(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Well, thank you so much for coming out and Thank you for your hospitality. I appreciate the deacon for having me and my wife out here. That's my lovely wife Sherry over there she's blessing to me she's my traveling companion and Whether she likes to or not. She's I drag her along with me but Anyway, I think just thank you so much for putting this on. It's it's an honor to be here. I really appreciate it And let's look at our Bibles. I'm preaching about what is right music for Christians to listen to what is right? Music for Christians to listen to you're like pastor Thompson. Why are you preaching about this? Well, there's a lot of young people here and There's people here that struggle with music. I'm sure you know, we've all grown up listening to stuff music in some way shape or form and so How do we discern? What good music is because there's a lot of Christians that listen to music and they would call the music they listen to Christian Wouldn't they but we would listen to that music ago. Yeah, I don't know about that But how do we judge what good music is and what good music isn't well look at first John chapter 4 verse 1 It's obviously not talking about music but it's talking about spirits Isn't it look at verse 1 that says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God Does many false prophets are gone out into the world here by No You the Spirit of God every spirit that confess that the Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God And every spirit that the best is not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God And this is that spirit of Antichrist whereof you have heard that it should come and even now already Is it in the world? You're of God little children have overcome them because greater is he that is in you Than he that is in the world. They are of the world Therefore speak they of the world and the world heareth them What kind of music does the world listen to worldly music right music that appeals to them music that appeals to their flesh? These and most and what it's talking about people that would listen to you know, that would not be saved here, right? So look at verse 6 it says we are of God He that knoweth God heareth us he that is not of God heareth not us Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error So we can listen to music that has the spirit of truth in it Can't we and we can also listen to music that has the spirit of error now? I would submit to you that Christian should not be listening to music that has the spirit of Errors, so I'm gonna go ahead and pray real quick before we get started into the main message here Heavenly Father We thank you Lord so much for this great time we could have at camp and just getting out getting away from our phones to a certain extent here and technology and in all kinds of things that would just bog us down in life and we could just get out here and And spend some time with you Lord and spend some time Fellowshiping with good friends Lord. I pray you fill me with your spirit as I begin to preach this sermon in Jesus name I pray amen so Applying these verses to music we can get a picture of what would be considered worldly Devilish or godly music, right? So there is a spirit in music. So people would say music is just music It doesn't matter what kind of music it is. Music is not evil inherently. Is that true though? I mean obviously we know that's not true. Do you think Metallica belongs in our church services? No, do you think? Pantera belongs in our church services No, why not because it has a spirit of wickedness in it and what makes it wicked well The style of music makes it wicked and of course the lyrics would make it wicked, wouldn't it? so we need to apply these scriptures to what kind what is the right music for Christians to listen to and So a lot of Christians, like I said, they struggle With listening to worldly music you'd be surprised how many people in churches even like our church, you know, even like this church here would struggle with wanting to Listen to worldly music why because we grew up listening to it I I when I was 10 years old Michael Jackson was really popular, right? And I used to go to sleep at night with Michael Jackson thriller playing in my ear every night You know, so I had some fag singing me to sleep every night But you know, I didn't know I wasn't saved obviously so I didn't realize that that music isn't music I should be listening to but here's the thing music music is very powerful and Music can get stuck in your brain to where there's there's albums that I could still listen to if I listen to it right now I would know every drum beat every guitar riff every lyric to every song on that album how is that because music is a very powerful thing and we need to understand that as Christians we shouldn't be listening to music that would appeal to our flesh in that way because what's it doing? Well, it's teaching us things that we don't want to learn right and so, you know, how do we determine? What is the right type of music? Well, you know, we think about this music is so powerful That even jingles and commercials I still remember from when I was a kid Can anybody think of a jingle? Yeah, what? Okay Yeah, I can anybody think of a jingle of a commercial of just anything that you remember from a kid anybody You're not gonna you're not gonna come forth. Are you? All right, I get it. So well How about well, I'm just gonna mention something I thought about when I was writing a sermon the crispy critters song Have you ever heard of crispy critters cereal? Yeah, cuz I'm old. That's why you haven't heard But I remember those jingles. I remember Rice aroni the San Francisco tree. I mean, they're just all kinds There's all kinds of commercials that why do why do radio stations play, you know jingles So you'll remember them you'll remember, you know, 1-800 roof live today, you know, just stuff like that So Music is so powerful that we can remember things we can remember the start of commercial cartoons We've used to listen to when we were kids like Flintstones beat the Flintstones, you know I can still remember all those things I can remember the jingle to Gilly gazillion, you know It shows that I watched when I was a kid even kids little children songs You know, why do kids why do little children like little like songs like that because they appeal to their age group Right, so and some of that stuff's pretty benign stuff like rockabye, you know rockabye your bear and you know Just old McDonald had a farm. I mean, I don't think old McDonald had a farm is an inherently evil song But so it's just something that you know that we you know We listen to music and it gets stuck in our head But what kind of music do we want to get stuck in our head? We definitely don't want you know ice cube and NW you guys like probably know who that is But anyway, some of you do but like, you know There's just music that we don't want to get stuck in our head or we want to forget about that music You know, we've listened some of us grew up listening to that and look kids The less you listen to that garbage the better off you're gonna be You know put fill fill your heart with songs about the Lord and godly songs I remember a few years ago. I was getting up for an overtime shift at three o'clock in the morning I was in I I right when I was about to get in the shower A song from ice cube that I hadn't heard in years Just start bumping in my head like it was today was a good day, you know Why I mean, I'm up at three o'clock morning today isn't a good day it's a bad day because I'm up at three o'clock in the morning, but I Just couldn't get it out of my head and you know I don't understand why like I didn't I don't remember hearing it in a store or anything like that But your brain can just trigger things and you're gonna remember those kinds of songs But how good are you at knowing the songs of the Lord the songs that God wants you to know? well Whether we realize it or not music is a spiritual thing And it's something that we have to gut we have we're supposed to guard our hearts with all diligence, right? we're supposed to keep our hearts with all diligence and We need to try to keep that music out of our hearts and out of our minds and out of our ears So look at Ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 Ephesians 5 verse 18 if you have your Bible with you, if you don't I'm just gonna start reading Ephesians 5 18 see God music can have the Spirit of God in it, right? Music can have the Spirit of God in it. Look at Ephesians 5 18. It says and be not drunk with wine We're in his excess, but what's it say be filled with the Spirit? Well, how do you do that? You know, you can ask to be filled with the Spirit but also when we come into church What what's the first thing that we do we sing, you know, what's the first thing we did here tonight? We sang a song why did we do that so we could get filled with the Spirit? Because that's what it says in verse 19 says speaking to yourselves and Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. That's the key is what why are we doing? Are we doing so we can all sound good and show how well we can sing around each other? No, we're doing it so we can sing to the Lord sing in with melody in our hearts to the Lord So it says giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God, so God what was the way to get filled with the Spirit? How do we know that the Spirit is in this type of music because it says Psalms hymns Spiritual songs we sing hymns tonight y'all sing Psalms at church, don't you? Don't you see you guys have those the Psalms of the week? Why because God commands us to sing those songs in church, you know Which is a lost thing in most churches most churches don't even sing Psalms So you're blessed to be in a church where those songs and hymns and spiritual songs are sang It doesn't have to necessarily be a psalm or hymn. It could be a spiritual song now. What makes it spiritual? It's talking about Jesus is being very specific about the things of Christianity It's not just saying our God is awesome. God he reigns, you know, that's that's very Generic, isn't it? What God are they talking about? You know and then just repeating a sentence over and over again that doesn't make it spiritual. So and also music can have Satan's spirit in it So there's two there's different kinds of spirits that can be in songs right turn to Ezekiel chapter 28 verse number 13 Ezekiel chapter 28 and there's number 13 Looking for my water here Ezekiel 28 verse 13 Did you know that Satan is a musical being? Look at verse 13 in Ezekiel 28 says thou has been in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was like covering the Sardis the topaz diamond the barrel the onyx and the jasper the sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle and gold The workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day That thou was created. So this is talking about Satan and so it's talking about tablets. That's like a like a tambourine style instrument and then the pipes, you know, obviously pipes are what you know people have your like Simon from American Idol says, you know, you have amazing pipes, you know So he's talking about like singing or maybe some kind of musical instrument But it says it's prepared in thee the day that thou was created And I don't watch American Idol. Just so you know, I just heard him say that before so anyway I don't even know if he's on American Idol. I don't think he is but Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 14 says thou are at the anointed cherub that covereth and I have set thee So thou was upon the holy mountain of God that was walked upon Or excuse me up and down the midst of the stones of fire That was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created till iniquity was found in thee Satan was a musical being and he was the anointed cherub that covered the throne of God But he fell and so if he was musical then when he fell what what kind of music do you think he has now? He's an evil wicked being right? And so I Believe that Satan is the influence behind all this satanic music that's out Music is like one of the biggest things in our world right now You can't go to a hardware store without music playing and sometimes you'll come out singing something You don't you you don't even remember where you heard it You know, you're like listen to your heart. It's like no don't listen to your heart. Your heart is desperately wicked You know, that's a bad thing to do is to listen to your heart We're not supposed to listen to our hearts supposed to listen to the Word of God. Amen so What are some examples of famous artists that would have satanic spirit a satanic spirit in their music well Who's ever heard of Robert Johnson? Robert Johnson was bat is back in the 20s or something But it's it's it was rumored that he sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads and big and he you know and people I've seen actual videos of people that knew him and said that his guitar playing sucked when he left and Then all sudden the next time they saw him he could play better than anybody they've ever seen play But I've listened to a couple of songs and he sings about Meeting the devil at the crossroads. He sings about you know, the hounds of hell chasing him You know what? He died young and so that it is true I believe that the devil look the devil took Jesus to you know And said I'll give you all these things if you just fall down and worship me So if if he could offer Jesus who's the king of Kings Lord of Lords it was all his anyway He could offer him everything if he'd fall down and worship them. What do you think? He's gonna do with mortal man, you know Satan deceives the whole world And so he deceives a lot of people with music too and he finds his people that he wants To put this music forth with and you're like, you know and when I preach about stuff like this people really just fight against me and I Preach against skillet, which is a rock Christian rock band Which is just weird that there's Christian rock bands But anyway, I preached against him and people just get all mad and you know They said skill skill. It's got more people saved than I ever dreamed of and all this other stuff But look that's not the kind of music we should be listening to either. I'll get to that here in a minute I'm getting ahead of myself. But how about Katy Perry? She flat-out said she sold her soul to the devil Eminem sold his soul to the devil Jay-z talks about selling the soul of the devil Beyonce You know has two different personas where she comes out as some demon or something and Kanye West of course, we know how bad he is, you know, he actually calls himself Yeezus and He's just a total wicked Antichrist Led Zeppelin Black Sabbath and you know, what's funny? Is that skillet? The clip I took heat over is that skillet was asked by CBN which is like, you know Christian broadcast network or whatever and they asked him. What is your greatest accomplishment to the lead singer? I forgot what his name is but anyway That he said my greatest accomplishment is touring with Iron Maiden Black Sabbath Ozzy Osbourne You know and all he lists all these heavy metal Satanic rock bands, right? So you're a Christian you're trying to you know Say that you're a Christian band and then your greatest accomplishment is to tour with all these Super satanic wicked bands, you know, I mean I would never say That that was my greatest accomplishment as a Christian, you know, what is our greatest accomplishments as Christian getting people saved? You know actually getting saved that's that's an accomplishment, you know, because most of us are you know are pretty wicked people And You know getting saved is a miracle. So But just the fact that I was able to get saved is is a miracle, right? So there's all these these wicked bands, you know You got and I'm gonna bring some forth the kids probably know who they are. Billie Eilish I don't it's a girl with the name Billie, I guess but I Don't know what that I don't know even any of their songs, but like it's a really popular person. I guess right now that's satanic David Bowie John Lennon, you know John Lennon sings a song imagine all the people, you know, imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try like why would you want to imagine there's no heaven? You know because you're a wicked satanic loser The Beatles actually are so wicked They they brought like the worship of you know They brought like Eastern religion over to the United States and then they said we're gonna be more Famous than Jesus Christ at one point. They said that and you know what? They're not more famous than Jesus Christ and they never will be but they were very famous very famous rock band, but very satanic See people, you know Crosby stills a Nash they're satanic too, but people wouldn't like naturally say that Bob Dylan He's just like, you know these things that you know in that weird style of voice I don't know some of you guys don't know who I'm talking about you kids But Bob Dylan said he sold his soul to the devil Like if all these people are saying they sold their soul to the devil Why don't you believe them when they say that, you know, you should believe them so then you got lady gay gay, you know and ice cube and Taylor Swift is is a whore, you know Garth Brooks has two personas also and Alan Jackson, how about Alan Jackson? You know what's wrong with Alan Jackson? He's country. He sings gospel music well, one of his songs says You know where I come from it's cornbread and chicken and you know He's working hard to get to heaven where he comes from. Is it hard to get to heaven? Do you have to work your way to heaven? I mean you see how little things like that can implant in your mind You're like well, you know, that was just one song. You know, he had to sing that no that came out of his own heart So, you know, he might sing gospel songs that you all know and love But he also says where he comes from. It's hard to get to heaven. He's working hard to get to heaven Well, you know country is no better people think all country is okay, you know I know a lot of Christians are like well I'll still listen to country because you know, it has that John 3 16 song or whatever. That's complete trash guys Don't listen to that garbage anyway So does anybody know any other ones I haven't mentioned I'm sure there's a lot but all right, you're not you're not you're not You're not game tonight. All right, it's not the way to go. All right, turn to Ephesians 5 10 Ephesians 5 10 as Christians we have to discern what is God Honoring music and what is not? All right. So how do we do that? Well, let's let the Bible tell us what we're supposed to do when it comes to music Should shouldn't we judge a you know spirit a spiritual person judges all things isn't that what the Bible says? All right, Ephesians 5 10 says proving what is acceptable unto the Lord So if you're presented with some kind of music, don't you think that you should prove that it's acceptable? Yeah, you should that's what the Bible says, right and have no it says and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of Darkness but rather reprove them. So if there's a Band called Black Sabbath. I mean Black Sabbath indicates they're into black magic Right and Black Sabbath is the group that Ozzy Osbourne started and that's you know, so I mean obviously You know, they have some very evil music that they put out So what's the Bible say? We're not supposed to have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. We're supposed to reprove them So tonight I just want to give you three things three questions to help you discern what is God honoring and Christ honoring music. So let's look at Philippians chapter 1 verse 10 Philippians chapter 1 verse 10 Philippians 1 verse 10 the Bible says Philippians 1 10 that you may approve things that are excellent that you may approve things that are excellent that you may Be sincere and without offense Tell the day of Christ. So the Bible teaches us that we're supposed to approve things that are excellent is Billy Eilish excellent. Do you think God would say that that piece of trailer trash is excellent? I don't think so So we're supposed to approve things that are excellent and look, you know, maybe it's getting quiet Just because we're at camp, but maybe it's quiet because somebody some people are listening to this trash Hey, if that's the stuff you're listening to you need to change the station, you know change it to off So turn to Hebrews 5 13 Hebrews 5 13 Hebrews 5 13 Says for everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe So it's understandable when people first get saved and they don't really know the Bible that well and you know They flip on you know, the Christian contemporary music and they think that that's okay. Look I've been there I understand but you know, once you realize that it's wicked and evil you should stop listening to it Verse 14 says but strong mean meat belongeth to them that are of full age Even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to what? To discern both good and evil the better, you know the Bible the better You're gonna know what's good and what's evil and if you've been saved for any amount of time You're gonna know the difference right away when you hear some trashy song being played, you know, baby I was born this way or something like that You know what that song is about being a queer and being born that way. Is that what you want to listen to kids? You know, I mean and obviously I'm not hip on all the new stuff and like rap. I don't even understand it anymore It's like hidden in it and in and in and in and in It's like they all sound the same Like I mean, it's not like I list of I just have caught clips of it. Okay, I'm not saying I listen to it But you know You know If everybody has the same style, you know, what's why why I have different artists. I don't know Anyway, it sounds like crap to me. So not wrap but anyway um, so now I just want to I want to mention something about drums really quickly, so Drums like at faithful word you guys have a drum set in the back of your church like you have someone that's just like No, you don't do you know, you know, the Bible doesn't talk about You know having drum sets and you know, why don't Baptist have drum sets in the church? Well, where does the Psalms talk about bringing drums into the church now if you say the tablets those are like tambourines They make it sound right obviously you can like make a little beat or whatever But it's not a bass drum kicking in your ears, right? It's not You know That's you know, and and that kind of music makes your flesh enjoy the music doesn't it? And so I just want to make this full turn of Psalm 150. I'll make this point really quickly We're supposed to praise the Lord on all different manner of Musical instruments And we're supposed to praise him with our voices and the things that we say Psalm 150 verse 1 says praise you the Lord Praise God in his sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power Praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness Praise him with the sound of the trumpet. Y'all know what a trumpet is, right? Praise him with the salt tree in the harp Those are stringed instruments, right and then it says praise him with the timbrel and dance Praise him with stringed instruments and organs Now again, the timbrel is not a bass drum, okay, just in case you guys didn't know that I'm not like a super musically Gifted person and I don't know how to read music or anything like that But you know what? I can discern the difference between good music and bad music, you know one time when I was Newly saved I went to a Baptist Church. I didn't know there was differences between Baptist churches at that time I walked into an SBC Church which is Southern Baptist Church with my wife and all my kids and guess what the first thing I saw when I walked in was A set of drums and an electric guitar here and like I was just like, oh man, what's going on here? And you know, they never busted out the drum set They were like, that's the next service and I was like when we left, right? but they did kind of bust out some music that I wasn't like down with at the time and You know even as a new Christian, I knew that that wasn't good music to be listening to and so I was so spiritual I just I Looked at my wife and kids I said don't sing But Yeah, because I mean if it's not God honoring music, why do I want to sing it to the why would I sing that? To the Lord, you know, it doesn't make sense So but the Bible says in verse 5 praise him upon loud cymbals now I've heard people say well, those are drums. The cymbals are considered drums pastor Tom So what's a cymbal sound like anybody? Can anybody make a cymbal sound for me right now? Yeah No, it doesn't praise him upon the high sounding cymbals somebody give me a high sounding cymbal That'll sound like air coming out of a tire but All right, so I can't make fun of you when I ask you to do something because then we'll do it again All right. So verse number six says let everything that hath breath praise the Lord praise you the Lord So, I mean the Bible doesn't talk about you know, they're taught the Psalms talk about all these different kinds of instruments But drums is not a focused on thing So and so why would you want you know, you wonder why drums are in our churches? well, there's a reason why because it's just It's it's not something that the Bible emphasizes in music. You know, what is an organ? Well, you know you have an organ at church. Yeah, you have a piano at church. That's a stringed instrument, isn't it? So and guitars and all these different types of things are stringed instruments. So and horns, obviously you guys have a great orchestra up in Tempe So, but I just want to say that you know, what is what is Christ honoring music? Well someone slamming up, you know that puts their little drum gloves on and they're just you know Wailing away on the drums. Like do you think that should be part of the church service? obviously not so Anyway, I'm gonna finally get to number one number one That was all introduction Number one, what does the music you were listening to teach see because music has a spirit, but it also teaches Doesn't it so you can learn things by listening to music. So turn to Colossians chapter 3 verse 16 What does the music you're listening to teach isn't it important that if you're listening to music, you know And it's teaching you something that it should be teaching you the right things Don't you think that that you know? Don't you think that we should be learning about the Trinity and how Christ saves us through grace through faith alone and Eternal security and the rapture coming and and all these different things. Those are great things to learn about But what if it's teaching you something else? What if it's teaching you the fags are born that way I mean, is that what you want? Is that what you want to hear? No So, I mean it does matter what we're being taught by music clauses chapter 3 verse 16 says let the Word of Christ the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in what psalms and hymns and spiritual songs See the Bible backs itself up once again It says singing with grace in your hearts to who to the Lord see we're not singing for ourselves when you get together on church at church on Sundays and you're playing your musical instruments and You're singing it's not so you can impress your neighbor. It's not so you can impress the pastor, you know Deacon Russell is not impressed by your singing. You know what we're supposed to impress, you know We're supposed to be just singing our best to the Lord and whether that sounds like dogs dying or not You know, we're supposed to make a joyful note noise under the Lord if it sounds like cats in a fight outside You know, whatever, but if you're singing with your heart to the Lord, that's what matters So the Bible says we're supposed to teach and admonish one another so shouldn't the music we listen to teach us something That's what the Bible says, right and we're supposed to teach and admonish one another So what is the wrong type of music teach? Well, it teaches things about the world It teaches wickedness and so turn to first John chapter 2 verse 15 first John chapter 2 verse 15 See God tells us to take to get away from the world See when we get saved, you know that word sanctified that means set apart We're supposed to set ourself apart from the things of the world Would that include the worldly trashy music that you've been listening to? Yes, it would and look You know if you're if you're struggling in this area Then get it right with God Just throw it all in the garbage throw it in the dumpster and I realize that most people don't even listen to music on What we would call CDs There's these things called CDs that we used to listen to back in the day and tapes I mean tapes Or a thing and then even you know eight tracks. I was those before my time though So but CD, you know, then you got the mp3s and all that stuff, but you can just push delete, can't you? Can't you get that trash out of your phone? Can't you get that trash out of your? Ears by just saying you know what I'm gonna turn away from this, you know We're not we don't repent of our sins to be saved but you know what we should repent of the wickedness that we're doing in our lives as a Christian and set ourselves apart and let God work through us so look at first John Chapter 2 verse 15 it says love not the world Neither the things that are in the world. Will that include worldly music? Yes, it would would that include the top 40s Would that include your favorite country singer Alan Jackson? Yes, it would would that include your heavy metal rock and roll? Yes, it would and it says if any man loved the world the love of the Father's not in him for all that is in The world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world and the world passeth away and the lust thereof But he that doeth the will of God abideth forever So the world is gonna pass away someday You know, and so what what music should you be focusing on the good stuff the stuff that's gonna teach you sound doctrine the stuff That's gonna teach you, you know, the things of the Lord, you know, if you sing the Psalms you're gonna learn all kinds of great doctrine and Even you know some you're gonna learn stuff in the Psalms But you're not gonna even learn in your hymnals or in other spiritual music because most of that stuff is all You know, it doesn't have any hatred in it and you're like well pastor Thompson, we're Christians we shouldn't hate Come on, you know, there's things sing the Psalms sing Psalm 139 do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee I mean, those are songs that we should listen to all of it We should make sure that we have a balanced diet and that those that music that we're listening to is teaching us all things in The Bible not just the love, you know, of course love has its place But there should also be Doctrine that it's teaching us. It shouldn't just be you know, shout to the north That stuff's trash man. You don't want to listen to that That is you know, it's it's patterned after the world. So I'll get to that but Contemporary Christian music teaches shallow Christianity, doesn't it? I mentioned our God is an awesome God He reigns from heaven above with wisdom power love our God is an awesome God and you know That's that's the kind of shallow Christian music that we don't want to listen to You know and half these contemporary Christian people aren't even really saved Probably more than half of them probably a very big percentage of them aren't even saved And a lot of them end up coming out as atheists I remember reading an article where one of them turned out to be an atheist and tried to kill his wife, you know, I mean And what are we supposed to be focusing on? Music to the point where we're following people and listening to concerts of them, you know Don't we we we sing songs and hymns hymns and spiritual songs to teach us things. What is contemporary Christian music teaching you? It's not teaching you anything It's teaching you how to be patterned after the world and what the Bible say love not the world neither the things that are in The world point number two. What does the music you listen to bring forth? What does it bring forth? So number one was what does the music you are teaching are listening to teach you You know, it's important to have it teach you and to listen to the right things to have it teach you But what does the music you listen to bring forth? Because everything brings forth after its own kind, doesn't it? And you know anyone or anything that teaches should judge should judge by what it brings forth anyone or anything that teaches should should be judged by What it brings for so if the music is wicked it's gonna bring forth things that are wicked things, right? you can't get goodness out of Satanic heavy metal rock and roll you can't and so what is it gonna bring forth? Well, look at Matthew 7 Verse 15 we should be aware of what the music we listen to brings forth Not only what it's teaching but what is it gonna bring forth because you know a lot of people they get involved in heavy metal and Satanic rock and roll and look even now the rap there's like some dude that made satanic Nike shoes I can't remember what his name is What? He's a fag. Yeah, he is little Nas X Little he named himself after an energy drink. Congratulations Or Fast and furious or something. I don't know. But anyway, you know That's the kind of rappers that are out there today. They're wearing dresses and stuff. I mean things have changed So Things have changed a lot, but you know, it's it's even more wicked than it used to be in my opinion But so Matthew 7 15 says beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing But inwardly they are ravening wolves Ye shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit But a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth Evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit If you're singing the Psalms and and good sound hymns, is that gonna bring forth evil fruit? No, it's gonna bring forth the Spirit of God. It's gonna fill people with the Spirit. It's gonna teach people What sound doctrine and and and it's gonna help you miss, you know sing unto the Lord and worship aboard So but it says neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit So if rock and roll inherently is evil, which I believe it is then how would you say that Christian rock is gonna bring forth something good Isn't it bringing forth after its own kind? It's not it's you know, if it's like heavy metal Christianity Screamo music that's saying, you know, it doesn't you know Most of the time those that music doesn't even mention Jesus and if it does it's kind of like a Nicolas Cage you know or You know some Hollywood actor that mentions Jesus every once in a while or something It's not good So and look what it says in verse 19 every tree that bringeth forth not good or not forth Good fruit is hewn down and cast in the fire fire Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. So what does the world's music bring forth? What does it bring forth? Well, it brings forth death It brings forth death Famous singers that you could think of that died before the age of 30 one of them would be Jimi Hendrix, right? What did his music bring forth drugs? I mean all that stuff in the 19 in the 1969 and this awakening so-called where everybody's fornicating and doing drugs What did it bring forth brought forth these wicked type of rock singers, you know Woodstock, you know, they're all high on drugs they're all fornicating and Just seen wicked music and wicked lyrics against the Lord What about Jim Morrison? What about Kurt Cobain? What about Hank Williams senior? What about Amy Winehouse? What about Janis Joplin? What are these people all have in common? Well, they all died at an early age. And so, you know, what is the world's Music bring forth it brings forth worldliness and and it brings forth Singing about things that we ought not to be involved in. What does contemporary Christian music bring forth? And look I'm not a big expert on contemporary Christian music because I don't listen to it But I do know some people some people's names like EC talk Ray bolts was a queer, you know, he turned out to be a queer Clay Aiken. I think turned out to be a queer You know Ray bolts sang that song. I was like, thank you for giving to the Lord And he came out as a queer, you know, so Everybody listen every Christian listen that had a queer singing them to sleep at night, too. So anyway So Genesis 124, let's turn to Genesis 124 Genesis 124 says and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind Cattle and creeping thing and Beast of the earth after his kind and it was so and God made the beast of the earth after his kind and Cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God saw that it was good So when God created everything he made everything bring forth after its own kind, you know what human beings produce human beings But you know what when when you talk about bringing four things after its own kind What does satanic music bring forth things after its own kind Satan Satanism? What is contemporary Christian music bring forth that brings forth? You know after its kind and its kind is pattern after the world Most contemporary Christian music is pattern after the world even the hymns that they try to do covers for sound like crap They do they don't sound good to me I'd rather hear a congregation singing these great hymns of the faith than to listen to some breathy queer singer, right? So number three and this is my last point. What is the Music conformed after what is the music that you listen to? What is it conformed after? The contemporary Christian music is patterned after the world's current music Like I said turn to Romans chapter 12 verse number 1 Romans chapter 12 verse number 1 So the Bible tells us not to be conformed to this world look at verse 1 in Romans chapter 12 It says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God That you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy Acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. What's your reasonable service to present your your bodies as a living sacrifice? holy acceptable unto God Which is reasonable, isn't it reasonable since Christ saved us to live our lives for him and to give our bodies to Sacrifice, you know, he doesn't want it doesn't expect us to sacrifice lambs on an altar Christ already did that for us He's the lamb that taking away the sins of the world but You know, we're supposed to be a living sacrifice So the sacrifices that were brought in the Old Testament were brought and they were killed, right? But he wants us to be a living sacrifice for him Look at verse number 2 it says and be not Conformed to this world so isn't conformed, you know You know You're you're you're being formed to the things of this world and God said I don't want you to be conformed to the things of this World, what are the things of this world that we're talking about tonight? We're just talking about worldly music contemporary Christian music, what should we be listening to Psalms hymns spiritual song spiritual songs So and we're supposed to not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind When you get saved, hey renew your mind get that garbage out of your brain And you know what? Like I said things can creep up and enter back into your mind again because it's just in there forever So listen listen kids if you're listening to me listen to this You can't you know everything that goes in your ears. You can't unhear that Everything that comes into your eye gates you can't unsee that So think about the things that you watch think about the things that you listen to because they might become part of your permanent memory bank And if you don't want that to be wicked worldly ungodly music You know you have Christian parents that brought you to a church camp and you're like, I didn't know I was gonna be You know being attacked over the music. I like well Welcome to church camp. That's what it's for I mean, I've been to a lot of church camps and a lot of time it's preaching hard on sin And look, I mean you don't have to admit to me that you're listening to that. I already know you are so Don't try to fool me. I'm a pastor. No, it's good. I Know it no, it's good But so look what it says be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove. What is that good and acceptable? Perfect will of God. That's what we're supposed to do We're supposed to transform our minds and what does that mean getting rid of all that trashy music and leave it behind And if you're listening to it now your pet, you know, my parents don't know but I'm listening to it Hey, you're wrong You should be obeying your parents in the Lord for this is right And your parents know if your parents don't know you're watching it your parents don't know you're listening to it and you know that they wouldn't like it then you should get rid of it and Don't sneak around behind your parents back and do things that you're not supposed to do, you know You know what they want, but kids are sneaky and look you think you're getting away with it But guess what? God sees everything that you do. He doesn't see things the way we do Yeah, you might be able to trick your parents and fool your parents and things and you might be able to get away with Listen into this, you know nos x 360 or whatever his name is He's a fag. Why would you want to listen to that? Why would you want a pair of tennis shoes that have drops of human blood in them? That's what he that's what he made like some some Nike tennis shoes and to get You know, whatever he you know, he's a Satanist and he's a you know, almost Satanists go hand in hand. So So We're supposed to prove that which is good and acceptable and perfect That will of God the things that God wants us to listen to and you know what Christian rap is crap You know what? and that crap is You know Lecrae and you know all these different Christian or Christian so-called rap groups I mean if you listen to that Pastor Jones was on a kick where he was preaching against it and And I couldn't even handle listening to it at all. It's just so trashy and so garbage It's not something that Chris, you know, they're like, well, they're Christian. They're talking about Jesus Yeah, but they're the music is bad Okay, and so you're like, well, I don't know music can be bad if it's patterned after the world Have you if you've been paying attention if it's pattern after the world if it's not the right kind of music They're not the right kind of thing that God will like you listening to if it's again if it's pattern after the world It's not good. Okay What is Christian rock? It's a crock Garbage so And like I said these people they come out as you know supporting homosexuals all the time this Lauren Daigle and you know I don't even think she's really a Christian Maybe she is but you know as far as like a Christian contemporary But I think that she's like came out for the queers or whatever There's a lot of queers in the industry You know what? A lot of the Christian contemporary music is we call I call it 7-eleven music who's ever heard that term 7-eleven music Nobody good. Okay Here's what 7-eleven music is Christian it's Christian music whose songs have lyrics that contain only seven words or lines Which are sung 11 times in a row? So it's like, you know, basically, you know, and obviously that's borrowed from you know, the store 7-eleven I like 7-eleven so I don't like 7-eleven music though And that's basically what Christian contemporary music is our God isn't awesome God, you know, they just sing that over and over again They sing the same seven lyrics 11 times. All right Here's a quote from Amy Grant who's heard of Amy Grant? Okay. She's a supposed Christian contemporary artist She said this I know that the religious community has not been very welcoming But I just want to stress that the journey of faith brings us into community But it's really about one relationship the journey of faith is just being willing and open to have a relationship with God and Everybody is welcome Everybody sounds like she's a fag hag, doesn't it? Sounds like she you know, she has a such what the article I got this from she's talking about how she has She's known for a long time that she has an LGBTQ following well You know, and so she's basically just kowtowing to them and let it in and trying to she's a mouthpiece for Satan she's basically just Saying that these people are all welcome in God's kingdom and they're not welcome in God's kingdom, you know And obviously I don't need to preach that sermon, but it's just a fact so I need to skip down here so Just as you know, I'm gonna conclude this here. I'm almost done. I only got like ten more pages left so I'm only kidding. So here's the thing music is not a moral. What does that mean? Well a moral means that it's not It's not a moral a moral is this not involving questions of right or wrong without moral moral quality so Music is more it's gonna have morality or immorality. There's no like There's no just oh, this is just totally benign music There's there's gonna be right and wrong. Okay, there's right types of music and wrong types of music Here's an example for you in 2nd Kings 3 Elisha asked for a musician to play an instrumental music and When Elisha heard the music playing the hand of the Lord came upon him do you remember that and I'm not gonna have you turn the Bible verses about it, but So this music must have been Godly music in order for God's power to come upon him as a result of it and so he asked for a minstrel to come right and what does a minstrel it's a Musician one who plays an instrument so but here's the thing and the instrument itself might not be evil But it's the way it's played that is it's the what it's the music that's played the the sound is played with it Or I mean the the lyrics that are played with that music But also the sound of the music can be have you ever listened to something that made you feel depressed If you're listening to like that Like really luminous dark sounding music, you know that makes you feel a certain way because that music is Disturbing to you for a reason or like, you know, the the Halloween music or you know It's just there's certain music that sounds scary There's certain music that'll make a kid just get scared My granddaughter was listening to hickory dickory dock. All right, and that isn't necessarily an evil song But here's the thing So it's saying all these different things that ran up the clock the clock strikes one the mouse ran down, right? Who's heard that song before anybody? So there's a part in that song that she was listening to and the music chords changed to like a really on Omnious sounding music and she got scared from listening to it. Why did she get scared from listening to something? That's music Because it's not good. That's why it's because so why would a little child just be scared over music? it's not like the lyrics were scary, but the music itself scared her and So that's just a Fact that musical instruments played a certain way can make you feel different ways You know, there's certain songs that we sing as Christians that uplift us more than most than other songs So the meat the way the music play is played does make a difference So now here's an example of something that was a bad example of music being played and it was just musical Instruments it didn't say that there was songs or lyrics to it in Daniel chapter 3 King Nebuchadnezzar commands instrumental music to be played while people worship an idol himself right didn't King Nebuchadnezzar he set up an idol and Then he said if you don't fall down when you hear all the sounds of all these different types of music Then you're gonna be thrown alive into a fiery furnace, right? So do you believe that God would be pleased if the same music was played to worship him that Nebuchadnezzar? Asked to be played while they worship that idol. What type of music do you think that was you think it was you know? CCM I Mean, do you think that it was would you think taking what what I we don't know what the music sounded like But we do know what it was used for. So if it was used for worshiping an idol Then you know that the music itself was being played in a way that is not not godly. So Who's ever heard of the tritone? The tritone it's like a way of playing the music and it's like and it makes it makes a confusing feeling in people But it also makes people love that kind of music and a lot of rock and roll is based upon it I'm not going to go into a big thing about about it, but there's a song called Hallelujah, who's ever heard the song Hallelujah? It's not the Christian version of it Okay, but here's just like the first stanza of that song It says now I've heard that there was a secret chord that David played and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music It goes like this the fourth the fifth the minor falls the major lifts the baffled King composing Hallelujah That lyric right there is explaining what the tritone is and a lot. That's a very popular Should we play that song Hallelujah in our church service? Absolutely not because it's not talking about good things. It's not really praising the Lord now. What does Hallelujah mean? Does anybody know what Hallelujah means? Doesn't it mean praise the Lord or blessed be the name of the Lord so if that's what it means Well, why isn't this good? It's talking about Hallelujah How come Bon Jovi living on a prayer can't be played at faithful word Baptist Church, you know, it's talking about prayer, isn't it? I mean house Look people try, you know, I think I've heard pastor Anderson say something about like people were we're changing the lyrics of an AC DC song and Calling it. We're on the highway to heaven or something like that, right? Is that is that okay to do you know if music is doesn't if it doesn't mean anything? What what type of music it is the the actual instruments themselves? then why isn't it okay to play that kind of music in church why because Because it is moral or immoral. There's not it's not just a benign, you know, AC DC isn't a benign Sounding music, you know when it's talking about the highway to hell, it's all electric guitar and pounding drums, isn't it? So, you know drum drums get a rhythm that makes you want to dance and move your body Doesn't it? That's what rap music does that's what club music does. That's what techno music does That's what you know country music does and so what kind of way does it make you want to move your body? Well, a lot of these places these clubs that this music's played at there's sensual and worldly dancing The Bible says praise him in timbrel and dance. It's not talking about, you know Dancing on you know next to each other closely and things like that. So, you know, it's a different kind of dancing So there's ways to dance that are wicked and there's ways to dance That are okay. Apparently David danced before the Lord with all of his might didn't he? We don't know what that looked like and I'm not gonna give you an example Because I just don't I just don't dance well, you know, I don't know so I just don't think that'd be appropriate But isn't it true that drop don't don't drum beats and things like that look that's what makes people get up and want to dance And Bob their head and do all this stuff And so if it's appealing to the flesh then it's not gonna be something that's spiritual It's not going to be the type of music that we should be playing in church Turn to Exodus 32 to be the last scripture. I have you turn to Exodus chapter 32 verse 17 And then I'll just review the points and I'll be done And just let me say this of anything I said about music tonight disagrees with anything that Pastor Anderson or brother Corbin teaches I'm wrong. They're right. Okay, so Just strike strike it this an old or whatever Well, listen so remember Exodus 32 is when the big revolt against Moses happens the first one after the law of God is given Moses goes up and gets the Ten Commandments, right? And so they're on their way back down and God God tells him to get down quickly because the people have corrupted themselves So this is the same children of Israel that said, you know, they agreed to keep all the all the words of the Lord They said just let him not speak to us. You speak to us Moses. They were scared They were deathly afraid but here's the problem with us Here's the problem with human beings is that we're always you know in a bad situation We're gonna go back to the to the to the vomit You know the dog is gonna go back to the vomit and the hog to his wallowing in the swamp or in the Swine to this wall in the mire. Sorry Exodus 32 verse 17. What's it say? And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted so they shouted, right? And he said unto Moses there is a noise of war in the camp So does this sound like it's Christian music being played? Well, you know the sound of war. What would you think the sound of war in a camp would be? shouting Drums, I mean, what are most worldly armies? Used to go into war with drums and I can't prove that they're playing drums here. I'm not trying to prove that I'm just saying that Joshua thought it sounded like war was about to happen and And what's it said and he said it is not the voice of them that shout for mastery Neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome? but the noise of them that Sing do I hear what were they doing? You know, they had corrupted themselves they've made themselves a golden calf they were worshipping these two golden calves and Moses are I mean Aaron had stripped them naked under their shame they're dancing and They're shouting and you know, Joshua hears them and he says it sounds like they're at war Isn't that what a heavy metal concert sounds like it's not what these rap concert sounds like, you know But it says the noise of them that sing do I hear what kind of music are they singing? They're singing Whatever it is. It's it has to do with worshiping golden calves it has the sound of war to it and It's a noise of them that sing. Do you think that they're singing? Christian music here. No, they're not It says and it came to pass as soon as he came nine to the camp that he saw the calf So Moses, what's he do? He sees the calf Really and then he sees the dancing So then the Bible say it's okay to dance But why is Moses mad here? Because it's not the kind of dancing that the Bible is saying is okay It's dancing that's wicked and it says and Moses Anger waxed hot and he cast the tables out of his hands and break them beneath the mount So whatever Moses saw whatever Moses heard made him so mad that he took the original Ten Commandments and smashed him onto the ground and it says his anger waxed hot, you know when God was so angry he was ready to destroy the children of Israel and make a new nation for Moses, but Moses stood in for them and And and and took their back to a certain. It's just like don't kill them Lord, you know, he tried he talked him out of it but and But what's the remedy for this it says he took the calf which they had made and burnt it in the fire And ground it in a powder and strawed it upon the water and made the children of Israel to drink of it Listen, if you're if you're going back to this Worldly music if this is something that you're into you need to get out of it, you know And you know, it's easy to get back into things. It's easy to backslide Look how easy it was for the children of Israel God's thundering down the Ten Commandments They're afraid But they're afraid of Moses and then you know All he does is takes off for a little while and they corrupt themselves to the point where they're singing and dancing And and singing and what is the type of music? Is it good music or bad music? Is it good dancing or bad dancing? It's bad, isn't it? So just review What does the music you were listening to teach it? It should be something that's teaching you the music you listen to should be teaching you a great doctrine and and and how to serve and worship the Lord and What does the music you listen to bring forth? What does it bring forth? Does it bring forth good things or does it bring forth bad things and look anything? That the world is pumping out today is not good. Okay, if it's on the radio It's not it's probably not good if it's on Television it's probably not good if it's on YouTube It might be good. It might be Psalms hymns and spirit or song All right, but you got to control what you're watching You got to control what you're listening to You need to guard your ear gates and you need to guard the things that you put in your eyes Because you can't then see them. You can't unhear them. And what is the what is the music conformed after? What is the patterned after was it patterned after the world or is it patterned after the things of God? And so how do we know what good or bad music is? Well, the Bible helps us to understand that and so hopefully If that's something that you're into listening to worldly music even contemporary Christian music You know if it's bad, you should stop listen to if it's pattern up the world. You should stop listening to it All right. Let's have a word of prayer heaven