(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you Good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to our services here at faith for a baptist church very nice See you all here on this sunday morning if you don't please find your seats now and grab a hymnal go to him 215 will begin him number 215 215 heaven came down and glory filled my soul him number 215 once you've found your place will sing it out on that first verse together him number 215 begins. Oh, what a wonderful Wonderful day him number 215 215 lift it up on that first verse I wonder if God is away Jesus my Savior I'm there Oh what a tender, compassionate friend He met the need of my heart Shadows are swelling with joy and telling He made all the darkness depart And he came down and glory filled my soul When at the cross the Savior made me whole My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Lord of the Spirit with life from above into God's family divine God survived fully through power He's love Oh what a standing His mind And His transcendence so quick He loved me When at the Sinner I came Took the offer of grace to decipher me saying the old praise is dear thing Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the cross the Savior made me whole My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Now I've a hope that will surely endure After the passing of time I have a future in heaven for sure There in those mansions sublime And it's because of that wonderful day When at the cross I believe Which is eternal and blessed So fertile from His precious hand I receive Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the cross the Savior made me whole My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Heaven came down and glory filled my soul Thank you so much for staying this morning Do you want to bow your heads together with me? Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for the privilege that we have to be in church on this Sunday morning We thank you for bringing us here safely Thank you for everyone that chose to come out this morning to hear your word preached and to worship you We just ask Lord your blessing upon us as we lift our voices to you in praise Help us to be attentive to the songs and to the words as we sing them out unto you And to be thankful for our salvation And we just ask that you please open our ears and our hearts to receive the message this morning That you fill Pastor Aaron Thompson with your Holy Ghost Help him to preach with power and unction as he preaches to us And that we be attentive to the preaching as well And that you keep distractions to a minimum And that all that's said and done would give you the honor and glory that you deserve for it And we'll thank you for it in Jesus' name Amen Back to hymn number 102 He hideth my soul hymn number 102 We'll sing it out on that first verse The wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord Hymn number 102 102 sing it out A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord A wonderful Savior to me He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock Where rivers of pleasure I see He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land He hideth my life in the depths of His love And covers me there with His hand And covers me there with His hand A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord He taken my burden away He holdeth me up and I shall not be moved He giveth me strength as my day He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land He hideth my life in the depths of His love And covers me there with His hand And covers me there with His hand With numberless blessings each moment He crowns And filled with His fullness divine I sing in my rapture, oh glory to God For such a Redeemer as mine He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land He hideth my life in the depths of His love And covers me there with His hand And covers me there with His hand When clothed in His brightness, transported I rise To meet Him in clouds of the sky His perfect salvation, His wonderful love I'll shout with the millions on high He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land He hideth my life in the depths of His love And covers me there with His hand And covers me there with His hand Alright, at this time, we're gonna go over the bulletin So if you need a bulletin, please raise your hand right now And the ushers will come by and bring you a bulletin as soon as they can If you have your bulletin, go ahead and open it up An upper left-hand corner is our service times Below that is our soul winning times, the church-wide soul winning regional And also the salvation and baptisms for the year at the very bottom We will be baptizing after the service I know one person who wants to get baptized If there's anybody else, come see me or somebody in church Ask them about baptism and we will take care of you On the upper right-hand corner is information about Omega Conference Today, Pastor Aaron Thompson, if you miss him, you need glasses You know, he'll be preaching for us this morning And besides him, we got Pastor Ricky Reyes coming this Wednesday And everybody else, you can take a look at the list So you can know who's gonna be preaching soon Thank you to those who participated in the small town soul winning in Eden, Arizona We have 14 soul winners, 7 salvations that knocked every single door But join us for a soul winning on the Navajo Nation Friday, July 26 and Saturday, July 27 And speak to Brother Raymond Cooper for details on that On the back of the bulletin, please continue to pray for the expected ladies in our church And below that is an event that we're gonna have We're gonna be having a skate night in Skateland in Mesa Thursday, August 15 from 5.38 PM The address is right there In the upcoming events, take a look at those when you get a chance Other than that, that's all I have Lead us in the next song, please Alright, you should find the insert in the front of your hymnals of How Great Thou Art If you don't have an insert, you can raise your hand We'll sing it out on that first verse O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder How great Thou art, let's sing it out Let's sing it out O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, like a crew of the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee. How great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee. How great thou art, how great thou art. When through the woods and forest plays I wander, and hear the mercy sweetly in the trees. When I look down from lofty mountains grandeur, and hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee. How great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee. How great thou art, how great thou art. And when I think that God, His Son, not sparing, sends Him to die, I scarce can take it in. That on the cross, my burning, loudly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee. How great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee. How great thou art, how great thou art. When one shall come, wish out of that formation, and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart. Then I shall bow in humble adoration, and there proclaim, my God, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee. How great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee. How great thou art, how great thou art. Amen. Excellent singing, everybody. Let's go on your hymnals now to hymn 321. Hymn 321, where he leads, I'll follow. Hymn number 321, lift it up together, right on that first. Sweet are the promises, kind is the word. Hymn number 321, sing it out now. Sweet are the promises, kind is the word. Dearer far than any message man ever heard. Oh, what a mind of Christ, sinless I see. He, the great example, is a factor for me. Where he leads, I'll follow, follow all the way. Where he leads, I'll follow, follow Jesus every day. Sweet is the tender love Jesus has shown. Sweet are far than any love that mourns or has known. Time to be everyone, faithful is he. He, the great example, is a pattern for me. Where he leads, I'll follow, follow all the way. Where he leads, I'll follow, follow Jesus every day. Place to his loving words, come unto me. Wary that he lay in every sweet rest for me. Trust in his promises, faithful and sure. Lean upon the Savior and my soul is secure. Where he leads, I'll follow, follow all the way. Where he leads, I'll follow, follow Jesus every day. Please turn your Bibles to Acts number 20. Please turn your Bibles to Acts chapter number 20. Acts chapter number 20, and after the uproar was seized, Paul called unto him the disciples and embraced them, and departed for to go into Macedonia. And when he had gone over those parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece. And there abode three months, and when the Jews laid wait for him as he was about to sail into Syria, he purposed to return through Macedonia. And there accompanied him into Asia, Sopater of Berea, and of the Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Segundus, and Gaius of Derbe, and Samothius, and of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus. These going before tarried for us at Troas. And we sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them to Troas in five days, where we abode seven days. And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his speech until midnight. And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together. And there sat in a window a certain young man, named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep. And as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead. And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him, said, Trouble not yourselves, for his life is in him. And he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed. And they brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted. And we went before to ship, and sailed unto Asos, there intending to take in Paul. For so had he appointed, minding himself, to go afoot. And when he met with us at Asos, we took him in, and came to Mydalene. And we sailed thence, and came the next day over against Chios. And the next day we arrived at Samos, and tarried at Trogillium. And the next day we came to Miletus. For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia. For he hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost. And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church. And when they were come to him, he said unto them, Ye know from the first day that I came into Asia, after what manner I have been with you at all seasons, serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears, and temptations, which befell me by the lying and weight of the Jews. And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house, testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. And now behold, I go bound in the Spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there, save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. And now behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more. Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing, shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away his disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I cease not to warn every one, night and day, with tears. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel, yea, ye yourselves know that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me. I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all. And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's neck, and kissed him, sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more, and they accompanied him unto the ship. Father in heaven, we thank you for the opportunity to hear your word preached. We ask that you would fill Pastor Thompson with your spirit, and give him great boldness and utterance to declare thus saith the Lord to us, Let us have a ten of ears, Lord, not only to hear your word, but to do it each and every day. We love you Lord, we ask for your blessing now, in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. Well it's great to be here at Faithful Word Baptist Church, I just want to say thank you to Pastor Anderson and the Faithful Word family for having me preach here. It's an honor to preach in this pulpit, and I just wanted to once again say thank you, and this morning I'm preaching out of Acts chapter 20, I know Pastor Anderson's been preaching a series about Paul's missionary journey, so you have been going through this chapter, but I wanted to springboard off of verses 28 through 31, where the Bible says, Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years I cease not to warn every one night and day with tears. So you have the Apostle Paul here speaking to the Ephesian elders, and he says it's his job, and it's the job of the elders that he's speaking to, to warn people about wolves that would come in and they would enter in among and not spare the flock. And that even among their own selves, in their own churches, these wolves would rise up. And of course we're no stranger to these things happening, of course Faithful Word's no stranger to these things happening. There's been many battles over the years, many wolves that have come in, and they draw away disciples after them also. And they take people, and people get upset over many different things. What the job is, is that they attack people, and then they want to rip as many people out as they possibly can. Now how do wolves attack? Well wolves in the wild, they pack up generally, and they circle around their prey, and they look for the injured, they look for the weak, they look for the young, and they look for the lame. Now when you translate that to Christians, then sometimes they're just looking for someone and maybe they're spiritually injured. The wolves that I'm talking about are people that are infiltrators, they're not real Christians, they're phonies that would come in and do what Paul's talking about here. Maybe they're spiritually injured, maybe they're weak in the faith, maybe they're just young Christians, maybe they're lame, they have some kind of problem in their spiritual life, that they just look for weaknesses, and in real life wolves look for weaknesses, and Paul talks about people being wolves, because this is how false prophets and infiltrators try to gain, they gain the trust, and then they attack. The title of my sermon this morning is Red Flags, Red Flags. So I'm going to go ahead and have my volunteers come up that I asked to come up. We've got Alex, Alex you're in the hot seat right here, and this is Ethan right? I'm going to have you sit right here, and then the young lady, what was, yeah, come on up, what was her name again? Emma, she's going to sit up here. So they're going to sit with me for the whole service, so you don't have to look at me, you can focus on better looking people than me, but, so yeah, my sermon title is Red Flags, and I brought a big packet of red flags, I'm going to demonstrate a truth that hopefully you get at the end, at least by the end of the sermon there, but what is a red flag? Well we hear this term often, well that person's shown me a lot of red flags, who's heard of this term before? I'm just, yeah, okay everybody, so what is a red flag? Well a red flag is a warning sign of possible impending danger. Now I want to caveat this before I get deep into this sermon and just say this, that red flags are just that, they're red flags, they're things to check in the back of your mind, they're not automatically something that you just accuse somebody of being some evil infiltrator, psychopath, reprobate, false prophet. Now if it is a major red flag, then you might be able to label them instantaneously, you know if they look like a queer, they talk like a queer, they dress like a queer, they sound like a queer, they have the hair of a queer, then they're probably a queer right? I mean those red flags are pretty good indicators, but sometimes it's a little more tricky and sometimes just a red flag is just that, sometimes you know people are, you know just have some kind of weird belief or something that they need to get worked out and I'll cover that more as we get into the sermon, but Faithful Word has been talked about as being a revolving door, and you're, this church is the biggest of all the quote-unquote new IFB churches, it has the most amount of people, but you've also had the most amount of people come and leave I'm sure also, and you have new people that come here all the time I'm sure, and new people that leave all the time I'm sure, so, but Pastor Anderson has multiple times talked about the revolving door of Faithful Word, sometimes, well most of the time I'm sure a lot of great people come here, and then sometimes there's weird people that come here and they have red flags don't they? And eventually they wash out or they get exposed or they expose themselves and leave, so this morning I just want to help you to identify some red flags that I've seen displayed and help you to be able to at least give some tools to help you to discern how to navigate some of these relationships that you might have with new people coming to church or just people that, you know sometimes people are long-time infiltrators like Garrett, right? How long was Garrett here? Like 10 years or something? So I mean people can infiltrate for a long time, even the keenest minds can be fooled by high-level devils, and even the most discerning spirit-filled believer can be fooled, a la Judas Iscariot, right? All the disciples thought that they were the ones, I mean they would rather think they were the ones than Judas, and of course Jesus was the only one that knew that Judas was the traitor. They were all surprised when Judas walked up in the garden with the whole, you know, band of guys with torches and pitchforks and swords and staves and all those things, right? So in church work, you know I've been a pastor for almost six years now and I've been in church work though for a long time in various different types of ministry and the old IFB, the new IFB, I was a church, you know I was the first church plant in a Verity Baptist Church in Vancouver, Washington before I became the pastor there, and you know I've just had to deal with a lot of bozos. I'm sure you guys have dealt with, you guys have dealt with a lot of both, way more than I have, but I have developed a little bit of a lack of trust with people. So you know when you first get in it's like, and people start flattering you and things like this, you don't really, you don't really get it, you know, you've been warned already, you know, you've heard all the sermons, but then when you actually go through it, it's a little bit different. So, and you have these types of things in church work, now you can't just throw out all inhibitions and say, oh they're from church, they're here to help. You can't completely just sell out and trust every single person that you meet, and you know for whatever reason, in churches like this church and our church back in Vancouver, Washington, you get more weirdos than the average church, or maybe you know, it just gets dealt with more than the average church. I don't know if that, that might be more true, I don't know. But flag number one, and flag number one is this, turn to Proverbs chapter 20 verse 19, I'm going to give my first flags out here, and each participant here is going to get a flag. Alright, so they're all getting flags, and the first flag, I think this is one of, if not the most important part of the sermon, which is excessive flattery. Excessive flattery, and I know your pastors preached about this, but it is very important, this point here. Excessive flattery. Look at Proverbs 20 19, it says, he that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets. You're like, I thought you meant flattery. Well look at the rest of the verse there, it says, therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips. That's kind of a strange pairing there, isn't it? Well, look at that colon there, you see that colon? What is a colon? Well, a colon is a punctuation mark that can be used in writing to introduce list, explanation, or quoted sentences. It's usually placed after an independent clause or complete sentence to signal what follows is related to the previous sentence. So these two things go together, in other words. So the talebearer and the flatterer, those two things mesh together. The Bible connects talebearing with flattery, doesn't it? Isn't that what it's saying there? So once a talebearer has you listen or join in with talebearing, and what is talebearing the modern term? It's gossip. You know, but gossip isn't a word to sound in the Bible, that's what most people call it, but talebearing is where you're gossiping about someone. You could even be in the telling the truth about somebody, but it might just not be your business to be talking about. So talebearing is something that we ought not to be doing. The Bible says, thou should not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people. The Bible is very clear about this. It's, I mean, Leviticus 19 16 still applies to us today. Proverbs chapter 20 verse 19 still applies, and you know, so we got to watch out for people that are talebearers, because a lot of times they might have an agenda, and what's the agenda? To get your guard down. That's what they, they flatter you with their lips so they can get your guard down and get you to gossip, and then what? They hold something over your head. Maybe they got you to gossip about something that wasn't that big of a deal, but now they got you on something, so if you out them for something else, then they got you on something. That's, that's why I think that these types of people use flattery is so that they can get you on talebearing. They can get you to gossip about somebody. I've seen people do this multiple times, so I know it's true, and the Bible's explained to us right here that you're not supposed to meddle with someone that flatter, flatters you with their lips. The Bible says in Jeremiah 17 9, the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked who can know it. So we can be deceiving, the most deceptive thing about our heart is we deceive ourself a lot of times. We think, you know, that when someone flatters us, that they really mean it. Oh, you know, maybe I am really good at this thing. Maybe I am the best at whatever they're saying. Maybe I am the best friend ever, or whatever it is that they're flattering with you with. You might start to believe that because the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. You know, we start believing what people are saying about us, and really they don't mean it. They're just flattering you. They're just trying to tell you something that's not true. What is flattery? It's lavish or excessive, insincere praise and compliments upon someone. Insincere, it means they don't mean it, especially to further one's own interests. That's the definition of flattery, and that is the problem with it is that it's not sincere. They don't mean it. It's a tool and a tactic to get you to trust them and let your guard down. So you can't trust people with your sensitive information, especially people that you just first meet. You know, Christians are too trusting sometimes, and I'm not saying that we should never trust anybody, but you know, confidential information, major past failures in your life, big sins that you have in your past, those aren't things that you should just share with the newest person that comes to the church. And why? Because they want to store that information so they can use it against you later. That's why. People like to data mine, you know, people, some people that come to this church, the first thing that they do is start data mining everybody and trying to get the goods on as many people as they can. And regardless of how Christian should be though, some people just can't help but judge you and hold it against you. Christians should be forgiving. People, we should overlook past sins and things like that, but there's some things that you share with people that they might not be able to overlook in their mind, even though they're supposed to still forgive for it. So, and you know, these people, they might not be able to remember to set alarm to get to church on time, but they'll remember every conversation they've ever had with you, they'll remember every conversation they ever had with the pastor, every conversation with the pastor's wife, the pastor's kids, all that stuff, and they store that in their little reprobate memory bank to use against you later. And they're not above taking that and making half truths out of it or just completely lying about those people. They might have had a conversation, but they're not going to tell the truth about it. Here's some of the things that I've heard or I've heard said to other people that end up being weirdos, right, that we end up having to kick out or mark at our church. This is the best church ever. I'm never going to leave. How many times have you heard that? I mean, people come here all the time because they say, this is the best church ever. And then what? They leave because it's not, to them now, it's also not the best church ever. Because, you know, going here and actually being a part of the community of this church is a lot different than watching online and actually doing the work and being part of it. You'll always be my pastor. I've heard that. You're my best friend. And they tell that to every girl, lady in the church. You're the best construction worker I've ever seen. I mean, what a weird thing to say to somebody. You've never even seen them do any construction work. I've had, I've had, if I had to pick someone to give the gospel to someone, it would be you because I know you really care about people's souls. Someone said that to one of my church members recently. People take you for granted. What is that, what is that statement designed to say? You know, it's designed to make you feel negatively, especially, you know, this was said to my wife by somebody, and it's like, what is that designed to do? Make my wife feel negatively about other people in the church. You're the most generous person I've ever met. You're the most forgiving person I've ever met. I really hope people appreciate all that you do. What, those things are designed to have some sort of a reaction. It's seed planting. If I was in charge, I would take care of that immediately, just like that. I had someone tell me that somebody said that. That's the Absalom tactic. That's where Absalom is, oh the pastor's too busy to help you with your problems. Let me help you. Let me teach you. Let me take on all this. And then if the pastor doesn't take care of what, that said thing, then they're like, well if I was the pastor, I would do it. I would take care of it. If I was the pastor's wife or whatever. Don't fall for flattery. Don't join in with tail bearing. If you fall for flattery, the excessive, oh you're the greatest, then you're gonna fall for the tail bearing. So don't do it. Don't give away your information. Don't talk about other people with people. Don't allow the flattery to get people to tail bear with you. Bad people are always looking for a way to get your guard down and, you know, win you over. So don't allow that to happen. Flag number two. Give each participant another one. All right, we're all working with two flags here. Flag number two is hyper-spiritual holier-than-thous. Hyper-spiritual holier-than-thous. Turn to Isaiah 65. Isaiah 65. There's nothing wrong with being spiritual. Of course God wants us to be spiritual. There's nothing wrong with being holy. God wants us to be holy. Be holy for I am holy, the Bible says, right? But Isaiah 65 verse 5 says this, which say, stand by thyself, come not near to me for I am holier than thou. And the Bible says this, these are smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day. Now God doesn't like this attitude. That's what the Bible is saying. He doesn't like when people think that they're better than everybody else and say don't even come around me because I'm way holier than you are. And it's like a fire burning all day. And I know a lot of people in here like to go camping so you understand when you have a campfire and the smoke is constantly blowing in your face because you know smoke follows beauty, right? And so everywhere you move the smoke is just following you, right? It's just super annoying, right? When the smoke is blowing in your face. This is how God feels when someone is up on a high horse acting like they're better than everybody else, they're hyper spiritual, and they're holier than everybody else. Turn to Matthew chapter 6, Matthew chapter 6. And these people a lot of times end up turning out as bad people. And I'm not saying every time, but a lot of times in my experience these types of people end up being bad people. Matthew chapter 6 verse 1 the Bible says, take heed that you do not your alms before men to be seen of them otherwise you have no reward of your of your father which is in heaven therefore when thou doest thine alms do not sound a trumpet before thee as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory of men verily I say unto you they have their reward. So what do these types of people like to do? Well they're hyper spiritual, holier than thou's. They like to you know do things to be seen of men. They like to brag about all the things that they do for God. They constantly like to bring up how much soul winning or good works that they're doing. That is a red flag when you're over the top with it. I'm not saying don't be joyous about the people you got saved and so on and so forth, but you know people that have to just say, oh hey the other day when I was soul winning and when I got ten people saved and then you lead into the next thing that you're about to say. It always has to be something that you're saying about the good works that you do. Then what are you doing? You're really just trying to get people to acknowledge how great of a spiritual worker that you are. Look at verse 16 it says moreover when you fast be not as the hypocrites of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast verily I say unto you they have their reward. So what's God saying? He's saying hey if you if you want to fast and then you want everybody to notice that you're fasting then you already have your reward. It's pointless. It's like that's the but that's the point. They want men to see them. They want men to think that they're really spiritual. That's why they're hyper spiritual. They're holier than thou. And it's really funny because this is, why does he say this? Because people have a tendency to do these things. There was a kid that was going to one of the churches before I started the church in Vancouver. I was going to this church and there was a maybe it was a 16 year old kid who was going to church there and I saw, I think I was out somewhere with him, I can't remember where we were, but he had this sad face on. He was you know he was just all pouty or whatever and I was like what's wrong? And I knew what he was, I just knew what he was gonna say. Well I'm fasting. I was like well you lost your reward kid. You know I showed him this verse it's like dude like this is what the Bible says not to do but yet and it just shows that's why Jesus said this. Says but when thou fast anoint thine head and wash thy face that thou appear not unto men to fast but unto the Father which is in secret and thy father would seeth thee in secret shall reward thee openly. Holier than thou's you know also are the type of people that are not willing to forgive others or let people live down sins that they've committed and mistakes that they made things like that they never cuss they never chew they never ran with girls that did all that kind of stuff. They're currently committing probably worse sins than you know they're holding up their nose at everybody else. You know it's funny this one family that we end up having a mark later on he's like he called me up and he's like we're the we're the only people in this church that are not fake. We're the only ones that believe in having big families and it's like we got a lot of big families in our church. They got a funny way of showing how they don't believe in big families but this person was a hyper spiritual person now they're out of church now they're just living you know their best life now and all the inhibitions that they had all the things that they were so holy about at our church are all gone out the window and it's funny like one time we were I asked if anybody wanted to do like a Christmas choir and they like led the charge against it but then at the same time this same guy is promoting drum having a drum set in our church and I had to finally go to the guy and say hey what are you doing like why do you keep promoting drum sets we're never gonna have a drum set in this church it's not happening we're not gonna get a plexiglass pulpit and we're not gonna get a drum set you know next thing I know we're gonna have purple lights after that it's not happening or a smoke machine not happening I mean might as well just if you get a drum set here is that the liberalism is coming right afterwards so anyway the thing is no church is ever worthy of their magnificent splendor that's that's what these types of people are like no church is good enough for them no pastors good enough for them they're on a higher plane and spiritual level than everybody else this is the hyper spiritual holier than thou and they look down their noses at everybody else and you know some people you know like this have been raised in church and some haven't but the ones that have been raised in church some of these people can't get down to or they can't condescend them in a lower state that means they don't get down on other people's levels like some people are raised in church they kind of get this hyper spiritual attitude too and everybody can get it and it's just not an attitude that we should have now just because someone is a hyper spiritual holier than thou it doesn't mean that there are always a bad person it doesn't mean that turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 11 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 11 the Bible says now all these things happened unto them for in samples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are calm and the Bible gave in all these examples of things we're not supposed to do because in the Old Testament these people got punished really harshly for them but it says verse 12 wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall now sometimes you know these people that are hyper spiritual holier than thou is they just get puffed up they're Christians that maybe learn things way too quick and they and then they get on this higher plane because so-and-so didn't learn and get on board as fast as I did when I got saved I jumped right my Bible I knew after the tribulation I knew the Jews weren't God's chosen people and all this other stuff I knew that fags were destined for hell no matter what like they just knew everything really quick and they can get hyper spiritual they can get holier than thou too and so we got to be careful about that attitude as Christians and you know babes in Christ can get like that too and so we have to be careful not to just label someone that's a hyper spiritual holier than thou as some kind of reprobate because that's just not necessarily true so flag number three is Oh lost my flag all right flag number three is constant boundary pushing constant boundary pushing you don't get one only she gets one all right constant boundary pushing turn to Proverbs chapter 22 verse 28 while you're turning there I'm going to read Proverbs 23 verse 10 Proverbs 23 verse 10 says remove not the old landmark and enter not into the fields of the fatherless obviously this is talking about you know your literal boundaries you know on your property lines and things like that but you know if you want to take the spiritual approach with this we don't want to spiritually cross boundaries that we're not supposed to cross and if you want to just talk about your boundaries in your personal life rules in your life that you don't want people and and boundaries in your life that you don't want people to cross that can also be an application to look at what it says in Proverbs 22 verse 28 says remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set so what is constant boundary pushing well constant rule breaking the borders you know that borders excuse me on intentional you know people that just consistently just break the rules all the time and it almost seems like it's intentional doing it and that might sound like a weird red flag but it is kind of it is a red flag sometimes people just they know what the boundary is and they go right up to the edge of it and then they just kind of draw back and don't get there but they they just like to see how far they can push it before someone's going to react to it and when people are doing that they're testing to see where you'll draw your line and not everybody is a confrontational person so some people will allow their boundaries to be crossed and whatever boundary they have and people that are like people that are bad people will see what can I do just like I said the wolves they they like to circle around and find the weakness well they want to find the weakness in your boundary too and see what they can get away with and you have to set hard boundaries sometimes it's just like even with your family members that aren't saved you have to set boundary boundaries with your family members like hey no we're not carving pumpkins this year mom and dad you know those types of boundaries so go ahead and turn to 1st Corinthians 7 verse 1 now I know that there's different interpretations for this passage and but I'm sure that we can agree on this interpretation that I'm about to give you though and one example I just want to give is serial huggers serial huggers and mainly I'm talking about men okay men that are serial huggers and I'm not talking about like you know hey you know brother and cry you know I'm talking about dudes that like to go and hug other people's wives or hug other other women 1st Corinthians 7 1 says now concerning the things wherever you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband again there's different people have different views on this verse but I'll tell you one thing you probably don't like is if a dude walked up and hugged your wife who would not have a problem with that really everybody would so we have this guy in our church and he was just like a massive boundary pusher he's just always doing something that I'm always having to correct the guy over and one of the things is like that I had heard that he did was walked up and full frontal hugged another man's wife two times and when I confronted him about it he's like I don't subscribe to everything that the new IFB teaches and he'd also hugged little girl of one of the men in our churches daughters but it was side hugs but still like and and when I said to him as I said I don't think that's a new IFB thing I think that's just a general purposes thing like some dude walks in and starts hugging everybody's wife in here there's gonna be you know there's gonna be an instant showdown isn't there someone's gonna get corrected really quick aren't they so you know I'm I know what Pastor Anderson believes about this if somebody walks up and hugs his wife there there's gonna be an instant problem now I don't know how protective you are of your wife but I'm pretty protective and this is where we had a guy another guy come in and he I when I looked up who he was he was a proclaiming pastor he came in and sat next to one of the ladies in our church and hugged her like he did he came in for the hug and tried to hug her but then he left immediately just real creepy real weird guy and he better not ever come back because he's gonna get he's not gonna get hugged he's gonna get thrown out the door but isn't that a big boundary to push with somebody like people that do stuff like that oh you know I don't subscribe to everything in the new IFB what does that what does that mean like like that's just one of our core doctrines no hugging other people's wives no it's just common decency it's just something you don't do so and here and here's what I said to him I was like well hey you know the next time you come to church which he never did because I kicked him out but if your wife came up like say I'm the pastor of the church if I just walked up and full-frontal hugged every single woman that could every wife that came up to the church what do you think that's weird of course you would I wouldn't be the pastor for very much longer but I said how would you like it if I just walked up and full-frontal hugged your wife when she came to church dead silence on the phone you know why because he wouldn't like it and nobody would it's just bizarre it's a it's a boundary pusher type of thing so but you know it doesn't matter what you think bozo you just don't come in and start hugging people's wives so let's see this guy is saying it's this guy I'll just tell you how much of a boundary pusher this guy was okay so on Father's Day he's like hey everybody bring your boxing gloves like it's in our whatsapp church group and I'm like I thought you know people thought he was joking but he's like we'll just we'll box after church and I was like no you're not this isn't like MMA church or boxing church or fight church I said I don't think that our landlord would appreciate it very much if we had a boxing match after church you know because we rent this building and so he gets all pouty like he's fasting or something and everybody's like walking around asking what's wrong what's wrong he's just pissed because I told him no he said well you lied about the reason it's like I didn't lie about the reason I don't think unlicensed boxing matches are on our insurance I mean I think you pretty much have to have like a special kind of insurance to have boxing matches so I think you have to have like the boxing commission come in and you have to have judge you know all that stuff but anyway it's just weird the guy was weird we had the Lord's Supper at our church and I just during the instructions I said hey it's just going to take a little bit please don't get up and get in and go to the bathroom and stuff like that if you don't have to and so his wife gets up and takes her their son to the bathroom I didn't even notice I'm just you know doing my thing he comes up to me after the end of the church he's like really sorry like why he's like my wife took my son to the bathroom I was like okay I was like oh I'd rather have him do that than go to you know pee his pants he's like it's not okay she's my wife just like okay like what did you expect me to say like I don't understand so the guy is just super weird anyway and you know what I kicked him out for was railing against the pastor you know Pastor Shelley made that video where it's like you know he's got the turban on his head and he's like mocking Muhammad or whatever and so this guy pipes up in the group and he's like fools make a mock at sin so he's calling Pastor Shelley a fool and he said unless you can show me scripture otherwise I'm not I'm not I'm not backing off this I was just like well then don't come back to church how about that and then he he's just such a boundary you know he was making invitations or no not invitations he's making preaching pamphlets showing our men how to preach sermons he brought him and handed him out without asking and it's like you preach one time at our church man one time and he's making the preaching oh here you go you know don't worry about the pastor's like you see how that's just like continuously just crossing boundaries and then when he tried to come back he's like what do I got to do to come back like what do you think you have to do like why do you have to ask me what you have to do to come back you got to apologize idiot but I said I don't want you to come back because I mean this is just such a an egregious thing now this is over the top this is just one person being you know this is all in one week too by the way this isn't just over over months of time there was other stuff he did that was even weirder that I just don't have time for to this morning but it's just you know you got people that are crossing boundaries constantly like this it is a red flag can you see how that just built up like he should have a whole bunch of flags right now but here let me give you one more so other ways that this could be like just people you know giving unsolicited advice where they didn't ask for it just constantly parenting other people's kids things like that obviously when people's kids are in danger of course you should you know step in and save their lives and things like that but like nobody should be punishing other people's kids and stuff like that but taking any you know responsibility on that's not yours things like that but you do have to stand up to people like this and here's why because when people are border they're they're border crossers the different kind of border crossers okay when they're boundary pushers you guys know about that in Arizona okay well when people are constantly doing this kind of stuff when people are not confrontational then they'll they'll they'll just keep doing it and then these types of people like when you finally say something and you haven't just checked them the first time then they get really mad and turn and you know turn against you or whatever but I would just highly recommend if you have you know if you don't have borders in place and and checks and balances with what people you allow people to do in your lives then you need to put them in and then you just have to take a strong stand if you're you know you just sometimes you just have to do it because otherwise they'll just keep doing it and keep doing it until you do something about it number four pretentious people pretentious people look at Matthew chapter 23 here's another flag pretentious people oh look at Matthew 23 pretentious people Matthew chapter 23 verse 14 pretentious people can also be hypocrites okay pretentious people Matthew 23 well says well into scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayer you know you've heard those people right for a pretense for a pretense make long prayer therefore you shall receive the greater damnation a pretentious person is someone who is showing off something that they do not have so what was the Pharisee showing off something he wasn't they're not really spiritual they're pretending to pray they're maybe eloquent in speech but they're not really people of prayer because the this guy wasn't even say he said they have the greater damnation that means they're not saved right so they have fake claims about being more important more knowledgeable or claims about being richer than they really are they pretend to be something or someone they are not this is a pretentious person look at Luke chapter 18 verse 9 and these people are really dangerous because there's people that creep into churches and they're pretending to be saved they're not really saved these are your Judas type people the ones that are really hard to root out pretentious people pretending to be saved look at Luke chapter 18 these are people that could preach the real gospel they know what the real gospel is they know what we believe and yet are still pretending to be saved Luke chapter 18 verse 9 the Bible says and he spake this parable onto certain that trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others they trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others this is such a weird story two men went up to the temple to pray the one a Pharisee the other Republican the Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself so he's praying with himself but he's saying it's to God God I thank thee that I'm not as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this publican I fast twice in the week I give tithes of all that I possess and the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven but smote his breast seen God be merciful to me a sinner I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for every one that exalted himself shall be a base and he that humble at himself shall be exalted but normal people have a hard time grasping this action of this Pharisee normal people can't grasp it because it's super weird to pray within yourself to God isn't it it's super weird to pretend to be saved when you're actually not you're pretty I mean some people are just not saved and they think they are but these people actually pretend that they are and they know they're not these are really bad people and that's why it's hard for us to understand how people are like this it's just like you know these you know people I don't know if anybody like watches the detective type you know forensic files and things like that maybe you are interested in things like that but I think that we're people are so interested in true crime because we can't imagine what it's like to actually be that person so it intrigues us because we just can't understand it and you know these types of people they pretend to love you they pretend to be your friend they pretend to pray they pretend to read the Bible ten times a year I mean that's five times a year pretend to love the pastor pretend to love the church pretend to love lost souls they pretend to be one of us but you know and here's the thing everyone is a hypocrite to a certain extent everybody is but the true hypocrite in the Bible is the one that pretends to be saved and knows they're not and they are pretending on purpose again something that normal people cannot fathom turn to Job chapter 8 now Job chapter 8 in the book of Job it kind of calls out the hypocrites for what they really are the true hypocrite now Jesus said you know pull out the mode out of your your eyes so you can pull the beam you know thou hypocrite so you can pull the beam out of their eyes so Jesus talks about believers being hypocrites too now people always like to say well I don't go to church because of all the hypocrites there well but you go to Walmart don't you there's a lot of hypocrites at Walmart look at look at how they dress but there's a I mean there's hypocrites everywhere you go but you still go there but people just like to use that as an excuse and everybody has hypocrisy you know we believe one thing and yet we do another because we're sinful people but the true hypocrite like I said believes or they don't believe but they pretend to look at Job 8 13 it says so are the pasts of all that forget God and the hypocrites hope shall perish look at Job 13 16 Job 13 16 so it says the hypocrites hope shall perish they have no hope it's gone Job 13 16 he also shall be my salvation for an hypocrite shall not come before him so another verse showing the hypocrites not going to come before God Job 20 verse 5 Job 20 verse 5 the Bible says that the triumphing of the wicked is short and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment Job 27 verse 8 Job 27 verse 8 for what is the hope of the hypocrite though he hath gained and this is why they're hypocrites because they want to gain they want to come in and gain something when God taketh away his soul so the true hypocrite they're not going to heaven they're going to hell that's why Jesus in Matthew chapter 20 he's just constantly saying won't you scribes Pharisees hypocrites the whole time these are people that are very dangerous very bad people pretenders pretentious people like this are very hard to spot sometimes like I said Judas is one of these types of people but sometimes they're super obvious sometimes they're real obvious like we do it seems like we kind of get high levels and low levels you know the the low level wolves are their tails already out you can see their ears you know it's like that dude you dude you're super obvious like you really came to the wrong church if you thought you were going to get one over on us because you're like we picked everybody picked you the moment you walked in but the ones we have to worry about are the ones that are the high-level devils and you know so we just got to watch out for it so now flag number five flag number five is they speak King James ease they speak King James ease aka ultra spiritual language so sorry I got to get these books out real quick these are the the twins letters that they wrote I'm not gonna go over them all there's too much that's too much I think Pastor Anderson already did that anyway but you know the turn to second Peter chapter 2 verse 3 second Peter chapter 2 verse 3 while you're turning there I'm so this Uganda mission report is 14 pages long and some of the weirdest language I'm just going to read the first paragraph for you glorious things are spoken of thee Oh city of God see law Psalm 87 verse 3 on the frontiers of the Ugandan mission field light has arisen in darkness and the people that walked in darkness have seen a great light no more let sins and sorrows grow nor thorns infest the ground for I have found a ransom whereas in time past they were not a people yet now many thousands of this benign country are the children of God Uganda is quickly becoming and perhaps already is the African country with the brightest prospects of total evangelism with the true gospel in the shortest time not us not a single day goes by here without many dozens even on some days hundreds of souls being translated into the kingdom of his dear son God the dear son of God excuse me multitudes both of men and women acts 514 I mean I'm not gonna go through 14 pages of this but that was a waste of my copy paper like but they even have like a like you have to like if you've got this letter I who got this letter like when it originally came out okay like it's just filled with lots of King James E's like they fit scripture in with their sentences and stuff ultra spiritual language is what it is but I said I call it King James E's but so then they have this like you have to reference to this other massive totally heretical on human formal ordination or they just because they couldn't get ordained then they have to write a treatise on why human ordination is not necessary to be a missionary so and then yeah one of the I do have to read one of things that they said if I can I think it's at the blast page here oh there's like multiple pages of the examples of Jesse and John at faithful word how great they were here but anyway the last page I thought was really interesting because the Apostle Paul you know he was or he was called of Jesus Christ he was you know knocked off his horse blinded you know he has a pretty incredible testimony of his salvation going and getting saved in the town being baptized but so they use this they said it says on the last page said of his apostleship we say of our evangelistic Commission not of men neither by man but by Jesus Christ Galatians 1 1 it's like so they're taking something that the Apostle said about his apostleship and applying it to their evangelistic starting a church without any ordination it's just like you know and of course you know now they're saying that they don't believe that hell you know that Jesus went to hell for three days and three nights and they're outing now of course what do you think that they're saying that faithful word is now what do you think that they're saying it's a cult pastor Anderson's the cult of personality after all the the nice things that they said over the years and how much you know great things that it's but it's what they did that was great at faithful word it wasn't that faithful were trained them and helped them and and all this it's that they learned all the great things they became great preachers they read the Bible 15 times both of them and well you know who cares there were also some of the most prideful people on the face of the planet too and so prideful that they're throwing out human formal ordination because I guess they forgot where it says neglect not the gift is in thee by the laying of the hands of the presbytery to to Timothy like where Paul said that hands were actually laid upon Timothy to be ordained or that you know how he left Titus and Crete to ordain men in every city but you know formal ordination is just not a thing that we're supposed to do right so people that have this ultra spiritual language second Peter chapter 2 verse 3 says and through covetousness shall they with feigned words that means fake words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a longtime lingereth not and their damnation slumberth not skip down to verse 18 it says for when they speak great swelling words of vanity and this is what they do they allure through the lust of the flesh they want their their spiced up words and the way they talk brother and all this you know I'm not saying don't call people brother that that's totally appropriate but I'm just I'm talking about the King James ease hyper spiritual language that these guys use is beyond you know disgusting it's weird and it's just over the top and when people start talking like that I instantly just like ding ding ding ding the flag goes off in my mind this remember the other guy that I said was the boundary pusher he says he said this to one of the people in the church you refresh my bowels brother now the Apostle Paul did say that you know this in the New Testament but you know when we hear that when we think of bowels what do you I know what you're thinking because it's what I think but it's still it's a strange thing to say to somebody you know you just walk up you refresh my bowels brother if you don't think that's weird I mean I don't know what to do well I don't know what to tell you but the McPhail your twins you know they just saying that they do greater they've done greater works than pastor men is and all this other stuff it's just like you know if they have to tell you how great they are by writing two novels and sending it out they're failures all right number six video game so many numbers oh yeah and one of the funny things in here is like they they have like an exact number of how many Judas Iscariots are in here it was like two thousand seven hundred and like they got it down peg like they're really you know counting their numbers I didn't know that was a stat that was kept is how many Judas Iscariots that they've come across but it was like two over two thousand Judas Iscariots so not sure how they got that but anyway video game numbers is a flag number six so let me get this flag out here so that might go with one of the other categories it was just kind of something you don't get all right all right so video games only numbers and look you know when we go to like places that are really receptive then getting video games so any number and what I mean by that like you're just racking up lots of numbers right and it's possible to just continuously give the gospel I know you guys have gone to many great soloing areas and preach the gospel but if it's like Vancouver Washington and you're getting you know like ten you're getting ten saved every time you go out soloing I mean that's ridiculous and I'm sure you guys have had people that have come here and then every time they go out soloing they're getting like ten people saved have you guys had that before like I don't know okay so I don't know I'm not gonna have you turn to any verses that is just a red flag that I've noticed over the years grifters is another one always just needing help we have this this one family in our church and and look if people need help I'm not knocking people that need help at all but we had this family that was like you know anytime you say hey how's it going they'd be like well I'm just wondering you know how I'm gonna pay my bills this month but you know I'm just living by faith and like they were literally on the dole with every single person in the church was like helping their family giving them money and then when it all came down to it they just completely turned against our church you know and they these these people will be like we're so broke and then the next week they come with their whole family has brand new clothes from JC Penney's or something's like I don't know there's people like that so if someone answers that question like that every single time they're probably just kind of on the grift so and then flag number eight over the top suspicion that everyone is a wolf or a fag this is also a red flag to me okay over the top I'm talking about over the top now if someone looks like like I said if someone looks like a queer they sound like a queer and all that stuff they probably are so now if people do try to infiltrate our churches like that that are their homos right I'm talking about the false prophet fag hunters that are just everybody's a queer that walks in we've had a couple people like this at our church and they are both they both turned out to be super weird so now just to caveat this also if you think someone is please don't hide it go through the right channels tell pastor or brother Chris or whoever that you think that someone might be but you know when it's over the top you know it's just it gets weird so we did have some weird trainee come to one of our churches in Spokane and they made like this hour-long video about it but I was actually proud by the way our church handled it because in my opinion it made our church look good and here's why because we're accused of being these bloodthirsty murderers that would just kill a fag if we ever had a chance to or something and this person came by themselves they're a man that is dresses up and like a woman or whatever but they came and they'd called me and taught and two different people called and told me about this person and they were displaying some sign of being a possible infiltrator but they said they just weren't sure but they did suspect them and what was this how they suspect him man bun man bun so and this this person came like just for a couple weeks or something they were secretly filming and things like that but you know but our people were nice you know even though they did have a couple suspicions they were nice but this person even went so far as to let someone give the gospel to them and pretend to get saved and do the sinner's prayer and everything what a disgusting faggoty freak that person is but you know for for them to come and then at they act like they were so afraid but note like in the whole video like nobody mistreats them at all and they're not they're not brave enough to actually walk in as they are but we still wouldn't shoot them or do anything any violence to them unless they refuse to leave or something we wouldn't shoot them but we would just make them leave but you know it's just weird it's weird that so you know that someone would do that just so they can just get clicks on their videos or whatever but you know not everybody is an infiltrator but that person actually was and they were right to call it out but you know we're not going to we're not trying to kill people or hurt people we just we just don't want them in so but I mean you know you win some you lose some I guess number nine weird child rearing techniques there's another one weird child rearing techniques punishments that are over the top and if you've done any of these I'm not trying to offend you I don't know nobody came to me and said hey you need to get on these people that are doing the weird child rearing techniques okay but hot sauce in the mouth of a child I've seen people do that not not in church work but I just I've seen someone that did that cold showers hose people down outside with cold water in the middle of winter making people write 10,000 word essays I think that's kind of weird making people write read the Bible all day I will chime in on this one real quick though we had there was a deacon and a deacon's wife at church that we went to and they put their son in what's called total timeout and that was where you're set in front of you're at a table and you make your they made their son read the Bible all day from the time they woke up to the time that they went to bed there's no quicker way to make your child a reprobate than doing that I mean you want to get your kid to hate the Bible then make them do that I'm not saying you shouldn't have your children read the Bible of course you should but as a punishment so you know that guy that that kids a tranny now he's not a kid he's an adult he trained he came out and said his name is Iris now his name what used to be Jeff now it's Iris and his poor children had to see this happen and then his wife they seem to be like normal people or whatever it is now his wife is a dude or whatever so yeah I don't know these people you want to make someone a reprobate then punish them weirdly with the Bible that's just strange don't do that kind of stuff one of the people that used to go to your church this is a real a real thing it made their their baby crawl for their food because if a man doesn't work neither should he eat Dominique Davis not letting your children look at the dad's plate of food because thou shalt not covet also Dominique Davis that's bizarre man crawl for your food crawl for your bottle I think it was a bottle that's bizarre then they turn out to be oneness so big surprise there Proverbs 23 verse 13 go ahead and heard of Proverbs 23 verse 13 I gotta hurry up here I knew I was gonna run out of time I didn't give you another flag today there you go all right Proverbs 23 verse 13 says withhold not correction from the trial child for if thou beatest him with the rod he shall not die thou shalt beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell the Bible says we're just supposed to spank him spank him with the rod and that's what the Bible says it doesn't say to do all these other weird things with them so it is a red flag if someone has some weird over-the-top you know child rearing techniques now I'm gonna skip through let's see all right let's go back to Acts chapter 20 I have to skip a couple of these I'll just tell you what they were there real quick as I skip through them because I got to get down here flag number 10 was narcissistic personality disorder behavior but I don't have time to go through that that's a that's a big point but not everybody is a narcissist just so you know there's like all this these studies now and people just think that if they watch a couple of YouTube videos that they've pegged everybody their spouse as being a narcissist so I would just be careful about becoming you know Sigmund Freud over watching some some YouTube videos anyway another one is weird gospel presentations so I'll give you a couple flags even though I didn't really go into detail but people have weird gospel presentations aren't always weird they just need training but some people even though they've been trained and they've been doing it for a long time they still can't get a write gospel presentation out that is a red flag flag number another flag perverse diverse and strange doctrine acts 20 verse 30 says also of your own self shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves how are after them excuse me so so like what well this is out of our text this is what Paul's worrying about people that would use perverted doctrine to to draw people away like what like I don't know like oneness like the flat earth like I don't know what's another one that you guys could think of anybody those are the two big ones okay so two weird ones right Jesus warned us about being aware of false prophets and wolves and sheep's clothing Paul warned us of dogs evil workers and the concision so you know when people have some weird doctrine that only they teach and it's something just really bizarre that is a red flag that we need to watch out for and I don't know if I gave you a one but I'll give you another one anyway so we need to watch out for people that are bringing in some kind of a strange obscure doctrine and they're taking people aside and teach them that's what false prophets do that's what infiltrators do flag another flag is attacking the leadership leaders wives children and leaders and staff members this is another red flag that people like to do they you know the Bible says salute them that have the rule over you salute all the brethren but a lot of times people will start ignoring the leadership or just lying about them or just constantly trying to confront them or their children and lying about their you know the wives and their in their children this stuff happens all the time and it's unfortunate but it is a red flag that happens a lot let's see and people that try to pretend like they're super tight with the leadership that's another weird thing that people do they're like oh yeah we were just hanging out the other day and they like pretend to everybody in the church that their best friends with the pastor or the pastor's wife when they really aren't that's another red flag data mining I already kind of covered that and let's see yeah I'm just gonna wrap up right now so in the end you know look at all these flags okay just hold up all these flags all right now everybody hold up your flags she's got three he's got two he's got here takes it take these two so in the end I mean what's the illustration the illustration is that you know and obviously they might not have all these flags but the illustration is that this person has all these problems this person over here maybe she just doesn't believe the reprobate doctrine she doesn't do you have four how'd you get four did I give you four okay she doesn't believe the reprobate doctrine that's not necessarily a red flag but it might be to some people okay she doesn't believe that it's after the tribulation she believes in the pre-trip rapture she doesn't she still believes that the Jews are God's chosen people and you know she's you know things is okay for women to wear pants or something okay so she's got some things that need to be straightened out but you know she starts coming to the church and after a while you know she gets all this stuff right now she doesn't have any flags she's she's normalized and the thing is is that going to church you know makes you normal the people that move here and they start coming to church they start hearing all the great doctrine of this church it's gonna normalize you it's gonna make you a better Christian and you're gonna learn the Bible if people want to sit and learn and and and get to know and understand the Bible they start reading their Bible they start listening to the preaching applying to their lives it's gonna normalize them now this guy over here you know he he just never seems to get it right he just can't he still believes that homos can be saved all right he still believes that the Jews are God's chosen people okay now those might be red flags to you but it doesn't mean he's not saved it just means that he's stupid about a couple things okay but it doesn't mean he's a bad person it just means he has a couple red flags yet so that's why I'm just trying to help you understand the illustration a little bit that some people come in they might have some red flags but they're not necessarily bad they just need to learn and some people will never get over a couple of the red flags or whatever that they have but they're still saved and they're still good people and we shouldn't accuse them of being a wolf that person right there's got major problems they are a wolf I mean he's total wolf right and I'll just say this so when I first got saved I didn't go to church for about six months but I had read the Bible some I didn't read the whole Bible but I'd read a lot of prophecy like Matthew 24 and read Revelation and I was like I believed a lot of stupid things so I just pictured that so there's a prophecy conference at a Baptist Church I'd been watching Kent Hoban's videos or whatever I know sorry but at that time that's all I had I didn't know so I didn't know he believed all that weird stuff if he knows now but but he you know he was King James only and he was encouraging people to go to a Baptist Church so that's the only kind of church I want to go to is a Baptist Church so when I was offered the opportunity to go to a Baptist Church they were like this the prophecy there's a prophecy conference going on this guy's speaking and I still remember the preacher's name was Bill Bramlett and he was pretty I came in we were a couple minutes late or whatever and he's I came in right when he's preaching so he's preaching just like I am right now and preaching about prophecy so I come in I'd never been to a Baptist Church in my life I'm wearing a Portland Trailblazers jersey just the jersey not an undershirt guns out right got a couple tickets to the gun show at that point and then I said I smell like cigarettes I'm wearing a pair of gym gym shorts and I go in and then I just start asked I just start raising my hand and asking questions without being called on and I'm like just blurting out questions and he starts answering my questions but he's preaching but I didn't know it wasn't a question or answer time I just thought this is how it worked so I mean think of this someone comes in and does that I mean if I did that here I would be dragged out as Michael the Archangel at that point Pastor Anderson would drag this bozo out of here he's quit asking all this he might have you know he'd probably just politely say hey this isn't time for the questions but if I kept doing it he'd be like get this guy out of here right so I was kind of you know a little bit of a bozo at that point and you know my deal-breaker for going for staying at that church was I if he didn't believe that Christians could cast devils out of people that I wasn't gonna stay there so after church I went and talked to him in his office I said do you believe this and he was like well yeah but then he kind of just gave me this answer and I it sufficed me so I started going to the church I got baptized you know and and I got married at that church and and I started learning the Bible and it started to normalize me I had some weird beliefs and I was still a Zionist until what I started listen to pastor Anderson sermons and I thought he was wrong about that I was like he's right about all this stuff he you know the homos the after the tribulation I always agreed with him about that but when it came to the Jews I was like I remember sent my wife down go he I said he's right about a lot of stuff but he's wrong about this let's look at Zechariah chapter 14 I like I remember like going through that with my wife and she was like uh-huh uh-huh and she knew I was wrong but she just was respecting me right but the point is is that I was I was still wrong about that but then you know she actually helped me understand that doctrine and a friend of mine and it was just like now I'm told now I totally see it I just don't understand how I didn't see it before but I totally see it now but a long time ago and I can't remember what the pastor's name was but this story's been told before but there was a pastor and they him and his wife went to bed one night and they were talking and the wife asked the pastor is there ever gonna be any normal people in our church and the and the pastor said it's our job to make them normal and so that is what normalizes you is being in church that's why it's important to be here three times a week and you know of course we don't want to ignore red flags that people have but you know we do want people to get normal and sometimes they're gonna have red flags but we do need to have a balance you know we can't just think everybody that has a red flag is some weirdo bozo but again there are some people that instantly you already know but there's some people that just need help they just need to learn and I know this is a great church and that you all are really good about helping people to find those things out but I would just say this that you know we're not supposed to be these heretic hunters that are exposing every person that comes in necessarily you know I'm not gonna have you go to the verses but Jesus you know talks about how the tares and the wheat will be together and I think what happens is these people expose themselves or God allows them to be exposed and sometimes we might expose we might catch something that they do but a lot of times they just kind of they're like they're like sleeper cell agents right they're like reprobate sleeper cell agents and you know they just kind of you know they just kind of freak out at whatever point and they make themselves known because sometimes we just don't know until they reveal themselves like well that person's acting really weird they said it's a really weird stuff and it's just like it's it's the time that God allows us to see it happen so you know I'm not saying don't say something if you see something say something all right you know to quote the TSA but I hate the TSA but that's a good quote so but you know we do need to give people the benefit of the doubt that is a good policy but you know also be vigilant be sober because the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour let's pray Lord we thank you so much for the word of God and and and Lord I pray that we'd have discernment Lord that we would think about these red flags and and keep it in our mind and heart that not everybody is a wolf Lord and sometimes people have red flags and problems that they might have but Lord I pray that we would just be able to have discerning eyes and and Lord that we would not fall trap and get ensnared by people like this but Lord that you would protect us protect this church Lord pray that you just bless it for many many years to come and Lord that you bless the people here thank you for the great service today and the great music and we pray that you just bring us back here together for the evening service in Jesus name we pray amen man let's take our hymnals please go to him number one him number one Jesus I my cross have taken him number one we'll sing it out on that first verse together number one sing it out now Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh you