(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Page number 31 We're going to be singing He Lives Music Page number 31 He Lives Get out on the first verse Page 31 Music I serve a risen Savior He's in the world today I know that He is living Whatever man may sing I see His hand of mercy I hear His voice of cheer In just the time I need Him He's always near He lives He lives Christ Jesus lives today He walks with me And talks with me Along life's narrow way He lives He lives Salvation to impart You ask me how I know He lives He lives Within my heart In all the world around me I see His loving care And though my heart grows weary I never will despair I know that He is leading Through all the stormy past The day of His appearing Will come at last He lives He lives Christ Jesus lives today He walks with me And talks with me Along life's narrow way He lives He lives Salvation to impart You ask me how I know He lives He lives Within my heart Rejoice, rejoice, oh Christian Lift up your voice and sing Eternal hallelujah To Jesus Christ the King The help of all who seek And the help of all who find None other is so loving So good and kind He lives He lives Christ Jesus lives today He walks with me And talks with me Along life's narrow way He lives He lives Salvation to impart You ask me how I know He lives He lives Within my heart Good singing brother Eli will you open us in a word of prayer Lord thank you so much for this church Father Thank you for the people in it Lord Lord we thank you so much for the resurrection that we're celebrating today Lord Because without it we wouldn't have salvation Father So help us to open our eyes and our ears to your word in Jesus name Amen Amen if you'll turn one page over to page 32 Page number 32 He lives on high Page number 32 seat out on the cruise Christ the Savior came from heaven's glory To redeem the lost from sin and shame On his ground he wore the full crown glory And upon Calvary he took my claim He lives on high He lives on high Triumphant over sin in all its stain He lives on high He lives on high Someday he's coming again He arose from death in all its sorrow To dwell in that land of joy and love He is coming back some glad tomorrow And he'll take all his children home above He lives on high He lives on high Triumphant over sin in all its stain He lives on high He lives on high Someday he's coming again Weary soul to Jesus come confessing Redemption from sin he offers thee Look to Jesus and receive a blessing There is life, there is joy and victory He lives on high He lives on high Triumphant over sin in all its stain He lives on high He lives on high Someday he's coming again Thank you so much for coming this morning. Let's take our bulletins and look at some announcements this morning. If you need a bulletin, would you just lift up your hand and one of our ushers will bring you a bulletin. On our front cover, we have our verse of the week. It says, he is not here for he has risen. As he said, come see the place where the Lord lay. Matthew chapter 28, verse number 6, great scripture there on the resurrection of Jesus. And of course, that's what Easter is all about is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And so we're going to be celebrating that today. And our service times are Sunday morning at 10.30 a.m. Sunday evening at 3.30 p.m. Tonight we'll be in Genesis chapter number 45. Thursday evening, Bible studies at 6.30 p.m. We'll still be in Genesis. We'll be in 2 Corinthians chapter number 11 for the second sermon out of that. And then our soul wanting times are listed below. It says 1 o'clock for soul wanting today. I don't know if we're going to make that exact time but we'll still have soul wanting today. So if you're interested in going soul wanting, and soul wanting is when you go out and preach the gospel like Jesus said to do. He said, go ye therefore and preach the gospel. So that's what our church does and we have multiple times during the week where you have times available to do such things and we don't ask you to go and just start talking to people right away. You can be what's called a silent partner and just go with somebody that can help train you and show you how to share your faith. And sharing your faith is the main reason why we're still here, right? So the Bible says Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost and so our church takes that very seriously. We do have soul wanting today. Brother Sean Conlon, where are you at? He's right there. That's the soul wanting captain for Sundays and so if you want to go and you're not in our WhatsApp group, then please get with him and he will make sure you get a partner and a map. All right. If you look down you can see our praise report, our reservations, baptisms, and attendance totals from last week and the upcoming events. Today, of course, is Easter Sunday. We're going to be having a potluck after the morning service where we'll be serving ham, ham, and more ham and all that ham smells delicious. It looks like some people brought some great desserts and side dishes, so we appreciate everybody participating in that. So after the service, the ladies will probably be getting stuff ready in there and then we'll announce when it's time to line up and get the food, okay? So please don't let your kids touch the food. Make sure that if your kids are little, they're not just picking and say, which one do I want, you know? Just make sure that you're attending to your children during that and so here's a trick of the trade, okay? I watched my wife do it for many years. You grab a plate, you fill it with a whole bunch of food, and then you take other plates and put them underneath and then you divide it up at the table so you don't have to have all the kids in line with you. It's just a little tip, trick of the trade there on that. So anyway, so April 23rd, which is going to be next weekend, is the Detroit Soul Winning Trip and so a bunch of people from our church. Raise your hand if you're going to that, please. All right, several people are going to Detroit next weekend and they'll be preaching the gospel for several different times. Brother Temo's leading that trip. We also have some people from other churches. We have people from Steadfast Baptist. We also have people from Faithful Word and then just a whole bunch of other people from just around that area are going to be going to that and so we also have Deacon Corbin Russell from Faithful Word Baptist Church Tucson and Brother Dylan from Steadfast Baptist Church. They'll be preaching for us that Sunday and the location's a super secret location so you have to be there on Saturday or you can email me or just get with Brother Corbin or Brother Dylan to get the location and they're just going to announce the location on Saturday so we do that so the freaks don't try to call in advance and get us canceled and all that stuff. So anyway, so that's going to be a great trip. During that same weekend, I'm going to be preaching at Shield of Faith Baptist Church in Boise, Idaho. Pastor Jones, their church puts on a pastor appreciation week and Brother Deacon Oliver Gonzalez is going to be preaching on a Friday night and then there's going to be a soul winning time and I think some food's involved somehow, some way. I can't remember all the details but I'll be preaching for both services that Sunday for them. It's Pastor Jones' birthday so make sure you say happy birthday to him. He's getting old so anyway but that'll be great to see our friends over in Idaho. May 7th is the Ladies' Tea. It's going to be here at the building at 10 a.m. and that's all ladies are invited. So all ladies, it's not just a Mother's Day thing, it's for all ladies and it's here at the church building. My wife's been preparing for that and it looks like she has a lot of nice stuff in store for the Ladies' Tea and we appreciate all the ladies that help put that together. And Mother's Day is the next day which is the 8th and there's going to be an afternoon or after church meal provided. I haven't decided what that would be so if you have any ideas ladies of what you would want for that special day where we're not going to ask you to make anything for the potluck, we're not going to ask you to make any food, we do that for you so just tell me what you want and I will let you vote in that way. That's the only way you're ever allowed to vote at this church but the eyes will have it, all right? So Panda Express, sometimes people get sick of that, people get sick of pizza but just tell me what you want and if it's not like flown in from Europe or something, something within reason, I will definitely provide that for you. So anyway, that's May 8th and then May 27th is going to be the soul winning marathon in Bellingham, Washington and the last time we went soul winning there, Brother Robert, how many do we have saved? It was three salvations but it was like an hour or something or a very short period of time and so they found this mega apartment complex there that seemed receptive so we'll probably start there, that's May 27th. That is on a Friday so you probably have to take the day off of work if you work Monday through Friday and then Brother Robert's leading that marathon so we'll have more details coming up about that and then the Sure Foundation Baptist North preaching and fellowship at Blaine, it's at the border there, we did that a couple months back. It was very successful and so basically the Canadians can come to this park and we can go to the same park and that's like basically the only way we can fellowship because in order to get into Canada, you have to have a vaccine so we just kind of have a little bit of an end around there and God's blessed us with that and so we're appreciative of that and we're going to have a great time up there preaching and having some fellowship with our brethren and let's see, June 1st through 4th is the church camp and we'll have more details coming up about that here soon. June 10th is going to be the Northeast New IP Conference Night in New Jersey at 6 p.m. for food and fellowship and service will begin at 7 p.m. I'll be preaching and Pastor Jimenez will be preaching. There will be a solany marathon on Saturday in New Jersey and there will be baptisms so it's going to be a great weekend up there. It's kind of like their Red Hot Preaching Conference in the Northeast or something. So anyway, that's going to be a great trip to go to. July 14th through 17th is the Red Hot Preaching Conference. Of course, that's always a hit destination. Many marriages have been made at the Red Hot Preaching Conference and many great sermons preached so that's always something that people look forward to and our special prayer is for our church in Spokane and for Brother Chris. He flew off to Saudi Arabia this morning. He's deployed and just make sure to pray for Brother Chris. And also for Miss Queenie, it kind of got cut off my list there but Miss Queenie's been having some health problems up in Canada. That's Brother Win's wife who is our leader at Sure Foundation Baptist North in Surrey, B.C. She has an appointment coming up soon to figure out what happened with the testing and stuff like that so please make sure to keep her in your prayers. And we're a family integrated church and that means the children and infants are welcome during the church services. We don't separate families for any reason and so we do have available for your family. We don't have a nursery here but we do have rooms where you can take your children if they're on cue crying. But kids chirping and making noise doesn't really bother me that much. It's when they scream at the top of their lungs that it kind of stops me in my tracks sometimes. But it's only happened once or it completely stopped me. I'm not even going to say who it was. Brother CJ's kid. But anyway, there's a dad baby room located in that corner right there. It's marked right there and then the mother baby room is right there. And so if your child becomes just super distracting or disruptive, please just take them in there real quick and calm them down. Or if you need to change them or feed them or anything like that, those rooms are for your convenience. The sermon's still pumped into the thing through speakers or we have a monitor in that room. There's comfortable seating in there and so please utilize those for your convenience. And please reserve the back rows for families with young children. The gliders or rockers are for pregnant and nursing mothers and elders only. Please know men allowed in the mother baby rooms and know mothers allowed in the dad baby room during the church services. No unattended children in any area of the building. Please make sure you're watching your children. And please know food in the assembly area. That might not apply today. So it depends on how many people are going to stay for food. And I haven't seen Baptist, you know, refuse free food in a long time. So I could imagine it's going to be pretty packed. But we'll try to find seating for you and a table. So anyway, let's see. Please silence your cell phones at this time. If you would, please replace them on silent or I mean on airplane mode. And then escorts to the vehicles are available by the ushers, especially in the evening times as probably could be necessary. If you're a lady and you're here alone or you just have it's you and your children, your husband's not here. Please make sure that you utilize that. The ushers are the guys with the pins on their jacket to say usher on them. So just they already know that that's something that people will ask for from time to time. So don't be embarrassed to ask. Online donations are available on our Web site and our text giving number is below that. Our offerings and ties that have come in so far for April's at the bottom of the page there. And let's see, we had we sang Happy Anniversary to Chris and Sarah last weekend because Chris wasn't going to be here today. But Anthony and Candice, I didn't know their exact date, but we miss singing Happy Anniversary to them. Their anniversary was on the 13th. How many years have you been married now? Three. All right. The terrible threes. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. No, it's sweeter as the years go by. Right. So it gets easier as you know, it's funny. People think it's going to always be a storybook romance and people watch Cinderella growing up or something. It's not always easy. Right. It's not always easy to be married. And still, after all these years, it's not easy to be married to my wife. If she would just listen to me. No, I'm just joking. I'm kidding. I love her. And I'm only kidding. I'm very much so kidding. Don't don't don't beat me. No, I'm just kidding. So anyhow, that's all I have for announcements. Actually, if you're a first time visitor here, we're very happy that you're here. We do have gift bags for each first time visitor. They're located around that that that foyer division thing right there. That little fake wall on the left side. As you walk out, there's some bags in there. They're Easter color. This is just an example bag. But what's inside is just some information about our church. A nice pen with a stylus on it at the bottom. And then there's a film called Being Baptist that I put in there. That's a film that basically explains why we're Baptists and the things that Baptists believe. And our church is not a denomination. I know a lot of people say, well, I go to a non-denominational church. Well, this is a non-denominational church also because we are not headquartered by some some pope or something on the East Coast or something. This church is led by Christ and we go by what the Bible says. And so I've just preached what the Bible says and the rules that we go by are in there. So Jesus is the boss. The Bible's our boss. And I'm just the pastor of the church that leads as an under shepherd. So we don't have anybody else telling us what to do. So anyway, so that's the just please take that as a token of appreciation for being a first time guest. We're very thankful to have you here this morning. We know there's lots of options, so we appreciate that. So let's sing another song and then we'll receive the offering. Oh, that's what it was. My wife was killing me. I said happy anniversary, but we didn't sing the song. Let's sing the song. Happy anniversary to you. Happy anniversary to you. Happy anniversary to you. All right. And many more. Now. Turn to page 34. Page number 34. I know that my Redeemer liveth. Page number 34. Sing it out on the first. I know that my Redeemer liveth and on the earth again shall stand. I know eternal life he giveth that grace and power are in his hand. I know I know that Jesus liveth and on the earth again shall stand. I know I know that life he giveth that grace and power are in his hand. I know his promise never faileth, the word he speaks, it cannot die. The cruel death my flesh assaileth, yet I shall see. In my mind, I know I know that Jesus liveth and on the earth again shall stand. I know I know that life he giveth that grace and power are in his hand. I know my mention he prepareth that where he is there I may be. Oh wondrous thought for me he careth and he at last will come for me. I know I know that Jesus liveth and on the earth again shall stand. I know I know that life he giveth that grace and power are in his hand. We'll see you next time. We'll have our offering. Brother Sean Connolly, if you'll bless the offering, please. We'll see you next time. We'll see you next time. We'll see you next time. . We'll see you next time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .