(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, well it's great to be here in at our church plant here in the UK and love the building love everything that's been going on here you guys have had some battles going on recently so it was great to see the church come out on the right side of everything and I appreciate everybody who stood up for our church and helped out brother Ian and miss Lisa when all that stuff happened so I know some of some of you might have been kind of shocked about some of that stuff but really we weren't very shocked about some of it so and but I'm very happy that everybody came out tonight and thank you to the people that came from the United States with miss JC and of course the plant brothers thank you for coming and I think everybody the brave the traffic here to come out on a Wednesday night and I know it's probably kind of tough depending on where you're at a lot of people here live far away so I really do appreciate you coming out and I just want to say thank you to brother Ian and miss Lisa for all the hospitality we really appreciate it we've been staying with them and bothering them so no we have a great time with them but it's they have a great family so you guys are very blessed to have the leadership that you do have here and so anyway let's get into the sermon let's look at verse number 10 on the Bible reads finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great church and Lord all the great things that they're doing Lord all the salvations that they're getting and Lord that the Bible is being preached without compromise Lord we're so thankful for this bright shining light and in a dark spiritual place and Lord we just ask that you continue to bless this church bless the leadership here and all the members here pray that you would just help them to continue to grow and learn and Lord that we would be ready for all the battles that we're about to face in this evil world in Jesus name we pray amen so the title of my sermon tonight is the battle for Britain the battle for Britain so I was thinking about these things and just how much you guys have to overcome because there's not a lot of churches like this church in America we have several churches that are that are pretty good and a lot of churches are great but in England you got you don't really have that a lot and I was I was kind of looking through some Baptist churches you know their statements of faith and things like that and it's like I just looked up UK independent Baptist churches and there are some that claim you know to have the right Bible and all that stuff but then it'll be like you know repentance and faith are are things that are inseparable graces you have to you know and they're talking about repenting of your sins and all this other stuff and and you know there's a reason why people come to this church because you're gonna get the truth you know you're not gonna get a load of bull a bunch of stuff that's not true a bunch of dispensational garbage and a bunch of pre-trib rapture and a bunch of zio zionistic you know teachings you're gonna get the truth and you know we're gonna we're gonna go out and preach the gospel to the lost at this church and I see that that's lacking because a lot of times I'll just look up a church's website and see you know do they have soul winning under one of their ministries and like I mean I didn't check every single one I'm sure that there probably are some Baptist churches that probably go soul winning in this nation but probably very few and far in between have you guys tested some of these out have you guys gone to some of these churches in the past and seeing that they're you know some of these churches just aren't good a lot of the churches in this nation are not good I mean this this nation has a state church that's funded by the taxpayers and you know they pick a sodomite to be the leader of the church every single year you know what what's what's his name what's the title the arch bishop of Archbishop of yeah the arch villain of Canterbury is that what it is okay yeah and so you know it's a point you know there's a lot of things that are messed up theologically in this country and obviously when you have a state-run church you know the United States was founded where you know we don't have where we have freedom of religion freedom of speech so so called nowadays but that's the way the country was founded and you know the reason why people came to America in the first place because they couldn't you know they they were just dealing with the Church of England stuff where you have to go to church you have to go to that church it's funded by the state and in America you have the right to go to whatever church you want and that was well that was supposed to be how it went but it kind of wasn't really like that but anyway I don't want to get off into the weeds on that stuff but there's a battle that's been going on in this country for many years and it's the battle for the hearts and minds of the people of this country and obviously this country has a big history it's way older than the United States of America and you know you guys have been people might not know it but there's been a battle going on for the souls of this nation for many many years and it's still going on today now when I said the Battle of Britain the battle for Britain there's actually you know it's in World War two is like a famous battle where Britain was you know it was a major air campaign fought largely over southern England in the summer of the autumn of an autumn excuse me of 1940 after the evacuation of the British force from Dunkirk and the fall of France Germany planned to gain air superiority in preparation for an invasion of Great Britain and obviously Great Britain won that war and in a lot of ways Great Britain was standing alone against the Nazis against the Germans in this fight and you know if they wouldn't have won the Battle of Britain then it would be probably you'd all be speaking German right now but you know that's that's kind of how World War two shook out and there was a lot of bombings and things like that and obviously I'm not like an expert on on the whole battle but I like the name of the title of the sermon the Battle of Britain so I just kind of looked up a little bit of the history of it but I looked up you know I looked up that part but also I want to see why did the British win that war why did the British win the war well you know when I looked it up I got a couple different answers but it says the British won the Battle of Britain due to a confluence of factors they were defending their home territory so they were motivated to succeed and you know the home team is like a big thing in like sports and and things like that and people can get you know when your country's being attacked you know that's when you're really gonna be to rally the troops and get them to go out and fight and to defend their nation because nobody wants to be invaded and taken over right and so the fact that the Germans were coming to to the home turf of Great Britain and wanting to to take it over it really made people fight harder and you know really get behind the nation to succeed and number two they also knew the local geography better than their invaders and that's always an on home field advantage when another nation comes in and they don't know the terrain like like the people defending it do then it's an advantage to people like in sports a whole the home court advantage is everybody's everybody's there is for that team right and so they're yelling really loud for that team every time they do something good they're ah you know who you know and so that's what made Great Britain win that battle which was a very key decisive victory in World War two and so but today there's a spiritual battle going on in Great Britain and it's it's a different kind of battle it's a battle of subtlety it's a battle of treachery and it's a battle like I said for the hearts and minds of the people the so the very souls of the people that live in this nation and it's a great nation but you know a lot of great Bible teaching and a lot of great things have fallen by the wayside you know like the Nazi German you know invading forces there's a there's another invading force and it's the devils that are run by Satan Satan has an army when we looked at those verses it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places this is talking about a very organized attack against you know the world and and basically we're not wrestling our fight is not a fight of physical physicality where we're just trying to to get this army that it's gonna go out and fight people in the streets or something a lot of people try to go it that way but our battle is not a battle that is fought physically it's a battle that's fought spiritually and so people get the wrong idea about this they want to go out and do physical violence and you know we're tired of all these liberals pushing us around and all this weird stuff that they're teaching but our battle is for the hearts and minds of the people and the way we win the battle is by going out and obviously getting people saved and converting them to the truth so that they can also go out and do the same thing that's how the battle is going to be won and you know what we do have a very volatile enemy an enemy that's very powerful Satan is a very powerful being there's no doubt about that and our fight is against his principalities his rulers his wicked wicked people and all the people that he just in trenches and all these churches and overthrows them you know and obviously a church like this is a prime target you know so do you think Satan really cares about all these churches that are already conquered that he's already conquered do you think he cares about what's going on in the Church of England right now do you think he actually cares what's going on in the Catholic Church right now he's just trying to stop them no he's not trying to stop them because they're on his side he's already infiltrated all these churches what about these Baptist churches that have replaced a great preacher or the next guy came up and he preaches a false gospel and teaches works based salvation do you think that Satan cares about what that church is doing they're doing nothing they're not getting people saved they're actually on his side if they're teaching works based salvation or a false gospel of any kind they're already infiltrated there are already one and so what's he gonna try to do he's gonna try to come to a church like this he's gonna try to infiltrate and guess what people have already come and tried to do that they've already infiltrated we found the spies if you look at Christianity like it's a it's a military battle you know which the Bible does paint that picture for us in a lot of different ways the word battle is is in the scriptures like a hundred and sixty two times there's a lot of battles in the Old Testament and those are pictures for us for the New Testament that we know that we're gonna have to fight these battles and it's like well I didn't sign up for that well you know I'm sorry to tell you but guess what you're you're in a battle and every single person that Jesus saved is now a soldier for him you're like well I didn't sign up to be a soldier I'm just a woman or I'm just you know I didn't I can't fight it's a different kind of battle folks it's a spiritual battle and we need men women and children to be in the battle you know in in in like physical battles and and sign up for military type type battles and things like that you or sign up for like the army or the Air Force or whatever you have to be a certain age and it used to be you had to be a man but now that's all kind of changed now you can be you know an it and still you know be in the military or whatever but it didn't used to be so but in God's army men women and children are part of the army and part of the war and look we don't want to lose this church to infiltrators because you know what Satan's really good at doing those things and look we had like a few families of infiltrators that you know a lot of you guys probably didn't even realize that they were like that but as they stood up in this church and lie bald-faced lied about your leader to try to get him overthrown then you saw that for real that there is a real enemy out there and they do want to come and infiltrate and take this church over and you know brother Ian and miss Lisa just had to put up with all that garbage for like a year and a half knowing that they were bad but still giving them the benefit of the doubt okay we still had to give him the benefit of the doubt but when I came here I I was just like wow I can't believe how bad this is but you know they're good at playing the game and the game is don't let us have two or three witnesses against us right so when they stood up against our church and try to get Ian overthrown I mean they had to have realized that like their neck was slipping into the noose at that point you would think but they're so brazen they were so bold they thought that they had him and it's like then they all stood up you know Alex's hands like you know he just raises his hand up really fast to be a false witness you know what I thought was weird about that recording by the way was that you know what out when Alex stood up he was like I was sitting there at the table with your kids I'm like number one that's pretty weird to be sitting at somebody at a table with somebody else's kids you know why was he doing that so he could listen to the conversation but the fact that he listened to the conversation and still stood up and lied through his teeth you know just that just tells you what he is that just tells you you know you know that all three of them would do all three of those witnesses would stand up and just lie through their teeth to try to get Ian overthrown and that's why they'll never ever be allowed back in this church again why why will they never be allowed in again well should we forgive them if they ask for forgiveness look the Bible says if someone stands up to be a false witness that whatever they wanted to do to that person should be done to them you know what they want to do they wanted Ian to be overthrown as the leader and for them to probably be the leaders and then this place of being a disarray and overthrown just like the devil wants to happen but because you know God I believe God was totally in everything that happened and allowed that to happen so that you know they could be exposed for the frauds and the liars that they are and so because do you think that they would have forgiven brother Ian for you know if he said that he supposedly shouted at somebody's wife no they would have said get him out of here they would crucify him or whatever they wanted him out that's why they stood up and that's why I just couldn't believe that Ben would just be you know he's I got three witnesses I was like well bring him because I already heard what was on the tape I already knew what that was being said so the fact that they would have a brazen attack like that that but that's what the devil wants see but God wasn't allowed allowing them to overthrow this church because you know what this church is standing in a gap of this country that has all the forces of hell are surrounding it and just taking over my I mean we went door-knocking to tonight and it wasn't a lot of success but it just showed you the state of mind of some of the people that are here no thank you no thank you you know and not super rude but like did anybody get treated rudely tonight probably a few people right but there are people that will be saved there's you know 700 and something people that have been saved already this year because Britain is just primed and ready to have souls saved there's a battle going on and so just like the the battle that happened all those many years ago in World War two you know the people dug in that were you know the home team the home field advantage they dug in to stop these German invaders from from coming and taking over the country right but you as Bible believing Christians it's our job to stand in the gap where the prince of the power of air is trying to come in and he's got his own you know his own army of people and we got to stand up to that and we got a fight and you guys are the ones that live in this country and so it's up to you you know who's gonna care more about England than the people that live here I mean shouldn't you care about the place you live in and you know I know you do because people show up and go soul-winning that people show up and they care and we got to have you know some growth some exponential growth that will come out of this church and you know we need more churches we need churches you know in Scotland we need churches in Ireland we need churches in Europe we need places you know the this this church started a great light and I want to see that light continue to move on but you know what you guys got to get in the battle you know and I and I'm not saying you're not but I mean we have to have a big vision this church is is a miracle this church is something that's special and people need to understand you know how special it is because well I think I was taught you know you're you look at people on a screen and you think like wow you know and people get kind of starstruck with pastors and stuff like that like I know that people do that I'm not saying me but I'm just saying that people you know you'll see somebody on a screen and then they're in front of your face or you're at a church and you don't realize you know this is this is real life this is church it's not just television and when you get there it's it can start to become just like any other church and you don't want to get into that mindset where you think that this is just any other church because it's not any other church this is a great church and to get plugged in and stay plugged in you know is it gonna be perfect it's probably not gonna be perfect guess what I'm a hundred percent sure it's already not perfect okay but you know what no one ever said that the human institution like this church is going to be perfect when you got humans involved when you got people involved and obviously Christ is perfect what Christ did for us is perfect we're all saved because of his shed blood on the cross and the fact that he raised from the dead but you know none of us are perfect none of us are ever gonna be perfect I know that people that believe in work salvation will sit there at the door and be like yeah you just you got to be a good person it's like but you're not a good person oh I know but you got to be a good person it's like no you you're not a good person like people think they're good but they're really not isn't that is not what who's I didn't she say you have to be a good person I mean that's really the number one thing you're gonna hear out so any you got to be a good person it's just like nobody's good enough so anyway let me move on here and I just want to go to my first point my first point is you know how how are we gonna how are we gonna get accomplished what we need to accomplish how are we gonna how are we gonna accomplish the goal for the Battle of the hearts and minds of Britain how are we gonna win this war well you know we might not win this battle for Britain but you know we can still change some hearts and some minds we can still get some people saved you know do I think that the whole country is gonna all sudden become new IFB overnight probably not you know but here's the thing if you're adding 700 say you're just adding 2500 people a year and I know that's a big goal per year if you're adding to 2500 souls that's in 30 years that's like 30,000 people right so but imagine if we had other churches that were like this we're doing the same thing getting all these people saved that's exponential growth that's what we're looking for and we're gonna do that by getting in the battle staying in the battle not getting shot and wounded and taken out of the out of the fight we got to there's a few things that we need to enact and that we need to get right so that we can see clearly to fight this battle and number one you know we got to fight the infestation through our homes through the television fake news social media and the BBC the BBC I know and you got I know that people just talk really bad about the BBC probably because they're really wicked right now the BBC they own like basically don't they own like the television networks here is it it's a it's a tax-funded television system and obviously you know you got the fake news from the BBC I was why I actually looked at a meme today on Facebook and it was like this guy you know and it had his three homeschooled children sitting there and it says homeschool you know rah-rah for homeschooler dads that are you know showing the BBC you know fakely report 9-11 or whatever and basically what what the the mean was trying to tell us is that the BBC actually reported that building 7 fell down 20 minutes before it actually fell down anybody know that and then I was looking I went to look for the video because I want to make sure I proved that this was true and I watch the video from the BBC when 9-11 happened and sure enough the building is standing up in the background as this woman's like you know it was you know the extra you know things that made the building fall down all this stuff it's like it's literally right there what people say 9-11 wasn't an inside job you know and then it's there's a comment that said they explain how this happened on the BBC website so I looked at the BBC website and I was just like their excuse is well it just it was a coincidence you know that those people were in New York that the reporters that were reporting this just happened to be in New York and you know it's just it's just a it's a mistake we cocked it up or whatever that's what they said it was just like no you just flat-out lied and you got caught lying that this building 7 was destroyed 20 minutes before it actually fell down how do they know the narrative because the because it was an inside job you know the media knew I remember I was I remember what I was doing when 9-11 happened and I remember them telling all this fake stuff that was going on they're like Hezbollah has claimed you know that they did it or whatever I never heard that report again I heard that on the radio but then I never heard that so they like some of the narratives they just took off but that narrative that was nailed down they still say that stuff today that you know it was like the damage from the other from the other buildings that made building seven fall down and like if you look at it's a demolition being done on it if you look at the other towers demolition being done so you know what why is the BBC straight out of hell well you know they're there first of all they come and extort you to try to make you pay for them to lie to you I mean what a scam right don't they they have or they come and they they knock on your doors and say you owe me $13 a month or something like that and if you don't pay then they take you to court right is that right my being truthful so it's $13 a month for you to pay for them to lie to you and put all kinds of garbage on on the television to make you you know believe all their false and fake news agendas right so you know I mean I've heard that they've taken little ladies and and you know taking them to court because they were they can't pay it so now what you have to prove that you don't have a television in order to not pay it and then you have to prove that you're not watching it online in order to not pay it and if you if you don't pay it they they take you to court right so it's a good thing that we preach about not having televisions right so you have to watch the BBC turn to Romans chapter 12 verse 1 Romans chapter 12 verse 1 look there's a lot of fake news going on it's been going on for a long time but it's really bad now I mean it's worse than it probably ever has been and social media look there's billions of dollars being dumped into this stuff because they want to corrupt your minds with this they want to change the way you think the lady that we knocked her we were talking to her I mean she was talking to us basically for the most part but she said I was just watching on television talking about climate change so she was literally being brainwashed right before we came to the door and you know she did know some conspiracy theories though she kind of knew the the whole thing about the Jews and the Rockefellers and all that kind of stuff I don't really know anything about it but then she just tells us all these details about what she knows like okay anyway so but she's she's like I just think that you know I'm a pagan she said she was a pagan and then she said that she just wants to help the world through helping the climate or what the environment she wanted to help the environment and she seemed to be like an animal lover or whatever but that's kind of what the media has turned everybody into isn't it the people whose mind is jelly and and they're and they're brainwashed into believing all this stuff that's what they all think they all want to be these liberals that you know or care so much for the environment you know what this this planets gonna burn up it's like you know all the trash is gonna burn including the other kind of trash but anyway so look there's an infestation of the home through the television and it's it's fake news it's it's fake reporting it's it's television that makes you you know like before people thought buggery was really bad and now all sudden it's it's okay everything's okay and it's okay to be gay or whatever that's that's kind of the agenda that's that's that's being pushed and like this lady she never really told us that her brother was it was a queer but I kind of think that he was because she was like she said I have this sister-in-law who I think she's a fundamentalist and she has all these friends in America I'm thinking it's like some new IFP like woman like praying for this lady to get saved or whatever and she's like and he said and she's saying that my brother's bad and I don't think he is and I'm thinking well why does she think he's bad you know I'm like because he's a queer it looks like a queer he sounds like a queer probably a queer right anyway Romans 12 one says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service so God expects us not to take and slaughter animals and and and and and do that kind of sacrifice he expects us to be a living sacrifice he saved us he's bought us and he's purchased us with his own blood and he wants us to present our bodies as a sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service I mean he saved us it's reasonable that we would work for him right I mean he didn't just save us in one instance or for one from one thing he saved our lives from eternal damnation in hell and I think you know we do that he does that for free for us but you know when people do nice things for you don't you don't you don't you like to do nice things back for them I I do I mean that's just kind of generally how it is but you know God expects us to or at least you know he's he finds it acceptable to to have our reasonable service unto God and to not be conformed to this world so how do you get conformed to this world watching television watching the BBC watching the you know building seven still standing behind them and then them lying to your face about the fact that it that it's gonna you know they're saying it's blown up and it's not even blown up yet it's like this is what's going on in our world today is people are being you know conformed to this world what else would be conforming to this world how about your education and all the different things just everything that they have out there in the world is designed to to mind control you and to make you stupid and to make you like a hive mentality where you're just like all you know these why do these people all think the same thing well because they're being programmed to do it that's why it's called programming right television is called programming and you know the Bible says but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God so God wants us to not be conformed to the world but to be transformed and how do we do that well we get transformed by reading his word and so we start to replace the things that we used to believe with with what the Bible tells us because the Bible is what's true you know the God's not gonna get up and lie to you about something God's not gonna put something in the Bible that's gonna steer you in the wrong direction or make you stupid or make you believe something that's a lie God has your best interest at heart and so he said be renewed or be excuse me be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove see God wants us to prove things you know prove what's good proof and acceptable and perfect the will of God what is the will of God he wants you to work for him he wants you to put away these crazy things that you used to believe in or you know and walk in a different direction he wants us to renew our minds so it said I just got this I just kind of looked this up but it says under the current funding model the majority of the BBC's income comes from mandatory fee although a significant amount is generated by its commercial operations according to the full fact in 2020 the BBC's income was four point nine four three billion of which three point five billion came from the license fee and that's just the BBC that's a huge amount of that's a huge amount of dollars what about all the social media constructs that we have now YouTube was cool when you can actually put your stuff up there and then Google bought them and now they're this big giant you know big tech company and what they want to ban Bible preaching but you can put up all kinds of perverted videos and all kinds of videos where you're just swearing and cussing up a storm or whatever and just all all the worst kind of filth is on there but yet you can't put a Bible believing Baptist preacher on there preaching the truth that should just tell you just how wicked these places are and how wicked these systems are and obviously you know there's a there's a there's they're constructing things in people's minds you know and there's a book called 1984 that was written by George Orwell and he was actually a British author I don't necessarily think he was a good guy either I think he was some kind of liberal socialist or something but he understood how the media and how the government pollutes people's minds and he wrote a book that wrote that book called 1984 and in it it basically kind of centers on the consequences of a totalitarianism mass surveillance repressive regiment regimentation of people and behaviors within society you know it says Orwell's a was a democratic socialist so probably not our flavor right modeled the total totalitarian government in the novel after Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany more broadly the novel examines the role of truth and facts within politics and the ways in which they are manipulated so look they want to manipulate our minds through you know the BBC wants to manipulate our minds through all their programming and it's just really crazy how some of this has come to pass like I make this joke how you know people will say that the new word for for killing or murder is unalived that comes that is straight up newspeak is what it is if you know what newspeak is newspeak or you know the in the thought police and all this stuff comes from this Orwellian you know and that's that's a word that came because of this book but Orwellian agenda you know and and basically it seems almost like he had their playbook and knew knew exactly how they operate because all the things that they're doing today are things that that kind of took place in this book the thought police you can't even think your own thoughts or that's against their law you know Big Brother is this big you know we're supposed to just worship Big Brother or whatever and and always have in mind this hive mentality and Big Brother was like the he was a dictator he was a dictator okay leader of Oceana good night I can't say the word but he you know he it's like a cult of personality and they're like that's what you see in politics people just like you know just all just you know falling down over these politicians like I don't know if it's like that here but in America like people just like worship politicians almost Joe Biden's gonna save us Joe Biden can't even do have like two two thoughts that are coherent I mean the guys he's just like you know I got hairy legs sometimes you know I swim in the pool and they stand up it's like what are you talking about man what does that have to do with anything if you ever get a chance to watch the Joe Biden's like worst things that he said it's just you know and then he's just like you know he doesn't even know where he's at half the time you know he'll just like you start shaking hands with nobody that's there he just kind of goes like this Joe Biden's gonna save us though right and I'm not sure if they do that here but like you guys did didn't you guys your present your prime minister that he resigned right and now they got some woman what's her name Hess is that what it is tress trust Oh trust trust me I'm gonna I'm gonna get you all out of this and you know I mean it's just these politicians are the biggest scum that ever walked the face of the earth it's like it's not getting better it's getting worse you know evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse but anyway I mean the the whole thing with the Orwellian stuff from the 1984 you know doublethink is the process of indoctrination which subjects are expected to simultaneously accept two conflicting beliefs as truth often at odds with their own memory or sense of reality and and basically they call that cognitive dissonance I think today where you hold two opinions that are different but simultaneous believe them simultaneously the thought police in the book are think pull are the secret police of the super state who discover and punish thought crime personal and political thoughts unapproved by in socks regime the think pull use criminal psychology and omnipresent surveillance via informers telescreens cameras and microphones I mean this kind of stuff was you know this is 1949 when this book was written and what do you see when I mean we can even drive down the motorway we call freeways but the motorway without camera I mean there's like pictures of cameras and then like you can only go so fast or they take a picture of you and brother was talking about like how he had you know do these different classes or something like you know you get points off your license but it's just like it's crazy how much surveillance there is here there's a lot more surveillance I mean at least I know of you know here than there is in the United States but they're starting to do the same thing there too so and they probably have been for a long time honestly I mean they're the most powerful nation on the planet so obviously they probably got a lot of surveillance down but really you know we don't we just we don't want to let this type of mindset into our home so like why would you project that stuff into your homes why would you you know my wife used to like to watch the news when she woke up in the morning but it's like it's so negative isn't it the news is just negative and they're really just lying to you how do you know that the news is lying to you well they just open their mouths that's how you know you know how do you know that there's a wicked agenda in television when every single show has some homo kiss and kiss in the other another homo you know and then like how are you gonna put your kids in front of something like that or two dudes are kissing and it's like they do it they why do they do that because they want you to think that everybody's like that they want you to think that it's normal to be like that they want to normalize this stuff and so why would you put it into your home where people are you know it's gonna mess with your kids mind or mess with your mind and here here's the thing they they've they've even made these words this newspeak so you know in our in our world where we can't even say certain words or that people get mad about it you know it's called political correctness right and and like so sodomite used to be the word for or faggot or fag or sod or bugger you know for some for or queers for a whole and now you have to say homosexual LGBTQ or gay and if you say dude that's so gay then you get in trouble for that it's just like that used to be normal like to call like our friend like on like you know guys are just like to make fun of each other and give each other a hard time so we would say hey you fag would you I'm not a fag you're a fag you know it's just like that used to be normal to call somebody the worst possible thing you can possibly call them and you're still friends you know but if you call it to someone that isn't your friend they walk over and punch you in the face I called a guy a faggot one time in the fifth grade and I was new to the school and he walked over and punched me in the mouth I'm not joking he did I was like I was just kidding but I didn't know so you you know it used to make people mad and now it makes people mad for a different reason because they actually are that or they're a sympathizer right like you used to people used to be called bums that were homeless or whatever bums or hobos now what do they call them houseless they're houseless this is newspeak folks this is the stuff that they're putting into our brains to try to get us to you know just change how we think change how we talk oh I'm sorry shouldn't have said it like that why can't we just say what things are why do we have to hide what we think and what we believe because the thought police is gonna try to throw us in their little thought prison or whatever they're gonna try to get us new or canceled or shut our YouTube channel down like they did the pastor and medicine pastor Mejia and they weren't even putting bad stuff on there they were just putting the truth there right you know they got nuked and pastor me he had like over a hundred thousand subscribers pastor minutes was like I think at forty thousand or something like that and they were not putting like you know really rough stuff on their main YouTube channel they were using their other ones and they just nuked all their channels because they were they were using the shorts and getting all this information out and they were mad that you know obviously YouTube's mad because they're putting content out there that's gonna help people they're gonna help people become Christians help people live a great Christian life what about the word pervert that that used to be a word that people use and I still use it but you know people don't usually call perverts anymore they'll call pedophiles a minor attracted person that's what they're pushing now you know instead of calling them pedophiles which is what they are then they started calling a minor attracted persons no they're perverts no they're pedophiles no they're freaks that's what they are you know and you know the word whore or harlot is no longer able to be used it's you know prostitute or sex worker or something it's like you can't you know no they're a whore that's what they are they're a harlot and that's what the Bible calls them how about fool you know you shouldn't call people fool because raca you're you're in danger of the judgment or what you know Jesus called people fools all the time you fools and blind you know that's what he said to the Pharisees oh oh it was Jesus in danger of hellfire because he said that maybe you just don't understand that verse and then you're just going around saying well you're not supposed to call people fools well the Bible Paul calls people fools you know the the word fool is using the Bible so obviously people are misinterpreting that and not using it correctly but you know to say someone's stupid or a fool is bad and my wife doesn't like the word stupid so but you know she was taught her home don't say that to people and obviously kids you shouldn't go around calling people stupid right so you know you listen to your parents and do what they tell you to say and talk how you tell how they tell you to talk but you know the word fool you know now it's intellectually impaired or unschooled that's a that's a role newspeak way of saying it you know you smell it if you say liar even in politics if someone says that they don't they won't call each other liars they won't do it if you ever notice that they won't say you liar in like a debate or something they won't say that that's just not proper they're dishonest or ethically disorientated or they just will say that's just not true or you know what I mean they won't say what needs to be said what is dust bin man is that like a garbage man right well I'd never heard of this so it does the man and I figured it kind of was garbage man but now they call them sanitation engineers you know to insult is now emotional rape a fag or a queer or you know use is what they used to call a bisexual prostitute equal opportunity prostitutes what they're calling them now I mean they're queers they look like a queer they talk like a queer they're queers period right poor is now economically marginalized immigrant is newcomer illegal immigrant irregular immigrant or undocumented worker right-wing protest is a rioter left-wing riot is a protest a drunk is chemically inconvenienced a terrorist is a freedom fighter rebel protester or insurgent you know the actual terrorists out there the actual ones that are going and burning cities down and stuff like that they're celebrated the politicians the United States we're telling people to go and burn these cities down and now all sudden all the cities are just like you know have are filled with crime you know the city that I'm from is just filled with crime filled with with just people literally shooting drugs in their arms as you walk by them on the streets it's a this world's become a dangerous place but it's all an agenda that's that's thrown at you through the media you know who how did people know how to do this well the media if your leaders are telling you to do this on television then don't you think people are gonna do it they're gonna do it without without having any reservation about what they're doing I mean people some guy got shot for wearing a Trump hat in downtown Portland shot and the guy that shot him had been arrested just recently and had a gun on him he should have been in prison but instead he was allowed to just go and just shoot the guy just because he had a Trump hat on you know in downtown Portland and then he you know was tracked down by Trump's people and you know he didn't make it out alive I don't think so but I you know it's just wrong you know what we're living in a world right now or even our own leaders are telling people to rise up and and and and and turn this system into something they want to take over by force the violent the Bible says that the violent take it by force and that's always gonna be the reality and at some point they're gonna be able to violently do that with us but you know we got to fight against this newspeak and this double talk there's a whole bunch of other ones that I wanted to say but I just don't have time to do that but there's you know come see me you can look at my list of newspeak words that are just like you know like just crazy prop plastics plastic surgery is now called cosmetic surgery you know and they look like they have plastic on their faces don't they I mean you see all these people they get these these facelifts and stuff they just look like someone just put it like a plastic face on them it was like that's weird man the Bible says in job 625 how forcible are right words how forcible are right words you know there's a battle against just words in our world today but the Bible says that right words are forcible they're gonna they're they're gonna actually teach you the right thing so the things that are said in the Bible you know those are considered bad things like if you call if you say someone is a bastard you know people get upset about that but it just means illegitimate child and it is it should be a shame it was a shame one day and it still should be a shame today but you know if you say hey I gotta go take a piss people are like you're costing from the pulpit it's like the Bible says I'm gonna cut all them that pisseth against the wall so is God cussing in the Bible then it's just like all these words that people get so offended over you know people just see look men need to just be manly again can we make men manly again you know dress like a man look like a man if you can grow a beard grow a beard like a man you know we need less ladies with beards and more men with beards amen I'm not saying if you can't grow a beard I'm not like trying to get down on you okay I'm just saying men hey in this world today we there should be a separation between manly and woman womanly okay there should be a separation you know we should be able to tell what you are there's nothing wrong with that well what do you mean are you are you assuming my agenda I would like to be able to assume your gender but sometimes I just can't tell you know some people just have you know they want to wear the guys on a hair wear their hair like a queer and their wife wants to wear their hair like a dude what's the deal with that like what happened I just don't understand why it's such a weird world that we're living in turn to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 21 I know I'm using light Bible right now but I'm gonna about to amp it up here 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 21 says prove all things hold fast to that which is good abstain from all appearance of evil prove all things God wants you to be able to prove it prove what's right prove what's good it's pretty easy to do if you just apply the Bible to that standard you know men should have short hair women should have long hair it's pretty simple but yet nobody in this world seems to be able to get that right anymore so and then you know women wearing dresses men wearing pants it's pretty heavy it's been going on for thousands of years but now all of a sudden I mean I'm in the airport and I'm looking at guys wearing dresses and then all the women are wearing pants it's like this world's topsy-turvy and you know where it's coming from it's coming from the media it's also coming from false religion you know they dressed in their wizard outfits or whatever you know and this world just it's gone crazy but you know what we need to be the sanity in this world you know if you want to win the battle for Britain let's just show people what normal people look like let's show people normal people look like again because it's really gone off the rails in all all areas of life and in this country you know what's what's make people when people see you guys coming to church they they see normal and and it should appear to be normal to them but you know you got all these churches where people I mean they're just letting queers and the churches are just you know letting people I mean obviously if you've done something in your life where you you modified your ears or something like that you know you can't help that you know there's people that get those big gauges in their ears and then like they get saved and then they have big holes they look like they you know came from Africa or they were putting stuff in their face or whatever I don't know I don't understand the mutilation of your face and mutilation of your body it's pretty weird but I mean that's just what this world this wicked world wants you to do is to mutilate what you look like get tattoos get plastic surgery drill holes in your face and put lip rings in and all this other stuff is just like why don't you just be what God needs you to be what's wrong with that but the devil wants you to look ugly the devil wants you to look weird and everybody does the same thing and they look weird and they all they're all doing the same thing so it's like you're not you're not special you're not you know you're not just standing out by yourself you just look like all the other weirdos right so be normal number two tonight the indoctrination of children so turn to Colossians chapter 2 verse 6 we need to win the battle with the indoctrination of our children not just like the media social media and the television and the BBC you know we need to keep that out of our lives but we also need to stop the indoctrination of our children now I might be preaching to the choir here and maybe some people do still have their children in public schools but let me just tell you this the public fool system is you need to get out of it we're just fortunate people that are saved in this room that we got out of it and we're able to still get saved look at Colossians chapter 2 verse 6 it says as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as you have been taught abounding therein with Thanksgiving beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of this world and not after Christ for in him dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and you're completed in him which is the head of all principality and power so we're built up in him if we're rooted in him we're built up in him we don't need the public fool system we don't need the false teachings of the you know there's just a lot of false teaching going on in schools and you know what number one evolution you know we're Charles Darwin coming from this country he's a shame you know he he ruined this world with all of his garbage and evolution but obviously his father was the devil so you know what do you expect but the Bible says to be rooted up and built in him established in the faith abounding therein with Thanksgiving beware lest any man spoil through philosophy what does philosophy mean well it's the love of man's wisdom so love of the love of man's wisdom it's gonna be vain deceit after the tradition of men we don't want to learn everything that man has for us and not learn everything that God has for us well do you think we're good enough if we don't I mean obviously I think that we should be smart in certain academics okay math and certain things in science and history those things are good English we're actually learning your language or whatever language it is that you speak whatever language it is you know those things are good but the philosophy of man is not to lift God up it's to lift man up and so what is going on in schools is they're teaching secular humanism and evolution trying to get people to lose their faith and we don't want our children to be lost into that indoctrination and there's a big pressure for parents to put their kids in school what are you doing your kids have no friends outside of school you know what it's called church there's what's wrong with having friends at church you know why do you have to have friends all over the neighborhood that are just gonna get your you know be a bad influence on your children you know but there's a pressure on Christians to let your children just play with whoever they want to play with do whatever they want to do and you know that's that's a recipe for disaster and putting them in public schools and keeping them in public schools is a recipe for your kids to just not have faith you know you don't want to lose them to the world it says that we're not supposed to you know we're not supposed to spoil them through the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ see the world wants to teach you one thing but Christ wants to teach you how to be godly and and love the Lord and love Christ rudiments means first principles so we don't want to you know teach our children the tradition of men and go after the rudiments of the things of this world the things that Christ has to offer are good enough you know and obviously we want to educate our children and have them be smart and all those things but you can do that at home why do you want to just muddy up your children with a bunch of filth of this world it says and you're complete in him verse number 10 which is the head of all principality and power so if we're complete in him then why would we worry about having to know all these different things that you know dr. fat bottom at the university wants to teach by the time people get into college look there's a whole system a cradle to grave system that they want to get your children right you know before kindergarten now do they have kindergarten here no something like that primary school is that what it's called they want to get your kid before then what are they teaching the children's books billions of years ago millions of years ago dinosaurs roamed the world they want to get your children right at the first point that they can get them and by the time they get into college even if they were going to church they're gonna get all this evolution garbage taught to them and worldly stuff and and secular humanism everything I learned bad from kids I learned at school at public school I mean it's not like I just dreamed all that stuff up myself you know I learned all the colorful words that I probably should have been using at public school you know so we need to make sure that we're teaching our own children and we're you know how are we going to win the Battle of Britain when all the kids are just lost to the devil we want our kids to be you know for Christ and loving Christ and not being taught all this garbage this lies from the devil in the school system how do we fix it well homeschooling for the win that's how we fix it homeschooling for the win and look you're like I don't know if I can homeschool my kids I don't know if I can handle and being at home well do you want to handle and being in hell then is that where you want to handle you rather just have them go off and be druggies and and go straight to hell well you know that's not something I want for my kids that's not something I've ever wanted for my children I'm sure you don't want it either you know sometimes we have to pay a hard price to teach our children and you know get them going in the right direction but what's gone on in this country is that people think that higher education is like this great thing you know if you didn't graduate from you know what are you doing after school what are you doing after this what you know people just want to know what is your what's what what's your occupation gonna be what is what is your occupation what are you gonna do what college are you going to you know well I'm my child's going to Princeton it's like who cares well so they can learn how to go to beer pong university and just you know go straight to the devil after they've learned the last nail on the coffin of evolution it's just like garbage turn to Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 Deuteronomy 6 4 Deuteronomy 6 4 the Bible says hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy might and these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart so God expects us as adults to love God and to keep his commandments and that he should be number one in our life and look what it says in verse 7 and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and thou shalt talk of them when thou sit is in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up it kind of sounds like God wants us to talk to our children about about him every single day and with almost everything doesn't it kind of seem like everything you're doing should kind of be hey teach your children about God but you know what I don't think that we're doing a good enough job do you do that do you do every single thing on this list every single day so I'm not trying to get down on people I'm just saying we could get better right we could get better because unless you're teaching them diligently when you're sitting at home when you're walking by the way when you're lying down when thou rise up it sounds like that's 24-7 right except for when you're asleep and you should be dreaming about God then I'm kidding it says thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes and thou shalt write them upon the post of thine house and on thy gate so the Word of God should be just drilled into our kids it's like well you're trying to tell us to brainwash our kids no I'm not actually yeah I am brainwash them wash them with the washing of the word the regeneration of God's Word and and and get the defiled stuff out of their brains so when you wash their brain with God's Word you're actually getting the defilement out of their life so but people would say well I don't believe that you should just force religion on your kid but you want to force your kid into a religion in a public school where they're gonna teach your kid that God's not real and we've been to space and God isn't here and you know we've this this plants billions of years old and you know you used to be a banana tree and now you're a human being you used to be a monkey you used to be I mean it's just like all this garbage that's being taught to kids in school and we don't want that for our kids but that's how the war is being won by Satan in this country right now is just drilling all this stuff into their heads you know what if we want to win the battle first of all we got to have our kids go be reached in the next generation so that they can reach the next generation look this isn't just our fight it's our children's fight in the generation after us and who wants to be able to who wants to say like I didn't do my best I didn't talk to my children in the morning when they woke up I didn't talk to him before they went to bed at night I didn't rise up and when I was sitting down talk about him we didn't pray for our meals in front of you know I mean we can do better can't we can't we do better to raise our children for a godly generation I mean this country has had some generations where it was probably godly I'm sure that there's more than one generation in this country that's been godly and you know what we can be the start of maybe another generation that actually turns godly even if we can't at least this church here will have a godly generation and you know what if we teach it to our children afterwards that generation is gonna have a godly generation you know what whatever Satan and his minions have for us you know we just have to be able to stand he didn't say he didn't say to go charging into battle he said just stand put your armor on and stand stand up for what's right stand up for what's true stand up for you know what what the Lord wants of us and us for our children and what's he saying to teach your children it's our job to teach them it's not the government's job to teach them number three you know we got you know a serious problem with state with religion and the state religion here how do we overcome that well we have to you know we have to go to battle with the false prophets you know this lady just kept saying what well how are you different from the Jehovah's Witnesses like she must have said that to me like five or six times how are you different from the Jehovah's Witnesses I was like well how much time do you got you know we're different in a lot of ways number one we believe the Trinity number two we believe salvation is by faith alone I mean that's just two things right off the bat but you know people think that we're Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons we need to just get that out of their heads when they say you know they should be saying hey are you guys Baptist you know by the time you guys do this whole neighborhood and get all and knock all these doors I'm sure you're gonna knock them more at once you know but maybe you can plant a seed and leave a good testimony for that next time that you go to them I mean the lady she really kind of wasted my time today but I'm hoping that like maybe something I said maybe some scripture I quoted to her might maybe turn her the other way maybe it will I don't know but you know we got to go through this these hard areas too and try to reach people with the gospel because you know what the state really she said there used to be Baptist churches here there used to be all these things here I said well there's a Baptist Church here now you know there might have been a Baptist Church that failed before but you know this Baptist Church isn't gonna fail this Baptist Church is gonna do what's right this Baptist Church is gonna teach what's right this Baptist Church is gonna do church discipline like the Bible says you know people might have been here that day and been like oh man what is this I don't understand it's called the Bible welcome to it you know we're not gonna just let a bunch of scum take this church over we're you know he's the daddy now get out of here you bunch of scumbags we don't need you anymore we don't need your ties we don't need your garbage and your filth and your lies we need you to get out we need good people in this church that actually love God and want to further the truth of the gospel into this area that's how we're gonna win the battle quit holding hands with all these false religions and these false teachers they're wicked Pentecostals are wicked Jehovah's Witnesses are wicked Mormons are wicked we shouldn't have anything to do with them the Bible said look at second that Corinthians chapter 6 the state churches the Anglican Church do you think that they have your best interest at heart no they don't but you know what they're happy to have all these other religions around that teach works based salvation but we can't find a church building because we don't have millions of dollars and we're not owned by some big Pentecostal organization or some Church of England you know the hotel I stayed at the last time I was here I asked if I could do baptisms they're like well you don't have a license either through the what well I gotta have a license to baptize people here really that's what they were trying to tell me that unless I had you know the Anglican Church the Church of England stamp of approval that I can't do baptisms at a swimming pool like what I do I have to have someone to make sure that I'm holding them down right oh no because they sprinkle people don't they they just pour water on them it's called out of baptism second Corinthians chapter 6 verse 14 says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness what communion hath light with darkness and what Concord hath Christ with Belial what do we have what does Christ have to do with the devil they're not friends so why are you friends with people that are in a false religion they're like well I'm trying to win them to Christ you know what try to win them to Christ but don't hang around them don't be around them it says what part hath he that believe it with an infidel and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for you're the temple of the living God as God has said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you you know apply this to false religion because you know it's it's applicable you know who's Belial well he's the devil a lot of people work for him don't they and they come in all shapes and sizes they come in all different names and denominations you know the I keep bringing this lady up because I mean it's just like it seemed like the gauntlet of things was being talked about with her but she was like near the end she's like well I just believe that there's just many different ways you know there's many different paths to get there how many people believe that a whole bunch of people in England believe that a whole bunch of people in the United States believe that trash and you know what there's only one way to get to heaven and that's to the Lord Jesus Christ he said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me there's no other way and so being nice to these Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons what a good is that doing you I kick him out this my territory sucka get out of here tell him to leave what are they gonna do they're just gonna cower away like the slithering snakes that they are like they always do if there's some false witnesses out there with you just say hey this is my street just stand tall you know look puffy or whatever but you know they'll they'll flee you stand up the devil he's gonna flee you know what his people are gonna flee also his people are weak they just want to try to act like they're tough how are we gonna win this battle against this false religion well we might not win the battle totally well you know what we can do we can win some can't we we can win some it's really sad when I looked up this article it says a quarter of Briton say that they believe a quarter of Britain say they believe in a god four and ten neither believe in a god nor a higher power that's like a pretty recent article from 2020 says although the United Kingdom is a monarchy formally led by a ruler who also governs the official Church the Church of England belief in a a god or in a UK or in the UK is low only a quarter Britain's 27% say that they actually believe in a god a further one in six sixteen percent believe in the existence of a higher spiritual power but not a god amongst British Christians just over half fifty six percent believe in the existence of God what amongst British Christians just over fifty six percent believe in the existence of God I thought you had to believe in God to be a Christian I don't that's kind of weird while sixteen percent believe in a higher power one in ten ten percent of British Christians say that they do not believe there is a god or a higher power how does that work like people to say they're Christian it's like a national thing to say I'm a national Christian or whatever it's just like that that's not gonna cut it you know what what are we up against that's what we're up against in this country and if we want to win the battle for the hearts and minds of the people of the UK we got to turn this this statistic around you know what when you're you know you're getting seven you know you're getting 1,200 people saved in a year it is making a difference you might think that it's not making a difference but just think about this for a second when his God just used massive amounts of armies to beat other to win battles he always liked picks you know the smallest good-looking ruddiest dude with a with a sling and a rock or he picks a guy named Gideon who's just threshing wheat he's the poorest oh you know he's the least of the house and his father's house his family's poor and then he takes him and whittles it down from 22,000 to 10,000 to 300 and destroys an army that is as big as the sands of the sea it's like grasshoppers for multitude God does big things with little amounts of people so don't ever think that what this small church is doing right now is not making a difference because you know what it is making a difference it's making a difference and that's why it's so important that we stick through hard times look you're getting tested right now things have been being tested here you know but guess what God look God gave you this building God gave you this building do you realize that you know he gave you the building that you're at before how much was your rent at the place before zero right was it yeah zero and then when they were like okay well you guys can't stay here anymore and guess what someone just you know after months and months and months of Ian trying to find a place like we're just kind of like well if they kick us out you know where we gonna go well I mean God provided a place didn't he and the scum that he kicked out were complaining about it this building isn't this or that you know what's a building for you to meet in it's got nice chairs it's got great air conditioning right now no I'm just kidding that'll come later but you know what God didn't promise us air conditioning I'm sorry it's been the hottest summer ever but it feels pretty good in here actually right now doesn't it I'm actually wearing my jacket I'm not sweating profusely so it must be it must be cooler in here so anyway look we got big problems when it comes to the government look we can we're up to the challenge you know what Satan's gonna send his minions and and but you know what there's a there's a church in the UK right now that's trying to make a difference not just trying they are making a difference you think God just set this church up for nothing no he set it up to do great works you know what we're gonna have to do battle with these false religions that are in every single town in every single place in this country God's gonna set you know God's gonna send us out there to do battle with them whether that's you know them telling them to go to hell and leave this area or whether it's just undoing some damage that's been done to somebody's mind and believing a false religion I'm sure there's people in here that probably used to believe something that wasn't true guess what it was all of us we all believe something that wasn't true but you know Christ woke us up Christ saved us you know it's our job to get out to the world in this country specifically right now this is our focus let's get this country saved as many people as we can and then let's start other churches you know that's the plan that's the model that's how exponential growth happens and you know what the Bible promises us if we go out we're gonna get people saved turn to Psalm 126 verse 1 I'm almost done I'm sorry it's been a long sermon but I was just starting to have a little bit of fun there I didn't fly thousands of miles to just preach a 20-minute sermon go to the Church of England for that Psalm chapter 126 verse 1 says when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them the dream then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue was singing then said they among the heathen the Lord hath done great things for them the Lord hath done great things for us whereof we're glad turn again our captivity O Lord as the streams in the south they that sow in tears shall reap in joy he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seeds shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him the Bible says it's doubtless it's gonna happen we went out so many today I wasn't receptive but guess what one person got saved and you know what brother Ian got some lady saved at the door today she came up thinking he was the vicar of the Church of England and she was like are you the priest he was like well I kind of am and then he led that woman to the Lord at his front door I mean that's what happens when you know you you live near the Church of England so people are gonna knock on your door thinking you're the vicar or something but anyway you know miss JC she's she came here she led a man to the Lord here I mean look God is doing great things God is doing great things in this church and this this country is receptive I mean you think well one person but most Sundays you guys are getting like eight to ten people saved right like pretty much every Sunday like eight to ten I'm like dang wish I would have been there but you know we're still getting people saved where we live too and we're having an effect in our area we're having an effect in other areas of the world but you know what what we really need to do to win this country back to Christ is we need to supply England with the ammo of the truth and the ammo of the truth is this book right here and we go and we preach the gospel we preach the Bible to people you know Ian gets up here and thunders forth messages of truth and you know what we need to just supply England with the truth and if they shut us down on YouTube then we'll go something else God will find a way he found a way for you to get in another building just out of the blue hey you want to have this building sure we'll take it you know what what's what's stopping churches in this country from doing great things for God is fear and apathy that's what it really is people are afraid to speak the truth because of the political and spiritual environment that we're in they're afraid of their own shadows instead of going under the shadow of the wings of the Lord they're hiding in the shadows afraid to preach God's message and God's truth I looked at one independent Baptist site today and it looked like they might have had their stuff together but every single sermon was just a positive sermon there was never anything negative said in any of his sermons I was just like good grief these people all they're hearing about is salvation every service every service you know what that gets old to people and that's why churches die because instead of just talking about all the sweetness of light they got they're never you know motivated to do something else they're never telling other people about you know other religions being negative oh no we should just you know we should get together and have like a an ecumenical service it's like what are you talking about the Bible said to come out from among them and be separate not go it to the Vatican and and you know have all the Jews and the Pentecostals and all these other religions together we're not supposed to be together we're supposed to unite under the right doctor we're supposed to unite under the right truth and fear and apathy are taking it away the Bible says and I'm gonna finish here in just a minute so I'm sorry first Timothy chapter 6 verse 12 says fight the good fight of faith we are supposed to fight we're supposed to fight so how are we gonna win the Battle of Britain well we're gonna win the Battle of Britain by fighting fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life where unto thou art also called and has professed a good profession before many witnesses you know David when he went to fight Goliath he said is there not a cause everybody's afraid to fight but David's like you know what I'll fight I'll fight that guy and you know what I'm gonna kill him I'm not only gonna kill him I'm gonna chop his head off afterwards with his own sword and he did because everybody was afraid Saul was afraid all the people of Israel were afraid but you know what there's gonna be Giants in this country that we have to fight they might not be literal Giants but they're Giants of religion Giants of brainwashing brought Giants of brain defilement the giant of education higher education well I believe in science really my body my choice that's science it's my body no it's the baby's body isn't it in my in my in my America you know love is love well you know what in reality there's two genders so shut up that's a fact is that's a fact of science let's talk about science I don't have time to talk about science but listen there's a lot of Giants that we have to fight but you know what God's Word will slay it every time it just takes the rock and that what David did he took the rock and he threw it and it killed the giant one shot and as long as our rock is the right rock which is the Lord Jesus Christ we're not going to have an issue Paul said I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith and that's what we need to do and you know what we can go out there and win the Battle of Britain and even if we don't you know we're we're gonna win no matter what but let's get out there and fight as hard as we can to just do the best we can to win this nation back to the Lord or die trying and get and get this out to the next generation afterwards and let's just stop being brainwashed with all the stuff that the world has to offer us and let's just wash actually really wash our brain with God's Word and replace all the garbage with something good and you know we can win the Battle of Britain let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great church Lord I pray it would be just a beacon of light for many years to come Lord I pray you just bless the leadership here and Lord if there's anybody that wants to be a pastor someday Lord I pray that they would just work towards that goal of being a pastor and Lord that maybe we could send them out to another to start another church Lord I just pray that you would just really impress upon the people the the need Lord the need for a great church in England and Lord not to quit not to get taken out of the battle not to get wounded not to get to let the spies take them Lord I just pray that you just help our church right now and in in the years of the future of this church Lord to do great great things for you and to win the Battle of Britain Jesus name we pray. Amen.