(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, it's great to be here again and great to have a midweek service, huh? And midweek services are great because you get to recharge your batteries a little bit And so I know that you haven't started doing that yet and everybody lives quite a distance away But one of these days soon, we'll start having a regular midweek service, but we'd start one off while I'm here I mean, I didn't just come here to have fun, right? I came here to preach but preaching is fun to me So it's great to meet everybody then all the new people welcome to the church Appreciate you being here. Let's look At our actually, let's let's turn it before we get into the main scriptures I want to go to Hebrew chapter 4 I want to go to a couple different places and obviously I'm preaching out of Hebrew or Ephesians chapter 4 But I want to get this put into our mind tonight and this is the main focus is that You know, we need to have the Bible in our minds. The Bible is the most important thing for the Christian It's our offensive weapon. It's the sword of the Spirit and we need to have our eyeballs in it We need to read it daily in the morning in the evening, and we need to put it into our in practice in our life It's not just enough To read the Bible, but you also have to put it in place into your life And the title of the sermon tonight is remove renew replace Remove renew replace. We're in Hebrew chapter 4 look at verse number 12. It says for the Word of God is quick and And that and that's basically means it's alive the Word of God is quick and Powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the divineness under of soul and spirit and of the joints of marrow and It's a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. This isn't just a normal book folks This this King James Bible that everybody should be reading out of it's not just a normal book. This book is alive It's powerful when you read it, you know that you've got a powerful book in your hand It's not just some fairy tale like all these gay theists and fag Gnostics want to say, right? This is the Word of God This is what we need to use for all of our faith and practice is what we believe everything This is you know, Jesus Christ is our cornerstone, but the work this is the Word of God Jesus Christ is the Word of God. Amen So everything that we believe needs to be based upon this book It's it's for our instruction in righteousness and and we need to apply it to our lives I said, but look what it says that it's it's sharper than any two-edged sword No book in the world will cut you to the quick like this book right here When you're doing something wrong and you read it in the Bible like oh, man, I got to fix that, right? Well, if you're reading it say hey, I need to add that to my life You know, I need to I need to quit doing this. I need to start doing that This book it will instruct you on every aspect of your life and look if it's not in this book You don't really need to know about it there so it says it's a it's a it's it's Sharpening to a two-edged sword piercing even to the divineness under of soul and spirit. That's how sharp it is They can divide a son of the soul and spirit says and have the joints and marrow and it's a discerner of the thoughts And intense of the heart so everything that your heart thinks it can discern It's it's it's a powerful book. It discerns the heart it discerns your tense of your heart You know and a lot of people stay away from this book because they're in sin And they're like, oh man, you know, I don't want to feel I don't feel spiritual today So I'm just not going to read it. That's the wrong attitude to have We need to let the Bible Remove renew and replace the things that we need to add into our life Look at Hebrews chapter 5 just one chapter over And so I just kind of lay in the foundation for the sermon here is that everything that I'm gonna be talking about tonight You need the Word of God to Implement these things into your life. Look at Hebrews chapter 5 verse 11 It says of whom we have many things to say and hard to be uttered seen your dole of hearing See some people they just stop stop listening They stop listen to the preaching but they also stop listening to what the Word of God says Or verse 12 for when for the time you ought to be teachers You have need that one teach you again Let's be the first principles of the oracles of God I know become such as have need of milk and not a strong drink So the thing is that you're a babe in Christ If you don't even have the first principles down, you know You could be a safe for 20 years and you could still be a babe in Christ See babies they just grow up you feed them they grow up right you can't really stop that You know kids turn into toddlers and toddlers turn to children and children turn into preteens and preteens turn into teenagers And then they become young men or young women and then they become adults There's nothing we can do to stop that progression, right? You can try to start over but they're still gonna grow somehow, right? but When it comes to the Christian life, you know You're just going to continue to stay a babe if you don't know the first principles of the oracles of God and you know Those people need milk. You need milk first before you can have the strong meat, right? So it says it says you're in need of milk and and not and not of straw You have such excuse me. Let me back it up to verse 12 here the Let's see for one for the time you ought to be teachers You have need that one teach you again Which be the first principles of the oracles of God and it becomes such as have need of milk and not of strong meat so strong meat would be like The hard to learn doctrines and things like that things that are more meaty more spiritual not just like salvation Baptism those things are easy to understand But what's not easy to understand is the different multiple layers of the Bible You have to read the Bible over and over again to get more out of it and the more you read it the more you're gonna learn and You're gonna become more skillful in the Word of God I mean, I'm sure you remember the first time you ever picked up the Bible and tried to read it And you know now here you are today a lot of you I've read the Bible multiple times and don't you learn something new every time you read it You should be if you're not learning something new then you ought to ask so that God will show you New things and great things out of his law 3 verse 13 it says for everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness For he is a babe. So if you if you are still a babe, that's okay But if you're like 20 years into your Christianity and you're still a baby in Christ You need to grow up you need to drink the milk and you learn the first principles of the things of God So that you can you know, get out of that baby mode and get into some more strong meat see it says in verse 14 but strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age even those by Reason of use you see that reason of use have their senses exercised To discern both good and evil. So the more you use this book the more discernment You're gonna get in the Word of God and then you're gonna be able to discern between good and evil But if you don't know if you don't ever read this book You're never gonna get that knowledge and you're always gonna be stumbling You're always gonna be tripping up and you always know. I just don't understand why don't grow well read your Bible Maybe you'll grow a little bit Now, let's go to our text in Ephesians chapter 4 verse over 17 See once you get saved You need to get rid of some things Oh, yeah, and then you need to renew your mind and then you need to replace the old habits You used to have with better habits. So that's why we'll be preaching to you about tonight But you're not going to get that without reading the Word of God Now look what it says in verse 17 Ephesians chapter 4 says this I say therefore and testify in the Lord that he henceforth Walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind having the understanding darkened Being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness But you have now so learned Christ If so be that you have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus So what's what's the Apostle Paul saying here? He's saying hey You know, we used to walk like these other Gentiles walked in the vanity of their mind You know, they have their understanding darkened There's a lot of unsaved people and you know, sometimes we expect people to be like we are But nobody's gonna be like you if you're saved, they don't understand their understandings darkened They're alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that's in them You know a lot of people want to be ignorant. They want to be dumb on purpose, don't they? They just want to go through their life and continue to sin and do whatever That it is that they want to do and that's why the Bible says that they hate dark Oh, they hate lot. They hate the light They won't come to the light because men love darkness rather light because their deeds are evil, right? And so some people just don't want it, you know, they you know, you go to someone's door, you know, no, thanks No, they just don't the light shines in their house and they don't want that light They don't want to receive that light and it says who being past feeling you know some of these people are so past feeling that they've become given over to a reprobate mind and They've given themselves over to lasciviousness. It's like lewd Acts and things like that and work all uncleanness with greediness. Some people just want money They love money and they love to be filthy and dirty. It says to work all uncleanness It says but yes not so learn Christ if so be that you have Heard him and have been taught so some are people that are saved, you know people that trust Jesus, you know, we have to Get out of those old things that we used to have in our lives And so I'm talking about save people here tonight people that have put on the Lord Jesus Christ They believed on him, you know, and so number one my point number one is we need to remove What do we need to remove from our lives? Well, we need to remove the sin and so is that possible to remove all sin out of our lives? It's not necessarily possible to do that, but we should give it a good try, right? We should try our best to live a life that's pleasing to the Lord And so we need to remove the sin out of our lives We need to remove that trash and that corruption that's been in our lives And you know the worldly ways that we once walked in and those things are hard to walk away from some of them Aren't they? Music is really hard, isn't it? Because music was probably a big part of everybody's life in here And I'm sure some people still struggle with the types of music that they listen to, you know So you'll hear some stupid song in the store or you know You can't even really go anywhere anymore without having some kind of music playing in the background I was having breakfast this morning and some Led Zeppelin was playing when I got in there It's just like me and I hate this song, but I just can't stand Led Zeppelin But I just can't stand worldly music anymore, but yet your flesh is drawn to it, isn't it? It is, it's drawn to it And so like how do you know that some music isn't good for you? Well, because it makes you emotional, brings you back to your childhood memories It brings you back to, you know, romance or whatever Or maybe it brings you back to some time when you were in the thug life or whatever you were doing But it brings memories to you and you probably have that music stuck in your head for the rest of your life There's albums that I know every beat, every song, every riff, everything How do I know that? Well, because music's powerful And that's a powerful thing. It's hard to remove that stuff out of your life Movies, Hollywood movies, things like that and just, you know, a lot of people Gamble, they drink, you know, they smoke weed or whatever it is that they do Those are things that we as Christians need to get out of our lives though, right? But some people have harder problems with certain things Some people have proclivities to other sins that other people wouldn't have Some people struggle with music, some people don't. Some people struggle with smoking, some people don't. Some people struggle You know, it's just it just depends on the person and how deep you were into it But you know as Christians who have put on the Lord Jesus Christ We need to try to remove those things out of our lives Well, how do we do that? Look at verse number 22 in our chapter. Ephesians chapter number 4 verse number 22 And so number one is we need to remove. It says that you put off. Isn't putting off removing something from you? Like if I just said I'm putting off my coat because it's too hot which I'm actually gonna do right now Put off, right? You put off concerning the former conversation the old man Which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust so what's about to say we need to put off Concerning the former conversation that's not talking about things you used to talk about All right When we say someone's having a conversation most of the time we're talking about someone having a conversation where we're speaking to each other But what the Bible means here is the life that you used to live the manner of life That you used to live the old man So once you get saved you have what's called the new man the new man comes and that new man is Sinless perfect, but you still have the old man living inside you But you want to try to crucify the deeds of the old man, don't you? And it says that you put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt Isn't the old man corrupt? Does this flesh want to do anything? That's good. No, it doesn't it wants to do things that are bad It wants to live that old life and that's why you saw the children of Israel Wanting to go back to Egypt wanting to have the flesh not really caring about the manna They wanted the flesh from Egypt You know the and the children of Israel is a picture of kind of how the Christian life is, too We always want to go back and do stuff We want to go back to our sin The Bible says it's like going, you know, like a salve going back into the into the pig pen Right or someone the dog puking and wanted to eat its own vomit who's ever seen a dog do that before it's disgusting, isn't it? And so it should disgust us too. But yeah, that's what we want to do That's what our flesh wants to do. Look the more we live our lives in the flesh the more fleshly things We're gonna want to do our defenses are weakened and then you know Then we're gonna end up doing the things that we don't want to do So Paul talked about the fact that he was carnal Paul talked about him doing the things that the things he wanted to do He didn't do it, you know, and that's because we can't always walk in the spirit We can try our hardest, but we're not always gonna do that But we should try to live most of our life in the spirit and not try to walk in the flesh, right? But of course we are sinful people. We're never gonna be perfect like Jesus was But for the most part we can try our best To remove that old stuff to get away from those old people those old haunts that we used to go to The things that you know easily beset us we need to try to put those things off So it says which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts See, it's deceitful it these lusts that they deceive us and they we think oh, it's okay We're better now, you know, we can handle this but you're never gonna handle it. It's gonna handle you Sin is gonna handle you look at Psalm chapter 119 verse 11. Just keep your Finger or bookmark or something back in Ephesians chapter 4 because we're gonna come back to that but Psalm 119 Verse 11. Well, how are we gonna get how are we gonna remove? How are we gonna put off these former things? Well, Psalm 119 verse 11 says thy word have I hidden my heart That I might not sin against thee so what it always goes back to the Bible doesn't that how are you gonna hide? God's word in your heart where you're gonna memorize it You know That's that's why do we memorize verses and give prizes for that because we want that Word of God in our hearts So we might not sin against God or that we might want to do the things that God wants us to do You know seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you Right. So if we seek first first thing we do we get up is we seek the kingdom of God You know we get up we read our Bible we pray or whatever order you want to do that in acknowledge God Give him it some acknowledgement and then you know, obviously at the end of the night We should be meditating in God's Word and praying and I personally think that praying is an underrated thing And a lot of times we just go on. I don't know why I just keep falling into this Well, why don't you pray to God and ask him to help you? Why don't you read the Bible and get some knowledge? So you can remove these things out of your life and hide his word in your heart Look at Hebrews chapter 12 verse number 1 Hebrews chapter 12 verse number 1 What are we talking about we're talking about removing the things out of our lives that we need these roadblocks these stumbling blocks to The Christian life because do you really just want to be a baby for the rest of your life? Nobody wants to be a spiritual baby for the rest of your life That's just a hard road, isn't it? If you're always just making mistakes You're always on the milk, you know, someone always has to reteach you everything We need to get to where we're past that baby stage And we're on to the stronger meat the things that's going to help us discern the difference between good and evil Amen, so look at Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 it says we're foreseen We're also We're our compass. Excuse me. We're also our compass about was so great a cloud of witnesses Let us lay aside Every way isn't that putting off? You know, you got weights on you who's ever ran with weights on or you know You do a workout with weights on or something like that It's a lot easier to do stuff without having a whole bunch of weight on you, isn't it? It's a lot easier to run if you don't have chains and weights or whatever it is I know people train that way. There's a lot of who does like training in here There's some people in here that do some kind of like physical training, right? So it's a lot easier to run you can run faster That's why people train so that when they take those weights off then they're faster And you know all that type of stuff, but what the Bible's time out here is the weight of sin Right says let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth easily beset us And let us run with patience the race that is set before us See God's saying that you know what the Christian, you know, we're supposed to run We're supposed to in the Christian life. It says so run that you may obtain right? So we're supposed to be running this race It's the Christian life. It's the you know, the apostle Paul talks about being a race all the time and He seemed to like sports a lot. So he always has some things that he's talking about when it comes to sports But when we lay aside that weight and that sin that that does so easily beset us We're gonna be able to run faster, aren't we? We're gonna be able to run with that patience that race that's set before us It's gonna be a lot easier to get to our life If we're not always being punished for the sin that we keep committing the pitfalls that we keep going back into It's like it's like almost like, you know You get to a level and then you get a setback and then you have to go back up to that level again So you you you go back instead of going forward and The best way to go forward and to run this Christian life Is to not have a bunch of sin in your life weighing you down and stopping you from being the best Christian That you can be look at verse number two looking under Jesus The author and finisher of our faith. Hey, who do we have to look up to? You know, we can look up to other people in the faith We can look up to other pastors, but who should we really be looking up to? Jesus right. It says the author and finisher of our faith He's the one that finished it. He's the one authored it. He wrote the book. Amen And we're supposed to be looking unto him. What did he do everything perfect everything, right? So if we want someone to look up to you know, then it should be Jesus And it says who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross Despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. He finished didn't he? He finished the race didn't he and he finished The what it took to save all mankind, you know, we go to people's doors We tell them all the great things that Jesus did but we can't even really it's kind of a encapsulated thing, isn't it? It's like yeah, he healed the blind he rose people from the dead. He walked on water and they're like, okay Okay, but we're just like babe basically just scratching the surface of what he did We should have a little bit of passion when we preach about what Jesus did for us It's not just a factoid that we're that we're getting out there We need to just you know Get a little bit of passion our preaching and remember we're not just going through a script when we're out soloing We need to care about people, you know what people people are gonna believe you based upon, you know, how much you care If you're just sitting there you're like yeah Jesus died for you and Yeah, you want to pray? You know, I mean we got to have some passion our preaching Do you ever get fired up when you're preaching to people and just like you know what he did for us? You know, you know what he did He died on a cross for us and then he was buried he rose again the third day He went to hell for three days and three nights for us There's nothing wrong with being passionate about your preaching when you're preaching to someone You know to me it's it's it's realistic, you know, so look at Romans chapter 10 verse 17 So we look under Jesus. We got a lay aside. That's removing isn't it? We need to Lay aside every weight every sin that death easily beset us see our sin is the thing that's gonna make us trip We're gonna stumble we're not gonna be able to you know, you're gonna be crawling through the race, you know because sin Hinders you from being able to run that race. Look at the Romans chapter 10 verse 17 So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God But you know what we use this a lot for sowing and it's applicable. It's it's it's what it's talking about But what about the faith that comes to us by hearing the Word of God in our daily life, you know We we the more we hear God's Word the more it's gonna help us in our daily life And it's gonna help us to believe the things in the Bible, you know people listen to Alexander Scorby sounds British but he's actually from Brooklyn, but Does it increase your faith when you hear the Word of God read to you? Does it increase your faith when someone preaches the Bible to you and just plainly shows you what the Bible says? How about just your daily reading? You know, you're gonna hear that in your head like while you're reading it But sometimes I'll just I'll put my app on and I'll let the I I have somebody besides score. He's actually really British but I Read I like read along with as he reads it out loud and I don't know I just like reading like that for some reason else. Keep me into the story more and So, you know that faith is gonna come by hearing the Word of God And we need to hear it in our minds and in our hearts Let it sink down in our ears revelation go ahead and turn to Galatians chapter 5 verse 16 I'm gonna read Revelation chapter 2 verse 29 Revelation chapter 2 verse 29 says he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith Unto the churches the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to hear not just to read and not apply it But he wants us to read it and he wants us to hear it He wants us to sink down into our ears and what's in here your brain, right? And so he wants it to sink down into our brain He wants it to be in our in our being right and so we need to understand that we need to hear what the Spirit Says the Spirit is this book right here. You're gonna get the spirit out of here now Galatians 5 verse 16 What's the Bible says says in verse 16 says this I say then walk in the spirit and he shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, what's the key to To you know getting rid of the sin in our lives. What's the key? To removing the sin out of our lives. Well, if you walk in the spirit, you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh I mean you're like that sounds really simple Pastor Thompson, but it's not always that easy. Is it? Because as men we walk through this world, we have to hear all this smut We have to see all this all the wicked ways that you know, the women dress out there It's it's a hardship for men Isn't it when you're always having to look up all the time or look down or go like this or just like walk around? It's hard. Yeah, it's hard to walk around in this world Filled with sin, you know, we're supposed to be in the world but not part of the world But sometimes it's hard isn't it having to hear that music having to see? The things that we don't that we shouldn't want to see but our flesh wants to see that stuff doesn't our flesh Wants to lust after other women our flesh wants us to lust after things and and getting Rich quick and things like that No, they didn't preach the sermon about gambling, you know, a lot of people just want to get rich the easy way They don't want to work hard for what they have But you know, we're supposed to walk in the spirit. How are you gonna remove? Well, you gotta walk in the spirit looking verse 17 says for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are Contrary the one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would so what's the problem? Your flesh the but we saw everybody in here is made of flesh, right? It lusts against the spirit and so there's just constantly every single day. It's a battle We're supposed to take up our cross daily and follow after Christ because it's a daily battle You know what? The great thing is that every morning there's new mercies You know the Lord gives us new mercies every day. And so if you failed yesterday Well, then get up and walk right walk in the spirit say hey today. I'm actually gonna read my Bible today I'm actually going to pray to the Lord today. I'm actually going to go to church today I'm actually gonna try to walk spiritually today. I'm gonna go soul winning You know do something that's spiritual walk in the spirit and you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh Then you won't even have to worry about it. You're so busy being spiritual, but you don't have time to walk after the flesh And that's the easiest way You know, why was it so, you know, I go to church a men's retreat every year You know when I was younger when I was first saved and at that time I still smoked I know I'm wicked, right? But at that time I still smoked and every time I'd go I'd be like I'm gonna I'm gonna quit smoking this year And it was it was actually on the week of the Great American Smokeout. It's the day where everybody says hey today I'm quitting and you know, it's really easy to not smoke when you're around a bunch of other Christians You know, it's embarrassing you smell like cigarettes or whatever. It's like yeah, this is easy It's good. And then you get back to the wall to the real world where you're stressed driving down the road You're stressed at work and all this stuff. The kids are crying and screaming. You're just like cow. Don't take me away Smoke a cigarette But boy, I have quit smoking by the way, so a long long time ago But you know, I'm just trying to say that it's easy to walk in the spirit when you're doing spiritual things And so try to do spiritual things as much as you possibly can and you're gonna walk in the spirit You know ask God to help you, but we all fail we all fall and you know what? God's there to pick us up when we fall, but we have to get back up We have to get back up and keep walking. So number one we got to remove We got to remove the things in our life that are hindering us and stopping us. And how do we do that? Well, you know, we we get into the Word of God and you know We also lay aside that that sin we look unto Jesus as our example We hear the Word of God We get our faith from the Bible You know and we walk in the spirit so that we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh number two We need to renew You know a lot of us have been brainwalk a brain defiled It's actually being brain defiled not people will say the world brainwash, right? You guys are a bunch of brainwashed cult members and Pastor Thompson's a cult leader and you know I don't remember like calling everybody on the phone saying hey you guys gotta show up for church tonight Did I say that? No, you all just came because you wanted to come and hear the Word of God you want to hear the Bible preached Nobody's stopping you. Nobody's making you come to this church. You come to church on your own volition, right? So but the problem is is that we've been brain defiled and we walk in this world and our Brains are defiled and you know, we actually need to be brainwashed We need to have our brain washed That's the problem is that our brains have been defiled and we got to wash them and scrub them How do we scrub them with the Word of God, right? We need to renew so Ephesians chapter 4 back in our text verse number 23 It says, you know, first we're supposed to put off and then it says and be renewed in the spirit of your mind So like I said when you're saved you have the new man And we need to renew that spirit of our mind if it gets the following to wash it up, right So I'm here to brainwash you tonight. I want to tell you how to be brainwashed Because we've been brain defiled for too long, you know in other churches, you know, they just don't even care They just want you to put the money in the plate. Shut up and come back next week take the eat the cracker drink the juice and Rinse and repeat right sing a couple songs, but you know, our church is a little different Well a little more militant aren't we you know, we're we're an organized group of soldiers That we have a we have a mission to get as many people saved as we can Because didn't Jesus come to seek and save that which was lost He did he came to seek and save that which was lost But we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind. Look at Titus chapter 1 verse 15 Titus chapter 1 verse 15 And people, you know I'm sure you you start going to this church and your family starts saying you guys are Maybe taking a little bit too far. You're thinking about moving. You're thinking about moving to that church. You're crazy You need to go you need to go you're bringing back brainwashed You know that pastor that that leader there is brainwashing you like amen Amen, it's brainwashing me right? And so I know that sounds bad, but But in reality it's the truth because our minds have been defiled Titus chapter 1 verse 15 says it says on to the pier all things are pure So when your peer you're peering all things appear to you But unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure. So the unbelievers nothing's pure to them They're defiled. They're unbelieving it says but even their mind and conscious is defiled So we had our minds and consciences defiled at one time But we need to clean them up. How did what does the filed mean? It means it's filthy. It's dirty And so we've had a lot of growing up or it lit I mean, I don't know what it's like to grow up in this country But I'm sure you've had to endure a lot of filthy things and your conscience has been Had issues like some people just get into sin and they just keep sitting but you know when Jesus saves you He creates in you a new man And so we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind. Look at Psalm chapter 51 verse 10 Psalm chapter 51 verse 10 David when he sinned with Bathsheba, it was a great sin, wasn't it? And he had you right the Hittite killed To cover up his sin, but it didn't work see because God Knows everything that we do. I don't know why he thought he was gonna escape from that one, but It didn't work and when Nathan the Prophet came in he said that with the man You know, he was the man, but you know when we sin when we get defiled You know the Bible says right here created me a clean heart Oh God and what to say Renew right renew a right spirit within me So, you know the world's gonna defile us sins gonna defile us sins gonna give us problems in our mind and our soul It's gonna get us all dirty and filthy and defiled But you know God can you know God can do he can create in us a clean heart But you know the Bible says in first John 1 9 it says Well, let's turn over there real quick. I'm actually I don't have it in my notes. I should know it by heart I think I do know it by heart First John 1 9 Sorry, it's a new Bible First John Sorry That's what what happens when I don't have it my notes first John 1 9 it says If we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and what to say to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, so You know, what's gonna help us is being renewed in the spirit of our mind What's gonna help us is asking God to create in us a clean heart and to renew a right spirit within us when we Turn to Romans chapter 12 verse 2 Romans chapter 12 verse 2 So we need the Word of God to wash our brains We need the Word of God to wash our brains and to not just be Conformed to the world that we live in we're supposed to be separate from the world Says love not the world neither the things that are in the world, right? Romans chapter 12 verse 2 says and be not conformed to this world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind so we have to renew our minds we have to be Transformed we can't be conformed to this world. It says that you may prove That you prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God So once you your mind is renewed from the Bible and you're transformed you're renewed You know that then you can start to prove the things that are good You prove the things that are acceptable and it wants to say the perfect will of God now Nobody's gonna be perfect Like I said, but complete is what perfect actually means when you're talking about the King James Bible You want to be a complete Christian? You want to be the perfect package? Well, you need to have a renewing of your mind See when we first get saved, we have a lot of crap in our life, right? Just a lot of garbage a lot of trash and it needs to be cleaned up How do we do that renewing our mind through the Bible? Walking in the spirit and eventually those things, you know, we forget like how bad we were and then we're like, oh, yeah I used to do that It's bad No, we I used to go to the bar I used to get in fights or you know, I used to think differently I used to listen to different kinds of music and the Bible will just clean you up. It's gonna renew Your mind, but we can't be conformed to this world. You know, that's what when you talk about worldly Christians People that are still conformed to this world Their mind has not been renewed. They don't read the Bible a person that's been saved and they never read the Bible They're never gonna grow They never even drank the milk yet. How many people out there? You know that claim to be Christians don't even read the Bible They've never even read the Bible once and they're getting on Thomas. I mean we are How there's always oh, how are you so mean? Well, I didn't realize that reading the Bible was me Reading the Bible out loud is me preaching the Bible. Oh, that's me. Why are you being so judgmental? Well, God's judgmental Isn't he? You know, I mean just look up the word judgment in the Bible See how many times it pops up judge in the Bible and like you're not supposed to judge That's the opposite of what God says we are supposed to judge So we're just not supposed to judge on righteously so look what it says in Let's see, let's turn over to saw 119 again somewhat saw 119 again So, how are we gonna Not be confirmed to this world Well, we need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind And then we can prove the good and acceptable and perfect will of God saw 119 verse 9 Says wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way see that word cleanse By Taking heed thereto according to thy word. You want to cleanse your way young men young people even old people Yeah, well, you got to take heed there to according to that word So you gotta actually take heed to what the Bible says and actually do it Right, and so then you can cleanse your way why because we're already defiled We need to clean ourselves up And that's you know, that's something that's a process that takes place over our lifetime as a Christian You know You're not just instantly sinless of all sin and and you never have to work anything. We still have to work at things You know and that's gonna happen till Jesus Christ comes back But how do we how do we cleanse our ways? Well, we got to take heed to what the Bible says You know read the Bible Ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 Ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 We need to remove some things We also need to renew some things we need to make all you know, when you renew something that you think about renewing a car Usually when a car is all messed up with you Well, I know it's probably the same here But in the States, you know people try to get these old junker classic cars and and make them nice and shiny and new Again, well, how do you do that? Well, you replace the all the bad stuff with good stuff, right and you replace it You renew it put a new paint job on it and all that stuff I've never done it before but I've seen it done. I've heard about it. So but anyway Look at Ephesians 5 25. It says husbands. Love your wives. Even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it Then he might what does a? sanctify and Cleanse it with the washing of water by what? The word so, how do you get sanctified? What does sanctified even mean? It means to be set apart It means to be holy So why did he die for us so he could sanctify us and cleanse us by the washing of water by the? Word what's it was he talking about the Word of God? You know you're clean through the Word of God James chapter 4 verse 8 James chapter 4 verse number 8 When you're renewing something you're cleaning it up you're making it better James chapter 4 verse 8 says draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you Cleanse your hands these sinners and purify your hearts He double-minded be afflicted in mourning weep let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaviness Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up So how do we do that? Well, how do we purify our hearts? Well, you know, you got to draw an eye to God You know, once you draw an eye to God he's like, okay. Well, they took a step towards me Well, I'm gonna take a step towards them. I'm gonna draw an eye to you And we're supposed to cleanse our hands Purify our hearts isn't that cleaning it up getting it clean So when we're double-minded, you know, our hearts are not clean You know, you're a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways So if you're double-minded Then you need to cleanse your hands purify your hearts get close to God. How do you do that? Well prayer Reading the Bible being humble. No, isn't isn't humble getting on our hands and knees and asking God to forgive you for something Asking God to help you, but if you're not even ever sad about what you do, that's not being humble It's like God knows when you're being fake, doesn't he? Now dear Heavenly Father forgive me in Jesus name. Amen. Okay, I'm good Is that is that the most repentance you got Because it should be a little more deep than that When you know you've done wrong You know, you just put your head down get on your knees and ask God to forgive you That's the most humble thing you can do and then Bible says if you draw an eye to him How do you draw an eye to God? Well, we can't actually go up to heaven right now, can we? So we call upon his name and ask him to help us So calling upon the name of the Lord isn't just asking for salvation is asking for anything And when we know we messed up, you know God you want God to cleanse your ways We'll get humble, you know get get on your knees and ask him to forgive you get in the book and read it So number three tonight, it's the last point but it's the longest one. Okay. All right, we got till midnight, right? Oh Nobody's sitting in the window. Okay, we're good. All right, so we need to replace So I've talked about how we need to get rid of all the things that we you know When we first get saved we have all this stuff in our life this trash and garbage and sin that we got to get Out of our life and how do we do that? Well, we renew our minds through the Word of God and we fit and we and we start to realize hey But these things are bad. We need to get the things in our lives that are good And so when you go to start replacing those things See, that's the thing a lot of people they get sin out of life and then they don't replace it with the good works You know our good habits and so, you know, we have to put off We have to cleanse and now we must replace all the ways with better ways good ways And so how do you do that? Well Look at Ephesians chapter 4 verse 24 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 24 See The old habits the old manner of your life the old lifestyle has to be replaced with a new and better lifestyle doesn't it and you know new habits because if you used to go to the bar all the time, you know, Oh, you know I used to go to the bar at 4 o'clock every evening and drink until the bar closed now What's gonna be your new habit? You got to find something don't you? Yeah something good though But Ephesians 4 24 says and that you put on the new man So you have the old man on you got to take the old man off put the new man on Which after God has created a righteousness and true holiness So the new man wants to do the things that are right The new man wants to do the things that are true and holy and so that's what we got to start doing is putting new practices into place with our lives things To replace well, let's look at Ephesians chapter 4 verse 25. It says wherefore putting away lying Were you a liar before did you used to lie a lot? Well, what's about to say speak every man truth with his neighbor. So here's a thing to replace stopping a liar And start telling the truth Stop lying to your neighbor about stuff and start telling the truth For we are members one of another And it says be angry and sin not is it okay to be angry It's okay to be angry, but don't sin. Did you used to be an angry man? You used to fight people all the time and you know, your way of settling things was just smacking them in the jaw You know, that's not what we how we should be living as Christians anymore It says be angry and sin not let not the Sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil And it says let him that stole steal no more. Were you a thief before? Well, you know you need to replace that with what but rather let him labor working with his hands a thing which is good Hey, if you used to be a thief You can even be a thief and steal time from your boss by not working hard by not doing what you're supposed to do Hey, why don't you just become a hard worker? They may have to give to him that needeth Now replace the old ways with good things aren't these things replacing good things Well, you know the bad things with good things Know what it says in verse 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth But that which is good to the use of edifying That it may minister grace under the hearers. Hey, how many things would change if you would talk to people differently? You know, we don't have to talk to people With the corrupt communication that used to proceed out of our mouth You know, the f-word was one of my favorite words back in the day when I was a young unsafe person But that is not a word that we probably using right? That's corrupt communication Now I'm not I'm not gonna go to the point where I say, you know You're not supposed to say bastard because that's a bad word. No, that's in the Bible. Okay Damn piss that's in the Bible too. So I'm not getting all crazy ultra spiritual All right, but that word is not in the Bible the f-word, you know now There's a different kind of effort that I use but I I'm not gonna use that right now that one's okay, too, but Anyway, I want to get kicked out of the country today so But Anyway, so it says let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth That too but that which is good to the use of edifying, you know when you're driving in your car by yourself You know and that person cuts you off or you know, you let them in You're like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna do the Christian thing and let that person in I just go really slow in front of you know, I'm talking about Super annoying, isn't it? But you know and if colorful things come out of your mouth. Well, it just changed the way you are You know, just don't want them in next time and then no, I'm just kidding You don't let them in they won't disappoint you, you know, I'm just kidding But we should you know, we should change the way we talk, you know, do your kids, you know Are you one way here and then another way at home the way you talk? Do your kids say mommy? What does that mean? You know, we got to change the way we communicate. We got to change the way we communicate with our spouses You know, we probably used to talk one way around them And maybe we should change the way we speak in front of them now You know, we need to replace the old man with the new man It says and grieve not the Holy Spirit whereby you're sealed unto the day of redemption let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and Be kind one to another There's a novel idea. Hey, why don't we start being kind one to another? Instead of having all this bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor You're all mad Evil speaking put that away Put away all the malice and start being nice to each other You know as Christians we're supposed to be nice to each other We're supposed to be good to each other We're not supposed to be plotting against each other or trying to climb up the ladder to a higher echelon to the other person We're supposed to be kind one to another tender-hearted Forgiving one another hey to someone slightly in church. Well that happens You know, this church is not perfect. It's never going to be that's filled with sinful people y'all sinners Alright, it's gonna be filled with sinful people You know, we're all sinful people but then we sit back and judge our brother like we're better than them because maybe they have a different sin that we don't have proclivity to And we're not tender-hearted someone just is like mean to you or whatever, you know, you can let stuff go Did you know that you don't have to just right every wrong that someone does to you? That's how you used to be but why don't you try being a little bit different now and forgiving people Hey, someone slightly you just forgive me that do they have to ask for forgiveness before you forgive them? No, you can forgive them anyway Can't you can't you see maybe they just had a bad day You know, maybe they're just a jerk and they're not where you are at spiritually But You know if you sink to the level that they're at then what are you doing you're dragging yourself back down to where you used To be when you could be spiritual and just say you know what I forgive that person doesn't matter. No big deal I mean, I've talked about this before but like where I work we can yell and scream at each other Which I tried to yell and scream at people but sometimes it happens, but There's people I've seen people getting the worst arguments at work The next day. It's just like nothing happened You know, sometimes you can get an argument with a Christian and you know what you should do act like nothing happened If it's not a big deal anymore, it's not a bit. You know, we shouldn't be on stream at each other, obviously But if people that are unsaved in a construction zone Can sit there and scream at each other and the next day they're good Then why can't we do that if someone just doesn't shake our hand in the morning or doesn't say oh You know your kids cute or whatever Or maybe You know, they're not your cup of tea and you don't like going someone with that particular person I'm just not going selling with them anymore It's just like you shouldn't have that attitude You know, maybe not everybody's your favorite person to go soloing with but if you get partner with someone You should just go and don't complain about it Let that so winning captain choose who you're going with Obviously if you guys are throwing down in front of people then that's probably not a good thing But that probably doesn't ever happen does it we're actually yelling and screaming at your soul any partner Unless you're like a false prophet or something Preaching a false gospel. They don't then go ahead and scream at him. That's fine They're saying you got to repent of all your sins, right? Wait a second But that's usually doesn't happen does it I mean but we need to be different You know, we need to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and when we do that We need to be kind to one another tender-hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake have forgiven you Who are you to sit there and hold grudges against people on Jesus died for a bunch of people that don't even love him He's isn't he the Savior of all men Didn't he die for everybody? Even that reprobate that didn't want to get saved Did he die for them, too? So if he can forgive people why can't we forgive people especially our brothers and sisters in Christ? Go ahead and turn to 2nd Peter chapter 2 I'm gonna read Colossians chapter 3 9 Colossians 3 9 says lie not one to another Seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds So if you put off the old man with his deeds, you're not gonna lie to each other You know, and obviously again, we're sinful we can fall into sin But you know if we put on the Lord Jesus Christ we put on the new band Then we ought to be different than we were before. Does that make sense? we need to steer clear of old haunts and vaccine your soul around wicked people This is something I'll never understand how the people don't realize You can't keep hanging around the same people that used to hang around and expect to get more spiritual If you're saved the last thing you should do be doing is hanging around a bunch of unsafe people now Obviously, man, you got to go to work, you know, I understand that but that's different You have to do that you have to go to work and if you're around a bunch of reprobates all the time and find a different kind of job or a different kind of way to support your family, but We need to steer clear of our old haunts that affects our soul and being around wicked people all the time and that includes Family You know if you take your kids and drop them off to grandma and grandpa's and they're just sitting there telling your kids How well, you know when you're 18, you can you can move out and do whatever you want You don't have to listen to this crazy stuff just because it's your mom and dad Just because it's your grandma and grandpa. I Wouldn't let somebody take my kids. It's telling me that telling them when I'm not around how bad we are for making them Go to church You know, I'm gonna separate from people like that. It doesn't care. I don't care if it's my Siamese twin I'm gonna separate from You know Obviously, they're gonna separate before with you before you separate with them. That's usually the way it happens But you know don't get all broke up about it Jesus said that would happen He said he'd come to bring peace, but a sword To bring cost of vision a sword chops things in half, doesn't it? And people of the same household are gonna be against each other So Why would you think it's so weird that your mom wants to stop talking to you? You know, obviously Some people just their parents hate God or their grandparents hate God or maybe they're just not ready to be saved yet I'm not saying just like completely, you know cast them aside I'm just saying that you know You need to learn who you should be hanging around with and who you shouldn't look at second Peter chapter 2 verse 6 It says and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes Condemned them with an overthrow making them and in sample onto those that should live this should Live on God after should live on golly. Excuse me So it says and delivered just lot vexed with the filthy Conversation of the wicked see law was a saved man But where'd he end up in a cave with his two daughters? It's wife Turner Turner back towards back towards San Francisco became a pillar of salt, right? But what but whose fault was that? Law was a saved man. What did he do vexed with the comp filthy conversation of the wicked? That means the lifestyle he had to be around those fruit cakes all the time and see their unlawful deeds Everybody says in verse 8 for that righteous man. See his righteous. He was saved dwelling among them in seeing and hearing Vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds So the last thing we need to do is pitch our tent towards Sodom And be around these filthy people You know, obviously things are different here You know with all this agenda going on with the sodomites, right? That doesn't mean that you need to get on board with it You just get away from it If you have some fruitcake uncle get away from them. Don't let your kids around them You know If you if you're going to the same Starbucks and the same fruit cakes behind the counter every time Go to a different place to get your coffee I mean, I don't know if anybody gets their coffee at Starbucks here, but I saw a couple of them around So but anyway, you just don't know anymore things have gotten really crazy But the last thing we need to do as a righteous person is be dwelling among them Dwelling among them allowing them around our children and our family members. This is this is bad It's gonna vex your righteous soul from day to day and some people are like, well, I don't really think that you know They're really that bad Okay. Well, you know, why don't you read Genesis chapter 19? Judges chapter 19 Jude, you know 2nd Peter and then tell me how great they are How about Genesis when Noah, you know has his weird son do something to him? You know, we don't know what he did but you know the Bible uses use euphemism that he looked upon his nakedness And that's kind of weird. So it's not he accidentally just didn't see his dad naked. He did something to him And so we need to stay away from people like that or just wicked people in general people that live an ungodly life We need to stay away from them because you know, it's gonna do it's gonna vex your righteous soul from day to day and seeing and Hearing these things You know, yeah to have to be around it and see it all the time. It's nice to come to church You just see normal people dressed normally, you know for the most part They're dressed normal they talk normal we don't talk, you know, it's easy to get in Into church and feel good and feel spiritual, but then we got to walk out to the filth of the world You know, but why would you put yourself where you're living in a place I would never move to San Francisco There's no way. I don't care how much money you offer me. I would never live in San Francisco I wouldn't live in some weird sodomite town where it's all a bunch of sodomites You know or any other kind of weird? person that's wicked This is the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust to the day of judgment to be punished The Lord knows how to deliver us out of you know, but he knows how to deliver us out of these things But don't put yourself in a situation Where you're being vexed by this filthy conversation of the wicked the lifestyle of wicked people Don't put yourself in that position. Don't put your children in that position Oh, you know, I know he's a little weird. But you know, I let him watch my kids every once in a while There's actually people I know that think that way I'm just like I would never let a sodomite watch my kid ever no matter what Even if I had a camera on them the whole time So look at Proverbs chapter 13 verse 18 So because I'm sure it didn't used to be a big deal to you back before you were saved maybe But it should be a big deal now To put yourself in a position where your kids could be harmed or you could be harmed They stay away from those people and I don't care if it is your Siamese twin cut that thing off You know go get removed Anyway Proverbs 13 verse 18 says poverty and shame shall be to him that Refuseth instruction so we gotta we gotta take the instruction right but he that regardeth reproof shall be honored The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul, but it's an abomination to fools to depart from evil See we need to depart from them Because it's an abomination for fools unsaved people to depart from evil. It's an abomination to them They're not going to change. You're not going to change them unless you get that person saved, but you're not going to change that person They're going to change you It says he that walk with the wise Men shall be wise That's a good thing. Hey, you won't hang out with save people hang out with wise people It says but a companion of fools shall be destroyed what happened a lot. He was destroyed so You walk around you hang around with fools. You're gonna get destroyed walk with wise people. You're gonna get wise Yes Philippines chapter 2 or chapter 1 Philippines chapter 1 See, it's important who we choose to hang around and you can choose you don't have to hang around those people You don't have to hang around your old Friends, you know you think see I went through this I've been saved for over 20 years And I went and tried to get all my friends saved and all they did is vex my soul Because once they don't want to hear it, you should just be like, okay peace Philippines 127 says only let your conversation be as it become at the gospel of Christ That whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs and that you stand fast in one spirit and in one mind striving together For the faith of the gospel you want to put on some new things well, how about putting on a Conversation or a lifestyle or a manner of life as it becomes the gospel of Christ And you're not going to want to hang around those old haunts and those old people the bar life the party life It says he stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel Hey, you're all here. You're here trying to strive together for the faith of the gospel What is this church trying to do try to win this this nation to Christ? Small beacon of light in the UK And what's your what's your what's your purpose don't get lost in your purpose Stay strong in the faith. And you know, I know it's hard. I know it's hard to travel I know it's hard to gather up all your children in a car drive for three or four hours or one hour or whatever And you know, you're all excited about how how great this church is and I agree. It's a great church But you know the newness is gonna wear off And then it's just gonna you know, but don't let that newness wear off You know make make it like every week is a new week It's a new challenge Don't get just caught up with all it's just like any other church. It's not just like any other church It's different, isn't it? Yeah, I mean you've been to the hellhole churches that are here haven't you? Do what do you want to go back to that? I wouldn't want to go back So But after a while you're gonna start seeing each other's moles You're gonna start seeing you know Things that you don't like about certain people you spend a lot of time together You start to you know, the things that irritate you about them or whatever, but you know put those things away from yourself who cares You know learn to dwell in unity with each other like that so Turn to first Peter chapter 3 verse 1 So We should hang around people that are godly and stop hanging around and having companions that are fools because you know what they're gonna do They're gonna drag you down And they're gonna just try to get you to go back to your old ways Hey, you know what they're gonna be waiting for you to fail Your parents are gonna be waiting for you to fail Your family members all I knew that was just the face. I I knew you'd be back What an embarrassment To have to go back and say well, I know it was a cult or whatever That's what everybody says when they fail to cult No, you just failed you suck. That's what your problem is. You couldn't cut it You weren't sold out or either. You're just a reprobate infiltrator You know and I'm not saying to you anybody in here. I'm just saying that it's that's what happens Why do people fall off the blood they want to blame the leadership They want to blame the other church members for really you just suck and that's why you failed and you lost track of what you were supposed to be doing and You started getting all selfish about everything and you look at what everybody else does that you don't like and you're just holier than everybody else Don't be a holier than thou either That's a wicked way to live your life as a Christian. Oh, I'm so much better than them I'm so much more spiritual. Why don't you have somebody else get spiritual then if you're so holy Why aren't they why aren't they patterning after you? Nobody likes a holier than thou stand out over there for that. I'm holier than thou Nobody likes that and it's just it's just weird to be like that So you're in first Peter chapter 3 verse 1 says likewise he wives being subjection to your own husbands That if any obey not the word that they may without the word be won by what does a a Conversation of the wise the lifestyle the wise. Hey, sometimes one person gets saved the other doesn't well, how do you win your husband over? It's not by saying he's ungodly. He's not saved. He's this he's that I'm not cooking him anything anymore That's not the way what's the Bible say the way to win them over is The you win with the conversation the lifestyle that you're living being subjection to your own husbands While they behold your chaste conversation your chaste life your chaste manner of life Coupled with fear who's adoring whether or not be that outward adoring of plating the hair and wearing of gold and putting on apparel That's what the worldly women do, isn't it? Should we renew who we are as Christians shouldn't you be a better man than you were before? Shouldn't you be a better woman than you were before? Shouldn't you be a godly husband? Shouldn't you be a godly wife? The wider people always go back and try to say, you know Once it's convenient for them for whatever wicked laws are in the nation that they live in. Oh, I'm just gonna divorce them wicked He talks to me wicked The insubjection your husband, you know what the husbands are supposed to love their wives I don't understand why this is so hard for people You know men want respect And women want to be loved, you know, you can't be just a robot husband. I love you, honey I am going to bed now. Make sure you do my laundry and make me something to dinner That's not what they want You ever actually talk to your wife They ever actually have a conversation with them. You should and I'm talking about an actual verbal conversation Are you just like this I know Yeah, yep, I love you too, honey, it's just like We're supposed to be different even as husbands and wives look at verse four Don't let it be the hidden man of the heart He's talking about the new man In that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit Which is in the sight of God a great price. What's God saying? You know, it's a great price You know what God wants to see in a woman that's godly a meek and quiet spirit the opposite of a loud and stubborn woman right meek and quiet doesn't mean loud and Nobody likes a loudmouth wife or a loudmouth woman and you know what God doesn't like it This is for after this manner in the old time the holy women also who trusted in God sees saved women Adorn themselves being in subjection unto their own husbands. You notice how that term says their own husbands You're not subject to somebody else's husband your own husband, and I know people get so new IFP They're like every woman must obey me That's ridiculous guys. Not every woman has to obey you They have to obey their own husbands and hey, if you're not married to someone you have no authority over them Just throw that in for free for you young fellas all right, and The way to you know become some spiritual juggernaut is not to just have a checklist You know get wife get kids Be a pastor You know Doesn't exactly work that way all the time does it? So, but anyway, it says even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters You are as long as you do well and work and are not afraid with any amazement So Abraham obey or Sarah Abraham Sarah obeyed Abraham Calling him Lord and she you know in the scripture or references in Genesis. She didn't even say it out loud I'm sure she did call him my lord out loud, but in the instance where it talks about in the Bible She's using her inner voice She's thinking that and that's the type of reference reverence. Excuse me. You should have for your husband Like well, he doesn't deserve that Abraham always didn't deserve it either Then he say hey Sarah lie and make sure so I don't get killed. I'm just gonna lie and say you're my sister You know that wasn't you know, that wasn't very manly of him was it? But see men make mistakes women make mistakes, but you know what? We still need to Love each other and you know, there's nothing wrong with calling your husband Lord I'm not saying to go home and practice like yes Lord But would it be wrong? It wouldn't be wrong, you know, bring him his food on a silver platter here my lord Now I'm going too far now But it's literally says in verse 7 though Likewise you husbands dwell with them according to knowledge Giving our unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel You know men are different than women. I'm sure you all realize that But they're not like you men they have different needs they have different desires Then we do and we need to learn to dwell with them with knowledge Okay, and we need to understand we give our to them as the weaker vessel We're there to take care of them. We're there to comfort them. We're there to love them when they're having a hard day Come home and help You know if you have seven kids or five kids or four kids or any amount of kids actually And your wife needs some help when you come home help them Go with them with knowledge. You know, if you're if they're just if you're just like playing on your phone and your wife's just like You know help them out something wrong with that So but what it says giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life That your prayers be not hindered. So we're just think about this. We're heirs together of the grace of life Hey if you're if you're both saved you're married you got a good start So why in the world are Christian couples having such a hard time staying married? Why are Christians having a hard time? Being together. Well, they bring they drag the world in with them. They dragged their mother-in-laws in with them They dragged their father-in-laws into the marriage with them, you know, they listen to their best friend It's not even saved they listen to friends from the past is not even saved Women don't obey their husbands and just say hey, this is how we're gonna live a life. This is the church We're gonna go to this is how we're gonna raise our kids Now I want to do it this way It's not gonna work. If you have two heads try to compete together to see who the Lord of the family is But I'm I saying that women are a doormat to their husbands no, but the Bible says I'm not gonna apologize for that. You're supposed to obey your husband Period Right, but also men you're supposed to love your wives don't be a robot don't be weird Help them out They want to be loved and you want to be respected you want respect give them love You want to be loved give your husband respect? Try saying you're so weak. You don't even make enough money, you know Yeah, that's just what I want to hear when I come home you suck No Man wants to hear that but no wife wants to have some robotic man. There's just like food now It's got my laundry done, huh? All right. Good night. I mean Gonna have some dwell with your wives of knowledge James chapter one. I'm almost done here. I'm sorry. I'm running late here Figure I might as well unload the whole truck while I'm here Y'all drove all these hours to get here, you know, if I just preached like a 40-minute sermon. It's like, okay Hey Paul preached till midnight that's what I'm still going I got like five pages of notes left to go. No, I'm just kidding That'll be Sunday night Just kidding by James chapter 1 What the Bible says be doers of the word and not hearers only Deceiving your own selves You can read the Bible, but if you never put into practice, you're just you're just a hearer only you're not a doer And you're deceiving your own self. I've read the Bible so many times. Did you practice it though? If any be a hearer of the word and not a doer He's like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass looking in the mirror Right for he beholded himself and goeth his way and straightway forgave what manner of man he was I read the Bible, but then you don't put it into practice That's someone that just you know, it's like the Pharisees they say and do not But we can't be like that Says for he behold himself and go straightway forget it the manner of man He was but who so looketh in the perfect law of liberty and continue with therein He be not a forgetful here, but a doer of the work. This man shall be blessed and his deed So you get new practices you remove that old stuff out of your life You know you renew your mind with the Bible and then you have to add stuff to replace that old stuff We're gonna go back to the old stuff. Do you understand? You're gonna forget what manner of person you were But if you look at the perfect law of liberty and being not a forgetful here But a doer of the work see the Christian life is work. The ministry is work Isn't it brother Ian the ministries work? He'll be able to say go we just you just get up and preach You know how long it took me to write this on I'm not gonna tell you it took me a while ago But it takes time to study the Bible. It takes time to be able to preach it takes experience but you know, we have to keep working and doing and Replacing our old stuff with the new stuff. That's good So look at Hebrews chapter 10 verse 24. I Got two more places and we're done Hebrews chapter 10 10 verse 24 says let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works So you're supposed to be considerate of each other to revoke of the love and good works Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another And so much the more as you see the day approaching you want you want a new habit go to church Did you used to go to church before you were saved? Well, maybe you did you're just like I'm bored mommy You know, this is lame You know most you probably won't like that if you were unsaved and went to church I didn't go to church when I grew up, so I don't really have that experience. I got saved when I was 25 And then I started going to a Baptist Church. I was Baptist born Baptist bread when I die. I'll be Baptist dead But it's true. You know, I went to a couple churches when I was younger, but I never went steadily But this is a different type of church, isn't it? This is the type of church that you don't want to forsake and you know Why because you want to provoke unto love and good works you want to assemble together because God's Commanded us to do that. You want to have a habit of going to church a manner of life of going to church Hey, what are you doing today going to church? They shouldn't wake up ago Are we going nah Let's go to the movies. Let's go to Adventureland or whatever. I don't know I forgot what those places were called you guys got these Coastal places where you have abuses parks go there on a different day, but go to church on Sunday and Wednesday when you have a chance, right? Last scripture turn to first second Timothy chapter 3 10 second Timothy chapter 3 10 It says but thou hast known fully known my doctor and manner of life purpose faith chaired a long-suffering charity patience Persecutions afflictions which came to me in Antioch and at Iconium and Lystra what persecutions I endured But out of them all the Lord delivered me Yeah, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution How do you know you replaced all the bad stuff and you've renewed your mind and you're doing good things now You've added new practices to your life. Well when you're living godly in Christ Jesus, you're gonna suffer some persecution So then you know that you're on the right track So what was the title of the sermon? the title of the sermon was remove renew and replace and We got it. We got to remove all the stuff all the junk in our life and all the former manners of our life And we got to read that Bible and let it renew us Let our spirit be renewed and it's going to teach us the difference between good and evil And we could put those things into practice get rid of all that old stuff And then we were gonna replace the junk with good things Right, we got to replace the junk with good things. So what are you doing with your gift? God gave you a gift It's called eternal life. What are you doing with the gift that you have now? Because you know what now is the time to serve God Don't wait till you're old don't say, you know, I'm gonna serve God like, you know make my fortune I'm gonna serve God this or that no start serving God now Start serving God now replace all that junk With good stuff. All right, let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord so much For all these people who come on our Wednesday night Lord and all people that traveled from afar Lord, I just pray you bless them for the fact that they were faithful to come to church and Lord I pray you help us Lord to get all the junk out of our life That's possible for us to do Lord help us to walk in the spirit not fulfill the lusts of the flesh Or help us to be renewed in the spirit of our minds Lord. I pray that you would help us again And what like I said to replace all that garbage and have good Holy deeds that we do and not go back to the world We know where that leads Lord Jesus name we pray. Amen