(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right, so I'm finishing my last sermon on what Sure Foundation Baptist Church believes, or you could call the title of the sermon a doctrinal time lapse, okay? So what is a time lapse is when you film something and then you fast forward it so you can see it faster. That's kind of what these sermons have been about. I'm usually using about two or three scriptures to prove my points. Now any of these points in here could be, you know, a full length sermon. So I'm trying to get three full length sermons and just let everybody know what we believe. And hopefully you can learn some things as we go. Obviously, if we have the Word of God open, you should be able to learn something. Amen. So I finished off in the last one about hell and what we believe about hell. And obviously we believe it's eternal. It's an eternal punishment and it's fire and brimstone. And it's an eternal judgment from God. It's eternal death. So we're in John chapter 7 and I found these verses very interesting. Look at verse number 14. It says, Now about the myths of the feast, Jesus went up into the temple and taught. And the Jews marveled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? Jesus answered them and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. If any man will do his will, he will know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself. He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory, but he that seeketh his glory, that sent him, the same is true. And no unrighteousness is in him. Let's pray. Lord, we thank you so much for the scriptures, Lord, and for clear doctrine. And Lord, I pray that you'd help me to prove all this doctrine from the scriptures which come from you, Lord, and pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. All right. So some other topics that were not brought up, I kind of went through the main things that we believe in our church, but there's some other things that might not be on other people's doctrinal statements that I wanted to cover tonight. Okay. So number one, this is something, unfortunately, that's not taught in other Baptist churches anymore. It's not really taught at all anymore, except for maybe churches in our movement. And so turn to Jeremiah chapter six, Jeremiah chapter six. So, and what am I talking about? I'm talking about the reprobate doctrine. The reprobate doctrine is what we call it. And the reason why we call it that is because there are people out there that are reprobates. And what is a reprobate? Well, let's look at Jeremiah 6 30. Let the Bible define it for you. Because people are going to try to trick you with all kinds of garbage doctrine saying we could become reprobates or we were reprobates at one time, which is a stinking lie. All right. So Jeremiah 6 30 says reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord has rejected them. So what is a reprobate? Someone has been rejected by God. When you melt down precious metals and things like that, there's a dross that goes up to the top and that part is skimmed off and cast out. So if you have like a gold ring that's like almost pure gold, you know, there's some dross that's taken off of that. The impurities are burned out of it. And God's going to burn those impure reprobates in hell. So and they're called twice dead in Jude. They're called twice dead people because while they're walking, they're dead while they live. They're like spiritual, unspiritual zombies, right? They're going to hell. Their destiny is hell. And obviously God is going to cast them in there. And unfortunately we have to live among them. And so they're part of the trash collecting program that Pastor Anderson was talking about in his Red Hot Preaching sermon. And the devil uses them to collect more trash, right? So there's the head trash collector, which is Satan. And then he has his garbage men, right? The reprobates. And they go and they deceive people and they wreck their lives and they make more reprobates. So and, you know, God's obviously going to put them in the great trash collector, which is hell for all eternity or Gehenna in the Greek, right? Or whatever. What else do they call it? Hades? No, it's hell. That's what the Bible calls it. All right. So turn to Psalm chapter 81, because people will say, well, in the New Testament, God just loves everybody. He loves reprobates and reprobates can be saved. But that's not true. And I'm going to prove that from scripture tonight. But Psalm 81, here's the reprobate doctrine in the Old Testament. Now, obviously, Jeremiah 6 30 is the first mention of words called where people are called reprobates and defines it for us. They're rejected of God. OK, but Psalm 81. Look at verse number 11. It says, But my people would not hearken to my voice and Israel would none of me. Now we're talking about the nation of Israel. We're not talking about saved people necessarily here. So it says, So I gave them up to their own heart's lust and they walked in their own counsel. So these are not saved people. All right. But they're part of the nation of Israel. OK. Oh, that my people had hearkened unto me and Israel had walked in my ways. I should soon have subdued their enemies and turned my hand against their adversaries. The haters of the Lord should have submitted themselves unto him. But their time that their time, but their time should have endured forever. He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat and with the honey out of the rock. Should I have satisfied thee? So Israel rejected God. And what did God do? He rejected them. The haters of the Lord should have submitted to him, but they didn't. And so what did he do? He cast them out. Right. Wipe Jerusalem like you'd wipe a plate before you put them, put it, you know, put it in the strainer. Right. You wipe your plates, you wash it, put it in the strainer. It's clean. Right. So God did that to Israel and all the people that were the remnant, he took out and took the Babylon. Right. So reprobates, the reprobate doctrine is taught in the Old Testament very clearly over and over again. Now turn over to Romans chapter one. And I'm not even talking about the homos right now. I'm just talking about people that are pure reprobates. Look, a reprobate doesn't have to be a homo. Okay. A reprobate can be just someone that is a false prophet, someone that hates God like an atheist. They can be a reprobate too. They don't necessarily have to be a homo. They can just, you know, someone messes or tampers with God's word, what happens to them? The reprobation happens. There are automatic reprobates. Once they do that in the future, when someone takes the mark of the beast word, what's their end? They're reprobates. They become reprobates from that moment on. Right. So reprobates can't be fixed. They're rejected. God completely rejects them. Romans chapter one, I guess I better get there myself. Romans chapter one. All right. Romans chapter one, verse 20. So Romans chapter one, verse 20 says, for the invisible things of him are from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead. So they're without excuse because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was dark and professing themselves to be wise. They became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four footed beasts and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to the uncleanness of their lust, of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God to ally and worshiped and serve the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections, even their women did change the natural use and to that which is against nature. Now this is talking about homos. Okay. Very clearly, right? Is there any doubt in anybody's mind? That's what it's talking about. It says, and likewise, also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another. Men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind. So what's a reprobate mind? Someone who has a rejected mind. We saw it defined in Jeremiah 6 30. And to do those things which are not convenient. And then it goes on to tell the list. See people will twist this and say, Well, this is the list, you know, or some people murderers or, you know, this list is talking about what the reprobates do. Okay, now, people that are saved can do things that are on this list too. But these people are filled with all unrighteousness. They're filled with it. So they're capable of doing anything, aren't they? They're capable of even the most lewd, disgusting acts and this world is starting to become filled with these people. They are beasts that are meant to be taken and destroy the Bible says they should be stoned with stones. But we're talking about just reprobates right now. I'm not I'm not jumping on the homos right right yet. That'll come at the end of the sermon. Okay. But just reprobates in general. There are people that are rejected of God. And look, the doctrine that God loves everybody until the final breath is not true. Most of the time I when I see, you know, people that are on their deathbed, they can't talk. They can't say they can't call upon the name of the Lord. Maybe they could call upon in their heart, but we don't know that. So it's really, it's really sad when you don't know when a loved one passes from life to death, whether they were even saved or not. But that's why we have to reach people when they're young. That's the best time to reach people is when they're young. So we know that they're saved. And and that, you know, they don't become reprobates because the older you get, the more you sin, the more hardened to God's to God you become. So why is it so old? Why is it so hard to get old people saved? Because they've been told they've been told they've hardened their hearts. And eventually they become rejected. You know, unfortunately, but we don't have, you know, we can see certain traits or certain things that people do that that we know that person's a reprobate, like being a homo or like someone on the NASB committee. Anybody on that committee is roasting in hell. Anybody on the NIV committee is roasting in hell. Anybody on the New World Translation is roasting in hell. Can I keep going on? No, I'm not going to keep going. But anybody on this corrupting God's word and translating God's word and outright lying to people, they're reprobates. So let's see, turn over to Proverbs chapter one. This is probably one of my, this is probably my longest point. Proverbs chapter one. So what are we talking about here? We're talking about people that God's given up on, you know, in the Bible and Roman, Romans chapter one is so clear. It's crystal clear, isn't it? You know, we should just believe what God says, you know, and these people that want to go back to the Greek and they want to go to first Corinthians six, verse nine. Look, that doesn't say homosexuals. It doesn't say, you know, it doesn't say sodomites. Don't you think that God, if God wanted to be clear, don't you think he'd say what that is? It just says abusers of themselves with mankind. But anyway, Proverbs chapter one, look at verse 20. It says wisdom cries without, she uttereth her voice in the street. She cries in the chief places of concourse. In the openings of the gates in the city, she uttereth her words saying, how long you simple ones will you love simplicity. And the scorners delight in their scornings and fools hate knowledge. Turn you at my reproof. Behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you. I will make known my words unto you because I have called and you refused. I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded, but you have set at not all my counsel and would none of my reproof. I will also laugh at your calamity. I will mock when your fear cometh. So people like to say, oh, God, he just loves everybody. Yeah, well, look at this. He says he's going to laugh at your calamity. I mean, that's the opposite of what people think about God, right? They don't know who God really is. That's the problem. And obviously, God loves people. God did love all people at one point, but there comes a point when he stops loving them. OK, so people have a real problem with this doctrine. But look, this says he's going to laugh at your calamity. If you don't if you don't get saved, if you don't get that wisdom that gets you saved, you're you're going to get laughed at. So I will mock when your fear cometh. You know, when someone scares you, right, like Remy likes to do to people, he likes to step. He like you just like you like crouch in corners and wait for someone to walk by and scare him. And like your first initial reaction, when someone jumps out and scares you, is to get mad, right? Don't you get mad? Like the older you get, you're like, oh, you know, you just want to hit them. But God's going to mock when your fear comes. So it's even worse, like when you're when you're mad and somebody scares you and then the person starts laughing and then you really want to get them. But see, that's what God's going to do when people get their fear comes. The fear of hell finally sets hold on them. And it's already too late for them. God's going to mock them. That's opposite to what you hear down at Shue Shiner Baptist Church, right? Down at Grace, Grace, Grace Baptist Church, right? I was looking on somebody's website. It was some Baptist Church. Oh, it's Sword of the Lord. I was looking at their website because I was ordering these hymnals. And they said, look at the, you know, the seven series of grace. You know, that was like their main topic on the front page of the newsletter, this messages of grace. That's all they preach anymore is grace. And look, there's nothing wrong with grace. I love grace. I'm glad I have it. Right. But that's not all there is. And they become a one trick pony of grace, grace, grace. Right. So anyway, verse 27, it says, when your fear cometh as desolation, your destruction cometh as a whirlwind, when the distress and anguish cometh upon you, they shall call upon me, but I will not answer. They shall seek me early, but they shall not find me. For they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord. They would none of my counsel. They despised all my reproof. Therefore, shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices for the turning away of the simple shall slay them in the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. But who so hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from fear of evil. So it's talking about two different kinds of people. The people that seek God early, the people that get saved, they're not, they're going to be fine. But it's these people that hate knowledge. They hate wisdom. They hate the reproof of God. People have come to their doors. How many times you go to someone's door and you know that was their last chance. Like you just know reprobation just happened right then because they rejected the word of God and no one's going to come back to their door again. They're like 60, 70 years old and they know no one, you know that no one else is coming to that back to that door. That's a good time to tell someone that they're going to hell because maybe you just might, instead of them becoming a complete reprobate after that, maybe they'll just get afraid and they will seek the counsel of God because you know, hell. So it says some say with fear, pulling them from the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Amen. So sometimes you've got to scare the hell out of people, right? Or put the scare of hell into people, right? So anyway, let me move on. Let's look at one more verse or two more verses on this. Psalm 11. We just sang this song, Psalm 11. This has become a really long point. So Psalm 11 verse five says, the Lord tried the righteous, but the wicked and him that loveth violence, his soul hated. See, God does hate people. He hates people that love violence. It's weird to love violence, isn't it? I talked about this a couple of weeks ago. My cat or, you know, not the cat server, but it was the animal sermon, right? Violence against animals is weird. It is. And violence against people is even weirder because people are way above animals, right? So someone that loves, just loves violence. That's why it's weird to be like a scary movie person. You know, they're like, just can't get enough of these scary, horrific movies. It's, it's kind of weird. It's morbid, right? So we shouldn't love violence. We shouldn't love to see people killed. I hate when people put up videos of like aborted babies and stuff like that on their Facebook page. It's like, I don't want to see that. I don't want to see the violence and people try to use that as a shock. Look, I already know how bad it is, but I don't want to see dead bodies. I don't want to see people getting executed and things like that. It's, you know, it's just not something I want to see. Verse number five says the Lord tried the righteous, but the wicked and him, the love of the violence, his soul hated upon the wicked. He shall rain snares, fire and brimstone and a horrible tempest. This shall be the portion of their cup. And I talked earlier about how God's going to pour out his wrath without a, without mixture, you know, the cup of his wrath upon this world. And that's what, that's what their end is, these reprobates. So, you know, God, what do we believe about reprobates? That God sometimes rejects people and we love people. We want to see them saved. We had 15 saved today out sowing the, does this church love people? Yes, they do. We love people. We don't want them to go to hell, but look, we also don't want weirdos in our church. And so we'll preach them right out the door. I want to preach these weirdos out the door. And I don't, I want less reprobates and more saved people. Amen. But these churches that don't believe this, they're letting the reprobates all come in. And that's why these churches keep getting destroyed over and over again. You know, that's why a church will be a one generation church. And then you watch the next person that takes over some wicked person take Jack Hiles, for instance, his wicked son-in-law took over and, you know, he totally almost ruined that whole church. And I don't, I don't know what the new pastor's like. I haven't heard any bad things about him, but Jack Scott was a devil and he was a pervert. So just know this at what, you know, when I'm done here, you guys better pick somebody better. You better pick somebody good. Pick somebody that believes the right things. No compromise. All right. So make sure you do the reprobate test on them or something. I don't know. We'll have to come up with one of those. Anyway, moving on. So what do we believe about divorce? Usually divorce isn't put into someone's, into someone's, you know, doctrinal statement online, but what do we believe about divorce? Turn to Matthew chapter 19. This is also an unpopular teaching. Right. Because people think that fornication is adultery. You know, people call, you know, people think that fornication means adultery in Matthew chapter 19. And that's not what it's saying, but I don't have time to go into a huge, long dissertation on that, but turn to Matthew 19, let the scriptures speak for themselves. Okay. So Matthew 19 three says the Pharisees also came to him, tempting him and saying unto him, is it lawful for a man to put his wife away for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, have you not read? Don't you read your Bible Pharisee? That he, which made them at the beginning, made them male and female and said, for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife. And they twain shall be one flesh. Doesn't it say twain? What is twain? Two, right? Not five. You and five other ladies will be one flesh. No, it's twain. It's two. Wherefore, there are no more twain, but one flesh, what therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. So what's the Bible teach that God wants people to get married. He brings them together. They're married. And he said, let not man put asunder. Okay. Verse seven. They say unto him, why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and put her away? And he saith unto them, Moses, because of the hardness of your heart, suffered you to put away your wives. But from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, comitteth adultery. And whoso marrieth her, which is put away, doth commit adultery. Is it any more clear than that? Whosoever putteth away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, commiteth adultery. So fornication is something committed before marriage. All right. So in the Old Testament, which I don't have time to go to this, but in the Old Testament, it talks about a person, if they're on their wedding night, they find out that the maid is not a virgin, then they can cancel the wedding at that point. So if you find out that the wife was a fornicator before or the husband, for that matter, you know, then that's the only way you can put away someone or have it annulled. Right. We have annulments nowadays, but people do that for any reason, like someone smashed cake on the wife's dress or something. They just get annulled over that. I saw that on like a Judge Judy a long time ago. This lady bought like a $10,000 dress and said, don't smash the cake in my face. You know, that's like a American hillbilly thing that people like to do. My wife didn't want me to smash. I don't. I didn't smash cake in your face. Did I? I just think that's kind of weird. But anyway, but this lady on Judge Judy, she divorced her husband because he did it anyway. He, like, smashed the cake and it got all over her dress. And so she not only divorced him, but then she sued him for the price of the wedding dress. So talk about being vain. Talk about being loving money. I mean, that's what the world's coming to. People get divorced over anything. But, you know, once you get look, and this is a good lesson for you kids. It's very important to choose the right spouse. Okay, don't ruin your life. And look, if you're divorced in here and remarried, I'm not attacking you tonight. But I do want to make sure that the kids in our church and the people in our church that haven't got married, that they know what the Bible actually says. Because the Bible is very clear about what it says. So make sure that you choose wisely. All right. And don't kids don't ruin your life of fornication. Fornication is going to get you disease. It's going to get you death, possibly. And it's going to get you baggage baggage that you're going to carry into your marriage that you get when you get married. But you don't want to carry baggage into your wedding day. You know, because you already got the mind games going and all that stuff. Look, you don't want to bring any garbage, be pure, be holy. Just like God says, be holy for I am holy. Look, God expects you to not be a fornicator. Okay, so that wasn't part of my sermon. I just want to throw that in for free. Anyway, so look, we're always going to believe this at this church. I'm never changing on this doctrine. This is what the Bible says. And if you have any questions about that, feel free. If you have any questions about anything I've taught, feel free to come up and talk to me after the service. I won't rip your head off, I promise. I won't throw it against the wall. Anyway, so what do we believe about schooling? So this is also something that's usually not in a doctrinal statement. So public school, private school, Christian school, or homeschooling. What do we think is the best thing? What do you think it is? Homeschooling, right? So Proverbs 22, verse 6. Go ahead and turn to Deuteronomy 6. I'm going to read for you Proverbs 22, 6, and try to speed up this sermon a little bit. It says, train up a child in the way he should go, and when he's old, he will not depart from it. You're in Deuteronomy chapter 6, look at verse 7. It says, and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, when thou risest up, and thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. Thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and on the gates. Look, sending your children to public school is like playing Russian roulette with them. Just put a gun, just go ahead and put a gun to their head and put one bullet in the chamber and keep clicking them. That's what it's like. Because look, these public schools aren't getting better, they're getting worse. When you got drag queens reading to children in the library, look, they didn't have that when I was a kid. They would have burnt them at the stake for that when I was a kid. So things have gotten progressively worse, not better. Look, if you're not homeschooling right now and you have your kids in public school, you need to take them out if you can. If you can, I know there's different situations. Look, I'm not trying to rail on anybody or anything like that, but if you can, get your kids out of public school. My kids were in public school for a long time. When we lived in Hermiston, we let them, we had them in a public school. We thought about homeschooling, we didn't do it. But in that public school, it was way different than the public schools here. I mean, it wasn't as bad. When we moved back here, we realized just how far down the pipe things have slid. It's bad. So look, if you want your kids to, look, they'll show everything. Look, kids got cell phones these days, smartphones with unlimited access. And these little corruptors are going to try to corrupt your children too. So what do we believe about homeschooling? We believe that you should be homeschooling. And you know, that's the best thing that you could do for your children. And if you're a kid, if you're a teen or whatever, and you're going to public school, allow your parents to take you out. You know, quit holding on to that worldly stuff that you want to hold onto because it's not going to do you any good. Going to the prom, my kids didn't go to the prom. You know why? Because it's wicked. Because what happens on prom night? Everybody knows what happens on prom night. A bunch of whoredoms, a bunch of wickedness, a bunch of worldly dancing and dancing and music and all kinds of garbage. And if you went to the prom, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to... Maybe your prom was like Cinderella's and, you know, the prince turned into a pumpkin at the end or whatever. I don't know. I got that mixed up, I think. You know, maybe the glass slipper fit on your foot. I don't know. But look, prom is wicked as hell. I wouldn't let my kids go. And they were, you know, like when we transitioned them out of public schools, look, I had gotten two alerts while I was at work. The school, my kids' school that they went to was on lockdown. You got people shooting people at schools, okay? Twice they were on lockdown. Like in a real short period of time, I was like, that's it, I'm done. Why should I go to work and sit there and wonder whether my kid's going to get shot at school? They have a school just right down the street from our house called Frontier. We call it Gun-Tear. Because a 10-year-old boy got caught with a duffel bag full of guns and he was going to kill everybody that he could that day. Okay, that's happening here. It's happening everywhere. So they didn't have school shooters when I was a kid. You know, we put our books down and said, let's go. You know, we fist fought. We didn't have, we didn't hit each, stab each other with weapons. I mean, pencils, maybe the girls would stab you with pencils, you know, sometimes, but you know, that was, they're wicked. But anyway, but things have changed. Things are getting worse. You want your kids to learn about communism and Marxism and how being a feminist is cool and being a queer is something that, you know, is your own choice. Don't let your parents tell you what to do. They're trying to usurp the parenthood away. When Hillary Clinton said it takes a village, she meant that she wants to make the government the village that raises your kids. All it's going to do is turn your kid into the village idiot. And probably unsaved. All right, now I made it through public school. Look, just because you made it through public school and you're still saved, doesn't mean somebody else is going to. One time, somebody in our family, I'm not going to mention who it was, but they were like, we got to leave our kids in to be the light in the public schools. Her son's a sodomite now. Okay. And that's, that's the thing. You leave your kid in the school, they have sodomite clubs there. They're going to try to corrupt your children. They're going to try to turn them into a queer. Look, and how do you become a queer? By being reprobate. And then all you have to do is just walk down that road a little ways. So then you can't come back. There is a way, there's a time when you can't come back and that's when reprobation happens. Okay. Anyway, moving on here, I'm going off too long on these things. All right. Local versus universal church, local versus universal church. Turn to Galatians chapter one, Galatians chapter one. What do we believe? Do we believe in a local church or do we believe in a universal church? Are you sure? No, we do. Galatians one, the apostle Paul right here, Galatians one says, Paul, an apostle, not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ and God, the father who raised him from the dead and all the brethren, which are with me unto the, what does it say? churches of Galatia. So is there just one church? According to this, it says there's churches, plural, right? So that means there's more than one church, right? It says grace be unto you and peace from God, the father and from our Lord Jesus Christ. So there's this teaching and it comes from Roman Catholicism that says, well, we're all just one church. I just heard a guy preaching in a Baptist church today that Christ is going to come back and get his church. Okay. Well, which church is it? Which one are you talking about? You know, because there's churches, there's more than one church. Now, when you're talking about individual churches, it is a church, right? This is Sure Foundation Baptist Church, not churches, because it's just one church, right? But there's several churches across the world. And so turn to, let's see, Revelation chapter one. Let me just prove this to you very quickly from the Bible. Revelation chapter one, verse number four. Says John to the seven churches which are in Asia, grace be unto you and peace from him, which is, which was, which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne. So John is writing to seven churches, right? Does that mean there's more than one? The power deduction is not too hard in this, is it? Okay, verse 11, saying I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, and what thou seest write in a book and send it onto the seven churches which are in Asia, onto Ephesus, and onto Smyrna, and Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. Seven different churches, right? Now turn over to chapter two, verse one. Chapter two, verse one. So I've already established there's more than one church, right, there's churches, right? So look at verse, chapter two, verse one, it says, unto the angel of the church of Ephesus, right, these things say if he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks. So what's my proof? Well, it says church, unto the angel of the church at Ephesus. So before he's talking about churches, then he's talking about a church. So there's no disputing the fact that God calls a single church a church and a multiple different churches, churches, right? I mean, it's pretty easy to understand, right? But see, a billion Catholics can't get that right because they're not saved. But people that are Protestants or whatever, some Baptists even believe this garbage and they preach it all the time from their pulpits. God's gonna come back and get his church. You know, that's not true. It's church, he's gonna come back and get his churches, all right? So turn to Hebrews chapter 12, Hebrews chapter 12. So Hebrews chapter 12 says, verse 22, But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly, and the church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect. So there is going to be a church in heaven, but that's in the future. It's gonna be called the general assembly. So I talked about this on Thursday night, how we're supposed to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is. And they were all assembled in one place in Acts chapter one, okay? So assembly means you're gathering together in a church, right? So this is the general assembly that says the church of the firstborn, when everybody's in heaven and all the things are done that are done, we're all gonna be in heaven together as one big church, one big assembly, one big congregation. But that day is not now. There's multiple churches. So we don't believe in a universal church. We believe in individual independent churches, all right? We don't have some pope that tells us what to do. This is an independent pastor-led church, all right? So Romans chapter 12, turn over there. What do we believe about worldliness? Worldliness is another thing that you're usually not gonna find in a doctoral statement. Romans chapter 12, look at verse one. It says, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service, and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. See, we're not supposed to be conformed to the world that we live in. That's why we don't bring a bunch of rock music into this church. That's why we don't believe, you know, we don't play, we're on the highway to heaven, to the ACDC tune, because we're not conforming to this world. We're conforming to what God wants us to do. It says, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable, perfect will of God. We're not supposed to pattern what we do in church after what the world does. That's worldliness. John, 1 John 2, 15. Turn over there really quickly. 1 John 2, 15. If I can get there. 1 John 2, 15 says, Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. So we're not supposed, the Bible is very clear, we're not supposed to love the world nor the things that are in the world. You know, obviously, we're gonna have great rewards in heaven, so why are you worried about what you're gonna have on this earth? God's gonna give you everything that you need. God's gonna supply your needs, and he's gonna take care of you. The Bible says if you have food and raiment, that you should be content there with, right? And obviously we have a lot more than that. God gives us an abundant, more things than we need, because he loves us, he takes care of us, and you know, we shouldn't worry about the things of this world. So turn to James 4, 4. James 4, 4. James 4, 4 says, Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever, therefore, is a friend of the world, is the enemy of God. So if you're a worldly Christian, is God your friend or is he your enemy? What do we believe in this church? That worldliness is wickedness. And that you shouldn't pattern yourself and your life after this world. That you should not be a friend of the world. So you're a worldly friend. Should you be hanging out with them? No. That's why God says you assemble here. This is where we assemble. These should be your friends. These should be your family. The people in this church. And obviously we do have family, and I'm not saying to totally desert them, but eventually they're gonna probably desert you. As long as you are in this cult. I'm just kidding. This cult so called. You know, God is very, is very strict. He said if you look back, if you have put your hand to the plow and you're looking back, you're not worthy of him. So are you worthy of him? Or are you looking back, trying to find your friends on Facebook from 15 years ago? Now some of you guys aren't even old enough to look back. 15 years. But sometimes I forget how old I am. But anyway, I'm just saying, you know, leave that stuff behind you and look forward to the things of God. And that's who you should be serving. That's your master. Now your master is Christ, and that's the one you should be serving. So what about alcohol and drugs? What do we believe on that subject? Do we have peyote parties here? No, we don't. The Bible says in 1 Peter 5 8, be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. Why does it say be sober? Well, because the devil can devour you if you're not. That's what I think. Why would it say be sober? Anybody got any other interpretations of that? Why is it that every drugged out freak that you see in downtown Portland is talking to themselves and they're dirty? And they're disgusting. And there's needle. They leave their needles all over the ground so people can step on them. They defecate and piss all over the sidewalk because the devil has devoured them. And that's because they're not sober. You know, so first it says be sober, be vigilant. How can you be vigilant and seeing what's coming down the pipe if you're stoned, if you're messed up, if you're drunk? You know, we don't believe in doing drugs or drinking or anything like that. Yeah, we're teetotalers. Yeah, we are. You better not be drinking any alcohol or you're not going to find out about it. Because the Bible says you're supposed to be cast out. Put that bottle away from you. You know, that's where people like to puke at the end of the night in the toilet. That's not very fun. This includes weed. Look, how many department complexes do you go to and weed perfiates throughout the whole thing? Like you feel like you're going to, you're going to fail a drug test when you go to work the next day half the time. Look, weed is for losers. Weed is for dope. Weed is, look, quit talking about your cataracts, right? Quit talking about your pain and all that stuff. Look, take some Advil. You don't need to smoke pot. You know, there's a reason why they call it dope. Ooh, look down at the streets. Look outside the door here. Look at these losers. What do you think happened to them? Look, weed is a gateway drug. It really is. Weed is a gateway drug to get you to do, to try other things. Well, weed feels pretty good. Well, I'm going to try heroin. You're an idiot. You're a moron. Stay away from drugs. Stay away from alcohol. Look, turn over to Proverbs chapter 23. Proverbs chapter 23. And people say, well, it's okay for Christians to drink alcohol. The Bible talks about Jesus made water into wine. You're a moron if you believe that, too. You're a moron. Proverbs 23 verse 31. I've got to turn the page here. Look not thou upon the wine when it's red, when it giveth its, his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last, it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. Who wants to be bit by a poisonous snake in here? Anybody? Have you ever seen those videos on YouTube where people like, let crazy animals bite them? Have you ever seen that before? What's that guy's name? What's his name, Josh? He's trying to pretend like he's not worldly. Anyway, I'm just kidding. But he like, will let like these centipedes like pinch him and stuff. And he'll like, and he'll fall on the ground and go, like every time it's the same freak out. But he's like, this is way worse than that whatever creature that bit me last time. It's like everyone has to be more dramatic than the other one. I don't remember what the guy's name is, but he's stupid. Sitting there, let things bite him and attack him. But that's how stupid you are if you drink alcohol. Because it says, at the last, it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder. And what's going to happen if you get bit by a poisonous snake? It's going to ruin your day. It's going to ruin maybe possibly your life. You can make decisions after you've drank an alcohol that will ruin your life. You can do things when you're on alcohol that will ruin your life. You can't go back from it. So why does God say to not even look at it? When you're in the store, turn your face away from it. I take that verse literally. If people go, oh, you're crazy. Yeah, well, if you've ever drank an alcohol before and you had a problem with it, it's not crazy to not look at it. It's smart. It says, thine eyes shall behold strange women and thine heart shall utter perverse things. You want to be a pervert? Go ahead and keep drinking alcohol. You want to behold strange women that are not your wife? Then go ahead and keep drinking alcohol. It says, Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea or as he that lieth upon the top of a mass. That's what those bums are like downtown. They have no clue what's going on. Someone could walk up and rob them and kill them and they wouldn't even know. That's why they have scabs all over their faces and all over their body. Probably because they get beat up every night and they don't even realize it. They beat themselves up by falling face first on the pavement. I've seen it happen. It says, They have stricken me, thou shalt say, and I was not sick. They have beaten me and I felt it not. When shall I awake? I will seek it yet again. Why would you keep going back to something because they're addicted to it? Don't touch alcohol, kids. It's poison. Don't touch weed. It's a gateway drug. Don't touch heroin for Pete's sake. Don't touch heroin. All those needle caps, that's heroin users because they can't quit. Smoking cigarettes is really bad too. Smoking cigarettes is hard to quit. They say it's just as hard to quit as heroin. I don't think it is. Most people that are heroin users use it till the day they die. And if someone finds them with a needle stuck in their arm, they're dead. Cigarettes don't kill you like that. They kill you slowly. They give you cancer. Meth is the same way. You know, look, we're supposed to be sober. Christians should not be doing meth. Okay? Christian meth, there's no such thing as, actually there is such thing as Christian meth. It's called coffee. Enjoy. All right? Christian crank. All right? That's all you should be high on. Okay? All right. Wakes you up a little bit. It's not going to make you draw pictures for 24 straight hours and talk to yourself and think things are coming after you that aren't really coming after you. Ephesians 5 18 says, Be not drunk with wine wearing his excess, but be filled with the Spirit. Okay? So if you're not filled with the Spirit, if you're drunk on something, then you're not filled with the Spirit. So it's the opposite. To be drunk with wine in excess is to not be filled with the Spirit. There are opposite spectrums here. Why do you think that they call alcohol spirits? Wines and spirits? Do you think that's an accident? No. Because it's a different kind of spirit that's going to turn you into a demon. Not a literal demon, but it's going to turn you and you're going to do things that a demon would do. Christians can fall to alcohol. All you have to do is have some moron teach that alcohol is okay and wine is the same thing. Wine and grape juice, there's nothing different between them. It's okay to have a glass of wine with your meal. That's where it starts. Don't listen to it. It's poison. Garbage preaching. So what about TV, movies and music? TV, movies and music. Well our stance here, Psalm 101 verse 2. Psalm 101 verse 2. TV and music, worldly music, is a sorcery. It really is. It sorcerizes people. Drugs and alcohol and television, that's all it takes to lead you down a road that you don't want. Look, why do people think, why do women think that the man that they marry is supposed to be like Prince Charming or whatever? Because that's what you're taught through movies and television, okay? You know, Prince Charming has hair on his back sometimes. You know what I mean? Prince Charming has hair growing out of his ears sometimes. It's not all white picket fences and stuff, but the television wants you to, they want you to believe that junk. That's why women are like, I want this guy. You know, because the television gives you an image that you want to believe. Television gives you a false image that's not true. People have problems. Everybody has problems. And that's why some people just don't want to settle until they find, or sometimes it's like, the movies will teach women that you got to fall for the tough guy, right? The guy, the biker or whatever, the one that's hard to tame, you know, like Fonzie or something. I'm going to tame that stallion. No, you're not. He's going to tame you. And he's going to influence you with his wickedness. You know, ladies like the bad guy or whatever. That's because Hollywood's been telling you that for years and years and years, and you just believe it. It's stupid. Psalm 101 verse 2 says, I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. I hate the work of them that turn aside. It shall not cleave to me. So what is the work of them that turn aside? It's the people that set wicked things before your eyes. You're not supposed to, you can get these wicked things away from you for the most part, but really in this world, it's hard to avoid it. You're bombarded with it at Walmart. I mean, even Walmart, you know, you're going to hear Joe's favorite song, which is Listen to Your Heart. You know that song? Look, you're bombarded with things 24-7 whether you realize it or not. You know, we go into restaurants and they're playing some worldly jam songs the whole time. And I'm like, I'll wake up in the morning. I'll, I'll like start thinking of some song that I don't remember listening to. But that's how sorcery gets into your mind, is that you're just listening to it and you don't even realize it. I was driving around in a work truck the other day and I was bombarded with classical music by the person I was with. Now, people don't think classical music is wrong, but I'll tell you what, I started getting pissed off when I was listening to that music. I was like, I was trying to concentrate on what I was doing and like I have, I hear this, you know, this like queer sounding music, whatever. It's probably written by a queer. Who knows? But look, classical music can be just as worldly as any music. So it can change your mood just like anything else can, like rock music can. Why was I getting aggro? I don't know. It's probably because some angry sounding song but it's still classical. Oh, it's classical. It's just fine. No, it's not. It's not necessarily the case. So anyway, 2 Corinthians 6 14. But you know, well, just turn there and I'm going to finish up this point. So look, Hollywood is out to get you. They want your family and look, it's all a big interwoven system. The music, the television, the movies, it's all geared to brain defile you into believing things that are not true. Why do you think so many people repeat the same things that they hear on the History Channel? You know, they just repeat junk. Well, Bible was written by man. Thomas Paine said that and it just gets passed on over and over and over again. Look, people are just believing this. How many people say different things at the doors really? It's usually the same stuff because they're all brain defiled by the same stuff. So there is no such thing as Christian rap. You don't bring Christian rap in your house. That's called crap. You don't believe, you don't bring Christian rock into your home. That's called croc. And crocs are gay. No, I'm just. I just said gay. That's a bad word. All right. Anyway, crocs on kids are fine, but dude, come on, man. Guys with crocs and sandals, that's just too much, man. I'm sorry if I'm offending anybody here. It looks dumb though, just so you know. Anyway, so what do we believe about ecumenicalism or separation? You know, we believe in separation. Ecumenicalism is everybody joined into one religion, right? We don't believe in that. You know, we're Baptist. We separate over anything. We should. You know, when we had some clown get up here and teach the whole congregation that, you know, it's okay to just, you know, not separate from people if they preach about alcohol or if they believe in modalism or whatever. Well, I don't believe that. And I had to stand up and say that second Corinthians chapter six, verse 14. You're there. It says, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness of what communion hath white with darkness? What concord hath Christ with Belial? What part hath he that believeth with an infidel? What agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For you're the temple of the living God as God has said, I will dwell on them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people. So why would I yoke up with a Catholic that I know is not saved? What, what do I have in common with him? Nothing. And so over the years, I've seen people that want to, you know, even Baptists in small towns will be like, oh, we went to the prayer meeting with all the other churches. Why? That's wicked. You shouldn't be yoking yourself together with unbelievers, the people that don't believe. It's like going out and hanging out with people that are going straight to hell and they know they are, right? Verse 17 says, Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing. I don't want to have nothing to do with Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't want to have anything to do with Mormons. I don't want to have anything to do with Seventh-day Adventists. I don't want to have anything to do with Catholics. I don't want to have anything to do with the Moonies or the Quakers or the Anabaptists that you see today or the Mennonites or the Amish. They don't believe the right doctrine. They don't believe the right salvation and we shouldn't be hanging out with them. So it says, And I will be a father unto you and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord. He says, Touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. So what's going to happen if you're touching the unclean thing? He's not going to receive you. I'm not saying you're losing your salvation. Don't get me wrong here. I'm just saying God's not going to be happy about it. So He doesn't want us yoking up together with unbelievers. And that can apply to many different things in your life. I'm going to read for you. Turn over to Matthew 21. I'm going to read a verse to finish off this point. Amos 3, 3. It says, Can two walk together except they be agreed? And that's what I would have to say about many of the independent fundamental Baptists in this area. Can two walk together except they be agreed? The answer is no. They can't. You shouldn't do business with people that are unbelievers. Don't ever go into a business with someone that's not a believer. They're going to rip you off. Something's going to happen to where you get hosed. My dad did a business with a guy that wasn't a believer. My dad's not saved, but I'm just saying that, you know, Christians should not yoke up together with someone that's an unbeliever. To start a business, I don't care how successful they are. They're not going to be a good thing for you. Because it says, can two walk together except they be agreed? No. If you don't agree with your doctrine, you shouldn't be doing business with them. You shouldn't have a startup business with somebody like that. We need to separate from the world. We need to separate from unbelievers when it comes to especially religious things Are we going to bring the Church of Christ in here to hang out with us? No. Not ever going to happen. All right. So moving on. Just a quick thing about Zionism. Matthew chapter 21 verse 42. So this is definitely, this might be on a doctoral statement, but it'll be the exact opposite of what we believe. Okay. Zionism. Matthew chapter 21 verse 42 says, Jesus saith unto them, did you never read in the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected? The same has become the head of the corner. This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Therefore say I unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. To me, this is the most crystal clear verse to show that God took the kingdom of heaven away from the physical nation of Israel and gave it to a spiritual nation, which is people that are saved. I mean, if you want a foundational doctrinal verse for Zionism, anti-Zionism, that's right there because God took it away and gave it to somebody else. So it wasn't apparently an eternal gift for them because he took it away from them, right? Because look, the physical nation of Israel was not, it was partially spiritual. It was supposed to be spiritual, but like the nation as a whole mostly rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and they crucified him. The Bible says they crucified him. The Jews crucified him, right? And all of our sins put him on the cross. I understand that, but you know, we're anti-Zionism at this church. We're not praying for the peace of Jerusalem in its state that it's in right now. I'm praying for a peace of Jerusalem in the future when the Lord Jesus Christ reigns from there in the millennial reign of Christ when we are going to be his ambassador. You know, we're going to rule and reign with him. Amen. So Galatians 3 28. Here's another crystal clear one. There is neither Jew nor Greek. There's neither bond nor free. There's neither male nor female for you're all one in Christ Jesus. And if you be Christ, then you're Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. So there's no Jew nor Greek anymore. There's no more nation of Israel is the special chosen people. There's neither male nor female. We're all one in Christ Jesus. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, then you are Christ. And Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise. See, the seed is Christ. He's the one that gives us life. He's the one that the fruit comes from. Right. Jeremiah 1 four. Actually, okay, moving on birth control. What do we believe about birth control? Well, first of all, we're against abortion. All right, we're against. And let's just call it what it really is child murder. I'm not down with child killers. People that want to destroy innocent children in the womb and want to destroy kids, little kids. I mean, there's people that take advantage of children too. They're wicked as hell. Who would hurt a child? But somebody that's super twisted and wicked. Not allowed at this church. I can tell you that. But Genesis 1 28. Turn over there with me real quick. I know I'm going long here. I'm sorry. Genesis 1 28. Bible says, God bless them. And God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the scene, over the foul of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. God blessed Adam and even said, be fruitful and multiply. That means what? Have lots of children. Okay. We believe at this church, you should have lots of children. And if you're taking birth control, you're killing your own children. Do some research on it. I don't have time to go into it right now. Just do some research on what it does. It's not good. It's killing your babies and it's probably permanently damaging your body. It's wicked. So we don't believe in that. Jeremiah 1 4 says, Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly, and I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. So what happened if Jeremiah was aborted? As a baby, how many people do you think that we're supposed to be godly preachers and men of God have been killed in the womb by these feminazis, these wicked whore mongers and whores that are going around murdering their children because they're too lazy to use some kind of protection. Now, obviously, we don't believe in protection, but look, they're using it as a condom. Basically, that's the way that they do it. They just want to kill their own children. It's wicked. We don't believe in that here. And Rekman was a moron to believe that it wasn't wrong to kill children. Look, if you're a Rekmanite and you believe that, you're a moron. Don't come to me with that garbage. Last, lastly here, we'll stay with the homos real quick and then we'll get out of here. Leviticus chapter 18. Leviticus chapter 18. People, you know, want to say, well, the homos, you know, God loves them in the New Testament. Well, do you have a chapter and verse on that? Show me that chapter and verse. Oh, well, 1 Corinthians 6, 9. It says effeminate or abuses themselves of mankind. It doesn't say homosexuals. It doesn't say sodomites. Leviticus 18, 22. Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is abomination. And look, I don't have time to go into a dissertation about, you know, the differences between the law in the Old Testament, the law in the New Testament. But look, if they weren't abolished, just really simply, if Christ didn't change them in the New Testament, there's still an application today. If you're dressing like a whore back then, and God calls you a whore, then you're dressing like a whore in the New Testament too. Does he need to mention that? No, he doesn't need to mention that in the New Testament. A whore is a whore. There's no reason to have to re-say that in the New Testament. The New Testament is shorter than the Old Testament. You ever notice that? It's because God said most of the stuff he wanted to say then, but give us the stuff that we need to know now. Okay. And obviously the New Testament is revealing to us the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior. But turn to Leviticus 20, verse 13. So what do we believe about the sodomites? Well, that they deserve the death penalty just like a serial killer would. So in most of the serial killers are sodomites. You ever notice that? Leviticus 20, 13 says, if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. And how were they supposed to be put to death? Stone with stones. Right? Anybody see the Pastor Romero sermon for the Red Hot Preaching Conference? He had this big giant rock that he had and then he had this small one. So, you know, how do you want to put them to death? By stones. Right? You know, their blood shall be upon them. Look, brainwashing, mind defilement has happened with that too. Every single stinking show on television, I guarantee you, now has a sodomite. And then they'll sneak in some kiss or two fags kiss each other and defile. Look, you want to get your mind defiled? Just go ahead and watch TV. Let your kids watch television unfettered. Because they'll be defiled. And, you know, we don't want that. And so turn to Deuteronomy chapter 23. Deuteronomy chapter 23. So what do we believe? The sodomites aren't allowed in here. That's what we believe. They're not allowed to come to this church. And pedophiles are not allowed to come to this church. I preach sermons, whole sermons about this. They're not allowed here. If I even think that they're a fag, they're out the door. If I even think for a second, like if they're wearing a polka dotted shirt and skinny jeans, I'm going to be suspect of them immediately. Okay? Deuteronomy 23, verse number 17 says, there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thou should not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow, for even both of these are an abomination unto the Lord thy God. So what's it used in interchangeably here? Whore, the price of a whore and a whore and a sodomite and a dog. They're compared with each other. Okay. It's used interchangeably. God calls them dogs, you know? And, you know, look, dogs will do anything, right? Dogs will eat crayons. That's weird. I mean, it's weird when people eat glue too, but dogs will also eat dung. Dogs will puke and eat what they puked up, right? The dog returns to his vomit and they'll do their business on people's legs. You know, it's pretty weird, but dogs are pretty gross animals. What we have them for pets, but that's the only kind of dog that's coming into my house. All right. It's not going to be a sodomite though. Amen. All right. And sodomites are not allowed in this church. That's our policy. No pedophiles, no sodomites are allowed, you know? And if God had his perfect will right now, if we were under the Levitical laws, if we were under God's law, they'd all be put to death. And we wouldn't have to suffer to look at these fruits and fairies every single stinking day of our lives. When we're driving around town, you know, you think it's a chick, but it's some six foot eight dude with a dress on. I mean, come on. I don't want to look at that garbage. I can't wait till the millennium. It'll be raining men. Off the tops of buildings. If there's any faggots in the millennium, that's what's going to happen. They're going to be destroyed. All right. All right. So I've finished the series, part three. All right. So this is, I mean, obviously this isn't everything we believe, but it's all right here in the King James Bible. If you want to know what we believe, it's right here. Okay. So this is our guideline. So anything that I said tonight, if I didn't prove it from the Bible, then it wasn't true, right? I'm not just making stuff up like children nurseries. Where's that in the Bible? Not there. That's why we don't have nurseries here. Okay. All right. Anyways, I've gone too long. So let's pray. Heavenly father, we thank you Lord for this wonderful day and all the people that were saved. Lord, pray that you'd be with them. Lord, help us to reach out and get them in church and get them, Lord, get them baptized, get them in the Bible, teach them the Bible. Lord, pray Lord that you would just take care of everyone as they travel home. Lord, there's lots of people that travel from out of town. Pray that you bless them for their effort and Lord for all people that live locally, that are faithful. Thank you for them, Lord. And we just pray that you bless our fellowship tonight in Jesus' name. Amen.