn't she? and so like, why is it not a big deal? why would it be a big deal for a guy to walk in here in a dress? because it's cross-dressing isn't it? so if a woman walks in here with pants, they're cross-dressing too and I haven't checked if any women are wearing pants today, I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings I'm just saying that that's what the Bible says, we're not supposed to wear that which pertains unto a woman a woman is not supposed to wear that which pertains unto a man and you're like, well that's not pants okay, but what is it then? what's the clothing? what is the clothing? so I'll just what's it say on the bathroom doors? even if it's an all gender bathroom it has half a man and half a woman with a dress on, so you know the difference how do you know the difference? well women wear dresses, men wear pants that's the way it's been for thousands of years don't give me this tunic garbage you got that from Sunday school from a flannel graph you did not get that from the Bible as a matter of fact the high priest, which Jesus was a high priest he's the ultimate high priest what did they wear? what was the clothing they had to wear? britches the word pants was not invented in 1611 at that point they called it britches, hosen things like that so if the high priest was supposed to wear those then that means it's a man's garment, right? and so the Bible doesn't talk about women wearing britches in the Bible except for in a corrupted a corrupted text that's the Geneva Bible I think said that they made britches they sewed britches together or something like that but that's why the King James came along later and corrected that anyway, I'm going to get off of you easy now take a couple deep breaths alright, let's move on here it says in verse 6 even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters you are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement so the Bible says that Sarah obeyed Abraham was she a virtuous woman? absolutely she was a virtuous woman did she make some mistakes in life? yes she did Abraham, everybody makes mistakes but it says calling him Lord well can you imagine you know, I mean my wife will call me Lord but she's not she doesn't call me Lord all the time she doesn't call me Lord like it's the Lord but she'll just like say speak Lord for thy servant here it's like a song that she sang in choir one time but anyway I don't make her call me Lord alright, it's just not I wouldn't even I mean if she did I guess I would get used to it but I'm not saying you should make your wives call you Lord either but I'm just saying that Sarah who was a great woman in the Bible she did, and you know what she did it in her subconscious if you read the story in Genesis she's thinking it in her mind my Lord also when she thinks of Abraham she's like my Lord and again small L my boss my husband and so if she's doing that in her mind and the Bible records that as her obeying him and calling him Lord when Jesus and the two angels came he didn't say let me make you something to eat real quick he went to his wife and said make them something to eat real quick and she obeyed him and she did what she was told to do and God sees that as something that's a great price so it's not the grading we all have our roles to play and again if there's two bosses in the house it makes for friction doesn't it? who's doing the dishes tonight? well I did them last night who's doing the laundry today? and here's the thing it's unfair to women when they both work outside the house and then they have to come home and they have to take care of the kids and they have to do all the laundry and they have to do all the cleaning obviously there's going to be some friction in the house it's going to get ugly and so why not just allow your wife to stay home and take care of the house like the Bible says to do and then she can safely trust in you that you're going to bring home the bacon you're going to make sure there's a roof over their head make sure that all things are provided for and then she makes sure that you're set up for your work week or set up for your church week you know what's nice? I'm just going to brag on my wife a little bit and I've already told probably some of you this before but every Friday she washes all my work clothes all of them and so Monday I can safely trust that I have my work clothes including my socks and undies are all ready to go my t-shirts are hung up and dried everything is ready to go all I have to do is just grab that stuff in the morning and get ready so that she's helping me accomplish my work she's my help meat and so when and I also when I when church is over on Sunday she throws my stuff in the wash on Monday and then if I needed to do something if I needed to preach out of town if I needed to just have a special service anywhere I know that I have five or six shirts I can choose from that are my church outfit my church attire and everything is ready to go my pants are ready to go everything is ready to go my lunches are made for me every single day I don't make my own lunch you know what I'm the envy of my work group I'm sure like what you got? homemade sammies fresh fruit chopped oranges you know I can safely trust that lunch is going to be ready for me every day and you're like well you're spoiled Pastor Thompson well it took me some time to get there but but you know what I safely trust in her that she's going to have my things ready for me and I don't have to worry about that stuff you know if you have your wife working outside the home there's going to be regret over that there's going to be regret over the fact that you're making them do twice as much work as you have to do and it's not fair women are already doing they're already on the clock if you have kids you're already on the clock longer than men are men go to work and they're like oh man you get home and you're just like you know you're tired right? but they're tired too but they're still taking care of the kids when they're sick and they're up all night with them and you know feeding them all day and just there's a lot of work involved with being a homemaker there's nothing in the world wrong with being a homemaker nothing it's a great job it's a valuable job because what's the alternative to put them at the government babysitters to have your parents raise them to have somebody else raise them people that you don't even know you can't even trust those people I mean it's like a green hair pink hair fiesta going to any of these learning centers or whatever that they put kids in these day cares I wouldn't trust those people with my kids for one second it's even worse now they're just out in the open now they're just straight up queers watching people's kids and people take their kids and drop them off those fags every single day that they have to work what's better? someone that loves them that cares about them taking care of them if your husband goes to work if your husband's not making enough money then he needs to work harder or get smarter so you can get more money alright I didn't start preaching until like 12-10 so don't start whining the pizza's not even here yet so just shut up let me preach you can't even smell it right now if you had COVID before you might still not be able to smell it anyway alright where am I at here what's it say it says in verse 7 it says likewise you husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered so that's the throw in for the men hey give honor unto your wife as unto the weaker vessel so women are not as strong as men but the Bible says that they should be strong the Bible says they should be hard workers but it's not talking about you just getting all jacked and lifting weights with your husband or something but when you pick stuff up you're going to get stronger but if you never pick anything up you're going to be weak so women can be strong they're just not as strong as men that's all that's all it means they're weaker in those ways they might be weaker emotionally but there are some pretty pansy men out there these days they go into rooms and cry nowadays it's just like I don't know what's wrong with you they need safe spaces and stuff they wear skinny jeans their testosterone is all cut off because of the pants they're wearing or something good night anyway so let's turn to Titus chapter 2 verse 3 Titus chapter 2 verse 3 I do have to hurry up here I don't have to but I will Titus chapter 2 verse 3 says the aged women likewise talking about elder women that they be in behavior as becometh holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things so these are things that would make you a virtuous woman verse 4 that they may teach young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children so what are the aged women supposed to be doing they're not supposed to be saying girl as soon as the kids are out of the house and you should just get a job and put your pants back on you know with the little rhinestones on the back or whatever you should do what you want now it's your time no that's not how you're supposed to be you're supposed to be helping the younger women to be how you should have been or how you were that you teach them to be sober you teach them to love their husbands and to love their children and you know there's some women out there today that don't love their husbands they don't love their children that's not what you're supposed to be like you know when you got married you got you were in love right and you're like well maybe I'm not as in love as I thought I was but you know what you'd better learn to love them because they're your husband you better learn to love your children and to me it's just so weird that you would have to teach someone that but some people are like that they just you know it's the world it's the devil it's getting into people's brains it's getting into women's brains and making them steer from the things in the past of the Bible in verse 5 it says to be discreet chaste keepers at home what does that mean you're keeping your house you're doing the work at home good obedient to their own husbands see there's again that's three times so far I've shown you that that the word of God be not blasphemed see because if you're not those things then people are going to go like that's a Christian family that's a Christian wife you know woe unto you if people are looking at you as a Christian wife and they're seeing things other than this because it's going to cause people to blaspheme God's word say well she doesn't obey her husband but she obeys somebody else's husband at work with her paints sisterhood of the traveling pants look at Psalm chapter 1 13 verse 9 Psalm chapter 1 13 verse 9 the Bible says in Psalm 1 13 verse 9 it says he maketh the barren woman to keep house so even if you're married and you don't have any children what's it say he maketh the barren woman to keep house so you're still supposed to guide the house even when you're married without children isn't that what the Bible's saying? am I wrong there? don't say it out loud and to be a joyful mother of children praise ye the Lord so you know God you know maybe you are barren right now maybe you know your womb is not open and you haven't had children you've been married and you haven't had children but pray to the Lord and ask him to give you a child maybe there's something medically wrong that you can get fixed but you know pray to God first pray to God first and ask him to give you children you know and anytime you see that happening in the Bible especially you know you look in the book of Genesis you look at Hannah you know they're begging God to give them a child and he does it so that's the but mainly I want to show you that because you know even the barren women are supposed to keep their house so is your husband good enough to do all that work for? he should be if you're a virtuous woman be a virtuous wife and then like basically right here David's saying hey and then you know you do what you're supposed to do and you know what you're going to be a joyful mother of children also look at Proverbs 18 verse 22 actually turn to Proverbs 19 verse 13 and I'll read for you Proverbs 18 22 Proverbs 18 22 says whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor from the Lord so finding a wife is favor from God and what you do with that is the main thing that's important is that you know you found a wife that's a good thing and you've obtained the favor but hey treat that marriage the way you're supposed to treat that person how you're supposed to treat your wife right and wives treat your husbands right Proverbs 19 verse 13 it says a foolish son is the calamity of his father and the contentions of a wife are a continual dropping so it's definitely not a blessing to have contentions of a wife always nagging this is basically just kind of talking to you about the nagging wife it's a continual dropping it's like Chinese water torture to just continuously have a woman that's always doing this Proverbs 19 verse 14 says house and riches are the inheritance of fathers and a prudent wife is from the Lord a wife is a blessing and you being able to be a wife is a blessing it's a blessing that God gives to that man but be continue to be a blessing to that man and what does prudent mean it means acting or showing care and thought for the future so a prudent wife is gonna care about the future they're gonna care about the future even even short term future like I was talking about like the my magic sock drawer all my clothes are done for me every week my lunches are done I don't have to worry about anything like that so she's a prudent wife because she's showing care and thought for the future my future my immediate future and I appreciate that and man if your wives are doing those types of things you should appreciate them too so so last point here is you know you become you you start as a virtuous woman you become a virtuous wife and then a virtuous mother let's look at proverbs 31 verse 1 you know number one in this chapter like I said that these are the words of king lemuel look at verse 1 the prophecy that his mother taught him so a good mom is gonna teach their children right things right so she's gonna give her children good advice he's talking about hey this is what my mom taught me this is the preaching my mom gave to me what my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings hey don't do the things that would destroy a king and don't give your strength unto women this is a woman telling a man not to give his strength unto women what does that mean well you know men are the heads of the household again and that's what she's saying don't let your wife run you don't give all that strength to her and let her run the house and like look everybody's seen that house where the wife runs the house it's just it's sad it's sad to see it's sad to watch and it's like you know she says jump you say how high you know I mean that's just or embarrasses you in front of people things like that so anyway I kind of touched on that earlier but this is what his mom told him though don't give your strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings it is not for kings it is not for kings to drink wine hey teach your children to stay away from things that are going to harm them teach your children to stay away from strong drink it's not for princes strong drink hey don't say it's okay for your kids to drink when they're 21 it's not okay even when they're 21 the law might say it but hey parents teach your children that drugs and alcohol are wicked women mothers teach your children the differences between right and wrong and you know what if they need a spanking you need to spank them so they're going to obey you also because the bible says that they're supposed to obey you there's you know children obey your parents and the lord for this is what? right and if they're not going to respect you then you're not doing it right if they don't respect you you're not doing it right you need to give them something and make it count so mothers should be hard workers I kind of got ahead of myself there mothers should be hard workers and provide meat for their household look what it says in Proverbs 31 verse number 15 she riseth also while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maiden so a good Proverbs 31 woman is going to be making sure that she's cooking she's making food she's feeding the children and you know obviously men can cook you know men can be great cooks and I can't remember the last time I actually cooked something but I can cook I taught my wife how to cook so it's possible it's within my being but you know it's just I'm not saying men should never cook or help but like hey you should be feeding your children feeding your husband you know you should be providing meals for your husband if you're staying at home you should cook for your husband period you should make things for your children now obviously there's days when you know you have to erupt there whatever can you pick something up whatever that happens but normally your wife should be cooking for you and you should be cooking for your children provide for your children so again here's the hard working mom right here and you know she has kids but women with kids can still work hard don't try to use your kids as a way that you're crippled and can't ever help out you know that's ridiculous and big family do you think they didn't have big families in the Bible? of course they had big families in the Bible so if you have a big family you have to find a way to make it work you have to find a way to make your work work if you're just waiting for all the kids to take a nap at the same time you're never going to get anything done your husband's going to come home and the house is going to be trashed and you're still in your pajamas Facebook's up on the computer I mean look that's not how it should be work hard find a way to make it work says she girdeth her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms so again I'm talking about the bulking up ladies but it's just from doing regular work it's not like you're taking testosterone and you know pumping iron or something says she perceiveth that her merchandise is good her candle goeth not out by night see that's what I was talking about earlier that women are going to are going to work longer than men are they're going to work longer you know we got to get up before work the next day or whatever and you got to get up and work the next day too but it's just something about having kids and women are just able to stay up all night for some crazy reason and are able to to do this and it's just like I don't understand it when I was younger I couldn't even wake up be like did you hear the kids last night? No I I would hear them now but I didn't hear them then so anyway it says she layeth her hands on the spindle and her hands hold the distaff so again it's referring to providing clothing and things like that verse 21 she's not afraid of the snow for her household for all her household are clothed with scarlet she maketh herself coverings of tapestry her clothing is silk and purple so you know that Proverbs virtuous woman is going to be working hard for not just her husband but when she's a mother she's going to be working hard for the whole family she looketh well to the ways of her household verse 27 and eateth not the bread of idleness don't be idle ladies be hard working her children will rise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praiseth her you want to be praised by your children you want to be praised by your husband be a virtuous woman be a virtuous wife be a virtuous mother and let's see I'm going to finish up here Proverbs 29 verse 15 says the rod and reproof give wisdom but a child left to himself bringeth the mother to shame hey don't let your children be come up and make you ashamed you know we like I said you have to you have to spank your kids too you can't just wait for daddy at home and deal with it every time your children should fear you also if they don't fear you they're going to walk all over you especially boys and they know how to manipulate don't tell dad don't tell dad what happened and my wife would always tell and they'd always get whooped but like if you're if you're just like well wait till your dad gets home you're you're just you're teaching them that you could you're a doormat and they're the ones that are going to come in and beat the crap out of them and then it's it's off balance it's off balance so I'm not saying you're gonna be able to give give as good of a licking as a as a dad would but it shouldn't really get to that point if you're just like doing damage control all day and it's like a war zone at your house the kids are just running all over the top of you they're like you know give us food do this you know they're just like making a giant mess and you're at your wit's end you know you know how you stop that beat their butts beat their butts thou shalt beat that's what the bible says thou shalt beat them with the rod and I'm not talking about abuse I'm talking about spanking okay so the bible that's what the bible teaches so we all look if you're a help me you gotta help your husband your husband can't be the only disciplinarian in the house and so that's that's something that you have to do as a mother obviously you give love and mothers are good at that they're really good at it husbands not so much but we still love our children we still you know but just women are just really more emotional like that and that's good we need both your children need both they need dad and they need mom equally but be the role of a woman that you're supposed to be and if he's being the role that he's supposed to be then your children are going to be raised and they'll be better for it so what is your ultimate goal in life to be praised in society by your friends by your extended family by people you don't even know is that what you want women ladies the devil is at work in this world today and he would have you on a different path he'd have you on a path that is for their own ends you know the world is run by the devil today he's called the god of this world for a reason he deceiveth the whole world don't let him deceive you with his wiles don't let him make you think well why is why is only this church or why are only certain churches teaching these things because we live in a time where you know the word of god is not being uplifted like it should be it's not even being preached like it should be and pastors are afraid to get up and teach anything like this they're scared they won't even bring up the pants issue they won't bring up submission they won't bring up obedience they won't bring up these things because it's not popular in season out of season that's what we're supposed to preach and it just and that's why it's so hard for women to hear sermons like this and look I'm not trying to rip you all to shreds I'm trying to help you I want you to be a better mother I want you to be a better woman I want you to be a better wife and so the Bible is supposed to change your thoughts and your mind about things that you're not doing right and so if the Bible says one thing you're supposed to do what the Bible says and not your own will and not what Dr. Ruth or whatever Dr. Phil you know you want to send him to baby boot camp or whatever Dr. Phil instead of taking care of your own children so the world is patterned after the devil but what should we be patterned after we should be patterned after God's word you know Moses was supposed to do things as the pattern was showed to him in heaven and so we have a pattern here that God has cut out for us he's put it into a book for us to read and it's his word and we should go by what his plan is because the plan of the devil is the destruction of the home and the family the plan is feminism the plan is murdering your own children so that you can get ahead in life and Jeremiah 1 5 says before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou came as forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations so God is the one that forms people in the belly God is the one that sanctifies the womb and he ordains things he ordained Jeremiah to be a prophet before he even formed them in the belly so what does that tell you that they are when a child is conceived they are a human being and women should never kill their children for any reason it is wicked as hell I know that the world teaches you well if it's rape or incest or whatever those cases are very few and far in between and even so you know it's still not right to kill that that kid didn't do anything wrong so obviously there's a lot of things going on with the road versus the weed and I'm definitely not having time to get into that tonight but or this morning but the plan is for destruction of families you know and when you have less children you know be a be a mom that wants to have a lot of children we don't have to have a two child policy or one and a half child policy we can have you know as many kids as we need to have and God's still going to provide for your family don't worry about that stuff you know God said to be fruitful and multiply didn't he so if God said to be fruitful and multiply it doesn't say to kill your children if you have too many or if you want to get an academy award or whatever that lying whore said but you know God would have us on a different plan you know the devil's plan is fornication the devil's plan is having bastard children with no father to raise them the devil's plan is to have a two headed household that's a freak the devil's plan is to have you stick your kids in a babysitter or a preschool or a public school or a private school or a Christian school and you know an after school program so that they can pump all the information into your children and so you can stay away from you know you have children and then you have somebody else raise them that's the utmost stupidity it's a plan of the devil he wants to rule the world and he wants to do that by destroying every family on the planet and you know what he can't stop you from being saved but you know what he can do he can try to stop your children from being saved and he can stop your family from moving forward and serving the Lord or he can break that one family that was actually in your family that was actually saved leave yourself a posterity have children after you and that your grandchildren have an inheritance also and that inheritance is a spiritual inheritance you know do you want your grandchildren to be saved do you want your great-grandchildren to be saved well hey let's do things the way God told us to do them be a virtuous woman that's what God wants from you be a virtuous wife that's what God wants from you be a virtuous mother that's what God wants you to do you know and all these things you know are you still going to have problems absolutely because we're fallen people and okay the pizza's coming so I gotta be done but I just thought well I'll preach till the pizza comes anyway so God has us on a different plan though doesn't he but the world is just beating against you it's beating against women you know you want to talk about battered women's syndrome the world and the devil is what's doing that so be the gem be the ruby be far above that ruby be the gem that God wants you to be let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for the wives and the mothers that we have in this room today and the virtuous women Lord I pray that if there's people in here that aren't that they would strive to be that anyway Lord and pray that you would just help us to not pattern our lives after the world we thank you Lord for each and every mother and we just pray that you bless them today and that you bless the food that we're about to receive in Jesus' name we pray Amen turn to page 73 in your green hymnal page number 73 some golden daybreak page 73 page number 73 see you out on the first heaven will open Jesus will come some golden daybreak Jesus will come some golden daybreak battles all won He'll shout the victory break through the plume some golden daybreak for me for you sad hearts will gladden all shall be bright goodbye forever to earth's dark night changed in a moment like him to be oh, glorious daybreak Jesus all see some golden daybreak Jesus will come some golden daybreak battles all won He'll shout the victory break through the plume some golden daybreak for me for you oh, what a meeting there in the skies no tears nor crying shall dim our eyes loved ones united eternally oh, what a daybreak that mourn will be some golden daybreak Jesus will come some golden daybreak battles all won He'll shout the victory break through the plume some golden daybreak for me for you Good singing brother Stephen, will you dismiss us?