(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Happy birthday, Ryan. Yeah, we've got to sing, right? We have no anniversary, so we're not going to sing the anniversary song, but we will sing for brother Ryan. And wish we could cue up the piano, but in lieu of that, we'll just sing instead. All right. On the first. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, God bless you. Happy birthday to you. All right. We'll sing it again when Paul comes back. All right. So, of course, we are a family integrated church, which means we don't separate the children from their parents, and we have a mother-baby room across the hall. I believe everybody that has children knows about that, so that's good. Let's see here, so no men allowed in the mother-baby room. The back rows are reserved for families with young children. Be careful with food or drinks in the assembly area. I guess that's there because everybody was breaking the rule, the original rule, for so long that it became relevant. So there was a change. Of necessity, there was a change of the law. So please silence your cell phones at this time, and money matters are at the bottom. Let's go ahead and pray for the prayer request real quick. All right, dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for this evening, Lord. I thank you for everybody that was able to make it to come and hear Pastor Thompson preach, and I pray that you would please help Brother Ryan recover from the car accident, and I pray that everything will be resolved with anything that has to do with money with that, as the guy didn't have insurance, and I just pray that you would mostly just make sure that Ryan recovers completely and there's no issues there, Lord, and there's also an unspoken prayer, Lord. We don't know what it is, but I pray that you would just resolve whatever that problem is, Lord, in a special way, in a miracle, and I just pray that you would take care of it, Lord. And also I pray, we pray for more souls to be saved in the Spokane area, Lord, that we'd be able to preach the gospel to as many people as we can to reach more people for you, Lord, and I pray that you would also grow the church, Lord. I pray that you would add to the church what seems good to you, Lord, and everything that we can handle, and I pray that you would just work in that way, Lord, and I pray that you would bless the rest of the service, Lord, in dear Jesus' name, Amen. All right, so we're gonna do a psalm. We're gonna do Psalm 150. Psalm 150. Psalm 150. to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of the trumpet praise him with the psaltery and harp praise him with the timble and dance praise him with him upon the loud cymbals praise him upon the high sounding cymbals let everything that hath breath praise the Lord praise ye the Lord All right, excellent singing, everybody. At this time, we'll take up the offering. Brother Dan, would you please take up the offering? I thank God for his faith, for his blessings. I thank God that we give back to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Amen. All right. If you can open your Bible to Isaiah chapter 5. We will read the whole chapter as our custom is. Isaiah chapter 5. Now will I sing to my well beloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. My beloved half a vineyard in a very fruitful hill and he fenced it and gathered out the stones thereof and planted it with the choicest vine and built a tower in the midst of it and also made a wine press therein. And he looked that it should bring forth grapes and it brought forth wild grapes. And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, Judge, I pray you betwixt me and my vineyard. What could have been done more to my vineyard that I have done in it? Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes brought forth wild grapes. And now go to I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard. I will take away the hedge thereof and it shall be eaten up and break down the wall thereof and it shall be trodden down. And I will lay it waste and it shall not be pruned nor digged but there shall come up briars and thorns. I will also commend the clouds that they rain, no rain upon it. For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel and the man of Judah is a pleasant plant. And he looked for judgment but behold oppression. For righteousness but behold a cry. Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth. In my years, said the Lord of hosts, of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair without an inhabitant. Yea, ten acres of vineyards shall yield one bath and the seed of an homer shall yield an ephah. Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning that they may follow strong drink, that continue until night till wine inflame them. And the harp and the vial, the tabret and pipe and wine are in their feasts but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of his hands. Therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge and their honorable men are famished and their multitude dried up with thirst. Therefore hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure. And their glory and their multitude and their pomp and he that rejoiceth shall descend into it. And the mean man shall be brought down and the mighty man shall be humbled and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled. But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness. Then shall the lambs feed after their manner and the waste places of the fat shall strangers eat. Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity and sin as it were with the cart rope. That say let him make speed and hasten his work that we may see it and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come that we may know it. Woe unto them that call evil good and good and give them evil and put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight. Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine and men of strength to mingle strong drink which justify the wicked for reward and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him. Therefore as the fire devour of the stubble and the flame consumeth the chaff so their roots shall be as rottenness and their blossom shall go up as dust because they have cast away the love of the Lord of hosts and despise the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people and he have stretched forth his hand against them and have smitten them and the hills did tremble and their carcasses were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still and he will lift up and assign to the nations from afar and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth and behold they shall come with speed swiftly. None shall be wary nor stumble among them. None shall slumber nor sleep. Neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed nor the latches of their shoes be broken whose arrows are sharp and all their bows bent. Their horses hoofs shall be counted like flint and their wheels like a whirlwind. Their roaring shall be like a lion. They shall roar like young lions. Yea, they shall roar and lay hold of the prey and shall carry it away safe and none shall deliver it and in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea and if one look unto the land behold darkness and sorrow and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof. Brother Ryan if you can pray for the service. Lord God, thank you that we can come into your house and do your grief tonight Lord. I pray that you will have to come and preach and fill up your spirit Lord and help us all to pay attention to Jesus in the name of Jesus. Amen. Well it's great to be back in Spokane Valley and it's great to see some new faces here and just want to appreciate everybody for coming to church tonight and this will probably be my last trip here for the year so but I did want to come to see you one more time before the year and I hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and so I wanted to come preach one more time and so I just want to say how much I appreciate all you guys and all the work you do and sometimes you're reading the bulletin and then next you're grabbing the plate and then you're playing the piano or you know you guys are just doing a lot of work here and I just want to let you know that I appreciate all the work that you all do. I know everybody here pitches in and does something so I just want to say how much I appreciate Brother Daniel and his family for stepping into the leadership role and I mean I the piano playing is coming along you know it's nice to be able to hear a piano when you're singing so and you're just going to get better and better the more you practice and so I just you know that's awesome I mean I can't play the piano so I'm a little envious about that but and tonight I'm preaching a sermon that's not like a normal type of sermon so if this is your first time here at this church you know it's not something I would normally preach but like it's kind of an issue that's been polarized and it's kind of a current events style sermon but if you look down in your Bible in the text that we that brother Daniel just read in verse number 20 it says woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter so basically we live in a world today where you know we have the media which obviously lies we have Hollywood that lies we have musicians and just we have this system of propaganda in our country and maybe you don't realize that but it's kind of what it is and there's a lot of a movement to destroy you know the United States even further than it's already been destroyed obviously there's a media slant that pushes this propaganda and propaganda is just basically spouting lies everybody's racist now at least all white people are apparently and you know the anytime something happens basically the race card is thrown out and it's just it's gotten crazy but I want to preach tonight about the Christian response to the Kyle Rittenhouse case the Christian response to the Kyle Rittenhouse case and so like I said it's going to be a little bit different of a sermon there is some some Wikipedia articles that I've I just kind of took a Wikipedia article and kind of just I'm going to give you try to give you the details of the case who's paying attention to this case right now who's heard anything about it nobody one person two three people okay so basically last year in 2020 there was a man named a man whose last name was goodnight it's Jacob Blake okay Jacob Blake was shot by police and of course people probably know there's been all kinds of protests and uprisings and and really riots and on Portland Oregon so you know I mean they had like every single night they were writing about something if it's raining they're writing about the rain if it's sunny they're writing about how sunny it is outside I mean they just they find whatever reason they can to riot about something and basically our country has gotten taken over by a lynch mob style mentality and they're just basically if people don't get their way they just get mad and break people's businesses and destroy people's cars and they're kind of holding the country hostage in a lot of ways because the government doesn't want to do anything to stop this riotous act I have no problem if someone wants to demonstrate and have a problem with something that's going on but when it becomes riotous that's when it becomes wrong when you start messing with other people's property and other people's lives and other people's physical well-being then I have a problem with that you know what God has a problem with it too so I'm going to pray and then we're going to get into the sermon okay Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for a night where we could come together and just the Bible is being preached Lord and Lord this is a different sermon I pray you'd help me with that I pray you'd fill me with your spirit I pray you'd fill me with your power and boldness Lord and Lord some of the things I'm going to say tonight might be hard to take but I pray that people will just see that what I'm preaching about is actually from the Bible and I pray that you just help the people to receive your word and to take it for what it is the word of God in Jesus' name we pray Amen so the Christian response to the Kyle Rittenhouse case so I'm going to start to read this article and I'm going to try to read it quickly so anyway on August 25th 2020 amid the unrest in Kenosha Wisconsin after the police shooting of Jacob Blake Kyle Rittenhouse a 17 year old from Antioch Illinois shot and killed two men and wounded another in the armed during confrontations at two locations he was armed with a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle and the individual wounded by Rittenhouse was armed with a handgun Rittenhouse had said that there he was there to protect a car dealership from being vandalized and provide medical aid and was carrying a med kit so there were people there that were armed with AR-15s they were not the protesters they were like basically the night before almost the whole I mean multiple businesses were burned up and these people owned a car lot and they saw their whole car lot be destroyed millions of dollars worth of damage they asked people to come in and protect their property and and even offered to pay some people for it which of course are lying about that now because they don't want to get sued but basically so Kyle Rittenhouse is one of those people but he lived in the neighboring community Antioch Illinois is basically 17 miles away from Kenosha Wisconsin his father lived in Kenosha Wisconsin his grandmother lived in Kenosha Wisconsin he worked in Kenosha Wisconsin but what you have here is you have like the media spinning this story and making it seem like you know he had no business being there he has no connection to the community you know he's just there causing trouble he wanted to shoot some protesters he's racist okay let me just tell you this you know also that the people that he shot were all white okay so if he was white so if you're white and you shoot a bunch of white people how does that make you racist I don't really fully understand that mentality but you know I mean the protesters were were protesting based upon a black man that was shot I understand that but you know I mean not every black man that gets shot is you know that means that the person was racist either I mean you know believe it or not black people do commit crimes sometimes and I'm not saying that an unlawful shooting of anybody is right by the police you know but here's the thing like how many people are protesting over white people to get shot you know I'm not racist I don't have a racist bone in my body I don't believe in racism the Bible doesn't teach racism at all the Bible says that he's made of all nations one blood so we're all every time any of us get cut I think we all bleed the same color right unless like you know maybe you're raised around Hanford or something but red blood is what we all have we're all red blooded Americans right or wherever you're from so race has nothing to do with this it has to do with you know and look I'm not saying I'm going to get to some of the things that I disagree with why you know the reasons you know all this happened and stuff like that and some of the things people might not find very popular what I'm about to say because I'm not just siding with one person on this okay there's wrong done on all sides of this whole thing but let me continue to read this article okay it says at the first location Rittenhouse was pursued by a group including Kenosha resident Joseph Rosenbaum a gunshot was fired into the air by a third party and according to a witness an unarmed Rosenbaum lunged at Rittenhouse and attempted to take his rifle Rittenhouse fired four times at Rosenbaum shooting him in the groin the hand and thigh the head and his back with a fractured pelvis and perforated liver and right lung Rosenbaum died shortly after at the second location after Rittenhouse tripped while fleeing he fired twice at an unidentified man who kicked him in the face by the way protesters approached Rittenhouse while he was still on the ground and Silver Lake resident Anthony Huber struck Rittenhouse with a skateboard and struggled for control of his rifle Rittenhouse then fired at Huber twice or once excuse me fatally shooting him in the chest West Dallas resident and volunteer medic Gage Grozenkreuz Grozenkreuz I think that's how you say his name then approached Rittenhouse while carrying a handgun Rittenhouse shot him once severing his right bicep muscle Rittenhouse was arrested and charged with multiple counts of homicide and unlawful possession of a firearm and a 19 year old man was arrested and charged with unlawfully supplying Rittenhouse's rifle Rittenhouse's attorney say that he acted in self defense upon hearing firearm discharge and in response to the physical confrontations from protesters public sentiment and media coverage of the shootings was polarized the trial for Rittenhouse began on November 1st 2021 and now the trial is in recess right now I think it was Monday was the closing arguments for the case and the prosecution presented their closing arguments and then of course the defense and now we're just waiting for the jury to decide what's going to happen now let me just kind of say this real quick the jury is probably afraid to make some kind of a ruling because basically even the judge is receiving death threats and being called a racist and people are threatening to burn this place to the ground once again and so basically this mob mentality kind of takes over and that rests judgment and justice and truth in this case because there's this looming thing this looming shadow saying we're going to destroy this place once again and so basically when anybody is on the wrong side of something that's political then you know the mob is going to rule and that's not the way this country was designed to be you know we should be able to you know go to a trial the evidence is presented and then the jury decides based upon the evidence that they're presented with so you have all this spin happening like I mean and I'm not trying to throw my mom under the bus but she came out the other night and she watches this channel called MSNBC has anybody ever heard of MSNBC before? so she comes out and she's like you know I don't even know what that kid was doing there he lives 200 and some miles away from this place and he's from Minnesota and his mom drove him there with a gun in order to just go there and cause problems and I'm like mom where are you getting this information because that's really what the spin is is that he drove across state lines with a gun that he wasn't supposed to do he's 17 he's not allowed to have a gun and literally that's not true you know in Wisconsin you can be 16 and carry a gun the style of gun that he had was lawful but you know the prosecution wants to make the case that you know nobody should have a gun because you're provocating people to you know want to kill you you know these people all that attacked this young man they were the ones that were being the aggressors every time he ran away from the situation and you know and I'll just say this you know and I personally watched and looked a lot of this evidence and I wanted to look at it from an unbiased opinion and you know there's some of the things the prosecution said I think that they were right about but as far as like saying that he's some first degree murderer you know that was lying in wait just he went down there you know with this cover of being a medic he was washing graffiti off the walls just so people would take pictures of him or whatever and his secret plan was to kill some protesters but the only people that he killed were people that were attacking him and threatening to kill him and literally chasing him and you know what it doesn't matter if you have a weapon on you or not you know this guy the the first guy that chased him his name was and actually I'm gonna I'm not gonna get ahead of myself here I want to caveat some things I just want to say some things really quickly about Kyle Rittenhouse okay Kyle Rittenhouse in my opinion should not have been there okay and the reason why I say it's a Christian response to the Kyle Rittenhouse case is because you know as as a dad and I have a 19 year old son at home I wouldn't let even I wouldn't let any of my kids go down to a protest with Antifa and you know the Black Lives Matter people that are destroying a city with an AR-15 I mean as a Christian we're supposed to be non-violent and obviously I understand people are protecting property I'm not trying to victim blame anybody or anything like that or say that you know the reason why that happened is because he went down there and provocated them he had the right to be there just like anybody else did but like you got to think about what you're doing before you do it as and I'm just saying this as a Christian we shouldn't be mixed up into politics to the point where we're going down and you know guarding people's businesses what they are 15s it's not even our you know I personally believe that he probably shouldn't have been there you know he's 17 years old and if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time bad things are going to happen you know these people are violent you know every single person that he shot has a criminal record of some sort you know is it the luck of the draw that he basically every single person had a criminal record how many other people that were down there do you think had a criminal record and isn't it weird that the main the people that got shot the main people that were trying to attack this kid all had criminal records I mean that's because they're criminals that's what criminals do you know that's what violent people do is they attack people so I'm not trying to victim blame Kyle Rittenhouse or anything like that I'm just saying that in my opinion Christians have no business being involved in stuff like that it's like going to a pride parade and trying to preach the gospel to a bunch of sodomites you know what I mean like it's just stupid because what do you think is going to happen if you're going hey you know God says that you belong in hell or whatever what I mean what's that going to accomplish you know going around and just like antagonizing people that are already antagonized and I'm not saying he did that I'm just saying that it's kind of similar though if we all said hey we're going to go down to the pride parade this June and throw hot dogs at people at these homos or whatever then why you know that's just not a good move you know what I'm saying so there's a guy in Boise that was like known for doing that that's why I said that he's known for like he would just throw hot dogs at people anyway I'm just saying that like we shouldn't put ourselves in a position where we're going to where we can have ourselves harmed I mean do you think he was at a high risk for somebody messing with him when they knew that he wasn't necessarily in the same political beliefs that they were and look I'm not saying that they should have been allowed to destroy the town at some point you know and like I said there's a lot of blame to go around you know the police are just sitting there letting them do it the fire departments are just not putting out fires you know these people tried to burn a church and he ran to go try to help put the fire out he did good things throughout the night I don't think that anything that he did really provoked anybody to do anything when he was confronted by people he would walk away he would turn around and walk away when people were chasing him he would run he had a rifle in his hand you know if he really wanted to murder people then he you know they're trying they've tried to basically on the on the closing of the closing comments they're basically trying to make it seem like he you know he was an active shooter you know when you hear active shooter what does that make you think about it makes you think about someone going into a school and killing and murdering a bunch of kids or just going to some event and just randomly shooting people but he shot he had 30 rounds in his magazine in his rifle and he shot eight times two of those times missed so the other ones hit their targets and did what they were intended to do because these people were threatening to kill him before this happened and you know when you have you know you see some of the footage of it and if after the sermon if you go and kind of check into it the second place that he was at there's literally you know I didn't count them all but there's at least 30 or 40 people chasing him that's what you can see in the camera view when someone's chasing you like that and you have a gun and you're running away are you trying to murder people I mean that doesn't even make sense but the spin from the media and the hype that's going on is causing this big polarization and look our country is divided it really is divided politically right now but this is not a political sermon I don't want it to be a political sermon at all but and you know look I know that Kyle Rittenhouse might not be a Christian I don't know what faith he is but he seems like he's an okay kid he seems you know he cares about his community and you know the point was tried to was be labored by the prosecuting attorneys to say you know you live in a different place it's like yeah but his family lives there I mean it's still his community if you work there your dad lives there your grandma lives there I mean wouldn't you say that's part of your community so again I wouldn't let my 17 year old go anywhere near anything like that and is there some responsibility with the parents I mean they're not together and they're you know do you know where your 17 year old is at two o'clock in the morning I mean you should or at 11 o'clock at night you know if they're down armed in front of some building where people where there's hundreds and thousands probably of people that are bent on destroying things that's the last place I want my young teenager to be so turn to Exodus chapter 32 or 23 verse 2 I'll get some Bible going here Exodus chapter 23 verse 2 it's the second book in the Bible next to Genesis Exodus 23 verse 2 says thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil now evil means harm right we're not supposed to be we're supposed to be leaders not followers and especially you're not supposed to follow someone that's going to do something that's evil isn't that what the Bible says thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil you know so you got all these people that are running and trying you know doing all this stuff and that's what's happening is they're following a multitude to do evil and so you know but think about this should you go to a place where you know there is a multitude following each other to do evil I mean should you put yourself in a position like that I mean if you're a police officer if you're a national guard or a fire you know chief or a fire department member I mean yeah but if you're a Christian you should stay far away from stuff like that that's my point about that is I think that you know had he never been there obviously it would have never happened but again I don't want to victim blame him and say well he deserved to be chased by those people he deserved all this stuff to happen they you know he should go to prison for the whole rest of his life that's not what he did was not premeditated murder and I'll prove that later on in the sermon turn to John chapter 3 verse 19 John chapter 3 verse number 19 the Bible says in John 3 19 it says this is the condemnation that light is coming to the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil so men love darkness and you know what bad things happen when the dark when darkness comes at night where's the one's the most crime when darkness come when do people break into other people's houses and commit all kinds of crimes in darkness but men love darkness rather than light and so but we are the children of light we should stay away from situations where darkness is happening have you ever been in a place and maybe you were parked in a place that was like and it was dark and you realize hey I'm all by myself you know this is kind of scary this is a bad part of town or whatever you know I'm sure everybody's been in that situation at one point or another and we shouldn't put ourselves in those possessions right but so turn to Deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 18 Deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 18 now regardless of what the mob mentality is you know the Bible says that we're supposed to have just judges we're supposed to not have respecters of persons it doesn't matter who you are what your what your background is or anything like that you know everybody should be heard and the evidence should be presented and justice should be performed regardless of who you are whether you're the president of the United States or whether you're you know the poorest person in America it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what color you are doesn't matter what religion you are you should be judged based upon the actions that you do right Deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 18 says judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee throughout thy tribes and they shall judge the people with just judgment so a judge's responsibility is to judge the people with just judgment so it's supposed to be what's what is just it basically means what's right okay and so it says in verse 19 thou shall not rest judgment I mentioned that earlier resting judgment is to forcibly pull justice away to forcibly take justice from somebody and to not judge them for what they did or to judge them wrongly for what they've done thou shall not respect persons and that means you don't have respect for a person just because it's Donald Trump or some movie star but what do you see happen in America all the time the people with the most money usually get away with their crimes don't they you know OJ Simpson I wouldn't say he got away with it but he was found not guilty why because people would have rioted and burned the town down and we shouldn't base our judgment and justice based upon excuse me what people are going to do you know enforce law enforce and you know if people are going to go crazy over some thing that they don't like happening it should be dealt with and if people are rioting and looting and hurting people and burning people's business down they should be held accountable and it should be swiftly destroyed and that way the next people think well hey maybe I shouldn't do this because you know the last people got shot or thrown in jail or whatever it says neither take a gift for a gift of blind the eyes of the wise and pervert the words of the righteous so you know there should be strict laws in place where a judge is not allowed to take gifts from people why because that that person's son might get in trouble for something later on down the line you're like well he did give me a hundred dollars for my birthday last year maybe I shouldn't you know put this guy in prison so judges are supposed to judge based upon what's right and what's true and in this country it's the same thing thank you in this country we're supposed to bait the evidence needs to be presented and in a jury trial 12 people decide your fate and not what the rest of the country seems is saying is popular not based upon the woke generation and all this other stuff now I'm going to go to the first major confrontation that happened that night so it says in the in the article that I'm reading from not all these things are necessarily totally fact some of the details they got were kind of were wrong based upon the evidence I saw but I'm just going to read it because I Wikipedia you know this isn't really I don't think a biased article but anyway it says the beginning of the first confrontation between Rittenhouse and Rosenbaum this is the first person okay was witnessed by McGinnis and this is like an on the scene reporter like a citizen reporter basically that was basically on the side of the left I think to whom it seemed that Rosenbaum and other protesters were moving toward Rittenhouse who was trying to evade them he's trying he's trying to get away from them and basically what happened is he that he was he was ambushed while he was trying to go put a fire out he had a fire extinguisher in his hand and this Rosenbaum guy who had threatened to kill him twice that night and said if I get you alone I'm going to kill you and you know he said a lot of colorful other language that I'm not going to repeat in a church house but he basically threatened to kill the kid twice he threatened other people that were there protecting the property and so he so this guy comes out from behind this truck that he'd lit a fire in by the way on the property and then there was another guy with him that had a pistol in his hand and he did fire shots before the chase happened it's proven that he did fire he was shooting people were shooting at him on the second scene you know shooting if whether it was in the air or at him people were shooting at him and he didn't turn around shoot them he didn't shoot anybody else besides the people that were directly trying to attack him but anyway let me read on here Rosenbaum them tried to engage Rittenhouse but Rittenhouse managed to avoid this by sidestepping and running away sounds like he was really trying to murder people right he's got a machine gun okay this guy has nothing except for a bag a plastic bag in his hand and it says FBI infrared footage taken from the overhead airplane captured the shooting Rosenbaum and the events immediately preceding it the remainder of Rosenbaum's confrontation and the following incidents with Huber and Grosskreitz excuse me were recorded in cell phone footage from multiple angles including the moments of the shooting so there's lots of video that you could go and watch about this and it says video footage showed Rittenhouse being pursued across the parking lot by Rosenbaum who threw something at Rittenhouse's direction it was a big plastic bag but at the time you know you don't know this guy is chasing you he's already threatened to kill you he's 36 years old he's he's short and stocky but he's muscular and he's been like saying like and here's the funny thing they're accusing Kyle Rittenhouse of being a racist but this guy is recorded on film saying shoot me n-word you know he's saying the n-word he's in a Black Lives Matter protest and they're calling the other kid a racist I don't know how that works either but anyway so he multiple times said the n-word and said shoot me he's just antagonizing the whole night there's multiple footage where he's setting things on fire and he's mad because people these the kind of people that were protecting property were putting these fires out and it was making this guy angry and he was really agitated and so anyway it says that he went from so McGinnis stated the sound of the shot was okay hold on I need to back up here let's see so he threw something in Rittenhouse's direction identified as a plastic bag and fired a self-described warning shot into the air causing Rittenhouse to stop running and turn towards the sound of Ziminski's gun shot so the other person that was that had the gun shot he said a warning shot in the air which you know Kyle's running across his parking lot here's a shot he turns around and you know he has caused him to stop running and turn around this guy's you know the other guy Rosenbaum is on top of him at this point and it says McGinnis so Rittenhouse testified in the trial that prior to being chased by Rosenbaum Rittenhouse heard Ziminski tell Rosenbaum to get him and kill him but also knew Rosenbaum was unarmed Rittenhouse testified that he aimed his gun at Rosenbaum to deter him from pursuing him further now I don't know about you but if someone has an AR-15 I'm not running after them trying to to do something to them so obviously this guy didn't respect him the guy's a 17 year old kid the kid with the gun is scared he's running away from this guy the guy's threatened to kill him and he turns to point the gun at him because he wants him to stop chasing him but does that stop him from chasing him no it doesn't and it says then according to Kenosha County prosecutors Rosenbaum engaged Rittenhouse and tried to take his rifle from him Rittenhouse then fired four shots hitting Rosenbaum in the groin back and left hand the bullets fractured Rosenbaum's pelvis perforated his right lung and liver and caused additional minor wounds to his left thigh and forehead Rittenhouse remained near Rosenbaum as McGinnis began administrating first aid to Rosenbaum according to detectives Rittenhouse was heard saying I just killed somebody on his cell phone while he was running Rosenbaum died shortly afterward now so he turned you know the Rosenbaum catches up with him he turns and all of a sudden he's right there like probably four you know four feet from him he turns he pulls his gun he shoots him and then he shoots him and this happens like quick he shoots him four times the first shot hits him in the pelvis in the groin area and then you know I think he's falling and it hits him one shot hits him in the back the one that hit him in the head just grazed his head it didn't was but the one that hit him in the back um you know it it was kind of he was parallel to the ground when that shot hit I guess but anyway uh so this first guy he kills he circles around to see you know to check on the guy but then all these people start chasing him and so are you gonna you know he's criticized for not sticking around at that point but are you gonna stick around you know some guy just tried to kill you now the rest of the mob is coming after you you know but he doesn't just if he if he wanted to be a mass shooter right then would have been his great opportunity boom boom boom boom boom you know just start shooting everybody that comes towards you he's got a machine gun but what's he do he runs that's not what a premeditated murderer does okay and I know that's been spun a different way but let me tell you something about Joseph Rosenbaum you know like I said his conduct throughout the night there's multiple videos of him setting fires threatening people getting in people's faces you know and there's a witness a witness that he did threaten to kill people that night and so you're 17 years old you're a little you're a little kind of a little bit pudgy he's not like a fat kid but he's like you know he's a little pudgy and he's he still has a baby face he looks like a kid he's six inches taller than Rosenbaum but Rosenbaum is his head shaved he's stocky he's a man and let me tell you something there's not a lot of 17 year old boys that can fight off a 36 year old man I don't care how much taller you are than him he's stronger he has man strength Kyle Rittenhouse you look at him he's not like he wasn't really fully developed at that time you could just tell he didn't have man strength you know the prosecuting attorney basically said you know you you you took a gun to a bar fight you know like he's just supposed to drop his gun and put up his hands or something with this guy saying he's going to kill him but he basically you know he basically made it seem like he should have just you know fought everybody hand to hand but let me tell you something right now somebody's fist can kill you somebody's feet can kill you if somebody hits you you could you could hit somebody one time and kill them with one shot my hands are lethal weapons let me just tell you right now yeah I might be old but the power is the last thing to go I'll tell you that right now you accidentally walk into one of these it's night night Gracie you're going out okay but would it be hard I mean even though I'm older you know I would have no problem handling a kid like that you know and I'm not trying to like make myself seem tough I'm just saying that you know a grown man can take care of a 17 year old boy or you know a 15 year old boy or whatever pretty easily Josh might think he could beat me now but he's really he's wrong about that he can't I know Remy doesn't believe it so I'm just saying that you know the you know to make it seem like he was just too scared to fight this guy man to man if you see the images of the pictures and the things that he does during this night you would change your mind about that too you'd probably be scared of the guy too especially when he says all these expletives and says how he's going to rip your heart out and when he catches you alone he's going to kill you and guess what Kyle Rittenhouse is running trying to put this fire out and he's ambushed by a guy with a gun and a guy that's a crazy you know psycho and starts chasing him you know what are you going to do I mean if someone told you they were going to kill you and then they're actually trying to do it are you going to believe them or not but he still runs away couldn't he have just said you know what you're done I've been waiting for this all night you know that's not what he did he ran and so that doesn't to me that doesn't indicate that someone's a murderer now more things about Joseph Rosenbaum Joseph Rosenbaum is a pedophile sodomite well he was before he died and went to health he was a pedophile sodomite well what is a sodomite it's a homosexual okay now he was also a pedophile so in and I'll just read you this little excerpt from an article I read it says the Pima County Arizona Court of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children not 17 year olds we're talking about children we have little children in this room would you want anybody to be alive that messed with one of these children I wouldn't it says so and including and I'm not going to read the word it says I'm just going to say sodomy rape and who were these victims the victims were 5 boys ranging in age from 9 to 11 years old 5 2002 he's been breathing air the same air that we breathe since 2002 after doing this kind of stuff to little boys okay and if you are a man and you are molesting little boys what does that make you it makes you a sodomite first of all and he literally was a sodomite he would find women that had young boys like this and pretend like he loved them but in reality he was trying to be a predator towards their sons now Kyle Rittenhouse didn't know that when he shot this guy but you know what it sounds to me like you know you know here's here's what I'm going to say regardless of what his status was at that time first of all he was on permanent probation he was on lifetime probation why not just put somebody like that to death why would you allow someone to be around our society you know and look he was acting all crazy why do you think he was he's a reprobate he's a sodomite and do you think after 2002 he just quit doing that no he just got better at it because he got released from prison and you know what do they do they teach you how to be a better criminal and so maybe he didn't get caught for anything since 2002 but that was a long time ago wasn't it you think he just quit he was rehabilitated no he's probably been doing it to other boys for years and so you know you're like Mr. Thompson are you sad that Kyle Rittenhouse killed a convicted pedophile no I think it's great I think Kenosha Wisconsin is a little more safe tonight that this pedophile child rapist is dead turn over Leviticus chapter 2013 Leviticus chapter 2013 look anybody that does that to a child this kid's on trial for his life for defending himself against this sodomite child rapist serial rapist psychopath I mean anybody that does that is a psychopath that's not normal it's called you know it used to be called deviant behavior and I think that they still have people they say are involved in deviant behavior but back in the day that used to be you know textbook deviant behavior to me it still is obviously you'd get arrested even today for that but they just let you out in like 60 days which is just insane to me talk about bitter for sweet and calling good evil and evil good you know the prosecutors are saying all lives matter which I don't think his life mattered I'm sorry I don't feel bad about him getting killed at all regardless even if he did murder him I still wouldn't feel sad about it even if it was text case textbook murder I'm not saying I agree with you doing that I don't think that Christians should be vigilantes and take the law into their own hands I'm not saying that I'm not advocating for Christians to do that or anybody else I'm just saying I wouldn't be sad about it you know what I wouldn't be sad if an abortion clinic you know got exploded it's happened and people act like it's a bad thing you know do you think God's upset about it a place where you murder children accidentally gets destroyed with everybody working there I wouldn't shed a tear they're murdering children and so if someone that hurts children and is sodomizing young boys and then he turns up in Kenosha Wisconsin we see what kind of a person he is threatening to kill a boy that's under 18 he was supposed to have no contact with anybody under 18 without supervision without permission so this guy died in doing what he did in life chasing underage boys trying to hurt them that's what he died doing I have no problem with that I don't feel sad about it Leviticus 2013 says if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them look that's what the Bible says okay people get mad about that and they're like we should love everybody is that what God said we should just love Leviticus 2013 if a man lied with mankind as he lied with a woman we should just love them anyway is that what it says no it says they've committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death now obviously we live in America we're not under God's law we're the nation of Israel I understand that and I'm not advocating people doing that without it being the actual law of the land but it used to be the law of the land here you know even up to like 2002 I think there was still you know there's still sodomy laws around but now turn to Mark chapter 9 verse 42 Mark chapter 9 verse 42 now Jesus had some really harsh language over somebody would offend a child could you I mean could you imagine if it was your own child that that person did that too how would you feel about that do you think that he should be allowed to just run free in Wisconsin and burn dumps you know start fires and and chase young boys around trying to murder them on camera it says Mark 9 42 says and whosoever that means anyone right shall offend one of these little ones what's it talking about children little children that believe in me it is better so Jesus is saying this situation I'm about to tell you is better it's better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea now what's going to happen if a millstone is wrapped around someone's neck and they're cast into the sea means they're going to sink real fast right and what happens when you go deep into the deep part of the pool you dive in too fast what happens you get a headache don't you and you get that you know you can feel the pressure well someone keeps going down what's going to happen to them our heads going to explode like you know like a seagull eating alka-seltzer or something you're it's not going to be a pleasant experience and this is Jesus saying that oh Jesus only loves people is that true he said whosoever does you know offends a little child whatever it is that they've done it's better for them to just kill themselves and throw themselves in the depths of the sea because there's something really worse waiting for them in the depths of hell and Jesus Christ doesn't take these things like if you're reading a red letter edition what does it say right there it's Jesus' words is it not and if you offend a child it's better that you do this than to offend a little one right Joseph Rosenbaum was a child offender of the worst kind Proverbs 11 10 I'm not going to have you turn there for time's sake but it says in Proverbs 11 10 when it goeth well with the righteous the city rejoiceth and when the wicked perish there is shouting when wicked people perish like remember when Osama Bin Laden got captured and they showed the picture of him being dead or whatever what happened people were like woo it was like a party because Osama bin Laden got killed because you know he blew up the twin towers or whatever right and of course we never got to see the body it was just disposed of at sea we didn't get to check anything any of their stories whatever that's a whole other sermon for a different time but what I'm saying is when someone really evil dies when Hitler was found dead I'm sure that people rejoiced and were glad about that you know anytime some you know my mom says she was working at research at the time when Ted Bundy was electrocuted to death in Florida and she said that they put a burrito in the microwave and and pushed it and they were like fry you sucker and like everybody was like cheering about it you know why because he was a deviant sexual predator a freak he was a rapist he was a murderer and when the wicked die they're shouting hey that's great but here in this situation with this Rittenhouse kid he kills a violent pervert and a predator and people are calling him the good guy they're calling the guy that he shot the good guy and Kyle Rittenhouse the bad guy now again I know he didn't know excuse me I know he didn't know that at the time but like you know you play stupid games you win stupid prizes you know what I mean you're saying you're going to kill somebody and you chase them you don't have a gun you know but he thought he said you're not going to do and he chased him and then you know he found out that you know you know Kyle Rittenhouse had the the stones to shoot this guy and he killed him then he runs away now Rosenbaum like I said Rosenbaum did what he did in life he chased an underage boy trying to hurt him he was a 17 year old kid he was a minor chasing him trying to put his hands on him trying to take his gun away from him you know what talk about irony you know so anyway so do you think that the parents of those boys were sad when Rosenbaum got shot do you think that the boys that he did that to that probably have problems for the rest of their lives because of that probably have to go to all kinds of counseling probably might even have turned to the same type of person that he is because of what they were exposed to it happens but you know what he did was one of the most terrible things you can do to someone it messes with their soul it hurts people to the point where it affects them for the rest of their lives now in the beginning I'm not going to have you turn there again but it says woe unto them that call evil good and good evil to put darkness for light and light for darkness and bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter that's the place we live in now where the bad guys are good and the good guys are bad people say that Christians are the bad guys you know you're like the Taliban Pastor Thompson well I haven't blown anybody up I've never shot anybody before I don't go around trying to hurt people but what does the Taliban do? they do do those things the words that come out of my mouth the words out of this book that's what they're calling the Taliban that's what they're calling we're terrorists because we're preaching the Bible hey you know God you know his word is the truth and so we're supposed to proclaim that as a pastor I'm supposed to preach the whole council of God not just the hearts and flowers and puppy dog stuff that people want to hear I just want to hear an uplifting message pastor does this sound like an uplifting story to you? it doesn't but that's the reality of the world that we live in and obviously we can do our best to help make this world a better place by going out and preaching the gospel to the lost and baptizing them teaching them the Bible so that person can do the same thing that's how exponential growth happens in the Christian world but unfortunately Christians have fallen down on the job and now we have a country full of people that think it's okay to go and burn and destroy other people's property because they don't like the way a case went and let me tell you something most of those people in Kenosha were white you know they're like Black Lives Matter but they're white when I drive by people in Portland sometimes there's like this old folks home that allows these people to come out for the day or whatever and you know what they do? They hold up signs they're all white they're acting like it's a racist thing to be against them they're white you know it's a bunch of white people for the most part that are making this thing happen you know I'm sure that sometimes black people are like you guys are crazy you white folks are crazy they know what these people are doing virtue signaling and trying to make themselves look like whatever there's one agenda to overthrow this country with communism, socialism Marxism and just outright wickedness now the second major confrontation I know I gotta speed it along here the second major confrontation is a video from another the second major confrontation he's being chased by the road after he shoots the pedophile and he's running and people are like chasing him a mob of people are chasing him a 17 year old kid he's got a rifle, he's not a turnaround point to that people they're walking up behind him and they hit him in the back of the head with a rock in their hand to knock his hat off and then another guy with a skateboard comes up and hits him in the back of the head with a skateboard well he hits him and he blocks it and it kind of grazes off of him but you know it went flying out of the guy's hand he runs back to pick it up then he falls to the you know Kyle Rittenhouse falls to the ground and kind of sits up on his on his bottom with his feet out and this guy called Jump Kick Man that's his technical name Jump Kick Man but he's unidentified like the police have still never found out who this guy is but he like jumped in the air with boots on and kicked the kid right in the face around 180 degrees but Kyle Rittenhouse shoots at him twice and misses the guy with the skateboard comes up and swings at him then this time does hit him in the head and then he grabs his gun you know and tries to take his gun from him and then Kyle shoots him you know the gun pulls away from his body he's trying to rip it off of him he shoots him kills him with one shot there's another guy named Gage Grossman or Grosskreutz excuse me he's running up he has a glock in his hand you know what a glock is he has a glock in his hand and he runs up and you know he sees that guy get shot or whatever and he's like whoa you know I'm not going to do anything and then like Kyle Rittenhouse you can see he has his gun down you know to the side he's sitting on his bottom he's got the gun down and then the guy pretended like he wasn't going to do anything but then he starts to move down with the gun it's chambered it's in it's you know it's chambered in his gun and as he's moving his hand down Rittenhouse pulls the gun up and blows his bicep off with the gun hand it's a great shot I mean just you know so I mean I want to tell you about a little bit about the story here a little more about it so according to the criminal complaint at one point the protesters heard on two different videos yelling beat him up get him get that dude cranium him get his A-S-S one of the men who had been chasing him jumped like I said kicked Kyle Rittenhouse while he was still on the ground Rittenhouse fired twice but missed the identified man now the guy with the skateboard his name was the guy that he killed his name was his last name was Huber his first name was Anthony last name Huber now let me tell you about this upstanding good man of society right records show that Huber was a repeat arrestee for domestic abuse what does that mean? He likes to beat up women it's not dudes it's not guys he's beaten up he likes to beat up women records show he was a repeat arrestee for domestic violence so when so basically he's being portrayed as some hero that was trying to stop this active shooter right and but the problem is that you know he didn't have to chase him did he did all these people have to chase a guy with a gun if he was so dangerous why are people without guns trying to chase him I mean because they know you know if you're in this like the position where you're offensive some of those people would have been chasing him people would have just turned around and started shooting people they would have all ran but they're taking advantage of the fact that he doesn't want to kill people he's trying to run away from them he's trying to run to the police and turn himself in so that you know these people will stop trying to kill him but you know this Anthony Huber took it upon himself to hit him twice with a skateboard and what was it he was trying to take his gun away what are you going to do when you take someone's gun away you're going to try to kill him with it so basically one of the things he was arrested for this Huber guy before was strangulation and suffocation so this is with a woman strangulation and suffocation and use of a dangerous weapon I don't know what that dangerous weapon was it doesn't really say false imprisonment so he's obviously not letting her leave the house or whatever battery and disorderly conduct related to domestic assault so he's a woman abuser in another domestic abuse he was arrested for Huber was brought up on the charges of battery and disorderly conduct and designated a repeat abuser when you keep doing it then you get the you know the repeat offender you know you're probably not allowed to be around the person ever again you probably do prison time or something who knows nowadays I mean people go to prison for things they shouldn't go to prison for and don't go to prison for things they should don't get killed for the things they should get killed for don't get put to death for the things they should chapter 11 verse 5 says the Lord tried the righteous but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth God hates when people love violence and want to hurt people and you know the worst thing you could be is a woman abuser and obviously a child abuser is obviously just equally as bad but you know the person you love you're going to beat that person up you're going to strangle them you know I'm not saying that he deserved to be killed for that but what I'm saying is the fact that he did get killed doesn't really hurt my feelings too much I'm sorry you know it sounds like he's a scumbag so again I'm not excusing the you know but he's defending himself from a guy that's hitting him with an object can you get killed by being hit with an object of course you can so and then I already kind of told you about the Gage Grosskreutz I got to hurry up my my sermon here but you know he he acknowledged that he pointed the gun at him but he tried to say that Kyle reracked his gun obviously I don't have time to go into the whole details of everything but you know the police when he tried to turn himself in sprayed him with mace and told him to go away you know he's here he's got his hands up you can see the video you know after he everybody kind of backs off him after he shoots that last guy in the arm blows his arm I mean his bicep is gone and you know he runs towards the police line and he tries hey I need to turn myself in and the police officer is like go away and he's like I'm trying to turn myself in sprays him with mace so he ends up having to go and turn himself in in another in the place where he lives and then the police charge him with first degree murder which is premeditated you know murder okay first degree murder is when you premeditate this is your plan you know it's like if someone plans to kill their spouse or they lie in the bible calls it lying and wait you're waiting for someone you're setting them up you're putting them in a position where you can murder them now a crime of passion is like you know people are fighting someone got cheated on they shot that other person that's second degree murder you know there's also manslaughter which is where you accidentally kill someone or didn't mean to kill that person but second degree murder is like can be crimes of passion but first degree murder is when you plan it you premeditated it it can be proved beyond the shadow of a doubt does it sound to you like he premeditated all that stuff? you know like he's washing the graffiti off the wall at the high school he's like I know someone's gonna take a picture of me and put it on social media so that's that's part of my cover to go murder people murder the protesters or whatever that's ridiculous it's a ridiculous assumption and the other thing you know I'm gonna you know I'm gonna go try to put this dumpster fire out because you know or I'm gonna go try to put this fire out that they started at a church on a church building you know he runs to try to start put out a fire at a church building it's like you know doesn't sound like he's a bad person doesn't sound like he has this prerequisite that I'm gonna go down there pretend to be a good guy he had a medic bag on he was treating people with medical he was like hey medical medical do you need medical even when that first guy chased him when he saw the gun from the Jacob guy he said friendly friendly friendly he said it three times he's like I'm not your enemy I'm not trying to hurt you and they still chased him and tried to kill him anyway you know I don't know about you but if someone threatens to murder me twice and say when I get you alone I'm gonna murder you and then they start chasing you I believe them and I don't know if I would have ran I probably would have just shot him right there but it was good for his case anyway so the Bible teaches that self defense is okay we're allowed to defend ourself you know and there's laws in this country where you're allowed to defend yourself but apparently as long as you're on the right side of political issues then you're okay doing it but if you're on the wrong side of what they perceive as a political issue then you know you're toast you know you can't get a fair trial and go ahead and turn to Luke chapter 22 verse 36 Luke chapter 22 verse 36 probably gonna have to skip through a lot of this what time did I start preaching anybody know? 5 minutes ago 5 minutes ago okay great well I got an hour I'm just kidding I'll skip through some of this but like this is important this is Jesus here in Luke chapter 22 verse 36 it says then said he unto them but now he that hath a purse let him take it and likewise his scrip and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one so what is Jesus saying arm yourself they didn't have ar-15s back then I didn't know if you knew that or not but that's a fairly new modern invention but they had swords and the sword was like the modern day gun okay at that time so Jesus said sell one of your garments and get yourself a sword it says for I say unto you that this is this that is written must be accomplished in me and he was reckoned among the transgressors for the things concerning me have an end and they said Lord behold there are two swords and he said unto them it is enough and so they had enough swords to protect themselves that's what you know he's telling you know get those swords for your protection there's nothing wrong with having a sword and when a government is oppressive and takes all the guns away guess what all the criminals have carte blanche to do whatever they want that's what happens in Australia that's what happens in England you know now people just stab each other because knives that can't really be illegal I don't think I don't know maybe there are certain length knives in England that are illegal I'm not really sure about the rules there but I think even carrying a knife in England can get you thrown into prison I don't know how I know that but I just do so I was over there just recently and they said hey you can't carry a knife around here ok so criminals can just kill you and there's no way to protect yourself that's great anyway turn to 2nd Samuel chapter 2 verse 19 I'll show you an example of self defense in the Bible an example of self defense 2nd Samuel chapter 2 verse 19 while you're turning there I'm going to read for you 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 excuse me 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 says this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come and I'll say this we're not necessarily in the end end of days but we still are in the last days you know what perilous times are here the Bible also says that people are going to be truce breakers false accusers fierce despisers of those that are good you know isn't it funny how people hate Christians I mean they've always hated Christians but like there seems to be like a growing hatred even more for Christians and you know Christians are are good you know there's none good no not one but you know what I'm saying like people that are trying to do good people are you know trying to live a righteous life people hate those people Ned Flanders on the Simpsons show is portrayed as a bad person because he's religious right you know and he's like heavily diddly you know he's a nice guy or whatever and they hate you know they make fun of him and they mock him that's kind of the mentality but it's even worse than that now so anyway so you're in 2nd Samuel chapter 2 verse 19 here's a self-defense example in the Bible so these guys are battling and you know it goes bad for one side and Abner who is the captain of the host of Saul's army starts to run away and Asahel who's Joab's brother it says in verse 19 and Asahel pursued after Abner and in going he turned not to the right hand or to the left from following Abner he's bent on what what's he when someone are running after you you know what are they trying to do they're trying to do something to you they're trying to hurt you then Abner looked behind him and said art thou Asahel and he answered I am and Abner said to him turn thee aside to the right hand or to thy left and lay behold on one of the young men and take thee his armor but Asahel would not turn aside from following him and Abner said to Asahel turn thee aside from following me wherefore should I smite thee to the ground he's like hey I'm trying to give you a chance hey back off me quit chasing me go to the left go to the right grab some armor from some of the other guys that were killed but quit following me why I don't want to have to kill you how then should I hold up my face to Joab thy brother he says verse 23 how be it he refused to turn aside so here you have a situation a similar situation where someone's pursuing someone they're running away he refused to turn aside wherefore Abner with the hinder end of the spear smote him under the fifth rib that the spear came out behind him so he stuck the spear through him when he got close and it came to pass that as many as came to the place where Asahel fell down and died stood still so here you have a case where someone's running away and he warns them don't you know it's kind of like you know Kyle turning around and pointing the gun at him and saying hey quit following me and the guy keeps coming you run you turn around again he's on top of you you know he shoots him it's exactly almost the same situation except for that he didn't have an AR-15 he had a spear but he killed the guy now here's first degree murder now Joab his brother saw what happened they pursued after Abner finally they quit chasing him and when at when Joab had a chance then he you know he planned to kill the guy that killed his brother look in the next chapter in second Samuel chapter 3 verse 27 I don't have time to develop the whole story but basically you know he came to visit David he left in peace they kind of united and David was you know they were basically God was uniting him as the king over all of Israel and Abner left and then Joab found out that he was there he's like hey why didn't you tell me you know he was there so anyway he goes and tries to call Abner back and he does and it says and when Abner was returned to Hebron Joab took him aside in the gate to speak with him quietly and smote him there under the fifth rib that he died for the blood of Asahel his brother so he saw that it was self defense that he killed his brother but yet he still you know pretended to be like hey maybe we can work this out and then gets close to him to talk to him then he stabs him and kills him that's a planned murder now obviously he was upset that it was his brother I understand that but like he still you know it was still wicked it was still wrong it's still first degree murder in my opinion Matthew chapter 12 verse 29 says or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he be he first buying the strong man then he will spoil his house now Jesus is telling the story and here's the problem we don't have a lot of strong men anymore today and in order for you to overtake someone's house you break in their house what do you have to do you have to these people that are thieves or that would break into your house they have to they have to take out the person that's the strong man he's the guy with the gun he's the guy with the sword he's the guy that's protecting of the family and look hey men you gotta you better be protecting your family if you don't have a sword you better sell one of your coats your garments and buy one buy something protect your family be the man of the house be a strong man the Bible instructs us to be strong be of a good courage and we're supposed to be strong for our family but you got a bunch of guys with skinny jeans and pink you know their wives are telling them what to do and they're afraid to stand up and be a man and have a weapon to protect themselves at their home look and it's you know when Jesus said two is enough when it comes to the swords you know we don't have to be gun nuts but you know if that's your hobby whatever you know I don't have like a safe with 50 guns in it or something but you know what I do have enough to protect myself and my family you break in you're gonna get shot plain and simple you break into my house in the middle of the night that means you're trying to do something to me you're trying to do something to my house and they're coming after the strong man first you know the strong man you know remember I told you these are lethal weapons but you know hey if somebody has a gun I I can't do anything about that so I do have protection I protect my family and you should too and women you know don't be offended about that like oh I'm afraid of guns don't let Hollywood movies and the news media try to tell you that guns are bad hey you know what's bad about guns when you don't have one when you need one and guns don't kill people people kill people with guns so the gun is an inanimate object it has you know bullets in it or whatever but someone has to pull that trigger and sometimes you need to be able to defend yourself against some crazy child rapist that's trying to murder you you know it happens apparently you know so there's a lot of poofters out there that are not strong men they're weak they're cowardly you know we have the right to have a gun hey you better use your rights or you're going to lose them you know just like when we have the right to preach the Bible whatever we say but a lot of pastors are too afraid to get up and preach a sermon like this and to call things out for what they are and they're scared and they're like oh is it okay if I preach this no we got to preach the truth and you know what we got to preach our rights as Americans you know God gave us the right to preach the Bible but you know what we have a freedom of speech we're not like Canada has hate speech laws that if you preach something that they don't like they throw you in prison this you know I thought this was still America but it's going to hell in a hand basket really fast isn't it where you're having a young kid chased by all these weirdos he defends himself and happens to be a great shot by the way and he's the one that's the bad guy he's the one that people hate when if the jury says not guilty they're going to people are going to freak out all over this country that's a prediction that's a true prediction you know it's true and you know what the people in these cities and the governments are going to do nothing they're going to allow it to happen just like Portland was allowed to have protests every single night for not just a week not just a month but months on end like I think you know they might be still having protests every night I don't know you know I don't want to watch a bunch of bad news because if you watch the news it's mostly bad news except for you know the fluffy the squirrel that can do flips and ride a a little jet boat or something that's the good story it's only the animals that do anything good around here you know it's true it's true you know it's true nothing's good except for something you know the media makes it look like everything is bad is good and good is bad and we got to be careful with that kind of stuff and not let those things influence us hey you know and the judge basically in this case was saying hey you know we don't want this to be a political case but it is it is a political case when people are calling the judge racist because he's making rulings in his court when the guy when the prosecuting attorney is stepping all over his fifth amendment rights and not incriminating himself on prior testimony the judge got mad you know why because he's breaking the law he's breaking the constitution right there in the middle of the court he's like what are you doing and so he's a racist because he's actually upholding the constitution it'd be nice if a lot of people a lot of judges a lot of police officers a lot of military people would uphold the constitution it'd be nice if people would actually enforce the law and and stop this kind of activity but you know what it's a plan it's a plan to destroy us from the inside out and people there's a lot of people are just too stupid to understand that and see that unfortunately or they're not saved Paul was attacked by a mob more than once I would say in Acts chapter 21 if you want to turn to Acts chapter 21 verse number 30 I know I'm a little bit over here but give me some grace here alright Acts chapter 21 verse 30 I'm skipping through some stuff there's some good stuff in here but I gotta skip through some of it anyway here's an example of mob justice remember I told you there's people chasing this kid down the street he's got a gun he could have turned around and just started shooting people if he wanted to now as a Christian we're not we're supposed to be non-violent if someone's chasing us and trying to kill us because we're preaching the gospel you know we're we can run but you're not supposed to fight back you know so this is a situation where Paul is being you know he's being falsely accused and people are trying to kill him because of what he's preaching okay not because he blew somebody up not because he shot somebody not because he slapped somebody's mama because he was preaching the bible now look what it says in Acts chapter 21 verse 30 it says and all the city was moved and the people ran together and they took Paul and drew him out of the temple and forthwith the doors were shut and they went about to what what does it say? Kill him when a mob is attacking you guess what they're not trying to just you know give you a bubble bath or something they're not trying to brush your hair they're trying to kill you they want to hurt you it says that as they went about to kill him tidings came into the chief captain of the band and all Jerusalem was in an uproar sounds like a protest right who immediately took soldiers and centurions and ran down unto them and when they saw the chief captain of the soldiers they left beating Paul so they're beating him what? who knows what they're beating him with but I would assume they're beating him with their fists they probably didn't have like you know maybe they did have things that they were hitting him with I don't know but they went about to kill him how were they doing that? Beating him the prosecution in this case that I'm talking about tonight they said you're bringing a gun to a bar fight and they like show this picture of Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse or whatever fighting you know the guy that whatever and they show this picture like they're fighting you know you should have been you're a coward because you wouldn't fight those guys with your fists what's he supposed to do put his gun on the ground that's probably irresponsible right he's supposed to fight a 36 year old man a muscular 36 year old man he doesn't even have like peach fuzz on his face this kid he's going to fight this guy and beat him a psychopath that likes to hurt children I don't think so and Paul you know what chance did he have but the point is is that when a mob is chasing you they have bad intentions well they're saying get him cranium him kill him you know they're shooting guns you can see him running down the street and you hear gunshots are not from his gun so I mean they're apparently they're bad shots and he you know shot eight times and had a pretty good you know rate I mean if someone's kicking you in the face and you miss them I mean that's that's understandable right so but I mean he he you know people that came up to him while he was on the ground and put their hands up he didn't shoot them the kid has some poise that's why they call him the Kenosha kid that's his nickname you ever heard that he's the you know Billy the kid the fastest you know the Kenosha kid you know he's a pretty good shot people try to say that you know they were just trying to stop an active shooter but is that what's true he wasn't an active shooter he was an active runner he was running away trying to turn himself in but let's turn to let's finish on Romans chapter 13 I'll just end it with this last I'll the last place I'll have you turn Romans chapter 13 verse number 9 says for this thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not covet and if there be any other commandment is briefly comprehended in this saying namely thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself you know as Christians we're not supposed to be out breaking the rules and doing damage and hurting people we're supposed to love each other we're supposed to love our neighbor as ourself and it says love works no ill towards neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law and that knowing that the time that now is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed the night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light let us walk honestly as in the day what does it say not rioting okay and drunkenness and not in chambering chambering is like you know is basically cruelty uh you know wanting to hurt people maliciously and without check or without limitation and without wantonness not in strife and envy so as a Christian we shouldn't be out you know causing problems or having people try to want to fight us and things like that and that should be the way we live our life as a Christian now obviously again this situation is not necessarily a Christian situation but the you know what I'm preaching about is the response to this case how should we look at it well you know the kid was allowed to defend himself should he have been there I agree he probably shouldn't have been there but that doesn't mean that they have the right to chase him and try to kill him just because he has a different viewpoint than them he had just as much right to be on any part of the street as anybody else did and the last time I checked the only people that are getting charged are people that were actually involved in the case somehow so they could get some kind of sweetheart deal and testify against him and you know they're not they're not going through with the FBI FBI drone footage and trying to to get every single person that burned something up that night are they have they been doing that in Portland have they been arresting people in Portland and stuff happened in Spokane I don't know the truth has happening all over the place and instead of dealing with it they're just allowing it to take place and then allowing the mob mentality to rule over our court system and over think you know if there was somebody that shot somebody and killed him in Portland and that person never got brought to justice why because he was on the other side of the politics that's why the guy was a Trump supporter which I'm not a Trump supporter necessarily but I'm just saying you shouldn't get killed just because of whatever political party you're in that's not the that's turning into the wild wild west that's turning into savagery you know it's barbarianism it's just you know we're going back to the medieval times or something where there was no rule of law necessarily but we have a rule of law here and it needs to be enforced you know like I said there's a lot of wrongs that were happening in this situation but one thing I know is right and I've looked at the evidence and I've watched a lot of testimony and you know the people are saying he's crying his white tears what does that mean I mean I think all of our tears are the same color aren't they and they're not white they're clear I think but anyway I mean that's what that's what's going on they're saying he's a racist it's like there's no evidence of that they tried they looked through his phone they thought well he's in the militia he's not in the militia he's just a 17 year old kid they cared about his community and wanted to you know do something that was right was it ill you know was he thinking all the way through he's a 17 year old kid do 17 year old kids think really clearly all the time probably not but does that mean that they have the right to chase him and try to kill him absolutely not he had every right to protect himself verse 14 says but put you on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the luster of hey if you're a Christian today you know here's how you know this case is super political there's a big part of the country that wants to string him up and have him killed even though they don't supposedly believe in the death penalty but that's another story altogether it's only when the right or people that they perceive on the right do something bad there's you know majority of people want him strung up and they're going to they're threatening to do all this stuff if he loses or if he if he gets off and then you got people that are you know on the political right they're saying he needs to get up on every charge I'm not saying that if he broke some kind of law that he shouldn't have done then he probably should get in trouble for it but you know what all those other people down there should have got in trouble for it too you can't just point out one person because they're not on your political side but that's what's happening in this country the president of the United States called him a murderer before he was even tried I mean that's the country we're living in where a president a sitting president will call somebody that hasn't even you know I thought you were guilty or you're guilty before being proven innocent apparently nowadays but it's supposed to be you're innocent until proven guilty right that's the law of the land and I know I'm not going to have you turn to another verse but I did tell you I was going to explain what first degree murder is in Deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 10 it says the innocent blood shall not be shed in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for inheritance and so blood be upon thee the prosecuting attorneys are saying that he killed innocent people from what I told you does it sound like those guys are innocent look nobody's innocent nobody but you know not everybody is a sodomite pervert either right that's a special kind of crazy special kind of psycho but it says but if any man hate his neighbor and lie in wait for him and rise up against him and smite him mortally that he die and fleeth into one of those cities the elders of the city shall send and fetch him thence and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood that he may die what is the penalty for someone that lies in wait and mortally kills somebody he murders that person what's supposed to happen to them he's supposed to die the death penalty you know something that our governors have forgotten about in this country you know they want to force us to take all this stuff and and all this other stuff they want to allow our cities to be overtaken by mobs and thugs but they will let they have a moratorium on the death penalty you know why it's because people won't be afraid people why would you be afraid to kill somebody when you get three hots and a cot and you know you watch tv and cable tv and have a computer and have games and whatever else you want and lift weights and become a super criminal and learn how to be a better criminal when you get out it's not a really bad deal is it something's broken folks and it needs to be fixed the bible says thine eye shall not pity him but thou shalt put away the guilt of innocent blood from israel that it may go well with thee so in conclusion look I realize it's a political issue but I want to kind of give a christian perspective on that and like a lot of the things I said I know or you know maybe you've never heard that before maybe you've never heard what the bible actually teaches that's because most pastors will only just teach like this much they'll teach the index they like to read the commentaries but you know there's a whole book you know 66 books in this bible and there's a lot of things that aren't being taught and they need to be taught because this country's out of control and we need to know what's right and what's wrong we need to know how to lead our life and how to lead our christian lives and you know people say that guns are bad well jesus said to buy a sword hey if you don't have one sell your garment and buy one so obviously god doesn't have a problem with you defending yourself so my conclusion number one kyle rittenhouse should not have been there that night number two that doesn't make him a premeditated first degree murderer number three a man has a right to protect himself number four when someone tells you they're going to murder you twice and one of those times he says if he catches you alone he will murder you then that person gets him alone and begins to chase him like i said play stupid games win stupid prizes and don't expect any sympathy from me for some psychopathic child molesting freak it's not gonna happen i'm never gonna be sad about it as a matter of fact i might shout for joy after the service i never really got a chance to do that so but i'm not gonna shed a tear for a sodomite rapist that hurts little children who died chasing a he was a child he wasn't supposed to touch anybody he wasn't supposed to be around him yeah he's chasing around telling him he's gonna kill him i believe kyle rittenhouse should be cleared from the charges of murder number five but i don't see a problem with him being held responsible for the laws he broke but they said he drove across the liberal media he drove across state lines he's from minnesota he drove 273 miles at 17 miles oops his mom didn't drive him there with the gun he already had the gun in wisconsin so i mean you're gonna get a spin from the other side that's called propaganda it's basically the polar opposite of what actually happened and so again if he's gonna be held responsible for being there past curfey or whatever which that was already thrown out then what about the other people the thousands of people that were there burning people's businesses hitting cops in the head with bricks attacking people destroying you know destroying the city burning it to literally basically burning it to the ground the cops were afraid they're sitting in bearcats which are these weapon you know these basically armored cars hiding because they're afraid they're gonna get killed because they can't do anything back because the mayor says don't do anything back it's ridiculous the mob is ruling the roost right now and we need to take that back and we need the rule of law to be what's right in the land again but i don't see it headed that way i see it headed in a different way god help us let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much and we that you just make things so clear i pray that you just lord if this was helpful to somebody i thank you for that lord and i just pray that you'd help us to understand what our responsibilities are as a christian we shouldn't put ourselves in a position where we're gonna possibly get into some kind of trouble we should stay clear of that kind of things as a christian we shouldn't allow ourselves to be wrapped up into some political thing where it's not what you commanded us to do in the bible you want us to go win souls and love people and help people and if we die doing that lord then so be it but i just pray that you'd help us lord to have a good perspective and there's a left right paradigm in this country that's going on and i pray that we don't get wrapped up into that to the point where we're not being effective for you lord and i thank you for all these people that come here tonight and i just pray that you bless as they go our separate ways and pray for the baptism lord i thank you for that tonight in jesus name we pray amen