(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You Hello welcome to Bible believers Baptist Church, thank you for coming back this evening For our afternoon service let's take our seats and open up our hymnals page 198 we're gonna sing there is power in the blood Page 198 there is power in the blood Page 198 On the first Would you be free from the burden of sin There's power in the blood Power in the blood Would you are evil a victory Win there's wonderful power in the blood There is power power Wonder working power in the blood Of the Lamb There is power power Wonder working power in the precious blood Of the Lamb Would you be free from your passion From your passion in pride There's power in the blood Power in the blood Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide There's wonderful power in the blood There is power power Wonder working power in the blood Of the Lamb There is power power Wonder working power in the precious blood Of the Lamb Would you be wider much wider than snow There's power in the blood Power in the blood Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow There's wonderful power in the blood There is power power Wonder working power in the blood Of the Lamb There is power power Wonder working power in the precious blood Of the Lamb On the last Would you do service for Jesus your King There's power in the blood Power in the blood Would you live daily his praises to sing There's wonderful power in the blood There is power power Wonder working power in the blood Of the Lamb There is power power Wonder working power in the precious blood Of the Lamb Amen. Great singing. Brother Daniel, can you open us with a word of prayer? Amen. Amen. Page 195 will be our second song. Look and Live, page 195. Look and Live, page 195, on the first. I've a message from the Lord, hallelujah The message unto you I'll give Tis recorded in his word, hallelujah It is only that you look and live Look and Live, my brother, live Look to Jesus now and live Tis recorded in his word, hallelujah It is only that you look and live I've a message full of love, hallelujah A message, oh my friend, for you Tis a message from above, hallelujah Jesus said it and I know tis true Look and Live, my brother, live Look to Jesus now and live Tis recorded in his word, hallelujah It is only that you look and live Life is offered unto you, hallelujah Eternal life thy soul shall have If you'll only look to him, hallelujah Look to Jesus who alone can save Look and Live, my brother, live Look to Jesus now and live Tis recorded in his word, hallelujah It is only that you look and live On the last, I will tell you how I came, hallelujah To Jesus when he made me whole Twas believing on his name, hallelujah I trusted and he saved my soul Look and Live, my brother, live Look to Jesus now and live Tis recorded in his word, hallelujah It is only that you look and live Good evening, welcome back to Bible Believers Baptist Church for the evening service And I know it's probably already been a long day Hopefully it's been a long good day, we had great service this morning And I think we had 47 in church, I'm not sure how many we have so far I think we have people still yet to come and I know that brother Robert was in an accident So if you guys could keep him in prayer and him and Bella were in an accident I think it was on the way back, so I think they're okay I think they might be back now, but if you could just keep them in prayer I know his car was a total loss I know they got a ride home and everything is okay as far as that goes I'm not sure how everything else is going Did any of you guys get anybody? Alright cool, so we'll get those numbers here in just a second Does anybody need a bulletin right now? Anybody not get one this morning? Alright the verses of the week are trust in the Lord with all thine heart And lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways Acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths Of course that's proverbs 3, 5 and 6, awesome scriptures there And let's see we had 56 In service on Friday night, 47 like I said this morning The June tithes and offerings are in that middle bubble there about halfway down The page and our salvation Year to date are not accurate now We had 15 saved on Saturday, yesterday As we went out for about two hours, we had several soul winners We went out for about two hours, we had four people go out for a little bit longer Mostly just two hours, it's been kind of a heat wave around here We have just the evening service to go tonight We had Panda Express in between services so hopefully some of you got to go out there And sweat that out and the wonderful cake and ice cream So I hope you enjoyed the treats, kids, did you get all that Energy worked off? Some of them are still Looks like they're a little energized, some of them Anyway, so the preaching schedule is there We have all of our service times, 10.30am Sunday morning 3.30pm Sunday evening Let's get those soul winning numbers, anybody saved today? You had two, you had one, anybody else? Okay, so So two, you had one, and then who else? Ryan? Okay, so one, two, that's five? Okay, I don't know about Robert or anybody else Is there other people, did Josh go? Did he get somebody? Okay, so we had Five counted so far, if there's any else then we'll just make sure We get that counted for today and I think that's all we really have for announcements, of course again It's my anniversary, so thanks to everybody that wished us a happy anniversary We appreciate that, some of you just must have had it marked in your calendars or new somehow I don't know how you knew, but you did Anyway, that's all I have for announcements, let's go ahead and sing Another song and then we'll receive the offer and I'll come up and grab Hannah She's getting into all of her stuff over there Alright Let's go ahead and turn to page 124 For our third song, page 124 Lead me to Calvary Page 124 Lead me to Calvary On the first, king of my life I crown thee now Thine shall the glory be Lest I forget thy thorn-crowned brow Lead me to Calvary Lest I forget Gethsemane Lest I forget thy Negony Lest thy love for me Lead me to Calvary Show me the tomb where thou was slain Tenderly mourned and wept Angels and robes of light arrayed Guarded thee whilst thou slept Lest I forget Gethsemane Lest I forget thy Negony Lest I forget thy love for me Lead me to Calvary Let me, like Mary, through the gloom Come with a gift to thee Show to me now the empty tomb Lead me to Calvary Lest I forget Gethsemane Lest I forget thy Negony Lest I forget thy love for me Lead me to Calvary May I be willing, Lord, to bear daily my cross for thee Even thy cup of greed to share, thou hast borne all for me Lest I forget Gethsemane Lest I forget thy Negony Lead me to Calvary Amen. Great singing, everyone. Thank you for singing with us. At this time, we're going to receive our offering. Brother Paul, could you please bless your offering for us? Let us pray. Thank you, Lord, for today, Lord. Thank you for using us, Father. Thank you for the souls that have been saved today, Lord. Just be at the preaching. Bless the offering, Lord. And thank you for everything you do for us, Lord, for your love, grace, and mercy. In Jesus' precious mighty name, I pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Good afternoon. Go ahead and turn your Bibles to Genesis 49. Genesis 49. And here at Bible Believers Baptist Church, we read the entire chapter before the preaching. Genesis 49, the Bible reads, Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel, because thou winnest up to thy father's bed, then defileth thou it. He went up to my couch. Simeon and Levi are brethren, instruments of cruelty are in their habitations. O my soul, come not thou into their secret, unto their assembly, mine honor. Be not thou united, for in their anger they slew a man, and in their self-will they dig down a wall. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce, and their wrath, for it was cruel. I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. Judah, thou art he whom thy brother shall praise. Thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies. Thy father's children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion's whelp from the prey. My son, thou art gone up. He stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion, who shall rouse him up. The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come, and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Binding his fowl unto the vine, and his asses cult unto the choice vine, he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes. His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk. Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea, and he shall be for in haven of ships, and his border shall be unto Zidon. Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens, and he saw that the that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant, and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute. Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord. Gad, a troop, shall overcome him, but he shall overcome at last. Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties. Naphtali is a hind let loose. He giveth goodly words. Joseph is a fruitful bow, even a fruitful bow by a well whose branches run over the wall. The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him, but his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob. From thence is the shepherd the stone of Israel. Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee, and by the almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breast and of the womb, the blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills. They shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren. Benjamin shall raven as a wolf. In the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil. All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this it is that their father spake unto them, and blessed them. Everyone according to his blessing he blessed them, and he charged them and said unto them, I am to be gathered unto my people, bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite, in the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is before Mamre in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite for a possession of a burying place. There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife, there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and there I buried Leah. The purchase of the field and of the cave that is therein was from the children of Heth, and when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people. Brother Jason could you go ahead and pray for the preaching please? Amen, alright this evening I'm preaching a sermon called The Prophecy of Gad and if you go to my church you might have already heard some of the truths that I'm about to preach in this sermon, but this is the first time I've ever preached a full length sermon about it, so I kind of covered it a little bit. I'm going through the book of 1 Chronicles which is nine chapters to start off with genealogies. I don't know if anybody's been listening to that series, but I briefly mentioned this last Thursday night, but I just sat down and I just couldn't help myself but to write a whole sermon about it and last night about, I don't know, nine o'clock I just got done with my first sermon I was writing and I was just like this one's already done, so I'm just going to finish this one up and preach it, so I hope it's a blessing. So you have here in Genesis chapter 49 here, you have in verse 19 the Bible says, Gad a troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at the last. Now this is a prophecy given by Jacob, of course this is Jacob prophesying unto all of his sons and notice what it says at the very beginning of the chapter, I'll just turn over there really quickly, and it says, let's see, it says in verse one it says, And Jacob called unto his sons and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which may be follow you in the last days. So in the last days is, you know, technically really begins when Jesus Christ begins to come upon the earth, right? The last days start then and we are still in the last days, now of course we're not in the last last days yet, but we're getting there, so but, you know, these are things that are going to happen with them also, you know, throughout their lifetimes but, you know, these tribes aren't really in existence anymore, we don't know where I mean, they exist, but we just don't know who they are, they don't know who they are, there's no genealogies that tell us who they are, and it's, and I just want to focus specifically on the prophecy of Gad today, and it just, he just has one little line here from his dad, that he, a troop shall overcome him, but he shall overcome at the last. Let's have a word of prayer, Heavenly Father, Lord, we just pray that you would watch over brother Robert and Miss Bella, and Lord, I just got the news that they are at the hospital, and that Bella's having some issues with her leg going numb, and Lord I just pray that you would just be with them right now, Lord that you would take care of her, and Lord that you would be able to intervene with any health issues that are happening right now, I pray that you would just be with them and bless them, and heal anything that's wrong, and I pray that you would just help Robert make great decisions, and I pray that you would be with Bella and comfort them, we thank you for the brothers and sisters that are helping, Lord we pray for them, and we know that you're the great physician and that you can heal all things, we ask you to do those things tonight, Lord, Lord I pray that you fill me with your spirit as I preach, Lord and I pray Lord that you would help the people to understand the things that the Bible has to say to us in the spirit tonight, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Gad, a troop shall overcome him. Why does Jacob say this? It's a very interesting statement in the Bible, and I always try to tease people to, especially if they already have a lot of children, that when they're about to have a new child that they name them Gad, because it means something specific. Let's turn to Genesis chapter 30 verse number 9, Genesis chapter 30 verse number 9, now of course you know Jacob had two wives, he had Leah and he had Rachel, and he got tricked into taking Leah as the wife and that's not the wife he wanted, but you know, kind of you reap what you sow, and Jacob tricked his dad out of blessing him instead of his brother, and he also tricked his brother out of the birthright, and he basically just waited until he was so weak he was about to die, and he was like, bowl of soup for your birthright, and he was just like you know, I'm going to die, what good is the birthright to me? So Jacob kind of was a little bit of a sheisty guy, you know, and so he basically ended up with Leah, and then he ended up with Rachel, he had to work seven years for each of them, and then they were given, he was given their handmaids to wife, so they were concubines, they were wives but not wives on the same level as the wives that were you know, they were basically, they didn't have a choice in the matter, they were servants unto Leah and Rachel, so Leah is kind of in a competition with her sister to try to have the most kids, and this is kind of I guess the drama that takes place in Old Testament Israel, so who can have the most kids? Who's going to be the most blessed, you know? I guess there's worse games that you could play, but I mean it does get pretty nasty between them all I mean they're fighting over mandrakes to see who's going to lie with Jacob that night and stuff like that, so verse 9, the Bible says when Leah saw that she had left bearing, so she's done having children, she took Zilpah her maid and gave her Jacob to wife does it say to wife? Yes, it says to wife, so she is a concubine but she's also a wife, it says in Zilpah Leah's maid bared Jacob a son and Leah said a troop cometh and she called his name Gad, so Leah gets to name the child because Zilpah was given by her but still yet her servant so she doesn't really get to control necessarily the situation here so she calls him Gad because a troop cometh, now the Bible helps us to interpret things sometimes it'll say a name of someone then it'll say why that person's called that and that's usually what their name is so it says a troop cometh and she called his name Gad, so what does Gad's name mean? A troop, so that's why I tease people and say call the next one Gad because a troop is coming so Gad means a troop or a troop so the neat thing about Jacob's prophecy is that they're dark and cryptic and hard to figure out what exactly they mean but they're pretty cool at the same time I think that's the cool thing about Jacob's prophecies here in Genesis 49 and you have some major players in the prophecies the sons that go on to do great things, of course Judah is the line of Christ and then you have the Levites from Levi and Benjamin, there's lots of tribes that are more well known and Gad isn't really one of the more well known tribes but I believe that the prophecy of Gad had been pretty much fulfilled beside the resurrection and him coming into his lot, of course we know that the children of Israel that were saved are going to come into their lot just like Daniel's going to come into his lot in the 1300 and whatever day just like God told Daniel that in the book of Daniel, what is it, 1336 days or something like that I don't know the exact date, I forgot what it was, is that right? Does anybody know? Can I get a witness of that? Anybody? Are you guys awake? Are you dying here? You need a drink of water? So anyhow, I won't depend on you for that so I should know I'm the pastor, right? So anyway so I believe that it's been pretty much fulfilled, this prophecy, but there is that time to come when they're going to get resurrected, they're going to come into their lot and the fulfillments of these prophecies are going to be done so Gad's not the most well known son who knows anything about anybody in the tribe of Gad really? Is there one person you can name, any man in here is there any person in the Bible you can name that is one of the sons of Gad that you know is a well known guy in the Bible? Anybody? Yeah, see what I mean? But who knows, who can name somebody from Judah that's a famous guy in the Bible? Anybody besides Jesus? Anybody? Caleb? Anybody else? Alright you guys are melted, you guys were out in the sun for too long. But anyway you guys need some fat and some meat, right? But Gad, I'm just trying to be interactive so you guys will wake up a little bit but he had his small moments in the Bible where his tribe is mentioned. Let's look at Deuteronomy 33 verse 20. Moses is given some blessings and he mentions Gad in his blessings towards the tribe in Deuteronomy 33 go ahead and turn to Deuteronomy 33 20 it says Deuteronomy 33 20 And of Gad he said, Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad he dwelleth as a lion and teareth the arm with the crown of the head. That's a pretty dubious prophecy there. He dwelleth as a lion and teareth the arm with the crown of his head. So the crown of your head is what like right here or something? So he teareth the arm. I mean at face value you don't really know necessarily what that means do you? Now turn to Judges chapter 11 but we'll come back to that, okay? I'll connect that later on. Judges chapter 11 verse 1. Like why are you preaching about this? Well sometimes I just think that there's some cool things about Bible characters and you know we can just dig in and find some interesting things about the tribe. I'm specifically focusing on the prophecy of Gad but I want to give some history about him and maybe some cool aspects about the tribe. Look at Judges 11 1 it says, And Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valor and he was the son of an harlot and Gilead begat Jephthah. So Gilead is the father of Jephthah. Who's heard of the place called Gilead of the Bible? Well the place called Gilead is named after a man named Gilead and he begat Jephthah. Now Jephthah is very famous for being a very powerful judge but he's also the son of a harlot so he's a bastard isn't he? He's a bastard but he's also a mighty man of valor so he's a tough you know valiant fighter but he's also a bastard and he also says a really dumb thing and he makes a vow and his daughter ends up paying the price because he says he'll sacrifice the first thing he sees if God will give him the victory and he ends up having to sacrifice his own daughter which is of course a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ but I mean not exactly something that God asks people to do right? So look at verse 2 it says, And Gilead's wife bare him sons, and his wife's sons grew up, and they thrust out Jephthah and said unto him, Thou shalt not inherit our father's house, for thou art the son of a strange woman. So now who what tribe would he be from if he was the son of Gilead? Well let's take a look at 1 Chronicles chapter 5 take a look at 1 Chronicles chapter 5 verse 14 because the thing about Gilead is that it's inherited not only by the Gadites but it's also inherited by the tribe of Manasseh so you could be from the town of Gilead and be from the tribe of Manasseh so I don't want to get too complicated on you tonight here but remember the name Gilead there's a man named Gilead the town is named after him but people inherited the land from Gad and from Manasseh so you could be from the town of Gilead and be from the tribe of Manasseh or from the tribe of Gad. So look at what it says though in verse 14, These are the children of Abbahel the son of Hurri the son of Jeruah should have spelled these out before Jeruah the son of Gilead the son of Michael the son of Jesheshiah the son of Jadoh the son of Buz. Ahi the son of Abdiel the son of Guni the chief of the house of their fathers and they dwelt in Gilead in Bashan and in her towns and in all the suburbs of Sharon upon their borders. So Jephthah was a Gadite not from Manasseh because he's a son of Gilead and Gilead is of the tribe of the Gadites. It says in the days of Saul they made war with the Hagar verse 10 I'm sorry go back up to verse 10 I'm sorry in the same chapter though. It says in the days of Saul they made war with the Hagarites who fell by their hand and they dwelt in the tents throughout all the east land of Gilead and the children of Gad dwelt over against them in the land of Bashan and Salcha. Now skip to verse 8 go back to verse 18 in the same chapter it says the sons of Reuben and the Gadites in the half tribe of Manasseh of valiant men men able to bear buckler and sword to shoot with bow and skillful in war were four and forty thousand seven hundred and three score that went out to war. So this is fast forwarding you to a time when these Gadites these valiant men were skillful in war and able to bear buckler and sword these are mighty men of valor and they made war with the Hagarites and Jeter and Nefesh and Zodab and they were helped against them and the Hagarites were delivered into their hand and all that were with them for they cried to God in the battle and he was entreated of them because they put their trust in him. So the Gadites and you know a lot of times they're mentioned with these other tribes because they were close in proximity to them but they had times when they had valiant men valiant warriors men that loved God they put their trust, see right there it says they put their trust in him. What does that mean? Well it means that they were saved doesn't it? I mean if you put your trust in God does that mean you're saved? Of course it does Look at verse 21 it says and they took their, took away their cattle and their camels fifty thousand and of sheep two hundred and fifty thousand of asses two thousand and of men one hundred thousand. For there fell down many slain because the war was of God and they dwelt in their steads until the captivity. So this is kind of you know just highlighting for us these men these Gadite men that were pretty bossed they were pretty yoked they were pretty valiant men and God because they trusted in God he allowed them to take these men over and take away their places where they were at and let the Gadites dwell in their place instead of them. So now let's think remember the prophecy in Deuteronomy 33 20 was go ahead and turn to 1 Chronicles 12 8 the prophecy in Deuteronomy 33 20 was and of Gad he said blessed be he that enlargeth Gad he dwelleth as a lion and teareth the arm with the crown of his head look what the Bible says about them in 1 Chronicles 12 8 it says and of the Gadites there separated themselves unto David into the hold of the wilderness men of might men of war fit for the battle that could handle shield and buckler whose faces were like the faces of lions. So you see how that goes with Deuteronomy 33 verse 20 it says that he dwelleth as a lion and then here in 1 Chronicles 12 verse 8 it says whose faces were as the faces of lions. I don't know what that means exactly that their faces were the faces of lions maybe they had some pretty cool beards you know I don't know I'm not saying they had long hair but maybe they kind of looked lion like I don't know they had some pretty boss beards but their faces it says like were the faces of lions and they were swift as the rose upon the mountains. So these guys are you know great men of God but the cool thing about it is that God that the Gadites separated themselves unto David remember David before he became the king of all Israel he was hiding in different places because Saul was trying to kill him but it says that they came unto him in the hold in the wilderness and they came to bolster David and to have his back because remember David just kind of started building these armies he built his mighty men people came to him from all over the place and you know David's might grew and Saul waxed weaker and weaker and David grew in might because God you know he was going to bring David as the king eventually as Saul lost everything. So these guys were pretty you know lion like and their features apparently as swift as rose they were able to battle mighty men of value. Look at verse 9 it says Ezer the first Obadiah the second Eliab the third Mishmanah the fourth Jeremiah the fifth Attai the sixth Eliel the seventh Johanan the eighth Elzebad the ninth Jeremiah the tenth Bani the eleventh these were of the sons of Gad the captains of the host one of the least was over a hundred and the greatest over a thousand. These are they that went over Jordan the first month when it had over flown all his banks and they put to flight all them of the valleys both toward the east and toward the west. So these are like David's you know aside from David's mighty men these are like David's greatest warriors the Gadites I mean who knew that before you know we started studying this I mean maybe you'd read it in the Bible before I'm sure if you've read the Bible before you've probably read this but when you kind of start to highlight things it's pretty cool that you see they did have an influence in the kingdom of God they weren't just nobodies in the kingdom of God we just don't really know so Jephthah you probably didn't realize that Jephthah was one of the Gadites you know he's the son of Gilead who was a Gadite and so you know he was a great warrior also made some mistakes just like all men do a big mistake but he did he was a man of God who loved the Lord obviously look at verse 37 it says and on the other side of Jordan of the Reubenites and the Gadites of the half tribe of Manasseh with all manner of instruments of the war for the battle and 20,000 all these men of war that could keep rank came with a perfect heart to Hebron to make David king over all Israel and all the rest also of Israel were of one heart to make David king but notice how it's talking about the Gadites specifically they led the charge they were the first main tribe it seems that came and said hey we're going to put our best guys and David said hey you know what I'm going to make them captains of hundreds I'm going to make them captains of thousands and even starts mentioning the top ranked ones that he had leading his armies and it says that they were all men of war they could keep rank and came with a perfect heart to Hebron that's some great men that you could count on isn't it and you know just even being able to keep rank I mean there's a lot of battles that led them to loss because men can't keep rank what is keeping rank whether they can all be in the battle and know how to listen to the commands and carry out the commands of the commanders and the generals of the armies so now turn to 2 Samuel chapter 23 verse 36 another man of the tribe of Gad that was you know he had a great name in the Bible and in this chapter 2 Samuel chapter 23 it lists off for us David's mighty men 37 men that it mentions in this chapter here and one of them is of the tribe of Gad of the greatest fighting force that this world has ever seen the greatest military force that the world's ever seen and yeah they didn't have machine guns and things like that but some of these guys could kill seven hundred people by themselves at one time and you know they're ranked in these orders now he wasn't ranked in the top three or the top five but look at verse 36 it says Egal the son of Nathan of Zobah, Banai the Gadite so Banai the Gadite was one of David's mighty men so he probably came with this posse and was the top of all that military force of the Gadites and he became one of David's mighty men now look at 2 Kings chapter 10 verse 32 2 Kings chapter 10 verse 32 the Bible says in those days the Lord began to cut Israel short and Hazel smote them in all the coast of Israel so this is much further much deeper after David it says from Jordan eastward all the land of Gilead the Reubenites and the Manassehites from Arroyer which is by the river Arnon even Gilead and Bashan so as you go deeper into the book of Kings you have less good kings and more bad kings start to kind of pop up and the ten tribes in the north they don't really have any great leadership and they all pretty much go to the devil and then you have God just smoking them and beating them down and so you have this Syrian king here who was actually he was ordained as the king I think by Elisha and he began to cut he wasn't ordained by Elisha but I think he killed the king he smothered him to death I think Elisha looked at him and he was like am I like a dead dog that I would do these things remember do you know what I'm talking about and cause he said I know what you're going to do because the king was sick and the king was sick but the reason why he said the king was going to live but in reality the king was going to die because he kills the king he smothers him to death later on so the guy is pretty wicked but God takes and uses wicked people to carry out his will sometimes and that's what God does he uses the more wicked nation to destroy a wicked nation and then someone else to destroy that one but remember what the prophecy was what was the prophecy a troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at the end so Gad his name means troop his name means a troop so a troop is a great fighting force of men right and so we see through the Bible here in all these different instances where they are known for being men of war there's instances of great mighty men of God that Gad has put out as great men of God and so when Jacob uses this prophecy and says a troop shall overcome him he's being kind of you know he's using his name in a mocking type of way his name is a troop but really a troop is going to overcome him but he shall overcome in the end so now let's look at Joshua chapter 13 let's look at the bounds of the tribe of Gad where do these guys live because sometimes it's hard for us to know like where do the tribes of Israel live and I don't even know that I could actually probably point out every single spot where they live there's 12 tribes and if you're not really familiar with the geography of the land it might be hard for you to kind of pinpoint where everything is I don't know who kind of has a good knowledge of what it looks like in the holy land or the promised land anybody? You know you got the Sea of Galilee well you probably can't see this because I can barely see it but it kind of looks like this here and this would be the Sea of Galilee up here this is where Jesus lived right up here and down here you know the river Jordan comes down here and goes into the Dead Sea and then you have all these different tribes well Manasseh would be up here in this big giant chunk here Gad underneath him and then of course again you have the Sea of Galilee Galilee which is right here you have Asher and good night I can't read that Neftali next door Dan just has this little tiny circle here Zebulun's here that's where Jesus lived after being born in Bethlehem you have Manasseh right here then you have Ephraim they had a pretty good sized area then the other spot that Dan had and then you had Judah Simeon and Judah here you had Reuben here Benjamin was right next to Judah and let's see yeah so then Edomites, Moabites here I don't know you probably can't see that but Gad had a pretty good spot right here and remember they picked the spot that was on the east side of Jordan and they wanted to settle because they had a lot of cattle and with Manasseh and Reuben on the east side of Jordan remember Moses is the one that conquered Sihon king of or Og king of Sihon remember Og of Bashan that's the land that Manasseh, Gad and Reuben all took over look at Joshua 13 24 it says and Moses gave inheritance unto the tribe of Gad even unto the children of Gad according to their families and their coast was Jezer and I don't expect you know where all these places are all the cities of Gilead and the half the land of the children of Ammon unto Aror that is before Rabbah and from Heshbon and unto Ramoth Mizpah and Betanim and Mahanim unto the border of Deir and in the valley of Betharim and Bethanimra and Succoth and Zaphon and the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon so it mentions that area there Jordan and his border now look what it says there this is important even unto the edge of the Sea of Chinnereth on the other side of Jordan eastward that's important for the rest of this story now Chinnereth is the Sea of Galilee in the Old Testament it was called Chinnereth the Sea of Chinnereth but in the New Testament it's called the Sea of Galilee so again this is a very you probably can't see this from here but this is the Sea of Galilee and so Gad is right here and its border comes right to the tip of the bottom of the Sea of Galilee and then comes down on the edge of the Jordan River so it just has like a little tip of the sea shore right there it's actually what we would call a lake in the United States right so it just has that little tip and so that's when it says there even unto the edge of the Sea of Chinnereth on the other side of Jordan eastward so it's on the east side of Jordan River and so that's why I wanted to show you that map you can look at it after the service and see exactly what I'm talking about you can probably actually flip to the back of your Bible if you have a Bible that has maps in it you can probably look and see maybe the Old Testament view I don't know does anybody you guys have maps in your Bibles there are you looking at them right now so you might be able to look at a better view maybe of the 12 tribes and sometimes they get where the locations are wrong so but if you have one that butts up Gad at the very tip of the bottom of the Sea of Chinnereth or the Sea of Galilee that's correct because that's what it says right so then it says this is the inheritance of the children of Gad after their families the cities and their villages now look at back at 1 Chronicles chapter number 5 go back to 1 Chronicles chapter number 5 now I know this has been a lot of like homework style stuff and you're like what is the point of all this we'll get there 1 Chronicles chapter 5 verse 23 the Bible says and the children of the half tribe of Manasseh dwelt in the land and they increased from Bashan unto Baal-Herman and Senor and unto Mount Hermon and these were the heads of the house of their fathers even Ephir and Eshi and Eliel and Asriel and Jeremiah and Hodoviah and Jadiel mighty men of valor famous men and heads of the house of their fathers and they transgressed against the god of their fathers and went a whoring after the gods of the people of the land whom God destroyed before them this is what the children of Israel always end up doing and this is unfortunately a lot of times what modern day Christians do they might not be going after necessarily gods but they go after other things instead of going after God and the god of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria and the spirit of Tilgath-Pulisner king of Assyria and he carried them away even the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh and brought them unto Hela and Hebor and Hera and to the river Gozen unto this day so this is and this is basically kind of the end telling us what happens to all these tribes what happened to all these tribes right here were taken away by the kingdom of Assyria before the rest of the ten tribes got taken away by the Assyrians they were kind of the first three tribes to go and it's because what they went whoring after other gods and God put an end to them and He took them away as He saw fit right so what becomes of them well Gad means a troop God said a troop shall overcome them what ultimately happened to them well a troop overcame them didn't it and they were taken away they're overcome by the Assyrians and in the end you know they're done the end so where's the part where they overcome though where's the part in the end where they overcome surely there must be a fulfilling of the prophecy somewhere in the scriptures but where's it at where does overcome in the end what does overcome in the end even mean what does that mean well if you're talking about a physical thing then physically they're going to overcome in the end of course but you know when they go back you know the save people because remember it mentioned some of them trusted in the Lord some of them were great men of valor some of them came to David they fought with him but eventually they were overcome this tribe that the name originates as a troop cometh the prophecy of Jacob is that that tribe called the troop would be overcome by a troop right we see that happen here it's fulfilled in scripture right there now we know in the New Testament when Paul came did Paul know what tribe he was from he did he knew he was from the tribe of Benjamin and then it mentions some people in the New Testament you know and this was after the Babylonian captivity after the Assyrian captivity some people did still know what tribe they were from they did at that time didn't they there was people from Simeon there was you know obviously we knew that Jesus came from Judah and lots of different people you know there was still the Levites were still there they still had their ancestry intact and all that stuff right so we probably know that other people came back to those areas now a lot of those areas were taken over by the Gentiles and they were kind of Gentile lands but there was still Jews that lived there there was still people from the ten lost tribes that kind of filtered back into those areas but you know to what extent we don't really know but now we know that there you know there's probably more you know ethnic Palestinians there than there are actually Jews there but you know people would freak out over you saying that so and they do but so what does overcome mean well it means to succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty it means to defeat an opponent or prevail or of an emotion it means to overpower or overwhelm but in the Bible it does have a specific meaning we're going to come back to that but I just want you to think about that as we move through this story so the assimilation of the lost tribes into the Assyrian empire made them into a mixed people and remember the Assyrians took them out of the land and brought Assyrians back in they didn't know the manner of the god of the land and then he sent lions among them and all that stuff right so but the land they inherited and retained the name somewhat stayed the same so when you know we go into the New Testament the name of Gad still remains in the place where that tribe was originally had that land and at the time of Christ they are scattered but the name is somewhat still interwoven with the people that are still in that land so I'm sure some of the Adites like I said made their way home at some point from Assyria you know if not you know then why would their other tribes know who they were they did know who they were some of them knew but Jesus if you'll remember what did he say who was he supposed to go to while he was here who did he say he was going to was he going to the Gentiles yeah in Matthew chapter 10 go ahead and turn to Matthew chapter 15 I'll just read from you Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 verse 5 says these 12 Jesus sent forth which is interesting that it's 12 because there's 12 tribes of Israel right these 12 Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel so if there wasn't still lost sheep of the house of Israel then how then you know they knew that some of them were still around right and so who would the lost sheep of the house of Israel be the 12 tribes right there were still in existence at this time Matthew 15 24 says but he answered and said I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel this is who Jesus was trying to reach now did he reach Gentiles yes he did you know they would just insist on being saved which showed how great a faith they had right so you know it's like it's not like Jesus didn't want to save people of course he wanted to save people and he's like I haven't seen such great faith no not in Israel so now turn to Mark chapter 5 Mark chapter number 5 now this is the account of the maniac of Gadara or of the chains and there's three different tellings of this story in the New Testament you have the story where it actually talks about two demon possessed men it is the same story it's just the two other accounts don't mention the second person for whatever reason I don't know they just want to focus on the one person that's actually speaking I guess but it's kind of a freaky story and you know it's a very popular story a lot of people even in pop culture it's known who Legion is right and there's even like movies called Legion there's whole you know subcultures about this specific demonic presence here look at Mark 5 one it says and they came over to the side of the sea into the country of what does it say there the Gadarenes so notice the first three letters right there what is that word Gad right so there is some semblance of the name there now why do I think that they came into the same place where Gad once held that place where that tribe once was well because when you look at a map and you try to find where I just looked last night and you can I forget what the other name of it is it's like Knesserit but in the Old Testament or the New Testament in the other where it has the two I think where it has the two demoniacs in there it's called Geneserit right have you seen that so today it's still called Knesserit and it's in the exact spot on this map right here that is right at the very tip where Gad would have been so I don't know call that what you will but that's where the Bible says the Gadites lived and their border was right there so now it says and they came over to the other side of the sea because if you go back to the last chapter he says we got to go over to the other side of the sea so when they get there it says so they go into the country of the Gadarenes right and when he came out when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit this guy is possessed with devils who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains so this guy could not be bound with chains think about that for a second chains are pretty strong you're not going to get out of chains as a normal human being so it says he could not be bound no man could bind him so physically this man could not be bound not with chains so he couldn't be bound with men but he was bound wasn't he what was he bound by he was bound by devils wasn't he was it one devil no the Bible tells us it says because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains by men right and the chains had been plucked asunder by him it's like when Samson just like broke things and it's like it was just nothing just like this guy had supernatural strength because he had thousands of demons in him so it says they've been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him so mankind at this point could not tame this man right here and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying not weeping like we would think crying like you know what people do like in downtown areas when they're just like screeching in the middle of the street and walking down the street for no reason just wanted to wake you up you've heard it before haven't you I mean I've worked around it a lot and these screechers just come out of nowhere there's like you know exactly what I'm talking about and isn't it weird how they just always want to walk in traffic it's almost like you know because all the times when you see demons they're like throwing people in the water throwing them in the like he'll often cast himself in the fire they cast himself in the river it's almost like they're trying to get these people that they possess to get ran over by cars that's like the modern version of it right they always just walk out in the middle of traffic they don't even look they're just like and it's just like why are they doing that because that demon wants to kill them that's why and it's sad but it is freaky too at the same time right so but it says neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains in the tombs crying not weeping and cutting himself with stones now look this is demonic activity this is what demons when they possess people like if you see people doing this kind of stuff they're probably possessed right but when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worshipped him and cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the most high God I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not and he said unto him come out of the man thou unclean spirit and asked him what is thy name and he answered and said my name is legion for we are many so here's some word definition for you he said my name is legion for we are many so he's defining what he is it's not just one devil it's many multiple devils so now a legion in terms like a legion of soldiers is about three to six thousand roman soldiers at a time but this isn't necessarily just you know this is a modern term you know for the new testament to tell us that this is just a lot of devils not necessarily a roman legion but it could be meaning that but now let's just keep that in mind though and look at verse ten it says and he besought him much that he would not send him out of the country and there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding and all the devils besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them and forthwith Jesus gave them leave and the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea they were about two thousand so this is probably the actual number of devils that were actually in this man is two thousand that's what I'm guessing just because it gives us that little parenthesis there and tells us how many pigs there were so they're asking to go into the pigs they go into the pigs and they were choked in the sea so again pointing out the fact that Jesus cares a lot more about this one man than he does about two thousand pigs and Peter wasn't there to challenge him on this one so it says and they fed the swine fled and told it in the city and in the country and they went out to see what it was that was done and they come to Jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil and had the legion sitting and clothed in his right mind and they were afraid and they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed of the devil and also concerning the swine and they began to pray him to depart from their coast so they don't like Jesus they're upset because they're probably superstitious or I don't know they're afraid instead of just saying hey save us too they're like hey get out of here we don't want you around here you killed all of our pigs you know these are the people that are mad about they care more about the pigs than they do about people but it says and he was coming to the ship he that had them possessed by the devil prayed him that he might be with him so the guy that was possessed wants to go with Jesus he wants to serve with Jesus how be it Jesus suffered him not but sayeth unto him go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and hath had compassion on thee so Jesus doesn't allow him to come with them and normally he allows people to follow him and go with him but not this time he said you need to go and tell other people about what God's done for you and he departed and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him in all men did marvel you're like well why are you telling this story pastor well I want you I want who has smartphones right here men that have smartphones google this term legion synonym legion synonym and raise your hand when you get there when it's pulled up on your on your smartphone legion synonym when you get there just raise your hand alright Noah what's just start reading them what stop right there what'd you say say that louder the last one what say it louder troop troop troop okay so a synonym is this a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language for example shut is a synonym of clothes shut is a synonym of clothes a person or things so closely associated with a particular quality or idea that the mention of their name calls it to mind flamboyant calls to mind fag right so my point I'm making here I asked him to read the synonyms and he said brigade and some other ones and he said what troop so a synonym of legion is troop so they mean the same thing don't they so Jesus Christ comes he's like we need to cross right here and go to this spot they go to the spot called Gennesaret or it's also called Gadara or you know that so like it's exactly the place where the children of Gad used to live and he says I'm not called but to the lost sheep of the twelve tribes of Israel he goes specifically to that place that guy comes running he has what's called a legion he has a spiritual troop that has overcome him and taken over him spiritually and then Jesus Christ casts that devil out and sends them packing and this guy is clothed in his right mind and then he says hey go tell other people what the Lord's done for you and so I believe and this is just you know maybe just a wild theory of mine but I believe that this is a prophecy fulfilled that Jacob was talking about because where else do you see it in the Bible besides you know of course them you know overcoming in the latter days of course when they get their you know their plot of land and you know they get you know their resurrected bodies and all that but I'm talking about you know I mean you can't miss this once you see it you can't unsee it in the same exact place I mean they go they go in a boat to the place this guy comes he's got a literal legion in him which means troop I mean he's got a spiritual legion you know men can't take he was they were taken you know the Gadites were taken out by men and then this particular guy is taken on by devils and the only person that can free him is the Lord Jesus Christ so a troop shall overtake him but he shall overcome in the end I believe that that's what it's talking about because if that's true which I believe it is think about this we'll go to Revelation let's define what overcome means in the Bible that's what I want to do and then I'll have a couple things to apply and then we'll be done so the Bible says in our in our in our text today Gad a troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at the last and remember he said these are the things that are going to happen in the last days so Revelation 21 verse 6 says and he said unto me it is done I am alpha and omega the beginning and the end I will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely he that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son you're like well what does that mean does that mean you have to overcome all your sins you have to you know repent of all your sins what does that mean exactly well turn to John 1 John chapter 5 verse 4 the Bible explains what that means because John's the same writer of Revelation chapter 21 as 1 John chapter 5 verse 4 1 John chapter 5 verse 4 defines for us what overcoming the world means it says for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith so what helps what what is it that overcomes the world our faith who is he that overcometh the world but he to believe it that Jesus is the son of God so when this man meets Jesus and he's the these devils are cast out of him do you think this guy gets saved of course he does he's like go tell people what great things and then everybody marvels at the story and so in the end you know Jesus did find some Gadites to get saved and those Gadites do overcome don't they and he tells other people about them he goes home and tells his friends he tells his family and these people you know and you know we don't know where the Gadites are anymore but you know some of them got saved Jacob's you know Jacob's prophecy prophecy comes true just like the Bible says I mean otherwise you know you tell me where where where else it comes true at tell me where else it comes true because there's still things about about Jesus's prophecy that from Jacob that have not happened yet but they they're going to happen you know he's going to have a vesture dipped in blood you know he's going to have the flame you know the eyes as a flame of fire we've seen that in Revelation you know we see we're going to see Jesus come back not as you know peaceful Jesus but a man of war he's going to come back and he's going to destroy the wicked and he's going to set up his thousand year reign on this earth and we're going to rule and reign with him for a thousand years but what's really cool about that story is that you know you just wouldn't think sometimes you just have to dive deep into the Bible and like I don't I think God just kind of just gave this to me one time when I was this isn't the first time I've taught about this but it is it's just such a cool truth in the Bible it's a cool story and I'm not saying that the maniac of Gadara is the only fulfillment of Jacob's prophecy I think that there is other men of Gad that are you know saved they overcame I get that but in the end times like I'm talking about the New Testament where do you see that happening that's the only story that I can think of in the New Testament where that happens so the spiritual picture of a man that's trapped in literal with literal devils a troop of devils no man binding him only the son of God can save him and free him and that's the truth about anybody only the son of God can set us free from the spiritual darkness that we're in and just a little application for us to dig deep into scriptures love the Bible you don't have to be some theologian or a pastor to draw out these types of truth you just have to study and read the word of God and he'll show you great truths you know it's the more you read the more you're going to see the more layers you're going to uncover and there's more than one interpretation of scripture in a lot of cases and multiple layers of truth so you can draw a lot of things out of one scripture the Bible is truly a living document it's the only living document that we have it's not the Constitution it's not the bill of rights it's not you know any other document besides the Bible the Bible is the one that's actually alive it's self-evident every time you pick it up with the intent that you're going to find something in God's eternal word I'll just I'll just leave you with this one last scripture in Psalm chapter 119 verse 18 it says open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law if you have that mentality every time you go to the Bible instead of just treating it like it's a chore that you have to check off every time if you just look at the Bible and before you start to read just say Lord open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law God's going to show you great and mighty things but you know God knows whether you love his law he knows whether you're ready to step into another lot you know into another layer of the Bible that you don't know yet he wants you to learn the stuff you need to know now and then the cool stuff you find later you know so he's going to let you see things as he deems fit not as you know we're digging for it sometimes you just see stuff and you're just like wow that's really cool but that's just how deep the Bible can be and it's a great book and we should just love it we're Bible believers Baptist church here amen we should believe the Bible we should love it and let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this great church I pray that you'd help this church as we go forward in another year and lord that you would help us to love the Bible to love prayer to love souls to love coming to church and lord that you just help this church to grow help it to grow spiritually and not just monetarily not voluntarily or numerically but spiritually more importantly we'd have great people that would come and make this church a great church and lord we thank you for all the faithful people here today and going out in the hot weather pray that you just once again bless brother robert miss bella and protect them and guide them as they go home everybody as we go home tonight and jesus then we pray amen amen great great sermon pastor thank you for that page 470 will be our last song this evening before we head all head home page 470 jesus is all the world to me page 470 jesus is all the world to me on the first jesus is all the world to me my life my joy my all he is my strength from day to day without him i would fall when i am sad to him i'll go no other one can cheer me so when i am sad he makes me glad he's my friend jesus is all the world to me my friend in trials or i go to him for blessings and he gives them more and more he sends the sunshine and the rain he sends the harvest golden grain sunshine and rain harvest of grain he's my friend jesus is all the world to me and true to him i'll be oh how could i this friendly night when he's so true to me following him i know i'm right he watches or me day and night following him by day and night he's my friend on the last jesus is all the world to me i want no better friend i trust him now i'll trust him when life's fleeting day shall end beautiful life with such a friend beautiful life that has no end eternal life eternal joy he's my friend amen thank you for visiting this weekend and coming to hear our pastor preach for us thank you pastor for everything setting up the soul winning times and keeping us lodged and getting all the food and thank you for the sermons as well we really appreciate everything that you do for us um i guess let's end with the word of prayer dear heavenly father thank you for bible believers baptist church and i pray lord that you would um just send us forth into your harvest back home and edified from this weekend and that you would just bless us as we go our ways and keep us safe as we travel back to our homes and that you would just uh keep your hand over this church and the people here in yakima and continue to bless the ministry here all the men and women who are serving in jesus name i pray amen