(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) comes the full white rain and shall begin before the angels he shall know his name confessed in head then onward from the hills of life our hearts with love a flame will vanquish all the hosts of night in jesus conquering name faith is the victory faith is the victory oh glorious victory that overcomes the world amen good seeing brother paul would you open the word of prayer here amen our second song to be sung number 134 i know that my redeemer liveth song number 134 i know that my redeemer liveth song 134 i know that my redeemer liveth song 134 let's sing it together on the first i know that my redeemer liveth and on the earth again shall stand i know eternal life he giveth that grace and power are in his hand i know i know that jesus liveth and on the earth again shall stand i know i know that life he giveth that grace and power are in his hand i know his promise never fail if the word he speaks it cannot die though cruel death my flesh assail if yet i shall see him by and by i know i know that jesus liveth and on the earth again shall stand i know i know that life he giveth that grace and power are in his hand i know my mansion he prepareth that where he is there i may be oh wondrous thought for me he careth and he at last will come for me i know i know that jesus liveth and on the earth again shall stand i know i know that life he giveth that grace and power are in his hand all right good every good morning everybody welcome to bible believers baptist church and i got spluttered out the gate right there so um anyway good morning everybody welcome to uh bible foundation bible believers baptist church for our one year anniversary as me being the pastor i guess um i'm not exactly sure how long this church has been around do you know you know there's a little plaque on the back there of the guy that founded the church you know jesus actually founded the church but um but we we definitely were under new management and you know it's it's been a great year a lot of great things have happened in this church this year and we just want to celebrate that and thank you everybody for coming all the people that came from far and wide and we appreciate all the people that have been participating locally here and just making this church run on a day-to-day and weekly basis just want to say thank you to everybody and for coming and laboring yesterday and the heat of the day and uh for those that are going to go out today the verse of the week oh yeah if you need a bulletin just lift up your hand one of the ushers will bring you a bolt anybody miss getting a bulletin while that's being handed out i'll read the verses of the week there it says trust in the lord with all mine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths two very great scriptures there those are ones you want to memorize and uh put those to memory and just remember those all the days of your life they're great great scriptures there and uh again we just want to thank you for being here at bible believers baptist church it's our prayer that you be blessed by the music and the preaching of god's word and if you're a first-time guest uh we're very thankful that you're here please drop uh fill out a guest card and drop it in the offering plate as it goes by if you didn't get a guest card please get one from one of the ushers or one of the ushers just hand out ones you know if you're if you're visiting from one of our churches and don't worry about filling it out but if you're just a first-time guest that's ever been here before you're not going to one of our current churches and we'd love you to fill one of those out and we also would love to be a service to you any way we can don't hesitate to ask for anything we'll do it within reason and we're an independent fundamental king james only baptist soul-winning church and we believe in salvation by faith alone we're family integrated we do have a mother baby room in the back up there i apologize that it's not the air conditioning is on the fritz right now we are working to get that taken care of but it probably is not going to happen probably till the end of this month so i really do apologize for that so um if you but it's it's abnormally is this abnormally hot for this time of year or is this normal anybody that lives here it's normal okay i don't think i've ever been here when it's this hot so but anyway it's it's it's not too bad it's not like it's phoenix arizona or something so um but it's it's it's rough when you're not used to it so anyhow so if you have any questions feel free to come talk to me after the service i'd love to answer any questions you might have or just reach out to me via email so and uh let's see we look you can look at the stats the we got the little charts there we had 56 in the service on friday so praise the lord for that and you can see the offerings that came in for the month of june and then the salvations all the different i think those are representing all the different months there we had yeah 15 salvations yesterday out soul winning so praise god for that and that was only in like about a two hour time a couple few people went out for an extended time got two more but uh yeah that was it was pretty warm so uh that's pretty good for like kind of a half marathon um maybe not even a full half there so um anyway so our uh schedule today 10 30 of course every sunday is our 10th is our uh preaching service at 10 30 in the morning and we do have soul winning in between the services and then we have a 3 30 pm service every sunday and a 4 pm soul winning serve of soul winning on wednesdays and a 6 pm service bible study so the soul winning today might be a little short um do you have a do you have a plan for soul winning today noah or is there somebody that normally leads to sunday time okay yeah if you if you and if you had maps yesterday that didn't get finished we can always go out and we could either tackle one map or whatever we'll figure that out but we are going to have food after the service and that probably won't be here till about 12 30 so we'll just hang out in fellowship afterwards and yes it's going to be panda express so but i tried to get the best panda express i possibly could so and we're also going to have cake and ice cream so you'll want to go out and and burn all those calories off afterwards anyway so i got orange chicken teriyaki chicken i got the shrimp the walnut shrimp and then a broccoli beef with chow mein and rice and super greens so if you're super keto you can do the you can do the teriyaki chicken without the sauce super greens all right so yeah so we'll be eating like kings today um and having that cake and eating it too so um anyway you can look down you see the preaching schedule all the preaching that's coming up uh let's see looks like yeah okay looks good all right um upcoming events also we already had brother daniel preached for us on friday so we really appreciate that sermon bro daniel was really good and uh yeah today's our anniversary so and then we have birthdays coming up here let's see 7 16 that's not the real kylie is it okay i didn't think so and my my my is uh 7 17 jina the 20th aquila the 23rd and daniel the 26th so and then today there's no anniversaries on here but today is my anniversary my 23rd anniversary and i've been married for 23 years to sweet and beautiful lady named miss sherry you all know her she's in the back hurting children right now but uh i just wanted to say happy anniversary to my wife and it's been it's been great it only gets better so i love you honey and uh thanks for putting up with me all these years i know it's not easy so but i love you more than ever now than i ever have so we're getting close to that 25-year mark so if you guys want to send us to tahiti or something like that that'd be great i'm just teasing um but anyway yeah it's our anniversary so thankful for my wife she's i couldn't do this without her honestly she's she's a rock for me so in a lot of ways so anyway that's all i have for announcements uh let's go ahead and we're going to sing another song and after the song we'll have the men come up for the offering all right all right i think we got to sing happy anniversary real quick though to the pastor and his wife huh you down for it we do the god bless you and keep you on the second half of it but i'll probably mess it up anyways ready happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you god bless you and keep you happy anniversary to you so all right for our next song we'll be doing uh song number 498 when we all get to heaven song number 498 when we all get to heaven you gotta shout when it says shout the victory though we have to redo the whole verse song number 498 let's sing it together on the first sing the wondrous love of jesus sing his mercy and his grace in the mansion's bride and blessed he'll prepare for us a place when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see jesus we'll sing and shout the victory amen on the second while we walk the pilgrim pathway clouds will over spread the sky when the traveling days are over not a shadow not a sign when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see jesus we'll sing and shout the victory let us then be true and faithful trusting serving every day just one glimpse of him in glory will the toils of life repay when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see jesus we'll sing and shout the victory amen good singing on the last onward to the prize before us soon his beauty will behold soon the pearly gates will open we shall trip the streets of gold when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see jesus we'll sing and shout the victory amen good singing uh at this time we're gonna have our offering but paul will you bless the offering for us and let us pray father god thank you for today lord we're coming in church and fellowship father god and just be with us as we go so one in today beat the preaching bless the offering father and bless those that came father in jesus precious mighty name i pray amen so amen i'll open your bible to ezekiel chapter 22 ezekiel chapter 22 as is our custom in our churches we'll read the whole chapter so just follow along silently if you need a bible please raise your hand ushers will bring you one ezekiel chapter 2 the bible reads moreover the word of the lord came unto me saying now thou son of man wilt thou judge wilt thou judge the bloody city yea thou shalt show her all her abominations then say thou thus saith the lord god the city shed blood in the midst of it that her time may come and maketh idols against herself to defile herself thou art become guilty in thy blood that thou hast shed and has defiled thyself in thine idols which thou hast made and thou hast caused thy days to draw near and art come even unto thy years therefore have i made thee a reproach unto the heathen and a mocking to all countries those that be near and those that be far from thee shall mock thee which are infamous and much vexed behold the princes of israel and everyone were in thee to their power to shed blood in thee have they set light by father and mother in the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger in thee have they vexed the fatherless and the widow thou hast despised mine holy things and has profaned my sabbaths in thee are men that carry tales to shed blood and in thee they eat upon the mountains in the midst of thee they commit lewdness in thee have they discovered their father's nakedness in thee have they humbled her that was set apart for pollution and one has committed abomination with his neighbor's wife and another hath lewdly defiled his daughter-in-law and another in thee hath humbled his sister his father's daughter in thee have they taken gifts to shed blood thou has taken usury and increase and thou has greedily gained of thy neighbor neighbors by extortion and has forgotten me saith the lord god behold therefore i have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou hast made and at thy blood which hath been in the midst of thee can thine heart endure or can it thine hands be strong in the days that i shall deal with thee i the lord have spoken it and will do it and i will scatter thee among the heathen and disperse thee in the countries and will consume thy filthiness out of thee and thou shalt take thine inheritance in thyself in the sight of the heathen and thou shalt know that i am the lord and the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man the house of israel is to me become dross all they are brass and tin and iron and lead in the midst of the furnace they are even the dross of silver therefore thus saith the lord god because they are all become dross behold therefore i will gather you into the midst of jerusalem as they gather silver and brass and iron and lead and tin into the midst of the furnace to blow the fire upon it to melt it so will i gather you in mine anger and in my fury and i will leave you there and melt you yea i will gather you and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof as silver is melted in the midst of the furnace so shall ye be melted in the midst thereof and ye shall know that i am the lord that i the lord have poured out my fury upon you and the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man say unto her thou art the land that is not cleansed nor rained upon in the day of indignation there is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof like a roaring lion ravening the prey they have devoured souls they have taken the treasure and precious things they have made her many widows in the midst thereof her priests have violated my laws and have profaned mine holy things they have put no difference between the holy and profane neither have they showed difference between the unclean and the clean and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths and i am profaned among them her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey to shed blood and to destroy souls to get dishonest gain and her prophets have daubed them with untempered mortar seeing vanity and divining lies unto them saying thus saith the lord god when the lord hath not spoken the people of the land have used oppression and exercised robbery and have vexed the poor and needy yea they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully and i sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that i should not destroy it but i found none therefore have i poured out my indignation upon them i've consumed them with the fire of my wrath their own way have i recompensed upon their heads say it the lord god brother nor can you pray for the service amen all right well we're there in ezekiel chapter number 22 is very famous passage in scripture lots of great sermons have been preached out of this passage and we're going to look at uh verse 23 this morning we'll read down to verse 31 the the bible says and the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man saying to her thou art the land that is not cleansed nor rained upon in the day of indignation there's a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof like a roaring lion ravitting the prey they have devoured souls they have taken the treasure and precious things they have made her many widows in the midst thereof so the bible here is talking about the prophets that have just they're not real true prophets they're false prophets and the bible uh in in the land of israel the bible is describing how supposedly god's people have just completely gone astray and turned into these wicked false prophets and it says they've devoured souls because when things have been given over to to preachers and and pastors and and here priests it talks about their prophets their their pastors and they are given over to these you know the people are being led by thank you the people are being led by these wicked people that aren't even saved then they they are devouring their souls in a way because they're not getting saved and jesus talked about people who are twice dead plucked up by the roots he talked about how they compass sea and land to make one proselyte and they make them twofold more the child of hell than they are themselves so read on in verse 26 the bible says her priests have violated my law and a profane mind holy things they have put no difference between the holy and profane neither have they showed difference between the unclean and the clean and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths and i am profaned among them this is what we see in the land today you know you could go all over there's plenty of churches around here there's uh i could swing a dead cat and throw it to a church on uh on a corner right across the kitty corner from here and a pentecostal style church that is sending souls to hell right now they're breathing air in this city right now they're breathing air in union gap they're breathing air in yakima and they're breathing air on the on the reservation and the surrounding towns and they're just like these people right here where they are devouring souls they're violating god's law they're not putting a difference between the good and the evil they are profaning the lord by teaching wicked false doctrine they have not showed a difference between the holy and the profane they are letting queers into their churches they're letting all kinds of wickedness go on with no church discipline it says in verse 27 her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey to shed blood and destroy souls and get dishonest gain now of course this would be talking about like the rulers and like if you notice every city has a place that has city hall and they're rulers and then you find all these weird demon-possessed people in the downtown areas why do you think that is because principalities and powers in most cases are run by satan himself that's why the bible says we're supposed to put on the armor of god like like brother daniel was preaching about the other day and we were just talking about this how you know why is it why is it that all these demon-possessed people and these weird people are always flocking to downtown areas well that's where the seat of power is in cities and that's why you see all this demonic behavior and this lawlessness and drug addicted people and these drug addicted people they let their walls be knocked down their hedges of protection are knocked down and then the devils can easily enter into them and take them over it says in verse 28 and her prophets have dobbed them with untempered mortar seen vanity and dividing lies unto them saying thus saith the lord when the lord hath not spoken and these are the types of people like pentecostals they say the lord told me this and the lord told me that the lord didn't tell you anything you lying idiot the lord shut your mouth that's what you should do is just shut up and quit put heaping more wrath upon yourself for the day of wrath they haven't spoken no god does not god speaks to us through his word the book is finished at revelation chapter number 22 it's over there's no more being written down so god is not speaking to you unless it's through the word of god so anybody that says god told me this if unless it's through the bible god didn't tell them anything so they're just lying it says the people the land of extras have used oppression and exercise robbery and have vexed the poor and needy yay they have expressed or excuse me oppressed the stranger wrongfully we have this happening in our land today and it says and i sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that i should not destroy it but i found none in ezekiel's day this is what he's saying i you know at the time i sought for a man among them to make up the hedge and stand in the gap for the land before me the title of my sermon this morning is standing in the union gap standing in the union gap i mean we're in union gap this is where the church is and so the bible says here in verse 31 also therefore have i poured out my indignation upon them and i have consumed them with the fire of my wrath their own way have i recompensed upon their heads saith the lord god now i want you to turn over to joe chapter 1 keep your finger here and then turn over to joe chapter 1 verse 9 because you have this term in ezekiel 30 where it says i sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge now satan goes and he accuses joe before god satan still has access to accuse people before god and this is shown and proven in joe chapter 1 here but i wanted you to kind of see what's meant by a hedge joe chapter 1 verse 9 the bible says then satan answered the lord and said doth joe fear god for naught hast not thou made an hedge about him about his house and about all that he hath on every side see if god's blessing you and you're in his favor there's a hedge about you look what it i mean just really specifically it says a hedge about him so god protects his people god protect it says about his house so you know and that could just mean not just his physical house but the people in his house like his children his wife his family members his friends and it says about all that he hath on every side so this is what it's talking about by a hedge it says thou hast blessed the work of his hands and the substance is increased in the land but put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath and he will curse thee to thy face so when the bible says i sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap for me for the land you know what happens when the the the towns and the cities are overrun by devils and false prophets and false priests and wicked rulers and there's no man of god there's no people of god that are standing in the gap that are helping make the heads for the people that they could stand there and get people saved and preach what's right and true a refuge for people to come to and not have to be deceived by these wicked people anymore and not have to not have to put up with you know at least they have right teaching going on there's people getting saved in the land and god doesn't have to destroy that place and you know so union gap has a special place in this area where we are going out and we are you know slowly but surely we're converting people what other church do you think in this area went out in mass like we did yesterday and went soul winning in 100 degree weather do you think any church went out there yesterday i guarantee you that no other church was out there doing what we were doing yesterday and i'm not trying to pat us on the back that's our duty that like like brother daniel said that's our duty that's our duty to do that would to god that all the churches that were that had the right doctrine had the right salvation were out doing that same thing this land wouldn't be given over to all the wickedness that it is with all the gangs and false religion and drug abuse and you know molestation and faggotry and all the and all the other wicked things that are going on in this area you know this place would be better if there was a hedge made up by individuals by a man of god by the people of god to stand in the gap and to make a hedge about this area now this the union gap is called it's called union gap because it was named after a scouting party of union soldiers that just after world war uh not world war the civil war ended on july 4th they came and camped here in this area and that's why they called it union gap i didn't know that so i just kind of looked that up the internet's always right so it must be true right so but uh but what is a gap well if you define it through the dictionary it's a break or space in an object or between two objects so or it's a pass or a way through a range of hills so when you come from the set from the north you we come north and come through that pass where you can actually get cell service again that's uh you're coming through that pass and you come through that little when you get to union gap that's the gap between you know where we were on the reservation and then you get to well you get to the reservation and then you get to the union gap and then you get to yakima and so we're kind of between the the reservation and between the yakima area so we're right in a very good spot we're like dead center pretty much between right where we need to be because we're in the gap so that's why you know it's it's it's kind of a cool area that we're in because we're right where we need to be we're standing in the gap for the people of the land and so we need men and women who will stand in the gap so the lord will not destroy this land what a perfect name for a city and to have a baptist church in so bible believers baptist church we stand in the gap between the city of yakima the nation of yakima so there's another nation called the yakima nation with uh native americans or indians and we're at the doorstep of other communities like sila moxie sunny side zilla you know um what what are some other areas anybody know wapato well yeah it's on the reservation but i'm just talking about other ones that we haven't hit yet necessarily because i i just look at maps i'm just like wow we haven't we haven't been there there's a lot of places that we can reach but you know we only have so many people right now so we kind of have to go at a pace right there's i looked to see what the metro area is the population of the yakima metro area and it said 256 728 people i'm pretty sure we haven't knocked all those doors yet so we still have a lot of work to do it's bigger than most people think i mean that's a pretty good sized area 256 728 people but number one this morning we need a man to lead the charge to set the captives free well at some point we need a pastor that's going to be full-time able to be here someone that's actually qualified and ordained to lead here in this area let's turn over to second timothy chapter 2 verse 24 because when i took over the church as the pastor i'm pastoring from afar so it's it's been a little bit of a challenge because it can't be here all the time and really what this church needs is a man that's going to be here and that can that can actually lead and be the pastor here someday that's the goal my goal is not to just collect churches and just keep you know keep them like pokemon or something where i can i choose you yakima i choose you you know that's not my goal that's not what i want i don't want to just be able to say oh i got all these churches you know i actually want them to have pastors and and and so look at second timothy chapter 2 verse 24 it says and the servant of the lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient and you're like well new fb pastors aren't like that well this is talking about soul winning right here this is not talking about when you have to thunder down and rip face on people this is talking about when we're out soul winning we we do need to be and we're all servants of the lord obviously this is talking about it's talking to timothy but everybody is called to be a servant of the lord it's not just pastors it's not just evangelists it's not just deacons but it says we must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach and patient in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if god peradventure or perhaps will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and that's not repentance of sins that is repentance unto the acknowledging of the truth they don't understand the truth now they believe the truth that's what the man of god needs to lead the congregation into doing now right now you guys are already doing that on a good scale but eventually there needs to be a man that's going to lead this charge here and one day god willing we'll have that there's no guarantees though there really isn't so we just have to do the best we can until we have a man that's qualified to be here to be here on a permanent basis it says in verse 26 and that we they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will there's a lot of people you know anybody that's unsaved is ensnared by the devil and taken captive by him at his will there's nothing that they can do to get out of it except for get saved and so the whole world is taken captive by him there's some kind of system that they're caught up in there's some kind of religion that they're caught up in there's some kind of thing that they're doing besides serving and worshiping the lord and we have to wake them up we have to help them the only way they can get out of that prison is that jesus gets them out of prison we wake them up with the gospel and jesus lets them and sets them free when it says that jesus sets them free it's not like he has to go down to abraham's bosom and you know in in hell the the good hell or whatever like people try to preach that's not true we you know when when he jesus was setting captives free he's he's he's saving demon possessed people he's saving people that have these ailments and he's setting them free from the snare of the devil so the devil can take people captive at his will so we need to be able to lead that charge and set these captives free turn to second carinthians chapter 4 verse 3 second carinthians chapter 4 verse 3 in order to stand in the gap our church has to continue to reach those people that we're trying to protect because if we stop reaching people if we stop going so in which look lots of church churches do that and in reality a lot of churches don't make it past the first generation of their greatness i mean jack hyles made first baptist church great and i'm not saying it's not still a good church but it's not what it once was you know jack scott took over and ruined it and then you know it's being pastored by pastor wilkerson now and he's definitely doing a better job than jack scott but things are not the same as they were when it was at zenith so you know we need to you know while we're in this generation not forget that people out there are captured they are taken captive they're ensnared they're trapped in whatever religion they're in they're trapped in whatever sin they're in and we need to wake them up look at second carinthians 4 3 it says but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost if we don't preach the gospel people aren't going to get saved that's what it's saying you're hiding it from somebody someone at work you know that they would get saved but you just don't tell them you need to tell them not not while you're working but you know find a time when you can you know talk to them when it's break time or you're driving somewhere or just when you get a chance to get them saved or you know your family members or whatever whoever it is you know we don't want to hide the gospel we want to put it on a candlestick a city on the hill cannot be hid you're going to see that city you're going to see it light up and people are going to know you're a christian you can't hide it from people they're just going to know why do you have so many kids you know you've been married for 23 years like what are you catholic or something or you know what what are you a mormon you know they're no i'm christian that's what i am and you know let the people let the redeemed of the lord say so if someone asks you are a christian don't be ashamed of that the bible so it says in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not see we shouldn't get mad at people necessarily that are sinful yeah we should still preach against it we should still hate sin but when someone's unsaved how are you going to hold them accountable necessarily for things that they're not awake woke awake about you know i'm not saying be woke i'm just saying awoken awakened to the gospel you know we can't hold family members to the same standards we hold ourselves to because they're not saved you know we can we can choose not to be around them because you don't want to you know partake in their sins and their evil deeds but at the same time we can't expect them to not be you know to not partake in the things they do because their minds are blinded they're ensnared they're captive to the devil it says lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them see we have to wake them up we have to shine the light on them what's the light jesus is the light and we are the mirrors that have to reflect that light onto people and so look at verse five it says for we preach not ourselves but christ jesus the lord and ourselves your servants for jesus sake see it's not about us we're not preaching ourselves people are like well give your testimony to people it's like i mean in some instances that's fine but your testimony is not getting anybody saved it's jesus's testimony that's getting people saved what did jesus do for you this is what jesus did for you this is where you're going this is where you're going to go unless you accept what jesus did for you and so there's a lot of problems in this area with gangs and drugs and poverty dog worship i mean good night my my wife took out a tape i i charged up a taser i brought it from home and she almost didn't take it out with her yesterday she was like kind of worried because it didn't have the case those cases are kind of cheap and they break uh the little belt loop things so i didn't have it in a case and she was just worried that it was going to flip up and shock her somehow i don't know but i was like you better just take it so she's on some road at the end of the road some shaggy dog starts running after her it's got a little posse with it but it's the only dog that came out and the dog's trying to attack her and miss michelle and so she pulled out the taser and you know made the sound and the dog ran off but there's there's more dogs here i think than people i mean literally i think that there is but i could be wrong about that but it's like almost every person has dogs and they have signs beware of dogs dogs will bite i mean we had a pit bull yapping at us yesterday when we're just trying to talk to this guy and they are the number one deterrent to soul winning especially in this town i mean it's in yakima and on the rez for sure like they just let their dogs run free on the rez so it's just like wow we got animal worship going on we got faggotry going on we got idolatry going on we got hoard them going on we got theft going on you know we had some for the third time in this year we had our bank account our business bank account hacked and and and that's what i was taking care of yesterday before you know after soul winning so just really annoying stuff and you know people bearing false witness fornication adultery these are problems that are in this area and i'm sure there's many more that i didn't get to but there's spiritual oppression in this area i mean the catholic church came into this area and they come and they abuse their their power and they destroy the native culture you know and and some of the native culture needs to be destroyed you know i like what brother paul said he said he knocks on doors sometimes and their native natives answer the door and they say why are you following the white man's religion and he's like you know i'm not following a white man's religion i'm just following the one true god right isn't that what you say and he says i'm not going to follow my ancestors into hell like you are because you know god you know i i don't think jesus was white it's not a big shocker he lived in the middle east i'm sure he was pretty dark so for when people say he's the white man's god you know that's just a weird thing to say but that's the brainwashing that goes on because you have the peyote religion which is only it's not even that old the pay the peyote religion that people that the natives practice is not even old peyote doesn't even grow here peyote grows in mexico peyote was started by you know this this white dude and then this Comanche chief who was half white and uh quanta parker he's the one that was that was uh the main one that pushed it so all these sweat lodges where you know they're giving children peyote for religious purposes that's like that's their communion am i lying about that communion is their peyote and they go to these sweat lodges and then they let these kids have these visions or whatever yeah you know what's going to happen it's going to destroy their minds it's going to make them see things some kind of weird stuff and you know people die in those in those sweat lodges sometimes they get all dehydrated and don't know where they're at and you know they're on heavy hallucinogenic it's masculine it's what it is and it doesn't grow here you have to go and get it from other places you have to have it grown specially to have these ceremonies but that spread like wildfire and it was like the 1880s or 1890s or something it isn't that old of a religion now if you want to talk about all the totem poles and all that kind of stuff that probably was but look you keep the great parts about culture this is what i believe whatever culture you have fine that's great but if it's culture that's heathen then don't keep it get rid of that culture you know if it's sacrificing human beings you got to get rid of that part of the culture if you're putting babies into a fire and offering them to molluck that's a part of the culture you need to get rid of we need to get rid of abortion you know donald trump's not not hard enough on it his doesn't want to you know lose everybody or whatever he probably doesn't even believe in in in not you know he doesn't believe he was pro-choice before he ran for president there's interviews where maybe he changed i mean people do change but we got to get rid of this heathen culture that's just allowing the the carte blanche of killing and murdering children and the supreme court ruling that it's okay to just have this abortion pill that people can just take and just be guilt-free well you know what you're not guilt-free it's premeditated murder you're planning on just murdering your child it's premeditated murder so we need to someone we need people that are going to stand in the gap and change people's minds wake them up wake them up with the gospel and allow them to to pared venture have repentance that they would change from non-belief or whatever wicked religion they're a part of and to wake up and become a true christian that believes what the bible says we got roman catholics here the roman catholic whore you know we got two catholic boys saved yesterday praise god her the mom actually we asked for permission we just said is it okay and she's like yeah they got saved praise god there's pentecostal madness going on in this place there's jehovah's false witnesses there's latter-day satans you know we got to fight against all these false problems this is what ezekiel's talking about and then not only that then we have the government that's wicked and what's our you're like pastor what's the ultimate goal for this church turn to acts chapter 5 verse 42 while you're turning there i'm going to read for you second timothy chapter 4 verse 5 second timothy chapter 4 verse 5 says but watch now in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry what's an evangelist do an evangelist evangelizes they preach the gospel so timothy's job was to to watch unto all things and endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist because you know what if we're doing the work of an evangelist we are going to endure afflictions all that live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution it's it's it's not going to happen every time but it's going to happen sometimes and so you're in acts 5 42 it says and daily in the temple and in every house they cease not to teach and preach jesus christ so what's the goal pastor thompson well it's a daily thing and we you know people are like well we just want to be like the church at acts you know they did everything daily we're we're just asking for three days a week and some people can't even do that so daily in the temple and in every house they cease not to teach preach jesus christ you know the goal is to have so many going on seven days a week and i'm not saying you have to do that i'm not saying that we even have to have church seven days a week but we should try our best to to get to as much soul as we can and go to church as much as we can with all of our mind so that fire in moxie the other night i got that that alert on my phone that said run for the hills and grab your dogs or whatever that really brings it home though when you have fires burning around you we've been here when the whole area was just completely engulfed in smoke and went so many in it like crazy people that we are you know everybody's like what are you doing out here why do you have your kids out in the smoke it's like we're we're here i mean we might as well preach the gospel it wasn't that hot you know well it made it was supposed to be like in the 90s that week but you know um but when you see places in danger it reminds you of hellfire doesn't it because god said that the the fire of his wrath is going to burn against these people for the the things that he said in this chapter it's like the fire of god's wrath is going to burn and then when you see fires burning all over in the west coast states washington oregon california the left coast the liberal left coast you wonder like why is that happening so much well god's not very happy god's angry with the people of this land and that's why it's so important that we have people to stand in the union gap number two we also need a man to fight the lord's battles to be a strong leader and a congregation that will back him up let's look at numbers chapter 16 numbers chapter number 16 numbers chapter 16 the bible says now just to give you a little background here this is when cora rebelled against moses and he has already fallen and all that pertaineth unto him into hell kicking and screaming alive into the pit okay so he has fallen into the pit because he wanted to have a vote and see if all the people are holy and all the people are going to be the priest and you know they were given a specific task because these people are related to moses and they want to be the priest the priest you know they don't think that's just moses's job to be the leader they want to be co-leaders or whatever with moses and god is the one that specifically appointed moses to be the leader and aaron to be the high priest and they're they're just trying to cause a rebellion they are typical false prophets that have crept in and they're trying to cause an uprising against moses and sometimes when these types of things happen you have people that are good people they get dragged out with them and what we have to understand at this church is the battles are going to come and sometimes it's going to be like well this kind of like why is pastor being like this or why is pastor angry at this person or why is pastor throwing this person out i thought they were pretty cool why is you know why is pastor fighting with these people and some you know sometimes the battle comes and you know you have to pick who god picked you can't just you know and obviously you got to take everything as it comes but like these people here that they know that god picked moses but yet they're still choosing the wrong side look what it says in verse 41 but on the morrow all the congregation of the children of israel murmured against moses and against aaron saying you have killed the people of the lord so they're complaining they're whining and saying that moses and aaron killed the people of the lord who killed them the lord killed them moses didn't kill him he just said hey if these guys die a common death then you know god didn't call me he's like this is basically saying who's the one that's qualified who's the one that's leading this congregation let god you know be the one that answers and then hell opens up and they all drop in they're like you guys killed the people of the lord the congregation wasn't on their side it's like what are you guys talking about what are you doing you saw what god did you saw who god picked and then it says ye have killed the people of the lord they're out of their minds it says that it came to pass when the congregation was gathered against moses and against aaron that they looked toward the tabernacle of the congregation and behold the cloud covered it and the glory of the lord appeared and moses and aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation the lord spake unto moses saying get you up from among this congregation that i may consume them as in a moment and they fell on their faces so who's whose side is god on here is it all the people that are voting against moses and aaron no it's moses and aaron whose side he's on he's sticking with the leadership on this because he already killed a bunch of people because they were trying to cause a big problem in the church in the congregation and now he's going to tell him he's like i'm going to just kill everybody how about that so this is a good thing for people in church to understand is that you know sometimes the battles are going to come and you're like i don't know whose side i'm on you better get on the leadership side as long as they're right as long as they're right and it says and moses said to aaron take a sensor and put fire there in from off the altar and put on incense and go quickly under the congregation and make an atonement for them for there is wrath gone out from the lord the plague has begun and see here's another good thing about moses even though they're going against them even though they want to overthrow them moses still loves the people and still is praying for them and hoping that you know god will turn back his wrath against them and you know a lot of times people like leave over things that have happened controversies and things like that but you know what i'll still give people chances and still try to convince people of what the truth of the matter is and sometimes they just leave anyway and it's just like whatever but you know you should try to choose the right side you know what side is right well the side that god's on that's the side it says and aaron took as moses commanded and ran to the midst of the congregation and behold the plague was begun among the people and he put on incense and made an atonement for the people and he stood between the dead and the living and the plague was stayed so what did he do he stood in the gap he went in the midst of the congregation and he stood between the dead and the living and the plague was stayed see this is what the man of god that's why it's so important you have a man of god leading in an area it can't just be a congregationally led church that's like why i got rid of voting in this church and that's why people left because they just want to vote every they want to vote on the toilet paper they want to vote on the carpet color people want to vote on whether we're going to take the missionaries off the wall that they haven't been supporting for 20 years or something it's like why do you have them up is this some kind of a shrine or something like what's the point if you're if they're if you're not even i mean they're from the 50s or something it's like they're still up from the 19 you know 19 they still got their cart their mission cart from the 1960s or something it's like they're probably not even alive anymore like what what's the deal here it's like sometimes things have to change and so the first thing i said as a pastor here is that we're we're voting's over with and that the bunch of people left because of that well what do you mean voting's over so they pulled they tried to pull the cora on me immediately and a bunch of people left this church as soon as i became the pastor i wasn't really expecting that i honestly wasn't i was expecting some to leave but some people i was expecting to stay that didn't stay and it was like okay well i guess this is how it's going to go but you can't put new wine into old wineskins sometimes you know that's just the way it is so they they want change but they want it to be on their terms and this is what people try to do to pastors in all these different churches that's why pastors just hop from church to church and it's like well i was called you know he's the pastor's get up and like i'm called to this church it's like yeah you're called to a bigger paycheck and you're called to get away from all these people that are painting the neck to you but if a man is god of a man the man of god just got up and said hey this is the way it's going to be voting's over and just they get a strong leader like moses and aaron hey they still love the people they still stood in the gap between the dead and the living but they didn't just bow down to everything that the people wanted because if that's how it's going to go then the rock and roll music is going to come the drum set's going to come the plexiglass pulpit with the bottle of scotch on the on the bar stool and and the you know the smoke and the purple lights all that stuff's going to come if everybody's just voting on what's going to happen then nobody's really in charge are they it's the majority vote this isn't you know fourth of july baptist church it might have been named on the fourth of july union gap but we're not we're not naming it because of a democracy the bible doesn't teach a democracy it never teaches voting moses said this is how it's going to be and that's what happened based upon what god's word said god told moses to do stuff and most said hey the word of the lord said this let's go do this when he said to joshua hey go here go there give this land to this people that's what happened so it says in verse 49 now they that died of the plague were 14 700 beside them that died about the matter of quora and aaron returned unto moses under the door of the tabernacle the congregation the plague was stayed so they stood in in for the people and it says that a bunch of people died and so obviously we don't have millions of people to go to this church but if you're going to be on the wrong side of things you're going to listen to what wicked people say because this is this kind of has happened twice here when brother rick who was pastor messler you know was here this big ruck when i insurrection happened where people are trying to overthrow him as the pastor and i came and helped him and you know they were in the wrong they did like a quora style rebellion they like called all the people that have been on the rolls for years that hadn't even showed up to church they they did like a they literally did a fake a fake uh restraining order keeping brother rick away from the building and from the people and did a fake servite serving on him or they there was no stamp by the judge but they tried to they said you've been served and handed them to him and certain served him fake papers and so he didn't think he was supposed to be here so i came to hold service here then all these people started showing up that didn't even go to the church and they were just on the rolls as like church members to come and vote him out of being the pastor i just kicked them all out they came to the door smiling they're like oh hey how's it going i was like get out bye because i was i was given permission to stand in place of him that night and i'm not going to let these freaks come in here and try to overthrow the church are you kidding me but then a couple people a couple these couple ladies came in and they're like talking and saying things to me while i'm preaching i said it's a shame for women to speak in the church and you know i shut down walker and texas ranger one of them had a walker and the other one had like a texas ranger outfit on so anyway i just called him walker and texas ranger so but this you know that's that was three years before i even took over as the pastor and people are just like oh you're just trying to take over the church and steal all their money and all this other stuff it's like i don't care about your money i don't care yeah i'm just just trying to steal the money i don't care about money i never have if i cared about money i wouldn't be doing this i would just have kept my golden ticket and continued serving my 30 years and retired with a great pension that's what i would have done so anyway but uh yeah i mean i fought that insurrection off and then found out that the paperwork was bogus i just looked at it i was like where's the judge's stamp on here i mean that's how wicked people are like to where they'll literally that walker walker and texas ranger actually are the ones that tried to serve brother rick those papers they did serve it to him and he just he was just so upset he just didn't really think it through or something but he thought that they were legit i was just like i don't think these are legit man i called him right after the service i was like there's no stamp of a judge on here i was like they're just messing with they could that's i'm pretty sure that's a felony it's a felony i mean they're committing felonious acts to try to take over the church calling people that hadn't gone here in years and then trying to come in for some mega vote no no not on my watch it's not going to happen i'm not going to let him get steamrolled like that so then when i come over and and i'm appointed as the pastor by pastor messler at the time and then i have this other uprising happens so where you know we got you know people who are actually family members of church members that go here you know but what was jeff aerobate and jerry who i thought was good jerry is bad jerry he's a pedophile come to find out i was like why am i having so much opposition from this guy and then we find out that the guys are registered sex offenders for doing stuff to children under 12 years old i mean reprobate like a real reprobate and they're going around talking to people in our church and going to their workplace and trying to tell them not to come to our church and not to come back and it's just like and they succeeded in a lot of ways but this is you know just compare that to this that they died in the plague people died in the plague why did they die in the plague because they they got caught up in believing the lies they got caught up in loving court the chorus of the congregation instead of supporting and backing up the man of god like they should be and a lot of the you know some of these guys that died they were like filing lawsuits against pastor messler and all this other stuff and you know those some of those people drop dead literally drop dead some of them i think multiple people of them have died so it's just a warning that you know the man of god is the one here that is in charge and you should be following him and not and it's not a democracy korra so you come in here and you think you're just going to mess things up well you're wrong you're going to get met with opposition by strong leadership those people that let you know i thought we're going to start off with like 30 35 people right off the bat and then like a whole bunch of people left it's just like okay that's crazy and then our church members get start getting persecuted by their own family members that were coming here i mean but it's just been kind of wild i'm not going to lie there's times when i thought this church might not make it but here we are still alive and kicking that was just a lack of faith on my part though i was just a little worried a couple times but it's all good turn to second timothy chapter four one the bible charges us as pastors the bible charges us to do certain things and one of the things that the bible charges us to do is to preach the bible okay and so you know if you're going to have a man of god here that's going to take over as a pastor someday they need to be someone that's going to preach the bible a lot of churches they'll their pastor will get old or they'll retire or they'll pass on and then the church will just bring some clown in that doesn't even use the king james anymore they're calvinist leaning or whatever it's like how could you hire somebody to take over your church that's a cow that's leaning calvinist in any way whatsoever that should be just like if you're a baptist and someone says they're leaning calvinist that should be just an automatic exclusion from anybody being a pastor that has a calvinist leaning bye go play with your your friends in your in your doctrinal books okay because they're not going to preach hard they're going to exegete the scriptures to the deadly death they're going to talk they're going to talk about and what does and mean wait and they're just going to just pick apart every single sentence you're going to get romans one done in like 10 years they're going to go back to the greek and try to pronounce everything wrong and they're going to miss the spiritual application of the scriptures look at first tim second timothy four one the bible says i charge thee before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season when it's popular when it's not popular reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine that's what the charge is to timothy that's the charge to any pastor get up preach the bible the word is the bible not your own words the bible be instant get be ready to preach and whether it's popular or not you know we rip on the homos all the time because they need to be ripped on because nobody else is doing it it's out of season anything that we basically the whole bible is out of season now you're fortunate if you go to a church where people are going to preach the bible at all you're getting ted talks you're getting inspirational sermons you're getting joel osteen as a baptist preacher that's what you're getting you're getting a feel-good sermon you're getting a couple poems and one bible verse or two in the whole sermon that's not how that's not preaching the bible and you know just in case you didn't realize reproving is telling someone they're wrong so like if your toes get stepped on in a sermon in this church it's like that's what that's what the bible says we're supposed to do we're not pinning you down we're not going like who can i preach against this week ryan he didn't put sunblock on yesterday he's not taking care of his temple i saw him eat mcdonald's yesterday i'm gonna rip on him i know jason ain't mcdonald's because he admitted it and i'm emailing pastor anderson and telling him that's that's not the but at some point so if you're if you're preaching the whole bible which we're supposed to do something in there is going to offend you and don't let it offend you because the bible says great peace have they that which love thy law and nothing shall offend you if you we're supposed to have thick skin like the honey badger right we're supposed to have thick skin and be able to deal with it and sometimes the word of god stings it hurts and we're like oh man i really don't like that it makes me feel uncomfortable well you know the bible is probably just helping you to change the bible says that the word of god is quick it means it's alive it's powerful it's sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and it's a discerner of the thoughts and intense and intent of the heart so it's alive it can figure you out it knows what you're thinking and it's going to attack your heart and tell you you're doing something wrong you need to fix something so reprove telling you you're wrong rebuke telling you're wrong in a really loud and bombastic way or just you know in a real matter of fact way or exhort with all long suffering and doctrine so we're supposed to teach doctrine we're supposed to be long suffering to people sometimes people just don't get things the first time you know we'll rip on certain things like men not having long hair or women not wearing pants or whatever and people get all offended about it's just like well look it's just what the bible teaches and i'll be long suffering about it but sometimes we rip about it it's just the way it is but exhortation is encouraging somebody to go out and do something so that's why we preach about soul winning and doing works and being at church and things like that so and and why do we need to do that well it says for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine and folks we're living in that time they won't endure anything they can't people cannot handle the bible they can't handle the bible about anything even divorce and remarriage they get all upset about divorce and remarriage it's like but what about this hey what about that it's just like dude just because you you didn't know at the time just deal with the fact that you did something wrong and and then just move on with your life apologize to god for what you did and move on with your life but don't blame the preacher the preacher's supposed to offend you to a certain extent they're supposed to rebuke the sin that happens you know cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their sins that's what he was he told isaiah to say you think that the people in the old testament you think that i'm pretty i preach hard sometimes ezekiel has some pretty hairy eyeball sermons they're they offend me kind of like dang he's like says whore and hoard them like multiple times i think it's a chapter 16 this is a super long chapter he's like whore boredom whores harlot harlots whores like hey god told him to preach it you know don't get mad at don't get mad at ezekiel either it's god's word he put he made sure it was in the bible for us so it says for the time will come well they will not endorse sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears hey people nowadays just want to have their little ears tickled oh thank you for the ted talks pastor it was so great so it's like you should go out sometimes feeling like garbage because you got your sins ripped on don't take it out on the pastor don't take it on your fellow church members don't leave and say i'm never coming back because you offended me don't get offended just fix it just get right with god like well i don't agree with that well then you don't agree with god you're just i mean because if the bible says that you should just believe it and if you didn't believe it before believe it now that you heard it because that's you know faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god it's not just faith to believe the you know saving faith it is that but what about just hearing the word of god preaching like oh i didn't know that before now i know now i believe it it says that they shall turn their ears away from the truth and shall be turned onto fables and that's where we're at today folks they're just they don't believe the truth people don't believe the truth they don't understand the truth they don't even have salvation right they read out these modern bible perversions that don't even have the right gospel in there i mean there are bible versions that say repent of your sins in them so when we say there's no the bible doesn't say repent of your sins it's like well this one goes that's because some devil was on their translation committee that's because some faggot was on their translation committee and that's why it says you know temple prostitutes instead of homosexuals or sodomites that's why it's like what is a temple prostitute like what temple but what temple was there in israel besides the temple was there i mean i i guess there was maybe the bail temples or whatever but i don't know they just want to make it where homos aren't homos they just want to make it where oh they're it's just talking about prop male prostitutes no it's talking about queers all right sodomite is exactly what they were in genesis chapter 19 and judges chapter 19 all right last point here let's move on to number three while there's a gap of a present pastor we need a present congregation we need a present congregation turn to hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 i'm going to read first corinthians 14 40 first corinthians 14 40 says let all things be done decently and in order and so everything that we do here at this church should be with a purpose it should be with a plan and if you don't have something that you're currently doing here then all you have to do is ask and i'll give you something to do just wherever things are lacking just pitching and help i mean that's uh that's kind of what we need right now our church is pretty small right now and you know but in reality our church could be and should be a lot bigger than it is hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 says and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works well how do we do that well it says not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together so what is forsaking the assembling of yourselves together not coming to church assembly means you all meet together as the manner of some is there's some people whose manner is not to come to church and whatever excuse there is for the day that's the excuse they use it says but exhorting one another that means encouraging one another right and so much the more as you see the day approaching what day is it talking about well the day that christ comes back for us so the the closer we get tomorrow's gonna be closer than today so every day is going to be a closer day and so do we go to church more or less more but because the times that we live in it makes it easier for people to miss church you know and you're like well i have to work i have to do this i understand that but you know maybe find a job where you don't have to work on sundays and you can get wednesday nights off and it's like and i'll just say this anytime i've ever had a job where i had to work on a day that there was church i always just like prayed to god that he would give me a schedule that was favorable so i could go to church because there are times that i have taken a job like i was just saying i forgot who i was saying this to but i had to work friday saturday and sunday nights and it was 12 hour shifts and they'd always make me stay 13 hours so it's five at night to basically six in the morning 6 30 in the morning then i'd have to go to sunday school and i was just like i was that's when i was in old ifb a long time ago but i mean i would be sleeping for a few hours and i was like zombie zombie in the services so like i wasn't really getting much out of it but i was still just trying to go and just be there i mean most people wouldn't even do that like oh i worked all night i'm not i'm not trying to toot my own horn i'm not saying i did i did it perfect every time but i did do it and god just gave me the desire of my heart look he knows what you really want so if you really want to go to church he's going to make that happen for you and there is a law in this country where they cannot discriminate against you for your sincerely religious held beliefs so if you say i'm a devout christian and i go to church on sunday and they say well sorry i'm not going to give that day to you then it is like it's a federal law i mean they they can't just tell you that you can't like they're giving somebody else that doesn't go to church sunday off they're not giving it to you like that's not a that's not a so they can't say well if it's not a if it's a harming the business or something that they don't have to give it to you but they'd have to be able to prove that so if you say well hey i got to be at church at six o'clock on wednesdays and i got i have all day church sunday's just not optional for me then they they do have to do that and you can you can file something you know you don't want to have to do that but just say hey you put me on the schedule all you want but i'm not going to be there so i mean that's that's an option but i mean there's a great need for people to be present at all the services when we have a small church why pastor why is it so important well because when we have everybody here at the same time it's a pretty decent sized church and we have a lot of out-of-town guests today but when we have you know someone comes in that's a first time or a first-time visitor and they come in on a wednesday night and there's seven people here that makes it kind of tough you know and sometimes you know if there's five six seven people here there's no usher there's no piano player there's no professional song service nobody knows who's taking up the offering nobody's ready to read the announcements nobody's ready to read the bible then guess what people probably won't come back and even if the preaching's good which it is you know man does not look at the out man man does look on the outward appearance but god looks on the heart this is a great church but man still does look at the outward appearance so they're going to look at how are the grounds kept up is the is the grass cut is the how is the church painted is it clean you know how do how do the services run and if there's not enough people to run the services then it makes it really hard it makes it hard on the people that are here it makes it hard on the people that you know because like if if brother rick's preaching on wednesday night and nobody else is here that can lead songs and and nobody's here that can do all the other stuff that needs to be done then it's just kind of hard i mean nobody wants to do all that stuff and have to be the one person that does it i'm not saying that's what happens all the time i'm just saying that that's why it's important for people to be here to be in the positions that you do because and i'm look if you're sick i'm not talking about that i'm not saying be here if you're you know i mean brother rick's not here today because he's his health is bad and so that's why we need men to be able to stand in the gap for in the in the congregation and just help out when brother rick can't be here or you know he retired for a reason he retired because you know his health wasn't good enough to be preaching three times a week and all that so and now he's kind of just out and you know we need guys to step up and be here so it's important that we have a present congregation so be here be involved help out if you're here others will want to be here if you care then they'll care right yeah so is that always right that people judge us by how we run our services i mean not necessarily but if they think if if they think it's important to you then or if they think it's not important to you excuse me if they think it's not important to you then why would it be important to them to be here they come here and they're like they know there's more people that come to this church and they're just not here for some reason like why would it be important for them to come back you know what i mean yeah so it should be important to you to be here first corinthians 4 2 says moreover is required in stewards that a man be found faithful what does faithful mean well that you're just you do what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it you take care of the tasks that are your responsibility be faithful to church be faithful to your duties be faithful to your preaching times be faithful to your cleaning times whenever that is you know be faithful in song learning be faithful in ushering be faithful in counting be faithful in bible reading and you know if you're gonna if you're supposed to be preaching on the calendar guys you can't just lay something in someone's lap at the last second you know if you're deathly ill or something i understand but you can't just like say well yeah i'm gonna preach and then like three hours you know nine o'clock at night you go hey i can't preach it's like that's you're laying something pretty heavy on someone that especially when we don't have a lot of experienced guys here to preach they're getting a lot more experience you guys are doing great but uh we need people to be faithful ecclesiastes 9 10 says whatsoever thy hand find it to do do it with thy might so if you have a task to do do the best job that you can do it with all your might okay uh collagens 3 23 go ahead and turn to collagens 3 23 we're almost done here guys collagens 3 23 the bible says and whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the lord and not unto men don't think you're i mean you you might think you're doing things for me but who are you really doing things for you're not doing things for your brothers and sisters in christ necessarily you might be but in reality who are we doing the things that we do for we're doing them for the lord not unto men knowing that of the lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the lord christ the song services we should try to run them as professional as possible the announcements read clearly and concise the bible reading practice reading the bible reading out loud the preaching do it on a regular basis and find ways to improve the usher program go over your duties and be as professional as possible the soul winning make sure that you're tabbing your bibles and asking the questions and covering all the main points you gotta ask questions folks you do you can't just you know look and i've said this before and i'll say it again when you're out soul winning people can understand all the points who all went to school in here pretty much everybody i think nobody was raised in you know the the hills of you know the south or something barefoot with a banjo right so everybody went to school did you who took a test who's ever taken a test before okay has there ever been a test where you disagree with the the what the what they're asking you you don't agree with the question on the test but you still know the answer that the teacher wants we all we've all done that like i don't i don't agree but i'll write it anyway right we've all done that but that's how soul winning is too you can get someone to understand they know what the points are they know what you're wanting but do they believe it that's you have to ask that i mean it's so important that you ask that question and you just say and it might seem weird for you to even ask it but i'm telling you like when you ask them what do you believe they're going to tell you what they really believe oh it's you know because they'll give you all the right answers oh you just got to believe you know this eternal life yeah it's a gift and then you're like well what do you believe you're like oh you just gotta be baptized have good works and believe in jesus like it seems weird but out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak is so ask the questions cover the you got to cover the points they're sinner you know they deserve hell salvation is by faith it's eternal security of the believer it's a gift call upon the name of the lord follow up invite people to church and get back get them baptized get them a bible text them offer to pick them up make an effort to get your converts into church cleaning the church in the in the property let's do our best to make sure the property and inside is the best it can be and look the best it can be let's turn to first kings chapter 10 first kings chapter 10 i mean basically what i'm saying is that we need to have a big church mentality i've taught this before and we have to you know we might be a small church now but our mentality needs to be that someday this church is going to be big and so we have to run it like it's already a big church so that when people come in there it's like oh wow this is a well-oiled machine it's already it's already running like a big like a big time church and then and then when they come in it'll feel that way to them too and then it'll get big first kings 10 1 says and when the queen of sheba heard of the famous solomon concerning the name of the lord she came and proved him with hard questions and she came to jerusalem with a very great train with candles and then bare spices and very much gold and precious stones and when he was come to solomon or she was come to solomon she communed with him all that was in her heart so she came to prove him with hard questions you know people are going to come to our church and some people have questions they just come to church like well i got questions or you know i want to see you know what is this church actually like and they come and they and they want their questions answered and maybe they get their questions answered in a sermon or maybe they want to talk after church and you know so we should have some wisdom in what we believe here but it says and solomon told her all her questions and there was not anything hid from the king which he told her not and when the queen of sheba had seen all of solomon's wisdom and the house that he built and the meat of his table and the sitting of his servants and the attendance of his ministers and their apparel and his cupbearers and the ascent by which he came went up to the house of the lord there was no more spirit in her so that's a that's a pretty cool list of things there but he saw the wisdom or she saw the wisdom the meat the food i mean you you know amen we should have some good food as baptists right but their apparel does their clothes matter when people come in they're going to notice what what are we dressed like you know what were the attendance of the ministers how are the ushers the ushers are ministers you know the people that are here are ministers so how how are we attending to people how are we dressed his cupbearers the ascent by which he came up to the house lord there was no more spirit in her so she saw what she saw the outward things the things that seem don't really matter to us as much but they do matter to people that are seeking they matter to people that have questions she said to the king it was a true report that i heard in my own land of the acts of thy wisdom howbeit i believed not the words until i came and my eyes had seen it and behold the half was not told me thy wisdom and prosperity exceeded the fame which i heard happy are thy men happy are these thy servants which stand continually before thee and hear thy wisdom blessed be the lord thy god which delighted in thee to set thee on the throne of israel because the lord loved israel forever therefore made he the king to do judgment and justice so what she ultimately ultimately saw is that the church the the place was run great everything aesthetically looked good she was very impressed with all that she was impressed with the wisdom of solomon so you know when people come to their church they should be impressed with our wisdom of knowing the bible they should be impressed with how the building looks and and everything like that excuse me how we're dressed and all that and then also how happy are we i mean do you guys mope around here or are you actually happy when people come and shaking their hand and smiling and you know we're the people of the lord we should be happy we should be joyous we should have smiles on our face and be excited about the things of god people are getting saved here the word of god's being preached and sometimes you know church could just be like oh it's just kind of you know it's just church you know but if you were going to an old live b church you'd be in agony and torture right now if you're going to a non-denominational church you'd be in agony and torture be like man i wish i could get back to that church but sometimes we just get we get comfortable we get lulled back into because like it's like just with anything you know hard preaching can become just like any old other kind of preaching you know it just seems you know you can get the same glazed look over your face you can get the same this kind of thing while you're listening to sermons we don't want to be those kind of people let's be happy let's be joyous have a big church mentality isaiah 54 2 says enlarge the place of thy tent and let them stretch forth the curtain of thy habitation spare not lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes we should always have the mentality that we're going to grow and get bigger and have that big church mentality and god's not going to just give us everything at once he's not going to just make this church huge in one year turn to exodus chapter 23 verse 27 i know i got to hurry up but um and i really am this is the last place i'll have to turn and we'll be done he's not going to give us too much too soon so we're at this is the one year anniversary of you know being you know me being the pastor of the church here and one year under a new ministry it says in is he uh excuse me in exodus 23 27 it says i will send my fear before thee and destroy all the people whom thou of to whom thou shall come and i will make all the thine enemies turn their backs unto thee and i will send hornets before thee which shall drive out the hivite the Canaanite the height the Hittite before thee i will not drive them out before thee in one year lest the land become desolate and the beasts of the field multiply against thee by little and little will i drive them out before thee until they'll be increased and inherit the land so when you apply this spiritually look we're supposed to be conquering this land for christ so to speak spiritually using the sword of the spirit not the real sword it's a spiritual battle not a literal carnal battle but he's not going to drive it all out in one year we can't just take over in one year and have this giant church god just doesn't work that way little by little we're going to get bigger little by little if we keep up the good work that we're doing right now and we get real you know the more serious we get about the work of the lord here the better we get everything dialed in the more we start attending the services the the more serious we take things god's gonna you know little by little excuse me sorry um little by little he's gonna help us to grow and if we have this kind of mentality so the church you know is not new but the leadership is and you know we need people to stand in the union gap for this land and just apply that to all the gaps and the services and any gaps that there are we need people to fill those gaps and this church is going to be what people make it and i feel that way about all of our church plants if i can't be there i can't i don't make anything happen really i'm just the leader and you know everything rises and falls on leadership i understand that but if i'm not there always then it's gonna be to a certain extent what the people make of it so i can't do it all from afar and i can only just guide you the best that i can but i can't be here all the time i can't be in spokane i can't be in seattle all the time or surrey or indianapolis and some you know a lot of times i defraud our own church home enough you know just from traveling as much as i do but this church is at a disadvantage to try to get a permanent pastor i'll just say that right now the size of the area the isolation of the area i mean it's not easy to get here by plane they got like two flights a day one of them at the worst possible times ever and uh driving here is hard in the winter time and you know as far as like getting here and it's uh you know it's really up to you to make it appealing i mean if somebody comes and they're like thinking about being the pastor of this church or something and they come on a wednesday night to preach and five people are here and they come on a sunday morning and no and half the church isn't here and there's not really a good reason why then it's going to just make it even more hard so that's why it's so important for the church to be present here be here whenever you can be that's going to help the church because if everybody's here we got over 30 people and so when people come in to visit on a sunday morning they see 30 people here you know instead of 10 or whatever it's it's you know we've had some good attendances though things have gotten better as far as attendance goes but then we've just had some i'm just like some real head scratchers i'm just like where is everybody so i'm not trying to get down on you i love you guys of course but i do want you to take it seriously take church seriously and you know we can just move forward and next year could be an even greater year for our church i love this church i'm not again i'm i'm not down on you don't think that i don't appreciate everything you've done i do appreciate it i appreciate every single person in this church i know everybody does stuff here so don't think i'm down on you i just want us to get better and the only way we get better is to try harder and you know you just it's just like working a job you're only as good as the training that you get obviously you know you go through new higher orientation you don't know anything then you work learn and work and get better right so but anyway happy anniversary yakima bible believers baptist church let's pray lord we thank you so much for this great church and pray that you just bless the rest of our day together and pray that you would bless the food that we're about to eat later here in a little bit and that you would just bless the soul winning that gets done today and lord that you would just take everybody home safely this afternoon it's in jesus name we pray amen all right our last song is song number 228 my faith has found a resting place song number 228 my faith has found a resting place let's sing it together on the first my faith has found a resting place not in device nor creed i trust the ever living one his wounds for me shall bleed i need no other argument i need no other plea it is enough that jesus died and that he died for me enough for me that jesus says this ends my fear and a simple soul i come to him he'll never cast me out i need no other argument i need no other plea it is enough that jesus died and that he died for me my heart is leaning on the word the written word of god salvation by my savior's name patient through his blood i need no other argument i need no other plea it is enough that jesus died and that he died for me my great physician heals the sick the lost he came to save for me his precious blood he shed for me his life he gave i need no other argument i need no other plea it is enough that jesus died and that he died for me