(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right the verses I want to focus on in Jude or verse 7 and 8 let's read those together even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise the minion and speak evil of dignity so let's pray. Lord we thank you so much for the scriptures Lord and what I'm about to preach about tonight is not exactly my favorite thing to preach about and not my favorite subject but it is needed Lord in this day and age and and Lord things are just getting worse and Lord things sometimes come to light that need to be preached about and we need to understand Lord how much we need to protect our children in this day and age Lord all the images that come through video internet and television and Lord just through the through our ears with music and I just pray Lord that you just help me to preach this sermon tonight or help me to be bold and Lord help me to be truth speak truth and Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name pray amen all right so Michael Jackson was asked why he did the filthy sexual hand gestures on stage that he did he replied it's the music that compels me to do it you don't think about it it just happens I'm a slave to the rhythm and Michael Jackson did do filthy hand gestures when he danced and sang and he's been dead for almost 10 years now and but the thing is is there's some things have come to light just recently there was a documentary that was released about him and many people have always suspected that Michael Jackson was you know a pervert and a child molester and you know I think that now more than ever I'm fully convinced that Michael Jackson is exactly that I was pretty convinced before but the title of my sermon tonight is why Michael Jackson is roasting in hell why Michael Jackson's roasting in hell and you might say you know well pastor Thompson why you why are you preaching about this he's been Ted dead for 10 years because people still love his music because people still listen to his music I was literally talking about this with somebody in the church walked over got a coffee and guess what song was playing thriller okay and many of you are too young to even know what Michael Jackson was like and what it was like to grow up when he was like the most you know influential musician in the world at that time he was so popular I mean it was just an anomaly how popular he really was and unless you were alive during that time or less who actually grew up listening to Michael Jackson be honest now all right a lot of people but not too many now some people have just heard it through it's constant playing on the radio his music and Michael Jackson was considered the king of pop music a secular music singer worshiped literally as an idol if you've ever seen any of the pictures of his fans or any of the video clips of his fans they're screaming and just like they just can't believe that Michael Jackson is there right as he's dangling his child out the window of a four-story building the guy was a freak show the guy was a homo and the guy was a child molester okay and he was sick in the brain he grew up in music you know and that's the thing about being mega popular like that there's always something weird that ends up happening with them I mean the guy had to make a grocery store inside Neverland so he could realize what it's like to actually go grocery shopping that's how pot he could I mean there's no way he could ever go out in public and you know actually the way his face looked by the end of his career I would have wanted to see him out in public anyway it's pretty ghoulish looking so you know and he started out and he was a black man and ended up as a as a bleached bleached out skeletal figure I mean he looked weird so and you know why am I applying these scriptures in Jude to Michael Jackson well you know have you ever heard the of the show called American Idol yeah American Idol why they call it that because these people want to become the next idol that people worship in their hearts see there's idols that you can make with stone there's idols you can make with wood there's idols you can molten but there's also idols that you can have that are people people that people they actually worship those people and Michael Jackson was one of those people that people actually worshipped it was bizarre but you know I actually at some point in my life when I was 10 years old listened to Michael Jackson just like everybody else did I remember going to Portland because see when I when I grew up I grew up in the country right they didn't even know who Michael Jackson was back there now things have changed you have the internet and everybody's interconnected in a different way but like clothing styles didn't hit Hermiston Oregon until you know way later than they would hit here so when I would move back and forth from here I looked like a total rube you know I was wearing Wranglers and cowboy you know Dylan's back there yeah but going to middle school in an inner city school wearing Wranglers cowboy boots and you know just like a cow whatever flannel shirt you know it wasn't really exactly making the most the most popular kid in the school just say that so the Bible says in turn to the second Corinthians 6 14 I'm gonna read Leviticus 19 4 says turn ye not unto idols nor make to yourselves molten gods I am the Lord your God so now there's like I said there's literal idols there's idols that people make up in their hearts and basically what Michael Jackson was was an idol in people's hearts I mean you just have no idea though we only had three channels back then right and he was probably on all of them a lot of times during the day he like made Pepsi commercials that were super popular and you know Michael Jackson was known for loving children supposedly yeah he loved them in a weird way but he you know he was so powerful he was able to manipulate all the people around him and get them to think that he really just loved children you know his childhood was robbed from him that was his like that was his mo that was his modus operandi to actually getting to where he couldn't last children as that he would pretend that he loved children then he'd always have children around them walking around with him holding hands with them you know and it got to be the point where he just told the same story over and over again people just started to accept it but not everybody okay I remember the going through the phase of listening to Michael Jackson I listen to Michael Jackson at night I had a little tape recorder you guys know what a tape recorder is okay tape recorder was like a little portable one and I would listen to it as I went to bed at night and I just remember I remember getting that album when I first moved to Portland my grandma took me straight to Toys R Us and said you got to listen to this I mean my grandma anyway that's how popular was grandparents listen to it you could watch the thriller video and sit down with a whole generation of people and everybody just loved it ate it up so but I remember my mom she was kind of she didn't really like him that much and she wanted she's like get this Daryl Hall and John Oates tape instead I'm like okay whatever mom you know but that's what that's how popular he was I mean when I got to Portland to see my grandma the first thing she did is took me to go buy that album so I mean so things are different nowadays and I know that there's a lot of popular musicians and things like that but nothing compares to how popular he really was so and you're in 2nd Corinthians 6 14 it says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness what comedian hath light with darkness what Concord hath Christ Belial and what part hath he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for you're the temple of the living God as God has said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people now listen this is really important says wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you so let me ask you this what what business do Christians have listen to that garbage what I mean we'll just put Michael Jackson aside for a second let's talk about worldly music worldly music is a vexation to the Christian soul look there's it's a different spirit when we sing that I was thinking about the songs we're singing today if you tried to play that on a radio station people would flip out if you just like said z100 you're done we're putting Christian we're putting those the hands on here people would freak out nobody listen to you know why because it's spiritual music see God's people are supposed to listen to spiritual music not the music of the world we're supposed to be separate from that music and we're bombarded with it every single day that we are alive you can't walk into a store without hearing it you can't go to a restaurant without hearing it we can't literally go anywhere to eat without having that garbage pumped into our brain the whole time so it you know why why is that because the devil wants to get a hold of us any way he can and music is a big way that he gets us with that he gets he gets control of over look you know to the point where you're singing it and you don't know why you're how many you don't know why it's stuck in your brain but you can't understand why where did I hear it I can't remember where I heard it you heard it somewhere that day you just don't realize it because it was pumped into your brain subliminally in the in the store or in the restaurant next thing you know it's in your brain you can't get it out that's how powerful music is it's very powerful so Michael Jackson in his heyday was like 1984 that was like his where he was the most popular the zenith of his popularity and then he began to change his appearance through plastic surgery now he claims that he only got plastic surgery twice but I mean if you look at his face before and then how it ended up there's no way that was two plastic surgeries so he also said he had lupus and he had reasons why his skin was that color or whatever he did it himself okay so you know and again he hung out started to hang out with very young boys there was a show called Webster on television in the 1980s and it was a little this little black kid it was like kind of like you know Arnold from different strokes or whatever some people are like lost right now don't worry it's okay but he would hang out with these little kids and hold their hands and walk around with them and do you know people started to think well that's kind of weird right he built a ranch called Neverland it was 27 I think it's 2700 acres 2700 acres and it was like a little place a little Peter Pan place where you know he had like playrooms and he would invite children over watch movies with them and then and then he had secret rooms that he did other things in I don't want to vex your soul too much with the things the details that I do know about these guys that have come forward just recently these guys lied in court and did ended false depositions to protect him when he was going through his child molestation cases he actually was accused in 1993 of child molestation by a family of a family friend and then I think it was 2002 he got accused again and then he that actually went to trial and then one of the guys that have just come out recently and said that it's been true the whole time that kid was the main witness for him getting acquitted in 2002 was when he was accused so you know a lot of people are like giving these guys that have just come forward a lot of grief and saying oh they just want to do it for the money well I'm sure they do want some money you know the guy ruined their childhood one of the guys name was let's see well I'll get to that here in just a minute but what some of the people he hung out with Emmanuel Lewis that's the guy that played Webster the kid that played Webster McCauley Culkin if you've ever heard of that guy he was on a movie called home alone whatever and then Aaron Carter was also another young kid that he was hanging out with who was popular at that time and the many others but what he would do is he had these he would groom these kids he would groom their parents you know and that's what master manipulators and predators do and these types of situation he had power he had so much power and star power that people couldn't resist him you know and he was really good at what he was doing saying oh I just didn't have a childhood so I like have the mentality of a nine-year-old boy I mean would anybody in this room buy that garbage hey I just you know I just didn't have very good childhood can it could your kid come over and spend the night and sleep in my bed tonight that's what that's what he was literally doing and getting away with for years and years and years and the parents were just like well you know there's just nothing you know I don't really see anything wrong with that look you got to guard your children people you got to guard your children and you can't just trust people with your kids you can't because you know Michael Jackson the most famous pop star the king of pop is a child molesting freak and he's roasting in hell for all eternity he's been roasting in hell for ten years almost and he's gonna be roasting in hell for the rest of it for the rest of eternity for all you know we're gonna be saved the people in this room that are saved we get to live for eternal life he's gonna be eternally dead and I'm glad because the things that he did were sick and demented and obviously this is not a very good subject to talk about but it needs to be preached about because we need to understand just how important it is to protect our kids right now so two different like I said two different times he was accused of child molestation one was settled out of court for millions of dollars the other case where he was found not guilty so there's been no end of public outcry I'm just gonna read this little excerpt I got from the internet since HBO's leaving Neverland premiered at Sundance Film Festival in January the painful two-part HBO documentary which details the alleged sexual abuse that two men endured from Jackson has resulted in a variety of responses many have condemned Jackson's actions and taken steps to disassociate with the king of pop but still others are choosing not to believe the singers accusers and denouncing the film the and these are the fanatics these are the super fans that go and try to like during the trial they would go and disrupt the media and all cut you know and obviously I don't feel sorry for the media but they were just they're so crazy that they just love Michael Jackson so much that they were just trying to do anything to stop him from being convicted they're a little like when the when the I remember this when he got found not guilty every he was there was five counts and a lady had like a little basket with doves in it and every count that he was not guilty she would release another white dove I mean that's that's pretty crazy right I mean anyway I just I'll never forget that and I remember thinking how did this guy get away with doing this how does this guy get away with it money power absolute power so the details unearthed in leaving Neverland that's the title of the new documentary have resulted in a permanent tainting of the powerful singers legacy radio stations have begun pulling Jackson's music from their sets and one time earning power of the Jackson estate is now in question people are yanking the music from off the radio and everywhere except for in America you know I'm sure Tokyo has a lot of people that aren't you know he had a really big star power in Japan also but big surprise Babylon USA isn't trying to pull their music off the air are they you know I had I walked next door and they had no clue what I was even talking about I was trying to tell them well this music is bumping in my brain over there and they just looked at me like I had three heads they really did I was like and I kind of seemed like I was pissing them off a little bit I was like this dude's a pedophile man why are you playing his music here anyway so but Michael Jackson also why why did I read why did we read Jude because Michael Jackson also is a former Jehovah's Witness did anybody know that yeah so he was part of the Jehovah's Witnesses for a long time and I remember seeing a clip where he said well it's where he sent a birthday video to this boy and said well you know I don't celebrate birthdays but I just wanted to wish you you know like a happy day or something weird like that but right then I realized he's Jehovah's Witnesses when I look deeper into it of course he was Jehovah's Witness so was Prince by the way so look back at Jude chapter 1 if there's only one chapter in it but let's see here let's look at verse 4 says for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ kind of sounds like a Jehovah's Witness doesn't it so Jehovah's Witnesses denied the Lord they deny the Lord Jesus Christ they say that Jehovah you know they believe in Jehovah but they deny Christ who is Jehovah but anyway verse 5 says I will put I will therefore put you in remembrance though you once knew this how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believe not and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved and everlasting chains under darkness under the judgment of that of the great day even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them and like man are giving themselves over to what fornication and going after strange flesh now we the a synonym for strange would be queer right so this is what the people of Sodom and Gomorrah did they they gave themselves over to fornication and went after strange flesh and they're set forth as an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so when God destroyed them he destroyed them with hellfire okay but that's a picture of them suffering eternal fire eternal death in the lake of fire and so why do why am I confident to say that Michael Jackson is roasted in hell right now because he gave himself over to fornication and went after strange flesh which is a symptom of being a reprobate okay so a symptom of being a reprobate is being a child molester it's strange to want to go after the flesh of a child it's very strange and you know we reject those types of people we say get out they're not welcome here they're not allowed to come into our church so Michael Jackson well not only was he a pedophile but he was also a homosexual so you know people get really upset when we start talking about this like I can't believe you could say that all homosexuals are pedophiles well what was Michael Jackson he was a homosexual and he was a pedophile case in point right there so he crossed a line that he was not able to come back from and people trusted him with their children children slept in his bed for days and days at a time and they nobody thought stopped to think that that might be a little bit strange you know but he was such a manipulator he actually there's a the kid that's the person that was the star of that of that documentary well not the star but he was the one one of the guys telling the story his name was Wade and Wade won a dance competition to be able to have the chance to meet Michael Jackson in Australia he was from Australia and so he won the thing he's seven years old and he got to meet Michael Jackson and the first time he ever took him back to his place he molested him seven-year-old boy sick that's sick and so his mom was so sucked into everything and so overwhelmed with the star power of Michael Jackson that she literally left her husband and her other two or one of her other kids in Australia and because Michael Jackson said well if you ever moved to America look me up and so do you see what the influence of this kind of music can do to someone I mean at the end of the story that dad who she left him left her older son who was a police officer moved to the United States he got molested for seven years by Michael Jackson from the age 7 to the age 14 that dad ended up killing himself because of everything that happened because of that Michael Jackson destroying that family see people say you know well just hurts that one person or you know sin doesn't hurt everybody yeah it does it hurt that whole family and that dad end up killing himself that the other dad from the other kid he killed himself too one of the other accusers dads killed himself when he found out that he you know because think about it if you're a parent and you know that someone got a hold of your child and that you were too stupid to do anything about it or too stupid to protect your own child it's gonna mess with you right to this day they won't even talk to the mom after that after finding out like basically their whole family was ruined and the whole the whole reason why Michael Jackson was so nice to him is because he just wanted to bless their kid it's pretty sad pretty sick so look at verse 8 in Jude chapter 1 says likewise these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise the median and speak evil of dignities the Bible calls that sin filthy right Michael Jackson though not only was he a Jehovah's Witness not only was he an idol in people's hearts but he also talked about God to his victims so one of the things that he said to his victims was that God wants us wants us to be together God wants us to be together and this is how we show God that we love each other let that resonate in your brain for a second is he not a false prophet is he not saying something about God that he basically is telling them something different about God than what's right filthy reprobate sodomite pedophile and yet people will still defend this guy to the max so he's a filthy dreamer the Bible calls them brute beasts right Michael Jackson used his fame and fortune to corrupt children to corrupt families two men killed themselves because of the grief that they couldn't bear anymore the mother still defended him until the very end of that of her son Wade until now and now she realizes how how bad it was you know but obviously the kid lied he never told the truth about it but that's what master manipulators do corrupted him manipulated him worked on him daily to not tell the truth about what was going on even to the point where he went to court and flat-out lied to the court about it because he was so twisted up he was so messed up but look the kid was seven years old when he got a hold of them seven years old I mean think about that for a second seven that's pretty young so how could this happen because power corrupts and absolutely absolute power corrupts absolutely that's a true statement so what's the harm with worldly music well I don't know the king of pop seemed to ruin some lives didn't he what's the harm with that kind of music well in the beginning I read that quote how he said that he did those filthy acts because of the the music compelled him to do so there's a spirit in that kind of music that gets a hold of people and that kid Wade he said the first time he ever heard Michael Jackson's music that a fire burned up within within him and he couldn't help but want to dance he couldn't help and he got it he said he got a tingling sensation from just the music of it you know the music that he was listening to you know why because there's another spirit in that kind of music turn to second Peter chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 so I don't think it's a stretch to use verses about false prophets because if he's preaching God he's preaching a false God to these kids that he's abusing he's abusing them second Peter 2 1 says but there were false prophets also among the people even there shall be false teachers among you who shall privilege bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of the truth shall be evil spoken of and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumber earth not because verse 4 for if God spared not the angels that sin but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment and spared not the old world but save Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them and then sample unto those that should live ungodly and delivered just lot vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked so here's what it also does to Christians okay these filthy dreamers these false prophets these wicked sodomites lot was vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked I'll tell you what if you get yourself involved in worldly music it's gonna be the same thing for you it's gonna vex you just like it vexed him all these all these films and television programs that have these sodomites on them all the time I mean the the Hollywood is filled with them and if you let yourself be vexed by these things the same thing is gonna happen to you you're gonna be vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicker the filthy lifestyle the Bible says a lot pitched his tent towards Sodom he pitched his tent toward it so that he could see what was going on there and when Christians pitched their tent towards Sodom the same thing's gonna happen to them next thing you know lots actually living in Sodom and Abraham has to go and save him right so it says for this righteous man dwelling among them in seen and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds and I'll tell you what there's no mistake that the Bible says right here the lot was a righteous man lot was a saved man okay but if we as Christians we get involved in the same thing and watching and listening the things that the world has to put out not only just the things the world has to put up with the things of the world that are wicked it says in seen and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day Christians we should not be vexing our souls as much as possible you know obviously we we live in a world where we men have to go out and work and all this garbage is playing on the radio and believe me I have to endure it too and it's a vexation it really is it's a vexation but if you can have any way to be away from it be away from it don't pitch your tent towards Sodom don't pitch your eyes towards the things of this world you know look we're supposed to be separate from what the world is and so this lady that was in the documentary the the mother of this boy named Wade she said she prayed to God whether she should allow her son to go and spend time with Michael Jackson and she was like I was just waiting for an answer to that prayer so that tells me what she's probably Christian so called or she might have been saved who knows but when she pitched her eyes towards Sodom and when she let her son pitch his eyes towards Sodom and started to hear the things that he had to hear from the sodomite it just makes me sick to my stomach that I actually laid in bed as a 10 year old kid and listened to the sodomites sing me to sleep that's like putting Elton John next to your ear as you go to sleep tonight you want to do that listen to the Lion King soundtrack or whatever I don't know it didn't he sing the Lion King song yeah he did okay but look we shouldn't be like Lot we should we should take you know why this is in the Bible so we can take so we can take it and we can apply it to our lives to say I don't want to be near Sodom I don't want to look towards Sodom I don't want to put Sodom in my eardrums I don't want to put Sodom in my eye gates I want to keep away from those queers and keep away from all this worldly music and look Michael Jackson was a sodomite so anybody that listens to him is listening to a sodomite get it through your brain I also rip this thing off okay gotta be careful I don't want it to flip over but it vexes righteous soul from day to day because he was into it and that's all it takes you pitch your tent that way next thing you know you're living there next thing you know it's all up in your business you know you're listening to country music when your husband's at work dancing around the kitchen don't even do it ladies I'm telling you don't do it especially not Michael Jackson please but look at verse 9 it says the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations and reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished but chiefly then that walk about excuse me walk after the flesh and the lust of uncleanness and despised government presumptuous are they self-willed they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities whereas angels which are greater in power might bring not a railing accusation against them before the Lord but these as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed speak evil of the things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption see Michael Jackson was not only was he corrupted but he was corrupting the youth he was corrupting other people around him and and all in the guise of oh he's just a 90 year old child at heart he dislikes playing with children and and whatever look I can't believe people were fooled by that there's no way on God's green earth that I let my kid spend a night with Michael Jackson let alone sleep in his bed cuz I'll tell you what when I was a kid there was rumors that he was a queer then and I remember multiple times saying Michael Jackson's a fag I remember multiple times other people saying it even it even when I was 10 years old like everybody bought anybody know what parachute pants are okay these kids are like what are you talking about they call them parachute pants I don't know if they really were were they really parachute pants but anyway they had all these zippers on them people actually wore the Michael Jackson coats to school I mean it's pretty bad but going back to this lady okay she prayed to God that you know this would be okay and you know what Michael Jackson did he said I've been praying about that too and so what'd she say she said well I thought you know there's two there's two answers to prayer right there I prayed and so did he so that's what she that's where she allowed her kid to go with him he used God to get his way into that family but not the real God not the true God his God who is his God that's right second Peter 2 13 says and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that count it pleasure to riot in the daytime spots they are in blemishes supporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you Michael Jackson was friends with these people's families for years went over to their houses but after he got tired of their children then he would go pick new ones and then they would still be allowed to hang around somewhat but not like the new ones that he was grooming because he groomed children that's what that's what he did how the world didn't I mean the world picked up on it but they didn't really do anything about it you know what I mean so it's kind of hard to explain unless you were like there during the time but why is Michael Jackson roasting hell because he was an offender of children matter to Matthew chapter 18 verse 6 Matthew 18 verse number 6 nothing makes me more mad than to see someone hurt a child nothing would fill me with violence and rage more than me catching someone doing something to a child I tell people this all the time if I caught somebody doing something to a child I would kill them with my bare hands right then and there on the spot let's say look away I'm not kidding I'd go find a hole to bury him in somewhere I know that sounds bad but they're not gonna get any justice in this world I'll tell you that right now Matthew 18 verse 6 says but who so shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea God's pretty serious about it too isn't he well what's it won't to the world because of offenses for it must needs be the offenses come but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh wherefore if thy hand or foot or thy foot offend thee cut them off and cast them from thee it's better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed than having two hands and two feet to be cast into everlasting fire and if I I offend he pluck it out and cast it from me it's better for thee to enter into life with one eye rather than to having two eyes and to be cast into hell fire see people say oh it's you know hell is just a metaphor really Jesus pretty clearly says it right here that it's hell fire that it's everlasting fire and he says if you offend a child that's where you deserve to go because you've again they've crossed the line because no normal person is gonna do something weird like that to some child nobody that's normal nobody that's savable take he that you despise not one of these little ones for I say unto you that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven that sounds like a threat that sounds like God is saying hey you better be careful not to offend a child about one of these little ones not Matt mark 942 turn to mark 9 verse 42 it's a parallel passage of the same basic thing that Jesus was teaching mark 942 says and whosoever shall offend one these little ones that believe in me it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea and if I hand offend thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into hell and to hell into the fire that never shall be quenched sounds like hell's real and it sounds like hell is forever and it sounds like it's fire that won't be quenched where their worm dieth not and the fires not quenched if thy foot offend thee cut it off or it's better for thee to enter and halt into life than having two feet to be cast into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched you think Jesus is serious about this where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched if I offend thee pluck it out it is better for thee to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than having two eyes to be cast into the hellfire where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched I'll tell you what Michael Jackson's not doing right now he's not moonwalking anywhere he's screaming in everlasting pain he's screaming his worm is doing whatever it is that worms do they usually eat things right so I don't know if that's like a slow eternal eating I don't know exactly what that worm is like but it's not something that I would ever want to meet because hell is described as a place of darkness so not only is it dark but it's also on fire so I don't know no normally fire has some kind of light to it but this fire apparently doesn't it's darkness it's screaming it's gnashing of teeth it's extreme pain when Lazarus was sent to hell he said I mean when the rich man was sent to hell excuse me he said you know just put a drop of water on my tongue just a drop that's how much pain he's in he just just a drop but see once you are in hell it's too late for you you're not getting any of the comforts like it's not like it's not like you're just tortured for a little while and you know you get a little release it's forever and it doesn't stop it doesn't let up who's been in so much pain and you're just like man I just wish this would just stop for just a little while everybody's been there right and I you know anybody any woman that's had a baby was probably feeling the same way it looked it it seems like it hurts sounds like it hurts right I'll never have to experience that thank God but it's supposed to be painful from what I hear turn to Genesis chapter 18 verse 20 Genesis 18 verse 20 so here's the thing anybody that would hear a kid cry and do these kind of weird things to them is not normal they're psychopaths they're reprobates they've got something that's very seriously wrong with them Genesis 18 verse 20 says and the Lord said because of the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and because their sin is very grievous I will go down now and see whether they have done all together according to the cry of it which is coming to me and if not I will know so God why did he come down to sought to deal with Sodom and Gomorrah why did he send those angels in there in the first place because there was cries coming to his ears up in heaven the cries of the children the cries of the adults the cries of the people that were being molested the cries of the people that were being raped the cries of the people that didn't have a vote anybody to fight for them God had to come down and send two angels in there to see if it was just as bad as they said it was obviously I believe God knew just how bad it was he didn't need someone but that's he sent them in there just as a double precaution I mean I want to make sure that I know right so Genesis 19 verse 4 says turn over to Genesis 19 verse 4 so Abraham tries to get him to not destroy it for the sake of righteous you know and it gets down to 10 he said I won't destroy it for 10 if there's 10 righteous did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah yes it is so whether there are 10 people righteous no I believe there's one that was lot just one Genesis 19 4 says but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom compass the house round both old and what young see when these people these filthy dreamers they corrupt children they corrupt them and turn them into what they are and so why is it such a big surprise the people that someone would hide that fact for 20 years and then finally come out and tell the truth well because they've been totally corrupted because they're there have been just enslaved in their mind to believe the things that he was telling them you know and at some point maybe he changed them into what he is it's possible you know they both ended up getting married and having children and things like that but it it mess with them let's mess with them for their whole life they were depressed they didn't understand why because something happened to them that nobody should ever have to endure and in in Sodom this is the same thing that was happening on a grand scale so you had young both old and young compass the house from every quarter so even the young children were there little sodomites little reprobates right says and they called unto law and said unto him where the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them and lot went in out of the door excuse me a lot went out at the door unto them and shut the door after him and said I pray you brethren do not so wickedly so look the homosexual people they'll say oh it's just love love wins you know love wins you see it in everybody's yard of those stupid poster things that they have in the yard I wish I could kick them over people got too many cameras these days but anyway that loved up that's not love that's that's disgusting it's wicked the Bible says it's wicked the Bible says it's vile and wicked he said do not so wickedly verse 8 behold now I have two daughters which have not known man let me I pray you bring them out unto you and do you unto them as is good in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for they came under the shadow of my roof that's a really weird thing I don't want to deal with that right now but he's basically letting saying here you can have my daughters that are virgins it's like that's how vexed lot was that he became kind of like one of them in many ways and it says and they said stand back and they said again this one fellow came in to sojourn he will needs be a judge now will we deal worse with thee than with him with them and they press sore upon the man even lot and came near to break the door but the men put forth their hand and pulled lot into the house to shut to them and shut the door and they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great blinding little kids blinding these little sodomite kids that's how corrupt sodomite more was why did God destroy it with fire because it needed to be done I mean we haven't seen that kind of depravity yet but you see it happening now in society where they're dressing kids up in drag and letting them dance before people and all this kind of weird stuff it's it's it's getting bad it's getting way worse look fags are still in the closet when I was a kid just so you know I mean they had to operate in the shadows like Michael Jackson so they had to blind these kids small great so that they wearied to find wearied themselves to find the door so even after he blinds them these reparations are still trying to find the doorknob to get in that's pretty bad Michael Jackson was a reprobate according to Romans chapter 1 look at Romans chapter 1 I'm almost done here Romans chapter 1 this is the last scriptures I'll have you turn to think about this also music has been a way to program people for thousands of years when Nebuchadnezzar made the golden the the golden statue for them to bow down and worship what did they have to do what was their trigger to know when they were supposed to bow down and worship the music they heard all kinds of different music do you think that was Christian music no it wasn't Christian music see the Babylonians when they captured the children of Israel they said sing us the songs of you know of the Lord and they said how are we gonna sing these songs in a strange land you know I mean and obviously I didn't quote the verse there but that's basically what what it said in the song that they don't want to sing those songs in the heathen lands they don't want to sing them to the heat and so they could enjoy them because they didn't they didn't you know they're they're captors but Romans 1 26 says for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections so it's a vile affection to want to harm a child it says for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lusts one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet you know Michael Jackson's life was cut short he was 50 years old when he died and went to hell and you know they tried to blame they they blamed the doctor and said it was a homicide and all this stuff this is just fileable homicide my mind I'm you know that poor guys in jail and maybe he's a bad guy I don't know he's in jail because people felt sorry for this pervert and they went on them on a witch hunt you know Michael Jackson's probably paying him millions of dollars to get all these drugs that he wanted to get because Michael Jackson couldn't live with himself because of what a what a stinkin reprobate he was and had to be numb all the time with wine and all these different types of drugs so it says that verse 28 says and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisper backbiters haters of God despiteful proud boasters and ventures of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of God they which commit such things are worthy of death anybody that harms a child in this manner anybody that that does these these things listed here that a reprobate does or the Bible says are worthy of death we need to quit being Christians need to quit being so weak and quit being whiners about this reprobate doctrine the reprobate doctrine is legit and when people say that they don't believe I don't believe this reprobate doctrine that Stephen Anderson made up or whatever look it's in the Bible it says that they're given over to a reprobate mind how is that Stephen Anderson's doctrine look if you change the Word of God you're a reprobate if you take the mark of the Beast you're a reprobate there's no chance of being saved your name is blotted out you know you don't have a chance to be saved anymore doesn't mean that you lost your salvation it means you don't have a chance to be saved after that and so if you blasting the name if you blasting the Holy Ghost what does the Bible says happen to you you have no forgiveness in this life or in the life to come you're done and so how is the reprobate doctrine not true just those three statements right there show you that once you cross a certain line with God you're over it's a it's over so these little whiny babies that are saying oh the reprobate doctrine shut up read your Bible they never have an answer for those three things either ever it's like well I just think that you know maybe some people look they're either reprobated or not yeah and the Bible makes it clear that they are and they do those things and being a child molester and a homosexual are clear symptoms of being that is that not clear then I'll just say men with men working out which is unseemly how about men with little boys working out which is unseemly it's even worse in my mind anyway so why is Michael Jackson roasting hell because he's a false prophet he's a psychopath he's a sodomite he's a pedophile and he's a reprobate that's all there is to it why am i preaching this so you'll remember to watch your children why am i preaching this so you'll subject them to the music of this world why am i preaching this so they'll realize these filthy beasts should be put to death they shouldn't be walking they shouldn't be breathing anymore why am i preaching this so they can't create more freaks just like themselves maybe this will reach someone that needs to hear it don't trust your kids with anybody period especially some 34 year old man for a sleepover what in the world parents need to wake up this isn't the 1950s and even the 1950s I'm sure it happened to make no mistake Michael Jackson was a freak show faggot period he looked like a ghoul at the end of his life he was a freak and he had an early exit off this planet you know what I'm glad he did thank God he can't hurt any more children you know what the the the mom of one of the guys that was was molested by Michael Jackson said when that's when she found out he was dead and she was friends with him for 20 years before this happened she got up and started dancing on her bed and saying thank God thank God he can't hurt any more children because at the at that point of her life she realized how bad she messed up and she has to live with that for the rest of her life well it takes one second of leaving your kids out of your sight someone could do something weird so watch your kids all right let's pray Heavenly Father Lord just thank you for the Word of God and it's so clear Lord it's so crystal clear Lord I pray that Christians would wake up and just get out of this love love love stuff all the time Lord we need to love people and we know that but there's a time also to hate and hate sin and hate people like Michael Jackson I pray Lord that people would just shut get that other playlist Lord the people that this country would shut down that music and Lord I pray that you would just help our church to not pitch their tents towards Sodom not pitch their tents towards the things of this world pray that you'd help us help us to grow in Jesus name we pray amen