(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Second Kings chapter 1 and this is a great chapter in the Bible and shows a great man of God Preaching a hard truth to a king you know and a lot of times rulers won't take what King What prophets have to say to them and they mistreat them, and you know what I'm preaching about this morning is mistreating the man of God Mistreating the man of God let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord so much for this wonderful day Lord I pray you fill me with your spirit. Help me to be bold help me to preach your truth with love in my heart Lord but also What the truth is Lord and sometimes the things that the men of God preached can be hard for people to take in? Pray Lord that you just be with me and let the people have ears to hear Jesus name afraid amen So yeah many times Today unbelievers and believers alike get a little too loose about how they deal With God's men and what are God's men well God's men well in this instance We're talking about a prophet Elijah the prophet one of the greatest prophets in all the Bible and the king You know it gets a message preached to him basically to his Messengers and he sends an army to go try to capture him basically and said hey you're coming whether you like it or not And he was like oh yeah If I'd be a man of God then let fire come down and consume you and your 50 and so we Read the story together, but you know it was how? They were dealing with Elijah that God and that's the way God dealt with them But you know it's the last time when the guy came humbly to the man of God and he was Being respectful that he was like God said okay. You can go with him. Don't be afraid of him and so Mistreating God's man. You know there's lots of ways you could mistreat a man of God You know you could be rude to him you could talk trash behind their backs You know you could do all manner different sorts of things and the world will hurt and kill preachers sometimes You know that's been done throughout the throughout the ages a king killed Abel right his own brother Why because he was a false prophet, and he didn't like the message that You know he was jealous of him because he had God's favor, and you know Cain was obviously trying to work his way to heaven He was a wicked person, but you know his brother was the first martyr in the whole Bible And so I'm not really focusing on how people will kill preachers or hurt them Like physically because obviously that that could make the sermon Way longer what I want to focus on is how people just treat God's Mess the messengers of God the ones that are preaching behind pulpits the pastors the evangelists and things like that You know and sometimes people don't like to hear the sermons You know they're all it's all good and fine when it's a hard sermon against somebody else or some other people against the queers against all these other Things that we are on board for it's easy for preachers to kowtow to those things and say you know It's a little I want to preach a sermon that you know people are gonna agree with me on that's easy to do But you know sometimes there's hard truths in the Bible and I might not even be specifically talking about a person in our church, but that person takes it that way and Sometimes you know that's just God's way of saying hey This is something I'm dealing with you about that's why it's so important that you're here for the preaching services You know it's not like I just go you know what what can I really reach brother Timo with this morning? You know he's been doing this he's been doing that you know what I really want to do I just want to preach a sermon just solely against him and so I look up all the scriptures And I just package it just for brother Timo you think I do that. I don't do that You know but sometimes God has a buckshot type of way that he deals with people He's got a spreader shotgun that his word just has a way of finding and shooting holes through you and People get upset sometimes this king was upset That's why he sent those 50 it wasn't so he could just have him have have him escorted nicely to the king The king was dealing with him because he was mad because of the sermon that he preached It was a short sermon guess what you're gonna die That's a hard sermon isn't it hey by the way guess what you know because you try to go to the devil to try to Get your message. You know the tried to inquire of the devil guess what you're gonna die in that bed that you're laying in right there, and he didn't like that and Sometimes people want to inquire of God and they want to know what God's will is for their life You know and the preacher gives it to him in a sermon and they don't like that and they and they get upset about those types of things and then they Deal with the preacher in the wrong way You know they they go and they want to go to war with that preacher because I can't believe he would say that And look that should never be so for Christians like Christians in this room right here That should never be so hey take it in deal with it And you know just just internalize it and fix whatever mistakes you're making That's what God's Word supposed to do. That's that's called edifying That's helping us to make our Christian life better because look if every sermon that you just like it because It deals with everybody else and deals with all these other social issues and things and it never deals with you That's not good preaching for you Hey, we should be able to be prepared to have our toes stepped on from time to time We should be able to have our heart ripped in half from time to time We should be able to have our faces ripped off from time to time about the sin that we're committing and the things that we're doing towards other people And hey don't blame the preacher because he got up and preached the Word of God to you So you see specifically that God in the Old Testament he dealt you know people always were trying to rebel against Moses right and You got to see that people would deal with men of God. They've always dealt with men of God in a bad way You know they're ready to stone Moses Who's basically given up his whole life to follow God and do a God says And they're always ready to stone, and they're always murmuring and complaining They're always upset with him and same thing with David I mean the the people people came the malachites came and Destroyed their town and took all their wives and children and all their servants Captive and was the response they wanted to rebel again They want to stone David to death for it, and he's just like you know what I'm just gonna encourage myself in the Lord Because David was a man after God's own heart He was leading the people right you know and they didn't end up doing it But you know there's instances in the Bible where they do stone the prophets or the people that don't deserve it because they preach a message That they didn't like and you see in the New Testament How they deal with the Lord Jesus Christ same way you know they didn't like the things that he had to say they're ready to push him off of a cliff and the Apostles same thing they put him in prison they beat them and You know killed some of them and evangelists in the New Testament same thing You know Paul's having to be you know scooted out in the basket over the city wall because of a sermon he preached So people have always responded and mistreated God's men for just preaching what God told him to preach now I realize I don't get you know my information straight from God in a way that he audibly speaks to me But you know where he speaks to me is through this book and so when I prepare sermons I'm like what's God say about it You know we need to know what God says about it, and so when I preach a sermon I'm gonna tell you what God says about a certain subject You know and people get mad about that sometimes and people get mad about other preachers saying the same kind of things You know and you know what we're not perfect just so you know we're not perfect. I'm gonna misspeak up here I'm gonna make mistakes in judgment when it comes to just you know Making decisions in the church. Do you think I'm gonna handle every single thing exactly how you think I should do it You know because there's like ten other people that think that I should have done in a different way So no matter what decision I make Somebody's gonna disagree with it someone's gonna get mad at it Whatever whenever I preach something someone might get mad about what I preach about You know it's just the way it is I have to make decisions every single day that some people probably don't like You know and I'm glad that you guys don't sit there and complain to me about it all the time I sometimes I wonder if you're complaining about me, but As far as I know you don't so I'll just I live in that world where I just like don't think that anybody could You know talks about me behind my back, so I Know that's probably not true, but I just live in that fantasy world. You know what I mean, so Excuse me so But currently I do see a disrespect at an all-time high against pastors and especially pastors that I'm friends with Pastors you know they're at an all-time disrespect about about pastors that are men of God I'm not talking about Benny Hinn. I'm not talking about Joel Osteen those guys are not real pastors those guys are false pastors Those guys are out for the money Kanye West I mean Sunday service I'm glad you guys came to the real Sunday service and not that one by the way. Hey. I got some $200 sweatpants I'd like to sell you, but anyhow Who wears sweatpants to church anyway? I mean, that's just that's just so not cool Talk about being casual. I mean they probably have some God's man slippers for sale too by now You know it's like they're dressed going to to go to Walmart after church or something anyway But Again, we're not perfect men men of God are not perfect men, and you know I'm talking about preachers and pastors and things like that They're not always right about everything look. We're sinners. We make mistakes. Just like anybody else does, but you know we're God's men nonetheless Those are the people of God. I'm the I'm the guy that God's put in place to be the leader here and You know and look. I'm not trying to be like you better follow me You know matter what I say because I'm God's man. I don't feel like that I think anybody that talks to me know that I don't feel like that But you know God does put men of God in place in leadership, and that's just the way it is You know so I'm not gonna apologize for being the pastor either But God calls his leaders and preachers men of God throughout the whole Bible You can see him called the men of God over and over and over again Even when Paul is talking to Timothy he says so that the man of God May be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works when we read the Bible But in Deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 1 it says and this is the blessing wherewith Moses the man of God Blessed the children of Israel before his death so God straight-up. Just calls him the man of God Hey, he talked to Moses in a different way than he talked to most of the prophets. He was a special prophet. He wasn't You know He was God talked him face to face and many and many not obviously didn't see the face of the father But God talked to him like we would have a conversation You know and he didn't do that with other people generally except for Jesus Christ But number one I want to I want to just I have three points to the sermon and I'm gonna try to go fast, so I'm not gonna try to preach an hour and 17 minute sermon today, so Anyway, but number one about mystery the man of God we need to be careful How we react to God's man when he preaches a sermon you don't like? We need to be careful how to react to God's man when he preaches a sermon You don't like or a sermon that hits home. You know maybe it's a you know you don't like it But you don't like it because it's it's stepping on your toes on some issue So let's look at 2nd Kings chapter number 1 verse number 2, and we'll see how has a hazia dealt with A lies of the prophets says and the hazia fell down through the lattice in a summer chamber And was in Sumerian was sick And he sent messengers and said unto them go inquire of Beelzebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this Disease, but the angel the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite rise go up to meet the messengers of the king of Sumeria And say unto them is it not because there's not a God in Israel that you go to inquire of Beelzebub The god of Ekron now just again. I already said this, but Beelzebub is the devil. Okay. That's Satan himself He's going to inquire of Satan himself this guy's supposed to be a king of Israel okay Over sport says now therefore thus saith the Lord thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up But shall surely die and Elijah departed so Elijah intercepts the messengers as they're going to inquire of the devil And he says look Thus saith the Lord So what is he preaching his own words? Hey, you shouldn't be doing that. No. He's saying God told him Thus saith the Lord this is what God has to say about this subject Hey, because you're requiring of the devil guess what you're gonna die And that's a that's a good message. That's a hard message though, and he's preaching it to a king You know that'd be like me going and intercepting Donald Trump's Secret Service men and saying guess what Donald Trump is gonna die I'd be arrested right But see well how does God how does God view that you know because people say well You're not supposed to say anything against the powers that be hey look if they're wicked then you can say something about them Okay because Elijah made it not rain for three and a half years and he killed all the prophets of Baal You know event you know he had already killed all the prophets of Baal at this point 450 prophets of Baal he killed them and he defied the king and told him he was wicked and You know sometimes you gotta tell people they're wicked John the Baptist told Herod that he was wicked And that he was wicked for stealing his his brother Philip's wife and he got killed because of that But you know it's okay for a man of God to preach against the king or any other ruler if they're a wicked person Says when the messengers turned back unto him he said unto them Why are you now turned back they said unto him there came a man to meet us and said unto us Go turn again unto the king that sent you and say unto him thus Sayeth the Lord is it not because there's not a God in Israel that thou sent us to inquire of Beelzebub the god of Ekron Therefore thou shalt not come down from that bed in which thou art gone up, but shall surely die So they repeat the message to the king and the king it doesn't really say how he feels about it But he wants to know who he is who's this guy that's preaching this sermon against the king Look at verse number seven it says and he said unto him what manner of man was he which came up to meet you and Told you these words Did he have a pretty smile? You know was he a smooth-faced man Was he you know telling you everything you want to hear no It says and answered he is a hairy man and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins And he said it is Elijah the Tishbite so he knew exactly who he was why because he was a hairy man And you know some you know just set aside the fact that he was hairy look I got a I got a hairy face, too Okay, I got hair places that I didn't have when I was younger all right on my back and stuff like that But you know what the Bible says that the false prophets are gonna preach smooth words And that's what the people want to hear they want to hear smooth preaching You know like peanut butter. It's smooth when it goes on they want that smooth preaching right? But the Bible says that Elijah was a hairy man, you know what his sermons were they were hairy, too Hey, nobody likes to touch a hairy back. You know what I'm saying If you got a georgie animal steal hair on your back You know people aren't just inclined to walk up and touch your back right especially your wife They're like go get a haircut or something put some narrow on that thing, but you know and Excuse me He answered it He's a hairy man and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins And he said it's Eliza so he knew exactly who he's talking about he didn't think it was Joel Osteen He didn't think it was John MacArthur. He didn't think it was the head of Ligonier ministries He didn't think it was you know any of these false prophets that you want to name today. He knew exactly Who it was because Elijah didn't dress smooth he didn't look smooth, and he didn't preach smooth He preached hard stuff, and it's a pretty hard sermon to tell a king that they're gonna die But why did why did God why was God gonna? Just let him die well cuz he went to Satan Why did God kill Saul because he went to a witch it's like he was inquiring of Satan himself also And Then it said look at verse 9 it says then the king sent unto him a captain of 50 with his 50 and he went up to him and behold he sat on the top of a hill and He spake unto him thou art. Oh thou man of God the king has said come down So here's this this captain of 50 look nobody brings 50 guys with them unless they're trying to say something You know if someone wants to come and and and talk to you They're not gonna bring 50 cops with them You know if they don't have plan on doing something to you So it's like it's like he's got 50 cops with them Have you ever seen like when cops just fill up a whole block or a neighborhood? And it's like what are all these cops doing that's kind of what it's like having 50 guys come up and just little old Elijah The Tish bite one prophet of God and they got to have 50 guys to come bring a man And there's a reason probably why they brought those 50 guys because look what happens next It says and notice that he called him thou man of God so they knew he was a man of God but the king saith come down the Kings tell hey the Kings telling you better come with me and again, let's see and look at what Elijah answered and said to the captain of 50 if I be a man of God then let Fire come down from heaven and consume thee and I fifty and there came down fire from heaven and consumed him And is 50 how are they dealing with Elijah? Well, they're trying to get tough with them. You know what it didn't work It didn't work. He said you know what if I be a man of God don't let fire come down consume me So was Elijah a man of God yes or no? Yeah, because fire came down and consumed them So that's God saying hey, he is a man of God All right, and you better learn how to talk to him with respect you better come to him with respect and not try to just come and Get mad because the king got a hard sermon preached against them You know But that's the way that politicians would react now to hard sermons being preached against them because most of them are queers anyway Or queer lovers and so when we preach a hard sermon against their little faggot buddies Then they get all upset about it and they try to do things to interrupt our Preaching our YouTube or you know, just look what they did the pastor Menes You know those little their little political buddies because he dared to preach a sermon against their sodomite friends That's just the way it is. That's the way it's gonna be and people are gonna react badly But you know what? The people of God shouldn't be the ones that react badly to sermons It should we should react in a right way. So he says again also verse 11 And he also said unto him another captain of 50 with his 50 and answered and said to him Oh man of God thus hath the king said come down quickly So here's this other guy. He thinks he's a tough guy too. He's like, hey don't just come but you come down quickly get down here Elijah and He says a lot and it says Elijah answer is sent unto them if I be a man of God let fire come down from heaven and consume thee in thy 50 and the fire of God came down from heaven and consumed him and His 50 so again Thought you made they made another mistake He's coming to Elijah and a baton and not the right way Okay He's coming to the man of God in not the right way Because why because of the sermon that he preached against the king that's what it all boils down to they didn't like The king didn't like the sermon he's trying to you know, basically rough Elijah up because of his sermon and That's exactly what people do today. They get mad at the preacher, you know, and really They're mad at God ultimately because God's the one that told him to do that And so but they people always want to deal with the person that was told to do that Look, God told me to preach the word to be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long Suffering and doctrine. That's what God told me to do as a preacher. That's one of my qualifications So if I rebuke and if I don't exhort then I'm not doing part of my job If I don't rebuke then I'm not doing part of my job if I don't reprove that I'm not doing part of my job I got to do all three. It's a trinity of preaching. Amen. And that's what got in part two parts. That's negative So sometimes we God kind of makes it seem like we need to kick in the pants twice two out of three Sundays, right? You know, so we need to kick in the pants all the time And then we need to be exhorted to do good works make you feel bad Make you feel good Encourage you to do good. How about that? but Look what it says So this other guy comes to him too says behold there came down fire from heaven and burnt up the two captains of the former 50 where am I at verse verse 13? Let's let's start again here and he sent again a captain of the third of the third 50 and his 50 so so a hundred and two people are smoked right now and the third captain of 50 went up and came and fell on his knees before Elijah and Besought him and said unto him O man of God I pray thee let my life and the life of these 50 thy servants be precious in thy sight Behold there came down fire down from heaven and burnt up the two captains of the former 50s in their 50s Therefore let my life now be precious in thy sight And so this is the key right here is that the other two guys didn't come up in that in that way they came up trying to get tough and God was you know made sure they he literally smoked them They fire came down and burnt them up and killed all those men, but when he came when they came humbly Hey, isn't it humble to get on your hands and knees and say hey, I beseech thee let my life be precious Nine eyes, you know a lot of times people think that preachers are just supposed to be only Soft all the time and always nice all the time, but sometimes there's a reason for people to get angry There's a reason for God's people to get angry There's a reason why God's men will are supposed to thunder from the pulpits of things that God is upset with so Look what happens verse 15 and the angel the Lord said unto Elijah go down with him be not afraid of him and he arose and went down with him unto the king and He changed his message and said you know what you're not really gonna die No That's not what happens look at verse 16 And he said unto him thus saith the Lord for as much as thou hast sent messengers to inquire of Beelzebub the god of Ekron is it not Because there's no God in Israel to inquire of his word therefore thou shall not come down off that bed on which thou are gone Up, but shall surely die So you know what the message doesn't change and you know why because the king didn't change See the king Didn't change what he had what he had in mind at all the king didn't change You know God will sometimes change his mind and not do something that he was gonna do like think of Nineveh for instance He was gonna destroy Nineveh in 40 days and because they reacted to his preaching then the were in the right way God spared them and saved a lot of those people their souls But the problem that we see here is that he didn't change anything and so you know what God didn't change his sermon God didn't change his message said hey, you know what he's he's now he's face to face with the king He's like you know what you're gonna die Why because you went and saw And sought after Beelzebub the god of Ekron and so That's a guy with some guts. That's a preacher with some guts because one thing to say it Outside or at in the pulpit or something like that, but to say it to someone's face is a whole nother story And say guess what you're still going to hell. You're still gonna die You're not gonna recover because you know what you worship the devil and to say that in someone's eyeballs is A lot different than saying it behind a pulpit so I had a lot of a lot of respect for Elijah the prophet because he was not a Smooth preacher he was a hairy preacher. He was literally hairy and his sermons were hairy But we see in this story that God's man preached some hairy hard stuff to this king and God dealt with the men according to how He treated that man of God the first two Got rebuked and and and the the last one He got spared so The first two captains died with their 50 men the last captain came with respect in a humble manner and God spared him spared them So how do you address God's men? How do you talk with them? How do you treat them? How do you talk about them? That's an important thing because look we shouldn't just go around willy-nilly talking bad about preachers Willy-nilly talking bad about pastors we better have some respect and you know what hey, maybe they're not perfect Maybe they don't always make the right decision. Maybe it's something they preached you didn't agree with hey It's okay to disagree with the preacher sermon You know it is but to badmouth them behind their back like a weasel is not the right thing to do We should be Respectful, and you know hey if you're gonna come to God It's man and say something you better come in a respectful manner All right Proverbs 9 verse 8 says reprove not a scorner lest he hate thee rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee So notice the difference between so a scorner is a person who expresses Contempt or disdain for someone or something you're always you know you're always just mad you're you're you're someone That's always gonna be contemptible and disdaining somebody or something So it says reprove not that type of person lest he hate thee so a person that's a scorner You know if you say hey, you know what you're doing wrong, and that person's like well. I'm quitting church anyway, then that's fine I'm never coming back is that the right way to respond no It's not well. I'm just gonna go to this church because you know what they're never gonna. Tell me I'm wrong That doesn't that seem really dumb Like when you think about it that way, and you know how many people quit churches because of stuff like that Well, I can't believe you'd talk to me like that Well, I can't believe you'd act like that I Can't believe that you respond like a little child whenever you get rebuked over something I? Don't understand that you know I mean I guess I do Because a lot of people they can't deal with the they have pride in their heart And they think they're always right about stuff, but I'll tell you what you're not always right about stuff And you need to understand that sometimes you're wrong And instead of getting mad about it and quitting the church and going to pastor sissy pants church Instead then why don't you just deal with your problem that you have and fix it and get over it Don't go to pastor sissy pants. You know where that road ends your end up lame You end up you know singing What is that? contemporary Christian music with Josh Tice And learn how faggots are really saved and having them preaching there in your church and not telling people that there's some pervert in your church That's a level four sex offender There's nothing more there's nothing more worse than I could that I could think of than finding out That some freak is in your church and the pastor never told you about it And then when they do tell you about they're like well I'd eat dinner with them Well, then you're a fag hag It then you're you know what you're doing you're not protecting the sheep of your pasture You're protecting this person because you're holier than now and you think that oh, I got to protect them Why don't you protect the rest of the children in your church instead? Instead of protecting these sodomites and these pedophiles that are in your churches you think well I just I cannot imagine why that you would ever come to that conclusion How could you ever come to that conclusion That it's okay to protect someone and to keep it a secret from the rest of your congregation about some filthy Weirdo that's in your church, and then let them be in around children all the time and let them teach children I was Josh Tice is this little feminist Peminazi looking pastor that sounds like a queer. He looks like a queer, and you know he lets queers preach in his church There was a guy who's like don't identify me as a former homosexual identify me as a new child of God He's just like telling he's telling the story about when he was 14 years old He started having desires of the same sex or whatever And that he knew what was wrong, and then he got saved And then he started telling his pastors and youth pastors about it And they're like well, maybe you should work with children, and you can share you know what? Maybe you should work with children. How does that cross your mind? How is that the next thing that comes out of your mouth? Well, maybe you should work with children and teach them You know through your experiences that guy's a queer he always gonna teach him is how to be molested and how to do it to other people a Level you know what a level four sex offender is as someone that has with small children three four years old Brother Scott you know found out that there was some Level four sex offender of the church he was at and this guy had not told him for 18 months That he was there, and if you go and look at all the things that he did it's gonna make you sick You know what makes me sick about this pastor is that he you know he wants to sail We have a bad spirit and Andersonite this and Andersonite that While he has a level four sex offender in his church Predator you know the article it wasn't just an article. It was a court document that said he was a sexual Psychopath he was deemed a sexual psychopath. I think it was either by California or the state of Washington And he's been everywhere He's had a 35 year court history of doing all this stuff, and then pastors are gonna get up and act like it's okay To just have this guy and well It's not you know I it's not my business to tell them what they what they've done isn't it How about the business of the people that have little children in their churches is it is that your responsibility to let them know? That they have a predator a wolf in the church, and you're not gonna do anything about it But then people will say well you're so mean pastor Thompson you're so you guys you knew I have to be passengers You're so mean you know what's mean not telling a person that has a small child that that person was a predator of that Exact type of person or that's age of child and not to tell him that's wicked as hell And that needs to be rebuked and called out and pastors Smallwood or whatever his name is he's a wicked person He's not a really deserves He needs to step down from preaching God's Word and be kicked out and thrown out on his face You got to get a guy in there. They'll actually preach the truth and tell people hey Not only is there there's no you should just tell people There's no sex offenders in this church because I won't let him in Not I'm you know we went to a church called Amazing Grace Baptist Church And I'll tell you what there's five guys there that I knew of They we don't know their names Because guess what it's a secret That they have these five perverts in their church and nobody knows who they are They're not allowed to be around children. Well. I'll tell you what every time. We're all in the service together. They're around children But Yet they think it's so noble and so great that they've taken these queers and and whatever they are into the church these Molesters into the church and don't tell anybody about it. That's wrong And they should be thrown out on their face period How is it that a man of God could actually just make that decision in their heart after reading what that guy did That pastor small Smallville or whatever his name is He needs to be tarred and feathered and and and prayed it around town You know and maybe you know there's but there's pastors that are saved that I'm sure they get caught they get well They go to their pastor friend, and they say well What would you what do you do in this situation, and they say well? You know what brother? We just got to love everybody And so that that keeps going on and on I'm glad the pastors that I'm friends with wouldn't allow that to happen in any situation There's even a hint of a molester. They're gone Because look we got to protect the people the myth all the people in there Is it worth just destroying a church and destroying someone's family for one pervert that you think got saved? Even if you think he's saved He should be allowed in it's just period and I don't know how I got off on that Huge ranting story, but just I'm so pissed off about it I'm just and I'm sick of pastors that will just sit there and just act like we're the bad guy When in reality you're the bad guy for letting them in The Bible says give instruction to a wise man He'll be wiser teach a just man And he will increase in learning the fear of the Lord's beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the holy is Understanding for by me thy day shall be multiplied in the years of thy life shall be increased So look if you give instruction if I'm preaching a sermon and you didn't know something or maybe you are corrected on something in your Heart a wise man will get wiser a wise man will get instruction a wise man You know a teeth it says teach the just man. He will increase in learning Hey if a guy's a just man, he's gonna increase in the learning, but you know what a scorner does He's gonna hate you for the sermon you preached He's gonna hate what you have to say he's gonna, and it's not just what I have to say it's what God has to say You know if sodomites weren't even allowed to be you know their houses were destroyed They're even close to God's house. How are you gonna? Let him in God's house. I just I have no idea how that happens Where they got off on this thing well such for some of you Well such for some of you. I don't know any former home wasn't here So now not such for some of you And if any of you are such for some of you you can just get up and walk out of here right now and don't come back You know everybody loves the hot preaching until it burns them That's true Everybody loves the hard preaching until it steps on their toes Are you a scorner or are you a wise man? Are you gonna take in what God's Word has to say well? You're angry pastor Thompson. You're darn right. I'm angry. I'm angry because of the state of Christianity right now I'm angry because we have pastors that let perverts into their churches And they act like they're just so holy and wrong. I can't believe you Anderson I just so mean you knew I have to be pastors are so mean no. You're just a little fag Hag that's what your problem is and you need to get out of the pulpit and let somebody in there That's gonna preach the truth And quit preaching your stories quit preaching your little one verse And then not even it's not even talking about what your sermon has to say One or two verses and you're done, and it's all stories and funny Haha this and that and look I like to joke around too, but you know what there's a time to be serious And I'll just get up and tell the positive parts of the Bible get up and tell the negative parts of the Bible, too But there's churches all over there's Baptist pastors all over the place that won't preach a negative sermon if they start preaching about homosexuality They gotta they gotta say why you know your sins are just as bad as theirs. It's never just their bad It's their bad, and you're bad, too It's those sickest sermons like that look why don't you just preach against that sin and just leave your congregation out of it because Hopefully none of them are a bunch of homos So 2nd Timothy chapter 316 let's turn over there 2nd Timothy 3 16 The Bible says without controversy great is the mystery. Oh, I'm the wrong one 2nd Timothy 3 16 all scripture is given By inspiration of God it is profitable for doctrine for reproof or correction for instruction and righteousness That the man of God may be perfect truly furnished unto all good works Hey let that man of God in your life Give you what you need all scripture is given by inspiration of God So everything in this book is applicable to us and want some way shape or form whether it be spiritual from the Old Testament You know or whatever practical You know everything in there's for us as far as it is profitable for doctrine It's profitable for reproof. It's profitable for correction. Hey, can you take correction? Can You take correction you should be able to and if you can't they need to figure out why you can't and change For instruction and righteousness that the man of God may be perfect truly furnished unto all good works Hey, you know what's gonna. Help you be perfect truly furnished unto all good works all scripture all of it the whole thing and We need to understand that God's Word is there to correct us. It's there to give us reproof. It's there for doctrine. You know For 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse number 2 2nd Timothy 4 verse number 2 the Bible says preach the word be instant in season and out of season Reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine But you know what what Paul was telling Timothy to do to preach the word Not as opinion not poems not stories not anything else not commentaries from Charles Spurgeon and John Wesley and Matthew Henry and all these other hey if you're going to the commentary before you just go to the Holy Spirit Then you're wrong in your heart Hey get rid of that stupid study Bible that you got and get you just a text-only Bible You see this this is text-only Don't let somebody else be your Holy Spirit You're saved you got the Holy Spirit in you you don't need to go to John Calvin's Geneva Bible and look at all the notes there if you want to go astray you're gonna do that I'll tell you what Calvinism is a wicked doctrine And I don't want to get any commentary from John Calvin Says the time will come Well they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers Having itching ears and they shall turn Away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables fables like what oneness fables like what the Flat Earth They want to hear these teachers and in the Nephilim. There's another one And all this stuff all this stuff man all this stuff like the the blood moons and Rabbi and going after rabbis and all this other stuff look hey you stick with the New Testament And rabbis are wicked by the way they don't believe in Jesus. That's why they call themselves rabbis They don't believe in Jesus, so why are you going to them to try to learn some Bible knowledge hey I got something for you. How about just the Bible How about just listen to preachers that are saved and quit listen to a bunch of preachers that are not saved We Don't need teachers that have itching ears Take when you're little you want your little ears tickled so you can feel good when you go home That's what happens when you go to Joel Osteen's church You're gonna have your little ears tickled. Oh, I felt so good today when I left church You should feel bad when you leave church sometimes Sometimes you should feel bad. I'm not saying all the time obviously we're with God's people we want to fellowship And you know most of the times when I have a most of times. I have a good day at church But I mean we should have a bad time every once in a while We're listening to some preaching that stomps on our toes and rips our face off and cuts us to the heart And if preaching is never doing that for you, then either your preachers not good, or you need to get right with God period So number one was be careful. How you react to God's man when he preaches a sermon You don't like number two don't be too casual with the man of God Don't be too casual with the man of God look at first Samuel chapter 16 verse number four now The reason why I added this point because I noticed that I sometimes people just don't know and look I don't need some title or whatever, but I think that people should reap you know back in the old days people used to say mr. Harrington mr.. Sawyer mr. Mr.. Yefim off mr.. Holmes they would talk to people with respect hey, ma'am Hey miss things like that, but you know people are so casual within themselves. They're also casual pastors, too What's up Aaron you know like some person you know why would you just what you know you know that? I'm a pastor just be respectful You know you don't have to call me some people call me pastor Aaron And maybe it sounds better to say that and then pastor counsel whatever look I don't get too mad about it But you know some people do And I think that we've just gotten too casual in society to where we we dress too casually sometimes We ought not to you know the the clothing that people would wear to Funds you know some fun Center like Disneyland or something like that. They're wearing to church You know I mean people are just too casual And it's not good to be too casual Because sometimes people can blow you know can cross the line with you because you've allowed them to be too casual with you in your life And there's nothing wrong with your Children come all right. You know what really makes me mad was when someone calls their parents by their first name instead of mom and dad Hey, mom and dad or mama or Papa. That's good But don't say if your dad's name is Stan. Hey Stan. How's it going? That's too casual. That's disrespectful in my in my world where I came from and I'm You know not that old. I mean I guess I kind of am but People should call people you know we're brother Joe or brother You know whatever and maybe we're too casual here at this church about some things. Maybe we are Maybe we need to change the culture, but you tell I'll tell you what you shouldn't be too casual with the man of God Do you think that in the Bible people were casual with Moses? Do you think in the Bible people were casual with Samuel do you think in the Bible people were casual with Jesus? What'd they call him Lord? Master teacher whatever You know and even the Pharisees would call him that Because they knew it would be a sign of disrespect to just say hey Jesus Because that's disrespectful But we live in a time. We're just that people are super casual about everything look at first Samuel 16 verse 4 says and did that which the Lord spake and Came to Bethlehem and the elders of the town trembled at his coming and said comest thou peaceably You know they're trembling. They're afraid. Why are the people afraid of Samuel? Well, maybe some of these people heard the story about how he chopped up somebody into little pieces with a sword Maybe that's why they were afraid But you know the fear of God is gone for people's eyes and the fear of the man of God has gone from people's eyes Also, people are super casual when they should probably shouldn't be super casual Now people come up and start calling Lord Thompson after the end of the service that's don't do that, please But you can call Pastor Thompson's is an acceptable thing to call me. I think But if your kids are walking up to me going hey Aaron, what's going on? That's too casual You know and you maybe you don't agree with that But you know show me in the Bible where people were super casual with the man of God Show me in the Bible where people are super casual with just other people they weren't and Look at what it says and he said and yet, and he said peaceably I am come to sacrifice on the Lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice And he sanctified Jesse and his sons and called them to the sacrifice So you know he came into town and people had mad respect for him didn't they? So much that they were afraid and shaking in their boots when the man of God came to town look at 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse number 11 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse number 11 1st Timothy 4 verse Number 11 the Bible says these things command and teach let no man despise thy youth Why did Paul tell people not our Timothy not to let people despise his youth? Because people are disrespectful because people he's just a kid. He's 20 years old and he's a pastoral Maybe he read his Bible 25 times before he became the 20 year old pastor you ever think of that Maybe he's been married a couple years and has a couple kids already But you know just because they're young look Paul saying let no man despise thy youth was Timothy a pastor yes or no You know was he a bishop was he an elder yes? He was an elder in the faith, okay? There's two different types of people when it's talking about elders Elders there are people that are just elderly people and there's also elders in the faith that are spiritually older than you and in the Lord Know a lot more things than you do when it comes to God's Word and so he said let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers in the world in Conversation and charity and spirit in faith and purity till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine Neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given thee by Prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery So he said hey don't neglect the gift. That's in thee you know when pastor a minute Is who was here when pastor men is ordained me? Okay, he laid his hands on me in front of everybody. He asked the congregation Do you want pastor you know Aaron to be your pastor? Everybody said yes He laid his hands on me and he prayed a prayer that get that he wanted God to give me a special anointing Right and that he would use me and help me Right so when that was when that happened, that's there's a special gift That's given to people when they're ordained, and they're they're given you know they're given a gift and That gift is that you know you become a person in the ministry of a man of God if you're the pastor of the church Or if you're ordained for a special purpose as an evangelist And look we don't have like special powers where we can float or anything like that. It's not that It's that just God has put us, but like he prates because I believe that God did give me a special anointing when he did That I'm not saying I'm like the greatest things in sliced bread or anything like that, but I believe God's Word And he says hey neglect not the gift It's in thee which was given to thee by a prophecy pastor and men has preached a sermon in here that day And said and and you know he said great things about you know keys To being what was the term? Seven habits of a highly affected pastor that's right And you know he was just laying out the things that a good pastor is gonna do And after that he ordained me and laid his hands on me, and I believe that people aren't supposed to despise me Either and they're supposed to treat me with respect Hey, I treat people with respect And I expect people to respect me back. I'm not saying that people are being disrespectful to me I'm just saying that as a general purpose People that are pastors people that are men of God you should treat them with respect and don't get too casual with people I've heard pastor Anderson preach about how people walk up and call him Steve And people do that when I'm out of town preaching hey Aaron Hey, Steve You know it's like it's just like it's it's almost as it wouldn't really bother me so much if I didn't think that they're just Trying to be casual with me on purpose They're trying to get casual and just They want to I don't know they want to equal us out like we're both pastors together or something hey Steve I Don't even call my fellow pastors by their first names I'll say pastor Shelley pastor Manly Perry pastor Stephen Anderson pastor he men is do you think I ever call pastor a minute is Roger? Hey Roger, what's going on I? Never have done that I never will do that because I have a lot of respect for pastor a minute And I respect him as a man of God, and I'm not gonna come to him. Just go hey Roger. How's it going? Doesn't that sound weird coming out of my mouth. I feel like I've blasting just by saying I'm just saying we shouldn't get too casual okay look at Exodus chapter 32 now This story is a famous story about when the Ten Commandments were given to Moses and Right away the people start rebelling And Moses gets super ticked off He is super ticked off. It's like one of the maddest parts where he gets you know and he gets he's got a temper He's the meekest man on the whole face of the earth at that time, but also has a fiery hot temper When people you know cuz like I said he gave up his whole life to be the leader of the children of Israel at God at God's prompting and You know here these people are as soon as he leaves they're partying and dancing naked in the camp and making golden calves I mean, that's pretty disrespectful isn't it look at Exodus 32 19 says it came to pass as soon as he came nigh unto the camp that he saw the calf and The dancing and Moses is anger waxed hot and he cast the tables out of his hands and break them beneath the mount so the Ten Commandments You know etched in stone by the fingers of God he comes out. It's like boom Breaks him in a million pieces. I mean imagine. I can't even imagine what his face looked like, but he probably was looked super ticked off But It says and he took the calf which they had made and burnt it in fire and Ground it to powder and strawed it upon the water and made the children of Israel drink of it Drink this take it put it. You know it's like when you want to try to give your kids medicine or going Good take the medicine You know what I'm talking about if your parents right Take these garlic drops, and I'm just kidding Sorry overstepping my bounds all right But listen what listen what Aaron says here He says so he realizes everybody there realizes how upset he is and And Moses said unto Aaron what did this people unto thee that that was brought so great a sin upon them Listen how Aaron responds to him Aaron's the older brother mind you okay, and Aaron said let not the anger of my lord wax hot Thou know'st the people that are set on mischief. What did he call his younger brother? He said let not my lord the anger of my lord wax hot and So Aaron even in the midst of this crazy situation that's going on His mate make sure to call him now. He's not calling to my lord like he's just saying like my lord my boss Hey boss, I'm sorry, but he's saying it in a respectful term in English right my lord my leader Okay, don't get don't be too angry here. Let's not be hasty Moses. You know But did Aaron even in the midst of all that he didn't he didn't say Moses You know even that that's his brother his younger brother. He is a Moses No he said my lord, you know why because he came to him with respect even though he was in hot water himself He's probably wondering where the punches are gonna start coming from but You know the point is is that even Aaron? Was respectful to his brother and called him what he was he was their leader, and so he called him my lord So don't be too casual with your pastor and other men of God realize this also That even the greatest leaders have people rebel against them Even the greatest leaders in the whole world have people rebel against them, and so this is something that pastors You know I know as a pastor sometimes I'm just like discouraged when someone betrays me or betrays pastor he meant I get actually more mad when people mess with pastor of men Is then when they mess with me? but Even the greatest leaders you know people are like well I can't believe you let all these people rise up in your church pastor Anderson when all these modalists started leaving and stuff But it's like people rebelled against Moses, too. They made a golden calf and danced around it as soon as he left You know I mean he God Made the heaven and the earth to see and all that in them is Created the world in six days rested on the seventh and the first people he created rebelled against them Even The greatest leaders God's a perfect leader isn't he he does nothing wrong. He's sinless To this day God has never sinned. He's not capable of sin He's not capable of lying, but yet a third of the angels rebelled against him including Satan the anointed chair of which covereth So I don't start thinking you know judging leaders by how people betray them people are gonna betray leaders. It's just that simple So Even Moses had people that betrayed him. He was a great leader Jesus Christ had Judas betray him Jesus Christ had many people didn't follow him after he preached that hard sermon About having to drink his blood and eat his flesh, and they didn't understand that that was a spiritual thing But you know just keep in mind that people are gonna rebel Against leadership and sometimes I lose track of that as a pastor I'm like well can't believe this person's not being loyal to so-and-so and you know we I shouldn't I shouldn't think that way Because if you just read the Bible that happened a lot so You know in fact Christ came to his own people and they received him not not only did they not receive him they said they screamed crucify him and Totally turned on him and nailed him to a cross and killed him and today Those people that are supposedly Israel that are supposedly You know Jude you know Jude the Jews still spit on the ground three times every time his name is mentioned They hate him they teach their children to hate him to this day and Jesus was a Jew But yet his own received him not They rejected him they crucified him so what I'm saying in point number two is don't be too casual with God's men Okay number one was be careful How you react to God's man when he preaches a sermon you don't like number two Don't be too casual with the man of God and number three be cautious How you talk about God's man be cautious? How you talk about God's man look at Numbers chapter 12? Numbers chapter 12 And Numbers chapter 12 verse number one I got a hurry here says a Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses were they doing it to his face No Miriam and Aaron his own brother and sister spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married For he had married an Ethiopian woman, and they said hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses Hath he not spoken also by us and the Lord heard it? Hey, you don't got to worry about the pastor hearing it so much You don't got to worry about the leader hearing about it so much. You know you got to worry about hearing it the Lord Because the Lord hears everything that we say the Lord knows everything that we think the Lord knows everything that we do And so you know what who you should be worried about When you speak about a pastor behind his back or behind you know your preacher here behind his back or any? Other pastor or any other man of God behind their back you got to worry about the Lord hearing it Because he's the one that's gonna punish you for it. I might never hear the criticism that I get behind my back But I'll tell you who does hear it. It's God Why don't you step into my shoes? Why don't you walk a mile in my moccasins and tell me how you're gonna make every decision perfect? This is now Moses was very meek Above all the men which were upon the face of the earth and the Lord Spake suddenly unto Moses and unto Aaron and unto Miriam come out He three unto the tabernacle of the congregation and they three came out the Lord came down in a pillar of a cloud and stood At the door of the tabernacle and called Aaron and Miriam and they both came forth at this time They're probably really regretting talking about Moses. I'm sure that they know why they're being called forth And he said hear now my words If there be a prophet among you I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in A dream my servant Moses is not so who is faithful in all mine house with him Will I speak mouth-to-mouth even apparently and not in dark speeches and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold? Wherefore then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? Now that's probably one of the scariest moments in the Bible You know hey Moses my guy, so why were you not afraid to speak against Moses? You know God's a you know appearing to them in a pillar in the tabernacle. I mean that's probably pretty scary And the anger the Lord was kindled against them, and he departed so you know someone's just really mad They just walk away from you really quickly. You know what I'm talking about like they're just so mad They just had to just walk away. God just like He was he was ticked off And then he just departed and the cloud departed off the tabernacle the old Miriam became leprous white as snow And Aaron looked upon Miriam and behold she was leprous And Aaron said unto Moses last my lord I beseech thee lay not the sin upon us Wherein we have done foolishly and wherein we have sinned, so what did they do that was foolish? They talked about the man of God behind his back and God heard it and it says wherein we have Sinned so it is a sin to talk bad about the man of God behind his back You got something to say to me won't you come up and say it? You know and and obviously if you're coming at me with the wrong spirit I'm not gonna call fire down, but you know my the way I respond to you might not be as positive as you might think So look I don't have a problem with people questioning things that I do I don't have a problem with people questioning something. I preached I don't have a problem with somebody disagreeing with me about something But what I do have a problem with is if someone was gonna come to me And they have a bad attitude as they come because you know I Understand this I'm not saying to never question or disagree with me I'm not saying that you should never question the man of God That's that's that's a doctrine that the old IFB would teach hey don't ever you know they're right You're wrong every time that's not true because we know that they're not always right. I'm not always right. I make mistakes But You know you might think well, man. I wouldn't run it like that or I wouldn't have made that decision or You know maybe I said something you don't like Maybe I said something wrong And I do I say stuff wrong sometimes, but you probably like it's almost like you guys already know yeah He flubbed that one up. I'm look. I'm not like a gifted speaker, and you guys probably know that by now But I you know sometimes I mess up and say something I shouldn't or whatever, but I will own it if I say something wrong, and I'll apologize or whatever But if you come to me, and you're like hey pastor Thomas I don't really agree with you on this, and this is why blah blah blah But the way you come to me about it is what I'm gonna view and and how you come to me Should be in a way. That's respectful First Timothy 5 1 says rebuke not an elder But entreat him as a father and the younger man as brethren look. I'm the elder here I'm the man of God in this church I'm the pastor of this church and the Bible says to rebuke not an elder And what are we talking about how you talk about people behind their back well rebuking me behind my back is the same thing as Rebuking me isn't it to my face It's pretty much the same thing, but most people are too cowardly to do that to a pastor Most people are too cowardly to do that and so they'll just go behind your back, and I'm not saying anybody here is But I don't know if anybody that's talking bad about me behind my back. I'm just saying that in general This is how we should be towards men of God This is how we should be towards God's people you know God's men and if they're doing something wrong Hey, maybe you're just they're just something that you just disagree with doctrinally don't spread that garbage around the church Don't sit there and talk behind my back in front of other people at the church in front of other church people and say I disagree with Pastor Thompson because You're wrong. You're wrong instantly even if you're right you're wrong because you shouldn't be doing that We have dedicated trolls that are bent on destroying me This church and other pastors that I'm friends with in their churches You know what I don't want to deal with I don't want to deal with trolls from the inside that are secretly undermining our Doctrine in our church. I don't you know the last thing we need to be is killed by friendly fire That's like one of the worst things that happen to the military where you know hey, we accidentally killed our own troops whoops What did they die for well because we're stupid we didn't know we're supposed to be shooting over here You know I mean I don't want to get killed by friendly fire by people that I'm supposed to be friends with or people that are people of my own church But you know people betray pastor Anderson all the time people betray pastor he men is all the time and Then they end up getting kicked out of the church And then they're mad because they got kicked out because they were betraying them I don't understand that If you don't want to get on board the program go to a different church that you like better But people have made it their 24-7 job to watch every single sermon by every single pastor that we're friends with Watch our sermons look for any flub or mistake or something they could grab ahold of and twist and lie about And they want to dig up dirt They want to try to make us look bad all the time And I don't even want to mention these clowns names, but there's a lot of people out there doing this They have these secret groups out there. They're getting snapshots of things that we say and and things like that but there's a toothless fool from Arkansas and He's basically look he left he left the church and Then he's lost everything Including his toe his teeth He's got diabetes. He's just he's being chastened by God or destroyed by him one of the two He's he's completely you know Going to get trying to get lawsuits created and all this other stuff and the guy His wife and child and child left him while he was in the hospital. He must be just a great guy You know what I think I think God's just destroying him because he's a fool Because he's a wicked person and just you know the funny thing is that a lot of these people people helped That's what I don't get it's like people helped them People prayed for them people Love them and try to give to them and and do all these nice things for him And then they just turn and stab you in the back like a rat fink It's wicked There's also a jobless loser that was kicked out of Verity Baptist Church He was also treated good You know given lots of chances, but you know he just Still Continues to rail on pastor Jimenez even though pastor Jimenez bent over backwards to try to be nice to the guy That was a mistake. I pray that guy dies I Do You know David prayed for people to die sometimes in the Bible I think this is an instance where he does that guy just needs to die hopefully you know he gets run over by a bus Or something like that I Another man that moved to Verity did an inner he did an interview and totally disrespected pastor Jimenez Pastors family invited them to their personal Christmas and Went out and bought them gifts and literally tried to make them feel like family invited. I mean to his parents house You know your Christmas like I mean you ever everybody in here has their own Christmas pretty much, right? And to bring an outsider in isn't like a normal thing that people do But to make this guy a part of their family and Britain you know they just moved they didn't have anything They didn't have any money for Christmas presents. They brought him over invited him for dinner bought them presents They wrapped him up and unwrapped him there, and you know they were treated like family And you know what that rap think loser did he left and went and did an interview and talked a bunch of trash about pastor Jimenez what a loser I Hope God the curse of God is upon his life. I hope he dies soon You know what because you should just go around railing against pastors You know it's one thing to talk bad, and then like I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that Everybody's probably done that before But to sit there and just make it your life's mission to try to destroy that pastor. What did he do so bad? try to give you work inside the church try to encourage you to serve the Lord and Then you just turn on him like a like a loser like a rat think like a piece of trash that you are You know what pastor? I'm as doesn't really have a trash can church there, but you know what it is. It's So-and-so's trash can I'm not even gonna mention his name Cuz he just thrives on stuff like that but all these losers are are coming to his trash compactor and and and you know you know these people that Get kicked out or leave pastor men is his church, and you know the funny thing is is the pastor men is is so long-suffering And in and tries to do and bends over backwards and tries to help people even when they've just stabbed him in the back He still forgives them Because people don't know how many chances he actually gives people I know pastor a minute I know how many chances he gives people it's not like it's just like he's on a hair trigger to kick people out of his Church or something There was another guy that moved down there mostly physically blind and Was given the royal treatment also including rides to church all the time Given a video ministry to watch over well. He didn't really watch over it but Which he was awful at by the way Turned on pastor and men is and followed this clown out of the out of his church the other clown that I was talking about That I won't mention his name You know and making terrible videos, and then goes out and talks smack About pastor and men is after all the good things that him and all the church members did for him people letting him You know giving him rides and stuff like that all the time. You know and then he makes a video That's the world's dumbest video. I've ever seen in my life. It was like 30 minutes of something. I'll never get back But you know what What's good is that pastor men his videos are better than ever now now he's got brother Oliver It's like a blessing in disguise because this guy was ruining his video ministry Like you remember when the orange videos were out like the hazy orange type ones that was him that was doing those videos And you know the reason I'm talking about this because they're just people that won't sleep Until they've caused somebody to stumble or someone to fall Bible says in Proverbs 4 14 It says enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men avoid it pass not by it Turn it turn from it and pass away for they sleep not except They have done mischief and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall There's people out there, and we don't realize you know we don't think like them So we don't understand why people are like this And just blows our mind because it's like how could you do this? But just because they're wicked people and we're and you're not and so because you don't think like that Then you can't understand it and that's just the truth and These people will just sit there and talk and bash about bash pastors, and they're not afraid to speak evil of dignities They're not afraid to sit there and rail on men of God that don't deserve it that only just extended their hand in peace to them, and they slapped it away and And and they've tried to drag their churches and their names to the mud You know and a lot of these people have been helped by other church members and family members But you know what God still has a reward for you for that If you're one of the people that's helped one of these losers You know that ended up turning on people turning on the pastors turning on their churches You know what God still is gonna reward you for that You know because how would you know that they were that evil? But number one we need to be careful how we react to God's man when he preaches a sermon you don't like number two Don't be too casual with the man of God number three be cautious. How you talk about God's man Because here's the thing God is going to repay God is going to avenge Any pastor that's maligned and talked badly about and God's gonna make a record pence for that He's gonna make sure that they that they get with their what they deserve when it comes to that And we just need to understand that we need to treat the man of God with respect I got to treat the man of God with respect You know even if I don't agree with one of these preachers one of the things that they say you know what it doesn't matter Because I'm not their judge. God's their judge, and I'm not gonna sit there and talk trash about a pastor So anyway, let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord for this day Pray that you'd help us Lord to just keep these things in perspective Help us to make sure that we're respecting God's men and Lord Lord we're not above everybody else, but Lord you put us in leadership and I just pray that you'd help us Lord to be good pastors Lord and be worthy of Having respect Lord, and I just pray that you continue to bless this church Lord Thank you for the new members that we have Lord, and I just pray that you would Dismiss us and and Lord that you'd bring us back for the evening service in Jesus name we pray Amen