(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Well, the title of the sermon tonight is the need for hard preaching, the need for hard preaching. Let's look down at our Bibles at verse number 16. It says, all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished onto all good works. Let's pray. Heavenly father, we thank you Lord so much for this great church or to pray that we would always, Lord, just take the truths of the Bible, whether it be too hard for us or not, and Lord, that we would just say you're right and we're wrong and that the Bible is true and everybody else is a liar. And I, I just pray Lord that you'd help me to preach this sermon. Fill me with your spirit as I preach in Jesus' name. I pray. Amen. All right. So here it says that all scripture, that means everything in this whole book is given by inspiration of God. And so it's not just some stories, you know, that have been embellished or something, all the stuff that happened in this book is, has actually happened in reality, it's all true and everything that God has to say for us, to us and for us is given to us by him through the scriptures and it's profitable for doctrine. So doctrine is teaching the things about the Bible and for reproof. Reproof is to tell somebody that they're wrong. Right? So, uh, scripture is given for reproof for correction. If you're doing something wrong, the Bible should be able to correct you for instruction in righteousness, telling you to do the right thing. And it says that the man of God may be perfect. And that doesn't mean walking on water. That means that you're a complete, the complete package Christian, that everything in this book is given to you so you can be perfect, the complete Christian, all right, throughly furnished unto all good works. So God wants us to do good works, but sometimes, you know, things are hindering us from being able to do those things. Sometimes we're involved in maybe some kind of sin that's going to hold us back or maybe we're involved or hanging around people we shouldn't be hanging around or, uh, just various different things. Or maybe you're just ignorant of what the Bible says and you need to learn. So the Bible is there for us to teach us everything that we need to know in the Christian life. There's nothing left out. The book of Enoch is not left out. It just doesn't belong in the Bible. So we need hard preaching and what is hard preaching? It's when hard truths are preached, hard things are told, hard preaching against sin, and sometimes those things have a, have a tendency to upset people. But the thing is, and so turn to Psalm chapter one 19 verse one 65, Psalm one 19 verse one 65. This is the verse I'm going to use to prepare you for every offensive thing I'm about to say tonight. Okay. So, and you know what? We shouldn't be offended by the word of God. We shouldn't be offended by what the Bible says. And the Bible says that as a pastor, I'm supposed to preach the whole Bible. I'm supposed to preach the whole counsel of God. And so I'm not supposed to leave things out that might make people feel uncomfortable. You know, when you're feeling uncomfortable, those are the things that you, that's the time you should really pay attention and think, Hey, you know, can I improve in this area? Can I do better? And it says, great peace have they, which love thy law and nothing shall offend them. So if you love the Bible, who loves the Bible tonight? Amen. All right. So if you love the Bible tonight, it says nothing shall offend them. So anything is preached out of this whole book out of all scripture should not offend you. It should not hair lip you. It should not make you leave church. It shouldn't do any of those things. And you're like, well, you know, sometimes, you know, maybe your opinion is different mind. That's fine. But even so say I'm right 364 days out of the year. And I'm wrong. One of those days, should I not be followed because of the one thing that I, that you don't agree with me on? No. So that's not, the Bible says that God's given us pastors and teachers and evangelists for the perfecting of the saints. So when Bible preaching is happening, that's that the job of the preaching is supposed to motivate you to do something, correct you for something you're doing wrong, teaching you doctrine. But when it's hard preaching, a lot of time, it does deal with sin. And things that would make people feel uncomfortable. So if you love the Bible today, then you shouldn't be offended by anything that I'm about to preach to you now. Uh, let's so point number one tonight is hard. Preaching is hard truths. Hard preaching is hard truths. Now I want you to flip over to John chapter six, because this is what I wanted CJ to read, but I realized it was like a huge chapter and I, I, I have to go right after the service, so I can't preach for as long as I did this morning. You guys are like, thank goodness. All right. So John six 54, so Jesus gets done preaching this sermon where he says that you have to eat his flesh and drink his blood, or you can't be saved. Right. And so people are taking this at face value. Like he's literally meaning that you have to do that. And there's a billion people that actually still believe this today. They're called Roman Catholics. Okay. Now, Roman Catholics, they take it literally and they say, when they do the catechism or whatever, the, what does it call the, the Eucharist or something, uh, yeah, that they, that when they say that prayer, that those elements become the, the real body and blood of Jesus Christ, which is total blasphemy, Jesus has already died once for all, and we don't need to keep crucifying him afresh every single service and trying to actually literally drink his blood and eat his flesh. Okay. Look at verse 54. It says, who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life. And I will raise him up at the last day. So he gets done saying this and everybody's upset, including his own disciples, his own disciples are upset. Even his own apostles are upset. Skip down to verse 60. It says many, therefore of his disciples, when they heard this said, this is hard saying who can hear it. So what Jesus was teaching to them was a hard saying, and they didn't like it. Not only did they not understand it, some of them, but they didn't like it either. They didn't like what he was saying. And they said, that's why they said it's a hard saying who can hear it. And his, and it says when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured against it. Remember, murmuring is not a good thing. Murmuring is where you're complaining and, you know, whispering about things that you don't agree with, right? And, and, and every time in the Old Testament, when people did that, God would get really angry and smoke them for it. So it says when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, doth this offend you? Doth this offend you? Are you offended by what I've said? He's asking his own disciples this question. And according to Psalm 119, 165, if we love the Bible, if we love God's law, nothing should offend us, but yet his disciples are offended. So nothing should offend us, but sometimes things do offend us. But what's the correct action? When something in the Bible does offend us, that we got to side with what God says and not our own opinion, not what somebody else taught us, not what somebody else believes, not what somebody told us to believe, you know, it needs to be based upon the scriptures. The scripture says, if you love God's law, nothing's going to offend you. Nothing should offend you, but yet people are offended. Aren't they? And when people come to a church like this, a lot of times it'll be the last time they come to this church because some of the things that are preached out of this pulpit are offensive and they're not intentionally designed to offend people so that they'll leave. But you know what, if someone doesn't love God's law and they leave over something that's preached out of the Bible, they look at it with their own eyeballs and they see it, and then they walk out that door and say, I'm never coming back. Who's that on? Is that on me? Is that on God? No, it's on them because they got offended over something that was in the Bible. Now look what it says in verse 63. It says, it is the spirit that quickeneth. The flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are alive. So Jesus explained to them, he wasn't saying that they literally have to eat his flesh and drink his blood. He's saying that the words that he's saying are spirit and they're alive. You have to believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Jesus died on the cross. He shed his precious blood. His body was broken for us. And so that's what he's talking about. He's talking about, you have to, you know, accept that he's the sacrifice for you and believe in him. Right? So now look down at verse number 66. Look at John 6, 6, 6. It says, from that time, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. Does that mean they weren't saved? No, it doesn't mean they weren't saved. Wasn't it funny how people will go out so many and they'll like, well, you have to follow Jesus. Well, a lot of people stopped following him. Does that mean they lost their salvation? Of course not. It just means that they're offended little babies that couldn't handle the preaching. That's really what it boiled down to. When it, you know, once Jesus left, they had a church service of 120 people. Jesus got thousands of people saved. Why weren't they at the church service if they really got saved? I mean, that's just ridiculous. That's not, people can be saved and not go to church. People can be saved and not follow the Bible. If someone gets saved and they never are taught or never learn anything, they're just babes in Christ that don't know anything. And why would you expect them to change anything about themselves if they don't know what to change? So when this happened, when his disciples walked away from him for what he preached, then said Jesus, under the 12, will you go away? Oh, excuse me. Will you also go away? He's like, you guys going to leave too? And to me, he's like basically saying, well, you might, if you're going to go, you might as well go right now. You know, I don't think, I think that Jesus would have just went and picked 12 more apostles if they would have walked away, but look at what Peter said. This is a time when Peter says the right thing. He says, and Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou has the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ, the son of the living God. So that's the right response. The 12, they stick around, but it sounds to me like all his disciples were murmuring. So, but only some left. See, these guys had the, the, the root and the depth in them to realize that, Hey, yeah, some things are hard to be understood or things are hard sayings, but we're going to stick with Jesus because you know what he's teaching the truth. He's teaching, you know, he's the Christ, you know, who else, who else would you follow more than Jesus Christ? I mean, he's the Messiah. Why would you not follow him? He's straight sent from God. So now back in our main text, uh, go ahead and turn back to second Timothy chapter three, uh, verse 16, second Timothy chapter three, verse number 16. Actually, let's look at verse number eight. So hard truths. Well, there's some hard truths just in this chapter right here. It says now as Jans and Jamborees withstood Moses. So these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. You know, there's a whole faction of people. As a matter of fact, most people don't even teach this doctrine, but it's talking about the false prophets that was stood Moses at it, you know, it actually gives their names. Paul's here naming their names and saying, this is who they are, but you'll see a lot of preaching that isn't even specific enough to say, Hey, this is the names of this false prophet. They'll be like, well, it's just church. I don't really want to mention what the name of the church is. And it's like a Mormon church. Like, why are you holding back against the Mormon church? Why are you holding back against the J-dubs? Why are you holding back against the seventh day Adventists? They're all a cult. Those are real cults. And so Paul isn't holding back. He's saying, Hey, these guys are false prophets. Here's their names. And by the way, you know, they, these types of people always resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. What does that mean? They can't be saved. Let me just tell you this. Here's a hard truth. All false prophets are going to hell. They can't be saved. Now you're like, don't. Well, what about the apostle Paul? The Bible says that he did it ignorantly and in unbelief and God spared him because of that, but nor if someone's been a Jehovah's witness for 30 years, knocking doors, sin, trying to send people to hell and getting them converted to their devilish doctrine, then that person has knowingly and willfully done that for years, that person's not going to be saved. Okay. So, um, these, these false prophets, they're not, they're not able to be saved. They're reprobate concerning the faith. They'll never understand. It says in verse seven, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. That means they're never going to, isn't it? Isn't that what it says? They're ever learning. So they're learning all this stuff, but they can't learn the truth. They're not able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Why? Because God's dark in their minds. He's hard in their hearts that they cannot believe that that's a, that's a hard truth, but people can't accept what the Bible says. Reprobate means that they're rejected. That's exactly what it means. And God's rejected these men from being able to be saved. So now we need to hear hard truth sometimes, and sometimes the hard truth hurts people's feelings, upsets their apple cart and so on and so forth. So let's, uh, let me see. Uh, let me switch. Oh yeah. How about this hard truth? It's found in the same chapter, but I'm not exactly sure what verse it was in. It was, uh, Oh, verse number 12, it says, well, verse number 11 says, persecutions afflictions are going to come to us. You know, they came to him and you know, that's a fact of life that we're going to have to go through persecution. And it says, verse 12 and yay, and all that will live godly in Christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution. So that's a hard truth that we have to deal with because there's a lot of people that get saved and because of persecutions, because of afflictions, they turn back and don't want to follow the Lord anymore because of the moment. One of their family members says that you're in a cult or one of one of your family members says, I think you're taking it too far, or one of your family, you know, one of your friends says, I can't believe you're into all this Jesus stuff, you know, then people are just immediately offended and they fall away. And we ought to have some roots that are deep and able to withstand the blast of persecution, but the Bible says it's warning us of these things. So look, you're hearing about it. Don't, don't worry about it. It's going to happen. But you know, if you stand through that trial, you're going to be fine. Hard preaching doesn't just mean screaming and pounding the pulpit, but you know, there should be some excitement going on behind the pulpit at your church at some point in time. Don't you think if you're getting up there and you're ripping on sin, then there should be some kind of, uh, you know, there should be some sort of, you know, just more than this. And then, you know, you can't just talk all quiet and not get animated and not be dynamic and just, you know, not loud. Sometimes you've got to get up and scream and yell about things and you got to pound the pulpit and you've got to kick the floor and you got to, you know, jump on the pulpit. I'm not doing that. I'll, I'll hit my head, but then I'll probably fall and look dumb, but you know, but we should get excited about things and, you know, spirit filled preaching is dynamic preaching, but I'm getting ahead of myself, but you know, what we should understand is that the hard truths that are in the Bible should be preached from this pulpit on a regular basis every year or every couple of years, I need to preach a sermon about divorce and remarriage, how it's not right, how Jesus said that we're not supposed to, you know, divorce and get remarried, you know, any, you know, once, once again, if you've been divorced and remarried, I'm not trying to attack you, but you know what I am trying to do, I'm trying to help the people in the generation that have not gotten married yet to, to let them know what God thinks about it and, you know, not to make the mistake of getting divorced, you know, and sometimes people make that mistake and, but you know, when they get remarried, that person is supposed to be loyal and true to the next spouse that they have, so, but people get hair-lipped about that, you know, men, men being the leaders, that is a, in today's, you know, a feminizing society that we live in, where now all the superheroes are, all the toughest superheroes in the movies are all women, you know, everyone, now there's got to be a woman director and now it's got to be a certain amount of, you know, just wokeness involved in everything and, you know, men leading is a thing of the past in our society and in our world, but you know what, in the Bible believing King James only Baptist Church, that's going to be thunder from the pulpits that men should be leading, the husband is the head of the wife, like Christ is the head of the church, so, you know, this is what the Bible teaches, that God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, you know, we, he's, there's all kinds of things that we need to be specific about and, you know, what like, what about cross-dressing, cross-dressing is another thing, you know, and I'm not gonna just jump on, if a lady walks in here wearing pants, I'm not gonna be like, hey what are you doing wearing pants lady, you know, I wouldn't do that, we don't have a dress code here necessarily when it comes to that, but if I, if a lady comes in wearing pants and I was already going to talk about this, for me to not say what the truth is about it, that makes me a compromiser and, you know what, I should just quit and sit down and shut up and let somebody get up here that actually wants to preach the Bible, because, you know, women wearing pants is cross-dressing, pants are for men, dresses and skirts are for ladies, that's the facts, so if you don't like that, and I don't have time to get into all the Bible verses, but, you know, hair length is another thing, you know, people want to just blur the lines all the time on hair length, and isn't it weird when you see like a man walking down the street with long hair and a woman with short hair, it's like, what is this, you know, wizardry that's going on here, what is going on, like you're out taking the opposite role here, but, you know, I mean, when I get up and preach about hair length, you know, we're an independent fundamental Baptist Church, King James only, and you know what, it's pretty weird when you have to tell the men that to go to the barber shop because they look like they just got out of the beauty shop, you know, we, the guys, don't blur the lines here, you know, we need to have some short haircuts, you know, and I'm not saying that you you're like girly if you don't have, if you can comb your hair over or something, I'm just saying that like trying to blur the lines, guys, don't blur the lines, get a short haircut so people know what you are, okay, because in today's society it's hard to know what people are sometimes, ladies are supposed to have long hair, that's what the Bible says, okay, so your hair is given to you for a covering, so cover up, right, so the, you know, I already mentioned the reprobate doctrine, that splits, you know, a lot of hairs with people and they get upset about it, but, you know, the Bible is true whether we want it to be or not, the death penalty, you know, people get upset about that, you know, and what I'm saying is that we, you know, we need to get up and preach everything, the death penalty, we need to preach about priorities, you know, what's your priorities, God, your spouse, your children, your extended family, your church family, your church life, your Bible reading, your prayer time, your soul winning, your singing out loudly when you sing in the hymns, you know, what are your priorities in life, are your priorities in life a bunch of other stuff that doesn't matter or your priorities the right priorities, who's number one in your life, is it God, it should be, who's number two in your life, if you're married, it should be your spouse, who's number three, it should be your children, and so people get these priorities all out of whack, but you know what, we still got to, we got to preach about this stuff, we got to preach the hard truths because the society outside these doors don't believe what we believe, they don't believe what the Bible says, and so us of all people need to know what the priorities are, we need to know what the Bible says and what, how we should respond to a society that's heading on a bobsled to hell right now, with all their confusion and all their wickedness, and you know, if the Bible says it, that settles it for me, that should settle it for you, if the Bible says it, we should believe it, we should not go back upon that, so, and no matter what anybody else has taught you, it doesn't matter what someone says, you know what matters, what the Bible says, so I can get up and pray, you know, you can say well pastor where's the verses to back up everything you just said, well come to me after the service some other day, and I'll be happy to show you the verses okay, so anyway, number two tonight, hard preaching should be bold, hard preaching should be bold, you know, you got, you can't be scared to get up and preach the Word of God, and even if you're not a pastor and you get up and preach, don't be, don't be afraid to preach, be bold, God says that we're supposed to be bold as a lion, you know, Christians should be bold as lions when we go out and to preach the gospel or whatever it is that we're doing, we should be bold, so turn to Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 16, Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 16, and see if there is no clear scripture, what I believe is that we go to principle, what do you see in the scripture happening with that doctrine, and then you base, you make, if there's not a clear one, you can't say well this is for sure what the Bible says about this unless it says it, then if there's no clear scripture, then what you believe is probably not true, think about that, but we should be bold, hard preaching should be bold when it's preached, so Jeremiah 1 16 says, and I will utter my judgments against them, touching all their wickedness who have forsaken me and have burned incense unto other gods and worshiped the works of their own hands, so God's, you know, he's preparing Jeremiah to be this prophet unto the nations, he literally doesn't, he doesn't just send them to Israel and Judah, he sends them all over the world to preach against other countries, imagine the boldness it takes to do that, to be, you know, hey, by the way, I'm the prophet of the Lord, I'm here to, you know, rebuke your king, you know, or to rebuke your nation, they're like, who does this guy think he is, well he's bold enough to go and do it, so obviously they're probably like, well this guy might not have all his marbles, you know, he's gonna come into our country and tell us what we need to do, so, but that's what Jeremiah was told to do, look at what it says, verse 17, thou therefore gird up thy loins and arise and speak unto them all that I command thee, be not dismayed at their faces lest I confound thee before them, so he's saying get up and preach what I tell you to preach and what I command them to be commanded and be not, don't look at their faces and be like, you know, when people, because you don't see your faces sometimes when I say stuff, but I try not to focus in too much, especially when I know that it's bothering somebody, because you can sometimes, I've just seen like faces like this, you know, they're just all mad or whatever, and it's like why does God say don't be dismayed at their faces and stop preaching what you're preaching, because, you know, he wants them, he wants you to say everything you're supposed to say, that takes boldness, and Jeremiah wasn't a popular preacher in the nation of Judah at all, as a matter of fact he was very hated, very mistreated, but you know what he did, he got up boldly and proclaimed God's Word, look what it says, for behold, verse 18, I have made thee this day a defense city, and an iron pillar, and brazen walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, against the princes thereof, against the priests thereof, and against the people of the land, and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee, for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee, so he's saying don't worry Jeremiah, you get up and preach everything I said, by the way I got your back, and so, you know, even though Jeremiah had to go through a lot of hard things, God always had his back, and Jeremiah always walked away okay from every situation he was in, turn to Jeremiah chapter 23 verse 29, Jeremiah chapter 23 verse 29, and here's the thing about the Bible, you know, you get to preach in it, and it lights you on fire, and when you're reading the Bible, you know, you should have a fire that burns within you from the Word of God, and if you don't, just keep reading, because something's gonna touch you, something, you know, unless you're just completely hardened to the things of God, you know, God's Word is like a fire, it says, look at what it says in verse 29, it's not my word like a fire, saith the Lord, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces, so, you know, people when they have hard hearts, God's Word can come in and smash that hard heart that they have, and then, you know, the fire of God can burn inside you, but you know what, if you never pick it up and read it, it's not gonna help you, but we should be bold, in Acts chapter 4 verse 29, it says, And now, Lord, behold their threatenings, and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word. Verse 31 says, And when he had prayed, the place was shaken where they assembled together, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the Word of God with boldness. See, the preaching should be bold, hard preaching should be bold, and it should be something that, you know, you're not afraid to get up and preach the Word of God. People said, you know, Jesus didn't teach like the scribes and the priests, he taught like one that had authority, and you know why? Because he did have authority, and you know what, Jesus has given us all authority to preach the Bible and to preach the Word of God just like he did, and we should take advantage of that because, you know, God is the one that gives us the power. Jesus Christ has all the power and he gives it to us, but look at how many people are too scared to preach the truth behind the pulpit. It's just a bunch of weaklings out there that are scared of their own shadow, they're scared to put their preaching out in the public, they're scared to, they're scared to preach the gospel. I mean they won't even preach the gospel, and they won't even respond, you know, to criticism, they just hide. There's a bunch of scared, milk toast, pink tea lemonade, pink shirt wearing preachers out there that are afraid to get up with a little bit of hair on their legs and preach the, preach the Bible for what it says. They're afraid, they're scared. You know what they should do? They should quit. Quit or get better. Because the last thing we need is one more pansy preacher in the pulpit. Number three tonight, hard preaching should be loud. Hard preaching should be loud. You're like, Pastor Thompson, I've never heard that before. Well let's turn over to Isaiah chapter 58. Do you think Isaiah was a great prophet of God? Yes or no? He was. And do you think that the, the preachers and the pastors in, in these, in this book, do you think that they just preached soft sermons where nobody could hear them? They had to, they didn't have microphones back then. You know what they had to do? Scream at the top of their lungs. They had to scream and yell and get their message across. Here's what Isaiah said in verse 1 in chapter 58. It says, cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression in the house of Jacob their sins. So what, what's Isaiah saying? He's, you know, it's saying cry aloud. It's not talking about weeping. Weeping is weeping, weeping is what we call crying now. But crying aloud is yelling. And it says, lift up thy voice. That's so people can hear what you're saying, like a trumpet. I was going to ask somebody if they play a trumpet today, just so you can hear how loud it is, but I don't want to blow your eardrums out. But a trumpet is really loud and the Bible refers to people preaching loud, like a trumpet in multiple verses. It talks about Jesus, you know, the, the sound of a, of a trumpet when his voice is being preached in Revelation and just multitudes of times in the Bible. It talks about it. I don't, I can't belabor that point tonight, but what did Isaiah say? To lift up your voice like a trumpet. That means preach loud. Show my people their transgression. So here's an instance where, where a man of God is being told, hey, do this. This is the way I want you to preach it. I don't want you to preach it soft. I want you to preach it loud. And so what does he want to preach about? Well, about their transgression, about their sins. And it says the house of Jacob their sins. It's not just the people outside that we, you know, we can rip on the people outside as much as we want, but that's not really helping them. Well, you know what helps is when the people of God hear their sins being ripped on and then they change because of that preaching. Because listen, hard preaching is not designed to just, you know, to be fun all the time and sometimes it is, okay, I understand that, but sometimes, you know, most of the time and 99.9% of the time it's designed to make a change in somebody. And how does God say to do it? Well, he says be bold. He says to be loud. Isaiah preached hard. Jeremiah preached hard. Ezekiel preached hard. Amos preached hard. John the Baptist preached hard. Jesus preached hard. Paul preached hard. Peter preached hard. Jude preached hard. John preached hard. You just put your finger in a book of the Bible of any of the prophets and then you're gonna find some hairy eyeball sermons that they preached. You know, Ezekiel's preaching whole sermons about harlots and harlotries and whores. I mean, it's a long chapter. He says it multiple times. It's like, it's almost like God just put that there or let us see that sermon that he preached just so we could see just how, just how hard you can preach without God being upset about it. God's not upset about it. He told, he said to do it. He said to preach loud. He said to preach about sin. So hard preaching should be loud and hard preaching number four should be dynamic. Well, what does that mean? Well, that you're just like, you know, you're filled with energy. You know, maybe you are pounding the pulpit. Maybe you are, you know, shaking up like this or whatever. You're just, you're fired up about the preaching and you preach it in a way that's dynamic and I guess boring would be another way that other people preach. You know, John MacArthur, he's not exactly the hardest preacher I've ever heard, but people like him because he's all Bible study and stuff. Those people are hyper spiritual alike that kind of preaching. Well, John MacArthur never raises his voice. Yeah, because he's weak and he's going to hell because he's a Calvinist, you know. So turn to Ezekiel chapter 6 verse 11. So where did God say for men of God to be dynamic in their preaching? Well, the word dynamic isn't there, but what he's telling Ezekiel to do is dynamic and he's ripping on sin in this chapter too. Like most of the time Ezekiel's doing something and he's also, he's also told to preach doing certain things. You know, he's told to, you know, eat dung for like however long it is and first he was told to eat human dung and mix it in with his bread, which is utterly disgusting. He's like, please God, don't make me have to eat the human do. Let me eat the, I think he ended up eating like cow dung or something, but he would also set up like GI Joe's and stuff and like make the make all the the forts of the battlements and like let him fight and stuff in front of each other. He was doing, you know, he was just showing people through a message how, you know, God's truths are to be followed and the thing is, is that, you know, you might think well that's kind of weird, but we should do object lessons from time to time. I don't, I don't think we need to do an object lesson in every sermon, but sometimes when you really want to get the point across, you should do some kind of an object sermon, object lesson, excuse me, in your sermon and why would you do that? Why, what's the big deal about being dynamic? What's the big deal? Well, it's because it's meaningful. It's memorable. It's something that you'll remember, hey remember the time when Pastor Thompson cut that, you know, melon in half or whatever, somebody did it for me. What about the time when I, you know, I had all this stuff set up. I mean, people remember stuff like that because it's something that helps you to understand what the truth of the sermon is and Ezekiel did that a lot. He was asked to do stuff like that. He was asked to like sleep on a certain, on his side for like, you know, a year or something, something crazy. I can't remember all the details, but you know what I'm talking about and they make that Ezekiel bread now and it tastes just as disgusting as it probably did back then, except for no do in it, right? No doo-doo in it. Ezekiel chapter 6 verse 11 says, thus saith the Lord God, smite with the hand and stamp with the foot and say, alas for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel. So God said for him to do that. God said for him to smite with the hand. God said for him to stomp with the foot and he said because of the evil abominations of the house of Israel. So God wants that kind of preaching to be preached to the people because if it's just a monotone, one-tone only style of preaching all the time, people don't get that much out of it. Every once in a while you got to be waking up with a thunderous pounding or screaming at the top of my lungs about something and that's going to help you resonate with the sermon a lot more. It's hard preaching. So look at the last point is point number five, actually no it's not the last point, second last point, okay I'm almost done. All right so number five, hard preaching should be specific. It should be specific. It's not just like God's good, the devil's bad, sins bad, you know, good, what is it, good God, bad devil, you know. That's not very specific. I mean God gets specific in telling, you know, in these sermons, Turn to Malachi 3-5. He gets specific. I just want to show you an example of how specific he'll get and this is just one example out of the whole Bible, but I thought it was a good example because he's specifically calling out sins that people are committing. Malachi 3-5 says, I will come near to you to judgment and I'll be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers and against the false swearers and against those that oppress the hireling and his wages, the widow and the fatherless and that turn aside the stranger from his right and fear not me, saith the Lord of hosts. So that's pretty specific, right? He's talking about the sorcerers, he's talking about the adulterers, so he's specifically naming the sins that these people are doing and it says, For I am the Lord, I change not, therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He still hates the sin of sorcery, he still hates adultery, he still hates sorcery, he still hates people that swear falsely against their neighbor, he still hates sodomites, he still hates these reprobates. You know, God does hate. The Bible says there's a time to love and a time to hate. You know, people forget that because they've watched Star Wars too many times or whatever and they think that Yoda's religion is what we should be preaching. Yoda would never say that. Yeah, because Yoda is not real, number one, but number two, you know, Yoda's wrong. He says hate leads to anger and anger leads to the dark side or whatever, but it's like, you know, so what you're saying that God is the dark side if he's hating something? That's not true. What's true is that God does hate some people, he does hate sin, you know, and he's not just gonna continue to put up with stuff and you know what he expects from his preachers is for those preachers to get up and not be afraid to say what's true and right no matter what culture we're living in, no matter whether we're living in the end times, no matter whether we're living in some, you know, fairy duster bowl of a piece of garbage country that we're living in right now. Where sodomy and filth is just being spread all over the airways, all over the radio, all up in the libraries. You can't even go to a public library sometimes because these freaks are just camped out with their weird costumes on, reading the little children. What in the world? We've been, you know what, we've been boiled like a frog very slowly into accepting these things, and you know what, they're wicked as hell, we should not put up with it, but here we are, we're just pedophiles are just getting out of prison in two months. Are you joking me? And they'll put a tax, a tax evader in prison for ten years versus a pedophile that ruined somebody's life? Are you kidding me? So number five is that, you know, hard preaching needs to be specific, and it can't just be vague, oh that person, I don't want to mention their name, you know, the Bible Paul named the names, John named the names, Jesus named, you know, Jesus called Herod a fox, ooh, you know, foxes are pretty nasty little animals, they eat, you know, they steal the chickens, right? They're just, they're, they're creepy and they, they want to eat all your stuff and poop in your yard or whatever, they're bad, right? But people say, well Jesus never would have called anybody names, he called the Pharisees a bunch of vipers, he called them fools, now people, you said fool, you know, you're, you're Rekha, you're, you're gonna go to hell for saying that, look, it's not, but yet, so if it's sinful to call someone a fool, then Jesus wouldn't have been sinless, would he? So maybe your understanding of that verse isn't what is actually the truth, because Jesus called the Pharisees fools and blind, why did sepulchres, why did walls, he said, you know, everything that he could say, you know, that back then those things are probably really bad to say, you know, we don't know what vipers are like, because we live here, you know, we might have seen one on, you know, the Discovery Channel or something, but vipers are a legit thing over there, you know, you got cobras and all kinds of stuff, but anyway, I got to hurry up, my last point here, point number six, hard preaching should be from the Bible, you know, a lot of people get mad about the standards, you know, dropping and things like that, but here's, here's what, here's what the problem with fundamentalism, what happened, is that they were preaching these things, they were preaching all this stuff without backing it up with the Bible, see people aren't gonna just say, well, you know, you're saying that I should get my hair cut, pastor, but, you know, where does that say that in the Bible, you just want to make fun of me for not going to the barber shop or whatever, no, that's not true, but, you know, the point is that if your hair's cut short, people are gonna pretty much know, I mean, I know today's different, you know, you can look at someone and you can't even know whether they're a man or a woman anymore, I get that they're trying to do that on purpose, to really mess everybody up, but, you know, we got to preach out of the Bible, we got to be specific about what we're preaching, but we got to preach out of the Bible, look at 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 2, 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse number 2, one more place after this, then I'll be done, making you turn places, but anyway, the Bible says in 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 2, it says, preach the word, that's the Bible, right, be instant, in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and doctrine, so, notice what it says, preach the word, what is instant, well, you think about like instant rice or, you know, we're kind of an instant type of society where we want, you know, people don't want to cook things from scratch, they throw it in the microwave, that's instant, right, so, if you think about something being instant, in season and out of season, you know, what's the Bible saying that whether it's out of season, whether it's not popular, you still got to preach it, whether it's in season, you still preach it, because some people be like, well, I hear, I've heard this before, it's in season, you know, everybody's wearing the same parka or whatever, but it doesn't matter, we're still supposed to preach the word whether it's in season also, we always like to say whether it's out of season, but what about when it's in season, you know, the Bible is still supposed to be preached, these things have to be brought up regularly and be talked about regularly, look what it says in verse 3, for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned onto fables. Why do we need hard preaching? Well, we need to preach what the Bible says, because a lot of people aren't even preaching at all, you're lucky to get like a couple Bible verses out of a, well just go for fun one time on an off night of church to one of these mega churches or one of these community churches and just listen to how little Bible they're gonna give you, they're gonna give you a little bit of Bible, a lot of poems, a lot of stories about their life and how they're the hero of the story because their faith is greater than everybody else's. That's basically where you're gonna get, and before that you're gonna get an hour-long rock concert where you got a bunch of breathy queer looking sissies up there singing songs with smoke and mirrors and lights and and and glitter coming out of the the the air conditioning vents and all that kind of stuff like Bethel or whatever. What is that what is that hell song? That is straight out of hell. So that's what you're gonna get at one of these other churches, it's like look what did God say to do? He said preach the word, that's what he said. He didn't say preach the poem, he didn't say preach your own your own testimony, preach your own story, no we're supposed to be preaching his story, not our story, not how great we are. We're nothing compared to God. I'm not saying we're nothing, I'm just saying we're nothing compared to God. So there's coming a time and we're probably there right now where they're not gonna endure sound doctrine and they're gonna go after their own lust, they want to hear what they want to hear that's why their teachers having itching ears, they want their ears tickled because you know they don't want to hear someone get up and rip on sin, they don't want to hear someone get up and like just dispel all the evils of this world because it's not popular and they don't want to feel weird or whatever and like is that even legal for him to say that? Stuff like look we have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, you know what we have freedom to preach this book and the reason why we're losing our freedoms because people refuse to actually preach what the Bible says. It's sad. Look at Job chapter 6, this is the last place I'll return, Job chapter 6 verse 24, Job 6 24, the Bible says teach me and I will hold my tongue and cause me to understand where I've erred. How forcible are right words but what doth your arguing reprove? How forcible of right words are right words? Look the right words are the words that are in the Bible and we should be offended by the words in the Bible and people will get up and say well you're cussing, you said piss, you said damn, you said hell, you said whore, you said bag, you said harlot, whore monger, adulterer, drunk, you know isn't it nicer to just say alcoholic than it is drunk? No the Bible says drunk, you're a drunk and that has a lot harder of a connotation, you know forcible words are right words and the Bible words are right words. So we just had a little affair, no it's called adultery, oh we just you know we had a little fling, it's called fornication, oh we just you know she's just a little loose, no she's a whore, she's a whore, she's a harlot, that child's just illegitimate, no he's a bastard. Look don't sit there and tell me that the Bible has cuss words in it, God doesn't, God is not a sinner, he's not a man that he should sin and so what the inspired word is in this book is the right word. We shouldn't be ashamed of it and you're like well what about fag, you say fag or you say faggot, it's like yeah but when you say sodomite most of the time people don't know what you're talking about, that's not like everybody outside reads the Bible, it's not like a real popular word, you could say homosexual but it doesn't have the negative connotation that it should have, because the negative connotation that it should have is that they're a bunch of freaks and that God pronounces the death penalty upon them in Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 and I'm not going to shy away from anything that the Bible says, someone that kidnaps somebody should be put to death, someone that lies with the beast should be put to death, there's sick people out here that do that kind of stuff, nobody in here hopefully, all right yeah don't raise your hand if you do okay, you're out of, well actually do raise your hand so I can throw you out, well let me, just listen, that term it might be negative in society but you know what I grew up you know playing with my friends or whatever like you faggot or whatever and it's like that's what guys did to like get each other riled up, don't you call me that you know because why because it's the worst possible thing you can be called and nobody wants to be that, now all of a sudden it's so popular everybody wants to be that, nobody even knows what gender they are, you know what let me just tell you this there's only two genders, male and female, God made them male and female so don't give me that garbage that they're you know some zit you know there's some omni gender or you know they're they're cis or I don't even know all these stupid things, there's like supposedly like hundreds of or at least a couple hundred like different genders it's like they them, he she it them whatever dog, monkey, cat, baboon, you know so it's funny I preached something about that not too long ago and someone said that I was just making it up well I forgot what it was about it was about some cat huh yeah the cats in the litter box or whatever no no that's true it is true and there was something else that they said I just I can't it's escaping me right now but anyway I got to be done so but you know using the right words using the Bible there's nothing wrong with that and you know what's wrong is to say you know the ass and you're talking about a donkey but you say donkey instead because you want to you know just lighten up the word or whatever that's what God named these animals or Adam actually named him he named a donkey an ass that's what it says in the Bible so like that's not a bad word now if you're using it you know and your parents are saying don't say that pastor said it's not a bad word listen kids you listen to what your parents say to do okay I'm not telling you it's okay to say certain words all right you listen to your parents what they say but I'm just saying with the words in the Bible and even if it's not the word fag just means a bundle of sticks meant to be burned that's what it means Paul you know it's in the it's in the English Paul picked up a bundle of sticks and threw him in the fire so he threw a faggot in the fire I mean that's it's the English word for it okay so anyway I know I was just playing around but it is what what he threw in and so and then a snake came out and bit him right that'll preach a sermon right there anyway I got to be done let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for your word Lord and I pray that you just help us to just not be offended by the words in this book and Lord anything that you say or you have for us Lord I pray that you just help us to just take it and even if it doesn't sound right but it comes from you Lord we should just accept it as the truth and not be offended about those things Lord you said great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them pray you'd help help us to be a people it's not offended over every little thing in a world that is just filled with sissies and pansies I pray Lord you'd help us to be the for the men to be men and the when women to be feminine and we're all we're just two genders here Lord and what you made us and Lord help us to not compromise to the wickedness of this world that we live in Jesus name we pray amen