(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen or at the title of sermon tonight is rise Peter kill and eat rise Peter kill and eat let's pray Lord we thank you so much for the scriptures tonight and for all these folks that would come out on a Thursday night Lord Lord many people are tired from working through the week Lord I pray that you'd lift us up tonight and Lord I pray you fill me with the Holy Ghost the boldness as I preach your word tonight in Jesus name amen all right so last week we saw Peter go he went and then healed people and let's see it was Tabitha who we interpreted as Dorcas and then Aeneas he healed him and we know that that was all for the power of the gospel so the gospel go out quickly and at the end of chapter 9 it says that he went to lodge with a man named Simon yeah Simon a tanner so that's where we're picking up here in Acts chapter number 10 and verse number 1 says there was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius a centurion of the band called the Italian band so just a couple things you know first off Cornelius is probably not my top ten names to name a son but I mean it's a good I mean you know whatever and he was a centurion in a band called the Italian band now this wasn't like a rock band or a music band or something like that so this is a band this is like a band of soldiers so they were called the Italian band and a centurion so it's Cornelius was a centurion of this band and he was so he was the leader of this group of men and it says as I just looked it up in the dictionary centurion was an officer of the army of ancient Rome centurions got their name because they commanded a hundred men when the army and camp centurion supervised the building of fortifications a crucial duty in enemy territory so this Cornelius was a leader of the army of Rome so he's not just some regular dude he's like a military man in a charge of a hundred people which is a great responsibility so this man verse 2 says a devout man and one that feared God with all his house which gave much alms to the people and prayed to God always he saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming into him and saying unto him Cornelius and when he looked on him he was afraid and said what is it Lord and he said unto him thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God so you know that's a great testimony to have the God you know his the prayers of this man have come up for a memorial to God and the alms that he did so I think last week I taught about that alms are giving to the poor things that you would do to help the poor even even brothers and sisters in Christ and so that's a great a great thing but and it's a great testimony that his prayers were went to him as a memorial to God and a memorial something to be remembered like you know you think of you know a memorial nowadays they usually make some statue or you know some plaque that like this is where such and such happened or whatever and you see that term memorial in the Bible a lot I think when Joshua crossed the Promised Land he put the two you know he put the pillars of rocks up as a memorial and you just think about things like that in the Bible but God remembers people that prayed to him and I know I talked about that my sermon last week and this actually wasn't intentional but I'm gonna go let's go to Malachi chapter 3 and we'll look at what God thinks about people that think about his name and that that fear him and when you fear God that means that you you know you're someone that believes in God so Cordelia's believed in God right I mean it says he feared him and that he prayed to him and all of his house also so this guy it's kind of weird that a Roman would be a person that believes in God so I think that he probably had some kind of some Jewish friends or something that probably you know like taught him about God but doesn't sound I don't I honestly I do not believe that he saved and I think most people would agree with me about that he would be someone that's religious but lost there's people that are earnestly religious like Paul he was earnestly religious but he was lost he was not saved but God saved him anyway and this is this is a situation we're gonna learn about tonight but Malachi chapter 3 verse 16 says and they that feared the Lord spake off and one to another and the Lord harken and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before him or before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon his name so so that God has this book of remembrance I talked about last week in my sermon on Sunday morning but it sounds like this book of memorial came up to God for the prayers that and the alms that he gave and the prayers that he did so this guy's he's doing good works he's giving to the poor and you know you can be lost and still do good things for people you can be lost and you know you can be sincerely you sincerely you know religious but lost you know and there there's a difference between someone that's like a reprobate like you know like a Mormon there and and I and I think there probably could be Mormons that are sincere just lost there could be Jehovah's Witnesses that are sincere but lost I've had Jehovah's Witnesses get saved before a lot more no not Mormons that I know I mean I just had it saw Dylan get a Mormon save and that was that's about all I've seen pretty much I mean they're really hard to get saved but anyway it says in verse 17 and they shall be mine sayeth the Lord of hosts and that day when I make up my jewels and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him then shall you return and discern between the righteous and the wicked between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not so you know our prayers are a big deal to God and the prayers of lost people as it would seem to me are a big deal to God too and I know that there's a teaching out there that says that God can't hear the prayers of the unsaved and I'm gonna get into that more in a little bit but yeah I'm gonna get into that in a little I don't get too far ahead of myself but you know God's our prayers to God are a big deal to him turn over to Revelation chapter 5 Revelation chapter number 5 and look at verse number 8 Revelation chapter 5 verse number 8 so it says in verse number 8 and when he had taken the book the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of the Saints so you know when we when the priests were supposed to give a burnt incense to God it was to a sweet savor to the Lord so it's something that he smelled so in verse number 8 in Revelation chapter 5 it says that they not only offered incense but the golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of the Saints so the prayers of the Saints smell good to God also there it's a sweet savor unto him and he remembers those and has them in a vial you know he has those things stored up so that he can remember the prayers that we prayed to him and those things are precious to him you know and you think about what's going on in the book of Revelation well people are getting killed for their faith people are getting beheaded for their faith and all those prayers are going to God and those prayers are put on us as a sacrifice you know as something that God can smell and you know it's something that he takes very seriously it's something that he really seems to enjoy is that the fact that we prayed to him so and I know I've been harping a lot about not praying and things like that but it just seems to keep coming up over and over again it's not like I'm just you know picking it up you know it's coming to me in the Bible so it's something that I think God wants to impress upon our church right now you know we need to make sure that we're praying every day Daniel prayed how many times a day three times a day now I'm not saying if you don't pray three times a day you're not right with God but you know Daniel prayed three times a day so that's a goal to achieve that's a hard you know we don't have to get our little prayer rugs out and do it in front of everybody obviously you know roll them out and then you know whatever but I mean you know we you know you can pray to God you know just sitting there people don't even have to know that you're praying you know you can pray with your eyes open so you can pray under on your way to work in your car you know quit listening that country music and like turn that off you know turn off the whatever else you're listening to the California love rap music and all that stuff but you know turn off the radio for a little while just get quiet with God you know you can do that turn over to Revelation chapter 8 verse number 3 revelation 8 verse number 3 I'll show you another couple verses about this revelation 8 chapter 3 says and another angel came and stood at the altar having a golden censer and there was given unto him much incense that he should offer it now what's he gonna offer with the with the prayers of all Saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne so how many Saints all Saints are you guys Saints in here are you saved have you called upon the Lord Jesus Christ well you know these prayers the prayers that you've prayed are part of this all Saints right so I mean just think about that that's pretty cool that our prayers are that's that's scripture you know that's your prayer your prayers in scripture right there it's pretty cool I think anyway it says the prayers of all Saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne and the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the Saints has sent it up before God out of the angels hands so God finds our prayers important we might think well you know our prayer you know I'm not I'm no Daniel I'm no Jeremiah you know but God God thinks that your prayers are important because they're so important that they're included with all the prayers of all the Saints so I mean just think about the next time that you're praying to God that you know and what you're praying for what are we praying for we're praying for ourselves you know so that we should pray for ourselves you know that we don't fall into temptation that we don't fall into sin that we're still right with God every day but also praying for people in our church that are going through a hard time we have a situation tonight it's a big deal you know people's lives are in the balance here and you know we God hears the fervent the Bible says the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much okay so the our prayers move God into action he's like I hear your prayers I'm gonna answer your prayers it's a big deal and God hears the prayers of all his Saints now there's times where God won't regard your prayers if you regard iniquity in your heart he says he's not gonna hear your prayers you know oh please God give me that Portia your covetous what are you thinking about you know you think he's gonna answer that stupid prayer no he's not gonna answer that stupid praise I'm gonna hear you you know it's like your dad just saying okay I've heard enough close the door you know please dad please give me that no you know I mean if you if you look at it in those and that in that light like us as fathers you know we have we our kids we deal with them in certain terms so when they ask us for things not out of a right heart what do we say you should say no so no you little brat better do what I said first go clean your room yeah I can't believe you're asking me for more cookies get in there and clean your room did you did you clean underneath the bed did you clean any you know it's like God's there's certain situations where God's not gonna answer your prayers it doesn't mean he can't hear you he's the God of the universe he's the God of heaven and earth he created everything he he can hear all prayers at the same time you know can God hear all pray it's not like he has to go hold on a second I'm listening to Johnny's prayer no he's the Almighty he hears all of our prayers at the same time he can filter it all through and answer them all simultaneously because he's the God of heaven and earth and he's greater than any of these lower G gods these demons that they're not even gods at all there's only one God and he's our God a man so turn back to Acts chapter number 10 verse number 5 Acts chapter number 10 verse 5 Acts chapter 10 verse 5 says now send men to Joppa and call for one Simon whose surname is Peter he lodgeth with one Simon a tanner whose house is by the seaside he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do so remember Cornelius has a vision and the angel tells him to see right now he's saying seek out Simon or he's saying seek out Peter they're both named Simon ok so it's messing me up Simon whose surname is Peter who lodgeth with Simon a tanner whose house is by the seaside he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do you know and we talked about this a couple weeks ago that God doesn't just appear to people and save them okay God doesn't do that there is a part that we have to play in someone's salvation because if we don't go tell people they're not going to get saved and that's why this angels saying hey go find Peter he's gonna tell you what you ought us to do and you know so I kind of already said that I don't believe he's saved and and we'll see why because you know this guy's religious he's doing things that God is pleased with but God but he's not saved because he's lacking something in his life and it's that he hasn't believed on Christ yet so and then verse 7 says that when the angel which spake unto Cornelius was departed he called two of his household servants and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually and when he had declared all these things unto them he sent them to Joppa now we're gonna look at verse 9 and this is I'm gonna kind of time out and show you a secondary interpretation of this next passage right here and then I'm gonna show you the the main interpretation okay so because I think there's a couple different interpretations for this there's a primary and a secondary okay so here's the secondary interpretation okay first number nine on the morrow as they went on their journey and drew nigh under the under the city Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour and he became very hungry and would have eaten but while they made ready he fell into a trance and saw heaven opened and a certain vessel descending unto him as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners and let down to the earth wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth and wild beasts and creeping things and fowls of the air and there came a voice to him rise Peter kill and eat and Peter was hungry right look at verse 14 but Peter said not so Lord for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean so we know from a Leviticus chapter 11 that there's dietary laws that the Jews had to follow that people in this in this in the old covenant had to follow they weren't allowed to eat certain birds they weren't allowed to eat certain animals they weren't allowed to eat like creeping things bugs and lizards and crawfish and you know shrimp and you know you guys are getting hungry now shrimp and lobster they couldn't eat those things because they were separated they were supposed to be separate and it was a picture of being unclean and clean okay verse 15 says in the voice speaking him again the second time what God hath cleansed that call not thou common so what's he referring to he's using these dietary laws that Peter's been keeping for his whole life and he's showing he's gonna show him something but I'm not gonna show you that interpretation first I'm gonna show you the secondary interpretation because this is a spiritual interpretation Leviticus chapter 11 is something that that was a carnal thing but it was also teaching a spiritual truth you know so that we're supposed to separate from the unclean and only eat the clean or spiritually we were clean and we separate from the unclean the wicked works of this world and the things of the devil okay turn to Leviticus chapter 11 Leviticus chapter 11 I'm not gonna read the whole chapter because it's kind of long it just it names all the animals that you couldn't eat and names all the animals that you could eat back then so I'm just gonna read you a few things who's read of Leviticus 11 before okay lots of people okay verse number one says and the Lord spake unto Moses and to Aaron saying unto them speak unto the children of Israel saying these are the beasts which ye shall eat among the beasts that are on the earth whatsoever part of the hoof and his cloven footed and chew at the cud among the beasts that shall ye eat so it had to part the hoof and it had to be cloven footed and chew at the cud what it means by chew at the cut it means it eats vegetables okay now pigs eats vegetables right but they also eat anything else that they can get a hold of that's why they're called pigs right they're just pigs they'll eat anything and everything and I'll roll around on their own you know urine and feces and all that kind of stuff they're pretty gross animals but they're sure are good when you cook them up for breakfast amen I saw this meme on Facebook and it said you know it had this like stack of bacon it says as far as I know there's been no bacon recalls but all the all the vegetables are being recalled at this so yeah it's a good point so anyway so skip down to verse 44 it says for I am the Lord your God you shall therefore sanctify yourselves why did he make these dietary laws so that you would sanctify would sanctify themselves and sanctify means to be set apart it means that I'm gonna set my part set apart my life when it concerns what I'm eating okay it says for you shall be holy for I am holy neither shall you defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so that was it would defile them those animals would defile them and like Daniel he refused to eat the king's meat and drink the king's wine because those things would defile him it really speaks about the alcohol thing because you know that what was what was weird about the wine that he drank it was alcoholic okay and people like to say oh yeah it's fine to have beer whatever you're wrong okay Daniel refused the king's wine for a reason it wasn't because it had pig feet in it or something it's because it was alcoholic anyway I don't want to go off on a big rant about that where am I at verse 45 for I'm the Lord that bringeth you up of the land of Egypt to be your God you shall therefore be holy for I am holy why do you have to be holy because God is our God and he wants us to be holy he wants us to live a separated life he wants us to be sanctified he wants us back then his sanctification was saying hey you can't eat the pork but you know things have changed things have changed but you know the purpose of that you know the reason why I'm showing you the secondary application of this because Peter sees this vision of all these different unclean beasts and things that he's not supposed to eat according to him he's not supposed to eat him but look at look at let's just keep going to Leviticus 11 oh I'm skipping ahead of myself here again look at verse 46 it says this is the law of the beasts and the fowl and of every living creature that moveth in the waters and every creature that creepeth upon the earth to make a difference between the unclean and the clean why did he do it to make a difference because we're supposed to be separated we're supposed to you know the light is divided from the darkness for a reason God is a God of division and he's like you know if you're gonna be in the light you gotta be all the way in the light leave that darkness leave that wickedness leave that uncleanness away from you but that was the picture but we're talking about really they couldn't eat those foods they couldn't eat shrimp how I mean I don't understand how they could live like that eating shrimp that's why us Gentiles are you know wicked or whatever but we couldn't we couldn't stand to not have the shrimp but anyway the New Testament changes because Christ died on the cross for us and and some of the laws changed because of what Christ that he fulfilled the law and so because he fulfilled the law some of these cardinal ordinances were changed so I'm gonna have you turn to some of the Bible verses that shows things that were changed because you know if you just type in did God change the dietary laws you're gonna come up with Seventh-day Adventist trash you're gonna come up with Hebrew Israelite garbage you're gonna come up with all these Judaizers that want to try to keep you in bondage and keep you under the bondage of the law but you know what we are free in Christ and he has changed the dietary laws if they would just open up a New Testament and open their eyeballs maybe they first of all they need to get saved because they're not saved but the new tech turn to Colossians chapter 2 verse 13 we'll show you I'm just gonna show you a few real quickly Colossians chapter 2 verse 13 you know the what are the laws that are changed the God changed the law against sodomy where do you see in the New Testament God said now the sodomites could be saved and now you're not supposed to put them to death it doesn't ever say that not one time you don't ever seen and as a matter of fact Paul backs up the Old Testament in Romans chapter number one it says they're wicked reprobates and they reprobate means rejected okay so you know you can say well it doesn't really mean that you know it means you you know we're all reprobates no we're not all reprobates God didn't cast us away like a piece of trash okay we're not trash the people that are reprobates are trash okay so I had to turn to Colossians 2 verse 13 says and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses blotting out the handwriting of the ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross now what are the handwriting of ordinances that he took away well look at verse 15 it says and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of unholy day or of a new moon or of the Sabbath days so the dietary laws gone out the window it's changed okay what's Peter being shown in this vision that that he can eat the unclean animals he can eat any beast that he wants now he said because God said he cleaned it right and when we pray to God you know if we receive our food and Thanksgiving the Bible says that God sanctifies our food okay so you know and I obviously McDonald's is probably you know God please take the devil out of the McDonald's yeah yeah I get that okay he's not gonna take all the calories out of the pizza that you're about to receive okay so but so look at verse 15 it says okay no I was 16 so in verse 16 says in meat or drink or respect of unholy day which is a holiday right or of the new moon or of the Sabbath days so do we have to keep the Sabbath anymore no because he nailed it to the cross he fulfilled it our rest is in Christ that was the picture when he's when we're not supposed to work for the three days that he was in the earth and three days that he was in hell we're not supposed to work that's a picture of the Sabbath of rest that we're supposed to you know we rest while Christ does the works for us and that's the picture so why would we have to keep showing a picture of something that God's already fulfilled that Jesus Christ already fulfilled okay Hebrews chapter 7 Hebrews chapter 7 Hebrews chapter 7 verse number 11 it says if Hebrews 7 11 if therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood for under it that people receive the law what further need was there that another priest should rise after the old order of Melchizedek and not called after the order of Aaron so just that first verse though that first part of the verses if therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood but nobody's ever been saved by the little Levitical priesthood it was a picture another picture of Christ Hebrews 7 12 says for the priesthood being what changed the priesthood was changed who's our high priest now the Lord Jesus Christ he ever liveth to intercede for us while prayers go to God the Father through the Son Jesus Christ who is who is there interceding for us the law of the priesthood was changed it says there is a is made a necessary necessity a change also of the law so God changed the law it's shown right here in the New Testament and so anybody that thinks that we have to you know sacrifice animals or have some kind of priesthood or build another temple look God got rid of that priesthood he changed the law it says it right there look at verse 13 says for he of whom these things are spoken of pertaineth to another tribe of which no man gave attendance at the altar talking about the tribe of Judah for is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah in which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood so the Lord Jesus Christ changed the priesthood chain turn over to Hebrews 9 Hebrews 9 so here's another spot so it's just I don't have just one verse I have a few verses you know of showing where the things in the Old Testament were changed by what hat what Jesus fulfilling the law okay Hebrews 9 10 says which stood only in meats and drinks and diverse washings and cardinal ordinances imposed on them until the time of the Reformation now we're not talking about the Reformation of Martin Luther okay we're talking about the reformation of the Lord Jesus Christ so that's the real Reformation all right those guys were still Catholic priests when they died anyway so turn back to he acts chapter 10 verse number 16 acts 10 verse number 16 so the big blanket that had all the food you know it had all the stuffy with the the pigs that he was like man I've been wanting bacon for my whole life those unclean to me all those delicate shrimp you know I don't necessarily want to eat an eagle but you know whatever so he was just saying all these things are clean to you now right look at verse 16 says this was done thrice and the vessel received up again into heaven so one thing about God is sometimes he says things to us a few times so that we'll get it right and I did I didn't you know I didn't put all the verses in here because we'd be here all night but there's a lot of times in Bible when you know he says things to us three times but it says this was done thrice so this vessel came down was received up again into heaven so the picture you know obviously the secondary interpretation was that you know Peter could eat whatever food he wants now and we know because of the New Testament that that is a secondary interpretation of those scriptures but the main interpretation of it we're gonna see in here in just a few minutes but but just a few things about God saying things thrice or showing things thrice doing things thrice it's saying it's important you know what what's he telling Peter it's this is important you need to see this a few times okay and you know when he's what are the beasts say when when they're in front of the throne what do they say holy holy holy three times right proving that there's a Trinity by the way anyway another another Trinity verse you know what how many Peter was asked three times do you love me do you love me do you love me feed my sheep feed my lambs he wanted to make sure you know he was showing Peter that you know I know you deny me three times I'm gonna ask you three times you know and that was an important thing and Peter was ashamed obviously he did a bad thing there but God was still able to use Peter regardless of what he did in that situation so first John 5 7 it says that there's three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one there's three witnesses the Father's Son and the Holy Ghost so you know when there's a lot of you know I'm not going into numerology so don't you know I'm not trying to get all weird here and like do the Texas sharpshooter thing or whatever but you know I just weird that there's a lot of things that the Bible talks about three and you know I don't I don't know why you know it's but it does seem that like it's important so you know it's just like what we say it's something three times to our kids right you better go in there and clean your room you better go in there and clean your room I'm not telling you again get in there and clean your room you know we say things like I'll explain things to my kids like if I say this is what I want you to do okay and they get really annoyed with me I could tell that my the looks on their faces but like I don't care when you get back lock the doors in my car hang up the keys where they go you know it's just simple things like that and I'll say it to him like more than once like yeah dad you already told me but you know why I'm saying it three times or you know why I'm saying it twice because they failed me before when I only said it once okay so just the same way God tries to tell us things more than one times because he finds it important to tell you things three times just like I say it's important to lock the doors of my car so that people don't steal stuff well you people won't break the windows at our house you know out of the cars they won't break the windows but if we leave the doors unlocked every time someone goes through our stuff and steals pastor Anderson CDs and stuff like that it's like who's pastor Anderson hopefully they get saved but anyway so but you know it's important you know I just I just found it interesting that it says that you know it showed him three times now look at verse 17 it says now while Peter doubted in himself with this vision he had seen should mean behold the men which were sent from Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon's house and stood before the gate and called and asked whether Simon which was surname Peter were lodged there while Peter thought on the vision the spirit said unto him behold three men seek thee so he sees the vision three times three men come to see him I just think that's really super interesting so anyway so three men seek thee arise therefore and get thee down and go with them doubting nothing I have sent them so the Holy Ghost flout speaks to Peter and says I sent these guys to you you know and you'll see that Peter he understands what what the dream means what the trance meant so verse 21 says then Peter went down to the man which were sent unto him from Cornelius and said behold I am he whom he seeked what is the cause wherefore your come and they said Cornelius the centurion a just man and one that feareth God and of good report among the nation of the Jews was warned from God by a holy angel to send for thee into his house and to hear words of thee so notice it's something that they said because when it says normally when you say hey he was a just man right you say that guy was saved in the Bible but notice that they said it says and they said Cornelius the centurion a just man so maybe he's a good man in their eyes but not he's not saved so just because so this is a good a good thing to think about when you're reading the scriptures notice who's saying something because if it's just somebody else's opinion that might not be what the interpretation the right interpretation of it because someone would say oh he says he's a just man he was saved no they said he was a just man not saved okay a good guy a good religious guy but not saved so and then verse 23 says then called he them in and lodged them and on the morrow Peter went away with them and certain brethren from Joppa accompanied him and the morrow after they entered into Caesarea and Cornelius waited for them and had called together his kinsmen and near friends and Peter was coming in Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshipped him so I've never tried since I've been saved I've never tried to worship anything bow down to any person you know the first time I met Pastor Anderson I didn't bow down and and you know so I mean you know what I mean so this is just a telltale sign to me that he wasn't saved because if he was truly saved I don't think he would just bow down and worship Peter okay it says but Peter took him up saying stand stand up I myself also am a man and as he talked with him he went in and found many that were come together and he said unto them you know how that is unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company or come unto one of the another nation but God has showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean so there's the interpretation the primary interpretation that this guy's a Gentile and he's coming to he's talking to Peter and he's saying well I'm not supposed to be talking to you know I'm not supposed to go to people which I don't know if that's necessarily true I think that they were supposed to they were supposed to go so I think Peter's kind of wrong here but it says but God has showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean so whether whether he's right about the first part he is he's not right about that but he is right about this that he's not supposed to call any man common or unclean so God had to show him in a vision hey you know don't you know I've cleansed these people I've cleansed these beasts and in it's the you rise eat and kill Peter but he does get what God's trying to tell him that's the point and that is the the primary application of those scriptures so anyway so again the main application was you know of the vision of the Gentiles not being called unclean anymore because we're all one in Christ Jesus if we're saved right first Peter 2 9 I'm not gonna have you turn there but it says but you're a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation of peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but now are now the people of God who's God's chosen people the Gentiles are to son the Gentiles are to we're part of the chosen nation we're part of the royal priesthood or part of the holy nation and as long as you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ you are God's chosen people you are Jews spiritual Jews all right so it says which have not attained mercy but now have obtained mercy okay and that's Peter writing that first Peter 2 9 so you're still in Acts chapter 10 look at verse 29 says therefore came I unto you without gains saying as soon as I was sent for I asked therefore what intent you have sent for me and Cornelius said Ford four days ago I was fasting until this hour and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house and behold a man stood before me in bright clothing and said Cornelius thy prayer is heard and nine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God so at the beginning of the sermon I kind of said well there's a controversy about prayers of unsaved people being able to be heard I don't I don't think Cornelius was saved you know he wasn't saved so what so can God can people that are not saved be heard by God well it says that God heard his prayer okay so can the uns look he's God he can hear other people's prayers that's ridiculous and I got I got to say I've been taught that before that the unsaved can't you know God doesn't can't hear their prayers that's not true because right here in the Bible right in front your eyeballs it says Cornelius thy prayer is heard and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God God liked what he was doing God wanted to save him that's why he set up this you know this destiny of being saved right here you know and Peter's like well what did you get sent to me for it's like I don't know why he's asking questions like that it's like you know just just get in the gospel Peter anyway but it says yeah he says thine all thy prayer is heard so I don't think it's a controversy at all now let me tell you something when before I got saved I prayed to God when I was an unsaved person I said God I just want to know what the truth is I'm confused about all this stuff would you please show me how to be saved show me what the truth is and you know what God did and I was not saved when I prayed that prayer but I'll tell you what I remember praying that prayer I remember wanting to know being confused being involved in stuff that I shouldn't have been involved in and God said you know what I know you work for a whole company of Jehovah's Witnesses but you know I'm gonna show you the truth you know I'm gonna show you the truth of the King James Bible you know I became King James only before I got saved too which you know I don't understand how that happened either but God just paved the road for me you know once I prayed that prayer I believe that God knew that I was seeking after him and that I wanted to know the truth and you know Cornelius was was a religious man but he just didn't know the full truth and God heard his prayer I don't care what anybody says the Bible says right here that God heard his prayer he wasn't saved okay so put that in your pipe and smoke it all right that's what the Bible says and you know you can allude to other scriptures or whatever but look God is God he can hear people what are you what is it like a natural blockade where he just can't hear an unsaved person he can't he's not gonna listen to the prayers of the wicked he's not gonna listen to some reprobate he's not gonna hear their prayers they're cast away they're done they're they're gone they had their chance so that's the two you know you can only you only have two interpretations here either Cornelius was saved and God heard his prayers but then the rest of this doesn't make sense so Cornelius was not saved that's why God said hey Peter I'm sending this guy to you you know and that's why the whole meeting was set up in the first place it wasn't because he was saved because he wasn't saved so John 9 31 look at John 9 31 John 9 31 now here's a verse that people will say well you know God doesn't hear sinners or whatever John 9 31 says now we know that God hearth not sinners but if any man be a worshipper of God and do with his will him he hearth that's maybe I'm wrong no maybe that's a Pharisee saying that look at the context it's a Pharisee saying that look who's ever seen that count or it's like quoting the devil and it sounds like a good verse what's what verse was it again yeah so basically if you bow down and worship me then I'll give you all the kingdoms of the world it's like Satan but you can't take a verse that's written by a Pharisee and apply it and say hey you know God doesn't hear sinners you know John 9 31 no it's a Pharisee saying then it also says if any man be a worshipper of God and do with his will he hear you know so anyway a Pharisee said that so just think just think about things before you say them and you know it sounds good to say well they don't hear their prayers who's been taught that before because I've been taught that before but I'll tell you what I was struggling with this past I'm just gonna be honest with you right now and say hey you know I just what's the right what's the right answer well tell you what do you think it's very clear that God said the answer is prayers do you think it's very clear that he's not saved okay and maybe it's not but it's gonna be clear to you in just a second here so you know I believe God hears the prayers but he's only and I think he's just answering the ones of those people that are truly seeking after him you know what I mean he's not gonna answer prayers about don't you know Oh God please you know you know let me have three girlfriends on the side or you know just weird stuff like that I was not gonna answer those prayers that's ridiculous but this guy is truly one you know God wants to save this guy because you know he's a good man and that he's trying to do the right thing but he just doesn't understand look at verse 32 it's in Acts chapter 10 verse 32 says send therefore to Joppa and call hither Simon whose surname is Peter he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner by the seaside who when he cometh shall speak unto thee immediately therefore I sent to thee and now has well done that thou art come now therefore we are all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God and then Peter opened his mouth and said of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons will help how perceptive of you Peter yeah he perceives this but you know the Word of God says over and over again that God's not a respecter of persons so there are Bible verses that say it I'm just gonna give you one I'm not even gonna have you have you turn there but Romans 2 11 says for there is no respect of persons with God and that's pretty clear isn't it God is not a respecter of persons God wants all people in the world to be saved it doesn't matter if you were born a Khazarian it doesn't matter if you were born in Egypt it doesn't matter where you're born God wants all people in the world to be saved he's not a respecter of persons but you notice that God's always tried to have the Gentile saved and there has always been a remnant within the Gentile nations of people that get saved the Israelites were the ones that were supposed to be the light of the world and spread that to the world but they didn't do it that's why God said hey I'm taking the kingdom away from you and giving it to a nation is bringing forth the fruits thereof okay we are the spiritual Israel so you know David if you think about David and all the people that hung around him a lot of those people were called by names of the nations that they were he there was people in David's time which was like the the greatest time of Israel and with Solomon and they were surrounded by people from other nations that had believed in God and they said hey I want to be a part of this nation I want to be a part I want to be a Jew Oh think about Esther you know Esther they were gonna destroy all the Jews but you know what happened it all backfired and Haman ended up getting hung from the gallows and his ten sons and then he sent letters to all the places you know as aware as awareness or whatever his name is the king he sent all these letters and said hey go ahead and kill all these people anybody that hates the Jews kill them but you know those Jews were not like the Jews that you see over in the land today those Jews were real believing Jews they were Jews because they believed right and so that these other nations became Jews so we're talking about from India to wherever their kingdom ended all these heathen places became Jews out of fear of the Jews so they were what were they Jews or were they Gentiles they were Gentiles that became Jews that's been happening for thousands of years but yet you'll get people like Sam Gibb and all these dispensational dipsticks they want to say that you know it's just only people in Israel were getting saved well how about Uriah the Hittite he was a Hittite he wasn't Uriah the Jew he was Uriah the Hittite and I think Uriah was a saved man how about Simon the Canaanite you know wasn't he one of the disciples I'm pretty sure he was how about Abraham the Syrian Abraham was a Syrian not a Syrian but Syrian okay and how about Job of Uz or Uz some people like to say Uz it's not O-O-Z but anyway Uz in the land of Uz a man named Job who feared God and issued evil job was the greatest man in the whole world at that time was he a Jew no he lived in us he didn't live in Israel he lived in us and what about name in the Syrian name in the Syrian became got saved how about the Shunammite woman who got saved there's countless Gentiles in the Bible that got saved and that's just the ones that are named in the Bible God's never been a respecter of persons and he never will be he changes not so I don't understand you know what this Judaizing teaching is that saying only the Jews are God's chosen people only the Jews could get saved that's a lie straight out of hell verse 35 says and in every nation he that feareth him how many nations every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him it's every nation does that mean at all every means all yeah it does the word which God sent unto the children of Israel preaching peace by Jesus Christ he is Lord of all that word I say you know which was published throughout all Judea and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost with power who were sent who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him and we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem whom they slew and hanged on a tree him God raised up the third day and showed him openly not to all the people but unto witnesses chosen before God even to us who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead very interesting that it points that out there that it wasn't to everybody he didn't show himself to everybody just to the witnesses that were chosen before God you know because our our we're supposed to believe we're supposed to have faith you know God said blessed them that don't see and yet believe right so those guys got to see Jesus Christ we haven't seen Jesus who's seen Jesus in a vision in here don't raise your hand please who's talked to Jesus personally right don't raise your hand but the point is is that you know we're supposed to have faith God wants us to have faith he only showed himself to the people that had seen him when he was already alive and he showed himself to the people that believed okay he showed himself of the people that believed and they could be the witnesses into the next generation he left and left them to spread the Word of God I'm not gonna have you turn there I'm almost done 1st Corinthians 15 4 says and he was buried and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and that he was seen of Cephas and of the 12 and that he was seen above 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remained into this president but some are falling asleep and after that he was seen of James and then of the Apostles and last of all he was seen of me also as of one born out of due time anybody that says that they've seen Jesus after Paul the Apostles a stinking liar okay because he said last of all now John saw him in a vision okay it's clear in the book of Revelation that he saw him in a vision okay but seeing him physically the last person was Paul that's what the Bible says okay as everybody believed the Bible here I'm pretty sure that you know that's what we believe we're Baptist you know so we believe the Bible so anyway the point is is that it's our faith that makes us save and you know he's not gonna appear to people out of the sky okay Acts chapter 10 verse 42 says and he commanded us to preach unto the people and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the judge of the quick and the dead and to give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins while Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word so here's another proof just another proof that it takes the Word of God to be saved okay because you know when they heard the Word of God spoken what happened they believe it doesn't say and you know obviously they believe because the Holy the Holy Ghost came and indwelled them right right then there in the spot says while he spake these words they all believed you know it doesn't say they all believe but they did because when you believe you received the Holy Ghost okay and so that's what happened they spake these words the Holy Ghost fell upon them which heard the word not heard their story times not heard you know you know oh gee you know just the the gospel in their own words not that were handed an invitation not were not that were handed a Bible and said hey to read this it says they that heard these words they those are the ones then they got saved it says and they of the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God then answered Peter can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord and they prayed and then then prayed they him to certain to Terry certain days so what is the analysis of the whole thing well I showed you what the interpretation is according to the dietary laws but what's the main interpretation of that passage is that the Gentiles are not to be called unclean God is not a respecter of persons God wants all people to be saved these guys could receive the Holy Ghost just as well as the Jews and so the moral of the story is this that you know everybody can be saved right and that was the whole point of the interpretation the thing and the other interpretation that I want you to understand is that Cornelius was not saved when he came here Cornelius got saved when he heard Peter give the gospel he told him that Jesus died was buried if you believe in him you get the remission of sins and that's it then you're saved who can forbid water that these men should not be baptized and why did he say that because they received the Holy Ghost they believed they were saved and then they dumped him in the water the end okay so Cornelius was saved or was not saved before they met up and God can hear the prayers of the unsaved especially when it comes to wanting to get saved let's pray Lord we thank you so much for this wonderful day Lord we especially Lord want to pray again for miss Cassandra Lord pray Lord that you take care of her watch over her and keep her and bless her and her family and Lord I just pray that all everybody in our church would be diligent to pray for that family the Larson family Lord and we pray these things in Jesus name Amen