(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC Good morning, welcome to Shure Foundation Baptist Church morning service. We'll open with a hymn, page 227, saved by the blood, 227 in the green or the red. You have individual soul liberty for the green or the red. Alright. MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC Amen. Brother Eli, can you open us with a word of prayer? Amen. The next hymn, my faith has found a resting place that's 150 in the green or the red. MUSIC My faith has found a resting place not in device nor creed. I trust the ever living one, his wounds for me shall bleed. I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died and that he died for me. Enough for me that Jesus saves, this ends my fear and doubt. A sinful soul, I come to him, he'll never cast me out. I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died and that he died for me. My heart is beating on the word, the written word of God. Salvation by my Savior's name, salvation through his blood. I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died and that he died for me. My great physician heals the sick, the lost he came to save. For me his precious body shed, for me his life he gave. I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died and that he died for me. Amen, at this time we'll have the announcements. Good morning everybody, welcome to Sherriff Foundation Baptist Church for our morning service. Let's take our bulletins and go through some announcements real quick. If you need a bulletin just lift up your hand, one of the ushers will bring you a bulletin. Just keep them raised up right behind you Mikey. On our front cover we have our verse of the week, it says, But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. James chapter 1 verse 22. It's a great scripture there, applying the word of God and not just listening to it. On our inside page there we have a short message about our church there. And if you need to be saved or baptized, please let one of the ushers know. We'd be happy to go through the scriptures with you or scripturally baptize you. Our social media, you can find our church, anything about our preaching or messages are on those social media sites listed there. The Bible Way to Heaven QR code is right there. You could also just listen to that, scan it with your phone and listen to that if you're not 100% sure you're saved. I go through the scriptures in the video there and just show you the plan of salvation. Our service times are 10.30am for our Sunday morning service. Sunday evening service is 3.30pm. Our Thursday Bible study is at 6.30pm and our soul winning times are listed there below. We have a soul winning today at 1 o'clock. Brother Alex is leading right there, so get with him. I can only have one group going out. So, one location, one group. So, just get with Brother Alex. Meeting here at the auditorium at 1pm if you're planning on going out from here. Or just meet on location at the group, at the map provided in the WhatsApp group. Our praise report, you can see the salvations, baptisms and attendance totals from last week. And the upcoming events, just wanted to put a note in there for our new service time starting in Seattle in August. And our Sunday morning service is up there, will begin at 11am. And our evening service will be at 4pm. And we have the building starting at 10.30 all day on Sunday. That room that we meet in and we have access to the kitchen and the mother baby room and all that stuff. The mother baby room times are kind of different. But we do have access to it. So, anyway, God answered our prayers on that. So, we did have like a really early Sunday morning time. And Catholics like that time, but I don't think Baptists do. So, we're more 11am or 10.30am people. So, let's see, July 4th, we do not have service this Thursday. So, just make a special note of that. You might be in the habit of just being here every Thursday. And that's good, but we won't be here. So, the rapture didn't happen. It happens after the tribulation. So, if you show up Thursday and you just forgot, we're actually having church this Tuesday. So, in a few days here, a couple days, we'll be having church again. So, that's going to be our midweek service here. Bible Believers Baptist Church's anniversary is coming up. It's going to be on July 5th. So, this Friday, we're going to have a special service at 6pm at the church building there. Evangelist Daniel Kutzar will be preaching for us at 6pm. And then we're going to have a soul winning marathon on Saturday. And all the usual things we're going to meet at the church though. For coffee and donuts or whatever kind of continental breakfast style stuff that we'll have. And then we'll have lunch provided. We'll probably meet at a restaurant or have it catered to the building. And then we'll have some afternoon soul winning. We'll try to pick some good spots for us to go to. And then we'll have the regular preaching there on Sunday morning. Can I get a show of hands that people are planning on actually going to Yakima? Okay. Okay. Alright. Yes. You're going? Okay. Cool. Alright. So, if you're planning on going, I might just ask again in the WhatsApp group so I can remember. Because I might have got your hands there. I pretty much will be able to remember that. But, you know, I might Biden out and not remember who all said raise their hands. But, anyway, so I'll be like him in the debate that night. So, anyway, so the 26th and the 28th is going to be our six year anniversary. And I did kind of lock in the details of that late last night. So, our evangelist in Vancouver, B.C., brother Wynn Fisher is going to be here to preach for us on Friday night. And so that will be the 26th. We have a big group coming down from Seattle. And then we're going to have some soul winning. We're going to have a barbecue here like we did last year. And I need to procure the bounce house. I don't know if we're going to do the old rodeo thing or not. But that got ugly. Definitely do the bounce house. And we're probably going to play some corn hole. We got the corn hole games. And I know that brother Wynn is really, they're really competitive up there at their church. So, you might want to get some practice in. But we'll just have a good time fellowshipping here at the church building. And have some fun for the kids. And have a barbecue. So, if anybody wants to volunteer to be on the barbecue, C.J. and brother Shawn. We'll get some good burgers. We'll get some good dogs. Get some good stuff to eat. So, it will be a blessing to celebrate our 6th year anniversary. And then all the other stuff. The other stuff is coming off way into the distance. But just mark your calendars for that. We're a family integrated church. That means the children and infants are welcome to enter the church services. Please utilize those rooms for your convenience. And all the other rules are there. Please silence your cell phones. Place them on airplane mode for the service. Ties offerings that came in so far this month are at the bottom of the page. And then it's Ms. Candice's birthday tomorrow. And Ezra Ritchie's birthday the 2nd. And then C.J. and Rachel Woods. Your anniversary is Saturday? Is that right? Okay. So, we'll sing happy anniversary to the Woods because we won't be here. We'll be in Yakima. And then Tony needs to come out of the booth right now. Because we didn't get to sing happy anniversary to him and Jazzy. So, come on out Tony. Sit with your wife. Yes, that's part of the fun for me. Sorry brother Tony. Seven years Tony. It's been a while. Time flies, yeah. Alright, let's go ahead and sing happy anniversary. Happy anniversary. Happy anniversary to you. Happy anniversary to you. God bless you and keep you. Happy anniversary to you. Can we sing happy anniversary to Sarah and Brian? I thought we did. Is he lying? Okay. Alright. You couldn't lie to your, don't lie to your pastor. It's not right now. And then C.J. and Rachel, how long have you been married now? About a year. Wow, congratulations. Alright. Let's go ahead and sing another song and then we're going to receive the offering after that. Alright, there won't be an altar call after just as I am. But, it's never a bad time to get right in your heart. Alright. Number 270 in the green or the red, just as I am. Just as I am without one plea, what path I walk was shared for me. And that thou bidst me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come. I come just as I am and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark lot. To thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come. I come just as I am. O tossed about with many a conflict, many a doubt. Fightings and fears within, without O Lamb of God, I come. I come just as I am. O wretched, blind, sight-rich as he, being of the mind, Yea, all I need in thee to find O Lamb of God, I come. I come just as I am. Thou wilt receive, wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because thy promise I believe O Lamb of God, I come. I come. Amen. At this time, we'll have the offering. And as the ushers come forward, Brother Mikey, can you bless the offering? Father, thank you for bringing us all together. Amen. Amen. Amen. All right, go ahead and turn in your Bibles to 2 Corinthians chapter number 2. 2 Corinthians chapter 2, if you don't have a Bible, there should be a Bible under the seat in front of you. 2 Corinthians 2. 2 Corinthians 2, the Bible reads, But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness. For if I make you sorry, who is he then that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me? And I wrote this same unto you, lest when I come, I should have sorrow from them of whom I ought to rejoice, having confidence in you all, that my joy is the joy of you all. For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote unto you with many tears, not that you should be grieved, but that ye might know the love which I have more abundantly unto you. But if any have caused grief, he hath not grieved me, but in part, that I may not overcharge you all. Sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which was inflicted of many, so that contrary wise ye ought rather to forgive him and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow. Wherefore I beseech you that ye would confirm your love toward him. For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things. To whom ye forgive anything, I forgive also. For if I forgive anything, to whom I forgave it. For your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ, lest Satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices. Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christ's gospel, and a door was opened unto me of the Lord, I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother. But taking my leave of them, I went from thence into Macedonia. Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the saber of his knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet saber of Christ, and them that are saved, and in them that perish. To the one we are the saber of death unto death, and to the other the saber of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not as many which corrupt the word of God, but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. Brother Eli, will you pray for us? Thank you for the book of II Corinthians, Father. Thank you for the obvious power of it, Lord, because you helped us to understand, Father, what you have to say. Help me pray that you would build up the pastor function here, and fill us with this good Lord so that we can understand your word of truth. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. Well, before I get started, I just wanted to say that today is... I'm just going to be preaching a message about religious liberty, so I figured it was, you know, we're not going to have church on Thursday, because we don't want to drive into Saigon after the service is over, so I figured it would be appropriate to preach something about liberty, because we live in a land that proclaims that it believes in liberty, and a lot of our liberties are being taken away, and they're always constantly challenging the laws of our land to try to interpret them. People will say that the Constitution is a living document, but really the only real living document is the Bible. The Bible says it's quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intent, intents of the heart, so the Bible is the only thing that's... So quick means alive, so the Bible claims that it's alive, and it can discern our intents, it can discern our heart, so when we read it and we get convicted or we hear the Bible preached, it is supposed to affect us and admonish us to do what's right, to get sin out of our lives, and, you know, when we think about liberty, we probably do think about the liberties that we have in the United States, and in reality, you know, the only thing that really gives us true liberty is the Spirit of God. Look down at 2 Corinthians 3, verse 17 in your Bible there. It says, Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Now, each and every one of us, if you're saved today, we have the Spirit of the Lord indwelling us. That is the promise in the New Testament, that we would have the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirit of the Lord cannot depart from us, we cannot lose the Spirit through sin, we can grieve the Spirit, we can, you know, make the Spirit of God angry, we can have God angry at us, but we can never lose the Spirit of God. So it says, Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. So, we do have liberty in Christ Jesus our Lord, and He has given us the Comforter, which He calls the Spirit of God. The term liberty is the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. So, when you think about like Moses and the children of Israel, it's a good picture of, you know, Egypt being a picture of the world, and when the children of Israel were freed, it's like they were freed from the world, from sin, and God's design was to take them after salvation and take them into the promised land, and then obviously in that picture is, you know, going in and conquering the land for Christ, and that's when you see Joshua in the New Testament, he pictures Christ, and his name is actually the same name as Jesus in the New Testament, and they just didn't have the sh sound in the New Testament in Greek. So, anyway, that's why his name appears different in the New Testament. So, anyway, that's not what I'm preaching about, but now, what it means we have liberty, where we have liberty is, we're no longer slaves to sin, and we're no longer enslaved in our mind. The Bible talks about how the devil has trapped people, he's enslaved people at his will to the system that he's designed in this world, because the Bible says that he is the god of this world, small g, right? And because he is the god of this world, he has a lot of freedom to enslave people, and those people that aren't saved, he can pretty much do a lot of things that he wants to do with them, because they are not free. But we are free from the devil, we're free from sin, and even if we were in prison for our beliefs, even if someone told you, you can't believe that, our minds belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. We have the new man, we have a new mind, we have a new heart as we are saved, and so people could tell us, hey, you can't believe that, or you shouldn't believe that, but our minds are free to serve Christ. Our body could someday not be free to serve Christ, but our mind, they can't take that away from us. They cannot take away the liberty that we have and what we believe. They cannot take away our belief in Christ. That's just something that this world can never do. We're free to serve God as he intended. Now, the difference between what the liberty that the United States talks about, it does have the intention of the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. That is part of what the United States' picture of liberty is, but it's also the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. Now, that's all true, too, but there should be a restriction on people's behavior, okay? But the behavior restrictions have gotten way looser. There should be law and order. People say the pursuit of happiness is one of the things that we get to enjoy as Americans, but they've taken that pretty far. When people are dressing up in dog masks and pretending like they're animals and just all the weird stuff that we see in this world now, that is not what is intended by liberty. I mean, people are like, well, what do people do in the privacy of their own homes? But they're not doing it in the privacy of their own homes. Now that they're out of the closet, now they're out of the darkness and into the light, they're out in full view of everybody. They want to just show everybody what they really are, and then people are just like, wow, I really don't want to see that. And they're like, no, you will see it. We won't force you to see it. And I'm glad that we haven't had to see as much this month as we have in times past. I think that Bud Light losing all that money, they really did get together, and they said, you know what, maybe we went too far with this. Target was like, yeah, maybe we should stop selling pride clothes for little kids. And they lost a lot of money. So they kind of got the picture, maybe we should just dial this back a little bit. But this is how agendas become, this is how they work. They'll go two steps forward and one step back. So it's not as much now, but they just went full tilt, and then people freaked out and were like, okay, this is enough. When you're putting a transvestite on a beer can, you've gone too far. But I would say they went way too far the last several years in a row. But anyway, I'm preaching about that tonight, so I don't want to get off too much on that. But what made me think, my wife actually kind of gave me the idea to preach this sermon, and there was a lot of religious liberty top things that we had to deal with last week. And a lot of the things that we have to deal with are people calling us, or specifically calling me, and saying, do you know that you have all these women and children and all these people on our property, and they're knocking on people's doors, and they're telling us, they're inviting people to church, can you believe this? It's like, yeah, I mean, they're sent there. We have all these signs. And Miss Crystal had to deal with this top-tier Karen boss last week. She was like level 10 on the Karen boss spectrum. And she was an older woman. I don't know if maybe someone said that she might have been in her 70s, but maybe 60s, 70s. But she gets face to face with Miss Crystal, calling her a liar, screaming at her at the top of her lungs, and seeing her children cry, who are in tow with her, and just flipping out, full Karen boss, we need to start recording these people, and just posting them on the internet and shaming them, because this is just ridiculous. And this person called me a couple times, and the first time I didn't answer, and they called me from a different number, and so they called me from a different number and then chewed me out, and I had already left a message that day and whatever. I was just like, whatever. They said that the little kids were out of control and just all this stuff. And I don't know all the details of everything that was said, but what I do know is that my wife had to kind of jump in between and be like, hey, you need to stop. And then she's screaming at them as they're walking out of the complex at the top of her lungs, and it's like a condominium or something. But she called me and left all these messages, and I'll tell you later on about the phone call and the sermon, a little bit more about it. But I also had another, it was like a Ken. He wasn't a top 10 Ken, but he was like maybe a 7, 6.5. He was a maintenance man. We deal with a lot of these maintenance men when we're out, and they just seem to think that they're now the security boss of the complex, and they take it upon themselves to enforce the rules that we're not supposed to be there soliciting. Well, we're not soliciting, and by the law we're not soliciting. By the Supreme Court, which ruled in our favor, we're not soliciting. So I spoke with that individual on the phone, and he's telling me the same thing. All these kids are out here, and it's pandemonium. And I think that when they think that they call me that I'm going to give them this answer, like, oh, well, I'll just straighten this out right now. Because this is what people think. I want to talk to the manager. This is what Karens and Kans do. They want to talk to the manager, and the manager's going to say, the customer's always right, but this is a church. And when you want to talk to the manager, the manager's going to tell you how it is. Whether you're male or female, I'm going to tell you how it is. I'm going to tell you what the Bible says. I'm going to tell you what the law says. And they just seem to think that because they put up a sign that says no trespassing, no soliciting, that that means that they can just treat us however they want or do whatever they want, and that's just not true. You can't just walk around. You can't touch people. You can't get in their face. You can't follow them around and disrupt them. While they're doing something that this country has said we can do, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights says that we can do, and more importantly, what the Bible says we can do. So, we do have liberty in this country, and we are blessed to live in a nation where we do have freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. And there's discrimination laws that have been passed in this country that you can't discriminate against people based upon their religion. But, you know, there's all these laws about this stuff, but when it comes to Christianity, they do want to cut us short. They do want to say, oh, but we didn't mean Christianity. Oh, let's treat the Muslims with all this respect. Let's let them do what they want. Let's let any other religion, but Christians, no way. And they'll even pass legislation. I preached about the House Bill 6090 where they say specifically that if you say that the Jews killed Jesus, that that is anti-Semitic and against the law. And it hasn't passed the Senate, and even if it does, we'll still preach the same thing. Because we have freedom of speech, they can pass whatever law they want, but if it's against the Constitution, against the Bill of Rights, it's null and void. So, as a Christian, as Christians living in the United States, we do have amazing freedoms. We have a lot of, we have amazing freedoms, we have amazing liberty, and that liberty does come from the Spirit of God Almighty, and in our church we have liberty. We have liberty to preach what we want and to go unmolested, supposedly, to preach the Gospel. There's a lot of nations on this earth, like North Korea, for instance. You can't believe whatever you want. You're to believe whatever the state tells you to believe. They're indoctrinated from a very early age. They have to worship their leader, who's Kim Jong-un, or whatever his name is, a little short, fat guy that rides around on horses and looks stupid. And if you're caught practicing Christianity, they beat you, they throw you in camps, or they just murder you. You can't even escape. It's like a total police state-type country, and if you're caught trying to escape, they'll kill you. They'll kill you or they'll capture you and put you in hard labor, making big rocks into little rocks. And so we have a lot of, and that's the extreme, of course, but there's a lot of countries that, and here's the thing, if you don't use the liberty that you have, if you don't use the freedom that you have, if you don't fight for that freedom, and I'm not saying we should take up arms or fight physically, but if we don't fight and just use our words and use our rights as Christians, we will lose them. And this is what's happening in this country, is that pastors are too afraid to stand up and say what the Bible says, and that's why all this stuff is happening in our country. Preachers stop preaching the truth. Preachers stop preaching what the Bible says. I almost got arrested one time for knocking on doors a long time ago when I went to a church in Hazelville. And my pastor would have been mad if I would have got arrested. And that's the only reason why I didn't get arrested, because I felt like this guy is going to arrest me for what? Preaching the gospel? And at that time I was a little ignorant. I was a fairly new Christian, maybe had been saved for a year and a half, two years or something. And I was really surprised that the supposed apartment managers saying they were Christians but then calling the police on me. I was just like, what are you talking about? I'm trying to get people saved here. And you're saying you're a Christian, you're going to throw me out? And they're just like, yeah, there's no soliciting here, whatever. This is before that law was passed, or before the Supreme Court ruled on that ruling. So it was before that happened. But as a pastor, I want to back up my people. If you're doing what's right, and you're doing what the Bible says, and you're striving lawfully, then when apartment manager Karen, top ten tier Karen calls me, I'm going to stand up for my people and tell them, I'm not going to go, oh, the customer's always right. I'm going to say, no, you're wrong. Our country allows religious liberty. Our country allows free speech. You don't pay their rent, Karen. And so you don't have the right to tell them what they can and can't believe. You don't speak for the whole apartment complex. She's not an apartment manager. I asked her that. Are you the apartment manager? No. I said, well, then you don't have the right to tell them to leave. Oh, yes I do. No, you don't. And neither does the maintenance manager. I said, go fix something, buddy. Why don't you just go fix something? I mean, is that your job description? To harass Christians to come and knock on people's doors? No. Your job description is probably, fix stuff. Fix the leaky faucet. Fix the carpet. Fix the apartment that somebody else trashed. Or whatever it is your job is to do, it's maintenance. It's not security. So what we're allowed to say in our world today is getting more restrictive. They don't even want us to say certain words. When I was a kid, calling people fag was just a normal thing. It wasn't like, oh, I can't believe you said that. It was just normal. Our friends would call each other that on the playground. Oh, you fag, you know, whatever. Now it's just like, oh, I can't believe you said that. It's like saying the n-word. No, it's not because black people were born black. They can't help that. And to call them a derogatory term is just wrong because it's wicked. It's wicked to be a racist. But they're not born that way. They become that way because God gives them over to the reprobate mind. So people are like, well, that's offensive. You should use terms that aren't offensive. Well, they call themselves queers, don't they? So if it's not offensive, it's in their little moniker. It's LGBTQ. That stands for queer. So if I call them queers, is that offensive to them? No. If I call them homos, that's just short for homosexuals. Is that offensive? No, it's not offensive. If I call them sodomites, is that offensive? They don't even know what it means. But when I say faggot, everybody knows exactly what that means. And they're just trying to say, you can't say these certain things. You can't say whore. And people condemn me for saying speech like that from the pulpit, but the Bible uses the word piss. The Bible uses the word bastard. The Bible uses the word whore. The Bible uses the word whore monger. The Bible uses the word drunkard. It's not I have an addiction problem. It's you're a drunkard. You're a drunk. The Bible has some strong language in it, and we shouldn't be shying away from what the Bible says. We shouldn't just be like, oh, that word for this time. No. The Bible's timeless. The Bible, you know, to say the word bastard, you know, to say the word bastard, you know, just means an illegitimate child. Well, just say that then. No, because bastard has a negative connotation to it. That's why people don't want us to say it. Because it means something negative. We should never just say anything negative. You know, don't ever say the word hate. Well, the word hate is in the Bible plenty of times. You know what? Sometimes God hates people, not just sin. God actually does hate people. I'm not preaching about that today, though. But all I'm preaching, I'm just saying this, is that in our world today, they're trying to stop us from saying things that are offensive. They don't want us to say illegal alien. They want us to say undocumented person. They don't want us to say homeless or derelict or bum. They want us to say experiencing houselessness. I mean, they're experiencing houselessness. They're a bum. They're homeless. I mean, that's what they are. They're drug addicted homeless people. We're in America, folks. We're the richest nation on the face of the planet. People can find jobs if they really want to. So, I'm not buying that. Are there some exceptions to the rule? I'm sure that there are. Someone that just couldn't afford to live in their place anymore. I get it. Not down on those people. I'm talking about the people that want to be out there on purpose. So, and if Christians don't wake up today and stop being a little scared of their own shadow preachers and people just stop. We need to stand up for Jesus. You know that song? Stand up, stand up for Jesus. It's not just talking about just standing up. It's talking about standing up for Jesus. And not just letting people mock and blaspheme Him in our presence all the time. And I'm not saying to get physical. Again, we have a, it's not a carnal war that we're in. We're in a spiritual battle. So I just want to take a look at a few liberties that we have as citizens of the United States and as we've been commanded by our Lord to do. We have liberty in Christ to do and keep His commandments. That's above everything. That's above any civil government that we have on the face of the planet. But we also have rights from our government also. The First Amendment is Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. So there's not to be a one religion, like the Church of England is the religion of England. Now they allow other churches to be there, but there was a time when no other churches were allowed to exist, basically. Catholicism was banned and it was just the Church of England alone. And so, but they are established, they're sponsored by the state of England, or the Church of England, or, excuse me, the government of England to be, you know, so they're appointed by the king. The king is over the church and that's just not, the Bible doesn't teach that. So, but we're not, the First Amendment teaches that we're not supposed to establish a religion. So Baptist is not the national religion of the United States. It says, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. So the First Amendment says, we have the free exercise of religion. Freedom of religion. It's in the First Amendment. So what does our religion teach? That we are allowed to preach the Bible, God, Jesus said, what you hear in darkness, preach on the house tops. We're, we have the ability to preach what we want, what the Bible says we can preach. And we have a commission to preach the Gospel to every creature, and to go door to door and preach the Gospel. That is the way the Apostle Paul turned the world upside down, is by going door to door, daily and in every house. Right? So, and it says, or abridging the freedom of speech. What is abridging? Have you ever had like, this is the abridged version of this book? It's where they take out and they just put like, they don't put everything in the book. They shorten it down, they cut it short, right? They just give you kind of the main things of the book. So, we're not supposed to have abridged freedom of speech. That means we can say what we want. That means we can say whatever we want. So, or the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble. It says, and to petition the government for redress of grievances. It's not just that we have the right to assemble, to petition the government for a redress of grievances. We just have the right to peaceably assemble. Period. So, what does the church do? We're peaceably assembling here today. We have the right to do that. They cannot stop us from assembling as a church. This is what our government has given us these rights. But, more importantly, Jesus Christ gave us these rights. The second amendment is a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. But, what happens today? They're always trying to infringe on these rights, aren't they? Oh, you can only have ten rounds in your magazine, or whatever. It's like, well, do you really need that AR-15 to go duck hunting? Well, first of all, I would never use an AR-15 to go duck hunting because you're going to blow all the meat up. But, but, if I wanted to, if I had that red dot on there, it would probably be a nice head shot. You don't harm the body at all. It just, head goes I mean, it might be practical in some settings, but, you know, most people use shotguns, right, when they're hunting bird, or any kind of fowl, right? So, but the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That means we're allowed to have weapons. And, it doesn't say that it shall not be infringed it shall not be infringed. So, when they're making all these rules and regulations about our guns, that's not under the Second Amendment. They're breaking the Constitution Amendment, the Second Amendment. So, you're like, well, what about automatic weapons? Why do we need automatic weapons? Well, you know, because if the government goes bad, the idea was, just like the founding fathers, when they revolted against England, they took up arms and fought. So, we have the same mindset if our government was to go bad, then we would be able to do the same thing. But, you know, they kind of made it so lopsided now that we would never stand a chance. But, good luck taking everybody's guns away from them. I mean, they're really trying hard to make this happen, and they do really try hard to restrict everything. But, you know, the government, like I said, everything's always trying to be infringed upon. They're always trying to curb our speech. They're always trying to curb what we can do in our religion. And, these bosses at these apartment complexes, and these, what, these housing authorities, and all these other, what do you call those, the HOA's? The HOA bosses? They're usually Karen's and Ken's too. I mean, we had an HOA person punch one of our church members before. I mean, that's how crazy they get. So, I wanted to read you the 1964 Anti-Discrimination Act. It says, this law makes it illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about the discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit. The law also requires that employers reasonably accommodate applicants and employees sincerely held religious practices, unless doing so would impose an undue hardship on the operation of the employer's business. So, people that really do go to church on Sunday should be able to get that Sunday off. I mean, unless it's some undue hardship upon the business. But, you know, they'll let people pray, Muslims pray five times a day, wear their head gear, their Cobra Commander outfit, you know, I mean, 9-11 was supposedly carried out by all these Saudi terrorists and stuff, but then you see Cobra Commander and his wife get on, or you see some guy get on with all of his children and his wife is Cobra Commander, they're the last people to get on the plane. It's like, you know, it's kind of a scary situation. It's almost as scary as you see that the woman is the pilot on the plane. It's like, it's like, can I get off this flight now and just rebook? That's a joke, but kind of. Anyway, you're not supposed to be able to discriminate against people because of their religion, but they do. I mean, my work tried to fire me over it. They brought me in front of the council, and they tried to fire me. But you know what I did? I brought in the First Amendment. I brought in this law, and actually, if you really dig deeper into the 1964 Anti-Discrimination Act, it says if it's a new religion that just came about today, and you're practicing that religion, they don't have the right to discriminate against that. And my defense was, I said, I don't belong to a new religion. I belong to the religion called Christianity, which is a well-known and established religion, and I said the things that I believe are things that are in the Bible. And then I preached Leviticus 2013 to them, and I preached several other passages, like Romans 1. I'm not saying I'm Paul, but I felt like Paul, preaching in front of this council of people, but I wanted them to see that I'm not afraid to stand up for my rights. I said, if you try to fire me, I'm going to sue you. I'm going to sue you because you're breaking the law. You're violating my rights under the Constitution. You're violating the 1964 Discrimination Act. So if anybody in this room ever gets fired for what you believe, then just throw this stuff in their face. Because that changed the temperature in the room real quick. They're like, can we get a copy of that stuff? What, you didn't know the Constitution said that? You didn't know about the It always applies to everybody else, but when a Christian brings it up, they're like, oh, we didn't know that was in there. As they're showing me a montage of my greatest clips in front of me, in front of my union stewards and stuff. I'm like, can I get some popcorn and a Coke here? Can I get a copy of this? This is pretty good. But that's what, I mean, they're just like, did you say this? I mean, you watched it. But it was carefully clipped. Like my Massa sermon. When I preached that sermon, I started off with a story about how these two lesbians drove all these five kids off the cliff and drugged the dogs too. They killed them all. They drove off a cliff in California and killed all these kids because they were abusing them. And then I said, they deserve the death penalty and they're wicked and all this other stuff. They just put that part in. They didn't put the part about how they used these two lesbian white women, adopted five black children, had them pose in these pictures, and they were just basically using them for social media clout. But behind closed doors, they were beating them, starving them. They'd already been charged in Minnesota. That's why they moved from Minnesota to Portland, and from Portland to Woodland. And they moved across the street from my family friends of ours, and one girl was starved so bad that she literally jumped out the top story window of her house and ran to the neighbor's house and said, please, can I get some food? They're starving us. And then, you know, the pit bosses come over and grab her before they can do anything to help. And so, instead of facing the music that they were going to face for abusing these kids, they decided, let's just murder them and kill ourselves too. And so, but I'm the bad guy because I preached that they should kill themselves. Or, I mean, that people, yeah, the people that do those things should kill themselves and not kill the kids. Why not? I mean, there's such evil reprobates that they wanted to kill the kids and the dog. I mean, the dog wasn't even precious in their eyes. People, but people get more, they probably get more upset about the dogs getting killed than the kids in our weird world that we live in. So, let's turn to Joshua chapter one. Joshua chapter one. So, in Joshua chapter one, in the Old Testament, we have Joshua being commissioned by God after Moses dies. And, of course, again, this is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ, Joshua is, and the commission is given to him by God. Just like Jesus in the New Testament is commissioned by God, right? Joshua chapter one verse one says, Now after the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister saying. So, who spoke to Joshua and through Joshua? It was Moses. So, when Joshua takes over, you know, it's picturing the taking over from going from the law to the New Testament. So, now turn to, just keep your finger here in Joshua because we're going to come back to it multiple times. But now, just flip over to Hebrews chapter one verse one. In the Old Testament, God spake to us by prophets. He spoke directly to Moses, and here He's speaking to Joshua, but in the New Testament He spoke to us through the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what it says in Hebrews 1-1. It says, God who at sundry times and diverse manner spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son. So, how have we been spoken to? By His Son. Who did He speak to? Us. Whom He hath appointed heir of all things by whom also He made the world. So, God's spoken to us by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. We have the, if you have a red letter edition of the Bible, then we have the words that Christ actually spoke. And, of course, Jesus Christ is the Word of God. So, I mean, you can basically count the whole thing as the words of Christ. But, He's the heir of all things. He has a job for us to do. So, Joshua had a certain commission. He was to go and basically take over the land of Canaan and kill all the residents basically and take over and live in their stead or replace them. Right? And we have a different agenda here in the New Testament. So, but we do have a commission, just like Joshua had a commission. Joshua's commission to bring the children of Israel into the Promised Land and we have a commission that was given to the Lord Jesus Christ and we are now sent out to also, not to take men's lives, but to save men's lives. So, to turn them from death to life. Right? And so, we also are trying to conquer the heathen, but it's just a spiritual conquering as opposed to a literal conquering. We're out there trying to kill the old man in them. And through slaying them with the sword of the Spirit and quickening them. So, making them alive. We take the sword of the Spirit out there and we present the Gospel to people and we kill that old man and give them a new creature with the sword of the Spirit. Right? This is our task that we've been given. And like Joshua and the children of Israel, we're commanded to go, so we also are commanded by Christ to go, by Christ Jesus to preach the Gospel, to baptize and teach the Bible. Look at Joshua 1, 2. It says Moses, my servant, is dead. Now, therefore, arise, go. And you'll see that. I love that term in the Bible. It says it quite a few times. He says that to Jonah when he tells him to arise, go into Nineveh again and preach the preaching that I bid thee. But he tells Joshua, Moses my servant is dead. Now, therefore, arise, go over this Jordan and all this people into the land which I do give to them even the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given unto you as I said unto Moses. So, for us in the New Testament, I believe that this Scripture holds true for us also that every place that the sole of our feet touch is also given to us. And every place our foot treads, we're allowed to go there because we have a specific unction from the Holy One. We have a specific commission to go and preach the Gospel to the whole world. It's not just limited to the promised land like it was for Joshua or for them to have these certain parameters where they were to go to at that time to conquer the land of Canaan. But we have a different commission now. But it says from the wilderness of Lebanon even to the great river, the river Euphrates and the land of the Hittites and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your coast. But that's not so for our cases. So the physical nation of Israel, they had borders didn't they? But we have no borders. For the people of God in the New Testament every nation is represented. Every nation has saved people in it. And our commission is a worldwide commission. In the New Testament we're not limited to a geographic area. Our commission again is the whole world. Look at Matthew chapter 28 verse 18. Matthew chapter 28 verse 18. Matthew chapter 28 verse 18 the Bible says and Jesus came and spake unto them saying All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. So when the Karen apartment manager tells you what authority do you have to be here? I have authority. God gave me the authority. He said to go and I went. That's our authority. We don't need any other authority than that. And really if we did sneak into North Korea we do have the authority to go there. Now you might die the moment you try to walk across the demilitarized zone or whatever. What is it called? Is that what it's called? So we have like more troops I think in the world stationed there than any place else in the world. At least that was a statistic a while ago. I'm not sure if that's still true. But there's a bunch of American troops on one side and then there's this stretch of land and then you have the North Koreans on the other side. But we've been commissioned to go and do these things. So if someone says well you don't have the right to be here. This sign says this. Hey this sign right here, this sign here says we can go. Our Lord and Savior said we can go. The God of all Heaven and Earth, the one who made this world said we can go. And you know what? That does trump any kind of law in this world. And you know again you might get killed for going certain places. And maybe we should go to the places that are actually allowing people in right now. I think that's the smart move. If you're going to instantly die the moment you walk somewhere you're really not you're just kind of giving up your life for nothing at that point. I mean that's not for nothing. If you just want the rewards, yeah I mean you're going to get a martyr's reward instantly. So you know maybe if you have cancer that you know you're never going to beat you know here's some Bibles. You know whatever. But they'd probably shoot the Bibles and you know it'd be worthless. But it's not going to help them if you can't preach it to them. So anyway turn to Mark chapter 16 verse 15, Mark 16, 15. So Joshua and the children of Israel were commanded to go into the Promised Land but Jesus has commanded us to go into the whole world. Mark 16, 15 says and He said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. That's pretty plain simple isn't it? All the world. You know all means all Calvinists. Not just you know not doing it at all. That's what they believe in. Just not preaching at all. People are just automatically going to get saved somehow. But preach the gospel to every creature. And so why would we preach the gospel to every creature? Because everybody can be saved. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. But he that believeth not shall be damned. You know when people take this I got to caveat this real quick because it says and is baptized. People go see you have to be baptized to be saved. But look at the semicolon after the semicolon it says but he that believeth not shall be damned. So it doesn't say he that believeth not and is not baptized shall be damned. It's he that believeth not. Because salvation is by faith alone. It's not by works. Number three like God would not forsake Moses and Joshua. Jesus will never forsake us in our time of need either. So we are allowed we should have great boldness when we go out. And yes sometimes soul winning does get a little scary. And you know Robert and Crystal's kids were really scared when all that happened. And I understand why because you know people have threatened to throw people in jail and all this other stuff. And I understand why some freak screeching Karen is going to freak some kids out when they're not used to hearing that kind of stuff. And all of a sudden we're at someone's door and some screechers there just flipping out. You know it's going to affect kids. But she's in the right though. You know we're wrong for just loving people and want to preach the gospel to them. But Joshua 1 5 let's go back to Joshua 1 5 it says in verse 5 it says there should not any man be able to stand before the all the days of thy life as I was with Moses so I will be with thee. I will not fail thee nor forsake thee. So with this charge that Joshua was given he said hey just like I was with Moses I'm going to be with you. And did Moses get in some times of danger where he thought his life was in jeopardy? Yeah even by his own people. Like they wanted to stone him more than once. He had people rise up against him in the congregation and try to overthrow him. But God was always on his side. Even his own brother and sister tried to do it. They're like he married this Ethiopian woman. They're racist or whatever. And he's like God's like no. I'll just turn you white as snow. How about that? Miriam? And she's like oh no I'm white now. She had to be white for 7 days. So how's that for you want to be racist well I'll just make you white. How about that? Anyway verse 6 be strong and of good courage for unto this people shall thou divide for an inheritance the land which I swear unto their fathers to give them. So again you know these are things that really happen but they are also pictures for us. Hey we need to be strong also and have a good courage and use the liberty that God has given us and preach with boldness the things that God has had us to proclaim. Now we're supposed to be nice at the doors and try to get people saved. But you know when people are flipping out on us like that I don't have a problem if you're just saying hey this is what our rights are. You know you're infringed upon our rights. How about I just start recording you? How about I call the police on you? And you know what when we start doing that then maybe there will be a change. And if there's not well hey at least they knew that a prophet was among them. We're going to get thrown out anyway. But you know what the real blessing was about that? And I was thinking about this and my wife was telling me about this. So they got Karen'd out of the out of the the condos. It wasn't an apartment complex but it was the condos. But coming down they went back to the other apartment complex that was almost done anyway or was already done. And they were stopping and talking to people. Nobody was getting saved. But then they stopped these two Chuukese teenagers and she ends up getting two Chuukese teenagers saved. And so think about how God sets things up. It's like she's out there being bold with her children. That freak just messes with her. She's upset. Her kids are crying. But how does God reward her? How is He still with her? How does He not forsake her? Well He says here's a couple kids that need to be saved. Maybe God just orchestrated that so that you know she's going to get persecuted because all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. And then she goes down to the place where she's supposed to be for a divine appointment with those young men and they get saved. And why was there so much opposition because we got 22 people saved out of that apartment complex. That's why. In like a four week stretch. I mean the devil doesn't like us reaping in the land like that. We had 13 people saved on one Thursday. That's an hour soul winning time. That's amazing. So God was with that soul winning. God was with Miss Crystal as she was just being bold. Be strong and of a good courage. That's what the Bible says. And that He will not fail us nor forsake us. Matthew chapter 28 I'm not going to have you turn back there but I'll just read it to you. It says teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you and lo that word lo means it's drawing attention or an interesting to an interesting or amazing fact. You know when the Bible says lo have you ever thought well that's just kind of poetic language or whatever it kind of is. It's like lo I saw the earth. But Jesus is saying this. He said lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world. That's amazing. You know draw your attention to that fact. He's saying lo look at this. Draw your attention to this. I am with you always even unto the end of the world. Amen. So He's always with us even unto the end of the world. He's never going to leave us nor forsake us. Just like He promised that to Joshua He promised that to Moses that promises to us in the New Testament for the Great Commission. He promises these things. So when that crazy condo lady comes screaming in your face when your children are crying and scared He's with you. He will not fail you. He will not forsake you. I am with you always. That's what the Bible says right? Until when? Until the end. So number four don't turn aside keep doing the work and abide. Don't turn aside keep doing the work and abide. Look at Joshua 1.7 it says only be thou strong and very courageous that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. So there's this admonition to keep the commandments of God. Now of course we're not under the law but there's a lot of commandments given in the New Testament isn't there? There's still commandments in the Old Testament. I mean just because Jesus died on the cross does that mean we're okay to kill people now? We're okay to just run around murdering people? Are we okay? Is it now it's okay to be a transvestite? Now it's okay to be a sodomite? No it's not. Those things are still in effect but we are not under the law. So I would just say but the Bible says if you love me keep my commandments that's what Jesus said. His commandments are not grievous unto us and so if there's commandments in the New Testament are we supposed to obey them? So to say that we should keep God's commandments, there's nothing wrong with saying that. But obviously we don't keep God's commandments for salvation. Or to prove that we're saved necessarily. Look at verse 8 it says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success. So keeping God's commandments, reading the Bible, knowing what we believe. This is part of what God wants us to do and we have the right right now in this country to have Bibles. Again I'll draw you to other countries in the world where the Bible is completely outlawed. Completely outlawed. And you know what? We used to have the Bible and the Ten Commandments in schools. And then they took it out and then you can just see the statistics of teen pregnancy and fornication and just all the different crime and unwed mothers giving birth and fatherless homes. All these statistics just went up shot up when they took the Ten Commandments out. Shot up when they took prayer out of school. Shot up when they took God out of school. And I'm not saying that we should force religion at school. I actually don't even think that public school should exist. Honestly that's what I think. And now look at public school. I mean you've got a bunch of sodomites teaching kids in public schools. And they'll say, oh they're not teaching that in school. Yeah they are. Quit trying to lie. Just like they're not doing transgender surgeries, right? Even though they just put some hospital put up, oh this is such and such with these transgender surgeries and then they deleted the video because they're supposedly not doing them. But they're doing them. Gender affirming care for minors. That's what they call it. What does that mean? Well they're chopping body parts off and adding body parts that didn't exist before. That's what it is. Or hormone blockers or putting these things into their bodies. So we have a certain responsibility with our liberty that God has given us as saved people Hey, we should be reading the Bible. We should be keeping God's commandments. We should be in church. We should be out preaching the Gospel. We should be doing good works. Keeping the commandments. And we've got to read our Bibles folks. Get into your Bible. Even if you only can read the Bible for a few minutes a day, just read the Bible. And it's sitting right here day and night. Meditate in it. Learn something. I mean we're learning in the chronicles. I just learned something new the other day. I didn't realize that Amasa was the nephew of King David. Who already knew that? One person. I mean, I'm a pastor I didn't know that. People are like, you're a pastor and you didn't know that? Well there's a lot of things I don't know. There's a lot of things you don't know either. So we all have a personal responsibility to read the Bible. But you know when you really dig into something you're like, oh I never realized that connection. You're just looking at every name. You're like, who's that? That name sounds familiar. Shalom. Who's Shalom? You know, all these other things. So, but you're going to learn new things. It's not like you just read the Bible one time and it's like, okay I knew everything now. That's not how the Bible works. There's layers. So, but it says in verse 9, Have not I commanded thee be strong and of a good courage? You notice that God just keeps telling Joshua this over and over again. Because it's so important for us because you know what? When we become weak and cowardly and not bold, that's when our liberty will be taken away from us. That's when our liberty to preach the Gospel. Our liberty to preach hardened churches. That's when our liberty to proclaim our religion, which is Christianity in this country, will lose it. Because if people aren't using their liberties, they're going to lose their liberties. And it shouldn't be just one set of churches making these big stands. You know, if everybody, if all the churches that have saved pastors would just stand up and stop talking about revival all the time, the revival is to get out and get your people soul winning and you to get out with them and start preaching the Gospel and start preaching hard in your pulpit so everybody, if all 6,000 Baptist churches in this land start preaching hard sermons and start going out soul winning, it would make a difference. Because you know what? Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And the more people we get saved, the more liberty there is. And God said be strong and of a good courage. Be not afraid. Neither be thou dismayed. For the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Isn't that what Jesus said too? He's going to be with us always. So turn to Luke 24 verse 44. Now you have this different account in the end of Luke where he's on the road to Emmaus and he meets up with a few disciples. Is it important for us to know the Scriptures? Of course it is. And you know we have the end of Matthew the end of Mark where Jesus gives the specific Great Commission, right? It's more detailed in Matthew and then the scope is given and it's saying every creature in the whole world. And in Luke we have this ending here where he's on this road to Emmaus he's walking with these two disciples and it says in verse 44 it says, and he said unto them these are the words which I spake unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me. It is important for us to know the Bible. That's why Joshua he was told, hey meditate therein day and night. You need to know the Bible. Why do we need to know the Bible? So that we know where it's talking about Jesus is. Right? Where it's talking about Jesus and the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms. And basically the whole Bible. You can find Jesus Christ's imprint in the whole Bible in the Old Testament. And it says then he opened their understanding that they might understand the Scriptures. And God's given us the Holy Spirit. And we have the ability to understand them. We have no need that any man should teach us in reality. We should be able to read the Bible and understand it for ourselves. He's given us pastors and teachers and evangelists for the perfecting of the saints to help with admonishment rebuke and reproof and exhortation. But to understand doctrine and to know what the Bible says is our personal responsibility. We should do it so that we know what the Bible says ourselves. It says in verse 46 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sin should be preached in His name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem. So, it does have that commission there to preach repentance. Is it repentance of sins? No. Because that's not salvation. It's repentance unto salvation. Because when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ your sins are remitted. And it says should be preached in His name among all nations. See, it's not, again, not just at Jerusalem, but it says beginning at Jerusalem. And so, in our church our Jerusalem is Vancouver, Washington. And then we branch out from there and preach the Gospel in every place. It says, And ye are witnesses of these things. And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you, but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high. Acts 1-8 Turn to Acts 1-8. Acts 1-8. The Bible says, But ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Christ was very clear with His commands, wasn't He? First in Jerusalem, then Judea, which is like would be the country, then Samaria, the country next door, and then the uttermost part of the earth. So, that could be the furthest place from your doorstep, right? So, He's given us dominion wherever the soles of our foot touch, that is what He's given to us to go and not conquer the heathen in a physical way, but in a spiritual way. Again, the sword of the Spirit preaching the Word of God and making disciples, baptizing them, teaching them the Bible. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And we're going to do our best as a church to proclaim that liberty, but we need people to stay with it. You can't just, we can't take a break. We really can't. You can take rest periods, but we can't just say, well, you know, I'm going to stop serving for a couple of years. We've got to stay zealous. The more people we free from the devil and sin, the more freedom we're going to have. And we have to exercise our liberties, not just the ones that God's given us, but also the liberties that we've been afforded by our government. We are able to go to the government against them for our grievances against them. And we should be able to throw these laws in their face when they try to persecute us with them. But we know that we also live in Babylon, USA. So at some point, at some point God says get out of here, my people, lest you be partakers of their sins. So there's going to be a point where He's like, you just need to go. If you're a believer, get out. But there's also going to be a time when people are going to be beheaded for their faith in what's called the Great Tribulation. And everybody's supposed to run that's a Christian at that point. But we don't run now. People want to go out into these and build grain silos and have all these escape rooms and stock up on weapons with bunkers and all this other stuff. You're going to be the first one fragged. You're going to be the first one blown up. So they're going to be like, we know this Christian has a silo here. Nuked. And God can protect His people. He said I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee. Look, even if you are a martyr, even if you do get killed during the Tribulation, you have a martyr's crown. Go out swinging spiritually. Not swinging physically, but swinging spiritually. So number two I said, we have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights on our side. Specifically the First Amendment, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I say number two because number one we have the command of the Lord Jesus Christ to go and preach the Bible. Preach the Gospel. Baptize converts in every place in the whole world. And if we stop using our rights, we're going to lose them. And that means we do stand and fight for our rights and let our voice be heard. These top ten Karen bosses and friends need to be told kindly at first I would say. But I mean if they just go from zero to crazy you know it's kind of hard to be kind in that moment. I understand that. But I just tell the matter of factly, but you know that maintenance guy yesterday, why was that going on? Well there's two people preaching the Gospel at the time when that call came through to me. And he calls me up and he's like these people are all here and they've got kids and everything. It's just like yeah okay. Oh kids they're terrifying you know. They're terrifying kids. Like what's the deal? What's the deal is that he's trying to stop people from getting saved. But see God is faithful. And he said they told me to F off. I was like yeah I'm sure and this is the other thing that they always lie too. They always want to lie and make it worse than it is. Like they think I'm just going to call my church members up and go did you really tell this guy to F off? No. I already knew what was going on in the group. I was watching it all go real time. I'm like the commander in chief like watching you know they're like on their little radios or whatever. Oh someone's preaching the Gospel right now. I'm just like gold team go you know. Record. Record him. But yeah so two people end up getting saved. There's people preaching the Gospel right at that moment. So that's why the Karen bosses show up. That's why you know Ken the maintenance man shows up and then calls me and wants me to just stop this craziness. And then as soon as I said well listen I was really nice too. I just said hey man you know I know you're probably not going to like hearing this but we do have the right to be there and the supreme court has ruled it's like click. He just hangs up on me. So he wants me to just and this is what they want. They want what they want and this is what our world has taught people is that you should be able to go to the manager and they're going to give you whatever you want. And when I talked to that Karen lady yesterday or the day before yesterday she actually called the police on me. The police called my phone. And they're like some kids are running amok on the property. I'm just like I don't he left the message. I didn't call back but you know he said this is incident number or whatever. It's like we didn't do anything wrong. So she's the one I was like lady you're lucky that we they didn't call the police on you. And she was like well you know she's just like she's like one of those oh well I never you know one of those types of people. And she goes you better you need to obey the laws of the land. I said yeah except for if they're null and void by the Lord Jesus Christ. She's like oh you know I was just like she just kept going on she's like you you don't talk you let me talk and I just like you're talking to a man right now. I was like no maybe a man's never talked to you like this before but there's a man talking to you. You called me. I'm explaining to you what the Bible says and what we're allowed to do and then I said and then she just kept you know she wasn't going to listen to reason. She was just a satanic old hag is what she was. And so I told her such and said don't call me back. Stop calling me and that's when you know a little bit later she called the police or whatever. So like good luck. We got the law on our side. So we are to obey the laws of the land but you know when when they're null and void when it comes to what the Bible says. So there's RCW whatever whatever is that an RCW for here brother Alex that you posted in the group? Washington State. Listen to this. It says, Canvassing for religious purposes is not solicitation. It's not solicitation. You just throw that RCW in the police officer and just show it nicely kindly. This is the RCW. The Supreme Court also ruled that department managers HOA managers cannot restrict our first amendment right of freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of religion. Only individual tenants, owners can request no trespassing orders from the police. Department managers can't. They can say it all they want. They can put don't breathe on the sign but does that mean we can't breathe when we go into the apartment complex? You're not allowed to breathe. Hold your breath. No. Those tenants must also tell us that they don't want us to come back. And that's fine. We're not there to badger people. Many call and do leave messages and go don't ever come back. You know they'll come home and see the card on their door and they'll go don't ever call me and blankety blank leave this trash on my door such and such. Then I'll just like text back what apartment number are you? I'm not telling you what apartment number I'm in. It's like well then how am I supposed to not come back because I'm coming back at some point you know. But they never do. They never want to leave that message. They never want to tell me what door, what place they're from and it's like what do they believe that we're going to come back and kill them or something? We're going to vandalize their apartment or their house or something. It's like we're not you. We're not we're Christians. We're not going to do that. But in order to take you off the knock list that we don't necessarily really have but in order for us to not come back you kind of got to tell us what your address is. They just assumed that they were the one special door that we came to that day or something. Like oh yeah go to one door today everybody. And then if they don't answer then just write that address down. I mean we go to hundreds of doors every week. Hundreds of doors. Like they need to be able to tell us. So let's make some quick application and I'm done. We have religious liberty now. Are you exercising it? Are you preaching? Are you homeschooling? Because we have the right to homeschool. Some countries don't have that right. Are you raising your children in a Christian home? And you're like well yeah I'm a Christian but are you raising them in a Christian home? So we have the right to do that now but in some countries you don't have the right to keep them out of the regular public school. You don't necessarily have the rights that we do in this country. And let's use those rights that we have so that we don't lose them. And Moses said in Numbers 11 29 he said, God wants everybody to preach. Not necessarily behind the pulpit but he does want people to preach behind the pulpit but everybody can preach. Are you going door to door with the Gospel while we have the freedom to do it in this country? Our freedom of speech and freedom of religion are a rare thing in this world and in this nation it can and will be taken away. So the Bible says in Jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5, If you're not doing it while it's easy, I don't believe you're going to do it when it's hard. I'm sorry I just don't believe you. So this is the training ground now when it's still fairly easy. The Karen bosses and the Ken bosses are few and far in between and it happens I guess on a regular basis but most of them aren't as extreme as what happened to Miss Crystal. But you know if you think I'm just thinking you're going to be some super saint and you're not sowing right now it's not going to happen. So just get right and get sowing if you're not going or if you've fallen off of it or whatever. But we need to use our liberty to make men free. And Christ is the one that really makes people free and all we're doing is preaching Christ to them so they can get saved. And I still want Americans to be saved. You know I say a lot of stuff and our country is going in a bad way and there's not a lot of faith in the political system but our faith should never be in the political system. You know revival really is going to come at the church house. This country is going to be made right in the church house not the white house. So we need to remember that and if we don't use our liberty again we're going to lose it. And I've said that a lot of times in this sermon. But there's a lot of people in bondage right now today that are counting on us to get to their door. Let's pray. Lord we thank you so much for this great church and pray that you'd help us to just remind us Lord on a regular basis Lord that we do have great freedom in this country. We have great freedom from you. And pray that we would use the freedom and liberties that we have Lord while we still have them. Pray that you would just help us to be bold and strong and of a good courage and remind us and help us to remind ourselves that you will never leave us nor forsake us no matter what happens. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Up stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the cross live by his royal banner it must not suffer loss from victory on to victory his army shall he lead every foe is vanquished and Christ is born in need stand up stand up for Jesus the trumpet follow me for through the mighty conflict in this is glorious day ye that the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the Brother Alex, can you close this with a word of prayer?