(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, we're in Proverbs chapter 22 and the title of the sermon this morning is The Pressure to Compromise. The Pressure to Compromise. Let's look at verse 28 there in Proverbs 22. It says, remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set. Let's have a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for all these people who would show up to go soul-wanting and Lord to come all the way around the world Lord and all the way across this country to hear hard preaching and to go soul-wanting Lord. We're just so thankful for everybody here. Pray that you'd help me, fill me with your spirit as I begin to preach. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Alright, so what is a landmark? Well, I was looking outside and I found myself a rock. Okay, so landmarks are usually a place where you survey what the property line is for your property, right? And in Israel they would use big stones and big rocks and I'm sure all around the world they've done that for a long time. So, but what this scripture is actually the primary application for this scripture is talking about literally don't move your property line, right? Don't have, you're not supposed to, you know, infringe upon other people's property, right? And it's funny because people still do that to this day. Like now we have more advanced, you know, schematics where you can go down to City Hall and get a schematic of somebody's property line and that, and they'll tell you exactly where your border is, right? So, but before, you know, before there was computers and, you know, things like that you didn't have, all you'd have is things to set as a boundary for your property line. So, and so a landmark, the definition of it is an object such as a stone or a tree that marks the boundary of land. And so, again, the primary application is don't infringe on other people's property. You know, God doesn't want people trying to rip other people off and, you know, obviously it could cause a great damage to someone. Like, you know, you think of Ahab when he stole the land, the the land from Naboth, right? And so, and so he wanted something that wasn't his and so, you know, basically infringing on other people's properties is a wicked sin, right? Turn to Deuteronomy chapter 19, verse 14. Deuteronomy 19, verse 14. The Bible says, Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor's landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess it. So, God, that's, I mean, that's that's the the primary application, again, is that it's talking about removing your neighbor's landmark, infringing on other people's property. Turn to Proverbs 23, 10. Deuteronomy 27, 17 says, Cursed be he that removeth his neighbor's landmark, and all the people shall say Amen. So, it's a curse to do that. God hates it when you're infringing on people's property. Here in Proverbs 23, verse 10, it says, Remove not the old landmark, and enter not into the fields of the fatherless, for their Redeemer is mighty. He shall plead their cause with thee. So, you know, I'm gonna go with the spiritual application to this sermon, but what I wanted to show you is that, you know, the landmark, you know, it's set in the definition, it says it's a stone or a tree or something that you would, you know, that you would put in place to show this is the border of my land. So, God also has borders that he doesn't want us to cross, and the Bible shows us, you know, where we're supposed to go, how we're supposed to be led, what we're supposed to be doing, and, you know, it's our, this book right here is what we put our faith and practice from, right? So, I'm not gonna get up here and say, hey, this is my opinion, this is what I think, I'm gonna tell you what the Bible says, and the Bible is gonna give us our boundaries of life, right? And so, we're supposed to put our, you know, we're supposed to put our trust in the Rock, right? And in the Old Testament, the Rock represented the Lord Jesus Christ. So, when I think of, you know, this landmark that's not supposed to be moved, then I think of God's Word. I think of, you know, let's stick with God's Word and what he wants us to do, and when we stray from that, when we stray from the boundaries of God's Word, then we're gonna be in trouble. We're gonna have a hard time in life, and, you know, we have a pressure constantly to compromise the beliefs that we have, like, we've been talking about this, this is, this whole conference been talking about, you know, the things that we're supposed to be doing, the commandments we're supposed to be keeping, and God wants us to keep his commandments, amen? And he doesn't want us to stray from the boundaries, right? Of his Word. So, look at, let's see, turn to 1st Corinthians, chapter 10, verse number 4. 1st Corinthians 10, verse number 4. And the Bible says, all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine and reproof and for correction, for instruction and righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. So, again, spiritually speaking, there are landmarks in our Christian lives that people are always trying to move. There's a constant pressure. Why did God curse, say, curse be he that moves his neighbor's landmark? Why? Because there's always a pressure from the outside. There's also a pressure that comes from the inside, even in our own lives, that's, that's constantly trying to move these boundaries that God set in place. Even our own flesh would have us move these boundaries. But, see, we got to take heed to God's commandments. We got to take heed to the things that God says, and don't move on these issues that we have in our lives. And, let's see, 1st Corinthians 10, verse 4 says, and did all drink the same spiritual drink, for they drank of the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ. And so, this morning, I just want to talk about the rock, this landmark, this rock that we're not supposed to move. And there's, you know, obviously, lots of different things. You know, I could preach about this for a long time, but, you know, I'm gonna whittle it down to a few things here. But, if we want to live a victorious Christian life, we should obey God's commandments. Amen? And to the best of our abilities. Now, obviously, we're not gonna be perfect, but we should keep God's commandments with all of our might, right? Just like we're supposed to go to church with all of our might. Well, hey, we should keep God's commandments with all of our might, and not compromise the beliefs that we have. And allow the pressure from the outside, and the pressure from the inside, to have, for us to compromise what God wants us to do. Because, you know, all you have to do is move the landmark a little bit, and then you're a liberal. You know what I mean? So, and my little slider is not working very well here. Let's see, I don't want to mess Pastor's beautiful pulpit up here that I don't like. But, anyway, sorry Brother Felix. The pulpit is supposed to hide me. I'm not supposed to hide the pulpit. Anyway, so this, so this stone, like if you move it, like, like say you had a property, right? And all someone has to do is just come over and move it just a little bit like that. And how much is it, you're not gonna really notice it. Even if it was just over a long period of time, you just came by every year, just scooted over just a little bit like that. You're moving that line, right? And so there's a constant pressure for Christians, constant pressure for pastors, constant pressure for husbands, and wives, and children, and just in our Christians lives in general, to move this line. There's a constant pressure. And so, next thing you know, this thing's all the way over here, right? And this is destruction, okay? This is where God wants you to be, is where it was at in the first place. So, turn to John chapter 14. Sorry pastor, I got a little dust on your, I found this outside, so hopefully it's not tainted with anything. Found it in the bushes somewhere. Hopefully it wasn't used for anything unsanitary, but anyway, so John chapter 14 verse 15 says, if you love me, keep my commandments. And if you skip down, and this is Jesus talking of course, and verse 21 says, he that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me shall be loved to my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. So, the Lord Jesus Christ, he says, hey, if you love me, keep my commandments. You know, Pastor McMurtry was talking about the love of God, and how, you know, these liberals and these, you know, these little trendies want to, want to just, you know, and it's actually all Christianity, pretty much. Wants us to be love, love, love all the time, but they don't want to thunder God's commandments from the pulpits. Well, hey, we got Jesus right here saying himself, keep my commandments. Not my suggestions, my commandments, right? And it says, if we keep those commandments, that he'll love us and manifest himself to us. So, do you want, I mean, who in here doesn't want Christ to manifest himself to him? You know, but what do you think if we don't keep his commandments? Do you think he's gonna manifest himself to us? No, he's not. So, this is a special blessing that we get from Christ. If we keep his commandments, he's gonna manifest himself to us. Turn to Luke chapter 6. Luke chapter number 6. Luke chapter 6, look at verse 46, it says, And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like. He's like a man which built an house and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock. And when the flood arose, and the stream beat vehemently upon the house, and could not shake it, for it was founded upon a rock. Look, our foundations and our faith are built upon a rock, amen? And in this, you know, in this sermon, I want to show you how things can slide, and how we have this pressure from the outside, this pressure from the inside, to compromise God's Word, you know? And there's people in our lives are gonna try to do that with us, but hey, if our foundation's upon the rock, you know, our church is called Sure Foundation Baptist Church. And, you know, why do we call it that? Because our foundation's upon the rock. In this book right here. And that's always gonna be the way it is, as long as I'm the pastor. But, you know, there's always constant pressure. You know, hey pastor, what about this? Hey pastor, what about that? You know, and then there's there's some certain situations that come up, and you're just like, you really got to think about it. You know, is this the right move to make? Well, hey, we got to go back to God's Word, and then get the answer from God's Word. If you don't have the answer right away, you better just go to the book, right? And figure it out. So, and when you live the Christian life, and run your ministry, and run your home, and run your marriage, and keep your relationship based upon God's Word, the rock, then when the floods of life come, and the storms of life are beating you down, and, you know, that landmark is not going to move. Because your foundation's upon the rock, amen? And so, we have to live an uncompromised life as much as possible. Now, I don't think anybody's perfect in here, right? Who's never compromised on their beliefs in this room? All right, well, nobody's perfect then, right? I didn't ask for a show of hands, but... Anyway, look at verse 49. It says, but he that heareth and doeth not is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth, against which the stream did beat the hempley, and immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great. So, if you don't hear the words of God, if you don't put your all your foundations upon the rock, then what's gonna happen? Your house is gonna be ruined. Everything that you do is gonna be ruined, because God's gonna chastise you, and God's gonna punish you, and you're gonna fail in life as a Christian, because your foundation was not upon the rock. So, if you're a Christian, just know this, that the storms are gonna come. And I, you know, there's in this, in a room this big, there's a lot of people that are probably brand new Christians, and maybe you haven't gone through any storms yet, but I'm telling you this right now, you're going to. You know, does that scare you? It shouldn't, because God is your rock. You know, when everything is beaten down upon you, you know that you have the Lord. It amazes me sometimes how people just, you know, they have some trial in their life, they're brand new Christians, and then they just immediately fall away. And it's like, hey, how much did you trust in Christ? How much do you trust in God? You know, the first thing we try to do is figure out a way to solve our own problems, right? And that's just human nature, right? When something goes wrong in our lives, we just want to solve it immediately. And, you know, but sometimes we just got to take it a minute and say, hey, Christ is our rock. You know, let's trust in Him and let Him get us through things. So turn to 1st Peter chapter 4 verse number 12, 1st Peter 4 verse number 12. 1st Peter 4 12 says, Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you're partakers of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy. So the fiery trials are going to come. If you are a Christian, if you're a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, trials and hardship are going to come. Ask anybody in here that's been saved for a long period of time and the trials to come. You know, I know Pastor Jimenez has gone through trials. Pastor Anderson's gone through trials. Lots of people in this room have gone through major trials. And, you know, we, if you're, but if you're, if you're trusting in the Rock and His word, you're trusting in the Lord to get you through things, then things are gonna be a lot better. But if you're trusting in yourself and you're trusting in, you know, family that's, you know, it's funny, we, you know, our families like will forsake us, you know, when we become believers. Because, you know, it's, they didn't, we didn't leave them. They left us, right? That's not, that's the play on the Martin Luther quote, but it's true. Like, and we just want our families to be saved, amen. But they don't want, you know, if they don't want anything to do with it, there's a division that takes place there. There's a constant pressure living the Christian life. There's a constant pressure to compromise the landmarks of our faith. There's a constant pressure running a Christian home, isn't there? When you're homeschooling and all the kids are being brats and, you know, your husband's working lots of long hours and, you know, the trials of life come at home in your homeschooling day, you know, all the kids are sick, you can't get any sleep. Those are some hard times, aren't they? Those are some times when you're like, oh man, what am I gonna do? But, you know, you can't compromise and say, I'm just gonna send them all back to public school. Because you know what the end of that is? Destruction for your family. The end of that is destruction for your children. Now, some people have gone through public schools and made it out okay, but I'll tell you what, the schools are worse than they were when I was growing up. And they were bad then. I mean, I remember people walking up and just taking my hat, you know. I just remember, I remember, you know, going through sex ed at a really young age. You know, at fifth grade they're telling you all kinds of filthy things. Look, you don't want to put your kids in public school unless you absolutely have to. Take them out. Get them out fast. You know, one thing I'll tell you I do regret is not taking my kids out of public school sooner than I did. But I lived in a small town so it wasn't as bad, but when I moved back to the big city, you know, I realized pretty quickly how bad those schools were. You know, when you get a call from the, you know, you get an alert on your phone and your children are in lockdown at a high school, that's a pretty scary thing. That was like the final straw when I had that happen twice in like a very short period of time. I was like, all right, that's it. I don't want, nobody should have to worry about the safety of their children while they're off at school because you have all these school shootings going on and things like that because, you know, obviously if you're teaching your children that they're monkeys, you know, they're gonna act like animals. Right? They came from monkeys or whatever, right? They came from, you know, protoplasm. They came from, they say they came from a rock, right, billions of years ago. Anyway, but it is a constant pressure to be a godly husband. It's a constant pressure to be a godly wife. Why is that? Because the world outside puts those pressures upon us and even now more than ever before. In 2019, I think the pressure is real. It's difficult. You got all the news media and all this stuff and people just, just the pressure is just a constant thing. It's like a Christian pressure cooker. It's hard to get away from the pressure of moving from God's Word, from God's landmarks and so I want you to understand that you're gonna have some pressure. You're gonna have some trials. But we need to stand on the rock and not allow our landmarks to be moved. You say, Pastor Thompson, where's the pressure come from? Well, I'm glad you asked that. It comes from family, first of all. I would say that's the, I mean, I just remember being, when I got saved, my family and friends, I was trying to get them saved and didn't realize it'd be as difficult as it was, but the pressure comes immediately when you start saying, hey, I got saved. And they're like, oh man, he's born again, you know. They don't understand because they're not born again. They don't have the Spirit of God. They don't understand that we just want to get them saved. We want them to get what we have and sometimes we can be a little overzealous in trying to get our family members saved, can't we? You know, but one thing we shouldn't do, and I'll just say this real quickly, one thing we shouldn't do is expect them to be like we are. Because if, you know, we're sinners, they're sinners, we're saved, but the ungodly, they're not gonna just live a Christian life because you do. That doesn't make sense. You know, if you expect them to be like you, then that's just an unreal expectation. But that's where it's gonna cause division. Turn to Matthew chapter 10, Matthew 10. You're gonna get that pressure and that pressure comes from without, but you know who put that pressure on? The Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 10 verse 34 says, think not that I am come to send peace on earth, I came not to send peace but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. So where's this pressure come from? It says, think not that I am come to send peace upon the earth. Is Jesus sending peace upon the earth? No. He's sending a sword. He's sending division, right? And what does that, what happens? Well you get saved and other people in your household don't. And so that is the division that happens and it just is a natural thing that happens because the darkness doesn't like the light. And so the men love darkness rather light because their deeds are evil, right? And so they don't want to be part of the light. You know obviously some people get saved in our lives but you know as a majority my family is not saved. I have a sister that's saved and that's pretty much it. My whole family that I can think of you know unless you know it's you're talking about a cousin I've never met before or something I don't know but most of my families are liberals so I'm from Portland and so Portland turns out a lot of liberals I don't know how I got saved but I was one of the remnant. I was the very few. But anyway the Bible says and in Matthew 10 39 says he that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. Isn't that funny? You got to you got to lose your life to find it. You got to lose your life the life that you had before to find the life that Christ has for you and that and that life is based upon the rock. That life is based upon God's Word. You need to lose your life. You know if you think that you're gonna maintain that old family life with your old unsaved family members it's not gonna happen. There has to be some kind of division or you're gonna compromise. And so if you're trying to get your family saved and then it's like hey you know you want to have a beer? No. No you don't want to have a beer because look if they see you compromise that's the worst possible thing you can do if you're trying to get your family members saved is to compromise in something like that. You don't want to start drinking at some family reunion. Oh it's okay it's just a couple. I'll tell you what if you said that if you named the name of Christ they're gonna be watching you like a hawk. They're gonna be looking at everything you do. They're gonna be listening to everything that comes out of your mouth. Everything that you're watching on television and talking with them about they're going to see they're gonna pick up on it. And then they're gonna throw it in your face. They're gonna call you a hypocrite. They're gonna call you a compromiser. And that's just the truth. That's what happens. So you know what are some other examples of things that we can do as comp as just as Christians living the Christian life see because Jesus wants us to take up our cross daily and follow after him. It's a daily grind as a Christian so that that is a pressure is it not? There's a pressure from Christ for us to live a godly life. He wants us to live a separated life. And that life how do we get that how do we get that separated life? Well we gotta be it's got to be based on this right here the rock. God's Word. What is compromise? It's accepting standards that are lower than desirable. And so when you compromise that's what you're doing you're accepting a standard that's lower than than what it's supposed to be. So when you're talking about God's Word when you compromise God's Word you're accepting something less than perfect. You're accepting something that's less than what he had in store. You're expecting you're accepting something less than what his Word tells you to do. So when he decided to go back to that old wardrobe closet and put on a pair of pants ladies that's compromise isn't it? And I was gonna say well if a guy goes and puts on his old dress nobody in here hopefully nobody in here has a dress they have. But going back to the things that you used to do and then showing those in front of people your family members that's gonna cause a great harm. It's gonna cause a great harm and you're not gonna be able to be as effective. You're gonna lose credit. When I got into the ministry Pastor Mendez said hey you only have a certain amount of credit in this life. You only have a certain amount of credit and you can you can build that credit up but it also you can lose some of that credit too. And so it's the same thing when you know you're a Christian and you're living your life in front of your family as a Christian there's only so much credit you got with them. Don't you don't want to lose that credit. Sometimes that credit can never be restored. You know you want you know you can they can see you live a Christian life and then you totally fail and then they're gonna go well they weren't really it wasn't the real deal. And you know what they're waiting for you to come back. They're waiting for you to come back and go oh that Christian thing just didn't work out. Don't compromise on God's Word. Don't compromise on the landmarks of the faith that you have. Right? Jeremiah 6 16 says thus saith the Lord standing in the ways and see and ask for the old past where is the good way and walk therein and he shall find rest for your souls but they said we'll not walk therein. You know what we need to be doing we need to be going in the old past. There's past that our fathers as forefathers have set before us you know we watch that that movie Being Baptist and you know we saw her we heard some of those old-time preachers preaching. We're not the first people to be a set apart sold out you know independent Baptist movement. There's people before us that did it but I'll tell you what the standards slipped. They stopped walking in the old past in a lot of different areas and look hey if a Baptist Church has quit soul wanting that light is is being taken out. That lights being taken out. So turn to 1st Kings chapter 13 verse 4. I want to show you a story where the man of God compromised. It's a very famous story. What have we seen you know we've seen great movements compromise and fall because they compromised right. I mean Jack Scott took over for Jack Hiles. Did that work out? No it didn't work out and that was a powerhouse soul winning sold out independent church and you know then a devil takes over and you see the compromise that happens after that. But it's just you know it happens in every generation that's why this generation has to rise up and do the job that's not being done anymore. This movement is important. This movement of independent Baptist churches is important. 1st Kings 13 look at verse 4 says and it came to pass when King Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God which had cried against the altar in Bethel that he put forth his hand from the altar saying lay hold on him and his hand which he put forth against him dried up so that he could not pull it to him again. So Jeroboam started his own religion and you know he said these be thy gods Oh Israel and he set up these calves for people to worship and and and raised up people the worst you know from the lowest parts to be that guy his hand is withers into you know a leprous white snow arm right. And it says in verse 6 it says and the king answered and said unto the man of God and treat now and treat now the face of the Lord thy God and pray for me that my hand may be restored me again and the man of God besought the Lord and the king's hand was restored him again and became as it was before. So this guy who's a definitely a false prophet and the Bible talks about Jeroboam constantly throughout the book of Kings and that he was the he was he's the one that caused Israel to sin you know and he would always compare these wicked kings to Jeroboam in God's Word in 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles. And look at verse 7 it says and the king said unto the man of God come home with me and refresh thyself and I will give thee a reward. So the man of God's like I'm not going over to your house look at verse 8 it says and the man of God said unto the king if thou will give me half thine house I will not go with thee neither will I eat bread nor drink water in this place for so was it charged me by the word of the Lord saying eat no bread nor drink water nor turn again by the same way that thou camest so he went another way and returned not by the way which he came to Bethel. So the initial pressure that he received this man of God to compromise was to go and hang out with this false prophet right so he was like no you know God told him specifically do not go you're not supposed to drink water or eat any food and leave this place right he wasn't even allowed to eat food in that area. So you know he passed the test initially didn't he? He passed the initial pressure to compromise and so look down at verse 11 it says now there dwelt an old prophet in Bethel and his sons came and told him the works that the man of God had told or excuse me had done that day in Bethel and the words which he had spoken against the king then they told also to their father and their father said unto them what way went he for his sons had seen what way the man of God went which came from Judah and he said unto his son saddle me an ass so they saddled him an ass and rode there on and went after the man of God and found him sitting under an oak and he said unto him art thou the man of God which came it came from Judah and he said I am then he said unto him come home with me and eat bread and he said I may not return with thee nor go in with thee neither will I eat bread or drink water with thee in this place for it was said to me by the word of the Lord thou shalt eat no bread nor drink water there nor turn again to go by that way thou camest and he said unto him I am a prophet also as thou art and an angel spake unto me by the word of the Lord saying bring him back with me into thine house and he may eat bread and drink water but he lied unto him so here's this prophet this old prophet and you know you got the man of God that's there to rip face and you know what happens this prophet this old prophet goes and and tries to convince him to do something that God told him not to do so he's in another situation where he has a decision to make do I do what God says or do I compromise and so here's what here's what he does verse 20 or verse 19 says so he went back with him and did eat bread in his house and drank water and it came to pass as they sat in the table that the word of the Lord came unto the prophet that brought him back and cried unto the man of God and said and it came unto Judah saying thus saith the Lord for as much as thou has disobeyed the mouth of the Lord and I was not kept the commandment which I Lord the Lord thy God commanded thee but came us back has eaten bread and drunk water in this place of which the Lord did say to the eat no bread and drink no water thy carcass shall not come under the sepulcher of thy fathers and it came to pass after he'd eaten bread and after he drunk he saddled him for his ass to wit that the prophet whom he had brought back and when he was gone a lion met him in the way and slew him and his carcass was cast in the way and an acid by it and the lion also stood by the carcass so what ended up happening is this man of God he compromised and what God told him this cook told him to do right God said don't drink any water don't eat any food and what did he do he let this old has-been prophet this old compromiser that's that's living in Bethel which is a wicked place and you know the guys saved though because you know but the thing is it doesn't matter if someone's saved if they're teaching you to do something that's not right then they're trying to get you to compromise right it's just like these you know these bozos that are teaching all this garbage and Baptist churches nowadays we were talking about it last night it's like they just come up with stuff and they preach it and they don't even know what they're talking about they're making up all this Greek garbage that doesn't it's it's not even true they just want to wax eloquent and look like they're you know some you know studious Greek scholar or whatever and they're not they're just making stuff up right but you know if you're hanging out with compromises you're gonna become a compromiser yourself look at first Peter chapter 5 verse 8 what ends up happening is this this old prop or the the young the man of God ends up getting killed because he's hanging around hanging out with the wrong guy right he's hanging out with this old has-been that lied to him you know he just flat-out lied to him and said hey it's okay for you to come and eat and all that but the man of God should have stayed here and not gone over here and he would have been okay right first Peter 5 8 says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour who resists steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world look so isn't it isn't it interesting that this lion kills him the devil is a roaring lion walking about seeking who may he may devour no do you think God let that prophet get killed for not keeping his word yeah that's what happened right so you know we have to make sure that we're hanging out with the right people right we have to make sure that we're not letting weakness and compromise enter into our lives so look at the pressure from within it turns Rowan chapter 7 verse 8 so there's a pressure from without there's a pressure that's that's that comes upon all Christians it comes from your family it comes it can come from your work life you know to compromise it can come from all areas of the outside but it can also come from within it can come within your own heart they can come within your sinful nature Romans 7 verse 18 says for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelt no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not for the good that I would do the good that I would excuse me for the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that I do now if I do that what I would not it is no more that I do it but sin that dwells in me I find then a law that when I would do good evil is present with me pride a lot in the law of God after the inward man but I see another law and my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord so then with the mind I serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin there's two natures within us when you get saved you have that new creature that new spirit that's that's in you and you want to do good but there's also a war within with your flesh that wants to sin and it's a constant battle you're that's why you have to take up your cross daily and follow after Christ so the Christian life is a life of pressure it's a pressure to to compromise God's commandments and it comes from without it comes from the world it comes from your family your friends your job it comes from you know just general pressure from outside opinions it comes from the media it comes from all these different sources it also can come from Christ telling you to keep his commandments but there's also that pressure from within that pressure to sin and want and and you wanting to compromise you saying this is too hard this is too hard I can't do this I can't live the Christian life and you want to compromise our flesh gets weak and wants to do what our what our inner man doesn't want to do turn to Galatians chapter 5 verse number 16 Galatians 5 verse number 16 the Christian life is measured by decades if you've been saved for six months and you're like man this is too tough you need to buckle up buttercup because it's a long ride it is and you're gonna get that constant pressure but you need to learn how to deal with that pressure you've got to cling to the rock you got to cling to God's commandments you got to cling to this book right here and that's what's gonna get you through Galatians 5 verse 16 says that this I say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would see sometimes your spirit wants to do things but your flesh overrides you and that's that's a that's a battle that we have to fight every single day but you know we have the Holy Spirit we have the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and we have something that people that are not saved have you know these people that are not saved they don't have the Holy Spirit they can't they can't give victory over sin like we can so the last thing we want to do is compromise in front of these people the last thing we want to do is compromise in front of the world we want to make sure that we're standing on the rock and keeping God's commandments so what are some things that we get pressured on to change in the ministry in the ministry we get pressured to change on salvation by faith alone he's like what do you mean where's the pressure coming from other weak Christians that are saying oh no it's not faith alone you have to repent of all your sins hey we can't move on that landmark there's a generation that's already moved on that landmark there's Baptist churches that do not believe it's faith alone I'll tell you what if they're saying it's it's a repenting of your sins to be saved then they've moved that landmark haven't they they've slid it over this way and guess what happens all those people that go to that church have to hear that junk every single week I've been to a church that teaches it I went to a church that didn't teach it but it slipped out of the pastor's mouth one time it's like well what do you actually believe you know some pastors will pander to whoever they're talking to oh no you don't have to repent all your sins oh yeah you do have to repent all your sins it's like and you know that they're doing it that is compromised that is moving the landmark to the place where it doesn't belong hey it's supposed to be right here but they've moving it this way and then you get the lordship people right and then you know the faith and works you have to you have to be do the good works and have faith you know they're off the cliff here we got to be right here on salvation we can't move that mark Galatians 2 16 to turn I'll just read for you Galatians 2 16 it was actually in a film that we watched yesterday so I'll just have you turn to Galatians 3 you turn to Galatians 3 I'll just read Galatians 2 16 the Bible says in Galatians 2 16 knowing that a man is not justified by the work of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have believed in Jesus Christ and we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall all flesh be justified is that what it says no flesh be justified no flesh and so what is repenting of all your sins what is it it's works you're saying hey I got a I got to work my way to heaven it's fit it's it's it's me having to clean up my life and believe in Jesus look those things don't go together that was clearly taught the other night they don't go together this one's over here this one's over here right this one's right here all right you're in Galatians 3 1 it says Oh foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth crucified among you this only what I learned of you received you the spirit of the by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith are you so foolish having begun in the spirit are you now made perfect by the flesh have you suffered so many things in vain if it be yet in vain he therefore that minister to you the spirit and work with miracles among you do with he by the works of law or by the hearing of faith even as Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham I don't think you can mix that up how does that work and he what is he saying to the Galatians he's saying hey don't let these clowns teach you something that's not right don't let these clowns teach you that works are part of your salvation they're not part of your salvation hey your father Abraham the one that you're so you know you that you want to claim as your father he believed God it was accounted to him for righteousness Abraham didn't repent of all the sins to get saved he just simply believed God and that's what all we have to do to be saved we can't compromise that landmark number two we can't compromise on hard preaching we can't compromise on that these churches that were you know us the pastors in this room are pastoring this church right here is built on hard preaching it's built on salvation by faith alone and it's built on hard preaching you know people get mad about the hard preaching but look if you read the Bible you don't see people bringing these weak little messages you hear guys thundering God's Word all over this book just read the book of Jeremiah every single chapter he's ripping face every single chapter and God saying hey go and tell this country I'm destroying them next and he was sent to these countries to say hey you're going down buddy it's over that takes some guts I mean could you imagine Joel Osteen going to Moab and saying he wouldn't even say it that's not the ministry I was called to right I was called to help people show them the love of God right that's how Joel Osteen is but the men in the Bible ripped face Jesus Christ ripped face you know people are all constantly saying to him this is a hard saying who can hear it right you don't hate your father and mother you know I mean that's a hard saying isn't it but you don't the the preaching that you see in the Bible doesn't match up with the preaching you see outside of these walls here does it if you just if you watch a TV preacher for any amount of time which I hope you don't the only TV preacher you should be watching is pastor Jimenez on the local access channel here or on your DVDs okay or on YouTube or on Facebook anyway but turn to Matthew chapter 11 John the Baptist was a hard preacher it's pretty hard you know when the religious leaders walk up and you're telling them they're going to hell as they're walking up you know they're observing things and he's just like you're going to hell bring forth free fruits meet for repentance not repenting of your sins but anyway Matthew chapter 11 it says and as they departed Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John what went you out from the wilderness to see a rate that reads shaking shaking with the wind but what went but what went you out for to see a man clothed and soft raiment behold they that wear soft clothing are in king's houses but what went you out for to see a prophet yea I say unto you and more than a prophet for this is he of whom is written behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee verily I say unto you among them that are born of women there is not risen a greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding his lease in the kingdom of heaven the least of the kingdom of heaven is greater than he so you know but what do we see today you know John was had a girl a leather girdle camel's hair shirt you know he was rugged looking and you know Jesus said what did you what'd you go out to see you know some guy in a polka dot shirt with some skinny jeans on no that's that's what they thought they were going out to see but it was John the Baptist and you know what John the Baptist was a rugged tough preacher and you know he didn't look like they thought he was gonna look did he you know he didn't have like some $3,000 Armani suit on you know I got this I think somebody bought me this tie you know I'm not I'm not up here in some $3,000 suit John the Baptist was in a camel hair shirt I maybe maybe I need to step down a little bit and get me you know some different clothing but the point is is that people think you know that people think that they're going out to see what they're going what they're seeing outside is what Christianity is really like but it's not you know when you look at the preachers in the Bible like John the Baptist he was hardcore you know he was eating locusts and honey right he was eating the Daniel diet of her no I don't know it wasn't the Daniel diet but he was eating some weird stuff okay it's something I wouldn't eat but you know I'll tell you what you're never gonna see in my church a plexiglass pulpit replace a wood pulpit I don't I want to stay as far from liberalism and compromise as I possibly can when people walk into our church I don't want to see me with a ShamWow mic you know and purple lights smoke and in all kinds of weird stuff look I want them to when they walk into our church I want them to see that they're walking into an independent fundamental Baptist Church and I want them to hear Bible preaching number three we can't move the landmark on being King James only we can't move that landmark turn to Psalm chapter 12 verse 6 what's the standard in our church I'm not gonna get up and read from you the NIV I'm not gonna get up and read the New American substandard version I'm not gonna get up and read any other Bible version unless it's to make it look stupid the New World Order Bible version what is that the Jehovah's Witness false Bible version Psalm chapter 12 verse 6 says the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them O Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever so you know at this church I know you reject the modern Bible versions at my church we reject the modern Bible versions why because it's taken from a different Greek text it's not even the same it's been corrupted these new modern Bible versions are corrupted and they're missing verses they're changed verses they're changing different things in them but you know people will still say oh yeah they're you know they're okay I hope nobody in this room would say that they're not okay and I want to show you something real quick turn to Matthew chapter 7 verse 15 does anybody in here believe that a false prophet can get a person saved anybody in here can John Hagee just accidentally get someone saved you know he's got the King James Bible and he's preaching the gospel to you is John Hagee gonna get you saved no why cuz he's a false prophet right Matthew 7 verse 15 says beware of false prophets which come in which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they're ravening wolves you shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth forth not good fruit is hewn down and cast in the fire wherefore by their fruits you shall know them so we all agree in this room I'm sure that false prophets you know a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit a bad tree cannot get someone say Billy Graham didn't get a single person saved in his whole life but people will say well these modern viable versions could get you saved I don't believe that why do I not believe that well if a corrupt tree can't bring forth good fruit can a corrupt Bible version bring forth good fruit turn to 1st Peter chapter 1 why can't it not why can't it not get someone say why can't the NIV get people saved why well I'll show you and people disagree about this and that's fine if you want to disagree with me about this that's that's okay but the Bible says in 1st Peter 23 so I'm gonna stand right here on this issue being born again not of what corruptible seed what are we talking about here what's the context we're talking about here being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the what Word of God what's it talking about it's talking about the Bible isn't it okay so you're not born again by corruptible seed but of incorruptible is this book perfect or is it not who believes the King James Bible is the perfect inspired Word of God amen all right so if that's true and just like a corrupt tree can't bring forth good fruit can a corrupt Bible version bring forth good fruit well it says being born again not of corruptible seed I mean look I got the Word of God on my side on this issue okay and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna back down from that and I'll tell you what it says it's not a corruptible seed that's pretty that's pretty plain I think that's pretty easy to understand isn't it look at verse 24 says for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of the man of man is the flower of grass the grass withereth the flower thereof falleth away but the word of the Lord endureth forever and this is the word by which the gospel is preached unto you there's no doubt that it's talking about the Word of God here is there any doubt in anybody's mind that's talking about the Word of God so why would you believe that a corrupt tree can't bring forth good fruit but you believe a corrupt Bible version can now if there's let me just make this known if it says the exact same thing it's the Word of God so if the verse is exactly the same it is the Word of God but a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit a corrupt Bible version is not going to bring forth good fruit pastor Perry was talking about things that will be changed in the millennium last night and you know you know what I'm glad in the millennium I'm gonna add to his sermon here I'm glad there's not gonna be any false Bible versions in the millennium either not me false Bible versions there God there's not gonna be do you think the NIV is making it do you think our Lord the King of Kings the Lord of Lords is gonna let the NIV into the millennium you're crazy it's not gonna happen you think he's gonna let the new King James Version into the millennium no he's good those books are gonna be destroyed they're all gonna burn up you know you know what's gonna be left God's perfect Word that's what's gonna be left that's what's gonna be preached right so these modern Bible versions are not gonna make it to the millennium they're not gonna make it through turn to I'm just gonna read for you second Corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 it says we're not as many which corrupt the Word of God but as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of men or excuse me in the sight of God speak we in Christ so Paul was talking about these people that are many and this is back when he was still alive 2,000 years ago right he's saying there's many that corrupt the Word of God what do you see today 400 and something Bible versions in English which one's the right one we only got one right you only got one that's perfect Word of God why are they trying to corrupt all these Bible versions what's the point well they don't have any power they're all off of a corrupted manuscript corrupted manuscripts okay why why does why does the devil want to put an NIV in your hand instead of a King James Bible because he doesn't want you to have any power he doesn't want salvation he doesn't want to have he doesn't want people to get saved he wants to slide you over here off the cliff right he wants you to slide you from that perfect Word of God down off the cliff he doesn't want people to be saved why are people not getting saved at these and I these these fun centers because they don't have the perfect Word of God that's why so what are some other things some landmarks that we can't move on how about the reprobate doctrine look I said this at the NASA conference I'm gonna say it again we're the only people that are preaching this we're the last stand so if we stop preaching it we stop thundering it from the pulpit pulpits then it's gonna get lost are the old IFB are they preaching this doctrine no the community center fun church preaching this doctrine no Romans 128 says that even as they did not like to retain God their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient look God gives up on people sometimes look if you're in this room right now and you doubt this how do you explain the verses where it says if you take the mark of the beast you're going to hell forever how do you explain that how do you explain if you change God's Word that you're going straight to hell what is that not being a reprobate that is the exact as soon as you corrupt this but if you take this and try to translate it into your own version like Thomas Jefferson did guess what's gonna happen guess what's gonna happen here you're done you're done that's the reprobate doctrine proved right there but yet people will say oh the reprobate doctrine is not true you could get saved to your dying breath okay John MacArthur that's where you got it from you're not getting it from this book this book says that God gives people over to a reprobate mind so that means that they're done that means they're rejected forever it's over and I know that there's people in a group this size that don't believe that doctor and you're getting you're getting upset I'm sorry for hurting your feelings sorry not sorry I want you to understand though that like we don't preach that just because we want people to get mad at us the preacher because we want people to realize that there are people out there that are psychopaths hey if you want a copy of psychopath reprobates that they're out there there's a whole bunch of them out there and on the front cover there's a guy named Ted Bundy Ted Bundy was a psychopath reprobate he murdered and raped women and you know he pretended to be a Christian at the end why so people could think that these weirdos can be saved one last-ditch effort to defile people's minds oh well Ted Bundy got saved no he didn't Ted Bundy was a reprobate the the kill what's the killer's name the Golden State Killer reprobate there are people out there that will hurt you it's not just homos there's psychopaths out there that are ready to jump in and ruin someone's life and the Bible says that there's people are gonna be given up hey we can't compromise on this doctrine we can't compromise on the reprobate doctrine we had our church we had a we had we prayed all these places out of existence and we were like surrounded by empty buildings for a while but then something more wicked came in you know the rooms they were cleaned and garnished and then seven devils worse than themselves came back so next door we have to our building we have a place called witchcraft it's called witchcraft yeah it has like those little triangle streamers hanging rainbow flags it's got the signs that say no no xenophobes no homophobes no fat phobes or whatever I don't know all these different phobes right and they're just in our face right now they just moved in and they're a bunch of stinking reprobates you know what it pisses me off that I have to sit there and look at these freaks next to my building and then we got transvestites having parties on the other corner it's like all sudden it's our where our buildings at has become Sodom and Gomorrah literally I'm serious so please pray for our pray for my patience pray for Pastor Anderson when he comes next Friday and has to see those freaks because I know he's not gonna hold back if we have to have hopefully we don't have to get a new building next week they're disgusting and you know what we haven't messed with them at all but you know they're putting all these little signs and stuff and their logos like a rainbow logo brother Jeff was up there last week and saw it you know this is what the world we're living in and we're the only ones fighting against it and we're made being made to look like haters well who's the real haters that story Pastor Perry told last night that happens every day in Portland every day I have to see these freaks walking around it makes me sick and I'll tell you what the you know part of that that that no rep that no homo fellowship in the millennium you know I'm sure that there's some that will rise up though I'm sure they'll some will rise up but they'll be being tossed off buildings they'll be getting stoned to death turn to Isaiah chapter 1 real quick I want to show you something Isaiah chapter 1 I'm trying to find the verse here I didn't have it my notes I'll look at verse 24 says therefore say it say it the Lord the Lord of hosts the mighty one of Israel I will ease me of mine adversaries and avenge me of mine enemies and I will turn my hand upon the impurely purge away thy dross and take away all thy tin and I will restore thy judges as at the first and I counselors as at the beginning afterward thou shalt be called the city of righteousness the faithful city look that hasn't happened yet it's not the faithful city is it there's a bunch of pretenders over there right now say that there is real but they're not but if the Bible says right here that he's gonna restore the judges as he did at the first and what pastor Perry was talking about last night is that you know having marshals and superintendents and all these things well who do you think those people are gonna be it's gonna be saved people we will rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years and we're gonna be the judges well if we're gonna be judges don't you think we're gonna have things to judge right so what do you think we're gonna be judging we're gonna be like the police force right we're gonna be the real sheriff's we're gonna be the good cops there's gonna be a more good cop bad cop I'll just be good cop and you know when they get out of line they're gonna get you know what what what was it called the Morningstar they're gonna get the laser beam morning sir I hope that's what it is I never thought about that before where's pastor Perry at how's it cool I was like that was something to think about he's talking about this thing that swings I'm thinking laser beams out of our eyes or something another thing we can't compromise on is our dress standards Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 says the woman should not wear that which pertains to unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so or an abomination unto the Lord why yesterday when I was watching that movie did you see the the still pictures where the people are getting baptized at the old time he wants and what'd you see ladies with dresses getting baptized I thought that was cool so it's not a foreign concept that was in the last hundred years or 200 years or whatever I don't know how old those pictures were there there looked like they were from like the 1920s or something I maybe I'm wrong about that but but that was pretty cool and we bring him back to swim dresses around here and there's not wrong you know you don't have to have pants on to get baptized there those ladies were getting baptized in dresses you could still be modest in a dress ladies but I told this story the other day to my church that when I got back from Hawaii one of these ladies that worked with me that wears pants because you know you have to wear pants if you work in construction right so more manly than some of the pastors I've seen but anyway I got back from Hawaii and she's like says like said did your wife wear a dress when she was in Hawaii swimming I was like as a matter of fact she wore a skirt she did she wore a skirt swimming you know that's the norm in our house but she thought it was pretty funny I was like I just want my wife to look like a like a woman which you know I might have been I'm gonna get in trouble for that but I wasn't trying to be mean I just wanted to like maybe drop a little truth bomb hey you're gonna make fun of me it's fair game right but the next day you know what she said to me she said because she knows that I let my wife stay home and I work and and bring home the bacon and she's like I wish I could have stayed home she was I'd marry someone like you if I could have stayed home with my with my daughter and raised him I thought that was a great compliment she's not a very complimentary person but if you knew who I was talking about you'd understand I thought that was pretty good that's a good compliment it's a good testimony but you know when we move this right here then you got guys and men and women looking exactly the same you're walking down the street and two people are wearing the exact same thing and they turn around then you can finally tell who's different but from the behind they both have the same haircut they both have the same shirt on they both have the same pants on they both have it's like their twinsie day or whatever that's omni gender that's like you know you want to look exactly the same look hey we got to have a difference between men and women especially now in 2019 sometimes it's hard to tell what they really are you know when you see that Adam Apple and then you got a pretty good indicator but sometimes it's hard to tell but we need to make a difference in this world hey we got to have a standard that's over here so people say hey that's a lady she's got long hair she's got a nice dress on that's a lady there's no way to you know to see something you know there's no way that we're gonna good night I can't even think what I'm saying yeah to mix them up there's no way that we're gonna mix them up right so also we got to have you know good music standards you know you can tell you can tell the way a church is going by the music that they're listening to by the music that they're playing in their churches I like the old-fashioned hymns when I first got saved I walked into a Southern Baptist Church and I didn't know the difference didn't know there was when I walked in I realized the difference really quickly you know what it was it was electric guitars and drum sets and people you know jam and written to getting ready to go and I was like oh man and so I wanted to just leave and I probably should have but I was such a new Christian at the time I didn't but I had all my kids kids you remember that going there they probably don't they're really young but anyway so as soon as we started you know the song started going I was just like don't sing don't don't do it but we you know you can tell how a church is gonna look we can't move the standard over here on the music the Bible says that we're supposed to in Ephesians 5 18 says be not drunk with wine where it is excess but be filled with the Spirit speaking to yourselves in Psalms hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord it doesn't say in Psalms hymns spiritual songs and AC DC songs hymns spiritual songs and whatever I can't even think of anybody uh Beyonce or whatever Hill song hell song look we can't move our music standards why because we need to be over here where it says Psalms hymns spiritual songs when we start getting over to the hills the hell song we're going off the cliff and you know what where the music goes the people are gonna follow I've never seen a church that does that 7-eleven music that's independent fundamental Baptist I've seen independent fundamental Baptist go to like the 7-eleven music but they stopped being independent fundamental Baptist you know because that's when they bring out the screens and that's when they have different Bible start putting in different Bible versions but they they bring out the screens where there's no you know you can't even see where the where the music starts and stops it's just a bunch of junk and they start playing these set what is 7-eleven music well you play the seven same seven verses eleven times right same same seven words eleven times right seven eleven music right we can't go there we got to keep our standards high in these Baptist Church say men so you know and the last thing I know I'm over two way over time Wow okay I got to quit here but I just want to say this before we go out soul winning we can't move the landmark on soul winning either because everybody else is doing it everybody should have got a hat all the guys should have got a hat said Proverbs eleven-thirty the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that win the souls is wise so God counts us wise as we go soul winning right and he thinks that our feet are beautiful he thinks we have beautiful feet even even the scroungiest looking feet in this room even the toughest looking toenails in here you gotta use a grinder to grind them off even those feet God finds beautiful if you're going out and preaching the gospel this invites only scaling back soul winning door hanger stuff that's not the way to go we need to stay where we're at and we've broken the record again I'm pretty sure I don't even know what the number is but I'm sure we're gonna hear it right after I'm preaching that we've broken the record of the number of people that are going out soul winning today hey go out go out with a tear in your eye for the loss care about these people it's not just about numbers is it it's about true you know give a good gospel presentation care about them act interested hey you're you're your soul and presentation shouldn't be hi are you are you know it shouldn't be robotic I am coming from Verity Baptist Church with a message of the gospel of peace have a little you know just be yourself maybe you're the personality that could win that person to the Christ but hey you got to have a personality right be yourself have a good gospel presentation stay within you know the confines don't try to go to weird scriptures if you're new at soul winning but hey we can't move the landmark on soul winning and just quit and just quit we can't have the standard be where we're standing on the street corner well did you see that those Jehovah's Witnesses all the time they got these little stands and they just stand there like this right and they wait for someone to walk up and talk to them and usually people just walk up and argue with them is what they do but even there's you know standards are slipping you know they go out knock doors but they also do this little hand out tracks that are handout or just come up and ask me ask me about salvation or whatever which they don't have we can't scale back to soul winning we got to make it more every year I want this soul winning that goes out on Saturday to go out harder and stronger bigger numbers hey if we got a you know lengthen those stakes and set out bigger tent we got to have a tent attached to the building or something we need to have this red-hot preaching conference grow bigger every year and we're never gonna hopefully if Pastor Mez will never go to door hangers right as a substitute for preaching the gospel I know we won't but anyway if we stay here we're gonna be good if we let this standard slip in any area we're going off the cliff we're sliding towards liberalism and look I'm not gonna have a drum set my church I'm not gonna have pink smoky lights or anything like that I want to stay independent I want to stay fundamental and I want to stay Baptist let's pray Lord we thank you so much for your word Lord and Lord that we know we if we stay in the confines of it if we if we obey your word or that no matter what comes our way we're gonna make it pray Lord that you just bless the soul winning as we go out today Lord as we go two by two and I pray that you would just help us to have a love in our hearts for the people that we're going to give the gospel to pray Lord that you would just bless this church Lord we thank you so much for pastor Jimenez and for Verity Baptist Church for putting this on and Lord I just pray that you bless the rest of this day or keep us from injury or keep us with a with a great spirit as we as we have some fun this afternoon and I pray the Lord that you just bless the rest of this conference and pastor sermons tomorrow in Jesus name we pray amen