(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And I'm sorry it's such a short trip. Next time hopefully we'll be able to play, play, be here for a little bit longer. Good night. I should have took a longer nap. All right. All right. So the title of the sermon this evening is Taking Correction, Taking, Properly Taking Correction. So that's a big problem in our world today in 2020 is that people just do not take correction well. And obviously it's been a long time people have not been able to take correction, but it seems like just it's just magnified in 2020 where people will get corrected on something. They just sulk and get upset. I remember a long time ago I was joking around with my fellow church members and I was at a men's retreat and I'd been out of church for a while. And I was like, I need to get back into to doing some stuff. And I was trying to, you know, men's retreats are usually pretty spiritual. A bunch of guys farting around each other because their wives aren't around and stuff. But pastors preaching hard sermons against, you know, being a worthless dad and they just really beat you up there. It's really good for you. So that's what guys do. Like, we just get around each other and we beat each other up. Right. But, you know, the Bible is the one that's supposed to beat you up. It's supposed to correct you. And I want to take a look at some things tonight about being able to be corrected. But so one thing I was saying something stupid and I kept saying it and like I was just being a clown. Right. And so the pastor finally, what I was saying was it was if it was good enough for the apostle Paul, it's good enough for us. Right. And so, but I said it like three times in the pastor said, you know what the Bible says about foolish jesting. I was like, ooh. And so basically, but he called me out in front of a bunch of people like that. And it was, he wasn't, he didn't yell at me or anything like that, but like it cut me to the quick. Like I was like, oh, stab, you know, but, and I, and I went out and I was upset that he did that because I think that he could have probably pulled me to the side and said something to me instead of calling instead of saying that to in front of everybody. But, you know, whatever, it's, it's not a big deal, but I didn't respond very well to it. But as I sat there thinking about it, I was like, why am I, why am I mad about this? Like I, you know, he, he, he's right. I should quit joking around so much about stupid things like that. But, cause you know, Baptist, when they get around each other, they start saying things that's like, you know, sometimes it might not be super biblical, but I don't know. I was just, I was basically, I was making fun of them for saying like, well, if it was good enough for the apostle Paul, it's good enough for me. It's like, okay, whatever. But, so that's an instance where I got corrected and I didn't like it, but then I repented in the middle of my unlike, and then I got right and he was right. And I've told that story before, but you know, I just, it's a time in my life that I look back and I think, hey, I got really corrected here. And how did I respond to it? Well, not well at first, but then as I thought about it, I was like, he's right. And so I got myself right and I quit foolish jesting. So, you know, a lot of times, you know, and look, correction needs to be taken properly from everybody, from the littlest child to the oldest adult. We all need to be corrected from time to time. And some, you know, older people get older and they think that, you know, they know everything because they've been alive for longer than everybody else. And in a lot of cases, that's true, but there's also no fool like an old fool too. And sometimes people just get so stuck in their ways they can't be corrected no matter what. When you, you know, have a little bit of years under you, you'll understand. And it's like, no, sometimes you're wrong and you need to be corrected. So, and children, you know, you need to learn when your parents are correcting you for something, they're not just doing it because they don't like you. They like you, you know, I hope, but some of you are a little harder to like than others, but I'm just teasing. But all the kids in this church are great. I'm just playing around. But, you know, sometimes kids don't take correction well, do they? You know, they mope and they cry and they throw fits and things like that. But that's something we have to teach them to be able to take it properly. When you get corrected kids, just realize that your parents don't hate you. They're trying to make you better. They're trying to make you not turn into a spoiled brat that goes and destroys downtown areas and says Black Lives Matter and all that stuff. Right. So, you know, there's a problem with when people don't get their way. You know, I thought I thought we lived in America, but for some reason, there's just all these groups going around saying things like, you know, Black Lives Matter. And, you know, we don't get our way. So we're going to torch the city. And we're going to tell you what you're going to do. And like I've seen, I saw some of these Black Lives Matter people go up to people while they're eating outside and say, you're going to say Black Lives Matter. And it's just like, I wouldn't say it. I'd be like, you better just beat me up. Let's go. You know, it's time to fight now. But like, you know, they were just shouting them down. It's like, that's not how things work. But that's the age that we live in is where the loudest voices reign supreme and majority rules. That's why this country was supposed to be a republic, not a democracy. But that's not what I'm preaching about tonight. But here's a problem. Some people are afraid to correct people, okay, when they should be corrected. And then they're unable, then some people, number two, are unable to receive correction. So some people are afraid to give correction when they should be giving correction. Some people are unable to receive correction when they're given it. And so both of those things are problems that I want to talk about tonight. And what does correction mean? It means a change that rectifies an error or an accuracy. So when you correct an error, right, sometimes there's an error in the way that they act or think or talk, and they need to be corrected on it. And also, the other definition of correction is a rebuke, punishment for breaking rules. So if you're correcting someone, when the Bible talks about correcting someone, sometimes it's correcting them through a spanking or some kind of punishment, or just verbally, sharply correcting them with their mouth. And sometimes people got to get corrected sharply. You know, there's different types of way of correcting people, and the Bible actually has lots of different words for basically correction. It's just they kind of just differ a little bit in how they're presented. So in 2 Timothy 4 verse 1, it says, I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing in his kingdom. So what's Paul doing? He's charging Timothy. He's saying, hey, you're going to do this. I'm charging you to do this before God and the Lord Jesus Christ. It says preach the word. So one of the things that Timothy was supposed to do is preach the word. We have to preach the Bible as preachers, as pastors, as evangelists, or whatever you are. We have to preach the Bible. We don't get up here and just preach our opinions about everything. We've got to preach the Bible. But it says be instant, in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. So reprove, rebuke, and exhort as all ways of correcting people. Okay. So it says, for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears. So why do we need to correct people? You know, people always say, well, the new IFB, you're always just rebuking pastors and you're rebuking people that are doing this wrong. What's the Bible say we're supposed to do right here? Why do we do it? Because people will heap to themselves teachers having itching ears. Heaps. You know, heaps and heaps, like have multiple people that they listen to that are wrong on doctrine. And so what does Paul say to do? He says, well, the time is going to come when they're not going to endure that sound doctrine that you're teaching, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves. See, people want to have their ears tickled. People want to hear what they want to hear. That's why megachurches are so successful. So instead of having a room full of 30, there's churches around town that probably have rooms full of 300 or more. I don't know. These megachurches get pretty big. But you know why? Because they want to hear what they want to hear. They want to have people that teach them things that they want to hear. And that's always been the problem throughout the whole Bible. The children of Israel went through those problems. But God says, as a pastor, I'm supposed to reprove, rebuke, and exhort. So, and I'll tell you what those things mean here in just a second. But it says, they shall turn their ears from the truth. And what's my job to do? My job is to grab you by the ear and tell you what the real truth is and teach you what the truth is, so that you'll get rid of those false teachers you're listening to and start listening to right teachers. You know what I mean? Manly Perry just got exposed by like multiple pastors, including myself. Why did I do that? Well, I don't want people to have a soft spot for Manly Perry. And you know why? Because he's teaching false doctrine. You know, and you know, if someone's going to teach blatantly that just hell is like a sauna, and it's not hot. It's not, nobody roasts like a hot dog in hell. Yeah, people roast like hot dogs down in hell. I mean, I don't know if they like, you know, the juices squirt out or whatever, you know, like a hot dog does. Getting a little graphic here, but you know when a hot dog roasts what it looks like? And they're like, sometimes like it'll shoot some, yeah. But what happens when you roast something with fire? It cooks, doesn't it? Okay, so there's your mental picture for the day. But the reason why we had to get up and say stuff about that is because the guy pretended to be our friend. You know, he pretended to be my friend. I wouldn't preach at his church. I'd let him preach at our church. And then he gets up and preaches all this garbage like Judas got all these people saved and things like that. Why do we have to get up and say something? Because you know what? There's a lot of churches out there that won't say anything. They'll just sweep. Like there's people that won't even preach against yours truly or Pastor Anderson or any of those guys publicly. They might do like a secret live stream where they just let their own people here because how does everybody know that we're the bad guys in town? Like, you know what I mean? Like people will say, well, hey, you, you're this, this, and that. And I'm like, well, how do you know that? How do you, how do their people know that? Cause they secretly, but our stuff is out from the house tops, you know, it's on YouTube. You can see what we're saying. And the, why do we do that? Because people need to be rebuked. People need to be reproved. People need to be exhorted. All right. So, um, and I don't, I'm not going to apologize for that. So, um, but it says, but watch thou in some things, is that what it says? No, it says, watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. So what does it mean to reprove? Well, it means to criticize or correct, especially gently. So you can, you can reprove somebody, you can correct somebody and you can do it gently. It doesn't have to be like, you know, I have bosses. I've had bosses like that. They're just like over the top. It's like, dang, man. I mean, and I'm sorry, I missed that nail. It's like, you act like the world's going to come to an end. We're not building a NASA rocket ship here. Okay. So I'm sure you guys have had this any minute here, have had the same thing, but rebuke is to express sharp, stern, dis disapproval, um, of, or reprove or reprimand. So a rebuke is, is a sharp thing and it can be yelling. It could be screaming. And you're telling someone that they're wrong and you're correcting something that they're doing and exhort, an exhortation or exhort is to urge, advise or caution earnestly. Like you actually literally care about that person and you urge them, you advise them, you caution them, Hey, don't do that. You know, and that doesn't necessarily have to be yelling and screaming either. It could just be like, um, you know, just your, like when you preach a sermon to motivate people to do right, that's an exhortation or it says, or caution earnestly or admonish urgently. So you're, you're warning people that this is a big problem and it needs to get fixed. So all three of those words mean basically to correct something and it's just a different way of doing it. So turn to Hebrews chapter 10 verse 25. Hebrews chapter 10 verse 25, there's another word that basically is, is mean, it means correcting in this verse here and this is a very famous verse about people that like to skip out on church. It says in Hebrews 10 25, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching. It doesn't say go to church less, it says go to church more as you see the day approaching. What day is it talking about? It's talking about the day of Christ. So is the day of Christ closer today than it was yesterday? Yes or no? Yes. What about tomorrow? Is it going to be closer tomorrow than it was today? Yeah. So how often should you go to church? More or less as the day approaches, it's saying go to church more, so much the more as you see the day approaching. For if we sin willfully, that's the next sentence, for if we sin willfully, what is it a sin to skip church? It's what it's saying right? After that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remain is no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversary. So that doesn't sound like comforting things right? You know hey if your manner is to just skip out on church for any little thing, well you know I got to hang now, I just can't make it to church today. You know well excuses are just excuses. Reasons are reasons. Now obviously hey my child's in the hospital, that's a good reason to be able to skip church okay? I would have no problem with that. But if you're like yeah the Seahawks are playing, you know it's going into overtime, sorry pastor I'm not going to make it tonight. I'm like no, no. So and obviously you know you're going to have to deal with things on your you know with your own heart when it comes to these decisions, but skipping church is something that you shouldn't be doing. But that's not what the sermon is about. It's this word exhorting one another. It means to urge, advise, or caution earnestly, admonish urgently. So what do we do when we go to church? We acknowledge or we urge or advise or caution earnestly, hey go to church, go soul winning, whatever it is we are exhorting one another when we go to church. We're encouraging one another to do things and it's kind of like an accountability. You know where were you last week? Oh I had to hang now. Most people don't say that, most people like to pep up the reason why they were gone. Well you know they tell you a whole story. Like they already have a letter written out, here you go, here's the reason. You know it's like here's my excuse. But you know obviously people miss church sometimes. I mean I'm not trying to be you know overly crazy about it, but you know if I miss church it's because I'm sick. That's when I miss church. I don't just go, oh well you know someone else can preach tonight, Seahawks are on at five o'clock so sorry church. You know I couldn't move the service any further out. You know I'm not going to do that. So obviously I'm the pastor so I should be at church right? But so should you, so should you. But that word exhorting, it is a way of correcting each other and when the Bible says when we go to church that's what we do is we exhort one another to do so much more as we see the day approaching. Go to church more as you see the day approaching, go more slowly as you see the day approaching. Turn to Colossians chapter 3 verse 16. Colossians chapter 3 verse 16. Those three sixteen verses are always really good aren't they? So it says let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. So that word admonishing, it means authoritative counsel or warning, authoritative counsel or warning. Isn't that funny that the Bible says that we're supposed to teach each other with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs but it says that it's teaching? So if a song isn't teaching you anything then it's not a good song right? If it's not a spirit-filled teaching or admonishing you to do something, authoritative counsel or warning, that's correction isn't it? So what does singing songs that have doctrine in them do? Well it teaches you something like if you we've been singing the Christmas songs all day today and there's some good stuff in those songs that teach great doctrine and when you sing the psalms that teaches great doctrine also because it is a book of the Bible okay we're supposed to sing those psalms and they teach us things and they teach us all kinds of things. They teach us things that are not in the hymn books. They teach us things that are not in the CCM books that you guys play when I'm not here. I'm just kidding. The Christian rap that you guys do when no one's around. Anyway but isn't that crazy though? But my point of showing it to you is that we're supposed to admonish one another with psalms hymns and spiritual songs and that is a corrective action. So I just kind of want to lay the groundwork of these different words that mean a lot of the same thing. They mean to correct you. So God's word's supposed to correct you. The psalms and hymns are supposed to correct you. You know we're supposed to go to church. That's supposed to correct actions that we do and so there's many different words for these like and you're supposed to rebuke, reprove, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine as a preacher. So I have four points tonight but they will be short hopefully. That was all introduction. So anyway yeah you're like oh man here we go. No I'll try to go through it quickly. So number one tonight I want to take a look at giving and taking correction as parents and children. Giving and taking correction as parents and children. So as parents were commanded to give correction to our children. The bible teaches it very clearly. Turn to Proverbs chapter 23 verse 13. Proverbs chapter 23 verse 13. And you know what I've noticed? You know we preach really heavily on this kind of stuff in our church. Like most churches won't tell you to beat your children, right? Our church, I preach that. Beat your children. Like beat your children. Pastor Thompson you're telling us to abuse our children. Well look what the bible says. Proverbs chapter 23 verse 13 says withhold not what? Correction from the child. But if thou beatest him with the rod he shall not die. Thou shalt beat. Isn't that what it says? Thou shalt beat. Is that a commandment? Now I'm not saying like you know you're just like you know or ground and pound time you know you're just like hammer fist. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking what's it say? Thou shall beat him with the rod. A rod is like a little stick or something like that. So what does the bible tell us? We're supposed to spank our children and number two it says we're supposed to do it with an instrument and it's called a rod. It doesn't say with your hand. It doesn't say with your fists. It doesn't say with a belt. It doesn't say with a leather you know with a whip. What's it say? It says with a rod. Doesn't it? Is that what it says? And shall deliver his soul from hell. Why do we beat our children? Why should we spank our children? And look I'm not talking about abuse. I'm talking about making it sting so they'll stop doing what they're doing. It's a corrective action and sometimes correction is physical punishment. The bible talks about the stocks for a fool. The correction of the stocks for a fool. Right? So some fool just keeps getting in trouble. You know what stocks are? They're like you know a thing that you put your neck in and people throw like lettuce rotten lettuce and stuff at you. You know your hands are in it like that and you're like stuck in this position for like a long time like you're riding a motorcycle or something. But so the stocks of a fool or it says stripes on a fool's back. You know sometimes people just will not get it. They won't take the correction. Sometimes they got to get beaten. So but we as parents are supposed to spank our children and correct them. It says my son if thine heart be wise my heart shall rejoice even mine. So God wants us to correct our children. It's our job and when I see sometimes I see people that say you know they say well I never let my children out of my sight but then they're the ones whose kids are always like running around you know climbing on tables and stuff. It's like just because you're a church doesn't mean you don't correct your children and look I'm not talking about you guys today okay. I'm really not talking to you no I'm just kidding but hey if your kids are out of control you need to get them in control. You know that this is the house of the Lord and we should have our children in in subjection and they should be able to be corrected no matter where we're at. Now I don't think that it takes 39 lashes save one to correct your child. Now the bible doesn't say how many times you spank them so I guess I don't have the bible on my side well it does say how many times you're supposed to whip somebody right so you're not supposed you're supposed to do 39 or 39 save one or 40 save one so it's 39 lashes is the most you could give someone that's in trouble for something right. So but I've never had to give any of my kids 39 lashes before so I just don't do it like that but you know I'm six foot eight 300 pounds I can swing a plastic ladle like you wouldn't believe. My kids fear that plastic ladle they'd hide it from me sometimes because they'd know and I could just I can get one one lash with that that's enough but I'll give them three if they really really need it so you know they're all out moving out the house except for Josh but don't think I won't hit Josh with that too he's been hit recently with it so I'll spank my kids till they leave the house I really believe that so obviously when a child turn you know when they turn 20 you can't do that anymore but I mean you can but they might be able to beat you at that time so gotta be careful but we should be willing to correct our children and children you should be willing to be corrected so one of the things like I'd always make my kids when I spank them turn on their stomachs and just lay on the bed right my wife's just like cringing she hates when I spank the kids but like I'd have to go close the door she put earplugs in but like you get that you get that so but they'll you know they'll put their hand they'll put their hands like this you know they're shaking they're quaking I mean like better move your hands or it's gonna go on your hands but it's hard for kids to just sit there and knowing the punishment's coming well hey you know if you can't do the the time don't do the crime you know so the other day well it was Thanksgiving Emmy was being a royal terror she was being debo to all the kids she no she she was just like she was just in a little grouchy mood she and so Nia took her in and gave her a little spank and she's only one one in four four months or whatever but we're not talking she didn't beat her with the rod 39 times you know she just gave her a couple little swats and she came back and she was as right as rain she was in a good mood when you're when you spank her like for us it's like we think well I don't know I really don't want to spank my kids right you know for some reason we just don't like to spank our kids and there's a reason why because we don't want to inflict pain on our kids we love our kids but you know we have to do what's right and we can't just let our kids turn into little monsters that are you know you want to deliver their soul from hell well you better spank them because if you don't you know when you go to the door and that person just like did you ever get spanked no well that's why you're having such a hard time believing because you don't know you don't realize there's a punishment coming right and god gives us that that's because god spanks us too doesn't he and so when you know not physically 39 times or whatever but we get it in different ways and we know it's him right so but we're supposed to be the same way we're supposed to spank our kids and that's a picture of of also god punishing us so if you grow if your kids grow up and they've never been spanked before then they don't understand that there's a punishment and so they just it causes them to think wrong and so it's hard to get people saved they've never been spanked as kids it really is i mean i don't know if anybody ever uses that when they're sewing have you ever been spanked before but i do but sometimes people have never been spanked before and as a matter of fact it's a lot more occurring than it used to be but that's you know the devil has an agenda he wants you to stop spanking your kids he wants you to stop grabbing their ear in the grocery store when they try to run away go to the toil aisle toy aisle he wants you to not inflict any punishment on your children because he wants them to grow up and go to hell that's what he wants why does god say you should deliver his soul from hell is this talking about manly perry's hell sheol is that what it's talking about no it's talking about the real hell hell means hell hell means hot hell means eternal damnation that's what it means it's not some abraham's bosom where he got heartburn or something it's hell is hell and so when it's saying that if you don't correct your child they're going to go to hell then you better start correcting your child ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 says any fathers provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the lord so look i'm not saying all you do to correct your children is punish them with spanking them but you're supposed to bring them up in the nurture it's talking about fathers here fathers you're supposed to love your children it shouldn't be just always hard times with your kids you know i say no to my kids no is always the first response to me when my kids ask me to do something that's just like a reflex of mine no let me think about it for a second you know and then i'll say yes sometimes but you know but you should be loving to your children they should love you they should know that you love them that's why it says bring them up in the nurture and what's it say admonition so we're also supposed to counsel them and teach them things and correct them verbally and show them where they're wrong see i don't always spank on every offense do you always spank on every offense no because we're supposed to also show grace to our children just like god would show us grace i kind of look at it like this if i spank my kids for every offense that makes me think maybe god's gonna spank me for every offense that i do too and so i would give the grace card out sometimes and just be like well you know you do that again you're getting it but if they break one of the ten commandments it's an instant spank so i just that was just kind of my policy i don't know if that was biblical or not but i mean if you obviously if they stole something they're going to get punished for it if they lied about something and got somebody else in trouble because lies could be very damaging so you got to be careful and um but you know we should have nurturing admonition we should correct them but kids also children should receive correction from their parents and learn to accept that your parents love you and they're correcting you because they love you and it doesn't feel like that when the belt is on the on the rear end does it steve huh he's just thinking i remember that time when dad really laced into me but it didn't feel like he loved me that day he's like i love you that's why i'm doing this it doesn't seem like that but look what is your dad trying to deliver you from from hell and so instead of letting you be a little monster he's trying to correct you and help you out and god says that the way you do that is by punishing them okay proverbs chapter 22 verse 15 says foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but what the rod of correction shall drive it far from him so what has got you could go ahead and turn that real quick i'll read it to you again proverbs chapter 22 verse 15 foolishness is bound what is it when something's bound it's like it's like you know secured right it's you can't move it out of them but it says it's bound foolishness is bound in the heart of a child kids do stupid things kids get hurt doing stupid things all the time or they say stupid things foolish that's what foolish means it means is you're stupid okay so sorry am i using naughty language here no it means it yeah it's a fool a fool is uh someone that's do that does stupid things and sometimes kids do stupid things don't they they do foolish things but it says but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him so it's bound and you need that rod to drive it away from them to get it out of their heart and that's what the bible says we're supposed to do to correct them see that word correction there the rod of correction so that's a that's a good one to carve into the name of your you know you just put this is the rod of correction someone needs to market those and someone know if the the new ifb movement just make the rod of correction well my wife's uncle had one called the helping hand and it was literally it was a board it was the size of my hand but it was like carved out of wood like this and then it had like holes through it it looked like it hurt it was called the helping hand that was hidden that was hidden from my wife's uncle many times on many occasions by his son so but yeah you know the the rod of correction is what needs to drive that foolishness from you and sometimes kids you need to understand that your parents are just trying to help you out and just like we need to understand that when god punishes us he's trying to help us out too as a matter of fact he's he's always right when he does it see sometimes we have we go off half cocks are like what did you do to your sister you're like it wasn't me it was him and they're like oh i'm sorry about that you know let me get the other one right i used to have like if none of them would come clean then i'd say okay you know what i'm just spanking all of you i said if you don't want your brothers and sisters to get spanked right along with you then you come clean and tell me the truth and most of the time they go okay we did it you know but there was a couple nia was just telling me about a time when remy cut the tongue off one of his stuffed animal snakes and he's like left the scissors right by it and he's like look dad they cut this the tongue off my snake nia says that remy will never admit to it but she thinks that he just framed them so they'd get spanked i don't know remy will have to come clean sometime but um so look at proverbs chapter 13 verse 1 proverbs chapter 13 verse 1 the bible says a wise son heareth his father's instruction you want to be a wise son hear your father's instruction you want to be a wise daughter hear your father's instruction they don't tell you things that annoy just to annoy you they tell you things because you need to know those things for life for life situations so they're not just talking to talk and sometimes kids can get annoyed with us when we keep telling the same things over and over again like josh you know we'll tell them like don't forget to take out the trash don't forget because on trash day there's twice that he forgot to take the trash cans to the curb and i was like you ever do that again the helping hands coming out the ladle is coming and so but we but you know josh he'll go like this he'll go when we tell him to take take out take this trash to the to the sidewalk because but we're just trying to help him i'm just trying to help him so he doesn't get the ladle you know but you know it's really annoying when you have stuff full garbage cans for a whole week of food and all kinds of stuff it's the middle of the summer you know it's it's really annoying and it costs money to have the garbage company come back and pick that trash up so i mean those are just things we tell you things over and over again because we don't want you to forget because the one time i did tell i just like i'm not going to tell him this time you know what he forgot he forgot so we're creatures of habit all of us it says but a scorner hearth not a rebuke a scorner hearth not a rebuke score is a person with a bad attitude and kids you don't want to be a scorner that hearth not a rebuke rebuke you should hear the rebuke that you're being told and think hey is this right you know our pet your parents aren't perfect but you know and sometimes they they get it wrong and most parents you know when they do something or they they they do something wrong they shouldn't be afraid parents you shouldn't be afraid to say you know what i screwed up i'm sorry you know and be don't be prideful like just because your dad or mom doesn't mean that you don't make mistakes and you know what kids respect that when you tell your kids you know i shouldn't have beat you 39 times save one because i found out it was your brother that lied about it whatever then kids can accept that or if you just make a wrong judgment sometimes it's been a long day all the kids are fighting so you know and then you maybe misjudge a situation then you know you just got to come right to your kids and say hey i messed up i'm sorry about that and kids will forgive you if anybody's going to forgive you it's going to be your kids because you know they you feed them so number two we should allow god's word to correct us with scripture god's word in the scripture to correct us second timothy 3 16 says go ahead and turn our second timothy 3 16 second timothy 3 16 says all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and righteousness so god's word is what is going to what's reproof again it's gently telling you it's gently correcting you then it says just for correction for instruction it's going to teach you to do the right things in what righteousness that the man of god may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works so scripture is very important to us it's given by inspiration of god that means god breathed that out that is the words that we're reading here are what god said that's what it means and it's profitable for doctrine reproof correction instruction and righteousness and what why so god can make us perfect and that doesn't mean like i said in the morning sermon it doesn't mean that you walk on water it doesn't mean that you're sinless it just means that you're the full package you're you got the bible reading down you got the prayer time down you got the church attendance down you got the soul winning down you're just doing everything that you can and god's and god's happy with you was job sinless no but the bible says he was a perfect man and upright and he eschewed he evil so we should hate evil too and the bible is what's going to teach us to do that but we should be able to be corrected by god's word when we're doing something that we shouldn't be doing god's work we should be able to if a pastor preaches something or brother chad gets up and preach something or anybody in this church you preach something and it corrects you while you're sitting there listening to it and you think oh that's me that that's a time for you to make a change that's god speaking to your heart through the bible now look at proverbs 15 verse 10 proverbs 15 verse number 10 and some people will not receive correction and usually those people are the people that won't get saved either they won't be corrected in life by normal you know just by any situation that some people just will not be corrected and then when it comes to someone knocking on their door and telling them how to get saved they won't receive the correction that they're lost they're sinners they're going to hell and they don't believe the truth and when they won't be allowed isn't there people that you probably talked to today that would not allow you to correct them on something because you know why because they're fools that's why they're fools they're proud they think that they know everything and you're sitting there showing them what the bible actually says and they won't correct they won't let themselves be corrected look at proverbs 15 10 says says correction is grievous unto them that forsaketh the way what's the way the true way of god the way the truth and the life the the actually way to salvation okay it says it's grievous unto them that forsaketh the way and he that hateth reproof shall die what happens when you die go to hell don't you so these people are going to hell it says hell and destruction are before the lord how much more than the hearts of the children of men a scorner loveth not one that reproveth him so when he's a scorner hates it when you correct them people that are proud and scorners and and and fools they hate being corrected says neither will he go onto the wise who are the wise the people that are saved that's what it's talking about here that these fools will not go they will not be corrected and uh they'll they won't even go to the wise they won't come to someone that knows has the right answers because they're fools and they won't be corrected turn to proverbs chapter 9 verse 6 proverbs 9 verse 6 the bible says foolish or excuse me forsake the foolish and live and go in the way of understanding he that reproveth the scorner getteth himself shame someone's a scorner someone that's a bad person someone's a fool you know the bible talks about not casting your pearls before swine it's kind of what it's talking about here it says the forsake um he that reproveth the scorner give himself shame and he that rebuketh a wicked man giveth himself a blot reprove not a scorner lest he hate thee rebuke a wise man and he will love thee so see the difference a wise man's going to allow the bible to rebuke him a wise man's going to allow um someone else a brother or sister in christ to say hey you're wrong about this you need to get this right and you know what a wise man does they love that person because they said hey he loved me enough to be straight up with me and honest with me and just tell me i'm doing something wrong that's right and you love that person a wise man is the one that's going to love that person but you know what the fool's going to do i can't believe he's you know saying this stuff to me i'm going to hold a grudge and then cause an uproar in the church you know people do this kind of stuff all the time and um when you see once will you see someone that you correct and they can't receive that correction you know that you're not dealing with a wise person period you can't handle being rebuked you're and and when you're wrong that tells me you're not a wise person at all tells me you're you're being foolish and maybe you know like what happened to me i explained that story at the very beginning that at first i wasn't being very wise was i but like when i thought about it i was like why am i mad i'm being so stupid and then i went back and i apologized to my pastor and you know that was the end of it so you know when someone rebukes you someone tells you you're wrong someone corrects you and you know that it's true then don't be prideful just accept it don't melt like a little snowflake over it like i did at first and then you know so if you're if you're upset about it means that you're just prideful that's what it means it means you're not wise so uh look at verse nine it says give instruction to a wise man and he will yet be be yet wiser teach a just man and he will increase in learning see save people that are wise they're going to they're going to take this take heed to what people are saying what the word of god is saying look what it says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom that's above all things and the knowledge of the holy is understanding for by me thy days shall be multiplied and the years of thy life shall be increased if thou be wise thou shall be wise for thyself but if thou scornest thou alone shall bear it see if you're wise you're going to be wise for yourself you're going to straighten your own you're going to straighten your problems out because you listen to someone that corrected you but look what it says if thou scornest thou shalt bear it alone because you're not going to learn from your mistakes you're going to keep making the same mistakes over and over again and you're going to be destroyed ultimately because of it so you can't just keep going on and on and not being corrected the bible says man i can't remember that scripture but it talks about if you're he is often reproved and hardened at his neck shall suddenly be destroyed in that without remedy without remedy i mean you know what a remedy is take your take your remedy son it's like you know cough syrup or something or or something that helps you feel better but that this says that scripture says that it's without remedy so once once you go too far then that's it god's just going to be done and he's going to take you out so it says uh yeah so i mean look you need to be able to be corrected by the bible by godly people that are trying to help you if someone's saying hey you know you shouldn't use that language or you shouldn't do this or you shouldn't do that just take not everybody's right when they correct you either so just you know here's the caveat to it some people try to correct you and they're not right so but you know depending on the situation you should just you know think well okay well they mean well you know but if it's dumb advice then don't follow it you know or if it's just if they're just not right some people just want to go around correcting everybody because they think it's their job to correct every wrong in the church you know and we got to learn our place when it comes to that it's not your job to correct everybody let the leadership do that if it's something that needs to be corrected by the leadership so number three tonight correction between husbands and wives correction between husbands and wives turn to first corinthians chapter 11 first corinthians chapter 11 first corinthians chapter 11 verse number three says buddha but i would have you to know that the head of every man is christ who's the head of the man christ the head of the woman is the man and the head of christ is god every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonor his head so this this passage right here is talking about hair length but the point i'm trying to show you here is that everybody has a boss all right and when your husband corrects you wives you should take the correction this this goes all across the board tonight and when god when you're not doing something right husbands then allow god to correct you and do what's right okay turn to ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 but when you took when i do a wedding what i say to the ladies you know when i'm doing the repeat after me it says to love honor and obey i make them say that that's a vow that you're saying i'm going to obey that's good and why do i say that because that's what the bible teaches you're supposed to obey your husbands so but you know they're like well you're supposed to love your wives i know well i'll get to that hang on just a second but we're supposed to yeah we are supposed to love our wives and we're supposed to take care of them and and be willing to die for them but women get this idea that they don't have to listen to their part of the vows especially in this day and age right now it's the worst it's ever been and i don't have time to like just get deeply into this but listen to the end of my ruth bader ginsburg sermon and i just go off on feminism because it's a wicked thing women have basically taken over through the through the justice system but look the bible is what we believe at this church and you know if the if you just let the bible teach you what you need to know then your life will go your life will go a lot better you know we don't need women running this world and so we don't need women running our households either so men you need to have a spine and tell your women no every once in a while tell your wife no and that's okay to do no no you can't go buy a new dress you just bought one yesterday you don't have to say it like that but know your tones okay no i'm just joking but hey we're suppose you know we're supposed to stay in our lanes you know we need to stay in the lanes that we've been chosen to be in and you know it says wives submit yourselves in verse 22 onto your own husbands as unto the lord doesn't say somebody else's husbands and say your husbands so that kind of puts you know if you're listening to your boss or listening to your husband then you're wrong so but wives are supposed to submit that means that you obey to what they say all right and obviously husbands aren't supposed to be tyrants you know but it says the husband is the head of the wife even as christ is the head of the church and he's the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto christ so let wives be to their own husbands and some things no that's not what it says it says in everything yeah it's getting quiet in here but it's the truth you know and i'm never going to stop preaching the truth in this church and i hope that you guys never stop receiving the truth see people's ears get tickled you know and they want to hear this well we're all equal no we're not equal we're not equal you know and i'm not saying men are better than women i'm not don't don't get me wrong here i'm just saying that we all have our roles to play god's above all of us so but the husband is above the wife as far as authority goes and you know if there's anything with two heads is a freak right so you can't have a freak running the household so it has to be someone making the ultimate decisions i'm not saying that a wife can never correct her husband and say hey i think you're wrong about this but there should be a way that you go about it and it shouldn't be you ruling over them with your feminist haircut and your green hair and you making all the rules it just doesn't work i mean there's so many soy boys in portland it's just pathetic and you can just see that the woman runs that home and he's miserable and she's probably miserable too but it's society that's teaching us this wrong yeah but what am i talking about what's the sermon about about being able to be corrected like i'm trying to correct you right now like you know maybe you know we believe the things that i'm saying right here i think everybody in this room would say i believe those things but how do you play it out in your home that's that's the difference do you actually allow your husband to correct you or do you fly off the handle every time he does because that's wrong you should allow your husband to make the decisions and you know what he has someone over him so if your husband's making the wrong decisions and he's sinning or doing something else you know what it's not your job to correct him in that way it's god's job and god will correct the man and god will correct the husband and you're supposed to just submit to what the husband says so look at verse 28 says so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself for no man yet hated his own flesh but nourishes and cherishes it even as the lord the church for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones for this cause shall man leave his father and mother and he shall be joined unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh this is a mystery but i speak concerning christ in the church nevertheless let every one of you in particular here here's where he gives the roles again so love his wife are supposed to love our wives even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband that's the roles that's what god says you know he's talking about christ in the church but he's comparing the husband-wife relationship you know the the man is supposed to wear the pants in the family okay and the women are supposed to wear the skirts that's what the bible teaches okay and it shouldn't be something that just hair lips you because you've been listening to a feminist talk for so long you've been watching shows where the dad is the goofy husband that can't get anything right and the wife actually runs the home we've been brainwashed into believing and desensitizing to believing that women are supposed to run the home and it's just not true so like it or lump but that's what the bible says if you're a christian you should accept that you should be corrected by god's word period number four so last point know your place when you're correcting people know your place when you're correcting people so not it's not everybody's job to correct everybody otherwise we'd have a kids kids let me tell you something it's not your job to correct your dad it's not it's not your job to correct your mom it's not your job to uh to do that because you're the child they're the parent you know sometimes your kids will like why danny why why do i have to do that because i'm the parent you're the child that's why i'm the boss you're not you're my kid i'm not yours so there's an authority structure that goes on in the home the dad's the head of the home the wife and they are both head over the children and that's that's you know but a lot of houses there's children running the household because again going back to the spanking and not being able to not correcting your children then they start ruling the house and telling you what's up they screaming for you oh oh here here here it's like get a hold of your children and get them in subjection because that's what needs to happen i've you know you ever go out in a public place and some mom is just like being mistreated by her children it's like man do you realize what a war zone you're in because you just won't correct your children it just drives me crazy i have a family member that their kids just throw themselves on the floor and scream and and cry it's like why don't you just spank them what do you love living in insanity you know what i'm talking about like these parents that just will not rule over their children at all and it's just weird but turn to mark chapter 8 verse 31 mark chapter 8 verse 31 children your job is not to correct your parents unless we're making a wrong math problem on your home school all right mark chapter 8 verse 31 says and he began to teach them that the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected of the elders of the chief priests and scribes to be killed and after three days rise again and he spake that scene openly and peter took him and began to rebuke him a big mistake all right you don't rebuke god god rebukes you okay so look he began to rebuke the lord hello what's wrong with you peter and peter you know he's a great man of god i'm not saying he wasn't but i'm just saying that sometimes he just did some stupid stuff all right foolish stuff and you don't rebuke the lord so look what but god turns the tables on him the lord jesus turns the tables on him look at what it says but when he had turned about and looked on his disciples he rebuked peter saying get thee behind me satan for thou savor is not the things that be of god but the things that be of men so he thought he was going to rebuke the lord jesus christ for saying hey i'm going to die on the cross i'm going to rise again he's like no you're not you know and he starts to rebuke the lord and but but you notice how it says that it's even publicly you know if you would have asked jesus a little more you know just said hey you know what do you really mean by that or you know been a little more gentle about but this isn't public you know the servant doesn't rebuke his master you don't rebuke your boss and tell him what you're going to do he tells you what to do and so don't let don't go and correct your you know what correcting your boss is going to lead up to you not having a job anymore okay that's what's going to happen there are you telling the boss what you're going to do uh-uh that's not how it works you know i don't know what world you're living in but you don't tell your boss what you're doing he tells you what you're doing so you know so number one here or number one adult kids it's not your job to correct your parents but also it's not our job to rebuke the lord so he rebukes us we don't rebuke him so and there's some people that you know they're like i'm mad at god because this and this and that happen well that's not your right to be mad at god it's not god's fault it's your fault or you know satan's fault or the world's fault the fact that we live in a fallen world sometimes bad things happen that's the price we pay for being in a world that is fallen but uh revelation chapter 3 verse 19 says for as many as i love i rebuke and chase him be zealous therefore and repent the lord jesus rebukes us when he needs to it's his job to rebuke us all right turn to luke chapter uh 17 verse 3 luke chapter 17 verse 3 says take heed to yourselves if thy brother trespass against thee rebuke him and if he repent forgive him so we can rebuke our brothers and sisters in christ when they trespass against thee so but it's not your job to rebuke every brother in the church over every single thing you know it says if thy brother trespassed against thee that's talking about someone in the church wrongs you and you say hey what you did was wrong i don't appreciate the way you're talking to me or whatever it is then you rebuke him it says and if they repent forgive them so but again it's not if you find out that somebody in church is doing something let the leadership take care of that because that's their job to take care of problems in the church it's not your job okay if somebody's doing some wicked sin in this church i would hope that you don't go and try to bring that to that person when it's not your business you know whose business is it it's the person that can actually do something about it it's you can't throw anybody out of this church you know unless some you know chad tells you hey throw this person out of the church then you can throw them out of church and make sure they hit every stair on the way down but uh that's brother chad's job and brother chad's probably gonna call me and say hey this is what's going on but like if you're in a snap decision brother chad's gonna make that decision that's why i left them in charge here to make the snap decisions you know if you got you know some devil here trying to you know do some kind of harm and you need to get them out of here then that's what you need to do so um but it's not your job to see find out someone's in fornication how about that you don't you're not going to go and kick that person out you're going to come to brother chad or you're going to call me and say hey this is what i found out this is how i know it's true or whatever um and then you let that person that's in charge take control of that situation so know your place when you're correcting people know when it's your job to correct someone was it peter's job to correct the lord no so there is time like people think that they just have this rebuke card rebuke it's my job to rebuke no it's not always your job to rebuke it's not always your job to correct people you know it wasn't peter's job to correct the lord first of all it wasn't wrong you know so it wasn't his job it's never the parent the child's job to correct their parents okay maybe if they're sinning against the lord in some great sin you know i mean obviously this room isn't full of those types of people but you know your child could say hey you know mommy it's not right to murder people or whatever i mean that would be a an okay correction to make but unless your mom's actually doing that you know what i'm saying it's like i told you i don't like fried chicken mommy you know that's not a correction that you're supposed to make you eat your fried chicken and shut up or you eat nothing go out and eat some grass like an ox so yeah we have to understand that it's not always our job to correct people and this point is really important because it says if they trespass against thee to rebuke them when it's concerning a brother or sister in christ look at first timothy chapter five verse one first timothy five verse number one says them that sin rebuke before all that others also may fear so this is you know the apostle paul talking to timothy and he's saying hey them that sin rebuke before all it's like a public sin it's you know i'm not going to get up and say you know i caught you know brother chad smoking cigarettes before the service i'm rebuking you before all that's not something that i would rebuke people before all but if it's like one of these you know an unrepentant person that's in fornication you have to rebuke them so that the whole congregation knows what's going you know why you're kicking them out you know i don't think that this is a rebuke before all every single sin that someone commits that you know we there'd be a lot of rebuking going on if uh i was supposed to rebuke every single sin in the church that i found out about so why don't you tell me why were you talking bad about me gracie huh heard you talk about about me you know but it says rebuke or yeah it says uh then the sin rebuke before all the others may fear it's the pastor's job to get up and rebuke sin like that in front in a public setting that's why manly perry had to get rebuked because he had people you know if that's what the old ifb does they sweep everything under the rug that's what all these other churches do something happens and you just never know well whatever happened to that whatever happened to that family well you know and you don't always have to rebuke every family that leaves either okay but whatever happened to that pastor that used to be the youth pastor oh nothing and the person the kid the guy was molesting somebody's kids or something you know that's the kind of stuff that needs to be rebuked before all but you know what happens is it gets swept under the rug and you know what i don't want my church to be like that i don't want our church to be like that i'm not going to get up and tell everybody about your cigarette problems i'm not going to get up and say how you relapse on alcohol i'm not going to get up and tell you know how you know you and your wife are fighting all the time and everybody in the church needs to know i'm not going to do that because that's not stuff that that's not what it's talking about it's people that you know do some kind of public uh sin that has to be addressed that's right now look at so look at first timothy five one did i have you turn to first timothy five one and i read the wrong scripture didn't i okay so you're actually in first timothy five one that was first timothy five twenty i'm sorry about that i just realized my mistake that that sucks when that happens when you're preaching but anyway um it says rebuke not an elder but entreat him as a father and the younger men as brethren so is it your job is it right for you to come up and rebuke the pastor no it's not you and treat him as a father and the younger man as brethren so it's not you know people get up and they rebuke pastors when they don't have the authority to do so you're like well you rebuke pastor perry yeah i've rebuked lots of pastors but i'm a pastor and they're teaching false doctrine it's a different scenario okay now if i was teaching false doctrine you should still come to me and say hey you're wrong about this and this is why and then you know let me you know eat crow or whatever you know i'm not right about everything just so you know um but i try to be as right as i can but you know your attitude shouldn't be i'm going to rebuke this and this and this is what people in our circles sometimes do too is that they'll they think it's their job to rebuke their old ifb pastor over everything that they do it's like hey if you don't like going to that church then go move to a church that's better okay because they're not changing you're you've been saved for like three months and you're like you know what it's after the tribulation like you think you're going to just change your pastor's mind just like that i don't think so you know israel is the synagogue of satan i've been saved for three months pastor and you're wrong you can't do that kind of stuff you know that's you're not supposed to rebuke an elder and if they're wrong about that it's a secondary issue now if they're wrong on salvation then you shouldn't even be going there why even try why even try to fix them you know they're probably a false prophet you know if they're if they've made it to pastor because it's not an easy position to get into it's not like you could just send away for a path i mean maybe you can i don't know but it's not easy to become a pastor so they had to have known some things along the way like was it you that was telling me about a youth pastor and he didn't even he didn't even know he wasn't even saved how's that how's that possible well because a lot of these people are false prophets they get into it for the wrong reasons so we don't always want to admit that but how many pastors that were not saved have you knocked on their doors and they they get saved what's your percentage mine's zero well i have to think about that you know you've given me some things to think about it's like okay pastor good night you know and it's it's a layman in our church they're just like no you're the pastor and like you could probably preach better than them you probably know more bible than them you're saying that guy doesn't even know the bible how are you a pastor if you don't know the bible at all you know there's pastors that come out of bible college they haven't even read the bible cover to cover one time it's very obvious that they haven't so but what am i talking about rebuking an elder i got to get going here so judges chapter one we're not supposed to rebuke satan the pentecostals are big on i'm going to rebuke you i'm going to rebuke the devil and you know billy sunday was like i'm fighting the devil this week and he would get in boxing matches with the devil and all these weird stuff but the angels won't even rebuke the devil who's supposed to rebuke the devil god's supposed to rebuke the devil look what it says in judges chapter well jude chapter 1 9 if you want to turn over there jude 1 9 says yet michael the archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of moses there's there's not bring against him a railing accusation but said the lord rebuked thee he didn't rebuke the devil he's an angel he has a lot of authority but you know he said i'm going to just let god rebuke you so you shouldn't be going around saying i'm rebuking the devil in jesus name and you know these people are like get all charismatic i'm going to rebuke you satan and you know that's not our job we shouldn't delve into things that we don't know about and look the ant have anybody seen an angel lately in this room let me mark you so i can you know kick you out later no i'm just kidding but look we don't see that world alicia was able to open up the eyes and show all the hosts of god around but that's not something we can normally see god has to allow you to see that stuff and you know what he's not going to let you see it because that's a different world that we don't delve into and you know what you shouldn't get into all this demonology and all this stuff it's you know we just need to do what god tells us to do don't don't try to go into secondary things that you don't have any business going into and rebuking the devil is not your job so last scripture i'll have you turn to and i'm going to end here hebrews 12 chapter 7 hebrews 12 chapter 7 so it ultimately comes down to this we have to allow god to correct us and we have to we have to look at the picture that we see here in hebrews 12 and realize that we need to look at the way we were chasing as children and compare it to how god chastens us if it says if you endure chasing god deal with with you as sons for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not so god's going to chase us god's going to correct us why does he do that to help us so what it says in verse number eight but if you be without chastisement where of all our partakers then are ye bastards and not sons if you're a person you're like you know you're like i never get in trouble for anything by god i'm a christian but i never get in trouble i never get chased and i never get corrected well you're probably a bastard you're probably not a son and you probably need to get saved look at verse nine furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live and i think this encapsulates the whole teaching i'm trying to show you tonight is that you know we need to be in subjection to god and so there's all kinds of authorities in our lives that correct us over our years from children even to the oldest person we we get corrected but we have to be willing to be correctable we have to be willing to be corrected and we need to to look at the relationships we have in this life and then show god reverence and be shouldn't we much rather be in subjection to god i mean if you're going to be in subjection to everything else don't you think you should be in subjection to god too i think people that are easily corrected are more likely to be saved than others you know but some christians get into a life like saul he wasn't able to be corrected what happened to him he often was reproved and he was you know cut off from the land of living god made sure that he was killed because of the sins that he committed you know he was often reproved and he hardened his neck and he was destroyed without remedy right so you know he went to the witch that was the final thing he's like all right you know you're going to get into witchcraft saul it's over for you you and your sons are going to die tomorrow so we have to understand open rebuke is better than secret love it's better to rebuke and to correct people you know rebuke isn't always the right way to present correction it could be reproof it could be admonishing it could be all these other words that i showed you tonight but be willing to correct be corrected by people and make sure that you're an authority to be able to correct other people some people are just like busybodies that want to correct everybody for everything they do that's not your job okay so in conclusion we all have authority in our lives god is number one obviously and you know we need to be willing to be corrected and it shows that you're wise the bible says if you uh you know rebuke a wise man you'll love thee so if someone rebukes you and you you know you should love the fact that they're trying to help you and that they love you as a brother or sister in christ don't be filled with pride god hates pride and i think people that are not able to be corrected the ultimate reason why they're not is because they're filled with pride and be willing to admit when you're wrong when you make mistakes that's a that's a big deal you know some people are always right to deadly death aren't they no i'm right i gotta be right you know and if you think people that think they're right you know they just won't ever concede the fact that they might be wrong it's a bad spirit to have it's a bad way to look at things so let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord for this great church i pray you'd keep on shining the light here in spokane through this church through sure foundation baptist church here in spokane valley i pray that you just um continue to bless brother chad and his family and all the members of our church here pray that you would just help them to continue to be building on the foundation the lord you set for us and that lord we wouldn't go off on a stray into false doctrine and lord that you'd help us to be able to be corrected by the authorities in our life in jesus name we pray amen