(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Let's start out by taking our seats and opening our blue hymnals to page 266 Blue hymn books this morning page 266. There's a song in the air Page 266 there's a song in the air on the first. There's a song in the air There's a star in the sky There's a mother's deep prayer and a baby slow cry And the star rings it's far while the beautiful sing for the manger of Bethlehem cradles a king There's a tumult of joy for the wonderful birth for the Virgin sweet boy is the Lord of the earth Hey the star is far while the beautiful sing for the manger of Bethlehem cradles a king in the light of that star by the ages in pearl and the star from afar has swept over the world every hearth is a flame and the beautiful sing in the homes of the nations that Jesus is King on the last we rejoice in the light and we Echo the song that comes down through the night from the heavenly throng hey we shout to the lovely Banjal they bring and we greet in his cradle our Savior and King Amen good to see you all and great singing this morning brother tap Josh tap would you open us with the word of prayer? Amen let's turn to our second song page 279 page 279 Away in a manger Away in a manger Away in a manger Away in a manger Away in a manger Away in a manger page 279 away in a manger Singing out on the first Away in a manger No crib for a bed The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head The stars in the sky look down where he lay The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay The cattle are lowing The baby awakes The little Lord Jesus no crying he makes I love the Lord Jesus look down from the sky And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh Be near me Lord Jesus I ask thee to stay Close by me forever and love me I pray Bless all the dear children in thy tender care and take us to heaven to live with thee there In admonition of the Lord Ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 on our inside page there we have just that short note from me to anybody that wants to talk to me about any spiritual matters feel free to come talk to me after the service we're an independent fundamental Baptist church and we're King James only so winning salvation by faith alone family integrated old hymns and songs and spiritual songs and if you aren't 100% sure that you're saved please see one of the ushers or me after the service and we can point you in the right direction to someone that can show you from the Bible how to be saved or show you ourselves and then also if you need to be baptized the water is warm and we have towels and things that you might need to get baptized we do have a baptism today right after the service so we need to be prepared for that and our service times are 10 30 a.m. for the Sunday morning preaching time and then Sunday evening services 3 30 p.m. will be in Exodus chapter 27 and Thursday evening Bible study is at 6 30 p.m. we'll be starting a new book this Thursday so many times are listed below we have so many at 110 the address is already posted in the whatsapp group anybody that's gonna come go out from the church today there'll be preaching a short preaching sermon at 110 and then we'll be sent out from here if you just want to meet on location like I said the address is in the whatsapp group and then there's other times to choose from there there's also other times that are not on the schedule there and so I think that there's been multiple times I think that Josh has been leading some different times there too so and then if you're ever running late just make sure you let the person that's in charge of the soul in that day know that you're running late so they get you a partner okay and then the praise report you can see the salvation's and they jumped for December to 54 and so that's because we went on a meeting and brother Brandon brother Bill went to Indianapolis and we did a soul winning and preaching event there and we had like 32 people go out soul winning the first night where we had 19 people show up for the soul winning and then we had six salvation's and then the next day we had 32 people show up and we end up with 41 salvation's total for the whole weekend so and then I flew back last night got home about 11 o'clock and so here I am but that's nice it kind of boosts the numbers for December because it's December is usually a rough month and as you can see it's been raining a lot lately but anyway so that puts us over our 500 mark by far we've had a really great year soul winning this year and a lot more baptisms than we did last year as far as like our church and then there's the totals for the attendance from last week and then so yeah 32 soul winners 41 salvation's so praise the Lord for that and it's a great group of people over there we had a men's preaching night yesterday after the soul winning event and that's only three hours of soul winning we had about an hour and a half on Friday with 19 people and then the 32 people yesterday that includes women and children and toddlers and all that and that's about an hour and a half yesterday and there's a lot of Haitians there a lot of people that spoke a lot of different languages so those QR codes that we use really came in handy so you can just what I was like finding really because I don't want to just stand there while someone it's kind of gets awkward when they don't speak English and you're just standing there like playing a video for them so I like to just give them a taste of it in their own language and then tell them to just kind of watch it on their own because ultimately I'm not going to count their salvation even if even if they bow their head and pray after the person prays in the video because you didn't get to ask them any questions you didn't get to find out for sure because people will pray you know a Catholic will pray a prayer with you you know and still die and go to hell you know it's you know you have to make sure that they that they understand everything so and that's not saying that they don't get saved but when you preach you know when you just have a video preaching to them in a foreign language I just you know I don't want us to count those salvations but I think it's still cool when they do do that because I've had where there was like in Atlanta the first time I ever did that I did play the whole video and like three Mexican ladies did bow their head and pray and I thought was really cool but I didn't count them so but anyway those those QR codes I don't know if you guys are using those but if you scan those for them it you know and or just ask them to scan it with their own phone it comes up in the language that they that they have in their phone so if they have Vietnamese as their language in their phone it's going to pull up the Vietnamese Bible way to heaven so anyway it's really cool but so yeah it was a great trip had a lot of fun a lot of a lot of good sermons from the men's preaching afterwards and so remember today there's a children's choir practice after the evening service so please if you're gonna have your children in the choir please make sure have them ready up here in the front I think this is where they're doing it up front here with the piano and then next Saturday is the this coming Saturday is the ladies cookie exchange that's gonna be at the Bender residence at 11 a.m. and all the instructions are there there's a sign up sheet to bring food in the WhatsApp group so that should be a lot of fun for the ladies and then December 24th is gonna be Christmas Eve it's already it's already almost here folks and we're gonna have a modified schedule that day for 11 a.m. for the children's or for the services and the children's choir and I'll be preaching a Christmas sermon and then there'll be a potluck in between the services so we need to get the sign up sheet for that going as soon as possible and then we'll have a candlelight service well so after the potluck we'll do a candlelight service at 2 p.m. and then everybody can go home early so December 31st we're gonna have the New Year's Eve game night after the second service we'll pray in the new year and 9 a.m. 9 p.m. and then January 1st starts the New Testament 30-day Bible challenge and so hopefully a lot of people are gonna do that this year so we're a family integrated church that means the children infants are always welcome during the church services and we do have mother baby rooms and a dad baby room for your convenience all the other rules are listed below there please follow those rules watch your children at all times the donations that have come in so far are on the bottom of the page there and then CJ's birthday was on the today's the 10th right CJ's birthday was yesterday we didn't get a chance to sing happy birthday were you not here on Thursday they didn't sing happy birthday to you what in the world what's wrong with you guys I'm gone for one day and you guys don't sing happy birthday what about Elias did Elias get happy birthday sing to him what you guys dropped the ball well we got to sing happy birthday Elias happy birthday that's a cute look alright let's sing happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you happy birthday to you alright and Josh and Olivia weren't here last week so we're gonna sing happy anniversary to them I know how many years they've been married it's one year so they made it so happy anniversary to Josh and Olivia so let's go ahead and sing happy anniversary wait hold on hold on where are they Josh get out here come sit with your wife is your first one you can't start off like that hold on a second hold on hold on alright let's go happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you god bless you and keep you happy anniversary to you and many more alright that's all I have for announcements let's go ahead and sing another song and then we'll receive the offering oh one more thing kids do not touch this tabernacle you can look but do not touch alright please don't touch it alright everybody's paying attention don't touch alright let's sing our third song this morning page 265 in your Blue Hymn book tell me the story of Jesus page 265 tell me the story of Jesus tell me the story of Jesus on the first tell me the story of Jesus right on my heart every word tell me the story most precious sweetest that ever was heard tell how the angels and chorus sang as they welcomed his birth glory to God in the highest peace and good tidings to earth tell me the story of Jesus right on my heart every word tell me the story most precious sweetest that ever was heard on the second fasting alone in the desert tell of the days that are past tell of the years of his labor tell of the sorrow he bore he was despised and afflicted homeless rejected and poor tell me the story of Jesus right on my heart every word tell me the story most precious sweetest that ever was heard on the last tell of the cross where they nailed him writhing in anguish and pain tell of the grave where they laid him tell how he liveth again love in the story so tender clearer than ever I see stay let me weep while you whisper love paid the ransom for me tell me the story of Jesus right on my heart every word tell me the story most precious sweetest that ever was heard Amen. Great singing this morning and at this time we're going to receive our offering. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right, go ahead and open your Bibles to the book of Psalms will be in Psalm 29. Psalm 29. Psalm 29 the Bible reads given to the Lord. Oh you mighty give unto the Lord glory and strength give unto the Lord the glory dude unto his name worship the Lord and beauty of holiness. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. The God of glory thunderous. The Lord is upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful. The voice of the Lord is full of majesty. The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars. Yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. He make it them also to skip like a calf. Lebanon and Syrian like a young unicorn. The voice of the Lord divided the flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shake at the wilderness. The Lord shake at the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord make the hinds to calf and discover the forests and in his temple does everyone speak of his glory. The Lord said at the pond the flood. Yea, the Lord said if King forever. The Lord will give strength unto his people. The Lord will bless his people with peace. Brother Jesse we pray for us. Lord we thank you for the reading of your word this morning. We bless this whole aspect of this sermon this morning. Pastor, if he goes, we'll be reaching a message. Give us the ears to hear and we'll stay focused. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Alright well, I'm going to preach out of Psalm chapter 29 this morning and I kind of had this thing going where I was every fifth Sunday I was going to preach a psalm and basically that didn't happen the last two fifth Sundays. One was our anniversary and the other one I forgot what was going on but I think I was sick or something. I can't remember. Anyway, so I'm just trying to catch up and I just wanted to preach this psalm and I've had this in the pipe for a while but I'm not trying to just give you some leftovers this morning. But I think it's a really great psalm and the first part of the psalm that I want to cover this morning is give the Lord his due. But the title of the sermon is actually the voice of the Lord. You notice that the theme in this psalm talks a lot about the voice of the Lord. But before I get into that I just want to cover this portion of the psalm in verse number one where the Bible reads, Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength. And the Bible, when it's saying give unto the Lord, usually the Lord is giving unto us. He's giving us his blessings. But David's saying, hey, sometimes it's good for us to give unto the Lord. And it's saying, O ye mighty. So obviously we as God's people, and David had his mighty men, but we as God's people, we are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds and we are considered his mighty people. But we ought not to get so lifted up that we're not giving glory back unto God. And we might do mighty things through God but I think sometimes we forget to thank God and to give him glory. And it's like at the end of the verse there it says, give unto the Lord glory and strength. And it's like, what does that really mean? Well God is already glorified whether we give him glory or not, isn't he? And God already has all the strength. We can't add anything unto his strength. But I think it's kind of maybe referring to the fact that we need to give him glory and strength that we possess. Sometimes we want to do things in our own strength and we want to glorify ourselves, but it takes a lot of humble pie sometimes from people that would be considered mighty to give back and to humble ourselves to give glory and strength to somebody else. But obviously as God's people that shouldn't be a problem to give glory unto strength unto the Lord who gave us our life and our breath and our salvation. It says in verse 2, give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name. So we should give God what's due unto him and do unto his name and worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. And that's kind of, I was trying to kind of just think about what that actually means. Give, you know, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. And so I was thinking about this and when you think about holiness you don't necessarily think of beauty. You think of doing what's right, keeping God's commandments, being separated from the world. But that is beautiful. That is something like as God's people, you know, when you see people doing righteous acts and when you're living righteously, that is beautiful. When you see a Christian family, you know, you see someone turn to the Lord and their whole house, you know, gets saved. They start worshiping the Lord. You see the ugliness that their life used to be. And then you see them turn to the Lord. That is a beautiful thing, isn't it? When people get right with God. And holiness is beautiful. It's like someone could be the biggest ugly duckling in the world, but when you look at them, when they're a righteous person, you see that beauty in them. I think Pastor Anderson has kind of talked about this a lot, that someone might not be the most attractive person aesthetically to us, but they get more handsome or more beautiful when you see that they're a righteous person. Because holiness is a beautiful thing. And the thing is, sin appears beautiful to people, and that's the enticement for us to do it. People lust to do sin because it's appealing to our eyes. Men like beautiful women. Women like handsome men. And men like fit women. And women like fit men. And so on and so forth. Or the things that you find appealing is the good looking food. It's like chefs make food and they have these meals and they're, you know, what does the presentation look like? I think that chef's presentations, they look weird. Personally. I mean, give me just like a sloppy mess of good looking food, it's fine with me. But you know what I mean? There's a way that things are presented to make it look appealing to the eyes. And sin can be that way. That's why the Bible talks about us being covetous and lusting and desiring things. And the reason why we do that is because sin looks appealing to us. But in reality, in its end, it's ugly. It's disgusting. And then when you partake in sin, it makes you feel disgusted. It makes you feel ugly. And it loses its beauty. But sin dresses itself up to look pretty, but in reality, it is the ugly duckling. It is the thing that makes you feel like, man, I really blew it when I did this sin. So holiness is actually beautiful. Because, you know, when you're making a choice to do what's right or wrong, you know, the right thing looks ugly. And the wrong thing looks pretty. But in reality, that's not how it is. And so when God says to give the Lord the glory due unto his name, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, you know, God is so holy that we can't even behold him with our eyes because we would just die instantaneously. We can't look upon God the Father because he is so holy. And so all we can do is just give the due unto his name because we can't behold him at this point, because we live in sinful flesh. But if you think about, like, some of the sins that would entice people, like adultery entices people, you know, the Bible forbids us to commit adultery on our spouses, but, you know, people do it all the time. Why? Because it's appealing to people to want something that they don't already have. You know, and that's what covetousness does. But, you know, and it might seem pretty at the time, that person might seem, you know, like they're, like that's a beautiful thing, but in the end, what does it cause? It causes people to get divorced. It causes your children to, you know, have resentment towards, you know, life in general. You know, the people that have broken homes have a hard time succeeding in life. Children are much more likely to be criminals, and really, number one, they're less likely to get saved in all reality. But, you know, people break the trends, you know, because God's voice is very powerful. The words of the Lord are very powerful, and, you know, people will get saved even in the most unlikely situations. They still get saved, but the best chance you have as a Christian, you know, marry another Christian, and raise your children as Christians, and don't try to desire that forbidden fruit, because it looks appealing to you. The apple looked appealing to Eve, didn't it? But in the end, it ended up everybody in this planet has to die, because she looked on that forbidden fruit and lusted after it. She listened to the wrong voice. She listened to the voice of Satan, who had possessed a serpent. And then Adam, you know, he made the stupid decision to follow after his wife, you know, and chose to destroy everybody's lives because of it. But adultery leads to divorce, and so, in the end, adultery might look appealing to people, but the end of it is ugliness, isn't it? It's not anything that's pretty. It's not anything that's beautiful. So fornication also would be appealing to someone. You're like, I just want to test the waters and see what it's like. But when you end up with some kind of a disease because of it, that's ugly, isn't it? When you end up having to tell the person you're actually going to marry that you have a disease that there's no cure for, or something that you're going to carry with you for the rest of your life, that's ugly, isn't it? That's something that you would have to carry with you for the rest of your life, and it's ugly. And it's disappointment. And there's a lot of people out there that, you know, and the Bible says that we should go to the marriage altar as virgins. That's what the Bible teaches, but in this country, that is probably, sadly, not the case in most people's marriages. But that is what the Bible calls for, and there's a lot of people that probably regret the fact that they didn't go and get married as virgins. So, murder is another thing, you know, and obviously, you know, people murder people for all sorts of reasons, and a lot of times they murder because they want some kind of advantage. You know, I was thinking about some of these guys that kill their wives because they want to marry some other woman or something, like Scott Peterson, that piece of scum that killed his pregnant wife and dumped her into the bay many years ago. And he just wanted to marry some other girl. It wasn't even as pretty as the wife that he had. You know, what a piece of garbage that guy was. He killed his own child and his wife, and what ended up happening? He's in prison for the rest of his life because he's a scumbag. But it seemed like, oh, this is the better choice, but in reality, what ended up happening? He murdered his own child. I mean, that's the ugly choice. That's the unholy choice that he made. Now, God wants us as his children to give him the dew unto his name, and you know what? He knows who serves him in their hearts. He knows who actually follows him. And the thing is that God looks on our hearts and he knows what we're really like, and he tries the reins of our hearts and sees what we're really like. So, turn to Malachi chapter 3 verse 16. Malachi chapter 3 verse 16. Malachi chapter 3, 16. It says, Then they that feared the Lord spake off and one to another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it. And a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon his name. See, God does know who thinks about him in their daily life and weekly life, and he actually has a book written before him of the people that actually do fear him. Now, just because you make a mistake doesn't mean that you don't fear him, because everybody makes mistakes, everybody sins. But he does know who thinks about him. Look at verse 17. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord the host, and that day when I make up my jewels, I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall you return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. So God knows who serves him, and he discerns those things and knows those things. But it says that in the day when he makes up his jewels that he's going to spare them. And so he knows, you know, he says spare them, so obviously they've done wrong, but God does know who fears him. I mean, David did some of the worst sins you could possibly do in the Bible, but he also, he also knew, you know, was a man after God's own heart. So obviously David's the one that wrote this psalm, and so God loved David, but he also, you know, was mortal, and obviously fell into this trap of looking at things that he shouldn't look at, which led him down a really hard road where his own sons even betrayed him. Look at 2 Chronicles 16, 9. 2 Chronicles 16, 9. 2 Chronicles 16, 9. The Bible says, For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. So God looks for people whose heart is perfect toward him. He wants to show himself strong on their behalf. You know, we're not perfect, we're very frail human beings, really. A lot of people try to, you know, give off that alpha male personality. Men like to do that, and we like to appear strong, but in reality, when nobody else is around, and your walls are crashing down on you, the waves are roaring, you're going through a lot of hard times. You know, it's just you and God, you know, just be real about yourself. When times are hard, you know, you need God, and you need God to intervene sometimes in your life when there's, you know, all the weightlifting that you do is not going to help you. And all the tough talk is not going to help you. And all the big speeches that you give are not going to help you. And all the people that, you know, think that you're the greatest thing since sliced bread is not going to help you. Only God can help you. And, you know, we go through trials in this life as saved people, and, you know, just don't forget, don't be too proud to reach out to the Lord, and, you know, make sure that you're thinking about him. Proverbs chapter 15 verse 3 says, The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. So, you know, people talk about Santa Claus, how he knows when you're sleeping, and he knows when you're awake. No, he doesn't, because he's not real. But God is, and God really does look in every place, and he looks at the heart of men, and he sees, you know, man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart. God sees our heart and sees what's really in our mind and our soul, and whether we want to serve him. And God should be praised for the beauty of, his beauty and holiness, and feared and thought about and called upon and prayed to and served and remembered and given reverence. And so, and especially this time of year. You know, this is a time of year when we're bombarded with all these ads. Your mailbox is stuffed full of all the ads for By-Mart and Walmart and Best Buy and all these other places. And please buy another 55 inch flat screen TV that you don't need from China, and all this other stuff. It's just like, it's all vanity. You already got one. Like, how many more flat screens do you really need? How many more, you know, I mean, it's just, just throw it in the trash. You know, be content with the things you have. Do you really need all that junk? Do you really need to go broke and charge up all your credit cards on a bunch of stuff that you really don't need? But this is the time to covet. This is the time of the year when stores are just, you know, you're being bombarded with all these messages about, buy this, we really need that, this is a really good deal. Do you really, though? You know, this is, to me, like, what the economy seems to be saying to me is, maybe you should save up and store up for hard times, because, you know, you can only give away trillions of dollars and print all this money, and something's going to happen. There's going to be a reckoning. There's going to be a whirlwind. You know, and if we just think that all that, you know, COVID money is just going to last forever, I'm sure you all blew it on whatever you blew it on, and that's gone. And here we are, gas is $5 a gallon. I think it might be four or something now, but it was $5 a gallon for a while there, wasn't it? Food has tripled in price. I mean, things, times are getting hard, but don't get lean on God, don't get lean on your family, and don't go buy a bunch of stuff that you don't need. You already got plenty. God's already blessed you. I'm not saying don't buy anything. Obviously, buy presents, whatever. But don't go max out your credit cards with money you don't have. You know, the borrower's servant to the lender. There's a reason why they're always giving you credit card information in your mailbox. Capital One. What's in your wallet? Nothing. That's why they're trying to give you credit. You know? I mean, I get credit card stuff every week in the mail. It's just like, just save up money and buy it with cash. That's probably the best thing for you to do. So, you know, the Christmas spirit is the spirit of Christ, not the spirit of covetousness. That's what we should be focusing on this time of year. And so, the rest of this sermon, I'm just going to focus on the voice of the Lord here. So, look at verse number three. The Bible says, The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. The God of glory thundereth. The Lord is upon many waters. Now, you know, like, what does that mean? Well, I think that indicates, it's talking about how God, you know, there's tie-ins to the fact that many waters is talking about the nations of the earth. And I'll show you some verses about that here in a minute. But, you know, the, and here's the thing. God wants His word to go out to all nations. There's no doubt about that. And, you know, God's used the King James Bible in a big way. English is a very big language now. A lot of people in foreign countries speak English. They teach English in multiple countries, in Europe and all over the world. Because it's really kind of the most important language in the world right now. And God knew that when He printed, you know, when He had King James put, translate the King James Bible. You know, it's gone through, you know, people say, it's gone through all these revisions. Yeah, well, you know, they changed the spelling of sun from S-O-N-N-E to S-O-N. You know, but is that really a major change of how you spell something? I mean, there's still British spellings of words versus, you know, American spellings of words. And they're still the same words. You still would read them and still know exactly what the word, that it's the same word. But, you know, people, and the way people talked back then might not be exactly the way that we talk now. But you can still figure out what they're saying. It's not like it's, you know, that we have to read Greek or something. We don't have to read Hebrew to understand the Bible. So, but it says, the voice of the Lord is upon many waters, and praise God for that. It's upon many waters. Look at Ecclesiastes chapter 11, verse 1. Can someone with a smartphone pull up Ecclesiastes 11, 1 in the Geneva Bible? Because I forgot to grab mine off my shelf in my office. Anybody, who's going to do it for me? Who will go? When you got it, just belt it out. It's too slow. Anybody else? He must have an apple. Yeah, Ramon? The grass I bred upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days. That's the Geneva? They must have updated that. Did you find, what's yours, Saram? I said the same thing. The same thing. I don't think that's what it's, yeah. The message is to be liberal to the poor. And Ecclesiastes 11, 1? What does it say? Okay, well, never mind. I'm going to lose my point here. But anyway, yeah. Well, I've, actually, I think that what it, the reason why King James wanted a new translation is because the Geneva actually says, I don't know if they just updated that or something, but the Geneva actually said, cast thy bread upon wet faces. And so, when the people of the, I think the Geneva Bible was, maybe it was the Bishop's Bible. Is this the Bishop's Bible? I think maybe it's the Bishop's Bible that says it. Let me find it here. Yeah, okay. Is that the Bishop's Bible? Yeah, lay thy bread upon wet faces. And so, yeah, I was mixed up with which one. So, there was the, the Bishop's Bible was what the King, the Church of England was saying. And then the Geneva Bible had its own issues. It said that Adam and Eve sewed themselves britches instead of making themselves aprons or whatever. But, so, the head of the Church of England or whatever, I think it's the Archbishop of Canterbury or whatever, he was like, he said something about, what's wrong with the Bishop's Bible? The Bishop's Bible is fine. He said, lay thy bread upon wet faces. He was like, this is idiotic. He was just like, what are you talking about? And he said, you better make it a lot, because when he instructed them to translate the King James Bible, he was like, you better make it a lot better than that or I'm going to be laying a loaf of bread on your wet face. King James was really crass the way that he talked to people. So, when they did the council in Hampton Court, he was just like, he was giving it to both sides. Because, as much as people want to claim that King James was a staunch Calvinist, the Puritans were staunch Calvinists. And they were trying to change all these changes. They had this list of grievances they were trying to give King James. He was like, no, no, stupid, no. He's just like, not changing that. They were trying to change the way that they did marriage ceremonies and all this stuff. He was just like, no, no, no, no, no. And then the only thing that he said yes about was making a translation for the people. And so, that's the only thing that he listened to out of all their lists of grievances for the Puritans. And then, the people of the Church of England, he's just mocking the mistakes in the Bishop's Bible. So, he really wanted a pure Bible that people could get behind. And so, the King James says, Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days. And so, the spiritual picture here is that the bread, obviously, is talking about the bread of life. And when you disperse the bread of life, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, onto the world, then people are going to get saved. Turn to Revelation chapter 17, verse 15. Sorry that I was getting my Bible version, but thank you for clarifying that. I wanted to make sure that I was like the Geneva. I thought it was the Geneva, but anyway, sorry. So, jet lag. Blame it on jet lag. Alright, so, Revelation 17, 15, it says, And he said unto me, The waters which thou sawest, so there's this vision that he sees of these waters, where the horse sitteth are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. So, the picture of waters in Revelation chapter 17 is showing us a picture of this one world religion and one world government, and it's pictured as waters. So, why is it so important for the voice of the Lord to be upon the waters and for us to cast our bread upon the waters? Well, because those waters represent nations and peoples and multitudes and tongues, and there's a great whore that's going to be sitting upon these waters someday, and they want, there's a battle for the hearts and souls of the people of this earth. And we need to fight that battle. We are in that battle, and it's a battle, it's not a physical battle, it's a battle, a spiritual battle between good and evil, and we are in a war. That's why it's so important that we plant churches and go soul-winding in all these different places, and that the gospel goes around the world multiple times and multiple generations. The Lord wants His word to be upon many waters because His word is powerful, and the souls of all nations are at stake. And, you know, God's word is so powerful that, you know, He can change the course of someone's destiny just like that. You know, all the junk, all the stuff that's being taught in schools, all the evolution and everything can be undone by John 3.16. All the garbage that's being taught in our world, and, you know, that's why the devil just piles on all this false information, all this false religion, all these false teachings in school. Why does he want to delude the masses and just teach all this garbage so that there's a chance that you just never will be saved, you'll become reprobate before God's word can ever breach your ears? But for those people that get the clear word of God and the clear gospel, there's a chance that because His voice is so powerful that those people will get saved despite all the stuff that the devil throws their way. So, look at verse 4 back in our text. It says, The voice of the Lord is powerful. The voice of the Lord is full of majesty. And this is the truth of the fact that God's word is powerful. And it's powerful in more ways than I'll probably ever be able to explain to you in this sermon, but I'm just going to show you a few things of how powerful it is. And not only is it powerful, but it's full of majesty because God is a great King. God is a great King, and His voice is powerful. But, let's, one of the things that, you know, I'll just belt off some things that makes God's word powerful. Well, His word is so powerful that He can raise people from the dead. I got to see an old friend of ours that used to go to our church. His name was Lazarus. And everybody remember Lazarus that used to go to our church? Well, he moved to Michigan, and he's married and has a couple kids now. But he came down to the Sony Marathon yesterday, and remember, my dream was always to be that he would be an usher in our church, so I could say, Lazarus, come forth! But I never got to fulfill that dream. I was going to take up a special offering in the men's preaching just so I could do it yesterday, but I didn't want to embarrass him. But anyway, the Lord Jesus Christ, after Lazarus in the Bible was dead for four days, and he stank. He had already started to corrupt, called forth his name, and Lazarus walked out of the tomb alive. That's how powerful God's voice is, is that when He says something, things happen. Molecules move. People rise from the dead. He forms living creatures. He forms universes. His word holds everything together. The Bible says that Jesus holds this world together. He holds everything in this universe together. He causes things to die by simply uttering His voice, and things die. The Bible says that He comes back and destroys them with the power of the sword of His mouth. The Bible says the two-edged sword of His word, that's what the Bible likens it to, is a sword, but when He speaks, all these people die instantaneously. So He can just say die, and people die. He can say live, and people live. He can come back with a shout, and all the saints rise up at one time, and their souls and spirits go back into their bodies, and go into bodies that will never die again, and regenerate some to live forevermore. He causes the winds and the waves to cease at His rebuke. Remember, the disciples are on the boat, and they're freaking out. If you've ever been in some kind of a... I really haven't been on the ocean very much. It was in Hawaii, and there were some little baby waves, but I'm really kind of afraid to go out into the deep sea. Who's been out on the deep sea before? I know, Joe. Yeah, and Adam. Who's ever been out in the deep sea, and it starts getting pretty crazy out there with the winds, and the big waves? Okay, I've seen it on TV. I've seen it on the Weather Channel, or whatever, or movies, or whatever. But I've been on a lake one time when a storm hit, and that's basically what they were on. They were on a bigger lake, but I was on a small lake, and it just got... it just kicked up. I've been on the Columbia River when it kicks up, and it can be pretty scary too. I mean, you get those white caps coming, and we just kind of paddled in, but it was scary. But on the ocean? Man. But all Jesus did is said, peace be still, and everything just stopped just like that. Because everything listens to the voice of the Lord. His voice is so powerful that everything obeys Him. Except for us. We're the ones that don't obey. But everything else obeys. Everything. I'll just read John 10, verse 27. Go ahead and turn to Ecclesiastes 8, verse 4. But John 10, verse 27 says, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. Now we are His sheep, and we do... He knows us, and we know Him, and we do follow Him. You know, most of the time. So, we do follow Him in the fact that we followed Him in our salvation. You know, and one day we will follow Him to the fullest, because we'll have no corrupt flesh that will try to resist His will. We'll be sinless. We'll be immortal. I mean, just think about that. Someday we will be immortal. Like Jesus is. We'll be like Him. We'll see Him for what He is, because we'll be like Him. We'll know Him for who He is. So, going back kind of to the King James Bible, you know, the King James Bible is unrivaled in its majesty also. It's authorized to be translated by a great king because it's the words of the greatest king. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That's, you know, when it's talking about its magis... The voice of the Lord is majestic, you know, a lot of people will say about the King James Bible, Well, you know, it's a good translation for its time, and it's really majestic, you know. But that's what, you know, even unsafe people can read the King James Bible and see, you know, how majestic it really is. It's very, you know, it's the greatest book that's ever been put to paper. Period. So, you know, and even, you know, atheists have to admit that. Maybe not the God-hating, you know, hell-bent on destroying Christianity atheist, but just general people, just secular people, you know, they have to admit the King James Bible is a great book. So, Ecclesiastes chapter 8, 4, it says, Where the word of a king is, there is power, and who may say unto him, What doest thou? So, King James authorized the Bible, but I don't think this verse is actually necessarily talking about King James, but the fact that King James authorized the Bible, you know, it's called the King James Bible for a reason. It's carried his name through the last 400 years for a reason, because it was authorized by a great king. And I think he was a great king. But look at the last part of the verse, it says, Who may say unto him, What doest thou? And when you're applying that to God, or, you know, in that time, to kings, you really can't question the authority of a king, but when, you know, people will dare reply to God and ask him why he does the things he does, people can get pretty brazen. You know, like, well, why, you know, if God, if God so loved me, why would he allow my relative to die? It's like, how dare you say something to God? God is God. You're just a person that, you know, was born from people that he created by his power. And God is benevolent. God loves us. And God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for us in a horrific death of torture, to be spit upon by his own creation in the face. They plucked out his beard. They punched him several times. They put a bag over his head. They put a robe on him. Even though he really was a king, they put a purple robe on him and mocked him, and hit him in the head and put a crown of thorns upon him. He's a bloody, ugly mess on the cross. And yet people dare to reply against him, and mock him, and call him all sorts of names, and draw pictures of him looking like a limp-wristed queer. And, you know, they malign him and blaspheme him. And he's a great king. Who may say unto him, what doest thou? Or what rightest thou? They say things about what he says in his book. Well, God's the most homophobic, misogynistic, and, you know, like Richard Dawkins with his big, you know, speech against God, and all these other people. You know, there's going to come a day of reckoning when they're going to be really sorry that they said all the things that they said about him. After I was, after we got done with the marathon yesterday, I had one email from an atheist, and he was like, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't litter in my house slash mailbox, and I was just like, okay. And he's like, I'm an atheist, I'm a worse staunch atheist at this address. And he was like, until you start paying your taxes, I'm not going to listen to anything you guys have to say. And he's like, and I just want to let you know, it's my personal mission to destroy all religions of the world, and the first one I want to destroy is Christianity. And he just, you know, he's obviously a God-hating piece of garbage. So, I mean, this is the type of person that I'm talking about, where their main, you know, of course their main mission is to get rid of Christianity, first because that's the only real one. The other ones are just fake garbage. They hate the one that has the real God, which is the God of the Bible. They hate what he stands for, because everything in this book is everything that the world is against. And they dare to reply against him. But the Bible says, you know, where the word of a king is, there is power, who may say unto him what doest thou? You don't have a right to say anything about what he does, because he's the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And what he writes in his book, and what he says with his voice, that is the law. That is what it says, and you just have to deal with it, and it doesn't matter whether you like it or not, that's what the Bible says, and that's what we have to go by. And that's what you'll be judged by. And so it doesn't matter what you think, or what your opinion is, Karen, you know, God doesn't have a manager that you can go talk to. It doesn't matter what you think. God is the ultimate judge, and he decides what's going to happen to you. And the things that you say, you should probably keep to yourself, because the more you utter, the more judgment is going to be heaped upon you. Let's look back in our chapter, in verse number 5. The Bible says in Psalm chapter 29 verse 5, The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars, yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. So now it's kind of talking about physical things that the Lord's voice can do, and the cedars of Lebanon are like a renowned tree in the Bible, and it talks about them a lot. And of course we have the redwoods that are kind of the renowned wood in, you know, kind of the west coast, and northern California, and southern Oregon. I've actually never been to the redwood forest, and I've lived around here my whole life, so maybe that's a trip I need to take. But I've seen pictures of where you can drive cars through that one tree or whatever. Pretty big. But I'm sure God could break those ones down too, right? They're just giant trees. But the point is, you know, our voices, you know, we can get some loud voices, but has your voice ever knocked down a tree before? A giant tree? No. So it's just making the point that God's voice is so powerful, it could knock down a big sturdy tree. And the voice of the Lord has the power to destroy, it has the voice to create life, or to take life, and that has rebuked, again, the winds and the waves will obey, and trees will get knocked down. The blind can see, the lepers are healed, the deaf can hear, the cripples can walk, and the dead in sin can receive everlasting life. The withered hand can be restored to whole, and when he speaks, powerful things happen like trees just getting knocked down, and things like that. So, now look at Job chapter 37 verse 2. Now keep in mind verse 5 though, while we turn here, we'll turn right back, but Job chapter 37 verse 2, and this is Eli who's speaking, but he does say a couple things that I think are pretty neat here. He says, here ten of lee, verse 2, Job chapter 37 verse 2, it says, here ten of lee, the noise of his voice, and the sound that goeth out of his mouth, he directeth it under the whole heaven, and his lightning unto the ends of the earth. After it a voice roareth, he thundereth with the voice of his excellency, and he will not stay with them, or with when his voice is heard. So, when the lightning goes out, who does this? When you see lightning, you count. You do the countdown, and see how far away it is? Well, you hear that boom, that thunder, this is what he's talking about. He's talking about when lightning goes out, you hear that boom. He's saying that that's kind of like the voice of God. But, it says he will not stay when his voice is heard. So, his voice is like a booming thunder. The Bible talks about when Jesus talks to John, that his sound is like the sound of many waters. And so his voice is really loud, but look at verse 5, it says, God thundereth marvelously with his voice, great things doeth he which we cannot comprehend. And really, that is true. There are so many things that God can do with his voice, and the things that God does that are beyond our comprehension. We just can't understand how these things work, and it's beyond our comprehension. We just have to know that God is this all-powerful being that we just can't completely understand or comprehend how he does these things. But, just one example he gives in verse 6, it says, Be thou sayeth to the snow, be thou upon the earth. We can't do that. We can't say, you know, I know like Native Americans will do the rain dance or whatever, but I don't think it really works, folks. God can say, let it snow, and it snows. There's a song, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, isn't it? It's like a Christmas song or whatever. But, just because someone sings that song doesn't mean it's going to happen. But, when God says it, it snows. Be thou upon the earth, likewise to the small rain. You know, that's not what we get. We get the great rain of his strength. He gives us that special great rain. Obviously, we get the sprinkles sometimes, but that's what people in other parts of the country call real rain. So, they don't understand what we actually get. Anyway, let's look back at our text in verse number 6, keeping in mind verse 5, because remember his voice can knock down the cedars, right? And then, verse 6 ties with that. It says, He maketh them also to skip like a calf. So, he makes what skip like a calf? The trees. So, when he knocks those trees down, he makes them skip like a calf. And, who's ever seen like a calf? And, a calf is just like a baby animal, like a cow or some kind of animal, right? And, so there's probably different types of, well they're probably mammals, right? That would be considered calves, but I think it's probably talking about like a bull or something like that. But, they kind of, when they run, they have a funny way of running where they like skip or whatever. They kind of jump around and hop or whatever. And, it says, Lebanon and Syrian, like a young unicorn. So, it's talking about these trees skipping like a calf, and then it says, like a young unicorn. And, so a lot of people, unicorns are like a really popular thing, and most people think that they're horses. Horses with the big horns sticking out of their head. And, I kind of think that that's like, it's a mythical creature basically. It's not something that's found in reality. I think that people think it is, you know, and if it is, and I'm wrong, then whatever. But, I've never seen one, and you're like, well just because you haven't seen one doesn't mean it's not true, okay? Well, fine. But, I tend to think that how unicorns are described in the Bible, we're going to take like a unicorn break here for a minute. I think that how they're described in the Bible, it doesn't really match up with what I would think a horse, when it's talking about a horse. And, I'm not trying to bust your unicorn bubble this morning, but I kind of think that they're describing probably more like a rhinoceros. Like a one horned rhinoceros. And, so I'll just kind of go through some verses about this. So, and when it says skipping like a calf, skipping like a young unicorn, when you see rhinoceros as like a full grown rhinoceros, they're as big as like a car. They're huge. And, what is the most, what is the thing that you think of when you think of a rhinoceros? What is the main characteristics that you think of? What do they have? They have either one horn or two horns right in the front of their face. And, what do they use those things for? They use them for fending off predators and for fighting other men, other males, right? Other men, other males. So, somehow by a miracle I was able to get this overnighted to me from Amazon. And, this is like what a young one horned rhinoceros looks like. So, you know, this is a unicorn, what I think is a unicorn in the Bible. Everybody get to see it? It's so cute. It's so cute. So, I'll just put them up there for the kids to look at or whatever. Anyway, so, yeah, I don't really think it's the horse, but let's look at some verses real quick and we'll get back into the sermon. But, Numbers chapter 23 verse 22. And, see if these kind of feel like they describe a horse to you. Or, if it kind of seems more like a rhinoceros. Because, if you just look up a video, you could even probably do it right now. Look up videos of rhinoceros skipping. And, you'll see these little baby rhinoceros, the way they run is kind of like they skip around. There's one I was watching this morning and it was skipping around and it was kind of like popping. So, they're kind of cute. So, this is the cutie part of the sermon I guess. But, anyway, Numbers chapter 23 verse 22. The Bible says, God brought them out of Egypt, he hath as it were the strength of a unicorn. Now, horses do have strength, but do rhinoceroses have strength too? Yeah, they're probably one of the stronger animals, aren't they? And, Job chapter 39. Go ahead and turn to Job chapter 39 verse 9. So, when I think of rhinoceroses, I think a rhinoceros is probably more powerful than a horse is, right? More strong. And, the horn in the Bible is usually like considered something that is something of power. It can actually represent nations. And, also oil is poured out of horns. It's like a symbol of power. And then, Job 39 verse 9 says, Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? Now, horses probably won't do this necessarily either, but I doubt very seriously that a rhinoceros would probably lay down and you could pet it next to your bed. I mean, they're pretty, like, when I've seen them, like, when people do safaris or whatever, usually they're like charging. I think I've seen one, like, at the, don't they have them at the safari down in like, yeah, didn't we see one? I was like, ah, like, it was out in the wild, like, I was just like thinking, it's going to charge the car. But, anyway, but, Job 39 verse 9 says, Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? So, do horses serve man, though? They do. But, when's the last time you saw someone riding on a rhinoceros that wasn't in a movie or something? Like, I don't really, I can't think of a time when I saw rhinoceroses serving mankind in any way, shape, or form. But, horses are a domesticated animal, and I've never seen a horse that has a horn coming out of its, the front of its head. So, verse 10 says, Canst thou bind the unicorn in his band in the furrow, or he harrow the valleys after thee? So, can horses be bound? Yes. Rhinoceroses, I don't know, I've never seen one bound for the purpose of farming. Wilt thou trust him because his strength is great, or wilt thou leave thy labor to him? Wilt thou believe him that he will bring home thy seed and gather it into thy barn? I mean, the answers to these questions are no, right? Now, turn to Psalm chapter 92 verse 10. You're like, well pastor, you're not really proving that they're rhinoceroses, but I mean, what other front, what other one-horned animal can you think of that you've seen before or know of in times past that actually had one horn on the front of its face? I mean, and they still exist today, by the way. Psalm chapter 92 verse 10, But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of a unicorn, I shall be anointed with fresh oil. So, the unicorn, you know, it's obviously talked about in the Bible as a symbol of strength and power, and some of these unicorns, their horn can get really long, and so it's called upon as this symbol of power. So, it's probably, obviously, in my opinion, I mean, I'm not going to 100% say for sure that it is a rhinoceros, but that's what I believe it's probably talking about, and they still exist today. And so, I tend to think that it's probably not, you know, the magical horse-looking unicorn. So, anyway, let's go back to our text in verse number 7. The Bible says, The voice of the Lord divided the flames of fire. But if you still want to believe, you know, in the horse unicorn, then, you know, that's up to you. But, anyway, totally your decision. You're like, you just ruined my vision of the unicorn. Well, I didn't say it was 100% for sure. Still have your unicorn sweatshirt or whatever. But, anyway, so it says in verse 7, The voice of the Lord divided the flames of fire. So, I mean, God's voice is so powerful that it can divide the flames of fire. And you think about what are the flames of fire. Well, have you ever seen, like, you know, in the fire there's different colors of fire, right? So, it kind of seems like that might be what it's talking about here. And, you know, so I think that's kind of God's way of saying that He can, His word is so powerful, it can get down to the details and divide things that, you know, seem impossible to divide. And it makes me think of Hebrews 4-12. Go ahead and turn to Hebrews 4-12. Hebrews 4-12, the Bible says, For the word of God is quick and, what does it say? Powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. So, God's word is so powerful that it can divide soul and spirit. So, obviously that's, you know, that's, it's so, it's sharper than any two-edged sword. So, to me it's indicating that no other, no other sword would be able to divide a soul and spirit like that. There's nothing like God's word that's so powerful it could do that. And it's so powerful it can discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. So, when you read the Bible and it slices you up and tells you you're wrong and tells you you need to change, it's like this book is alive. It can tell you things about yourself. It can, it can read your mind. It can read your thoughts. It's like, this book is like no other book. And you're like, well I thought you were talking about God's word as being powerful. Yeah, it's because God's word is what we're looking at today. It's written down for us so we can know His words and they are powerful. And they can discern your thoughts. They can tell you what you're thinking. They can tell you how wicked your heart is and change your course of action. They can say, I didn't know that was wrong. I need to change this. And so that's why it's so powerful when the word of God is preached and you can get things right in your lives. But you can get things right in your lives just by reading the Bible and saying, man I'm doing this, I shouldn't be doing this. I need to change. And that's, you know, that's the powerful thing. So that's why we need to read God's word because we need His power in our lives to change us and to help us. And not only to help us to stop doing what's wrong, but it also can help us to start doing what's right. Because, you know, getting sin out of our life and getting the wrong out of our life, but to admonish us and to encourage us to do what's right and to serve the Lord better in our lives, that's what we need. So it says, neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things are naked and open unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. So, God, you know, there's nothing that He doesn't see that we do. And so when we think we're getting away with something, we're not. When we think that He can't see us, He can. He can see through walls, He can see in your room, with the lights off, whatever, you know, wherever you think you can hide, you can't hide. You can hide from people, you can hide from your spouse, you can hide from your kids, you can hide from your boss, you can hide from everything on this earth, but you can't hide from God. You can't hide from His Word. You can't hide from His eyes. You can't hide from His power. Go back to verse 8 in the text It says and the voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness the Lord shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh and so God's words so powerful that it causes earthquakes apparently and The shaking you know you think about the shaking of Mount Sinai when God was thundering and the mountain was on a smoke and you know the Bible talks about the earthquake in the time of Uzziah as like a Turning point in history of the children of Israel And then you think about the final earthquake in the book of Revelation where all Mountains and all of the islands are removed from its place all the buildings in the world crashed down in This great earthquake all the cities of the earth are destroyed by this great earthquake This is the power of God's Word so really we're pretty fragile I mean if God wanted to he could shake this world to the point of no return we could all die instantaneously and it's because God's mercy and the fact that he loves us and the fact that he wants to give people chances to Live on that he doesn't do this because really What we see in society we kind of deserve it I? mean This world's gotten pretty bad, so look at Psalm chapter 2 or look at verse 9 it says the voice of the Lord make it the hinds to calf and Discover at the forest and in his temple doth everyone speak of his glory and obviously the modern day application for this would be that his temple obviously his tabernacle the tabernacle of God is Within us and the kingdom of God is within us, but when we all come together we are in the church, and you know this is the pillar in the ground of the truth and You know so when we're in his temple it says everyone speak of his glory, but do you? When you come to church is that what you're thinking about is that what's on the tip of your tongue? Is that what you're talking about after church, or is it just only vanity? I mean obviously we can talk about other stuff I'm not saying we can't you know, but you know the it's good to talk about God It's good to talk about his glory and you know We do that we talk about his glory every time someone gets up and preaches a sermon at this church His glory should be preached about the great things he's done for us and the great things he's done in this world should be preached about and When someone says amen, it's your you're saying yes, that's true when someone says amen They're they're saying yeah, I agree with this I agree that God's Word is true or that this great thing about God being said is right and We do this through fellowshipping and discussing God's Word between the services in our church we have a lot of men that the in ladies to that we talk about these things after church and We talk about sermons that are preached after church We talk about the things we find in our own Bible reading after church, so these are good things You know there's a lot of churches out there that as soon as the service is over Everybody just runs out the door and that's it. Maybe there's a couple people that talk after the service But it's very commonplace in a lot of churches that Everybody's already been planning what they were gonna get they probably already have their meals prepped and ready to go They're just ready to get out the door so they can go eat. That's all they're thinking about They're thinking about what they're gonna do this week. They're thinking about what they're gonna do For the rest of their day. They're thinking about the fact. They're not coming back to church for Sunday night They're thinking whatever they're thinking about they're not thinking about the things About talking about the glory of God in his temple, which is obviously modern day in his house The Bible says in verse 10 the Lord sit upon the flood yea the Lord sitth King forever Because he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords verse 11 the Lord will give strength unto his people the Lord will bless his people with peace So you know it started off in the psalm how the word about to give strength unto him and we're gonna give us you know we're to bless the Lord, but in the end of the psalm the Lord will give strength unto his people and That's you know that's our God. He loves us He wants to give us strength and even though we're you know Even though we don't necessarily deserve it He still gives it to us and even though we might not deserve his blessing he still blesses us He'll bless his people with peace and obviously you know in this life, we don't always have peace and Sometimes we go through hard times but in the future this peace is going to be an everlasting peace and All these times of sorrow that we go through all these hard times people dying you know losing your job losing children Having your loved ones pass away losing friendships losing family members Love and things like that those things are gonna be a distant memory to us because our future is peace You know Jesus said you know you think that I've come peace But I've come to bring a sword and he talks about how you know our families Will betray us and hate us and things like that And that's not true for everybody, but it is for some people, but those things will all be a distant memory to us Someday, and he's gonna bless his people with peace And he gives us strength in the time that we need it and so Just knowing that this is true when we're going through hard times Don't forget that you do have a God that loves you you have a God that cares for you You have a God who will be your advocate You know people talk about someone needs to be an advocate for this these people these malign people and all this other stuff But God's voice is an advocate for us The Lord Jesus Christ is an advocate to the Father for us. He is our go-between Between you know us and the Father and that's why we pray to God the Father through Jesus the Son Because he's pled our case He paid for our our sins, and you know he made it real easy for us to go to heaven All we have to do is put our faith in Jesus Christ And he gives us everlasting life and then anytime someone tries to accuse us of something wrong We have the blood of Christ covering every single sin that we've ever done and ever will do and That is truly going to be peaceful for us. It's peace now. I mean we're already there We're just here now, but in the grand scheme of things Everlasting is a long time and so let's serve him let's give him our strength while we're here while we have the strength to do it and and let's make sure that we Worship him and his beauty and his holiness. Let's pray Lord We thank you so much for the great Psalm chapter 29 number 29 We just pray that you just bless his people Lord We thank you so much for all the people that came to church today pray you just bless them especially give them your strength and and glory Lord and We thank you for it. We thank you for your son Jesus Christ and We just pray that you just bless The rest of the services today in the soul wanting to follow in Jesus name we pray Amen Let's sing our last song this morning page 285 in your blue hymn books Angels we have heard on high page 285 Angels we have heard on high Page 285 sing out loud with me on the first Angels we have heard on high Sweetly singing o'er the plains and the mountains in reply Echo back their joyous strains Echo back their joyous strains Gloria In excelsis Deo Gloria In excelsis Deo Shepherds why this jubilee Why your joyous strains prolong Say what may the tidings be Which inspire your heavenly song Gloria In excelsis Deo Gloria In excelsis Deo On the third come to Bethlehem and see Him whose birth the angels sing Come adore on bended knee Christ the Lord the newborn King Gloria In excelsis Deo Gloria In excelsis Deo On the last see him in a manger laid Jesus Lord of heaven earth Marry Joseph when you're eight With us sing our Savior's birth Gloria In excelsis Deo Gloria In excelsis Deo Good singing it looks like we have a baptism this morning I'm sorry